What If Italy Won WW2?! HOI4

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hey I've taken Malta nice and there how did they do that immediate naval invasion to try and take it he's literally running in the sea how is that no I'm sorry that's not acceptable what's going on everyone it's me Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron for that's right everyone I'm back and I actually have a kind of semi-decent webcam now right I'm back in the familiar surroundings and look there's me bubbling bananas are ye but today we're gonna be playing a mod which actually gives Italy a pretty good not that overpowered focus tree wow I hear you say that means Italy could win ww2 shock horror I know Oh also if you haven't picked up the paradox Humble Bundle yet link in the description there's a great deal going on where you could help out the channel and charity at the same time and get some pretty good bargains for yourself but we shall begin that's all the selling out I'm gonna do in this episode except for add roles throughout the video probably so here is the myth the the man the bonito oh I forgot to say comment like and subscribe 50% of you aren't subscribed it seems like it's a common thing whenever I say that but it's true if all of you 50% of people that weren't watching we'd be it like two-thirds of a million subscribers right now so help help a guy out and 5,000 likes with more hearts of iron because that's that's that's what I select all the time so here we go Italy we're gonna keep historical AI focuses on just just to see how we get along and we'll begin oh but first we have some we have some more of these so we've got vitória moot italia our allies betrayed italy and stabbed us in the back when they broke the pact of london oh and we've also got an italian mafia problem oh gosh outdated industry lacking research capacity corrupt high command inexperienced army and that okay well this is gonna go great and now the video is properly starting i guess it's time to say goodbye from from webcam Rambler for now by all right well I guess we'll focus on the industry I mean I don't really think I need a good economy to win but yeah we'll focus on the industry so we'll modify outdated industry by that much nice wouldn't it be terrible if I lost the Ethiopian war I don't think that's possible right even with all of the Dee Buster I currently have I don't think I can lose this not with Giovanni in command and Rodo fo now I could I I could actually be quite tactical about this and just try and farm XP but I'm just gonna go all-in BIM BAM boom I'm coming for you hmm the military powerhouse probably not today oh my god was that sorry Oh Victoria rapido decisions focus on a speedy victory oh I can motivate my troops as well huh heat attrition and reinforcements right I don't need to do that Oh all roads lead to Rome nice they may have their independence but under my rule that makes sense right huh I thought that's why I did oh it's now the government government of Ethiopia Oh they've got all of it oh hey I'm okay with that hold the phone people I can now get this national spirit a very low support of the people brilliant man Italy really starts off in in nada in not a good way at all do they I thought this I thought this is gonna be like an Opie focus tree I wanted Oh penis oh that may have sound like PE NIS but I guarantee you you two got YouTube it wasn't please do not please do not demand the Thais me oh my god just moving my Navy almost caused me to run out of oil Jesus Oh take back what is ours I can get Yugoslavia already and everything my troops are all equipped yet there that's fine send in their men oh I go to war economy already sure huh thanks very much that's nice hehe now I have Yugoslavian resentment oh they resisted my optical pay I haven't even occupied them yet and also I don't get why all of a sudden all 16 divisions were just gone to this one tile are you absolutely idiotic alright my my word oh my god the Italian AI did an encirclement I I have no idea I have well it's a miracle a Christmas miracle and I will remove the resistance to the Yugoslavian resentment I think yes and then I'm gonna go after Albania I'm trying to gobble as much stuff before the Allies start guaranteeing people I'm open it's gonna go fairly easily but you never know you never know I really wish Czechoslovakia wouldn't guarantee Yugoslavia that really has put me in a bit of a tricky situation like I'm gonna try and get Hitler to join me but my look I'm gonna have to influence our Balkan friends and then hopefully do the pact of Steel so Germany can join me her boy this is a big mess this would be going a lot smoother of Chucky I hadn't intervened at all so I do quite like the fact that you can support Franco and then ask for the Spanish fleet however I haven't done that because I it doesn't go with with my with my with my strategy and believe me I probably have one okay I would like to well do you know what I would love to do the Imperium Romanum Oh would that work the kingdom of Romania joins faction then I could go into Czechoslovakia that way or I'll just have to do pact of Steel and then Germany would join me regardless I think that's probably the best way for me unfortunately okay para drooping didn't work that just cost me six thousand troops or you can Czechoslovakia it's just destroyed me hold the phone I just did pact of Steel which Germany gains opinion of Italy plus thirty which should have been enough but it it hasn't worked and they still won't join me oh my god they won't even accept a non-aggression pact I'm not sure whether to trust this mr. Hilton what's going on pourquoi I guess I'm getting rid of the Mafia's involvement good which what does that actually do and I think it's that much of a debuff is it oh it's political power and consumer goods ah mmm okay Italy we'll have a mighty industry hopefully and then modernize my industry which would take a while oh my gosh or iri investments oh-oh-oh I would I would like that Oh split up Yugoslavia what the Frick adiy frack did I gain the call on a lot of it but then the German Reich gets that Hungary gets this is all a bit of a mess I'm just going to demand Albanian obedience oh please demand the Sudetenland oh my god this this is really I know I've said it multiple times but it really has screwed me damn you Czechoslovakia well at least Albania yields bloody Nora I am gonna split up Yugoslavia sure why not it all gets messed up but I get calls which means manpower it's gonna look like a frickin mess I think but hey Germany's doing reasserting Eastern claims rather than the freakin Sudetenland here buddy keys please go buddy I just okay I think I'm gonna go after military factories now I've got an okay industry it's not the best it's not the worst but it's mine this isn't as easy as I as I thought it was going to be it's just as Oh Platt overpowered as I was for today oh thank god they're demanding this to demand yes right so what has this done splitting up Yugoslavia do it well it just got like a tiny sliver I'm still connected though I'm still connected gonna focus on the army gimme gimme them minute three military factories for 35 days oh that's tasty I don't like that this is the border now though it does look a bit gross doesn't it the military I will take the planning speed of plus 30% that seems quite nice and Germany gets it oh well however once again there's no point in trying to do that the bit of a bug there's resistance in these two territories but I don't own them anymore yet apparently I still do oh my gosh well that's a mess it really does suck that my stability has been so terrible this whole time I really hoped the Fae of Czechoslovakia gets through then I can actually get my stability back and I won't have to go to war until I'm ready which might be some time tbh might be some time okay yeah they occupied it I'm no war anymore good my war's over now I can start attacking people again that's how it works for a hit piece then immediate war nice improve our change in battle that kind of makes sense I guess let's go is it's it's making Italy a bit more interesting to play I do still need to really modernize my industry and sort out my deficit of artillery but I have a plan I have a very cunning plan it might work it's Wow I'm surprised I've run out of Steel Germany I shall buy some from you did I lose any I didn't really lose many resources I'm hopeful that I can secure North Africa fairly easily but yeah I reckon I can if I can secure North Africa fairly easily then that's gonna make securing the Mediterranean very very simple me hopes I just want to see what decisions these are the Victoria repeater gimme gimme Oh Oh World War 2 it begins yeah I mean I'm not something I should really cheer but I presume the Allies the defense yeah they are okay I'm just gonna form the Bell a little easier which gives me extra critical population and I'm just gonna observe hopefully Germany beat Poland oh they want me to join em I will mmm oh this might be a time for a lightning strike I'm just gonna send more troops over to Africa but this could be this could be my moment you know what I think I might go for it Italy join the axis then if I join their war they don't want me to join but of mmm let me join call me that was uh that was literally our time to strike Germany you plonker Germany what's the point I mean I'm really surprised they're not trying to call me in it does seem baffling that they invite me to the fashion but then don't call me into the war I am mucho confused dr doe porfavor the german reich does not want to go into war with Italy I can I just justify will that work I could why don't they want me to join their walls I'm not that incompetent it literally because they think I'm just gonna die Oh Japan's doing okay at the moment kind of I would have expected better for them by now actually nevermind ah now they want my help well very well I shall join you now we see just how quickly I perish oh he should be okay Giovanni Messi is gonna go for it hey I've taken Malta nice and there how did they do that immediate naval invasion to try and take it he's literally running in the sea how is that no I'm sorry that's not acceptable and I think my units here they're doing pretty well oh yeah nice I'm winning it El Alamein give me give me that territory we've done it we've done it the Brits will starve and they will die good could I just attack here I don't think I could get through the mountains right that would be pretty impossible for me to do but we're gonna try did it did it oh no yeah it didn't think so it's a bit it's a bit of an ask reclaim the Roman territories don't mind if I do right well this there's a problem which which mainly means that I can't form the Roman Empire at the moment because Vichy France controls the Alps which is a bit annoying I wish I'd would have gained this territory before the invention idea [Music] what can you do my divisions can beat the UK divisions no problem though that is pretty tasty if you don't mind me saying so oh yeah so let's see if they're protecting Dover shall we and I'm surprised that we don't need area superior okay why is it so easy to naval invade this navin invade England the whole time it's just ridiculous it's it's so easy just to well not only know I'm not namely invade just paratroop like the AI just doesn't protect their hey I fell take it and it doesn't look like they're protecting then oh come on make it there we go and now our troops are getting ready i think i'll execute the battle clam we've all made the visions and here we go the italian conquest of the united kingdom easy peasy lemon squeezy uh-huh I've done it the Italians have taken London all of London event please all of London event come on now can't believe I didn't get the event bastards didn't give it to me Wow if you're wondering what my infantry template is for this video it's just seven infantry to artillery with some signal companies and engineer companies and that's been enough to be the allied divisions pretty handedly I might I might say well Germany got far more than it should have done and Vichy France as a puppet disgusts me I'm gonna have to try and take that back need time to build up against Germany because I do have the British Empire now and they have a nice Navy does Vichy France yes Oh Bulls alrighty I'm gonna go after El Greco see if we can take them without them being interfered by anyone boom has are the Italians will will pound them what what the Frick that's a very early war for the Germans I don't know that the Soviets will be over to hold against that oh dear I'll be quite frank I've been trying various things for about an hour and a half to try an annex Vichy without declaring war nothing is really working so what I'm probably gonna do because mmm the jetlag is hitting me something fierce I am probably just gonna annex them through the debug menu just so I can see when it would look like with the Roman Empire because a control Istanbul Nell so then if I just do a Oh short apparent why not oh I just declare war than the United States oh well it appears I just annex the whole thing which wasn't what I wanted to do but at least now I can form the new Roman Empire so I can show you a bit of this focus tree I know this is this is a really bad way of doing it but I wasn't I'm not prepared to fight a war against Germany until 1945 I think I've been I think I'm look like the I don't know I've been recording a very long time and I and I and I and the jet lag is getting to me a bit and the frustrating thing is that I probably would have been able to get these provinces if Germany would have called me into the war earlier but they didn't so I'm blaming the AI as per usual I like to think of these videos of more as more of a showcasing than Lord rather than trying to get any particular challenge completed but I I know some of you probably be annoyed from from doing this but you know hopefully you couldn't you can download the modern try it for yourself yeah I actually think that it pretty well to secure Cyprus and Malta from the UK during during the war it really is just frustrating the Vichy France got those states if it wasn't for that then I then Oh I'm basically making excuses but it's just frustrating you have a scenario in mine and it doesn't really go your way so hopefully a still managed to take out the UK as Italy that nothing that's alright that's alright oh there it is the new Roman Empire and we've got the Italian Raj yeah crown Mussolini as Emperor I'll do that and then that's probably where I'll finish the scenario because it well that was a legitimate conquest of Turkey I didn't actually annex that and that kind of just shapes out the border a bit nicer really doesn't it there we go long live the Emperor and there he is with his crown Emperor Mussolini well that's where I'm gonna say goodbye I do apologize for this not going for going off the plan and annexing France but I just wanted to show you what would happen in this particular tree and I wasn't expecting World War 2 to be over so soon I didn't get involved in the war against the Soviets so yeah this was Italy so I will leave a link to the mod in the description and I'll be back with more content very soon we've had three hearts of our videos in a row so the next one would be an on house of iron video so I'm gonna go try and get adjusted to the time zone now in sleep I'm not even wearing pants at the moment bye many thanks to onion duck Maximillian Foreman wire green paratha the trapper Ryan [ __ ] cody fries name name 1 2 3 1 Ayden jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous Rambler supporters on patreon and in fact all the other patrons too I did it right that time
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 237,907
Rating: 4.9179788 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hoi4 italy, hearts, of, iron, iv, italy, What If Italy Won WW2?! HOI4, hearts of iron, paradox interactive, hoi4 mods, hearts of iron 4 mods, what if italy won ww2, history, hearts of iron 4 funny, hearts of iron 4 modding, hoi4 modding
Id: u7AdMdhvuvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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