Hearts of Iron 4 THIS FOCUS MAKES YOU OP INSTANTLY! - Awake and Angry

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all right next we're gonna make a fallback line around communist china around them this is an exploit welcome to exploits welcome to feedback gaming i hope you enjoy your stay then we declare war on kami china and we're gonna call all of our allies in hey i am feedback gaming and this is more hard to bind for you know what you've always dreamed of you know what you've always wanted the perfect china game single player new game 936 other countries and we're gonna play as china have you ever had problems with japan breathing down your neck causing you problems getting you dug into a long drawn-out war since 1937 well today is your lucky day china will be strong once again go awake and angry as china rincon got all of china and manchuria and forced a japanese surrender china will be strong once again at the moment we have this mess look at all these colors what they should all be yellow right china yellow well kind of yellowy creamy color besides that we're going to show you on historical how to get that achievement and become an almighty major power as china not any china but a big chungus china let's go right first of all shift left click unassigned divisions right click them give them to an army as to split ester split as to split four mini army groups assign a field marshal we'll go for two you ming because he's a defensive doctrine expert shuffle those all underneath the field marshall one by one by one select the field master select all the divisions and change them over to the division that we need let me just double check the division so we've got this one which is an eight width and we have this one's at 12. so i think we're going to go for the 12. and we're going to grab them all on the field marshall zed front line x on the guanzi clique and uh we're gonna shift left click to exercise on to level three because level three gets a 25 bonus and that is very good next up we're going to go over the three principles of the people we want to work down to nationalism prioritize the interior and we want to get our free goals on comey china as well as the most op national focus in the game gonna make some military factors we're gonna make them mostly in the interior regarding military factories we're gonna disband everything and just go on to basic inventory equipment and produce lots and lots of convoys there we go regarding research we're gonna go for basic machine tools for the production output and we are gonna go for artillery because they haven't even invented that the chinese they don't even they're not even aware of the artillery but they have aa for some reason we're gonna import lots and lots of steel from the soviet union why the soviet union because we have a physical land connection with them kind of but regardless it doesn't use any convoys if we trade with the soviets so in that case we're good we have an air force too pop those in the north and we'll exercise those to level three also we're gonna need an intelligence agency right first focus is done then we're gonna work on nationalism let's assign our first operative and we'll go for a seducer she looks perfect hang on they're all seducers wow china a nation of seduces and you are going to build a spy network in tokyo artillery is done and we're going to go for interwar artillery for more soft attack on the artillery and regarding search we're going to go for concentrated i'm going to start pumping out some artillery now hey pro tip if you hold shift and left click on an assembly line it pushes it to the top where normally if you click it would assign it to the bomb first of all we'll assign five little look at the production deficit 163 days that's that seems fine to me and we'll import a little bit of tungsten from the soviet union nationalism is done let's prioritize the interior 150 political power we are first going to go for partial mobilization right here we go boys subjugate the warlords the most op focus probably in all of hearts of mine for it asks all the warlords hey do you want to become a puppet of ours if they say yes we get a puppet if they say no we get a free justification for war so it's it's a win-win situation okay we can now prioritize a little bit more heavily on artillery because we are going to need a lot more artillery later on so we'll do that and then do that perfect we'll start working now on radio concentrated two the focus is complete this guy said yes chang z said no the guanzi click said no this guy said yes and so did this guy well that means if we look at our subjects here by samar is a puppet yunnan here is a puppet and so is xinyang means the only one left is shangzi undergone z click good job we've got the troops on the border of all the nations to say no the worst is guanxi click because that means we have to take them out and they've got a lot of divisions and they have a lot of mountains and a lot of victory points so it usually is very tricky so we'll go aggressive push them in go go go amazing and we're going to be lined to the victory points now the truth here is you don't really want to fight their divisions on the front line you just want to move into the gaps in the front line you don't really want to fight them and as you can see i'm trying to micro as best as i can to snake my way through the front line pin that guy in place now we can't move there so we move in here every time there's an opportunity to move forward my advice is just to take it take it and the next focus we're going to go for is anti-communists because we might have time to take out the communists as well snake around the back here the encirclements are working boys and we go for radio now gap in the front line don't forget to go for it guys all right 150 political power now we go for the military theorists we need ticking army experience the reason why is we use army experience to get rid of army corruption which hurts our attack and defense pretty ferociously encircling their capital here that's good and we can pin them in place and destroy this one division that's stuck here make sure we get everyone on nanning every single one everyone get on them right anti-communism is done now so next we're going to go for military affairs commission which gives more ticking army experience oh that's useful because we need to get rid of army corruption and nanning has fallen gone pass a few times take all the states good all right really quickly now we need to get all of you guys here you guys here z front line x to go offensive order zx everyone get into position super fast attack attack attack we need to take out shanzi at lightning speed we've got a little bit of army experience i'm going to take advantage of that now so i'm going to add on support artillery to get that tiny extra bite of firepower we're in position now we are building planning bonus three two one off you go lads off you go we need to bring in zy by san marcos otherwise we can't push across the eastern border then we can push push push and swoop up all the land pushing in now beautifully doing lots and lots of firepower good take all states eat them up all right next we're going to make a fallback line around communist china around them this is an exploit welcome to exploits welcome to feedback gaming i hope you enjoy your stay press h to cancel them and control b to toggle railroading so they all if you can see here this it means railroading so they're moving a lot faster speed then we declare war on commie china and we're going to call all of our allies in we're going to make sure we call in by samar is everyone away now now we let them creep into our territory let them push back let them push back oh look at all this lovely land they're taking oh all for free they're fighting for none of it all right right click on orders cancel all the orders frontline go here go here h and control b on the front line and attack immediately and we've got opportunities to push and we just take them we take every opportunity just walk in oh and we can amazing and that is how you defeat communist china at lightning speed and there we go now we've consolidated all of china well the ones that are not owned by japan anyway in 1937. what i'll do keep the divisions that we've got then we'll duplicate this and add a little bit of artillery on to get a 20 width put that on a leak give it a different cool icon dragon why not right reminds me of the mortal kombat dragon save that boy oh and then we're going to select this guy to have this division and we'll give it to you and then we need to probably pull a few more divisions off him and that means he's got a full 24 combo still gain more xp because he's got more divisions convert them all into dragons and then what we'll do is put you guys here we'll have this army here this army here and then this guy is gonna hold the coastline right let's go for army reform which allows us to start to chip away at army corruption gonna make sure we prioritize artillery for now and keep an eye on production deficits by hovering over them it says 172 days until we completely made up our losses and also for the guns we are 78 days marco polo incident and we can see this pop up at the top lets us know they are justifying us and trying to take us out in a war so we'll deploy our divisions manually what you boys here pop you here s to split and pop them here there's too many divisions here so we'll grab four one two three four and pop them here there's still too many divisions so we'll select a few and pop them on the coastline there we go and then we'll exercise all the excess divisions and move them in control b moves into the front line nice and quickly okay right now we definitely need more artillery so what i'm going to do is pop one more here so 20 in total factories one assign them and attach them back on and we need the tungsten so we'll get some more of that from the soviet union we've got 150 political power let us go for the infantry expo which gives a nice balance between attack and defense and we've also got our air force here which we're going to move here to beijing and control this area right army reform has begun and now we can start to reform the army by spending our army experience which is 100 to begin with which slowly chips away at that nasty penalty okay the marco polo bridge incident japanese soldiers recently launched an attack on the strategic marco polo bridge just north of beijing but they were repelled by our brave soldiers no doubt this is an orchestrated event aimed at placing blame on us and forcing us to surrender more territory just like the mukbang incident when the japanese invaded manchuria how should we respond we have reached breaking point so straight away the landing on us and doing a naval invasion that's totally cool because that's to be expected so what we do is use these 24 divisions to push them back into the sea and every time we do that we've reduced the total number of divisions that japan has significantly so straight away boom gone taken out be aware there might be an issue with supply so you might have to split these from experimentation it looks like probably 12 7 2s are gonna be enough go for the next construction we need to pump out those military factories nice and quickly and we'll assign a few more as well there we go next focus gives two civilian factories wow for free off the map so they don't actually exist so what we've got to do now is reinforce the front line we obviously a front line that is breaking so we just move them over press s to split move them over and start defending and pushing the japanese back you might lose a few tiles here and that's totally okay if you do but for the most part just keep pushing them back and holding in position well and there we go all the stock piles are done now we can drop in some a which will pop in say five and you know what let's focus a tiny little bit on plane just a few though we'll say and three factories will do nicely there we go i'm gonna go for the popular figurehead for extra 15 stabilities now we have 80 stability so much stability and lots of extra factory output good and i'm going to go for a little bit more defense by going for bureau of investigation of statistics wow and it also gives the option to go for an elusive gentleman so i would really like to have two spies so why not oh look at this naval invasion by the japanese oh interesting i wonder if they saw this coming oh no oh no no no no no and we just quickly and smoothly just push them back right we're holding ground here making offensive order go for staff office plan i'm gonna push in once you've got max planning bonus looks like they are holding on to this little area but that's okay because we've got lots of firepower to push them back in the long run and off we go next focus we're going to go for is democracy because it gives political power we start rushing through more concentrated industry too now looks like the north has solidified and not much is happening now what i'm do is grab these extra 12 divisions the ones that i've got the more firepower and assign them on to the the one true general move them southwards just to secure this area looks like they are landing in the south as well and we can take care of that in a second i think what we'll probably do then is train another oh i don't know we have enough equipment we'll just train them anyway just leave them in the background what we're lacking is basic guns so we'll sign more of those now break you guys off and just plow them all into the south and then push the japanese back into that position do a staff office plan get all that juicy planning bonus and then push them back and hopefully it should be enough it looks like they've abandoned the front line actually yes they have looks like they concentrate on this area that i've abandoned never mind i'm coming straight back though don't get too comfortable it might actually be useful this because what will happen is they'll spread their divisions out when they actually make coordinated pushes all right next focus i'm going to go for is army offense can start working more advanced guns now and start pumping those babies out really do focus on them and add a little bit of a on now as well because we produced enough pop that on just put that only on to the stronger division there i'm gonna look for little opportunities now to push see if i can get in around them and make little gains to make little encirclements might be opportunities there so we'll give it a shot managed to get a single division encircled not too bad maybe if we push across the north here we might be to push a little bit more we'll give it a shot go here maybe encircle these troops to the bottom i don't know we'll see oh little off encirclement opportunity here two divisions every single division helps and another two divisions nice okay they'll deploy these extra divisions i was working on pop them here and add them on to a general what we got he'll do and we'll pop you guys on this front line just to hold just for the purpose of holding all right we desperately need to do this and we need to get that extra research lot so let's do that now all right the opportunity i'm going to go for here is to try and encircle this west flank so what i'm going to do is grab you guys and just push directly through the center knock out that motorized division two divisions of reinforce oh they're weak divisions though so we can just plow into them hopefully not them back cover the flanks to pin them in place and we've done that is that enough firepower to hold them in there let's go aggressive and push into them and see if we can knock them back but definitely low supply and there we go close that pocket in the east and we've surrounded at least 12 divisions and they're gone meanwhile in the south this is not looking too good all right so let's grab these divisions and we'll just start pushing northwards to southwards and pop all the firepower and just see how we go when they get into position just push push push push we can start working on concentrated four and also start working more advanced guns as well so we can get start to get that technological edge already making gains in the north here pushing them back into the sea i think at this point the japanese are in full retreat they've lost way too many divisions to get an idea of that the total losses now 560 000 and i've lost 244 000 so doing a lot better than them phase two we grab all the ports of the south too we'll end up causing them supply problems in the north and now i'm gonna start rushing artillery ahead of time all right i'm gonna go for executive yarn which gives extra political power it's always good to have more of it and with the political power that we've got we'll go for war economy don't forget to keep pressing lessons of war i need to get rid of the army corruption we've got lots of excess fighters now so we'll just duplicate one of these existing air wings and put them into the fight again yep and they've landed here again yay okay so i'll admit my naval invasion defense here has been pretty crummy got him all right time to counter attack this again in position once again staff office plan once again make sure they're all on the front line build that planning bonus i'm gonna start working on more advanced artillery two and start producing it gonna go for financial policy here this will get rid of some of our affiliation issues and we can also get a reduction in consumer goods also gonna work on uh support equipment because we're going to go for logistics so we want really big fat artillery infantry divisions in future so we'll start researching motorized now and there we go slice them in half done upgrading to the more advanced guns as well rush them ahead of time and push them all the way back that is it i think the japanese are well and truly battered and bruised and i can't see how they're gonna come back from this we need to start focusing on civilian factories as well so building beijing that big city there shanghai and also more of the interior too lots and lots of civilian factories and to import a little oil next we've got so many planes and we'll get that from the soviet union oh my goodness the soviet union has everything we need and we'll also go for price controls we can also go for organization wizard oh that's going to be good so we've gone from was it 21 supply to 17 so that means we can squeeze in our full army on the front line we can just pop them here to here three two one put them on a balanced manner and go go go like a knife through butter we can also go for this incredibly op focus too reduces consumer goods by 10 that's amazing okay as we're pushing in now we can narrow the front line just go here and here and slice through into korea start working on our doctrines as well and we'll start boosting for pocket defense i like stability working conditions it is as soon as we push forward now we've made an amazing breakthrough what i like to do is just push really aggressively as they railroad to the front line they instantly meet our divisions and get deorged we've got support equipment now and we have motorized so i'll start producing them only in a tiny amount of motorized required to begin with but regarding the support equipment we're probably gonna need a little bit more of that so we'll just balance that out there we go right we've got grain tax we're on total mobilization and now our consumer goods are now minus three percent does that mean it gives us more consumer goods i don't even know that is pretty spicy so there's not really many other focuses to go for so what i'm gonna do is start working down the primary part of the focus tree now and i have to get some help from the rest of the world i think i'm probably gonna get help from the uk british cooperation manchu has collapsed and wow they've got so many japanese troops on the soviet border and uh everyone else just go let's end this everyone aggressive go go go there we go menchuko is down and there we go japan offers peace and if we accept this we get a white piece and we also get achievement unlocked oh okay does it mean we have to annex the puppets conquered all core territory of china and manchuko i guess it wants to conquer all the other bits and pieces yay we start building infrastructure in the key areas uh to boost our economy in this case we can boost for instance here here and here shift those to the top and we can also build the civilian factories in those key areas too right now we're going to progress down these focuses and a lot of these aren't that great to be honest with you we'll go for fighter purchases and then we can go for the hump and then lido road to get mon logistics and then regularly negotiate the underneath your treaties now surprisingly i'm not going to go for mass mobilization i'm going to go for deep bowel because i want that supply reduction i think it's time for a lot more divisions a lot more i'd say 48 more gonna start working on a neighbor so we're gonna go for some submarines and just pump them out in numbers we're on the arm we're gonna go for logistics guy and we'll go for army regrouping and you know what some more divisions another two army groups all right i main army's going to go here i'll pop you on this border we're not bringing our puppets into the war you go here i'll pop you here you go here you go here you go here renegotiate the unequal treaties and let's justify on i guess we're gonna have to do it on the soviets 160 days i'm also going to go for the raiding fleet designer that will help our sub 3's become a extra hot so the plan is this to try and squeeze as much firepower onto this front line so the soviets won't be able to get as much firepower on there because they don't have as many modifiers to reduce supply but we'll have a combination of logistics for we'll also hopefully we'll also get the full 20 reduction supply which comes from mass assault plus we've also got the logistic wizard which comes with the field marshal all right we'll justification we go now we need a lot more steel we have to get that from the united states all right boyos you can all go bounce mana go go go and also mongolia has not joined the war all right mongolia i'm sorry we have to manually just define you oh my god just chewing through the front line here that is amazing the power of china there we go the mongolians have joined their second bush in so what i'd like to do is to simplify this war by not bringing in the puppets that way the front line will be as controllable as possible as you can see we're doing loads and loads of damage as we push forward i'm going to make sure we build infrastructure because we need to make sure we keep pushing further and further forward so we're completely destroying the front line here this is amazing making little encirclements in the north too it's going to be useful moscow's fallen 74 towards capitulation we've got excess political power right now so i'll start integrating i'll pop it so we could do that through decisions so we go for the knees first all right let's start integrating the ma army we do have our first submarine that's just finished we desperately need naval dart yards now so we're gonna have to pump those out and that's the end of the soviets we got 21 contribution which is actually really good seeing as there's like no victory points in the east all right what we're gonna have to do is eat all the coast and then we have to cut them off we're gonna have to take mongolia just to prevent them from popping it and then what we do is they have to kind of work our way northwards and slicing chunks out all right so that one's just secured this bit so now we're gonna have to make another bigger chunk okay would that be enough do you think or do you think they're still gonna push out i actually don't know for the most part they're not connected oh they've actually done something here what's this are they poppeted i've never seen them pop it before what kiriji stan all right i'll just take the rest now and there we go it's not the best oh wait i've apparently puppeted them i don't recall hitting that bun uh okay fair enough all right now we're gonna make loads of naval.yards because we need loads and loads and loads of submarines right it is ready it is time for the 40 with massive division i would even have a reconnaissance on totally up forgot to add reconnaissance um fair enough that is the division we've ended up with uh you probably think that looks a bit different it's because i've gone for mass assault and infantry battalions are smaller than usual all right gotta get that inflation down welcome to zimbabwe china all right we're gonna go force lonzo so we can go for decisions to reduce inflation right time to activate the decision of forced loans reduces our stability and war support causes 100 political power but it reduces our inflation all right more forced loans and more forced loans so i think the game's bugged here because korea is showing as an independent nation i don't get it but then you can see they've got compliance and now they're asking to make the provisional government of korea yeah sure you have my blessing is this gonna break the game no so we have a career career now that is a puppet of ours okay all right i'm gonna integrate the ma administration now and i think it's another 150 political power and then we annex them completely all right we've reached the point now we've got so many civilian factors i don't know what to do with them so i just splash civvies everywhere let's declare on japan and uh they're guaranteed by germany so so you know what as the ultimate revenge of china against japan we're going to annex and pop it japan and uh we'll also take out the germans as well why not right if that's the case might as well just join mr churchill himself china has joined the allies and now we have a west versus east oh my goodness so many divisions in hong kong and we're completely annihilating them oh my god just melting those divisions meanwhile on the german front nothing happening let's just test these fronts see if i can break them oh my god i can actually break them that is insane why not look for an opportunity for encirclement right full integration of zeibai sanma has been done now they are gone right the submarines are now ready we have a total of 402 so what we're going to do is put them on high risk automatic reinforce convoy raiding go here go go go all right here we go boys a lot of submarines versus a very large japanese fleet and we are completely oh my god annihilating them the tonnage lost here is insane and the destroyers are running away and they've been completely broken it'd be nice if you could get that carrier that would be really sweet oof right they've never invaded this now that's very foolish because now we're gonna unlock the power of mass convoy rating split up the fleets 100 100 100 control here too and raid raid raid there we go all right let's close these pockets get out of here and the push back and you're pushed back as well get out yunnan has been annexed leaving a massive gaping hole in my front line um i have to just pull back to the mountains here and that means japan has lost 2.4 million to china all right naval invasion time land in my favorite locations all right all the other armies are good to go go go go and when this guy's ready for this preparation for his naval invasion which will be done in one day he'll just go oof the deadly fork on japan or attacking over two divisions that's not a good idea and now we need to just push and be very very aggressive oh my god just sweep through japan most of the divisions must be abroad a annihilated all right they've dug in here maybe if you push the center no they're well and truly really really well dug in but we managed to capture the south island just need to push through the main area full integration of xinyang is complete yay awaken angry we did it the long way the incredibly long way but we're not done yet japan you seem to make a mistake here massive army on the front but here you seem to left empty it's almost like a mistake a player would make and you pinned get in there get pinned and now i move here and uh you're in a really bad way now oh my goodness what have we got here is it's like a million dudes oh my goodness what an encirclement this is probably the biggest one i've ever done over half a million dudes damn rip and look at that pocket oh what a pocket and it's gone there we go japan has fallen and i have the most war scope by the massive margin i think my contribution was at least over 50 what do i do you know what japan you have become greater china indeed china mine siam and we'll puppet the rest of india done the chinese raj two full army groups on the front line against the germans the final battle we'll put everyone unbalanced off you go oh my goodness that's actually a lot better than i expected all right i think it's time to go aggressive now made a few pockets one in crimea one of the caucuses and then we can push all the way to the north just in the center we're struggling a little bit but for the most part we're broken through practically everywhere current full army size is 5.7 million manpower in the field whoa i saw a nuke and then another one okay this is the beginning of the end they're not gonna be able to withstand these nukes oof big opportunity for a big encirclement here this bulge around kazan is absolutely massive and it's done at least 30 divisions here beautiful oh and the game's paused i wonder why oh we have german russia now that's why the game paused okay there we go encircled got him it is time to do the nuclear frontline sweep i thought this game would be over by now we're seven hours in boys and uh you get to enjoy the beautiful mushroom cloud boom glorious there we go max collaboration means the surrender limit is reduced by 30 plus they're getting pretty nuke pretty heavily vc france has fallen and uk's declared war on spain what a awful time to do that uk they've just offered me to join the allies i accept and we have the ability to take over that faction you know what i am the allies now you can't kick me anymore and i want to become the spymaster as well that's right i am now the leader of the allies and the allies now is yellow when you load up high four and you're like i just want to do a really short quick achievement and then you get this f my life and all of a sudden out of nowhere democracy the republic of china this video is now demonetized yay germany has fallen gg damn check out all those spies oof oh my goodness look at that collaboration beautiful surprising the netherlands has the most contribution to take all of germany nice can i ask for control of them can i have all of germany please there we go beautiful voila before spain falls let's have a look at the final numbers 24 million losses for germany i inflicted 18 million on them it lost 11.04 i inflicted 4.6 on them biggest losers from the allies is the united states losing 10 million to germany 90 million in total ouch the end the republic of china that consists of asia literally most of europe and that's pretty much it yeah now this is over let's never speak of this game ever again serious thought though guys my channel relies on you guys to watch my videos and to subscribe to my channel if you don't subscribe to my channel there's a chance that my channel may not exist tomorrow if you want to see my channel live another day please consider subscribing that's it guys have a good one bye-bye currently guys ad revenue has tanked the lockdown has totally frozen youtube economy if you want to help me out the best thing you can do in these times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls [Music] you
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 224,254
Rating: 4.9550982 out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 la resistance guide, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, hearts, of, iron, feedback, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hoi4 funny, cheats hoi4, hoi4 cheats, hearts of iron 4 cheats, hoi4 exploit, exploit, break, hoi4, cheat, cheats, hearts of iron iv gameplay, hoi4 achievements, achievement, hoi4 memes, Awake and Angry, china, hoi4 china guide, hearts of iron 4 china guide
Id: 38y69osqyTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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