Adolf Returns! Fourth Reich in 2002 Hearts of Iron 4 Modern Day Mod HOI4 Gameplay

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that that hairline looks remarkably similar to mine no no it doesn't just kidding just kidding definitely didn't I don't have I don't don't don't no moving on it's me round blue I like Alex the Rambler back on pulse of iron fall with a bit of a twist today oh you can't have a horse of iron for video without a twist if you have a hearts of iron for video of our twists then you might as well not make it the games been out two years gotta keep these ideas fresh and it's gotta keep these ideas fresh but today we're on the millenium dawn mode and we can only gain in jumping into a 2000 start and from what you've said I'm using a little sub mod which adds in the ability to generate the Fourth Reich currently we are just just just normal Germany but that's gonna change today somehow Hitler at the age of 112 is still alive and kicking and you need to go and search for him on an expedition so if maybe you want to see more modern day or millennium dawn back on the channel did evil evil I'm sure there are other sub mods I could find that might be quite fun and don't forget to subscribe 50% of you still haven't okay now I did also have millennium chaos in tried a little bit of spice into the mix oh my god did you know that if you press alt everything just vanishes I've played this game for a thousand hours and never really liked oh my so I started off by dismantling old fractions in the game because you want to have a little bit of cheeky war don't you just a cheeky Tiki just a little cheeky one now as Germany we actually have a navy and a little bit of an army but the UK still decides to have divisions stationed in Hanover it rude that isn't it it's not like I'm going to do anything suspicious like search for the Fuhrer I really hope this doesn't get demonetized now and I should probably focus on building some civilian factories from the off if we want to create another like so it's been a while since I played millenium dawn and usually it goes horribly wrong mainly because I don't have the divisions to support anything oh you know what let's trade it to German names nice oh my operation Napoleon that's quite fun dump dump dump down the legacy of the Reich better bleedin doctor but it added a pop yes there were three Reich's the Holy Roman Empire the German Empire and the nasty big data trap and there might be a fourth one on the way who really would like it if the UK got his troops out in my country though Japan embraces the path of war what are you gonna get up to and your independence is guaranteed by the US so you never know you might do all right ah ten years of German unity lovely stuff in the Galt's Heim attack ah we will never surrender to terrorists hey we Romania's gone to war on Bulgaria Bolivia goes to war on Paraguay and and oh wait oh yes George Bush has won the election time to abandon our friends Germany stands alone and will become great again doing it probably you know what do you is gonna be another Rambler fail why not leave a comment right now Oh Romania is on a little bit of a warpath sure oh I need them very happy about it Oh I think there's been a coup in the Vatican City oh it's John Paul the second is now okay alright John woo communism huh Germany leaves the European Union and I think that leaves me free to now keep on going down and do the thorough start step through stat huh Mexico's gone to war with Belize oh come on Mexico they measured it like a little bit of a bully attacking someone with zero divisions in thirty-one manpower not surprising Belize has capitulated it begins the search for the Fuhrer there has been various rumours that Adolf did not take his own life in the Fuehrer bunker and he's still living in a variance dimension well Oh My giddy aunt the one hundred and twelve year old Hitler has undoubtedly lost his mind you don't say I could just say the days of the old Reich are over we must leave this madman to his ravings no apparently is this is just what the German state needs Adolphe Hitler has been found alive we must sanction these Falls have they lost their minds no no I haven't oh here we go okay guess event coup in Germany so now I believe we're oh my yeah we are now the German Reich led by an extremely old Adolf I guess that's the portrait from Wolfenstein too maybe Oh grace is leaving the European Union goood let everyone leave I am meanwhile it might just be time to do an Angeles but through the the old military way I really need to get rid of the Bundeswehr shortcomings because that is almost crippling so I'm going down the army focuses and I'm gonna fix the Bundeswehr hopefully before we declare war on Austria so I made a bit of a silly decision because if I declare war on any EU member I believe they all yeah they're all gonna help out whoa national level uns I guess you're not in the here you are you okay well I guess I'll turn my attention elsewhere Austria you'll be all safe Netherlands then Netherlands I need to have some kind of conquest don't I surely oh just checked in on what's going on with India and China it appears it's not going to plan for China oh no they've lost over a million men oh my Ukraine is now ruled by an invisible man Oh Hitler Youth recruitable population factor of 20 percent Jewish okay finally time for the German Reich to go on a bit of conquest here we go huh cha-cha-cha oh wow they got overrun super quick nice little bit of blitzkrieg they bloom in naval invaded me that cheeky gets no matter what they're getting a hundred and twelve year old Hitler back into power was gonna be a good idea it it sounds like a recipe for disaster but then I guess most of the times I play hearts of I'm for it is a disaster anyway so this is kind of fitting the fourth reich the German rise will be known as the Fourth Reich heed I very much doubt it'll live longer than than any of them though we have completed one conquest of the Netherlands but I think the rest of the world I think there is some more war going as a fuse a few Wars I finally have a whole 24 divisions in the field so we will demolish them in fact they couldn't even cover their whole border oh and they're all surrounded Oh lovely oh you love it when this happens all baby the Fourth Reich declares mass mobilization okay and we are now the Fourth Reich Oh Italy's gone to war with San Marino okay so just that they went to war with this oh wow the Belarusian Concorde out let's crush you oh okay so so I just needed to wait another year to let my mind that my military could actually build up properly and now I'm kind of steamrolling them oh my oh I could join the Asian Federation could I who's in that yeah we've got the UK on our side I think okay well I guess I'm going to war with this little faction here gobble gobble gobble and gobble gobble gobble they didn't last very long Belgium has capitulated who else needs to capitulate it better not be Greenland it's green like Greenland these two capitulo [Music] why they have no divisions right well as if we can invade Greenland with their zero division army protecting them ah good more land to hand well I've grown the Fourth Reich into quite the powerhouse I might still try and take out Russia though I don't think that'll go very well but we are gonna get revenge for Stalingrad indeed oh it appears France went to war David Cameron is conquering France along with Spain this is Oh Oh it leads a wall - I have no idea what's going on anymore this is absolute bonkers now what I'm finding is I can advance a couple of tiles before I eventually have to stop but I'm taking almost 400,000 casualties already that's not that's not that's not good that's not good and I think my equipment is running out a lot compared to theirs but for intents and purposes I should be able to out produce them they just have so many tank divisions how do they have so many tanks well I've taken Moscow so I think that means they're gonna collapse now right right Oh we've taken st. Petersburg and I think another major city Oh taking Paulo grabbed as well so they don't have a whole lot left so I think I'm actually winning this war or they still have Archangel okay Russia is almost gone hopefully just a few more tiles but I've lost two million men to this attack my mate my men basically have no equipment anymore they're just they're just walking around with sticks yes somehow trying to attack tanks yeah they barely have any divisions anymore so I'm probably just gonna surround them as I walk through which is good oh my ghibli gosh - managed to do it well I got myself some lemon Strom and then we've also got the oh my the Verve Alton gonna quit esophagus whereas land where which is a puppet know we've got a puppet but it's 2007 and Hitler's almost 120 at this point I don't know how he's done it but he's still alive and that's where I'm gonna end it for today hopefully you've enjoyed seeing the rise of the fourth reich in the year 2000 to 2007 if you did they were like don't forget to comment and subscribe and it's toodaloo from me for now bye bye many thanks to doom ringer for 3:7 zazzy gone gamer hunter griefers to hard monster red Sam grey shot Logan King gaming King bolts Martin Shaw Nico Manning feedback gaming wire green an Oscar for being ridiculous round as afforded on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons do [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 1,322,845
Rating: 4.8675985 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, senior hilter, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, hoi4, alex the rambler, modern day mod, hearts, of, iron, four, adolf returns, hearts of iron iv germany, hearts of iron 4 modern day mod germany, hearts of iron 4 modern day mod, hoi iv in a nutshell, hearts of iron 4 mod, drew durnil, family friendly, satire, comedy, entertrainment
Id: oTFOlWkgpT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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