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in today's episode of the Tommy Kay show then ostrich very hard I think and we'll play if you can't be hungry you already have a big issue you need big friends men it's gotta be interesting form the Holy Roman Empire I mean yay we claim the historical ends holy [ __ ] what a [ __ ] focus free my god ain't rain you have one week to hand over the requested lands before war ain't rain oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bro straight up in a [ __ ] war ready good again no good game then good good good staying game palms that [ __ ] music makes me high I can slowly feel it coming up my soul and that's a welcome Mike Aaron team's Corona boys over here poised for is their own for game today I don't actually know let's take a look guys follow me wait how do I go to this squad [ __ ] flashbang monitor I swear to god [ __ ] this guy they told me a long time to see I was warning if you want to play together and make Europe communist that's a pass that's a pass is there a game today and I run out there hosting a risk tournament next what the [ __ ] and I'll be hosting a game today Oh normal Tommy Cairo play game Chet knows what the [ __ ] you're doing tourniquet role play March it's the wrong it's the right version we don't have love as his talks enabled right now I'm pretty sure yeah yeah yeah maybe today is the day we gotta pull a Normie flurry Rory move I don't know but we're kind of playing austria-hungary here then also it's very hard I think it will play if you can't be hungry you already have a big issue you need big friends men it's gotta be interesting I don't even think you can do one army training a sausage Iraq because you go to war hungry so quickly 69 players and one left 68 he [ __ ] up the meme we're here in the game for the game here we go you have full resource lots ok ok here we go I need a 72 you can't train this is beginning fine 20 fine fan research I like the research lies I'm gonna rush weapons to ASAP so I don't build shitty weapons 1 the entire game that seems [ __ ] dumb construction obviously superior firepower and finally the computer percent can focus trees gonna be important so this looks like industry this looks like research lot I'm a crush dead plant the Vienna College of Technology err maybe what's that that split Terry look at the bill to get you holy [ __ ] you very nice and an economy what a grateful see holy [ __ ] look at that full instrument from the Holy Roman Empire we claim the historical ends holy [ __ ] what a [ __ ] focus free my god then I get free sips here let's [ __ ] go we'll play game means diving into the culture of the country playing so let's dive into the Austrian culture it's not very deep can't die today that they are not doctors almost assisted our salsa the Scala bodies bar sign Buster hello friend I do indeed knowing that we are two different nations but at a point we were one some would like to propose a friendly relationship between our nation's so play this guy that's tits to some still our generation singers so first of all Hungary friends in Budapest friendship indeed my friends with the economical crisis we cannot afford a war between our nation's [Music] [Applause] now finish that persona he's gonna text him that the dawn of the or Asian workers Congress we are very happy and proud to hear this I'm thinking we could propose an aggression pact Austria is seeking to be a neutral nation and we are not signing any documents with any nation just now okay as one one okay let's [ __ ] do some [ __ ] here people disconnecting on cares yes Italy and France already good getting some friends here time to talk to the [ __ ] the black sheep of the Austrian people yeah beep Clara your home country seeks independence in hopes you will respect your old people's wishes my friend we hope for a collaboration between the German people my friend I have heard you have signed on aggression pacts the people hungry or confused maybe you could enlighten us things have changed for we are under pressure by Germany we must make deals with majors Germany says we appreciate this and in the future of hopeful friendship between our countries as long as your country has a fascist government you will have our support and friendship I'm just influencing everyone around me and make them all like me and then you can always choose or see who likes you yeah the people hungry are glad to say we have gained the land of Vojvodina oh [ __ ] bro everybody is like already anti me and useless giving everything away man Austria Austria Africa's very colonized Oni don't know what the [ __ ] this is like what I have - what are they doing with you like Siri I can't make wine in this man Japan s World War I'm standing on a brush with the Communists I'm already having way too much trouble readings the house pool and sabores the perv just got contacted by the Hungarians looking for our sport we have the night that I wish to have from the best the future support why is he looking for support you're not attacking him stop watching the stream move like this Hungary has watch the stream he knows I'm gonna go against the man he's already [ __ ] trying everything inside that's fine if she's not with me so good 7:16 is good I mean repeating them now ok rag she's strong and she's actually good for an Australian security industry the great Swiss people wish to be reunited with those living in tirol we wish to ask for you to peacefully hand them over the lens excuse me he's asked me food to hold I thought and [ __ ] ago suppressor IR excuse me I'm sorry to hear this and we'll send support in case of conflict let's hope Hitler is actually it shall be done seems like we have Italy on our side like I actually have no claim on Italy I'm very much willing to lay down my claim on softy at all I just want to [ __ ] grow a nice little nation here I'm not gonna [ __ ] majors too much ain't rain you have one week to hand over the requested lands before war in train oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] straight up in a [ __ ] war already dead [ __ ] he has an amazing army wait for what oh my god [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's aggressive my god get a lot of volunteers I mean deserved so man what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] and everybody's helping us but I think I could do this without help this guy just tried to pretty much be God so if people just arrived damn Switzerland I don't know if that was so clever he even attacked without equipment and [ __ ] that was that she just a way to to try to [ __ ] with Tonio this is the cheat game where I was just [ __ ] and doing nothing and everybody is like Dylan [ __ ] about everybody's sending me [ __ ] like thank you issue emergency powers Otto von Habsburg takes over 15% stability we never asked for this the peaceful nation infills university is an economy and what do we get attacked by all old people the Germans of the West being bullied and threatened in a militarized war zone of trans Nubia by the Hungarians telling us to quit this war we're done with this even cautioning in every single man women and child in Austria understands now that it's time to show power again we live in a world now where the weaklings are being hurried upon it is time to face the enemies of the state now demand all the former attorney right now do it Tommy like a little white Empire no I think you're [ __ ] Switzerland I never asked for this he literally gave this to me Vienna Thanks every helper against the great recipe of Switzerland the Alps are in peace once more well we're big now can't you make the white Emperor assumption no the opium Federation I can make the up you Federation okay this is nice roleplay move now Hitler assassinated no oh [ __ ] Vienna is happy that Europe is now safe after the death of mr. Hitler let's just try to act a bit here at the moment I'm Otto Otto von Habsburg has returned and announces the formation of the white Empire of the Alps that was easy Thank You Switzerland here we go there we go boys many things have happened don't if we swastika good [ __ ] good [ __ ] the bad boys back for Kaiser and fatherland no I caught the orbs oh it's always a different name the orbs man [ __ ] we're sure hates me now this militarize that border man it's middle to rise that [ __ ] water let's take a look man I have deep [ __ ] soldiers now these are lead men the king has got whomped is that Hungarian four guards Oh let's see what he does let's see what in us has to be democratic Germany oh [ __ ] interesting unless he does something different you know the ties that bind austria-hungary are deep and powerful and no argument need to be made for the restoration of an alliance between them an alliance between us will help us recover our place in the world better the enemy our mental treaty with another power lovely to hear do you see also communists did we're surrounded by comics do Democratic Democratic fascists communist communist I feel like we either become [ __ ] democratic or were becoming communist man hey Frances already very very anti German it seems even though they're both Democratic oh he gave France Luxembourg oh and he got no teapot no Pataca there so it's making veal fascists okay Fox the British Empire up - you still gonna paying all the fascists in very a lot of interesting [ __ ] man a lot of interesting [ __ ] I don't know which ideology is [ __ ] having the upper hand here the bub was having to opera head but it took them I'll leave this dude what do we do here the fire tech Hungary Russia hates me chase luckiest communists but likes me Yugoslavia us communist and hates me Italy's fascist and likes me France is democratic and it's neutral towards me Germany's Democratic and thus neutral towards me so if you look at this evasion it seems like France and Germany are the [ __ ] stations we have to get to read the initial stop talking [ __ ] and go back to the mountains and hide for the [ __ ] dead guy well maybe you should look at your inbred family tree Wow whoa racist what the [ __ ] these [ __ ] uncalled for ridiculous baby son bothering me dude I'm not even doing anything I didn't even do anything yet they're all watching the stream they see I want to invade Hungary and then they do this they always act on information from the stream they never act of in-game information man which is fine I'm used to it it's just sad that they wanna that they have fun like this anyway let's go in that's gonna be easy man don't you walk your name get some experiment want to come to fast but then we were so long we're so long stretched which is not a good position you want to be in then I've learned about to chase no no I don't know after this we're doing the roof in your ear that's for sure give it to them walk a little fun circles are going on it's fine though I think he over to the Zillah for now yeah there's still four and he might have left soon where I give some good experience when Hungary's dog [ __ ] is gonna hit the fan cuz they're gonna have demands on us but I can't make austro-hungary for some reason sure against the you goes well I'm gonna keep my deal you chase the luck yeah I'm gonna keep this deal how many Y's we're looking grave and have a great economy of you always have great economies well let's ask him that's a sturgeon to reap in Union again just we finally finished debt I'm asked to join faction join the European Union apparently we were Poland now but if you are Republican that means we're open to an invasion from the Russians this is gonna be democrat service versus communists and I'm in the [ __ ] middle of what all will the Communists running off Darcy says that I guess I'll Superman yeah that's it so super oh thank you sure thank you sure if that is an Austrian stream you tell [ __ ] me that is [ __ ] Austrian this is Kaiser spaetzle oh my for a bit of issues a lot of the cases man alright greasable I know this is so lovely who gladly he's dead slit how would you say kids fats in English this is where the game gets hard for everybody is an affectional I can't pressure German into an Eastern war he's so busy in the West I don't know why I wish he would be friends with Franz that Westar war is gonna hurt us are in fact the West is attacks that will ease the West Texas that's a change in bad situation the sauce came in Istanbul Wow Turkey's game jihad it and now Bulgaria claims Istanbul or he left the game it was too much she got back to heart of Turkey will form an idea well the [ __ ] jihad is reaching Europe but a target will be the Belgians well let's do it that then he's asking for Belgium he's asking for Belgium dude I'm doing it we're bringing we're doing in a very risky this is not good I'm very open now the war's about the star we're trying the Blitzkrieg Belgium we're gonna have a peace deal with France France is gonna take self Venna looks go in go in go go go go go go quickly quickly quickly don't know what you're in one take as much time as we can ASAP before France takes it he wants to get the PC ASAP but fighting energy gives you percentages yeah we have Matra percentages than France he doesn't seem to understand that fighting gives super snare he is only 40% 30% mega job [Music] and Germany is much more we have much more than him he made a supervised state which is clever it makes the border smaller but Francis is gonna made it he's coming from Poland now I can't read yet oh my god so like I predicted we're gonna be in one of the west and Russia just walks in yeah yeah [ __ ] go man oh look the jihad is doing well they got Constantinople flip the six up babies they always have a big mouth but one day you meet a real enemy it just perish man here we go to Germany to have won France it's trying to rush it down I'm just trying to hold the east and help Russia is gonna be holding up here Jimmy's running through Germany is actually running through in the pits Creek man the top Ian took over the famous Republic Germany's tactic is to rush down France but here's the free tanks these three tanks men these free tanks are gonna encircle all of Germany he needs to do something Yuriko theory could rush down Yugoslavia as the Russians are still not here you know all of this is China's best man oh here comes Sweden and Germany has nothing to defend hello we picked up everything that I predict is kind of happening wasn't that hard to predict this I need to save Germany here come on straight up pushing with this chest rock here doesn't have enough to really keep us down I think if we take Brock here God man Germany Germany's getting circled assisted yeah everything we kind of said it's gonna happen here that was just politically not good we had we made made too many enemies everywhere the quick defeat of chess lavake I thought maybe save us I already see the happening god damn it Poland is doing good job it can't talk sh about him imagine holding Poland against a Russian man that's a foolish level when Russia is through here man it's too much to handle we're not gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] with Russia man that's not gonna happen too many people man I got changed a lot get out man goddamn it [ __ ] got him down dude [ __ ] up the Czechs down dude my god maybe a quick war a quick win against Dooku could really save everything then the quick little you go in Germany in circles it's only five divisions don't stop France might be too much don't freak where we're gonna break this river here maybe maybe pushing them into coffin hockey would be nice but again Russia someone needs to stop this I need to probably need to go I need to save this I need to go here okay keep these Russians busy keep these Russians busy so Germany can maybe do something oh this one this one this one this one this one go go go go go go keep this ship in oh no he's reinforcing his knee Germany here Jose tanks trying his best come on come on it's just like tanks though are they real Nash is trash it's not like a big encirclement his 11 Drummond mediums can't kill a bunch of infantry okay Connie fought is done we got the encirclement by the way it's not that much but it's something we're working on it you should resistance yeah in the end France is gonna kill us here we should not have attacked France as I suggested France two Democrats fighting each other when the Communists are taking us down that was not very clever it was too much this is a perfect example of a game where it's not about gameplay or how you how you played of war this is a political game me and Germany show that politicus a bit better we should have looked for peaceful France I have more letters I [ __ ] tried with France but yeah still even if you made peace with France France Monroe backstep us what else is he gonna do he has nothing to do anymore West Europe I have to leave my old German left o German left oh no Gigi man if I recall the [ __ ] gun this man I for me could have done this Italy's about to come in look I can't take you oh [ __ ] there you go a man leave this [ __ ] wait what I got kicked from an AI yo yo yo let's make peace bro ha ha agree to our peace deal wait I have pissed fonts wait what oh my god we have peaceful fronts ok I mean I will be a workflow ally to France I'm still Russia right I mean just hold it here just hold this dude I'm just gonna stay here I'm not gonna walk into Russia and so gonna [ __ ] happen how do we get the best here for the Austrian people I'm here for my people I'm a few from Germans I don't care about Berlin fine I'd want to take care of my people and if I need to sub French dick for it I will [ __ ] do it this is for you Austrians ok Templar order I'm alone European Union's debt NATO strongest [ __ ] respect to Poland yeah Poland has been stopping them for a long time I don't know what the [ __ ] was doing man over here man I don't mean I have two really really big I have to poop really big and so it's very very late I think he says only matters [ __ ] cuz it promised her I didn't function but I know I feel like calling it you men because I need to really prove for a long time and it's also very late so this is fun and I would like to do it man but was a good game as fun as [ __ ] yeah I got it too really poop I need to recoup I'm out man we lost we lost good game no good game then good good good staying game Tom [ __ ] great and that was a great ball player game Charlotte to the host and all the players man I'm sorry I'm leaving you but it's late and I gotta poop I mean song I wish you guys all the best see you tomorrow Christ to follow up on follow me on Twitter check out YouTube follow me on porn on the Kaiser lives in the heart thank you but up trigger thank you for surround leaving so quickly and thank you for the support stay healthy guys take care of your family and don't go out don't [ __ ] bite what if you don't need it okay good evening guys it's really pretty [Music] [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 700,730
Rating: 4.8908296 out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN TOMMY JOINS A NOOB GAME AS AUSTRIA!? - HOI4 Multiplayer, hoi4 tommykay, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommy, hoi4 mp, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 austria multiplayer, hoi4 austria, hoi4 austria hungary, hoi4 noob, hoi4 noob game, hoi4 alps, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 role play, hoi4 diplomacy, hoi4 what happens, hoi iv, hoi4 la resistance multiplayer, hoi4 exploit, hoi4 broken, exploit, memes, austria
Id: pqE-BYLHoG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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