What If Russia Was An ABSOLUTE MESS?! HOI4 La Resistance

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yeah let's just accept economic aid rather than improve work conditions who cares about the workers quite frankly i'm the staff i can do what i want what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy oh my god okay thank you yeah yeah okay all right thank you oh oh my god oh my god she's usually at work when i record and today we're back on hearts of iron that's right today we return to hearts of iron four and i'm returning to a mod which i covered last september i remember it a little bit because it's what if austria-hungary won world kerfuffle one and it's been updated so there's actually tons of focused trees that have now been added for the for the nations uh dozens of new provinces and states new events new countries leaders and new decisions and missions so what we're going to be doing is playing as a different nation but i really love it when modders actually continue to update their mods and turn them into something hopefully a better experience than before so of course for more hearts of iron comment like subscribe and all that jazz and that's it let's go woohoo i don't think i've got anything to promote this week subscribe to my second channel if you want to see me losing my mind at risk usually every week now blood for blood alex what do you mean why do you start in it yeah take that but here we go so there are various new focus trees for all of these nations even the ottoman empire still exists so i believe that essentially the law even though the ottoman empire surrendered in 1918 we still had austria-hungary managed to capitulate italy and then storm through and knock out france out of the so that's how they've become the main superpower i mean kerfuffle oh look look how look how fancy i'm being smooth action and then in a fantastic new mug the the girlfriend bought [Music] baby should try and create my own line of products and then i can promote them on stream videos but today i think it'll be fun to play as the russian republic so the russian republic is currently in a very rough shape after they managed to defeat the bolsheviks in 1924 problems in the republic soon began to escalate the country has been ravaged by a year-long civil kerfuffle oh they've had still had to continue with the pain was the treaty of breast the military is in poor fighting conditions due to the civil kerfuffle in the wilkery and the government is facing lots of problems uh-oh so we have we could restart the civil kerfuffle we could restore the house of lomanov or support the national center we have an ineffective government oh dear victory of the russian civil kerfuffle which is kind of okay and we have the eastern orthodox church and we're led by alexander karensky ah so we do have the soviet republic led by michel stalin down there ukraine's become independent well actually no i think they're all part of i guess we'll see once we click on the butter oh no but we're now the national center hmm okay the reason i turn off iron man when i'm using these total conversion mods you never know what's going to happen or if things go wrong and if i have to try and force things to happen i sometimes have to do that but here we have it austria-hungary managed to win world kerfuffle 1 and became the biggest superpower in the world let's take a look at the law so pause it here if you want to read this or click on subscribe to the mod yourself wow that's pretty cool uh i do like the basis of that and now so if you take a look take a look at the world it appears that there's the confederacy of austria-hungary which is a pretty thick boyo we have the german federation which is also pretty thick and then we also have the commonwealth which i guess is in a bit of a sorry state now oh look at germany oh they control so much of africa oh no but we're russia and um probably in a in a pretty terrible terrible state so a new better russia let's go i don't know what are we going to do for this play-through but it's going to be hopefully a root in tootin good time welcome to the russian republic the russian republic is currently in a very rough shape after we've managed to defeat yeah yeah yeah the military's in poor fighting shape okay for mother russia oh and turkmenistan's got independent become independent too you've got the great mongolian state all right armenia's around we've got the ottoman empire that still exists in some form this looks like it could be a really fun mod even more so than i i think i had fun with it before from what i remember i have an awful memory so for me this is like playing a whole new mod again oh they could still control stalingrad hmm oh that's stronger than i made before oh i reckon we could just crush them if we wanted to yeah they're in a failed revolution oh my goo but we do have some very good generals i think there are army isn't in the worst state in the world like it could be worse oh really and have a payment can i stop these payments oh those are the april payments oh yeah yeah i could support the national center or we could go down and restore the house of roman off oh might lead to a civil supporters of president koreski if suppose oh wow i mean i kind of have to don't i that'd be the more interesting one than just being like oh yeah i'm just we're just going to go and support the national center no no no restore the house of romanov russia was at his best as a sardom maybe not in himself and more payments why can't i just turn around and say nay i shan't be giving you any more my honey screw you protest in saint petersburg and moscow against the restoration of the romanovs oh dear oh dear revise the constitution i guess oh dear this is going to go this is i i love it i love an absolute mess when when i'm playing classify and if things just turn into an absolute mess it's a heck of a lot more fun than just being able to map paint in my in my opinion i am very concerned that stalin will start building up again because they do have access to i think what all of the oil oh no no they don't azerbaijan has a lot of oil but they do have access to a chromium steel tungsten they have all they need kind of to you know start making a a dangerous force stock market in vienna has collapsed oh dear and we get all of that for pity's sake oh the government of karensky resigns the government of alexander karensky have resigned and have decided to no longer follow their task to lead the russian republic they don't want to work for a country that is ruled by an absolute monarch this has to do with the recent efforts to restore the reversal negative 29 stability okay okay okay everything's fine situation normal just keep on going romanov keep on going the new sar mikhail alexanderov has just been crowned the new sar mikhail ii of the restored russian empire but several people are trying to stop this and are secretly preparing a coup well now i know about that uh we do get political power stability authoritarian but we get on popular monarch which negates that yeah well i guess we're gonna see um oh house of romanov debates democracy surprisingly the call for more referendums and less repressive measures against opponents of the regime has received some support in internal party discussions while house of romanov leadership remains skeptical several influential members have reported a shift um shall i do a referendum the national center no this will blow over this will blow over that's fine the people will accept my rule i hope rename some petersburg of course petrograd oh i could reform the army too hey sure anything to help with that i really do like my chunk of cat mug oh and if you're thinking like oh my god how is he drinking coffee he's english well i have a coffee in the morning and then i have tea in the afternoon all right stabilize the empire here we go uh which grants weekly stability and daily authoritarian support this is f okay so we've got this going people are gonna come around to my way of thinking uh why are people cancelling their non-aggression packs with me that's not okay bulgaria's counter their non-aggression pact yay [Applause] 37 negative stability oh my god i could do some stability please yes please stabilize the empire oh my goodness okay um should i revive the economy i guess yes and i get extra stability stability at this point i think is probably more useful than factories because that's horrible if i can get rid of the stock market crash then at least oh then it's still mikhail the second gives us negative twenty percent hey oh that didn't take long at all wow establish the gold standard sure increases stability yeah yeah yeah we'll follow the gold standard why not oh no we're establishing a gold star oh coffee coffee do do do do do do you wake me up so i can play hearts of maybe not oh dear look at the look at this that's horrible oh my okay we're establishing the gold standard so things are getting better we're only on negative 16 stability now and that's going away a little bit by a little bit gosh damn austro-hungarians i can end them yes goodbye then i can accept economic aid or improve work conditions yeah let's just accept economic aid rather than improve work conditions items who cares about the workers quite frankly i'm the staff i can do what i want oh well we don't even have any support companies researched really in a terrible state really in a terrible state okay mozzarella build up our industry now get some civilian factories even oh no we are building we are building we no longer get the effects from stabilize the empire hey that's fine it's fine we can deal with this hungary's revolted my god oh my god lagoon oh my goody aunt oh my flam damn fiddly doodles serbia has risen up wow sucks to be you mate although i imagine the austrian empire will strike back quite quickly am i even producing support i'm not even producing support equipment you wally get a stock part of that for when we need it oh france declaring war on morocco eh ancient isiah oh and after the whole of africa so they're trying to take back their colonies oh all right and hungry capitulated okay now it's just serbia meanwhile i haven't had a rebellion improved worker condition so i can do that now too fine i'll give them the illusion that they're getting better conditions hey want an extra 50 cents an hour sure um hold the phone here restore old borders i need to have the second russian civil wars kerfuffle has ended but i don't want to have a second kerfuffle huh oh i can no no i need to restart the civil kerfuffle i see i see okay so we might not get the civil kerfuffle that we were in danger of getting that's fine that's good all's good in the hood and now ah popular figurehead boom four percent stability noise oh soviets are trying to take out the soviet republic of azerbaijan and they're doing it oh they're securing the oil fields i know what you're up to stalin i know what you're up to but i'm just about to end my depression if only it was that simple as clicking a button eh oh the ottoman empire has re-militarized constantinople what they're going to do demand our armenian territories oh my they're proper going for it italy's gained his independence what is going on over here this world situation is really having a right kerfuffle diddly doodle we've ended our depression we now have stability so it could be an absolute monarchy or a moderate empire ban the opposition sense of the press do you know what i'm learning from my mistakes we are going to become a moderate ah it kills me to do it moderate empire army reform yeah getting rid of our weakened military as much as possible growing economy look at that look at that everyone oh 25 stability yes son we're doing it the house romanov is turning things around we just needed a second chance okay uh let's write the constitution i wish that these would be filled of texts so we can get a bit more idea of the story but let's just say i'm writing the constitution out exactly how i want it and if anyone's going to try and stop me well screw being a moderate i'm just going i i would just destroy everyone oh what do we have here greece versus the ottomans who will reign victorious oh this is going to be tight looks like greece is the aggressor because austria-hungary hasn't come to help him wow increase our research speed we'll rebuild the doomer sure give me extra stability this is all going quite well for me the rest of the world appears to be in a bit of a kerfuffle oh japan's still going after china so hirohito is still doing what he does best do i still have any debuffs oh we still have the weakened military but everything else ah that's fine i can deal with that yeah so now i just need to invest in agriculture and all of that stuff so i need one of the oh just one of the following oh yes cavall preparations ah yes let's send the seducer in to see if we can't investigate stalin he's a seducer and a linguist but now stalin does control most of the oil that i have access to so that's a bit concerning greece is winning i think wow what if they try and reform the byzantine empire wouldn't that be fun uh one of the following educate the masses or invest in universities i can't even do educate the masses we don't need to keep them in the farms again when i'm when i'm when i'm saying these things i just want to reinforce that i'm just like i'm playing along as being the tsar right i'm just having a joke i know like um sometimes in the comments people can't really tell i'm i'm joking but i am yeah i don't think stardom would be able to push me very far if he were to declare kerfuffle on me we've got it i think i could crush him at this point maybe uh if actually if i have the command power i'm going to keep reforming the army i can just annex armenia oh no they don't exist oh the ottoman empire got armenia um oh wow greece has taken a lot more casualties than the ottomans and they have less deployed manpower greece i think they might lose it you know oh no who what's happening here ah the soviet republic of trans caucasia okay well let's increase that uh do i have any debuffs anymore nope my army is good to go i will annihilate you maybe all i need to do is hold my position and hopefully they will just collapse in upon themselves on me i i've got surplus of all the eq oh actually i should probably give some engineer companies yeah that's all i can do but that will increase their entrenchment a little bit yeah we got this and they've declared kerfuffle on me brilliant industrialize the arctic ports yep oh uh yeah didn't need that to happen oh my god this is this this could be quite bad for me now how many divisions do they have already can i get any troops into the field what am i lacking inventory and support equipment oh bulls god where do i have more troops oh thank god i've got this army here i will have to see how this what happens here uh i will try and keep them contained as much as possible but that might not be realistic or i might be able to crush them straight away i don't know and now they're immediately pushing down here do i have an air force i haven't deployed my air force okay how many planes do they have how do they have that large air force i didn't even consider that i just thought they wouldn't have an air force i thought they were just a backwater oh no i've underestimated stalin shouldn't have done that i should not have done that i think overall my divisions will be a bit better i don't know should i test that oh they're also not linked to their capital so they're going to suffer attrition and die if they can't link up oh that's good however it appears i won't be able to hold this line for very long they've they can't have too much manpower right they have almost a million manpower they have more manpower than myself okay totally totally fine well how far are these oh my lordy they are far away i can hold him for a while there if i can crush this group we'll be okay i think okay yeah see we're cutting them off although they are expanding down here and this army could be in danger of getting encircled at some point i can i think i can crush these quick enough i'll be honest i wasn't quite ready for this but we are encircling some of their troops and they're taking a lot more casualties uh than i am uh it's just down here they are expanding quite a lot and i'm also struggling to hold uh on this flank but apart from that it's all fine i wasn't expecting for the i i didn't expect them to have various communist cells waiting to rise up luckily we are crushing this one so our capital or no not capital but our industrial centre of moscow is safe just need to stop them from taking the airfields here uh and once this pocket is cleared up then we're good i think everything's all good in the hood so they've lost 230 000 troops in the first couple of months of this civil kerfuffle then if i cancel all of that and we're going to be led solely by our field marshal and then i'm just going to my my aim is to hold and crush them yeah things are looking alright for us they just have vast a vastly larger air force than me i don't know how they've done it so although they have taken quite a large amount of territory from me i should be in a position to take a lot of it back as i've said i'm just working on holding and stabilizing the line before we go for a counter attack i'm not gonna rush it though i'm not gonna rush i'm gonna keep building my power stalin you fool might go down as your largest blunder now we have some uh reinforcements to go to the positions we're just building up that's all i'm doing okay i don't know if i'll be able to push at this stage we'll give it a go oh dear grease capitulated yes i'm lucky for grease uh yeah now i'm just attacking across the board and it appears to be going okay my divisions are just uh probably better than theirs overall i'm not gonna be too aggressive with it though because they could do some decent counter attacks i will certainly encircle them wherever we can ottoman empire's going after the freaking bulgaria now bloody nora there we go easy four divisions gone neush oh we've actually taken stalingrad oh that must be a an embarrassment for them lol if i was starting right now i'd be bricking it this time there won't be any um ability for the soviets to surrender i will just crush them it would be nice if we could cut off this flank and do a pretty uh tidy encirclement although even just trapping them up here will be great the soviet surrender the soviet leader joseph stalin has been found death dead in the city that should be dead uh in the city of rostov it's looking like they don't have long left death oh yeah oh that's going to be such a nice boon to my nation plus the additional the additional um factories is very very welcome the ottoman empire has actually managed to regrow itself quite a bit and everything seems to be working uh as it should so i'm really impressed with the how this mod is progressing actually oh i could become protector of the balkans or restore old borders human wave offensive here we go i will take everything back that was mine i will become a mighty nation so i could defend romania against austria-hungary i think i will do that yes and then i'm just going to try and attack through here this would be quite fun i think i hope i'm a hopping and a prince yeah the ottoman empire is really going ham against everyone it's quite uh quite fascinating to see okay join the balkan league oh let's go yeah serbia welcomes us uh nice okay i don't know who would capitulate uh but yeah i'm gonna go for the yeah the only way for me to do this is to do an alliance uh yeah i can't do that because i'm not in a faction so i might just have to justify just kidding i can't wow ottomans are just spreading them oh yes my industrial center in the north is really shaping up nicely so we've bypassed the alliance with the german empire then we do war with austria-hungary this is what you get for freeing you correct that they probably didn't have a choice really but yeah we're gonna go i just want to humble the people that uh try to destroy the world pretty much through their recession how dare they how dare they the balkan union is coming for you we are coming for you strong sir okay we called everyone in they haven't called ukraine in or have they come on there we go thank you i reckon we'll do okay here you may advance when ready bam i don't care if millions of my own people die uh i will take back hungary quite easily it seems the ottoman empire joins the german federation don't really want to declare war on them then do i oh we're actually contested they have a lot of a lot of planes i was not expecting that how the casualty's looking we're doing pretty well austria-hungary and ukraine are really suffering nice i lost ukraine once i'm gonna get it back and we'll try and start decryption on on austria hungary i can't believe uh the ukraine hasn't compete there we go tasty and then on to vienna austria-hungary have really uh just they're just screwed they're a shadow of what they used to be wow we are steamrolling okay uh tanking it to vienna let's go unless i think they must be trying to stop me surely they're not just gonna let me drive to vienna oh of course oh that's a shame our little probing attack did quite well though like we've completely flustered them i can assume leadership of our faction i think i shall oh yeah i forgot to send any planes i'm doing all of that without any airfields to kind of use that's bonkers oh yeah we walked to prague nice i i don't know what's happened it's like they're just giving up oh dear oh dear oh dear have we taken vienna hey we're in control of vienna yet they're still not capitulating they're they're really fighting down to the last last scrap of territory aren't they wow i'm not sure what to do about the german empire look at that they are becoming quite a chunker okay they have collapsed the austria-hungary has collapsed oh ottoman empire's going after bulgaria kicked them from the faction and now they're no longer a problem ah bye where did that work that worked oh my gosh i just kicked them from the faction uh so they are at war they're not at war with me okay that's good i'm gonna wait until this is all finished yeah this is gonna go very nicely indeed this p still i love it i'm going to puppet austria-hungary i'm going to let romania get this territory so they can actually get a bit stronger okay see i didn't want to destroy their nation as a whole i just wanted to humble them a bit you know and then satellite everything else so i actually get my own empire oh i will i will take the suez connect i'm gonna lose that right away it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that's fine russian empire in control of the suez look at that and this is the state of the world in 1941 so the balkan league is in quite a nice state i i i think uh although a couple of them have been dragged into war against germany and the ottoman empire i'm going to end the scenario here because i've done pretty much everything in the focus tree um with the exception of russian russian youth and improve our armor i think i would probably win in if i were to go up against the german federation if you would like me to do a second part which is unprecedented of this playthrough let me know in the comments below uh but i i i i would recommend you try this mod out it's it's really good fun um but yeah i i i would i'd be tempted to do a second part but it would feel like i'm just matte painting let me know let me know let me know what you think ladies and gents but until next time everyone i bid you a very very good day many thanks to onion duck maximilian foreman wyatt green fat boston zechariah mosby warren p george gregory craven a dave the don lambert valhalla halls goosey dibs yeah boy wombat cookie dad falcon ryan jack troku aiden sheer jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous round of supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 163,952
Rating: 4.9470596 out of 5
Keywords: What If Russia Was An ABSOLUTE MESS HOI4 La Resistance, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hearts of iron 4 la resistance review, what, if, russia, was, an, absolute, mess, hoi4 mods, hearts of iron steam workshop, hoi4 mods 2020, hoi4 1.9.1, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, russia hoi4, russia mess hoi4, modded russia hoi4, Victory of the Dual Monarchy, Hearts of Iron 4 La Resistance
Id: ylhRk7mdfi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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