A New HOI4 Early Access Mod Released And It HAS CONTENT

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Legrand shantia is an industrial project that will work in phases also I'm aware I'm going to pronounce lots of things incorrectly i partly do it to trigger all of you that's right the goatee is making me a supervillain that's left a blink though ow what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy Oh can't use a camera Rambla here and today we're back on parts of our oh my god parts of iron for the gates of Versailles now it's quite rare nowadays that we actually get eight oh my lighting now it's quite rare nowadays that a mod is just uploaded to the workshop and it actually is complete with tons of focus trees an alternate history setting and a completed map but this this one has its first release and and it's already got tons of content Wow okay admittedly I've played quite a few recently that there hasn't in fact most mods released just just ones that have pretty much no content in fact one on the front page at the moment not to not to insult modders because honestly they keep my career going at this point but one of the mods that's that's on the front page at the moment is just it's just saying that they're going to create a mod and it's one of the most subscribed workshops mods of the week but it has no content whatsoever there is no mod yet just a workshop post and it would be great if people could just just wait until there's content for people to try the mod first before we go ahead and and start just throw it throwing stuff up again I'm good I'm sounding I'm sounding like it's it's I'm sounding a bit like over an a-hole but you know I need good watts to play please anyway now that kind of little rant is over oh we're back and we're playing a mod called the gates of Versailles so the mod is based around the idea of what if the Napoleonic conflicts ended in a complete stalemate the point of divergence is when the Battle of Trafalgar proved indecisive and later France gets bogged down in the Peninsular war so the Napoleonic conflicts end with France having to retreat from its central European territories and a whole century of history later we find ourselves in 1914 so the great conflict begins the ontong consisting of France Russia in the UK face-off against the Central Powers and the anton narrowly wins but the map looks completely different now and this is what it looks like bit of a mess however France appears to be quite chunky somehow Mexico controls British Columbia which is a bit odd because they definitely didn't in history as far as I'm aware I know the Spanish had a claim to it at some point but then the Brits just came in and were like no it's ours now and then that was it well not entirely but I did oh I guess I could have been a segment in Ramblers history corner but you know what no history corner today I was trying to get the history corner as an experiment but it appears that if I talk about things that involve lots of conflicts etc at the start of the video then the ad rates appear to decrease but I'm still willing to do history corner in the future just just let me know in the comments if you still want it to continue and of course if you want more hearts of iron for let's get 5,000 likes so the nations with focus trees are currently Austria Prussia France Russia the UK Italy China and Mongolia now I feel it would be amiss that if I didn't at least give France a try seeing is it this is what the mod is based around the real big thing of the French Empire still being alive vive la France be interesting to try and play as the Italian Confederacy Austria is led by that guy okay if they're not is quite fun they night then I might do multiple videos of it really yeah let's try it's try as Napoleon at the 6th the Napoleonic Wars would forever shape the history and politics of France being the sole victor in the polian reaffirmed his role in France and Europe despite having had a ding dong Oh actually can't say that the great Cathal would prove to be detrimental to France as the Jacobins kept being tyrannically prosecutor cannot Napoleon the fist daughter with a death of Nepal in the fifth Napoleon the six became the head of state in France he is still a young boy but as shown interest and reap so yes there will be the French Empire and away we go so this is the focus tree it's quite Wow way that is a chunky boy right so we have viva la empire of evil afraid there's no descriptions oh there is there okay or we could do a democratic transition the Empire must be transitioned Napoleon the sick is dead there's only a little young guns me a young whippersnapper so in our faction which is the Continental Alliance we have me Westphalia these little German states barred in a wooden burg we have Switzerland is that the Two Sicilies down there and is that the fair notion I couldn't leave France there so we've got a chunky faction and the only other faction to oppose us is of the Adriatic pact under mr. Mussolini and that fellow only nine military factories that's not a lot does Prussia have a pretty sweet tree yeah all right what about Austria does that have a pretty sweet tree yeah all right but let's go for viva la Republic viva la Falls and here we go Oh welcome to the Kaiser for sale all right let's do a lot grand shanty a black round shanty is an industrial project that will work in phases also I'm aware I'm going to pronounce lots of things incorrectly i partly do it to trigger all of you that's right the goatee is making me a super villain that's left a blink though ow Oh Charles de Gaulle is a blitzkrieg theorist sure mate sure so I do need to worry about that yeah democratic too too good okay oh by the way I'm the way a Content output has been a bit slow recently I'm still I'm still coming and are about doing potential miniseries so maybe like three or four parts just to like maybe increase the output flow of content so they'll be longer and slightly less edited I don't know if people want that if they want the same I prefer keeping an experience within one video but yeah our industry's really quite nice at the moment oh hello George hello Rule Britannia Imperial federal rate the shame of Quebec yeah time and time again has been showing the British as I mentioned Canada has been an unsuccessful I know the feeling I do actually quite like the setting for this mod it's quite an interesting scenario that Latin cup every four years hmm well good for Italy I guess all the Spanish Empire still aboot so obviously for a first release this has a fair amount of content but they probably I hope they keep it up keep keep updating this certainly got potential so far so I could do passive diplomacy but I'd rather do aggressive diplomacy and actually conquer things that's the problem with the end of the new but that I had at the end of the new beginning modest that you couldn't attack anyone it was all historically aligned which I know kind of makes sense because it's meant to be played over a period war like 200 years hmm Sacre blur it's just the end of the monarchies not if I have anything to do with it they've been granted asylum in New South Wales oh oh and they're in a big old chunk a faction they formed the Commonwealth oh nice got some of that me like Wow British West Africa seems heavily manned blimey the October events series capital party one at the garden or second at a cafe and the last one at a shop we have also reported over four hundred and thirty wounded it's the pesky British so I'm trying to modernize my army but at the same time I really don't really want to I'm kind of out and then I don't don't don't don't have enough equipment oh my I'm already on extensive conscription that solution radical there's I don't have a name I don't know oh there's no actual events or decisions wonder what Russia is gonna get up to don't try and fool Germany I laugh to intervene hmm the Duchy of Mecklenburg the smallest of the German states has become part of Russia it grows I don't know what the final it's probably not good is it say the army handles it I don't know what I don't know what I'm clicking on there all right aggressive diplomacy no one likes me goood ah the new dream and we can do the great campaign France wants to buy the region of Catalonia oh if they say no I just go on in Oh Alex you're so intelligent Charles de Gaulle flees to Switzerland I'm unsure what's happened to my faction though oh no this Dylan still in okay oh no they've left yep Switzerland's left cause I have to conquer them I think that's to do with my final down shore as to what that were I think they're just purging all of your opposition like an absolute monarchy somehow though he's still my blitzkrieg theorist that's probably want to sort that out mate pay Spain for Catalonian region and if I just stick some motivation for them to say yes they don't know my army isn't really equipped nor under any form of leadership Switzerland Switzerland of course they did let them burn oh they said yes okay I just paid and I got Barcelona it's nicely faction restructuring the original members of the Continental alliance and could sell keep myself I'll leave that alone for now then build up our military first began the strong do you want to join me against a chance to go fled to Switzerland and then incited a civil war of course he did had a goal oh the old rivals are at it again are they pressure V Denmark I wonder who will win let's see the great campaign and get myself some war support it's going up slowly but you can never have too much Kenya economic payments to Spain Oh I just conquer them will I still have to pay those Oh to no surprise there mark lost classic Denmark am i right Sardinian revolt we will crush those peasants they've already taken my access to the island dare they rebel against me how dare they really messes up my economy you absolute alright in we go Austria declared war on Hungary Oh cheeky how many divisions do they have here I wanted to enough to keep like reinforcing I've made a grave error here the troops aren't gonna survive this is like Gibraltar I have five divisions protecting the coastline Oh mate Oh what the heck I really wish events like that will pop up I didn't know that the Two Sicilies have just been incorporated into the Italian Confederation that just happened without any of my knowledge no what what I've somehow taken back wait no I'll call sir they've got incorporated too what is happening there really should be a pop up for that kind of stuff oh it's happening it's happening okay I'm breaching Flemish neutrality and more they're gonna do nothing that's what BAM this new French Empire sucks all right let's see where they go now I've overwhelming force we'll come on finally oh my god you know it's embarrassing when you can barely beat the Netherlands don't need please now to mess you up doo doo doo sorry Wilhemina you're committed to me now okay neverland's puppet oh yes I'm just gonna take those states why not I was being nice before but yeah we'll puppet them there we go we've got a nice chunky block a nice chunky chunky chunk well then I believe that should unlock French Empire must dominate the Benelux what you think this is may so I need to own Holland so I wasn't Oh so I wasn't meant to puppet them as meant to dominate them which I mean which I guess would mean just occupying by taking your states so that means I can't do these focuses is if you puppet why give me the focus to puppet I assume that's what I was going to do she'd just been conquer conquer it I could've just conquered it and never speed against Britain then why not today I'm from Napoleon held a speech in Paradis the theme of the speech was Great Britain tell France our internal enemies okay let's lower the autonomy now we just need to Oh to annex okay added a thousand convoys III know this is really bad way of doing it but I know I shouldn't use the console for these kind of things but I I think I just kind of at the stage where I'm just I get kind of very just get frustrated with how some of the mechanics and once you once you've had 1700 hours in a game oh my gosh you do want things to work as they should maybe I'm wrong and I've done something scummy but well no one ah-hem reiko-san Omri sorry Omri no emery all right okay bish bash Bosh you're mine now that should unlock the focus tree [Music] at least we can puppet wooden bird now in which case no I will annex everything I do wonder sometimes when the AI beams it appropriate oh you put one division here but thirteen here the AI should know better than me but does it so yeah I'm just gonna annex wattenberg which is kind of annoying bharden is still independent I don't like it says to pop it but I think if I I probably need to just annex right annex everything because I just want to have this I'm to topple fascism in Austria striker perv area but of course Bavaria looks a little chunky don't they Wow I'm gonna do okay and there we go yeah Michael burg cannot exist oh wait no yes no vodka has two exes damn so because they don't exist you're unable to continue with the focus tree is that what I'm maybe I'll get to bypass it I'm finding floors in this it's impressive of the sheer number of divisions that they've been able to field just as a little state most impressive it's just infantry though so my troop should be able to push the fact that I am unable to easily defeat Ottenberg oh wait no I will be able to do that right because I wished Mecklenburgh know that I can't do it metal boat doesn't exist anymore because they've got incorporated into the German Confederation send in the tank and despite being attacked from three different at all we've got Rommel no wonder they can hold how dare they well this is gonna be quite baffling but I'm gonna have to send my entire main French army this is embarrassing okay so mr. tanky attacks then everyone else does too and then it should just be a case of strolling through just kidding my army sucks I think we're finally making progress maybe they just run out manpower that's yeah I think they're just running out of manpower but I still lost almost 200k attacking this and my divisions aren't bad karma ruling party is monarchist I'm authoritarian I'm a follow terraeum so I can't go to a home I go there are some things in this mod that require improvement then we call for I think the barrier has less divisions or what very has left Oh Italy goo how do they were so chunky compared to them all right I'll just pop in Bavaria yeah I guess I could just manly justify should be like yo I'm gonna kick yo ass is it worth it though I called Susana okay we are simply protecting our people oh they came back in Nice all right keep bharden on French influence let me occupy Bardon bad and bad bad actually bonbon is a really nice area the same with the Black Forest it's okay it appears the German Confederation didn't try and stop me Westphalia becomes puppet of the French Empire weren't they already well they are they brought in the faction weren't they yeah yeah I think it might be time to remove fascism actually do you know what I want freakin Sardinia back you our whole I don't know how this I don't know how our Navy will do but can it be worse than the Italians I guess we'll find out I really hope my Indochina declare ah come on mate just let them win the war I don't want to be oh oh oh wait there's more than one division balls Oh Siam joined I see I would have just let it fall I don't really care that much about this area I may need to put the rubber obviously but ah oh this is the change to a map that I haven't really seen much before well has this changed recently and I just haven't been aware we're here well I guess I do have some troops I could send down there alrighty let's send down some troops to try and just hold this little bit of territory shall we oh they have a lot of divisions they're just flopping them out I guess Oh maybe Poland want to join me Austria declaring war on Poland huh wherever we see that before Poland you want to join me why would you just say with a feature to fight come on man come on I still got a hundred days before oh ok Poland you have to help I'll be pushing well I must say I am very proud of Poland for what they are achieving good on you sir the Italian polish war I mean they're taking a lot more casualties but don't worry not long before I come in and assist I hope go now can I change my conscription law please apparently not and in fact at this rate Italy's gonna push me so we have aerial superiority by having zero planes up there that's great let's get some casts give some support to my boyos Oh clearly not doing a very good job intercepting are they come on I'm going to run out of fuel so I guess I'll just have to be like Oh a Mexico who'd got any more fuel for me baby at least Austria is just kind of throwing themselves on to me not really making much progress either a you lots of naval battles going on and I think I have the advantage who knows though a lot of them are actually we're trying to repair so maybe maybe just leave it off a pretty chunky Navy all right kudos to you I guess if I decide to do a bit of a charge now how would that go it'll be better I don't imagine that they have too much manpower left 124,000 manpower they do have oh my got a reformed economy Italy sacre bleu Oh where's my tungsten come on Portugal give me that tungsten please don't you know I'm fighting a warrior come on now I will in I will eventually I will eventually win in the skies oh look at that hey we did an incircle in the Alps a true Hannibal move how's Poland doing very well finally my military is actually being fairly effective at least more effective than it was in in the in the lower German states like what the heck I don't think they can beat my tanks if I start doing some micro what I can't really at the moment Oh actually yeah down here yes they're weaker don't boom we're in there then we just come on now sacre bleu oh yeah they were just going like BAM and almost encircled quite a number of division OHS see that's how in circle mints work that's a Rambler topped but rate it read it what's just happened to you Socialist Republic of Italy awesome service and Sweden Sweden brilliant I got the encirclement no no that it really matters now all right honey confederation have surrendered and with that austria will fall pretty soon I think Oh Venice also [Music] come on now ready our rivals this could be the end my darling friend and why aren't you doing anything war of the eighth coalition ok can I take your forces yeah I could just take 71 divisions I will use you to garrison freakin everything mate yes I start using my puppets man powers think about all along there you go yep of course Mabel invasions would happen immediately how how could they have had that planned I asked thee from now in a war of the 8th coalition I did not ask to be in this war I am forced into it I just need to get rid of Austria pretty Zippity quick so all-out all-out final push joint I took Prague I can finish Austria then I then I might be able to plan a naval invasion the UK actually I can probably go out of my ass I want ultimate Aryan superiority from now until the end of time the production I should have already been doing this getting some freakin naval bombers yes sir there's one sound that really really triggers me on Hawaii it's the it's the naval invasion sound I can't stand it it's like ok we push cross when beeline to vienna attack with everything else just by their being a level 4 fort doing ok austria should surrender now I took Budapest please the ultimate insult I just need their manpower really yes sir if they have if they've actually got any left because all we because we're chunky they've been trying to contest me in the air they're not even bothering what about here oh yes they'll contest me there but they haven't got a leg to stand on oh my God look at those exchanges yes thank you deploy more fighters I will have aerial superiority even if it costs me all the oil in the world oh I didn't even realize that they had Egypt oh I didn't much noticed that either I'm already paying attention much am i I'm so focused on one particular area that I don't really care about the rest I have no idea where their army is nor do I care I now just will take everything the heck my tanks over there and just go home I don't believe it I don't believe it they weren't garrison in evening yes you may annihilate when ready they call States this time I guess to add insult to injury I will occupy some of the the English just just just just Assaf just the southeast and then I'll puppet the rest and satellite Scotland now I'm still technically Oh God wait how am I still no war the Oh Indo Union etc etc okay but that's where I think I'm going to leave this mod this it's definitely got promise there's there's some decent features the focus tree is a pretty fun little little few frustrating things that just need to be ironed out but yeah good work I enjoyed that yeah so if you want to see more do comment line subscribe and hope you like to have more content fairly soon toodaloo many thanks to onion dark safe cutter stovic maximilian foreman wyatt green Zachariah Mosby Kaiser and David rest tad house Coby was taken active Osprey mat-su vu just made this for Alex will whoop vase warm P George Gregory Craven Dave there Don Lambert bow hallow halls Guzzi dibs yeah boy wombat cookie devil Caen Ryan Jack trucco Aiden shear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young Logan and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous browser borders on patreon and many thanks to all the patron to other patrons to know my cold
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 145,809
Rating: 4.9347034 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 mod, hearts, of, iron, four, alex the rambler, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hoi4 funny, hoi4 funny mods, The Gates Of Versailles, hoi4 alex the rambler, hoi4 gates of versailles, hearts of iron 4 mods, steam workshop, paradox interactive, strategy games 2020, pc strategy games
Id: g_-c_3-FqkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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