Hearts Of Iron 4 Messed Up Yugoslavia Becomes A Legend

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what's going on everyone it's me your rambly damily doula alex the rambler here and today we return oh for god's sake why does the autofocus just make it blurry i don't understand hearts of iron hearts of iron four there it is oh my god someone over on my live streams over on twitch uh asked me uh do do i get these intros done in one take usually it's no my editor can attest to that so today i'm going to be playing a nation which i've never really played before it had a update so it first had a focus tree with death and dishonor however now with the battle of the bosphorus i had an update for any owners of death and dishonor i'm going to play as yugoslavia and just see how uh we get on really with its new brand spanking focus well reworked focus tree so of course if you would like more hearts of iron for please do comment like and subscribe if you're feeling generous why don't we get this to 5 000 likes so as you can see we begin with croatian opposition we have macedonian opposition slovene nationalism we do have uh the serbian general staff nice and we have an anti-german military okay yugoslavia came into existence after the new kingdom of serbs croats and slovenes merged with a formerly independent kingdom of serbia in 1922 initially yugoslavia joined both the little ontont and the balkan pact to secure their independence but recently the assassination of king alexander oh dear combined with the growing internal pressure from nationalism and external pressure from italy and germany has caused drastic upheaval and re-evaluation of their political strategic position and look at that iron man mode engaged so you know you know i'm bringing it bringing him ah so cringe mucho cringo i know i always say uh i could do a play-through where i don't go monica's but it is not this day but it is today oh my god [Music] well we have historically refused to recognize uh the bolshevik state in the east the time has perhaps come for us to reconsider our stance on the matter oh and not many of you know this but i actually haven't read it so shall we take like 30 seconds and go on maybe rambler's reddit corner here we go so i don't run this myself um it's it's a fan reddit r alex the rambler if you want to submit stuff maybe i could turn this into an actual video series thing all right adolf in 1940 i do love a belgium waffle very good made with me matic thank you gortius oh my god here we go we've infiltrated paradox i'll give the dlc a good old rambler try we've made it we've made it fantastic we made it into the trailer yep i'm sure we can all feel this when your ironman save game gets corrupted after 9 hours of recording very true alex 2017 to 2019 being bad at video games i can milk you it's been the case since i started gaming um when i was a child so let's change that back to like 1989 to 2020. i'm still here but that was it that was a reddit if you want to if you want if you want to see more do let me know in the comments and if you've got any fun me me me me me me's do feel free to go and submit them yes we're going to recognize the soviet union i have a few research slots where i generally go down all of this bippidy boppity stuff first do we have any we don't really have any military factories so we might as well just queue stuff up for when we do infantry spam with tons of support that's that's what i'm gonna go down as you can see i i don't have many of the achievements dracula's revenge my my my i don't really care about getting achievements i've never been one of those kind of completionist people so the first things first really is just to try and oh no i don't want to recognize the soviet union i lied i don't want to do that at all whoops western focus here we go sorry i kind of gave you a little bit of a maybe it will be a monica's play through sorry i just remember what i wanted to actually do in my head whoops good for turkey whereas i'm still a few days behind because i messed up my first national focus on iron man so i couldn't even reload it all right reinforce old alliances you're gonna see what i'm gonna get up to and you're gonna be like you know have a feeling this could be quite a quick scenario if i just get attacked from you know everyone all right let's attract allied capital here we go we get oh negative five percent consumer goods thank you very much boom we've got ally capital then we go and do limited self-government so we're going to remove this national spirit of slovene nationalism and release slovenia as a puppet but then we also get two militia units the divides of our nation are clearly too deep and too many to handle a simple reform only by granting autonomy to the various peoples consistently to consistently return to donation we can keep the union together all right so they have been released but they're going to start getting um well kind of released we're going for a kind of devolution here so i could dissolve the banana of serbia oh okay so we get rid of the macedonian opposition and the serbian general staff we release a load of nations and we also get militia units oh boy yeah let's do that i guess sure the region we consider serbia is actually home to many people who do not consider themselves serbian all right i'm going fully dissolved this is going to look horrific on the map i aim to please okay so they're they're all released and we get some uh more units now very nice let's go for a huh let's go for a dissolved croatia in the opposition of the union none are more vocal than the croats currently croatia is divided between the banat of savia and the banat of littoral yeah let's just i'm gonna go for as many little nations as possible because this is just gonna look oh fun it's gonna look fun i should probably be thinking about doing all the old industries and give myself some civilian factories but who cares about that when you can just devolve your entire nation boom more nations released [Music] what next yeah let's divide bosnia sure sure oh my god what have i done i've done something beautiful oh wow yeah i'm already on 94 stability now so just releasing all the nations and giving people their independence has made people happy well i fixed yugoslavia everyone i've also run out of manpower and factories though so you know you give a little you lose a lot okay bosnia is now divided and i have even less factories i could fortify bernat bernat for support or autonomy for slavic transylvania bam yes give them their independence then act will rise probably looks like the nationalists are going to win in spain what a surprise eh there we go um i literally only have these chunks of territory left and no factories so i could go towards independence however now i've done that i want to go back to the united kingdom so i'm reverse unowing everyone i gave them their independence and now i'm like hmm i want it back so we currently don't have any debuffs whatsoever so in theory as a little miner nation of serbia i'm doing oh i'm serbia now okay but i have all of these puppets so if i wanted to i could request all of their troops i think yes give me your troops i honestly have no idea how this is gonna go i think it's just gonna be absolutely horrible oh my god so many alerts all in one go ah yes as i was saying i think it's gonna go horribly uh but we'll guarantee religious liberties boom and that will push me to like a hundred percent stability so that's that's pretty sweet and i already have this starting army oh although i could have done the defense army of yugoslavia hmm maybe i should have done that oh well i i've made my bed and i'm gonna have to live with it now so i may have just screwed myself and then i'm just going to reunite the kingdoms yeah so serbia annexes croatia that's fine i need to gain more factories back i guess once i've done this focus then i didn't think this through um i can try and start doing some of these getting some factories wow we have a lot of puppets so i just reunited all the kingdoms and i've just got tons of free units really that's what's happened i just get loads of free divisions sure that's a little overpowered but i'll allow it that's nice and you don't get any of the debuffs anymore oh austria's angelus okay this is all fine i'm gonna lodge a diplomatic protest against hungary you shall not rearm sir sir francis guaranteed my independence thanks and they're in the allies i believe yes we can't believe i gave everyone their independence and then just kidding i think i just need the military factories at this point just to actually get any kind of army i would usually keep developing civilian factories but where we don't have a lot of time before i don't know someone probably attacks us nope nope nope nope that's not what we wanted ideally because i wasn't really going to go down the access route i was going to try and resist because i technically have 300 000 troops um so i would have a chance at holding maybe one flank if i was just going to be attacked up here then we might hold for a little while but if if italy germany and hungary and romania and bulgaria are all attacking me at the same time like it's a game of hell wait so they are still guaranteeing my independence or then oh no they are still guaranteeing my independence thanks cheers okay it's time to end the regency prince paul has served his duty to the crown long enough but with war on the horizon our people need to see their king stand out strong against the fascists and communists who would break our nation what if i gave up the whole nation because i just told this particular area should i try this is this a good idea i don't know that it would be oh i just got an achievement called peter's pride you can't see it as peter the second of yugoslavia afro overthrow your uncle and become king hey how does he get rid of the underage monarch this confuses me like when does he come of age how old are you he was born in 1923 so he got a little while before he comes of age i'd be willing to give up a bit of territory if i mean they didn't attack me yeah they'd only attack me if they really didn't like me right i might end up just giving in to german pressure and not joining their war i think that'd be fine let's do local militias i need the recruitable population please thank you i also need guns like i really do need i really do need a lot of weapons and towed anti-air and toad anti-tank and steel i need a lot of things this isn't really going as like simply as i thought it would i forgot that he well i didn't really didn't come of age i thought i could just go down and get a royal wedding molotov ribbon trop italy's join the axis yeah like i could hold italy's divisions i think because they need to attack into mountains oh those are only hills those are only hills and that's a city so i'm not as secure as i thought i was i might just have to do the old deal maybe chuck in some anti-air i like how my whole defense just rests on holding those particular tiles and but you know if you're going to be attacked from multiple directions you don't really have much of a choice ah they have the anglo-polish alliance things are moving fast poland's joined the allies okay this is all fine german pressure towards the benelux oh well they've they're steamrolling poland poland capitulated pretty quickly italy isn't even in the war so that's not good integrated support okay regimental combat teams i swear in non-historical germany tends to get wrecked a lot easier whereas now they're just steamrolling and having a rollicking good time yeah they've barely taken any casualties uh-oh oh man i'm sweating now i'm sweating now central management boom yeah france is doomed i give him maybe a month and that's being generous oh no never mind paris has almost fallen that's a lot of casualties france wow well feeling a little isolated now so i am god please leave me alone my stability is high my water support is high uh i can get two more civilian factories brilliant i just need to come of age come on fella you can do it grow up bulgaria joins the axis lovely if the axis attacked me i think i'm i what their demands even going to be i'll accept them whatever they are but then italy might just be like hey i'm coming for you anyway hungary's joined the x ah they're all jumping on the axis train aren't they lovely lovely what we need is the usa just to come on in now go on oh at least the uk appears to be winning down here romania has been carved up the same is about to happen to me i fear the divisions i have uh they're okay but i probably should have made them seven twos so they get a ton more soft attack but i fear it's a bit late for that now so the piercing increases their breakthrough increases and their soft attack increases by 46 points ah screw it let's let's take a risk but i i fear that it's gonna 3 000 artillery i'm lacking now well i'm screwed i'm surprised they haven't had an option to send me another ultimatum or i'm surprised italy is also not going after me too i'm scared i should not be alive yet i am all right greece has joined the allies um italy's declared war on them okay well goodbye to greece so long farewell oh they're attacking bulgaria are they interesting well i guess because i'm alive it's interfering with their operations a little bit wouldn't that be a treat if they somehow managed to take them out unlikely let's send an attache i just want to see what they're up to they're inflicting casualties on italy good almost at half a mil greece is only at 15k fantastic although their whole armies could get encircled down here they should have just held these two i i i'm trying i'm trying to fix the ai here oh my god i can't believe bulgaria's managed to do that grease started off so well and then they go and do something stupid like get encircled yeah i'm sweating a little bit now oh my god look at that yep greece is gone as soon as germany comes to play it's goodbye just drink your mint tea alex oh man you hate to see all of that in circuit look at look at it disgusting it's the allies just taking so many losses oh the uk is almost a million cash oh that's grim that is grim oh okay oh japan solar war of china okay and now they're surely the us is coming in yes yes okay they're a war of japan now good i might actually be able to get my my party at this rate i might be able to have a royal wedding oh oh okay that's kicked off mr barbarossa cheeky little scamp i wonder how quickly russia will fall i'm gonna guess in about a year i don't hold much hope for them oh look army group center already beginning their encirclements my giddily goo i'm not sure they've ever properly balanced this have they maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm not oh my god oh that's horrible they should leave this pocket leave it ai please all right he was born on the 6th of the 6th of september so hopefully he'll come of age soon oh thank god he's come of age finally okay so uh ascended to the throne long before his time by the dire circumstances of global conflict king peter ii has at last come of age a royal wedding i'd have the coronation too oh let's have a royal wedding first i do have 600 000 troops ready to defend um a few cities pretty much i'm giving up most of my territory but i i hope this can hold for a little while the soviets are actually holding a little bit now which is nice oh good at least other people are joining the allies now so i can hopefully count on their financial support the groves nagala the question of marriage and succession yugoslavia has long been on the lips of the political class so do i want to marry princess maria francenza of italy or princess alexandra of greece you know what let's marry into greece i think i like that so i might be joining the allies because i think that's great ah the young king peter ii has professed his love how romantic i mean that's going to get crushed but you know at least it adds in a little bit of sequoia oh wow they like launching their navel invasions don't they call blimey for the first time since the dawn of the 20th century yugoslavia sees its monarch coronated at the cathedral of belgrade so it turns out it wasn't this day that we wouldn't be doing the monica's playthrough what a happy coincidence royal alliance let's do it yeah you'll note that i now have almost 700 000 troops all fully equipped ready to go my aim would still be to hold them though unless i'm about to capitulate then i'll have to like try and counter attack kudos to the soviets for holding though i didn't expect them to do that i thought they were going to collapse oh the soviets are i can't tell what's going on but especially when they won't accept my attache wine curse ah okay the united kingdom welcomes us into the allies hello they want me to join the war they might need my help so oh my god they've overstacked so much okay sure i'll accept help me help me please god they have a lot of troops ready to just come down on me i need to keep a close eye that i'm not going to capitulate if i lose all of these cities is this 20 of my victory are you kidding me oh they have so many divisions they actually have 20 divisions trying to attack that tile they are adamant they want to destroy me oh my god well i'm probably distracting a lot of axis troops that might have been expecting an easy and easy ride but look look at all of it oh well we have a lot of reserves against their four divisions okay now my troops are pretty much fully entrenched they're doing a decent job of holding okay um and now we wait because it looks like uh romania might fall soon that'd be a nice little boon it turns out bulgaria the socialist republic of bulgaria did hold i wasn't expecting that what's pretty nice is that with the uh second uh no yeah we've killed more on the german reich than with the second kills do i not have a dlc instead no i do i shouldn't be able to see that intel ledger should i there we go oh i found a little bug so if you want to see the old intel ledger you can just see it all that way just click on the actual nation well there we go so we've taken 33 casualty 33 000 casualties but we've inflicted uh and this is only to germany almost 700 000. well i'm pretty happy with that my tactic worked now i just have to wait for the ai to resolve the rest of this they've stacked so many divisions yet they won't even try and push at all i i just don't get it i don't i don't get the ai path finding in hawaii they could have saved about 50 of those divisions and done an invasion in into germany you know if i tried to beat romania's divisions i would be unsuccessful because taking back a city or two would be a nice little boon to my manpower again the allies here have so much numerical advantage oh wow the the allies and soviets combined have lost 18 million men how where is the uk's lost 1.5 the us has already lost a million oh my oh and china counts too oh boy oh boy i i don't get the ai i don't get why they're letting japan just go around doing whatever like i i don't get it i really don't get it instead they stick 100 divisions in greece like people ask me whenever i live stream germa find hoi uh frustrating or boring yes when this kind of stuff is still a thing in the game that's been released for four years the ai should know not to over supply it's all fun and games until the weaknesses in the game show through because i i can't do anything there's still too many divisions for me to try and push anywhere and i can't afford to lose my entrenchment so i'm stuck waiting for the allies to do stuff oh there they go attacking me again they can do that all day long and i should be able to hold now i'm gonna walk away and do some stretches i apologize if in my absence i end up losing the scenario but i need to stretch i'm very well entrenched everywhere i think i'm okay oh the allies they're gonna lose 100 divisions in in this freaking i don't okay just walk away alex am i losing am i losing no whenever i want to walk away they start attacking me again italy's uh been naval invaded very nice still have lots of divisions on my border but what can you do not a lot i apparently have zero war participant back to stretching oh oh oh oh well bye bye india the allies can't have any like rubber or anything left wow okay that's what you get when you don't try and stop japan i guess all righty roo some stretching's done oh they still haven't taken bucharest come on now it would be nice if italy would capitulate are they quite close very close oh very nash italian croatia excuse me oh look they've almost linked up with it shall we try and link up the foot oh no they might over supply me i can beat italian divisions hey okay so we might get some us help oh boris is dead oh crumbs okay let's build some infrastructure here i shouldn't have done that should i must not get over supplied take the port take the port we need supply pin them good and every little bit of territory i take i get more manpower back oh sophia is open take sophia please take sophia please please capitulate bulgaria that would be nice that'd be lovely oh you did oh you've taken but oh lovely that's it keep it expanding get them to move their divisions anything to get them away from my board they took sophia back guys why does this happen to me oh very nice oh my god the yugoslavians are going to do an encirclement absolute pog champ pog champ did i do it right take mostar back push them back from whence they came back to the abyss ah dublovnik is back into my command oh parry's been liberated jolly good oh very nice indeed yet they still consider my front a real priority the old axis here well just leave it alone man has italy not capitulated oh they did turkeys joined the allies yeah if you're noticing a change in lighting i needed to put some extra lighting on so i'm extra pale now ladies and gents i'm like a ghost but i've reclaimed um a fair amount of the nation let's take zagreb come on yeah my divisions can pretty much beat the ais now partly because mine are fully equipped i've taken minimal casualties in this war i believe 129 000. huh well germany is falling yet they still have a nice number of divisions on my border i don't understand oh so turkey's in the war now i think do it oh baby oh no oh no no no no let's just try and close the pocket shall we yeah berlin has fallen ignoring the bit about pearl harbor can forget about that vichy france has somehow reversed naval invaded wasn't taken back paris and now france is a commune historical everyone i'm surprised my units have a chance of crossing all these rivers i just kidding they don't a few of them they've done though al turkey's finally joined about blooming time okay i'm just going for an all-out assault now trying to get some uh extra capitulation points i mean the worst wars of war participation capitulation points oh yeah chunky hugo they're in ash i think the old uh peter the second's done a pretty good job eh excuse me i'm sorry italy's getting all of it haha i'm very confused but i'm going to try and get some territory regardless i'm making germany a subject of mine i don't know how that's working but uh boop this is dumb i've lost croatia excuse me somehow they poppet it i don't well that's annoying but on that on that bombshell we survived on iron man bam you weren't expecting that weren't you so if you'd like to see more videos on the channel comment like subscribe and i'll be back very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck seth cutter stervik maximilian foreman wyatt green zechariah mosby tad house kobi was taken matzu vash juan p george dave d y the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan jack troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 73,799
Rating: 4.9381084 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4 guide, battle for the bosporus, hearts of iron 4 battle for the bosphorus, Hearts Of Iron 4 Messed Up Yugoslavia Becomes A Legend, hearts of iron 4 yugoslavia, hearts of iron 4 yugoslavia rework, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, hoi4 funny, paradox interactive
Id: -JBMxv0-xLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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