What If WW1 Didn't Happen?! HOI4

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that is a lot of trapped troops and I love it cool oh what's going on everyone it's me Alex the Rambler and today we're once again back on the hearts of iron for it's one of those mods that we'll be covering that probably shouldn't exist but someone's gone to the hard work of making a mod that isn't complete but changes the world so that ww1 hasn't happened Wow what's the law behind this I hear you say well good fellow or madam or gender-neutral I'll let me tell you so it's called the know great something mod what if World War one never happened this mod takes you into the world where it never happened and it features a new focus trees new borders an alternative history scenario and as generic focus trees for some countries are broken for more high comment like subscribe 5,000 likes for more hi i'm still holding it ransom okay engagement engagement so if we see here we have austria-hungary after the defeat in the polish austria australian I mean Austrian Austria Hungary is a weak nation plus right now it is in a civil war brilliant the time the peace is running out and the people of France know that led by Napoleon v oh the british commonwealth is losing its empire empire that will last a thousand years the years of peace of running out in germany is preparing for after winning the Swedish German war Germany is a strong country led by Wilhelm the third well I figure we will just head on over and play as the German Empire after Edward the eighth was Crown King Canada had a war of independence they didn't want to be part of the British Empire with the help of France Canada won and declared its independence hold up what are for the great recruitable population factor of 40 percent what's their Frick and Thomas the brave I I'm just gonna take a brief look and see what kind of does focus tree is new Canada support France stronger and tall okay Canada has to be defeated no not having this no okay I'm gonna play as Germany and just wreck everyone how's that okay well my focus tree is apparently it's so small it's just ah but we will ban toxic gas boom I'm probably just gonna do early Wars and just hopefully dominate the world of this I don't think this is a mod it's got a lot of life in it and probably doesn't need to exist but it does therefore I will cover it because it's a non offensive one and a lot of the mods uploaded the workshop now are just ah come on the whole community I think can do better rather than just have loads of like really really like terrible meme mods they literally change one file and it's like no no one's gonna make a video on that or subscribe to it or maybe I'm just a boomer and don't really know what the audience wants anymore however you probably will see a naval invasion of the United Kingdom for you know the 15th time this year oh wait hold on was the entire war for Gotland Germany and Sweden had a war and all the Germans wanted was God okay okay brilliant wait who's in our faction huh the Ottoman Empire yeah so I'm pretty sure this mod will be one that probably won't be updated again in the future but if you want to subscribe to it they'll probably be a link in the description so the Republic of Austria had a rebellion but it appears austria-hungary's putting that down Franz Ferdinand looking rather dapper with that bow tie mmm yes well that was a very quick Civil War austria-hungary tooks States and the Republic of Austria Hungary was our next and now we have a bright yellow austria-hungary huh why does this happen to me I played hi to March and now I can't stop why does this happen to me oh but we've bad toxic gas so that's fine austria-hungary friend boom come on in fella you want to join the Central Powers let's have a cheeky little war shall we just be a nice cheeky one so what happens if World War one didn't happen well world war ones probably gonna happen except this time rush stay out a bit because they're in an absolute mess but we've got Stalin the head of the Soviet Union there's a Siberian Republic led by that guy and then that's apparently Tsar Alexander the third hmm but we've still got mr. Hiller heat oh and I presume he still got his normal focus tree nice blank joins the central powers brilliant Blanc accepts invitation to the central wait do I still have the me foes but why do I have me foes when their World War doesn't even happen so in order to expand my borders I have no real option apart from part them to attack Poland and I'm gonna do that very early on oh no I'm not no I'm not no I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm gonna cancel that just to take a little counsel because I think I get a claim on them anyway demand Memel oh wait no that's Lithuania oh I will I will I will do it I will do it yeah I just wasted all about Beck despite me winning that war against Sweden before the game started they're still they're still keeping a military presence in Gatlin I personally won't even allow that but I guess Wilhelm the third is have been in the little-person so he's allowed in he's allowing that plans optimally I'm just clicking on things at the moment oh we've had the Hindenburg disaster all right Wilhelm calls for aid against Poland indeed we do I don't think I'll need any that war economy this focus currently has no effect so let's click on it let's weigh 70 days why not a a B yes you might this won't be a speedrun speedrun but I can imagine that I'm gonna be able to dominate people quite easily he says with some trepidation I think it'll be okay I think I think I'll do this just just fir'd so I already have my I haven't bothered to restructure my airway I probably should but I won't on this occasion because it's Poland and it's gonna be fine but I'm also going to just just completely blitz I don't think I need to do anything here I will just be able to let the battle plan do its thing especially because I'm not going to call in austria-hungary because I want all the territory and they won't be able to do anything because they have to keep some of their units on the border with them variety so declared war that means we can switch to it now it doesn't because my wall support is atrocious our balls I've messed it up or no okay well let's get this war over and done with pretty sharpish then shall we but the German military is doing a pretty good job at blitzing so I'm just gonna have a celebrity news just in Hirohito incompetent well that was incredibly easy and just like that I'll for grown into a very big boy tasty and because no one's gonna stop me Hamas will declare war on the Netherlands I why not do air effort a sure but these focuses like this kind of mod is really you make your own story which you I guess you kind of do in the game anyway but this this really is a case of that like you the national focus is an almost worthless so I'm just role-playing Germany and matte painting right now and because the other nations are dum-dums then they're not free I do indeed question Dutch sovereignty they're not gonna know what hit them for they will its Germany oh this focus doesn't even work okay this is fine this is this is absolutely fine oh I will build a west wall boom conquer stays all right so it's March 1938 and I've done a bit of conquering I might as well do some more we're gonna go after Santa this time would you say to that for dolls still running Russia is a war with people that they can't even reach holy moley and it appears the Empire of Japan is just well I just a mess so I am the only reason for any real-world tension and I'm not going to stop at all we'll go stronger stronger all right invasion of Denmark is a go I repeat we will take Denmark Ronald in charge pppp pure not even fully equipped they don't stand a chance I forgot about aircraft hmm setting me oh I own the Faroe Islands I could just like a naval invade into the hilar ah now I'm not gonna do that I do control or Ireland is my puppet and then I control Greenland - no it's hoppin point to invade Canada okay I'm just gonna justify on Belgium now it's like a weird Charles de Gaulle it's just Lily who's in charge of like wearing the same hat and Napoleon death I guess Napoleon's a trendsetter Oh crumbs wallow war will be mine Blanc declared war on Latvia I believe that's the Russian Empire okay oh that's right I'm gonna be at war the rut I could have invited Latvia into my faction but I think I'm just going to recruit more infantry division's obey surrender white piece hold on Russia couldn't even take down Latvia Oh My giddy aunt excuse me I'm sorry the British Commonwealth declared war on me are you insane okay where's your problem Edvard I'm just gonna bomb them into oblivion sure let's call my allies in like the Ottoman Empire I think is definitely screwed however they should help me austria-hungary right I think all right well I'm just gonna grab Luxembourg while it's easy oh they're trying to naval invade me whole Romania wants to join me I will invite them in they're not bring them in the water [Music] [Applause] [Music] what we wanted and everything Russia poses too much of a threat though in fact Romania can probably just head on in yeah yeah this is fine his absolute old it they're actually trying to attack me bold move cotton let's see if it pays off and it appears my bombers are doing a nice job against the French Navy alright you love to see it and now they're gonna waste all of their troops trying to attack me here which is even better everything's covered up Rambler Russia I think is screwed so I might just go I don't really have enough for a massive assault that will give it a go yeah like we don't haven't it's not gonna be a very strong assault so I'm just gonna let my my allies do the most of the brunt work there oh no just kidding we're apparently breaking them across the board now nice nice here they apparently are just cycle charging me which is which is great news I'm just going to try and do a little bit of a mean and see if this works is my paratroopers no no they actually had garrisoned damn that that's annoying I kind of thought I'd be able to take out French Belgian just with paratroopers but alas it's not meant to be Oh fie tattoos don't mind if I do giggity giggity goo it's a bit baffling that both like sides of the on tom would declare war on me separately it's rather rude i must say i must say but luckily they're just completely attrition in themselves I think I'm just gonna train some more paratroopers for a little I didn't mean later I love to mean with my paratroopers give me man man okay how's Russia doing they're not doing very well you don't have to bail out the freaking austria-hungary soon aren't they anti they're even getting him I thought they were better get in sir Ferdinand freakin territory oh my good Lee do you Russia just needs to die then we'll be okay all right so the wall has kind of ground to a standstill oh that's not really oh no what an earth happened here and the sad thing is I can't really bail them out of any divisions I I don't think I could get there safely I might be able to but do I want to yes that's the key thing do I want to bail them out because that's pretty incompetent oh of course they have like the Bridget they have 11 divisions protecting Leningrad that's just ridiculous okay I decided to help them out with a few divisions to form like a defensive line for them but that's all I'm gonna do like screw them if they if they lose but like that I can't oh I parrot route into Paris oh my good League ooh if I can defeat the French just through landings now that'd be something that would certainly I should have I should have planned this a little bit better the AI is probably gonna learn now yeah uh-oh are they actually I actually did it oh my god this is amazing [Music] encircle Belgium encircle bogum my troops won't even finish paratroopa ng oh my god Lee go they're all screwed how on earth did they that's amazing oh yes establish ball bong France please don't crash the game yay no it's wait what [Music] so I've got the United French colony on my side yet the French Empire has suddenly risen from the ashes I'm triggered I'm really triggered what how is that even a thing French Empire capitulated but they are the French Champagne and they'd ruin did they get the Navy they get nothing and they get to keep their Navy oh okay guess I'll just take the territory again Oh Oh french belgium has capitulated that means the british are going to get encircled and destroyed and then i can start planning a proper d-day brilliant and it's only in May 1940 even better that is a lot of trapped troops and I love it cool oh this this is gone surprisingly well the Ottoman Empire is holding I don't notice because of my intervention but you know what I'm gonna take all the credit yes and I think I'm trappin a lot of troops and I'll probably end up wiping a lot of them out again the Allies have not been intelligent at all nice we could pitch later at the French Empire again I think what does that mean I honestly don't know at this point which which which pitch which picture France is is going on okay there's a New Zealand German war the British Raj has except India declared war on the British Raj I have to see this okay Indian People's Republic so I've got the suave guy on my side with his 11 divisions all right let them let them fight let them fight hmm this this this scenario has been a complete and utter mess from from the start but it's going fairly well ish Italy seems to have stayed out of all the world wars and so does the United States they're probably calendar I think will capitulate hopefully I'm gonna put all my effort into making that happen and I'm just gonna overwhelm the UK with with a massive Air Force now I think so they can go I think and they oh my god were actually in a naval invade and then and then we do the air yeah okay they had no troops in why don't they garrison the country oh my god like ooh well we've taken all we needed we've got a couple of ports send in Army Group one and then this war is pretty much done she like that right spit spitting and splitting the rhymes ba ba ba ba ba ba attack they might mount some kind of in defense of the Home Counties and London but I highly doubt it based on the AI yeah they can't you can't stop this tide nice also if you're wondering how I did that I basically have a lot of naval bombers combined with some fighters and acceptin and bombers to help bomb their fleet so it provides air support for my pretty pretty terrible Navy but that's all you need I just have a navy of submarines and that's enough to like spam against the AI to kind of trick it into you having a supremacy and then and then you can just name Live Aid it's easy as that in bamboo why don't mind if I die I'm probably going to annex Canada take that Kennedy mine all mine Owen Russia capitulated as well that's weird I didn't think that would happen and same with the siberian republic what the well this is the state of the world now I control a lot and oh my god I've made the EMU Empire oh bloody Nora rod hull but there we go the central powers control most of the world all by 1940 so not quite a speedrun but this mod makes it very easy to gobble gobble gobble ego I've nothing to cover this mod again I don't think is it's not complete at all but if it interests you go for it but if you've enjoyed the video please do comment like and subscribe and I'll be back with more very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck maximilian foreman wire green parappa the trapper brian cody fries nein nein 1 2 3 1 Aden jiggly crotch news beef Shawn young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous Ram Dass supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons true I did it right that time
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 555,970
Rating: 4.8983235 out of 5
Keywords: What If WW1 Didn't Happen?! HOI4, What If WW1 Didn't Happen, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, alex the rambler, hearts of iron 4 alex the rambler, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, spiffing brit, hearts, of, iron, four, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 mods, hoi4 mods, paradox interactive, funny hoi4 mods, silly hoi4 mods
Id: 78_6-rAorDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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