What If The German Empire Betrayed Austria Hungary?! HOI4

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I could contain the Kaiser but where's the fun in there hey who wants to contain the Kaiser unlimited power for the Kaiser ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba suppress the Hungarian Uprising ba ba ba ba ba da da Dada you think you get away with that no no no it's time to die what's going on everyone it's me around Farah moogly puga Loogootee Rambler here and today we're back on the great kerfuffle Redux mod for hearts of iron 4 so this is a mod I covered a little while ago is it's just a remake of the great kerf our fall Mont but they introduced tons of things for new like new focuses for most of the major nations there are new ideas events decisions missions new models new texts units equipment and map improvements so I wanted to jump into this mod once again because it's actually this is really good and the goatee is giving me extra powers to go down more alternative history routes so of course if you want to see more high fall comment like and subscribe the power of the goatee compels you the power of the goatee compels you so what we're going to be doing today is exploring a scenario where what if Germany betrayed austria-hungary oh oh no no no no the two chums are gonna be falling out so what will that mean for the world I have no idea that's why I want to do this I don't I'm sure people have done it on YouTube before but hey is it has it really been done if I haven't done it trumping my own horn a little bit here but that's the power of the goatee girlfriend it's the goatee sexy did you hear that she said very honestly she did and now she's laughing okay well so we're gonna be role-playing as Wilhelm at the second I maybe won't do a kerfuffle with France it might be a kerfuffle with austria-hungary mm-hmm tasty historical for a I focus is off we're gonna have a rootin tootin a good time and immediately the first thing we're gonna do is welt politic I could contain the Kaiser but where's the fun in there eh who wants to contain the Kaiser unlimited power for the Kaiser now we'll just set up all of our production I might want to start getting some armored cars and maybe some early fighters too I would like some Zeppelin's three research lots of Germany to begin with that's a okay with me some stuff we've already got researched which is a very nice let's get early support weapons and boom start working on the industry right away now when I last played this I did find it was quite a ruffle stomp to beat the AI so there might be more challenges we go through today I have no idea we'll just give it a shot eh yes then position any of your troops on my border that won't go were badly for you at all austria-hungary oh yeah get Hindenburg into lead some troops why not well we have some pretty decent oh you know I'm gonna get Wilhelm in to lead the forces yeah forget having a proper army let's just get will home to command it Oh mackensen's this really was Germany's heyday wasn't it but mackensen's Hindenburg and Wilhelm okay so we'll get the regulars on the border I mean I could just I can't even kick them from the faction yet they'll see they'll all see the power of Germany compels you oh I should say if you see any mods on the workshop that I've missed make sure to comment them below always happy to cover new and exciting mods or if there's a more that's been out for a while that you think I should cover comment below - can't promise I'm gonna do them all just FYI oh I will have some fan Prussian militarism mmm King Ferdinand up in a plane you what what you doing Ferdinand do we have any leaders with a goatee it's all just mustaches isn't it mustaches appeared very popular there we go I'm like the French I'm like the French president oh I will get an economist yes I would love extra production efficiency noise so we can either support Austrian Hungary claims or backstab them I can't believe that let's let's say that the Kaiser decides to go against its traditional ally of austria-hungary and instead to take take power for itself well there we go I made up my own law maybe I could be a modder no I'm just kidding III III would not make very good mods I just don't have the patience for that kind of thing like I'm actually needed a lot of patience to Maude and I just I just don't have it don't have it okay so the regular infantry I will make twenty combat with at some point Portugal declares haha Germany refused to extend a military lands of the Austrian Empire due to the growing contradiction between Italy and Austria the block of the Central Powers and the virtual collapse over the German diplomats don't have vote for cooperation with Italy hey hey this is gonna be sweet I am going to ruffle stomp austria-hungary huh ah well welcome in Italy isn't that nice mmm an Austrian sandwich tasty yeah they won't have enough troops to stop me oh if I could just get an early week off of austria-hungary I could become the dominant power in the world oh I would like that Oh the partition of Persia okay German Empire threatens intervention ah I'm gonna isolate the Adriatic Sea that's what I'm gonna do okay let's just change these over boom Oh 21 combat no no I made a mistake I made a mistake yeah well that was just wasted to some army XP brilliant it's fine it's fine don't worry about Alex don't worry oh I would like an artillery specialist come on in Herman and with our 69 factories - I need to stop I need to stop doing that kind of weird I think it's just weird right I think I have enough manpower in the field to just roffels stomp austria-hungary okay non-intervention treaty or the Romanian pact German Empire offers to officially join the Triple Alliance oh yeah they're gonna be in a proper sandwich I'm gonna annihilate all I love that this focus tree is in there we are lacking rifles which is a bit of a concern but austria-hungary is a bloated mess you're going down France Joseph the first look at you you've got South Slavic terrorists you got polish separatism isolated address that's me so 25% consumer goods ah and now I'm gonna Sinan Oh Murray my own Oh matter Oh matter off you go spread your wings and Vienna and seduce away matter then bundok league gains claim on the Sudetenland Tyrol the brothers war focus against oh yeah and Romania has joined me welcome in to the Central Powers so far my plan is going relatively smoothly which worries me ow Bulls they put more divisions on the border no matter Hey Germany delayed negotiations about putting forward any demands on France oh I completely forgot about that all right well never mind I don't care about that just austria-hungary they need to be punished well for war actually they've really do anything wrong except exist yeah they're gonna be very they're very stretched to have to man three different borders or that below tit oh no the Mona Lisa has been stolen sacre bleu so really in reality none of us already for this will cut off foot I mean kerfuffle why do I have 14 divisions on this tile cut off all in the Balkans I've done bundu Krieg I could do the partition of Persia I mean I don't really you know what let's do place under the Sun so we get extra and then for no other reason used existing I think it's time to do the brothers will cut off her focus I'm not happy with the austria-hungary Franz Joseph I'm betraying you and all that you stood for a few months after the termination of the alliance between Germany and Austria a kerfuffle broke out between the former allies feeling the weakness of Austria shaken by inter-ethnic conflicts Kaiser Wilhelm was made a radical attempt to restore order in the southern empire on his own if the on taunt doesn't support its former enemy then Germany be one step closer to unleashing now it appears that austria-hungary have instead shot what oh dear oh dear oh dear that's not good yeah I could invite them into the fact no I'm not gonna let the Hungarian Republican fight I need to get to Vienna before they do yep securing it for the might of the German Empire yeah this very well for the Austrian Empire at all Wow well this is the state of things at the moment so he wants to join the Ottoman Empire would like to join I'm not accepting anyone right now sorry mate don't want to get involved in whatever this is well austria-hungary has already been broken up into tiny little states and as usual Oh Emperor Franz Joseph is now evacuated to Munich away from the Austrian government hmm I'm gonna exile him into Saxony will this affect anything that I do I don't think so yes you deserve it Italy you deserve those territories yeah I think they're happy with that nice keep the Italians happy and they'll be a faithful Ally probably okay boom German sisal fania okay so we can I said we release Austria and Karl has both becomes the leader then I'm gonna suppress of course I'm gonna suppress the Hungarian Uprising who do they think they are oh gosh I forgot I had some territory in Africa ba ba ba ba ba da ba ba suppress the Hun yeah freaking up right see ba ba ba ba Dada Dada you think that I'm gonna let you get away with that no no no it's time to die I don't remember the last time I've had such an action-packed scenario usually it takes me like an hour of recording to get into any kind of conflict of anyone but it's been yes it's been super quick today err what you doing wrong know what you're doing Russia oh yeah look about we're getting a lot of equipment into the field might as well get sir actually I'll just I'll just change the reserves over to proper divisions and that will immediately oh yeah 1.2 million men hmm don't know why they do that that's annoying I can't risk her far fall with the UK this early on into the game especially when yeah I probably could I could probably hold them Italy would be screwed for sure like that I don't have to call them in yeah I could probably handle them by myself I think maybe not Russia to today would be interesting really wouldn't it see if I could hold them so I'm a bit chunky I am a chunky boy just so frustrating that they're guaranteed by Serbia Serbia is now guaranteeing Czechoslovakia are you having a giraffe so I can't do the rest of this now because one of the following must be true that France does not exist hmm so I can't do the restoration of the pressure on Switzerland sure come into my sphere of influence spits Erland you cannot remain neutral forever see I've reckon 24 divisions under mackensen's would be enough to hold the French I would hope then if I keep the rest of the troops on Russia's border I don't think that they'd be able to do much to stop me the partition of Persia shall we do now good yes let the let the Russians take Persia for I know where the real threat is hiding okay so my industries looking pretty good gonna save up my political power I think I might have a chance in this new kerfuffle yeah my block is is looking chunky so chunky block it would have been looking better if I didn't have to worry about Czechoslovakia or the Hungarian Republic France is adapting an anti German policy it's a bit rude if you ask me how dare they no idea how well this will go if I just go ham now but I'm going for it yep yeah we're not ready for this I'm not gonna call in any of my allies I'm going to wait to see how we can perform solo going solo Bhutan boo frickin Tom okay but they are capitulated great France is attacking I don't like that let's send all of my Air Force apparently I have 400 fighters oh dear I mean that's not oh dear because France is just falling on this oh my ok France good for you say the piece France is just going to throw themselves on me good the hindenburg program all military advisers yeah let's go for the hindenburg program and then I need guns lots and lots of guns what are the casualty is gonna be for France ninety-nine thousand already Wow switch to war economy yes no no Russia I forgot about I should not have done that I should not have done that this is fine I can afford to get forced back a little bit by Russia yeah I could lose a couple of tiles to Russia that's ok as long as their casualties keep increasing who's gonna say my boo of pulling back to this River line up here but I can take the push back for a time I was not expecting such ferocity bye bye Russia tbh what are the casualties looking like 280 France is throwing themselves on me nice oh that that's fine I'll I'll be able to hold indefinitely there it's just Russia this it's a bit concerning to look at what's Russia's manpower a million oh gosh I shouldn't be surprised at their manpower pool just guns I need if I can keep my men completely supplied and winning in the air we've got this oh wow what when did that happen oh yeah because they guaranteed right right right yeah I won't be calling my allies in until I need them Russia appears to have stopped their assault could try and counter-attack but I think that would be a poor choice maybe not gimme I want me land back I wonder if I could successfully assault let's see I do have area superiority and my units will be 20 combat width and I don't think that the Russians have that so it's worth it to see if we can take a few tiles we've managed to take Krakow keep up the attacks beat back the Russians with everything we have the French is still how many men of the French loss now that's just dumb for ants half a million yeah yeah if you start the welcome for one in in 1912 apparently Germany's a bit strong for the Allies so what I was hoping to do was to try and get a massive encirclement down here I mean that'll help I think if I called Romania in no they still don't have enough divisions oh my god we've done it a large portion of the Russian army is now encircled however we are under threat on that flank so I'll have to redo me lines and pause the advances I'm just gonna starve them out here for a little bit military mission in Turkey yeah sure we'll invite the Ottomans okay things would go very nicely so me here I wasn't expecting to be a father with the on Tom I just wanted to secure my own little you know European Empire but no they have to intervene don't they they have to be annoying okay we're completely over running the Russian troops raped my encircle um oh my god they're just disintegrated okay 1.2 million casualties for Russia good meanwhile I'm having a route in Tooting good time I once victory is assured then I'll probably calling my allies I just know that they're gonna be so incompetent could I keep pushing against Russia let's see yes I can when it's happening to Russia it's just embarrassing for them oh ha ha ha ha yes oh they just transferred straight to the Russian Republic Oh Lenin leave Switzerland oh I think it's all gonna kick off soon yeah it's befriend Bulgaria sure oh there we go the Ottoman Empire accepts good then if all garrier accepts I'm going to declare go far fall and hungry pretty soon I think so I guess the real reason Germany lost world Calphalon was having austria-hungary as an ally without them this is going very smoothly okay I think that Romania could easily enter this coffin out but they're not damn it why won't you join me yep so I just invited I think every army in yeah okay so they have joined the Swiss are immediately getting pushback so were the Italians I knew it okay well it's counter-attack the French position put them on the back foot this has all been confusing up here in it Russia is crumbling though that's all the push into France is going nicely Italy's getting absolutely kerfuffled of course they are just need to capitulate these guys down here and then everything will be okay oh yes let that happen I'm okay with that yep Russia is oh my Russia oh sure sure am I in Buffalo them I'm not in cattle okay so I need to send most of these troops to France I think and then if I send those reinforcements to France I should be okay on most of my other flanks I don't think that Russia the Russian Republic it's much of a threat yeah I'm so I wouldn't be surprised if they capitulate fairly soon okay they're doing okay but I'm going to befriend Sweden just look at all - this reinforcements reinforcements to the front Oh peace treaty yes I will get negotiations of brest-litovsk it's the final attack to break the on taunt I'm gonna annex the Polish province why not hey when can I do the Holy Roman Empire oh I'm so close to defeating France if I can get to parody on hahahahaha Ottomans are doing okay like the doom what you'd expect really oh yeah I'm Chong ki I'm a chunky boy okay my troops are continuing to push that is good which is good yeah sending all of my troops to France now yes they're crumbling crumbled oh my god even the Swiss have broken through oh ha ha ha ha Shantay I didn't even need to go through with this leaf and plan off the fall of Paris Oh Yaya so we can get the young Thanh to surrender okay France asked for peace then what do I need to do to get so I just need a victory in the great couple I'm just gonna do that and then I can always reload it if something goes wrong so it's the peace happening I'm still I'm still attacking so I earn 6 days okay I'll stop attacking for 6 days sure I'll stop attacking for now a white piece you say hmm I think I should have at least been able to get Oh in the Frankfurt I get the Copenhagen Convention okay and I can do restoration okay I could also do Kaiser Reich wait I could get room at the Roman Empire excuse me why the heck is check as the back here independent again so what's the Central Powers look at it's looking like a chunky boy it's it could be wrong here but it is trunk I am content to let the white to the red movement continue I have no desire to get involved in this I was criticized for week for alone policy you having a giraffe me it's pretty cool that you can go all the way down here and then you care do like restore burgundy ah the Danish throne oh this is nice oh the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire we've done it noise and weird zero days away from the Frankfurt conference apparently oh that's it okay well I I've become chunky chunky err and the Central Powers now grows yellow but I think this is probably a good place to end the scenario having restored the Holy Roman Empire and betrayed austria-hungary if you I'd actually be open to continuing this I think it could be fun seeing the Holy Roman Empire in 1914 yeah let me know this is a good fun the goatee really adds a lot of skill to my four gameplay it seems so I'll be back again very soon comment like and subscribe and it's totally from me for now many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman wire green fat Boston Zechariah Mosby warnky George Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert Valhalla halls boozy dibbsy yeah boy one back cookie Daffy Alton Ryan coughs Jack truth faith and sheer Jin Lee crotch news beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous around supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 208,939
Rating: 4.9264522 out of 5
Keywords: What If The Germany Empire Betrayed Austria Hungary?! HOI4, What If The Germany Empire Betrayed Austria Hungary, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, hoi4 germany, hoi4 german empire, hoi4 ww1 mod, hoi4 austria hungary, hoi4 austrian empire, hearts of iron 4 germany, german empire, austria hungary
Id: go8vcQbSUi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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