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stop attacking stop attacking I'm not doing this am i hacked oh my god get out of there get out of Paisley what's going on everyone it's me yeah Diddley dude love Philly food alert Alex the Rambler here commander but today we are back on hearts of iron for that's right that's the intro Wow and today we're gonna be playing a mod which obviously I'm going to enjoy because it's set in Britain and it's a very British civil W eh ah and look we've even got a nice cup of tea and digestive biscuit nom nom nom I want them now luckily I do have a cup of tea right oh wow look at that but I don't have any digestive biscuits but what's this a mod all about I hear you say well dear viewer in our timeline King Edward the eighth widely rumored to harbor right-wing sympathies abdicate in 1936 in order to marry American socialite Wallis Simpson in this timeline the mode that would the mob that we're playing he doesn't what follows is a constitutional crisis in the collapse of the United Kingdom as we know it as the British Isles are plunged into a bloody and multifaceted yet curiously sporting a whimsical civil damn I said wao World War if you like the idea of armed Morris Dancers and Women's Institute armored columns if you've loaned to hear the stirring sound of Jerusalem blaring from the wings of a squadron of dive bombers if you've always wanted to see a fishing trawler with a 25 pound fill gun lashed to its Bette deck then look no further who now is in its very early stages and this is the demo version that you can only play as the Scottish Republic Curnow the Jacobites or the clyde side commune so I'm looking forward to jumping on in quite frankly so of course comment like and subscribe 5,000 likes for more Hawaii you know I'm gonna play it anyway it just helps with the engagement I should just say please leave a like it helps should know rather than set like targets liking commenting and subscribing really do help that's why youtubers will say all you need to do to enter this giveaway is the comment like subscribe but they only know if you've commented again just just just do exposing addicts the exposure not not in a naked way unless you follow my Instagram League of Nations regulations so we have Scottish Republic opposed to the king and his plan Minister Mosley Scotland has seceded from the United Kingdom and declared itself a republic I can't do a Scottish accent what the heck was that Scottish forces fight to retain their independence once the war is over and you get Scottish Renaissance and unionist offices we have Curnow like the Welsh the Cornish nationalist movement seize the opportunity to end English rule read cly sides socialism in action workers from the urban and industrial areas who seek a socialist revolution in Britain not just reform alright and then we have the Jacobites angered by the failures of the republic our group of Harlow noblemen have invited the last heir to the Stuart line to return to Scotland I think we should do that Highland laddie the ranks of the Jacobites are drawn from hardy folk accustomed to the harsh environment of the Scottish Highlands and Islands now fun fact I didn't know this but at the time at the last well I do know know now thanks to the Canadian waa our Museum who had like a an exhibit about Scotland and the Jacobite rebellions at the time of the last Jacobite rebellion a third of the Scottish population were located in the Highlands and 2/3 in the lowlands nowadays 95% of the population is in the lowlands of Scotland and only 5% is in is in the air in the highlands so it's it's kinda crazy really Rambla fact so we're gonna play as the Jacobites and try and restore the Stuart heir to the throne of Compton McKenzie III I'm sorry I know I shouldn't do the I I am technically British does that mean I can I can try and imitate accents from the British Isles I think so but the whole map is just the UK we oh my god the earth is flat let's go I'm actually drinking some Cornish tea right now I found it in a store called winners if you want to skip ahead and get to the actual video I'm sure someone will timestamp it for you so you don't hear me waffle but a crisis has befallen the British Isles and the country stands at the blink of bloody Rowen it began in the final weeks of 1936 when Prime Minister Baldwin citing opposition from Parliament the public and the church informed King Edward the eighth that neither he nor his cabinet will condone the Kings marriage to American socialite and divorcee Wallis Simpson presenting the King with an ultimatum balding fronting to resign hmm King Edward didn't believe him but he did resign okay what happened next the appointment of Mosley huh I know Carney murder articles widespread outrage oh my gosh Moses appointment proved equally unpopular with the population sparking protests across the country clashes between white ring white white wing and socialist organizations escalated into widespread violence over Christmas in the new year oh dear violence continued troops to deploy the King instead authorized the raising of axillary constabularies I'm gonna have to stop talking otherwise the whole video is gonna be me talking about the law isn't it so just read it if you want to and I'm gonna read it now oh my god Edward called on Mosley to impose martial law the king fled London to take up residence at the Wallace's moisture [ __ ] i I know someone in Canada once that pronounced Worcestershire Worcestershire Shire you got any of that Worcestershire sauce sorry I shouldn't make fun of Canadians let me in the country please only Canada remained unscathed in the Empire and offered refuge to the Kings brothers and their families as they Fred the increase in the hostile situation at home the Anglican leave rose up Wow this is um this is pretty great now Town & Country alike have been riven by open warfare but no site has been able to make any serious territorial gains with the worst of the winter weather fast approaching a Christmas truce has been cooled although uneasy it has so far been honored by all combatants do I even have any divisions up here we have a few divisions and we're not at war of any one I think we need to grow in strength so I will honor the truce so who's the Scottish Republic led by Alexander McEwen you should bow to the House of Stuart bow to me actually where is my capital Inverness yeah in Vilnius ie my best friend is is marrying someone from Scotland so so this is all fine right meet me me saying stuff like ah hey man shut up mortar platoon all right we need some mortars bring forth the mortars Simon Fraser go on son get in there you smiley a bloke and we've got Alexander Hall druvan he was better than Compton McKenzie five field marshal and there are custom focus trees we finally got to that point in the video right so shall we do the old invite report report let the King of Bavaria the only traceable Stuart heir kimra Pracht has a tricky situation in Germany with the German government stripping him of more and more power he is desperate to get away from his homeland compter McKenzie they leave there of the movement suggest we invite him to the highlands to lead a cause against the Republicans the letter was sent in the middle of the night fire dangerous back channels unreliable sources and general blind luck owes to transport it from the fair Highlands of Scotland the wild apps of Bavaria Ruprecht was count crowned King Robert the sick and first of Scotland England Ireland in a dingy airfield in the island of loner a long live the king hey but look at that stability war support division attack and division defense on Corps territory also we could just betray him right away and then unify Scotland but I would like to seek Italian aid first and then strengthen we're gonna strengthen him yeah long live the king plate of the Vatican the Royal Italian House of Savoy is rumored to have sympathies for our cause yes I mean they're not on the map anymore but yes strengthen there has been rumors of a coup by Roberts wife these are preposterous Robert is the one true king and a good Catholic King may he and the Stewart's roll over Britain hmm Alex shut up play to the Vatican we are currently not in a great position regarding our military situation an envoy shall be sent to the Pope to ready all good Catholics oh we've got to start afresh so what if we go I didn't even looked around the map have I my apologies my apologies viewers at home so they're right there is the Royalists led by King Edward the eighth although I don't know how long you're gonna last mate oh the provisional government led by odd foz Ward Mosley right the Anglican League which is just the Church of England now I guess there you've got Curnow South Wales commune what we got here Yorkist front led by Churchill Oh they control ralph around and parts of the country all right Liverpool's independent the free city of Liverpool the whole side commune Midlands commute wow this is cool very cool oh my god the Pope responds a rickety plane the very same that transported Robert to these ferals made South East past the border past the White Cliffs of Dover even past the French country so it's so ravaged by war and just when the plane seemed to have run out of fuel it landed safely in Rome in his old age and in the absence of his infer this advisors His grace may not have may not been acting his full mental capacity be some well managed to call the tenth Crusade whilst having serious and geopolitical repercussions this is by no means detrimental to us Kerry we get manpower nice let's get recruiting then send them to the front Italian advisors which gives us division defence well the Italians love us I'm surprised they give us any buffs based on their performance in ww2 right I guess next empower the Catholics an office office office swath of Scotland is historically catholic catholicism must spread sure let's go extra recruitable population I'm basically just calling upon the entirety of the Highlands to come and help me aren't I the only thing setting me back here is my equipment I just don't have enough but if as I'm only making six rifles a day it's kind of a bit sad and the traditional beliefs improve machine tools I need the production efficiency even on my six rifles a day oh gosh for king and country gains national spirit every Scots duty the time to act is now oh the feared of Fort William well yes please so many populations I do need an army though a big army okay I would like the feared of Fort William we lack a true professional fighting unit a highly trained unit shall be raised in Fort William good elite Highlanders oh god the Highland charge I'm looking forward to using that how many factories do these fellows have I can't tell can i yeah that's frustrating right a royal Scottish army yes there we go the Royal Guard divisions of the Jacobites can I recruit more of those please only I was producing artillery I guess I'm gonna be down to three rifles a day now the one advantage I have is that it's all like frickin mountains up here so if I declare war on that's got his Republic and they try and attack my positions I'm hoping that I'd be able to hold don't have any planes hey I'm gonna have to just start getting military factories even though my infrastructure and stands divided in these dark times but there is one who can unite our land the leader of our nation we must retake our birthright and you know it Scotland I agree okay I'm gonna call my agency haggis could be a line I just want to get one agent so I can see and I get some intel on them we have a factory oh I should probably been doing my land Doctrine Oh irregular warfare sure I'll take that I would like some extra resources I've got thousands of old fishing ships they have no use oh damn so I could declare war on these fellows they're now led by Maul Ramsey I'm quite scared of them but now we can get an agent Helen do we have an Intel network of anything yet come on hurry up Ellen conservation for a cause the critical population of 20% so I have to I have to pee Celtic identity our four fibers are all Celtic descent by promoting an idea of Celtic exceptionalism we can draw closer as a nation okay cool give me that wall support they have a lot of divisions I'm kind of scared of of them Oh Oh would you look at that red Clyde sides going for it the glass regions go on recomm then I can go in for the kill oh yes oh wow they're actually expanding that's not what I was hoping would happen to be honest do they have less divisions on my board and out they do oh do I risk it I'm gonna wait to see how this plays out for a little bit but I might end up joining the war red Clyde side they'll appear to be quite powerful they do have the population of Glasgow which black-market imports give me everything let's go could I actually attack we can I'm going for it and circle them please take their airfield thank you me old mucker okay so they are still probably more powerful than me my my network though she's she's spreading she's she's she's getting out there a chance to encircle them take it take it come on oh I need to capitulate them before they could pitch late me oh yeah baby okay let's take as much as we can then ah yes I need to watch out for the Clyde side because they're gonna get all the industrial base aren't they damn I didn't I did not get as much as I wanted flights I declare war on the Yorkist front well they freakin going for it are they going after Winston that's fine with me then I can I can sweep down like the tide of the Highlander as I am it's really bright in here today isn't it my lighting is all over the place jeez all right here we go time to try and take out Clyde side and the Manx state [Music] so the focus trees are quite small and basic but at least it works right this is it at least the mod works which is all you can really hope for when they're doing like the first release I'm a bit confused as to how I'm getting pushed back so easily I don't know if my division is the best placed I've duped the Hoos wow I am lacking a lot of inventory equipment Oh No fall back fall back to the mountains did not go to plan just wall being quite quite frank hold on you can give people pipe bands why have I not been doing this ok so now we're back in mountainous terrain this is where the Jacobites excel in theory if we can keep holding that I'd be grant just weaken them down more and more and more until we can go in for the absolute devastation so it appears the Yorkists are holding them off so I just need to weaken their divisions up here enough and also preserve my units enough and if we should be ok I am just lacking lots of infantry equipment which should be on the way to being replaced ok so here we go they have 36 civilian factory holy moley but they're out of manpower I think could this be my time once once we have a bit more equipment then I'll then I'll go for the push because they are not using their factories effectively so our units are probably ok to attack soon we ready burny burny running at a 2000 or improve the mortar thank you yes we try and do a cheeky push let's try for a cheeky push yes they are getting over well yep this is it now we're really going home they they can't stop now we've been circled on my island charge away boy oh they could just retreat across there but not if we trap them which we have done oh yeah baby they're able to stop me anymore so we're gonna keep on continuing and just taken down as many many towels as posible it's like they're isolated though so that the naval invasion didn't really go to plan oh yeah this is just a case of hopefully wiping them out they haven't lost any of their core territory apparently though yet once we get to Glasgow off our pitches cirglod Oh they've done around Wow that could be a nice encirclement here well it's not gonna be an encircle and they're gonna be able to escape I imagine it's Glasgow open and you're not going for it you fool all right now they're just collapsing oh yeah baby give me everything Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam unfortunately the Yorkist front is gonna be taking some territory less than ideal I wanted it all I wanted to reunite Scotland Glasgow is very important okay so I've managed to get Glasgow we had didn't manage to get Edinburgh but maybe I can get air Shearer or wick town Shire damn week town actually spent some time in cuckoo Bri and weave town it's very nice very nice area would recommend so the only thing that's good for me at the moment is the Yorkist front took a load of casualties in that war so I'm hoping we could take out the Yorkists Samil I'll just have to justify manually yeah Midlothian 105 days I would it would be beneficial for me to be able to get more troops into the forces just really want to see what kind of Intel that we can get on them they have a lot of factories they don't have a whole lot of manpower it's going out oh holy moley what am I getting so much attrition here that's confusing considering resistance strength Oh oh my god how many faults were there in this place Wow what I might do then is give them that territory so they're taking all of the attrition so I'm running into a problem at the moment where I just I can't seem to her get enough men to garrison everything effectively it's a bit frustrating I am doing local police force to try and bring the resistance down I'm gonna have to read just a 400 I still have the war goal is it was just a permanent I have a permanent war goal okay that's good I'm just going to continue to increase the amount of equipment that I'm getting once everything is looking healthier I will declare war on them and I'm hoping my decisions will be able to hold them I'm trying to get just a heck load of mountaineers I'm gonna actually rename them the Highlanders yeah they're only ten combat with and they're not amazing but I think they're gonna do very nicely for us let's get the armored platoon in right I think I'll just go for it was that me immediately losing all that oh the Anglican League want to send seven volunteers why thank you okay well it appears they're going to take the tiny islands where's my Navy you're not doing a very good job of convoy rating are you we're losing mother well gonna lose Paisley oh my gosh I didn't even realize we had King Robert the first the sixth and first that could be used here I'm a bit confused as to why they haven't tried to attack me yet very confused indeed I don't think that I'd be able to push against them or could I well let's just wait until all of our weapons started to get stockpiled and then we'll switch over to weapons infantry equipment - yay and then immediately try and get more military factories now let's see could my divisions beat there's no I try to attack just them oh okay yeah I can certainly take the one tile no problemo then if we try and take Everett I'll look bing-bam-boom it doesn't work oh no it's working it's working we're doing it and might be able to take Edinburgh just through choosing them a bit like this let me Adam let me out the suckers do it oh I've got an industrial base to do did it did it do their army of the Royal Guards that'd be rather nice there does definitely need to be more balancing in this because it's well you can see how much I've taken and I'm fryer open where'd we and 1945 now 1945 Oh Huff allows mr. bean for a second then old Charles McClean I'm getting a bit mixed up in the adage okay so my artillery divisions or you know basic 20 combat will appear to be doing an alright job at it at expanding the game runs so quickly I'm just going through the years it's insane and infantry equipment wow this is really bogged down isn't it so what I'm going for here is an encirclement I'm hoping that work and we can hold that breach hold the bridge encircle them destroy them and then we've gained more Scott than you see it's as easy as that he says although as you can tell we might be about to lose the position they didn't go to plan oh they're starting to attack my positions a little bit now yes that's nice of them lucky they're attacking the fortified bits cheers guys oh they have a lot of manpower improve Bavarian veterans a battalion of loyal but no oh the bush and rough it in Russia big yeah all right nice Oh Curnow declared war on the loyalists a soilless sorry goodbye call more then I presume Wow well they just lost their new assault I just got completely surrounded up here when they attack they attack so quickly there's no way you can do anything about it I think it's coming down to the fact that I don't have medium tanks and I'm no longer in the mountains so my Jacobites are a bit useless and we've lost Glasgow are you freaking serious lad oh no never mind we can just take it back um I might lose I don't appear to have the divisions or manpower to hold them anymore that's really unfortunate we will find them in the mountains we will fight them in the Loch we will never sell em they are there Jacobi yeah I just don't get it how these rifle volunteers of beating mutt look when I tell my units to do something they're like hey Yolo what I'm sorry Dubai units just have no attack there we go well the heck happened there may do I actually fall back to the mountains I think I might have to Wow I'm literally going to go back to where I started Edinburgh is now surrounded I'll for pity's sake get out of there young uns okay where won't they be able to do very much damage to me to me okay this might be my final full backline oh my god get out of there get out of Paisley oh no come on oh but now we're in home turf the mountains why's that Plains are you sick that's plains it looks like mountains to me mate why do I have to go to get to mountains geez forest forest Plains losing all of my industry just to try and protect these poxy Plains okay so we're in the forest and the wooded areas now I'm hoping I can hold them here if not is definitely game over I've lost all of my industrial base the Jacobite cause is it's looking bad it's looking very bad especially it's frustrating that I can't hold them like on these tiles this is looking dodgy but luckily I haven't lost any of my quarter I've lost a hundred thousand troops mainly just to encirclements so I'm hoping if I can hold them here now yeah see if they try and attack in the mountains or the forest my Mountaineers are pretty good at holding and they are losing a lot of don't have equipment actually did I even look at are you not doing anything love Helen Helen for God's sake think we'll eventually get area superiority here and they are slowly losing more troops than myself now how churchill their stability is for import bavarian veterans come on in bavaria [Music] 56,000 manpower really that's frustrating i would love them to just attack my position now but i don't think they're going to oh wow i think they might actually be pushed at i'll oh wow okay but we're not gonna be able to hold tile okay right oh we finally got green air in the highlands that's good alright i don't know that i'm never going to be able to push if i'd have managed to were drawing good order from the start then they might the situation might be a bit different so for example if I go BIM BAM boom oh we can't actually push on that particular time okay so in the mountains my Mountaineers are fantastic and I've also got the Highland laddie yeah he'll a mountain so if I just did like a cheeky push for that time by my units don't ya easy peasy whoa they'd have started attacking off their own volition what the Frick no no that's not what I wanted dude maybe if we push there to help out our units a little bit why are they attacking why I didn't order stop attacking stop attacking I'm not doing this am i hacked I'm just gonna have to go for it Oh feck I don't know what happened there but my divisions just when freakin bananas be a na na s okay please please stop how many units are in circle down here just the one at least I can probably get them so they're now trapped up here hashtag don't play hockey I I have no idea what state my army is in anymore suddenly the Yorkists have lost two hundred and fifteen thousand troops I'm set to aggressive oh no wonder I was having such a hard frickin time I I have no idea how my troops have managed to do this they now are on zero stability and they have between one and three K manpower okay I think now is the time just just to push with everything we have and I'll deal with all of the rebellions later to York I guess this counter-attack has been years in the making we're now in 1948 Wow we've never been this far south oh and look they've all been encircled it is that end Wigton we could cocoon breathe we've encircled them in cocoon brie again a nice little village spend a bit of time there wow they've collapsed I don't know how old that happened all because my units glitched I think and just died attacking when I told them no apparently the AI knows better than me okay oh you're having a giraffe there ninety-eight percent towards victory I am but because I can't get down to the fricken I'd have to go after other people in order to capitulate Oh what if I maybe took that would that work no well that's frustrating but I won but I think that's where I'm gonna leave it having defeated Winston Churchill and taken all of the north for the Jacobites I'm in 1948 now so I've gone a lot further than I would usually in a scenario but if you've enjoyed this of course to comment like and subscribe I'll probably come back to the mod when it's more complete because it is a lot of fun it is really a lot of fun so hopefully you've enjoyed diddily diddily diddily boom for now bye bye many fates - onion duck Maximilian Forman wire green rubber hinged a falcon Ryan [ __ ] name name one two three one Aidan jiggly crotch used beef Shawn young Logan Whaley Andrews uncle for being ridiculous rounder supporters of patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 211,376
Rating: 4.9323125 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 la resistance review, hoi4 mod, hoi4 funny mod, hearts of iron 4 uk, alex the rambler, drew durnil, isorrowproductions hoi4, spiffing brit, hearts of iron 4 united kingdom, paradox interactive, hearts, of, iron, four, What If The Uk Was An ABSOLUTE MESS?! HOI4, hearts of iron 4 la resistance
Id: kseybw8rtng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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