What If Poland Was Saved With Time Travellers?! HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me your RAAM fam diddly doodler Alex the Rambler here and today we're back on hearts of iron for just before we begin though I'm gonna try and attempt to eat a chocolate hot cross bun it's just like a normal hot cross bun but with chocolate chips I'm just gonna oh yeah oh I put it i heated it up so that all the chocolates melting and it's exploding in my mouth oh God oh that's amazing mmm yeah I'll have what she's having I know I'm gonna have a cup of tea with it nice oh my god that's hot okay maybe just eat the hottest but bad but that's right we're back and I appear to be having a few bugs of my games some stuff has been renamed weirdly and I don't know how to fix it but that's not what we're here to do today we're here to lead some time travelers that are gonna go back in in time to try and save Poland from from Germany wow that's a mod that I never thought would come out but it has so if we if we just go on to this we have Poland and we have these various things let me just talk about the mod for a little while all right here we have it it's called history lies in our hands now you have to forgive me but I don't know if any of these are actual real people in fact if we go down here you can see that these but like I don't know if these are people's friends that have made it into the mod because they certainly don't look like real historical figures I apologize if you're from Poland and in fact did it I mean this guy does looks like it's from door monster right that that sieve channel that's now turned into a D&D one that's right I I know my I know my YouTube channels and that just got that looks like a guy from stranger things but anyway we're just going to give it a go and then see if we can save Poland or turn it into a massive Empire so of course please do comment like and subscribe 5,000 likes for more hoy don't you know so these are the things that could happen we could create coalition but let's just start and again like I've had things that I don't know if it's the mod changing it but I don't know what's happening here but we'll just go there from a bakery called cobs in ink and they're all over Canada if you live in Canada get get a chocolate hot cross bun oh my god they're so cool so good now I'm sure most of you will know that that Poland isn't in the best state to begin with when you when you play on Hawaii their focus tree if there is their base focus tree kind of sucks nowadays so let's go for state reforms Poland is currently surrounded by hostile neighbors the only way to improve this situation is just true introduce new reforms don't you know and then the basic stuff if you are new to Hawaii you should always really start by building some civilian factories in your hire infrastructure provinces you could spend time building infrastructure but I I never really do again I don't I don't really know the matter anymore I just play how I want I mean saying I don't know the metal anymore implies I knew the meta to begin with I don't I'm not gonna bother with an Air Force as Poland to start with if I'm gonna focus on and equipping my units with anti-air and see how we get on from there and artillery and boom okay we're gonna see how we get on with that we do have a oh I can get calm boys gone boy actually something I would like to know I've been using the webcam for a while now and I haven't seen too many people complain about it I don't know if that is because I'm very very attractive or it actually adds to the video I think it actually adds to the video because I don't know IIIi don't know let me know if you've got a problem with it I'll ignore you if you do have a problem with it anyway so maybe just keep your opinion to yourself how much chocolate it is it's so much chocolate look how quickly the term time is going along now I think they do keep speeding it up somehow which is which is very good I do like it when it's sped up alright central region strategy boom let's go I would like to check I dunno what I'm gonna change myself I'm gonna change me right over to partial Mobe straight away it's probably not the best strat in the world but I don't play by the rules so there are some rather I'd say overpowered parts of this mod but it does make it quite fun I did I did like I played it for about half an hour earlier today and it and it and some wacky things were happening I wasn't really focusing on it too much I was just playing it while I was doing other stuff but yeah okay you're gonna see it's good keep watching till the end of the video please I need the watch time so I've never really looked at this too much but it does seem they're having dispersed in certain industry is a little bit better I'm getting 5% factory output but I'm also getting production efficiency retention and production efficiency base plus 5% Oh plus 10% have 5% have you I've been doing this wrong the whole time do I join the anti Comintern pact I mean I'm not how are you doing that white what oh here we go newcomers from the future you say today in the morning hours there was a fuss in the suburb of Warsaw in the middle of the square a five-man group of young men appeared like a missile from the sky leading behind a medium-sized crater to the police station they began to tell that they are from the future and that Poland is in great danger after a short conversation with public services they were taken to the Capitol to tell the government about it something is afoot and that now unlocks if i zoom out wow I can zoom out then i zoom in i can / it's our history you basically say screw you future people but now I'm gonna trust the young Zoomer figured a bit on script so we're currently getting witty stability negative oh my gosh okay let's just trust him the events from a month ago are still a shock to society although another surprise is the arrival of of another group of young men which is headed by Jan Ottawa civics who discredit splutter sources for being too totalitarian who should we believe I don't know why are these arrivals coming from how did they invent this technology drink tea and carry on Alex okay I could have a wait for a moment all trust the generals we're going to trust the Jenner at the state neither new power also strong other candidates don't give the impression of being organized like a group of fanatics under potosi Zeus's I can't pronounce polish I'm sorry and that I know I'm offending a lot of you I know I have some polish viewers and I apologize political purged strong supporters of old power still go free changes can not happen when traitors are still among us indeed sir indeed probably wearing my glasses I always forget don't I just like oh I'll do it later so we should I know we still have the traditional polish generals in at the moment a staff with some pretty decent ones I mean Anders you're a Panzer leader I don't feel you ever be leading any tanks to be honest you've kind of got the wrong profession their infantry all the way infantry and cavalry the Polish way yes see all of my descriptions are all messed up I've got stuff going wrong hell so I'm actually gonna save up a lot of my political power you'll see you'll see in a little while you'll see it you'll see why I guarantee you I have a plan new old methods thinking about the change we were seeing it as cooperation between the current politicians and newcomers but they only see one way of gaining power oh no I guess long live the new regime all power given to porker cease hold on I was gonna try and copy and paste it from from the mod but I I can't actually they're all images okay that's gonna try and go on google translate back on oh so we are currently the Radnor Pollitz in sir the political council in other words her presidency of Petraeus's after many months of political struggle the poles chose who after taking over the power put themselves as a Polish Marcille and reduce the parliamentary term in his place he created the Cabinet of his closest associates the Parliament and the Senate are virtually non-existent he announces the formation of a government in a similar form as before oh there he is all right that's a bit young to rule a nation but I guess he knows best so I can overdue new rules or old rules and I'm gonna go with the one that has a description because that one doesn't so I'm gonna go the older forties we're going in the right direction but after Palouse keys death they turn from the good road we must restore the kingdom of poland or die trying after the takeover blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay okay BAM step into the future today the official opening of the animation and publishing house studio Jam took place which was funded by Jan watch wits during his speech at into construction cartoons and comics an important and then of growing up all right I guess I'll do new constitution I just want to get down to polish expansion I guess I could reconcile with opponents though yeah fine fine bloody nor look at the traits of this young guy reckless politically connected a trickster commando Ranger improvisation expert and adaptable I think it might be a good idea to get yan water tissue it's in although although we would get democracy support the daily support for unaligned clearly outweighs that and we get an extra 15% stability which is gonna be good all-round right Romania wants to restore alliance oh sure I will guarantee you Romania oh they're guaranteeing me sure I'll take it little do they know I'll be coming for them hold the phone I get an extra 25% attack for patois is that just a bait I think it yeah it's just a bit wholly after a few months of political struggles in the country and election the Polish marshal talks of other parties and began on powers like we just get extra stability nice so our stability is looking pretty good I'm now gonna attend you to worry about that new constitution recently such a big stair as was written constitution of 3rd of may a modern and fair Constitution will show the value of our government and nation alright ok I don't care about Mexico just in in terms of context of the game everyone context of the game and like a gift from heaven implements plans for a new economic laws that are to save Poland ok we get extra stability again and then we unlock the economic laws decisions oh here's the new constitution I should have been doing okay so we can either you can select mold like something one party system we don't we don't need democracy mmm unity of power sure let's do separation and then we can do a I think I think a regulated market is fine and then I can pass the Constitution after that after I do a sucide Oh social regulation now I can pass the Constitution and the only negative is that I'll have a justified war girl that's fine just takes me longer to the justifying people I guess diplomatic requests nay get away I go get out of here is that man will freakin man will soon I'll be able to expand and once I'm able to do that oh you're gonna see some frickin Polish s Spanish and we need areas to be unrivaled good good oh yes Polish expansion we can finally do it now I'm just gonna do a couple of economic things while I set about my expansion the plans new towns sure but Lithuanian ultimatum few oh good Olaf away Nero day oh you're gonna regret that mate so we're just sending them automate I think it's like join us or we'll attack you so I'm just going to attack them BAM I don't even care that I'm not formed up properly full a dick just go for it have a jaunt take Kahuna's nice so in order to avoid problems with Germany I'm going to take these and then just pop it them right wrote all Romania that has accepted ah the Romanian government has sent us an answer to our automated in which they accepted subjugated them as part of our policy of domination in Central Europe although they may have one feet on the ground this situation isn't obliged to annex Romanian territories oh and Czechoslovakia has accepted nice look at that now in our faction their polish sphere hmm alright greece bulgaria albania greece has denied me this is the state of the polish sphere right now spit wonky spit wonky bear with me though this this focus this pat this is so over pat this polish expansion thing is so overpowered oh so good it is so good i will not be denied greece good it's just bringing everyone all of my allies oh my god this polish sphere is just OPA f it's amazing actually i should be quite honest and say that I've just had a failed run and I've had to reload from a previous autosave so I'm gonna continue the scenario from this save game but the essentially Italy declares war on me then Germany declares war on me and I just there's no you can't I I got too cocky so now this is where I'm this is where I'm at I want to do the comic I forgot about the comic everyone likes a good comic don't they new series of comics indeed what can we recreate in the studio My Little Pony sure let's let My Little Pony tells the stories of six ponies who thinks of friendships solve their problems yep I'm gonna make my little pony hold up Germany and the Soviets have volunteers to the freakin ah no no no you're willing to perish stop reinforcing always the volunteers that gets just keep pushing oh my god is it stuck are you stuck why can't you get seriously oh good we're taking athens finally Oh finally okay might as well just just take it all there we go Poland is Greece now but the Greece is Poland now yeah okay regional funds good yes I so what I done in my previous playthrough was essentially kind of gobble up everyone straight away when really I should have bided my time a little bit more like I mean I could attack you a Slavia but France is guaranteeing them and then it's just a bit meh isn't it but hey I control Hungary and Greece now so got that going for me which is nice and resistance is slowly going down slowly he says hopefully please go down I need I need stability didn't reform the Commonwealth though POW polish-lithuanian Commonwealth noise all marshals soldiers indoctrinate the young yes and we got the polish-lithuanian Commonwealth nice and now we get extra stability because we've got my little pony the strength of friendship polish theory is strong if I can Hut if I can just hold them which seems a bit unfeasible right now my we might be able to do it I'm not entirely convinced I can hold despite having all of this to combat them oh I could just take control of all of their forces why yes yes I will oh my god check out the fact that were they King of Bohemia is 57 divisions that's a lot of divisions I hope I'm not responsible for all of their equipment now I probably am aren't I I've only gone and fluffed it again but what I'm essentially attempting to get is a solid wall against Germany there we go they're moving now they're moving I will not let them Angelus I say no to and crossing only patois may Angelus kind of what I'm doing I'd better what I'm doing my little pony the movie let's get going so I'm hoping that I can just hold them in place and that Italy won't join the war if they do I little bit in trouble so I don't like restarting scenarios but when I add I in 38 it's not really doesn't make room an amazing video hopefully this will add a little bit of spice into the mix oh my god we will reject any German demands I think all of the rubbish troops that are led here can probably survive oh my gosh oh oh you're a seducer Maximilian now whack well go and go and build an Intel network in in Brandenburg please we need to know so I finished all of the focus trees I can do focuses I can do at the moment unfortunately I can't proclaim a united Europe because I don't control everything obviously do you have a few national spirits now though but I'm sure you would agree that this just looks like a frickin mess right we're just random occupation such as the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and they now control Greece Omega Telugu I could preemptively declare war on them I really think they can probably just bullets through my positions though that's what I'm a little scared about um they can have it if they dare yes I reject your demands and they now get the there in an offensive wall so that's good I'm in a defensive I'm just going to set my troops here to try and take this as quickly as possible if they can the rest of my divisions are going to try and hold luckily we are winning oh no what all cringe god oh my I'm too clenched I get oligo oh my god oh my god oh did a good job in encircling a few units though so that's that's grand I imagine we're probably gonna lose Greece wow we've really mopped up there really easily so that's a hundred and twenty thousand casualties just BIM BAM boom Oh Austria is not in the war Oh fantastic ok well now I can redirect twenty decent units down here you see I'm gonna call my allies in BIM BAM boom and I presume can I even try pushing a little bit wouldn't that be crazy turns out I can push a little bit this is not what I was expecting from Germany I probably can't push it too much but it means I take fat factories a little bit sending them from the future is really it's really working and it also helps that I've reloaded didn't it I am really surprised at the weakness of Germany and they're about to declare war with France freak the fools the absolute fools I just can't believe how strong the Polish army is well I guess we are being led by someone in the future take Berlin Berliner shall be mine yeah keeping your units as puppets keeping your countries as puppets it's definitely best if you know you're gonna have a massive war to begin with how quickly we've overrun them that's bonkers Oh medium tank can my infantry to feed them my infantry can defeat their medium tanks i only this is my division template it's not good I think it's just because I get an extra 25% attack just by having that guy in but hey Germany's capitulated right well I guess I'll just see about taking out Italy now then it's 1939 and Germany's capitulated so I am letting the Italians advance outside of their positions before I send in my kind of elite troops to now deal with them hopefully that's the man fact that Italy is more difficult to destroy than miscellany than here then sorry Germany is kind of baffling but anyway today was the primary air of the animated film My Little Pony created by the Polish studio the main character of the movie is a pony named Twilight Sparkle who is a student of the princess she arrives on one of the larger cities oh if I could just get through the mountains it'll be plain sailing if I can get through the matter oh yeah we're fruit come on pin him down freakin move quicker quicker go around them take Veneto I'm running out of infantry equipment oh boy I'm just gonna I think I'm just gonna you can return to your masters oh the French community their award each other ah nice good stuff what that's bad oh dear I wasn't expecting that that's gonna go very badly for Yugoslavia very badly indeed what do they hope to achieve still let my allies do the work but then kind of figured of might as well just help him out you know Oh Italy's looking pretty weak full attack even though I don't have enough equipment for my armies that's fine don't worry oh they are organizing oh please do not join them please do not join the Axis Great Britain Yugoslavia is done dude Italy is this is struggling I didn't think I'd struggle against Italy gosh darn darn did leave mountains okay what I've done is we've drawn most of my troops from the Italian border so they just start cycle attacking and eventually they'll just run out of manpower they're up to almost a million casualties now I've already taken a million in this war now which is kind of odd I don't really remember taking that many but I guess I have an even more unfortunately oh no I can switch leox tense it finally that was not the case for so long I couldn't do it but I can't believe Italy is the nation now I'm having trouble with you'll see that I've taken command of all of my puppets troops again that's mainly to stop mobile whelming my supply zones because that's exactly what they were doing instead Italy is gonna suffer attrition in theirs and it's least now out of manpower I think when they're a little bit weaker or when they stop attacking that's when I'll launch my assault on them because that they can't push me so they're just wasting manpower just like how I was let's see if we can push now apparently we still cannot huh I have managed to break up their attacks in here though which is a bit surprising split their attacks I'm not making any sense anymore probably gonna give up the east peacefully I can't really handle a war on two fronts at the moment that will god that looks kind of gross whoopsie at least the Italians are all encircled here and now starving so we'll just finish them off and that would be men they they will never be able to get back oh we're actually contested in the air now that's good if it becomes green air I might be able to push like might so V Union is justifying on polish Romania I guess I have to give up Bessarabia when they ask for it just giving away territory off the territory after territory I will just need to defeat Italy why aren't Italy perish Oh a great announcement okay now I've put all of my strength ah okay I just needed all of my units and green air and now we can push them no problem oh boy right well we're pushing okay well the Soviets declared war I'm not gonna be able to hold them if I can defeat Italy quickly now then I then I might stand a chance of surviving it looks like a pretty slim one at the moment anyone help me just crush Italy quickly first then quickly keep going I'm just puppeting everyone just suppose so hopefully those so many divisions when they make them because I I need the help really need the help I probably could have taken the factories but I decided against that in terms of deployed manpower we actually have as much as as the Soviets that's kind of surprising I wasn't expecting that I don't know how long it'll take me to defeat them even if I'm able to so every union is justifying on poll if Romania I already know that mate huh that's going to Britain to declare war but oh that's gross apparently we can push in certain tiles hey yay so most of this is just conquering other nations you could you could proclaim united Europe however I need to control everything and that's I'm not able to like it's rather surprising my infantry can actually take out their tanks so if I just had a lot more of my normal infantry then the tree I think oh wow we actually insert what a few of their divisions kind of surprised about that if I'm honest wasn't expecting the the kind of conscript troops to be able to do that nice thank you I would have it known that I didn't pick this war it picked me Oh whenever little encirclement what no what Austria bows to join Germany damn it alright well at least they'll get stronger I guess you have any divisions you do I will take all 39 of them thank you do I need some comics I probably need some comics don't I Samurai Jack let's make Samurai Jack Oh up north dude but this is honestly going to be a massive slog to win crush them crush them all at this point I'm just thinking like we are legion and I'm just trying to throw my men at the Soviets to push them back it's basically like like what they would do to me except I'm attempting to do to them Oh get divergent activities the Soviet Union still too strong with us and was weaken them a little so he escaped minus 10 stability attack bonus against the [ __ ] oh I didn't realize those that that'll be good for me Wow once the division once the Soviets are encircled they really just collapsed run my infantry overrun their tanks what encirclements here and there are always good making a lot of casualties but you know the Soviets are taking the fair remember there's two down here it's a shame we can't really close the pockets but I think that this supply is just too bad hey relations of Japan is gonna improve because we've got Samurai Jack nice eleven even research tanks I've done this whole game without tanks and mostly without an air force although that's changing a little bit now but hey ho it's it's working now sort of I mean they'll never run out manpower that's their available manpower oh my gosh Oh pan is curious all right they like Samurai Jack nice nice nice nice this might be a massive pocket we're about to close holy moly clench your butt everyone the clencher bots are about to close it I think I think oh let me close this freakin butt oh they did I won't roll mr. Moscow okay well this certainly has taken a head I thought all screwed Oh Reed pollen eyes reclaim states although we regain our territory the influence of Russians in our land is still strong we must conduct relocation actions of the Russian minority oh that's a lot of pause oh I'm literally walking to starting grad now well I bet they're regretting declaring war on me now aren't they just realize that Republican Spain I'd also need to try and defeat I think in order to win this do it oh no it's just the Soviets okay and new series of comics this excuse me Oh getting lots of stuff strength of mustache I basically got them to make all of them Steven universe the movie why not Japanese studio Jan let's go so I can do now there's not really much to do except wait for the Soviets to capitulate oh the Spanish landed floette 11 Italy sort out that surely you can fend off the Spanish Italy come on how far do I have to go into Russia for them to just be like yo we're done okay well then I just let Poland take everything I figured this might please a lot of you and now if we take a little look at the polish sphere I am by far the dominant power in the world and I think that's where I'll end it so it appears the time travelers could could indeed save Poland if you want a little bit I'll try merriment leave a link to the mod in the description but it's toodaloo from me for now Tata many things to onion duct maximilian foreman wyatt green robert Kinji a falcon ryan [ __ ] name name one two three one Aiden jiggling ranch used beef Sean young Logan Whaley Andrews uncle for being ridiculous round a supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 191,566
Rating: 4.8707747 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hoi4 poland, hoi4 poland stronkearts o iron 4 poland, time travel poland hoi4, hoi4 steam workshop downloaderop, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron 4 germany, hoi4 mod, hoi4 funny, hoi4 funny mods, paradox interactive, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, feedbackgaming, hoi4 la resistance, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, earningmoney, monetize
Id: McSIuzB8QtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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