Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Romania annexes Europe and more

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hello everyone i am torrier and welcome to another one of my house of info challenges today we're going to play as romania and conquer all of europe and maybe a bit more let's get going iron historical focus is regular and difficulty uh yeah i've tested it quite a bit as usual i do try to plan these out in advance and maybe i'll finally start streaming those preparations i still haven't decided anyway with the dlc called death or dishonor romania has a unique and pretty powerful focus tree that lets us do quite a lot of things so first we're going to use that to dominate the balkans and then well then comes the rest of europe we start with 31 divisions which is pretty great i'm going to keep all the mountaineers the tank and the trained inventory in a separate unit the untrained infantry of course is going to get trained and the horses the cavalry is going to be switched into infantry later let's also train quite a lot of cavalry why am i training cavalry since it's useless and small well because i'm going to be switching this template into infantry template but training cavalry unit requires less equipment and manpower to deploy so i'll be able to build up more troops in the field faster that way and finally national focuses let's first introduce institute a royal dictatorship it seems counter-intuitive because we can get some nicer things over here just get territory but we need to revise the constitution first because it gives us a very powerful buff that will conserve quite a lot of political power for us so let's do royal dictatorship as for construction let's get some civilian factories we will be building forts on the soviet border later on as for equipment and this should do as well as some convoys yes i like submarines really we're gonna do some generic research and need to choose a doctrine uh i'm tempted to do mobile warfare but maybe next time for now let's do superior firepower as usual because it's very very powerful let's unpause the game and wait also i'm going to oh yes we do have a negative modifier because our king is a party animal uh i'm going to have to you know accept that it's not a big price to pay for this modifier it's going to be amazing for us but uh all in its own time right let's deploy these guys as soon as they're deployable because we need to get a lot of units in the field that is because some of the best focuses that we can do require us to have a certain amount of troops in the field and when we deploy them like that we'll be able to do them early and thus increase our strength early we've instituted the royal dictatorship now we're going to revise the constitution you might be thinking why is he not spending the political power he has well because revising the constitution will make our advisors so much cheaper we have revised the constitution that lets us get some advices very cheaply for example silence will cause just 112. i'm also going to get a backroom backstabber he's going to pay off although not as much as the silent workhorse now it is tempting to go into balkan's dominance immediately however i believe that our best shot is to get the research slot first and then go into balkan dominance yes the king must be allowed to party we need a lot of manpower and we need a lot of manpower quickly so let's do limited conscription now and the next thing we'll do probably be free trade with the royal foundation done we can finally focus on dominating the balkans so there you go balkan dominance let's go to free trade to increase our factory and research output see how many things we can do early because of the decreased cost balkan's dominance is done now we need to do one of these focuses but we don't have enough manpower in the field ah yes that is unfortunate can i deploy some i can how many do we have now almost enough what we need to do now is cancel all these trainings select the cavalry we've deployed and now we switch it to infantry we'll get all the free manpower quickly and thus will have enough to start another focus momentarily here we go we're going to start by puppeting bulgaria bulgaria basically if they defy us we get a war goal if they don't well we just get a puppet just in case they decide to and be defiant let's prepare an attack our guys don't really have enough equipment to be effective but it doesn't really matter we're strong enough to beat them up anyway yay king throws another party let's party a bit why not all our manpower is going directly to the units we have in the field good morning bulgaria submits all right we have got a puppet and let's join the anti-commandant pact let's leave yggoslava for later let's align hungary now this basically means one of three outcomes either hungary submits to us and becomes our puppet or hungary decides that we should be friends and wants to join an alliance but we can refuse and get wargo or we just get wargo let's take all the bulgarian forces i realize the guys we've deployed earlier aren't really what should i call it combat ready but we can still make use of them let's get three armies on the hungarian border let's also hire an infantry expert and also an army offense expert kingdom of hungary defiant so we can just do nothing or we can get to wargle so let's get to war goal and declare war immediately oh guys already it should not be a problem oh there's an empty way into their territory let's do that let's move into their capital as well as pecks packs patch this place anyway and that should be enough to make them capitulate if of course we can get through i mean we might get cut off from supply but it should not matter if we can get these will be victorious very quickly and there you go now our goal was to puppet hungary and we could benefit greatly from puppet in hungary however for my plans to be successful i will need to annex them directly i will need their factories so sorry on only those that agree to be my puppets without fighting and get to be my puppets crap i forgot to select the focus this is going to slow us down a bit let's cure greece now we're going to be attacking from bulgarian territory with hungary's factories we have quite a production capacity now mostly focusing on industry now because our current wars fights will not be too difficult and not a scandal i think we should go after slovakia next and leave yugoslavia for last all right let's attack greece no reason to wait and we need to call bulgaria into that one otherwise we won't be able to enter the territory should not be too difficult again greece is not as strong as we are yeah this army is in a difficult situation let's save it i was a bit too hasty with this let's send some guys to focus on athens attack harder we must get to jose vecca actually i'll send this army to deal with joe slovakia we need to have troops ready at their border when the focus is done and just in case they decide uh they don't want to submit and they should be surrendering now oh no i still need to sell the nick they should surrender and they have now as i said before only those that agree to beer puppets will be our puppets i need factories now we need to send all our troops to czechoslovakia all right all right hitler accepts now what does johan say oh he's defiant that is surprising anyway now we get a free war golem jojo slovakia let's use that immediately the problem is germany will also do this and they'll also get a war goal in that case they will take the majority of jehovah slovakia unfortunately in the meantime we're going to divide yugoslavia yeah our guys are still far away should have dealt with greece a bit faster now germany is going to attack jehovah slovakia in a moment which is very unfortunate for us because they'll get most of the stuff but the more we press on and more casualties we take actually the more we will be able to take for ourselves there is a little bit of an issue here it's very likely that germany will get most of the territory so i forced attack so hopefully we can get a little bit more uh war score anyway there's not much we can do now so let's just see what happens and that's it we got almost nothing but that's how it is if germany is involved we got two civil five civilian factories well that's better than nothing and we get a nicer border with poland if we want to attack them we don't really want to attack them it would be great to have western slovakia it would be wonderful to have bohemia but that was not in the cards for us i was a bit too slow in greece if i was faster in greece and if all my troops were here i would have been able to get a bit more than that so this is already not a perfect run but will be okay now let's get ready to take out yugoslavia but that is going to involve some other meddling as well i'm going to have to disband some of my troops for this uh first of all i need to send expedition air forces back to bulgaria and i will need to be disbanding some of my troops why well i want to go to extensive conscription yes a next war goal let's declare the war and see can we switch the extensive conscription we cannot so what i need to do is uh disband some of our troops ah finally that's enough okay let's do extensive conscription and now we can rebuild our army we're going to have to do flexible foreign policy because we need to switch to fascism so that we can freely enter and exit the axis as we please anyway um let's unpause now and see how we do all right the army up north is doing well and the south only needs to hold off the enemy and bulgaria is not called in so this area is safe um yeah seems like we're doing fine and why did i need extensive conscription so badly well because we need quite a lot of troops in order to be able to declare war on turkey let's call in bulgaria i'm not sure if that was actually a good idea and there it goes yugoslavia i'm also going to annex them yes we could get three very nice puppets out of yugoslavia but i'm not doing puppets at least not extensively in this playthrough and now our next course of action is to attack turkey we're also going to need to start building fort on the soviet border and our troops are on the way to turkey with flexible foreign policy done we need to start moving towards joining the axis unfortunately i'd rather stand on the line and we could theoretically join them while not aligned but it is risky we now have enough manpower to do secure the boss first however we're in the middle of another focus it'll join the access angelus has happened and we finish the focus so now we can do skill the boss for us which is quite good paul joined allies already well that's because that's because we've generated some world attention in the meantime all right who won nationalist spain was victorious we have almost a million manpower in the field good let's work on national defense industry and attack turkey and i need to call in bulgaria now to do it manually because this calling in mechanism or very often doesn't work properly and there we go let's see how well this works out for us let's try and push you past istanbul before they can secure the area turkey does have a sizeable navy so they could theoretically launch a naval invasion but if that happens i'll just pull back one of these armies here you guys just follow the coast and try to let these guys through but now at last there we are i suppose it's time to start switching to fascism let's just take a fascist demagogue but i do need to join the access relatively soon because um the soviet union will attack us theoretically those faults aren't really necessary because with german help it will be rather easy to beat them but with our extra bonus uh to fold building it will not take too long five levels will be more than enough and there goes turkey i'm going to annex everything now we're going to start preparing for two things defending against the soviets and attacking the united kingdom yes i'm building submarines all the time and i think it's time to switch to fascism open up political discourse and hold national referendum unfortunately we will lose our king i actually quite liked him but we still have his lifestyle modifier we'll have to get rid of that there are two ways we can do that king michael's coup or forcing abdication further though we will want to go to war economy let's do king michael's coup it's going to remove the um king cars lifestyle modifier but it is going to keep the center of the motherland and um yeah we're not going to do island god because it's not as good as it seems it's time for us to join the access and we're in the axis now we're not joining the wars at least not yet we're doing this so that we're safe from the soviet union also let's justify wargle on iraq and iran in the meantime perhaps we can do that without the allies guaranteeing them and if they are guaranteed we will just stop this justification we've done king michael's cool so we won't get those nasty events from arcade anymore and now let's move towards the next research slot it's time to start researching some naval stuff namely transport ships and submarines too perhaps but a bit later warsaw is taken pollen's about to capitulate and then the soviets get this territory which is um why i have scheduled thoughts also in here although if we are in the axis and the soviet attack should not be too difficult if it comes at all one has capitulated and they're attacking the benelux ussr takes poland which is why these faults here will be necessary although i'm still not sure if they will be actually necessary and the fall of paris all right let's do army maneuvers and army war college and the war goal on the rack is ready let's attack oh then please yes thank you get one take back that and we'll be done and that's it iraq is taken let's just take all states and justification on iran is complete let's attack and try doing one on afghanistan maybe we can take them out um two and in 1940 we have to attack the uk i'm beginning to think my fault building might be completely unnecessary i think it's time to switch to surface by requirement we do need the manpower we could pop at people but i wanted to limit that in this playthrough let's annex everything let's see if afghanistan gets guaranteed against them does get guaranteed so let's cancel the justification for now let's assign three armies to the soviet border germany will help us if they attack and send two of them to northern france from where we will be or maybe from denmark i'm not sure yet anyway we will be staging naval invasion either through here or through here whoops germany attacked the soviets well at least now the soviets will not attack me most likely i will focus on the uk and the germans can take on the soviet union we are almost ready to attack however i can't join the german war it was merged with the soviet one so i would be fighting the soviets as well what i need to do instead is justify a separate war goal on the british let's take gibraltar maybe and that separate war goal will put me in war with the british but not with the soviets if you're attacking port directly they're usually defended so it's better to land right next to one and then attack it manually are we ready well let's send our ships over on patrol to the english channel don't repair engage or rather just escort my convoys that might be better right planes i send them to the channel as well and that's it let's attack the invasions should launch and they have let's see if they get intercepted or not yes they're calling everyone in good that is what is supposed to happen and we have landed and dover dover is undefended good to know let's go to portsmouth and the rest of you i don't know head for bristol or something similar holders for you guys now we don't want our attack here to actually be too easy of a victory why well because we need to accumulate quite a lot of wars go against the british so it's better they actually prepare a bit of a defense we will win but we're also we also need to get sufficient warsaw in the meantime sending some reinforcements as well let's just focus on going towards scotland uh you guys go around london don't take london they have secured london let's keep it in enemy hands but not advance uh spanish volunteers no thank you how far are you from capitulation 11 well it's getting better but i need around 20 at least to get something decent in the peace deal otherwise the germans and italians will just steal everything i might want to leave glasgow just like i let london if we can fight them like this for a longer time we'll get more war score and more warscore is crucial we'll be farming warsaw on trapped british people which is very cruel do not invade it do not attack don't do anything let's make sure all of the allies are involved in the war yes they are let's call in bulgaria because why the hell not 17 already that is not bad how are we doing in the british raj also good this is certainly helping a bit now we just need to keep it up for a little while and the wall channels on the us don't join the war against us in the meantime the war between the soviet union and germany is unresolved good and we're up to 20 soon we'll be higher than italy italy tends to make puppets so if we're higher than them we will be able to at least shadow puppet most of most of you know countries here and thus make it impossible for them to steal land let's make two more armies we do have the manpower for them we'll send them to the raj and we have surpassed italy but i can keep this going for a while longer house china though i'd like to fight china before it's over yeah it's far from over should i invade afghanistan in the meantime if i do i will get some more wars crime but also the access might take this land british raj has capitulated good they've capitulated to me let's get a quick war goal in afghanistan that shouldn't take too long we are at war with the major power after all justification in afghanistan is complete but my guys are not in position yet 28. let's attack afghanistan i feel like we've slowed down too much and we should finish this let's take london it would take us over a year to get more than germany i don't think it's worth it they won't be able to steal everything by the way uh all right and that's it the uk has capitulated and we have a lot of war score germany did take some land but it should not be a problem alright so what do we want to do i would love to pop at the uk not because we want them as a puppet but because we would inherit all of their massive fleet what else i would love to have a connection to china so that we can invade them and anything else yes it would be nice to have dutch east indies as a puppet because they do have a ton of manpower and manpower is a bit of a problem for me i will have to steal it from others and it would be nice to have canada at least a bit of canada if i decide to invade the us so i'll do my best to get a lot of territory from this and i'll show you the end result because you know transmitting the whole peace conference would be a bit too much let's see how much we got we got 48 states and two puppets we have 300 factories we own all of the raj afghanistan most of canada but not i misclicked i misclicked and gave land to vichy france i gave land in canada to vichy france and romanian east indies bloody hell okay i'm a pretty tired we have britain as a puppet britain is not a great puppet they don't have a lot of manpower their manpower laws are not amazing however they have a huge fleet oh 1.3 million i retract that 1.3 million is quite decent actually how about east indies they do have a lot usually yes almost a million so we have two million puppet manpower we'll use soon i have decided to attack china for manpower let's justify wargle on them it's only 20 days and also i've created some colonial templates with britain and east indies so that we can conserve our own manpower i'm also building stuff in their territory to annex them in time justification is done let's declare war and i'm not sure if they're going to be calling in uh there allies well just in case they're not i'm going to get the justification on yunnan she click is done also needs sinking but that can wait a bit for now we're doing it none since called in good communist china we only need ma shanxi okay we only need shanxi we only need unit now and as i thought they are not willing to join since they feel threatened by us let's do mountain artillery i don't need to be buying from the soviets anymore i was strengthening them so that you know there would be a stalemate here but now i got british empire i can buy from them on the cheap new justification is ready let's attack i am interested in acquiring communist china of course because that will give me roughly 30 million manpower i'm making some edit divisions that will be converted into other ones depending on what i need at the moment and some mountaineers soon we should be able to connect here thus increasing our effectiveness and i can reduce british independence which is good because now i'm getting their military factories full of leningrad really i'll need to get in on that soon otherwise the germans will take everything and i wanted peace for myself i hope we can get to communist china because having them occupied will simplify the peace deal very much yeah right we are in communist china now capitulating capitulates capitulating china itself is the most difficult because they have special modifiers what is my participation by the way nine percent only um but it doesn't matter actually japan is quite easy to maneuver out of you know the most important bits of territory here this raid germany will probably get the most of it you know i don't think there's any good reason to delay this i can do those two simultaneously i'm gonna need two more field marshals my highest level generals will get promoted and hire a lot more generals promoted some field marshals edited some units and send them all to the front lines we need to declare war on the soviets very soon otherwise we'll get absolutely nothing in the peace deal because the germans are about to win all moscow you know what i need to join now even if my borders are not secure germany i'm going to join a war now now we might lose some territory temporarily especially here from mongolia because they are ready to attack us but my troops are on the way hopefully and they'll get there soon and i'll have some participation finally all right the japanese went first of course um can i pop it to come in china in my turn yes i can okay that's wonderful i need to shadow puppet everyone else and puppet communist china and then feed them all the land that i can feed them if you don't know what shadow puppeting is i advise that you'll search for a shadow puppet video on my channel i have made a thorough guide to it all right communist china puppeted and the rest shadow puppeted wonderful outcome and turn now the japanese will try to take some land for themselves what i am going to do is try and feed communist china as much as possible apart from this bit here i can use it for the invasion of the soviets so i'll take that myself take china and just give them all of the rest of this territory they have caused there and they will have amazing amounts of manpower which i am of course going to steal let's end the turn and that's it we have a huge communist china which is called the chinese empire and we might get attacked by the japanese but it doesn't really matter and what is the most important is 24 million man powers hoping for a bit more but that's amazing too now let's beat up the soviets how are we doing on our puppets independence it's fine we should be able to enact britain relatively soon switzerland so they'll join commandant this is gonna take a while i'll go get some tea or something and we can reduce the autonomy of east indies i trust the germans will handle crimea what's my word participation 22 that's good enough full of stalingrad how long until you capitulate okay only just a little bit british empire first let's check if i actually am using all their manpower so it doesn't go to waste yes i am okay good let's annex them manage subjects index now that costs a 300 political power so i do need to stockpile it a little bit yay more territory more troops and most importantly a little bit more ships the new chinese template all the troops that are using only our manpower that used to be british well i'm gonna switch them into the chinese ones now and as we all know chinese manpower is infinite so we will not have anything to worry about someone's justifying against me united states well that's not against me that is actually against the germans prussian menace good the soviet union should be surrendering any minute now and then well what happens then then we'll have to puppet them well i don't really need another puppet when i have china however this way we'll be able to deprive the germans of so much more as well as control the borders a bit but first things first what do we need to do we need to pop it the soviet union and the turn there might pop it now and let's see the war score i have to pass again that's unfortunate but i did have to do that and now what we're going to do is select our new puppet and give them all the territory and that is directly adjacent to the germans as well as all the coastal territory this way the germans will be unable to take anything else from the soviet union and the rest is ours and take this bit here for ourselves however i don't actually need a russian puppet so i might as well just take everything inside directly for myself not only that i can actually take stuff here for myself the important bit is that we can't border germany here because that would ruin some of my plans and we need to have enough war score to completely caught on them off so essentially what i did here is i made our russian puppet be tiny and only cover the border with germany and the rest i'm going to be taking for myself let's end the turn and take the rest because now germany cannot take anything and that's it now the germans will have to fortify this border because they perceive it as a border with us when we start fighting however they won't be able to enter this territory as it is not my territory it's my puppets and my puppet will not be called in this could cause trouble with japan but japan is guaranteeing the independence of germany it is not allied with germany so as long as we don't attack germany or italy but rather we attack someone they would defend only we will be fine on japan and we will need to be leaving the axis soon for two reasons one the united states are about to attack germany and in the current version of the game for some reason they are able to call my puppets into the war and they're doing this focus which will let them puppet us so i don't know if this is stoppable so i'll have to leave the faction before this is complete and we're going to attack them by attacking nationalist spain who is fascist and when we attack them after having left the axis germany should rush in to defend them thus we will be able to attack them without directly attacking them and leave japan not involved as well as hopefully them unprepared i am still on free trade which is my which is the source of my problems with steel i should have gotten out of free trade quite a long time ago however i have always had better stuff to spend my political power on i suppose it's going to hurt me quite a bit now alright it's time to leave the axis good now now we will not be involved in the american war nor will they be able to puppet us through focus however can i get military access from italy yes i can can i get military access from france no and germany no these guys are going to italy hopefully this will be enough to capitulate them easily finally we can switch our economy out to limited exports and the united states is attacking germany which is good for me hopefully they'll keep them distracted let's declare war on spain not call any allies and they should join the axis now letting us take them over okay yes they have joined the axis now do the axes accept the invitation to join the war and that's the question venezuela has been called in and italy see our gambit is paying off although i think i've chosen the wrong army to do this um let's just activate and see how that goes we could have italy in a moment we'll see and germany is finally involved now germany has to dedicate quite a lot of troops here because this is a potential avenue of attack for me but i'm not going to be using it doing well against germany how's africa fine as well oh you're doing an unauthorized naval transport well that's pretty stupid of you are they pushing back well that's unfortunate that's what germany i might actually be germany before i beat italy although we still need to take this area at least pushing back there i'm pretty concerned with this this is a weird-looking order ah it's working let's not mess with the thing yeah really looks like i'll be germany before i beat italy i feel like i've tried most of their armies here thus it is relatively easy to get through here and once we take hamburg germany should capitulate and when germany capitulates life gets easier no not yet oh yes yet germany has capitulated beautiful isn't it no germany in sight now you guys need new orders you have to go through france and spain too national spain counts as a major nation so we will have to get through there but now that germany is not involved it's going to be much easier need to go to closed economy i'm going to have to attack portugal and i'm going to have to time it perfectly why well because i wanted them to join the axis but not be involved in the peace conference so that then i can attack them or rather stay at war with them and quickly justify on all the other european nations that i want to conquer bishoprans has capitulated ah crap this went to the united states how am i supposed to land in spain now i mean i can do a naval invasion but they really don't want to wait a minute what if i let them take it yeah let's just wait a bit the spanish should be able to retake it in a moment are they involved in the war against the united states they are we're right oh we don't need the naval invasions we just need to wait for them to retake the us and stuff all right the u.s have been pushed back oh oh well i didn't notice that and i should not have called the chinese in okay what we need to do is end this quickly because i can't relocate have my army to take care of india right now alright national spain now we need to time this properly okay it's oh i paused at the exact right moment uh they're about to capitulate what we need to do now maybe i paused it a bit too late i hope not and you declare war on portugal and have them join at the axis perfect they have joined the access but they are not involved in the peace conference why does that matter well because now when i attack them i will have fast justification on everyone else and i still need to conquer finland sweden ireland and is there anyone else left i think that's it i just want this land directly let's start by shadow puppeting everyone and start by taking all of the coast this way hopefully the united states will be unable to get in here right if i haven't made any mistakes there should be no way for the united states to get inside here now let's proceed to take some more land okay that's it we still need to annex russia and bulgaria though 1500 factories are we still toward portugal we are this is perfect but we must make sure to not win this war secure the portuguese border but do not attack in the meantime we need to attack sweden finland and ireland let's work on the next in bulgaria i'm going to send them lindley's let's not justify our next war goals ireland 10 days justification for ireland is ready and our troops are in position let's attack and justify unsweden yes ireland joined access japan in fact the romanian east indies well that's not something i like it's also not something i'm going to be bothering with you did what you need to do i was about to annex them you know they wouldn't have attacked if i did that ireland has capitulated and justification on sweden is complete should wait a bit they're not in position yet meantime let's justify in finland ireland desires by the way distribution complete and we can reduce bulgaria's independence good because i'm about to annex them and the russians speaking of the russians let's send them lend these as well the guys are still on their way hm alright let's declare war on sweden they joined the japanese alliance instead well then i'll have to settle for just having them occupied rather than the next portugal should be capitulating now can i take all states yes i can not use portugal and ireland we still have sweden and finland to deal with and russian bulgaria to an ex the goal was europe and we almost have europe yes japan is getting into russia but i can stop them at any moment if i want to i just can't be bothered because we're about to win finland has capitulated sweden has capitulated okay perfect well not entirely perfect i need to send my whole fleet to the baltic sea because there's two islands that i haven't taken set up a few naval invasions let's enable them how is this not working did i mention i hate naval management let's annex bulgaria and decrease the autonomy of russia all right finally naval superiority watch invasions and finish them off go take gotland and the next russia was just one unit alright that's it we own all of europe and most of the rest of the world now we could continue this to world conquest it would be trivially easy really with our amount of weapons and people we would easily crush japan and with the fleet we have inherited from the british we wouldn't have too much trouble launching a naval invasion on them as for the united states well they can't stand up against almost 2 000 factories and just just crush them from the north and you know the rest of the countries are just a formality by that point although one could argue that at the point where at now all the rest is just a formality so we're not going to continue that because it would be very boring so that's it here's romania for you i'm going to end the video here i hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments what you thought and most importantly what my next challenge should be if you're interested in seeing the others there is a link to a playlist in the description which contains all of the challenges i've done so far yeah let's end it here thanks for watching i'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 651,389
Rating: 4.8973079 out of 5
Keywords: annex europe, of, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 romania world conquest, hearts, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 romania challenge, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 ironman romania, hoi4 romania, hearts of iron 4 fail, iron, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 romania vs uk, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 romanian empire, four, hoi4 meme, world conquest, hoi4 romania challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman romania, taureor, hoi4, hoi4 annex united kingdom
Id: Y3YScc4RJq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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