Anarchy rises in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone i am targer and welcome to my newest hands of info video today we're going to be playing as spain again but why you may ask you just played as fascist spain not so long ago well yes and you guys left a lot of comments suggesting that i should play as anarchist spain so today we are playing as the anarchs now anarchist spain is kind of unique in the whole scape of the game not only because of the civil war but also because it can't really engage in normal diplomacy or trade and not engaging in diplomacy is the antithesis of my regular playstyle that means we probably won't be able to join any alliances and that can really be a problem in the long run especially for me so i'm curious to see how that will work out but before we begin a message from a sponsor this video is brought to you by vikings war of clans vikings war of clans is an online multiplayer strategy game it's also mobile and of course free if you're into vikings if you feel like growing a beard grabbing some 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of the anarchists let's see how well that goes i have purposely not explored this tree i wanted this to be more of an exploratory run where i find out how this works and then try to make it work on the go so first choice we have to choose between a great spain and the popular front great spain is non-aligned or fascist and the popular front is anarchist communist or democracy right let's go with the popular front some artillery some supposed to come into lots of infantry weapons let's get the military factory over here maybe civilian ones as well whatever really basic machine tools spear firepower and some research all the troops go here all right that's about it that's on pause while playing as the great spain we wanted to speed this civil war up as much as possible now we want to delay it because our focuses do take a long time and we do want to finish disbanding the army before everything starts so our primary objective is to delay the civil war as much as possible the front is done now secure the guardian and the assault or secure guardian 10 worst units are better than 5 good units election okay we've chosen the communist path great now let's ensure that we delay the start of the uprising as much as possible so we have to start each of these decisions as soon as we can do that let's start with concessions to the left because that increases our political power we can also deploy our garrisons on the map it's not as important this time because we're going to be splitting the civil war into anyway it's more important to surely have enough political power to keep doing these all the time because if we don't then this 4 will start earlier and we won't be able to do the last focus here and that one is pretty important normally it would be prudent for us to stop their influence here but once again it's imperative that we keep doing these decisions all the time mechanical computing it's important that you see this just finished on the same day we have to start a new decision here let's do another one of concessions to the left they're doing suppress the strikes which is countering our actions but in general the more of these we do the more political power we'll have and political power is pretty important secure the guardian civilian all right what's next train the union youth extra communism and some troops oh great we'll get some more political power manuel concessions to the left once again keep doing these not a day of delay here we could try and retake these but the decisions are much more important can't do any more concessions to the left but we do have to do something well let's just reassign this loyal leader they did the primary vera speech which means i'm gonna be able to imprison him and that is good because it's cheap and gives me political power perfect train the union youth complete more weapons more political power oh god damn it i missed clicking the thing yeah there's no prompt and missed a few days well hopefully we'll still have enough differential effects let's imprison premade river yeah we should always be watching this now we can actually afford to start contesting and their influence in some of the garrisons they did get a lot of them but we did have to focus on the decisions anyway where should we contest it here i mean it's not that it's an important part and but while they're still doing it it's cheaper to contest all right we can afford another one and still have podca power i guess i'll contest cordoba and not another one not yet rumor de rivera is imprisoned let's wait two days so that we can react to their political assassination we'll call the rest yeah i'm trying to be careful about calculating this we should still have enough time to finish what we're doing this route arms to the people oh i forgot i have lots of military plan now so yeah let's keep contesting those garrisons mechanical computing let's uh reside as loyal leaders do radio and support weapons contest another gerson 39 days lens contest another one we've distributed arms to the people and there's a bit of a problem with the timing 90 days this will remove 25 from it we need 70 for the focus of that 65 days because i missed a few days earlier with that we get 37 extra which should be in just about enough let's do conditions to the left and start disbanding the army political part 200. now this will also start a civil war but um in a much more favorable position to us 50 days until this triggers here we need 54. in the meantime we'll add 37 with this and remove 25 with this so that's 12 plus 50 that's 62 days and we need 54 so we will have enough good missing a few days is not a very big issue but uh better keep an eye on this i'm going to do a semi-controversial thing i guess and try to take complete control over this garrison before the civil war starts 14 days i'll be able to do that three times unless they contest us because they will have control of it even if they only have one pip of influence but it is well placed strategically and it will be especially important to us since we are doing the anarchist path conditions to the left 65 days this will remove 25 which will leave the time with 40 this takes 37 so technically we could start another one of these however in 37 days we will be deep in the civil war because of this focus here so there's no point doing that now we just wait and try to take western aragon oh to this one well i guess i have to commit to aragon anyway until this finishes 18 days so they'll get this but we'll get this that's fine i mostly just care about this part here because we're doing the anarchists anyway okay i guess i'll move the garrison unit a bit the spending of the army in one day and here we go the civil war has started now we have three options here let's be careful not to click the wrong one this banning the army has given us a lot more troops than our enemy gets so we can actually crush them quite quickly i hope and open the way for our anarchist future so now we get to choose one of three paths the regional defense council of argonne which is the anarchist anti-fascist workers revolution which is the comey's and we can maintain the second republic which lets us do democracy anyway let's do the anarchist regional defense council of aragon which one gives us this yep the last one and we get disbanded army perfect now we'll choose our path in a moment but first let's see what the situation looks like we have one unit here and one unit here which is not great but it will be enough to hold the parts possibly we have a lot of political power and we have to start attacking quickly before the civil war frontlines consolidate youtube just stay in place and have 60 more divisions that's really a lot of divisions and taking this bit here of aragon we're gonna simplify things a little bit i might even be able to connect to bulba which would be preferable but if i had more political power i would try that during the preparation phase you attack here you also attack there same for u2 and you and you add them all to the same army this is gonna be the manual orders army now we have an illegal field marshal offensive doctrine and aggressive assaulter but not brilliant strategist and you do need brilliant strategist for aggressive assaulter but he does have good traits so let's use him no the remaining troops how many do we have left 53. right two full armies to aggressively attack a few more left unassigned because i could send them up north but uh now that would be worthwhile i'll just use these pawns to occupy the enemy while we push them from the other side so the remaining five will just be an extra army to plug up any possible holes in the front lines or whatever infantry expert and that is about it do we have any planes we do have a few we can't go to work on me yet because we're still democratic we can do lots of conscription we'll get some of these but um some of them get blocked by focuses and i don't want to make a mistake not much to pick from here masters of our own fate i think that's one of the focuses we'll be doing is it worth doing though close the economy er is it worth it to hire silent workers even though we will lose that silent workhorse in a few years maybe faster probably not probably not worth it let's arm other people maybe save that positive path now i don't know i'm gonna start another fight and see what happens then we can change our decision if we so choose go attack the pockets of resistance start executing the battle bands aggressively maybe we will get some territory before they can mount a defense yes please seven divisions of volunteers from the soviet union oh she will be good crush the revolution is on the other side of the tree isn't it yeah we won't be doing that we can hire her federica monseni federica monsenny gives us political power and war spot and another line which might not be the best choice but oh whatever federica and that's pretty much the only one we're gonna be hiring for now right go go attack them get territory before the front lines solidify and the frontlines solidify which is a pity start working on the offensives i can still acquire territory of these promises are not defended even if attacking is now very ineffective we can still uh make the best of it they've secured the front line mostly probably still get this bit all right we've cut some of them off i mean i am still winning in many of these battles maybe i should keep pressing on at least for a while ah soviet volunteers perfect all right let's hope we can get these few princes that we're actually winning in and then we can stop the attack i guess i could try to reinforce bilbao and oviedo not that i really need those but we could try i guess you guys go there we're not transporting to the ports seems like i'll have to do it manually oh well i'd be too late for bilbao but it's not like i really care about owning uh these ports here they only serve as a distraction to our enemies and yes we lost one of them you're right sending two units to vietnam perhaps they will be useful there and once again i want to stop the offensive to not waste resources but seems like we're pushing through quite nicely like here for example runs in britain announced alliance you guys should be able to hold on if you can't just retreat we're gonna lose probably we did take a lot of territory though you stop you're not getting anywhere be cautious don't be balanced but stop the attack you guys on the other hand are doing quite well we can continue for a while we have armed the people now we need to appropriate the means of production a bit of territory secured right should we continue the attack or did we get enough maybe we got enough for now stop the attack and be balanced then just sit there for a while we're gonna have to start doing the offensive things looks like it's time to abandon oviedo to use this army to push over here impending government crackdown this is you know the second civil war but we can delay this a bit and we will do so not one offense if prepared i guess let's select burgos as the second frontline chinese united front happens and the hindenburg learns this is looking well again we're not in a hurry i mostly wish to just explore the path of anarchy well actually since this is no longer afflicted with the debuff i can use you guys to advance as well we have appropriated the means of production but the breaking basic human rights of property is going to bring us victory we will do so right now we have some choices the maximum concession is a focus and that will let us delay the civil war a little bit and i think it would be prudent to take it we don't have that much time left the offensive is going well though probably put you on aggressive we do have more troops than the enemy and even though we don't have the buffs or other removal of debuffs in the area here we'll try to lean into the blow going well if not for the impending civil war within the civil war we will be ending this quite soon perseus pleasure's endless union and we've done the maximum concession which gives us how much time 141 days which is enough to do four small focuses we have to do these two and two other ones producing equipment is an interesting idea haven't used that mechanic before because even good factories small modifier not worth it right now division speed useful not crucial we shall use this later interesting recovery of manpower that's around 50 000 a year probably not that good all right let's do seize public transport we're going to speed our divisions up which can be very very useful and inoffensive japan attacks china let's get an offensive here oh wait a minute are they doing it depending offensive here they're doing it so it removes the thing for us as well no okay good so they'll do it for us i'm attacking so i'm not sure why they would do so let's pick a studious then it's not like it's very important maybe even shouldn't push them too much because of the impending civil war on our side we've seized public transport let's use the gold reserves i kind of want to push through here because if all goes well then our enemy spain is going to be fighting this of our enemies spain and us and we'll be able you know what this is the best shown let's wait a bit and then i'll tell you if my plans succeeded or not basically i wanted to only be fighting one enemy at a time which is why i'm pushing so heavily in here while my enemies will be fighting each other and also myself at least that's the plan i remember too yeah i think it's time to flip them to cautious we've seized the gold reserves now we have 70 days until the government crackdown not sure wish it was 71. okay you know what i think we'll have one day of a window in here all right let's try doing the arms purchases and then masters of our own fate we should start the civil war before it starts on its own peter isn't a branch that lets you unify the communists with the democrats but uh leonards are an interesting choice i think probably not the best one but then interesting and we're backing that political power not sure for what yet we'll go to work on the murder mobilization once the next war starts for an arms purchase right now we do masters of our own fate which will start a civil war within a civil war right uh we can prepare an offensive if we so choose sure why not oh i chose the wrong one they were already doing this whatever i'll just stop all the attacks i guess i could be clever about this and figure out which units will be on our side once we're at the regional council of aragon and then just you know not used them up in the main fighting well that's too much figuring out so eight days until the crackdown here and seven days until this finishes all right so we will be the ones who start this for which is good all right how much that's a lot of territory we got uh yeah government cracks down sure we declare yeah that's a very good outcome unfortunately a lot of our troops got trapped in here which is a less good outcome not sure what to do i don't think i have enough troops to keep all these front lines staffed i should try and retreat with these guys here just run home quickly perhaps you can manage it in the meantime all of you should probably get uh reassigned a bit there's probably nobody in bilbao at least nobody's significant oh i lost my generals eduardo is a good one we'll have to focus on using him as our main guy let's give him a full contingent and make sure he secures the entirety of this big front line those nine here will quickly take a little bit with bilbao and consolidate our control over it and everyone go to balanced and they're on halt and redistribute quickly let's try and save them please quickly go home did we retain the soviet volunteers i'm not sure anyway next focus oh right and i can choose the things to purchase uh firearms for an arms purchase what do we get it cost me political power and i get equipment am i missing equipment not yet we are the anarchists wait a minute not aligned will we be communist or whatever this is weird collectivized society 15 consumer goods factory is good my factories in state 10 sure production retention fine production efficiency growth and cap minus 20 well maybe anarchy is not very good at efficiency research speed 10 percent penalty factory output plus 70 okay so but this alone is worth it uh see i was contemplating changing our economy law to total mobilization but with that on the horizon we don't have to we'll just save that political power and take this because it's crazy powerful now limited exports suck we trade so what advisors do we have left captain of industry and war industrialist and that's it i think i mean we could get the use of gentlemen once we've created the intelligence agency so yeah uh we can only get this guy this guy or this guy we have two slots how about the military whoa okay infantry military council army regrouping military that's actually wonderful right infantry military council genius please how about this army defense expert army offense expert and army organization expert all of these are military councils let's take the offense experts i mean organization's good too but i do prefer events i haven't researched that at all i just like offense right so kind of want to get down here as fast as possible and we need all of these all right let's do agrarian collectivization and carlos spain has appeared good well not so good the mobile units got trapped in their territory but you guys can just retreat can you hold all right i forgot to give you a general she's adaptable adapter was a great trait girl oh surprising fortunately it's not my problem although i could probably benefit from it first though we should make sure that our troops are in position so a hold of them because the front lines have changed redeploy a bit make sure the front lines are secured before you push too much good billboards ours right also them too cautious and push fortunately these guys are lost i think perhaps we can try to run through here maybe connect to them unlikely but we can attempt it don't have all the factories probably work on the civilian ones yay we've secured our territory here okay can we save our people let's try perhaps they can survive a little bit longer yeah going well almost there come on come on come on we'll run away and we've connected perfect all right now i can redo stuff because they'll make sure you're safe don't let them cut us off they have been saved more or less time to reorganize the armies cut all the orders and use a field marshal level one be balanced everyone attack in a balanced manner we've done agrarian collectivization next does that mean like free women yes yes it is a good three percent recruitable population right from the looks of things i'm like a citizen of a communist country as in i can't complain there are undefended territories here please take them they're also fighting each other three factions and i'm fighting all of them seems a bit chaotic but we're doing great do you have a lot of gaps in the front lines perhaps i should just go aggressive on them go surround them yeah sure why the hell no let's go aggressive on everyone we are winning anyway and we're nowhere near running out of equipment or manpower so just attack with everything we have i'll pin this guy i could use more troops i can train them who eat those guys let's train a couple that should do it our list is defeated we're making progress we need to readjust the front lines a bit again all right this guy will take care off down here she will take care of up here whilst these of her troops will take care of this pocket that's a big reorganization and we might lose some provinces but without it it would be a bit too chaotic we are on our case so chaos should be what we love but um it's not very efficient is it whereas libras is done self-management sure whoops the reorganization seems to not have worked out very well because we don't have troops where we need to have troops yeah that that was a mistake well maybe they're just not moving fast enough let's abandon this post here and go back to the old way of doing the orders it worked out better and because of this so-called reorganization have lost a ton of territory so it was a clear mistake learned from my mistakes don't do that and let's deploy the extra units to reform another army and reorganize once more well that's a bit better at least we got rid of the car list but we're losing so much territory of bloody hell oh yeah mistakes were made no matter it'll be okay anxious of austria they seem to not have equipment so once my troops finally get in position we should be able to push them back easily but being pushed back from here was a big mistake on my part i was a bit too careless with reorganizing the troops we're pushing back already we're running out of equipment no matter let's purchase some maybe remove the engineered companies from these guys i grew tired of this war let's go aggressive and do collectivization of all workers control factor output five percent pity i was doing so well before that reorganization second republic defeated ah my orders are getting wonky again i do hate that so much you guys take care of the pocket you guys take care of this pocket all shall be well but we should be close to ending this let's get army regrouping military council they do a lot of volunteers impending america of course it's mauricio i think uh right almost bad torch let us enact weekly stability minus one percent we already have zero stability so not like it's making any difference let's enact horrible awful collectivized means of production all right let's not mess with this anymore they are winning let's let them do it oh and you will be charismatic a little bit of a manual order here so that they don't get supply anymore and they should have no supply anymore so already in 1938 but we're almost done right i can probably justify war goals can't i no because i'm somehow not aligned even though i'm so highly convinced just go around the enemy yep looking good these guys are trapped and these guys are about to lose their capital that's the upside of having a lot of units even if they're weak almost bad torch now our stability will never recover i think also our economy is super powerful factory output 70 and also we can't remove it truly horrible all right let's analyze this a little bit so that we can choose where to go next and be portugal yeah let's pursue portugal and the threats abroad the enemy has been confined kinda really need more guns i mean purchasing it is not really effective it's just one thousand or twenty five world cup research peter is horrible i just went to free trade it disclosed my economy again doesn't say so oh that was all the political power wasted what's wrong with free trade is the best trade not the stupid anarchist infantry expert right i was pretty much sub-optimal with the execution of this war but it is all working out in the end and is that all that matters the answer is no no it isn't all that matters but it's good and it's working out in the end we need more guns yes i'll just cancel all this production we don't need and these factories we don't need artillery being produced or support equipment hey better guns threats are bound oh threats abound not threats abroad sure i guess we'll do portugal now after this playthrough i'm pretty sure i'd know the optimal way of progressing through the civil war this time i decided to record without preparation so that you guys can get the the raw experience of me figuring out how this is supposed to work i got some troops behind enemy lines we did get cut off but i might just get all their victory points and destroy them that way we'll know in a moment oh no there's a tank going towards madrid but we can't pin it nope damn it i was like a click too late really i'll lose these troops but it was a gamble almost did it i missed the tank here and again they have re-positioned some of the troops to surround them which leaves this area empty take toledo or don't perhaps i can connect these territories and get supply back to these guys yes seems like i can alright just go aggressive and finish them they have portugal to deal with can you get madrid from behind we'll know in a moment probably not but we did get salman khan that's something and we have won unfortunately that removed most of my troops and i am in the process of preparing to attack portugal so we're in a bit of a pickle i think no matter let's just fill this army up with those tiny units that might be enough to beat up portugal seven more actually yeah with all the other ones being disbanded i might afford proper units and see how many i can afford not that many all right let's switch the ones we have into proper units and get ready for portuguese anarchism oh i didn't read the end of the civil war thing to get any problems so i didn't read the pop-up and i missed what actually happened for one these are not my course states soon we'll have to find a way to get rid of that we want equipment not too great but it should suffice it in portugal we do have tons and tons of manpower and we just don't volunteer only eight percent from anarchist society that is a lot portuguese anarchism right so yeah you're an anarchist commune of portugal against portugal this is the anarchist commune of portugal right so we have to redo the order it's gonna be easy next up we can do a regional council of iberia right we have to aim for this it will take a while we could also get the research slots i guess i'll get one research slot and then go towards these right this shouldn't take too long should be much stronger actually it would be beneficial if we started this while still fighting the civil war because we would have way more troops but it's fine all right i do have some plane so let's use them we could do warp up together but our war support is pretty high it's probably not necessary we could do stability but uh yeah i think we're locked at zero stability forever hey this is undefended to go there maybe try an aggressive approach they are confined to a very small space so a quick aggressive attack might benefit us more although yeah it also got us cut off that's fine there's just one unit what's one unit for anarchists and we're almost done spain is almost taken care of and we'll annex them through focus now can i join factions we are not allowed to join any factions which is interesting portuguese anarchism civil war ends and we index them this is an occupied state but for a focus we can make it into a core access stop happening and iberia is read more of ribbon drop okay so who do we fight next someone suggested that we should go after china to get infinite manpower from there it's possible let's get the captain of industry some more civilian factories going yeah doing a new way of warfare was a mistake or rather doing it this early was a mistake i should have gone with this first that's fine regional defense council of iberia there's gonna be a lot of core states for us and it's gonna take quite a lot of focuses until we are viable though we should probably invade someone soon unfortunately we're somehow not aligned which means i can't even justify wargle yet good target for us would be the soviets or china could also go after the allies or germany all this possible i guess it's tempting to do improved work conditions but just looking how much more stability we would need to acquire it doesn't seem like we have a chance so for now all we can really do is sit back and do focus poland being attacked regional defence council of iberia got more factories from portugal and we need to told you birds of tomorrow i'm quite excited to try this out and the seas of revolution that will change how we play this but uh unfortunately we do have to wait a bit full of warsaw netherlands join the war in belgium belgium would be a good target for us we do bother them down here right mother ben trump has been honored and germany is about to kill france well not yet but surely they're going to maintaining the fire complete war support i don't need war support i need stability sadly that will probably never happen i guess i'll do freedom of thought and that will need it but uh just sitting here and it's an extra research thought feels wrong to not do it nori gets involved what the hell i stopped looking for a moment and the germans are getting killed let's just attack them and join in the war i think so yes that's very strange can i defend myself from the germans i guess that would give us a lot of territory if we managed to swing the war against germany save france from italy you get lots of territory you know what what the hell i'm gonna try it worst case scenario will die um let's pick something up here all right sure let's do it why not we're going to attack germany an italian naval invasion remains a possibility and a threat so i should deploy an army these guys and my military industries and shambles don't really have guns it'll be a bit problematic it seems like a great opportunity if the germans can be stopped absolutely justified on italy directly come on defend our fringe brothers we needed to bring anarchy to them with that they need to be alive come on i need to stop the italians i don't have enough time yeah netherlands are doing great they're almost in berlin how the hell did that happen i mean there's probably brits there but still how far from capitulation are you can't see that early right two weeks in the bit one france and you are oh come on come on i need military access from the french so that i can defend them 13 and declared war in finland oh but what if italy doesn't join denmark capitulates the netherlands are all over germany carson airport freedom of thought collective recovery right let's declare war in germany and acquire military access from france oh you idiots seriously did i just do all this for nothing i mean may still be able to enter italy through here italy has joined i guess that's something all right how about that access now still no that's mighty silly of you france you might just die in a moment because of that so it's an interesting development so i can say france and if the netherlands can't survive this we'll get a bit of italy or germany and that is valuable and we seem to be surprisingly effective just make sure the french don't get that territory back then i wouldn't have access to italy i need access to the access oh netherlands maybe you will give me access no everyone hates me because i'm the anarchs well at least we're doing something rather than just you know sitting back and waiting for the focus is to complete i'm still baffled how could this happen berlin is taken silly germany what did you do not sure how the french took that as long as we have some access to italy it's all good oh am i using the wrong general no he's fine it's actually going exceptionally well we'll be defending france and the netherlands have almost taken over germany i'm baffled that's my participation nine percent that's enough to get quite a lot of territory i wonder if i can get puppets a german puppet would go a long way no damn it france took a bit come on france oh i give them military access i shouldn't have done that cancel their military access that's better this way they won't be able to take territory from my territory and thus cut me off from italy let's get an industrial concern company this one and it's finally time to do the spy agency sim whatever that means this is just so stupid and i am on historical focuses so um yeah how no idea the version of warsaw and germany seems to have capitulated this is brilliant and i have 11 participation i have no idea how that happened but it's beautiful bulgaria joins the axis that's uh not a very wise choice bulgaria and so did hungary well they just joined this war i guess it doesn't really matter netherlands are about to become a global superpower maybe participation increases so beautiful the iberian tentacle france into italy right now we can do torj bears off tomorrow let's do the best guns i know it's early but they will give us a very big advantage is it time to switch to balanced maybe don't want to lose all the equipment are you doing anything ellie let's keep pushing on aggressive i need a lot of participation maybe i can italy or germany again i'm not sure if i can puppet as the anarchs but even if i just get some territory that's great as well let's try the military accessing once again nope and nope and nope all right no access for us wonder why some manual orders from milan no idea what happened here but i love it the unfortunate thing about this the netherlands might cut me off from rome are we doing 13 we get qatar that might fall to like 10 but i'm working on it let's get deals of gentleman we will need surprise later shock and awe come on netherlands give me access apparently we're not trustworthy also we seem to have the same color as switzerland i want to attack you i don't think anyone would guarantee them not with what's going on in the world and again i did cause a lot of world tension by attacking germany so perhaps it's not the best choice let's wait our turn and be opportunistic because france seems to not be doing much we should get to know about something still holding at 13 percent hey milan right get last pennsylvania and go through here we might beat the netherlands to rome anyhow the axis went from a world superpower or rather a world to power alliance to someone who we're just you know dividing up and i still have no idea how let's do the inevitable counter blow and then go down this path here we'll look pretty much just like switzerland you know what i'll try just fine in switzerland maybe they get guaranteed i'll just cancel and again goddammit netherlands took it they could theoretically join the eyes once i attack that would be disastrous when again if the exes are still alive they would automatically almost automatically join the axis so we'll see so there is not much we can do here they have been guaranteed less cancer don't want to fight the allies i could theoretically try naval invasions if i had that technology so seems like we'll just have to rely on the poor participation we have already acquired at least we got some states from italy now we wait trotsky survives assassination attempt weekly stability minus two that seems like italy is not long for this world oh no i can't join factions forgot and here is the peace conference all right they did take most of it which is a problem let's see if i can pop it already been puppeted a supervised state italy can't really do anything in italy apparently i could puppet hungary kinda it seems to be i didn't get more participation but we'll take what we can get hungry should be worth it and then we'll try taking some territory mostly from italy but first let's end the turn with hungary something's wrong here why can't i expand italy so hungary my subject here you go can't even give them their own territory i'll have to pass and pass and pass let's try giving hungary to hungary good i think slovakia would be quite expensive right seems like we'll just have to take territory sicily is not too expensive there is pm and 10 and pass a bit it's a bit more i think i passed too much i know it's not all bad i can take a few states from italy and slack well half of it well that's as much as we could get not a lot but we did get all of hungary and visibility which is decent concerning how little we contributed although maybe i should have focused on germany instead we do have the best industry okay let's have a look what do we have here kingdom of hungary is my supervised state yeah why can't i have a normal puppet maybe it's blocked somehow because first i only could do supervised state and later i could only do puppet so did something go wrong i don't know well at least we'll have hungry fighting for us if something happens in all honesty i'm kind of weirded out by that ah it's fine at least i got some industry from italy and what's next i think we'll have to fight the soviet union eritrea joins the alliance yeah i should have acted differently on this peace conference for example i should have made a border with the soviet union did the access still exist okay it's all weird and stuff united mexican states and austria joins germany yet again well let's sit back and prepare for those decisions that let us ignite anarchist uprisings all over the world because i'm successful apparently let's go down this path now seems like i might have messed up with hungary italy lays claim to greek territory increasing their eyes no it is not i'm gonna need naval invasions won't i let's research that when we get a free start militarize and other people even more manpower the soviet union should be fighting a lot of the allies soon and it would be a great idea to help fight the soviet union however we don't really have access to their territory i should have waited for hungary to uh you know be possibly made into a normal puppet yugoslavia jones japan in the faction oh i do have transport ship technology do i feel silly now we have been using that all along and we can begin the reintegration of our territory militarize and the people done anarchism and those known borders and utilize it with china i mean sure i've done stranger things hey more cars which means more factories and more manpower i need army experience for this damn it right let's exercise all of our troops i think i'll need to do this i'll give me some army experience done now let's see how those anarchist uprisings work busy with that army experience requirement and realize that mr arabia goes to the soviets well here it comes japan attacks in the philippines okay then the seas of revolution is done let's see those decisions united anarchist uprising in italy interesting we need a lot more of infantry equipment why can't i do that in france though i mean i don't control their territory shouldn't that be possible it's said in neighboring countries maybe it will update no right i'm gonna do this and test it out and i think that'll be it for this video but uh let's not get ahead of ourselves i will need to acquire a lot of infantry equipment to do that let's castle those extra units that i was about to deploy and do global defense council since we'll be doing that thing in italy let's get an italian operative oh that's a glorious moustache not building a spy network there japan attacks the dutch east indies which means the rs are going to kill japan now and we can start producing the best guns it will lower our efficiency though but they are the best guns so let's make them because i'll stop exercising now to not waste resources do you need that extra army experience all right yugoslavia was in the japanese faction global defense council and we have this scary flag let's do criminal military strategies this way we'll be able to acquire some army experience so can i turn this into a core or can i not turn this into a core i don't see these decisions maybe through here perhaps they'll appear once we have enough compliance well we have to be at war for this to work i don't know oh we do it from the map only see here it is integrate the balearis commune we could do that or we could do it that way oh interesting i mean this one is cheaper so that's what i'm gonna go with once we get the army experience this one's very expensive okay so now we know how that works it costs all the political power looks like capitulates criminal military strategy is complete we shall do shared burdens right let's militarize and the industry and we will soon be able to ignite the anarchist surprising for now let's hire the council of theorists that'll give us enough army experience to do the thing and i guess i'll go back to just training everyone we do need to integrate these regions real pity i spend that army experience on a doctrine i forgot i'll need it oh and we can ignite the anarchist uprising in italy i'm very curious how this will play out i will probably not manage to survive a fight with the allies but let's at least prepare this army to do something if it happens i mean if it happens we'll go down at least we'll go down swinging we mostly just want to try out the anarchist uprising mechanic right let's do it ignite anarchist uprising in italy 90 days to prepare i guess i could deploy some more troops in the meantime perhaps there will be enough to survive probably not to create a global anarchist unit will that automatically put me at war with italy i mean if it's just italy i could handle that let's move over here we've militarized the industry now coming out okay 14 more days one day and did anything happen okay was my anarchist surprising does it take some time is it like a special modifier somewhere no modifier do i need to declare war on them for this to happen i have no idea okay i'm not sure if my game bugged out or if i just didn't understand something let me re-read the focus phanteed of revolution unlocks the seas of revolution decisions allowing for the creation of anarchist uprisings in neighboring enemy countries so the uprising should happen on its own it seems but it doesn't happen i mean maybe it only works if i attack them but if i attack them i'm dead because they're with all the allies but if i don't attack them i don't know if it works right the aim of this video was to explore the anarch tree go for the global defense council of course if i were to redo it now i would play it completely different and much more effectively but i feel i have to attack italy just to know if that's how the anarchist sales work maybe it's meant to only be done during a war i have no idea i am going to attack italy this will be the death of me because italy is allied with france germany and the united kingdom and the united states so i will just be killed but i feel like i have to do this so that i know how this works so we're going to attack them knowing that we will be defeated there's just no way i can win this but i have to know so let's attack italy i mean i could win this in some better circumstances but right now i can't even join a faction i'm going into this fully knowing that will fail but i do have to know mark is coming angered by italian posturing sure anarchist coins tend to be angered by everything the italian posturing is a very good reason communal otterkey is there anything else we want to do before we are killed by italy let's do shell burdens i mean don't get me wrong uh the anarchists have the potential to be very very powerful but it turns out you have to play them completely different than any normal nation justification for lombardy is complete now i'm going to declare war fully knowing this is our end we cannot win this but i have to know how the anarchist uprising works the game promised me extra anarchist units where are my extra undercast units i've asked france to join in the united kingdom i can't see any anarchist units that's a lot of countries that come to kill us now isn't it well not indeed yeah i don't see any anarchist units popping up let's go for aggressive where is that uprising our cipher has been broken sure so i get new options to ignite an anarchist prizing let's read through these any state controlled by france is connected to the owner's capital is not a capital state almost any state is controlled by the global defense council anarchist uprising i honestly don't know how this is supposed to work do i get extra units once i conquer that state it's not really an uprising then is it and i already did that in italy and go to no units do i have to be at war with them but if i have to be at all of them why doesn't it warn me that i have to be at war with them oh and they cannot be in the civil war so yeah that should have started a civil war in italy and it did not yeah the game's blocked i think yeah either the game's broken in some way or i just don't get how this is supposed to work and whilst the anarch mechanics are interesting oh yeah i forgot to secure gibraltar what was i saying yeah so the anarch mechanics are interesting but uh they don't seem to work or at least they don't seem to work how i would expect them to you know maybe i should just disband some troops and use the extra infantry equipment will be lost how about if i just retreat from the front lines because i want that equipment back or just retweet here just cancel all your orders and go home so maybe i can recover the equipment and see if an uprising done during a war works everybody go home didn't get sunk by their ships aren't you yeah or maybe some will get through franz is killing me run away good indian movement not right now please all right so i can disband you now let's disband them see how much equipment we get in stock almost none right so um how about i just ban half of you no equipment oh no i did get some equipment just not enough equipment but you guys are going to just garrison madrid and stay there and hopefully survive well i try to do that one additional decision that probably won't work not enough equipment what if i disband all of you oh right and do no garrisons yeah garrisons do hold equipment don't they buy territories no garrison about now not enough that's silly okay there's nothing else i can do now but you did see it i did the decision to do an uprising in italy and it didn't work so either it doesn't work or it needs to be better described in the tooltips if i have to be at war with them please say that i have to be at war with them it's kind of important right should we end now or do we want to see spain get defeated what let's wait and see if they puppet us or release us or something i mean i knew we were going to lose going into this war did want to see what happens okay so what did they do we are supervised the state of britain and they did release some other spains from us so but we do still have a lot of factories and we can still play but we are a supervised state so we actually keep playing we're no longer an anarchist but we still have stuff like collectivized society that is quite interesting see if it changes election government contested wait a minute we'll get the spanish civil war again you're giving communists and fascists we don't care did we get the course back it seems so yes and we maintain the anarchist bonuses can we still do honest surprisings yes we can okay this is silly but workable i guess if the soviet union attacked we could join in the fight and actually do like anarchist uprisings in the soviet union we need to bother them though wouldn't i curious who are sort of anarchs but we're also not it's abound anarchists knows no bounds anarchist society we do have the insane economy but we're just a democratic country in the eyes i think i just found a weird loophole that could be used with a super powerful spain and multiplayer cool so we lost but we learned something and i can ignite anarchist uprisings in countries that are my friends in my alliance i think the uprisings are a bit borked do they need to be at war or do they need to be at all with me i don't understand anything about this alright i'll do one more thing we'll wait until we have 20 000 guns and click the ignite uprising button once more if nothing happens that should confirm that we need to be at war with the target polish romanian alliance can we fight you right we can now ignite and unlike this uprising which will probably not work again um but the soviet union is about to attack turkey i think let's see if i can do one against them if the allies come to take his defense which they probably want when they declared war in turkey and on romania romania is guaranteed but romaine is also not the target so nothing should happen here hungary is free though they were my subject now they're independent so we're in the class war in japan okay romania joins japan which means they're about to beat war with the allies will i be able to do an uprising in romania maybe probably not i think i would need to border them in some way nope no new options for the uprising all right one last thing let's click the button and see if an uprising happens in britain i'm pretty sure it won't right two days one day until an anarchist uprising is supposed to happen in britain oh it created some units for me it didn't do that in italy though okay so i guess it does work if my units can be positioned there or something and if i was at war with them it would kind of work like an order 66 situation i mean it's an interesting idea but it is also a bit barked this needs to be fixed although it can be used for quick unit deployment i guess 28 000 guns if i were to disband all of them this cannot be disbanded okay something else then how many guns do they have 300 guns per unit 18 units that's a bit over 5 000 guns and we paid 20 000 for that okay so i suppose this would probably work out great if we were at war with each other that would just deploy my troops right in their territory which is great however once again if that's how it works it should be kind of explained because i just wanted to start a civil war in italy and didn't anyway i'm going to end this video here uh we have explored the anarchist path which is interesting but not my style why well because of all the limitations on diplomacy and diplomacy is how i played the game anarchist spain is definitely very powerful with collectivised society and all that free manpower and making any states they want into a core which would be especially effective in china however all the limitations put on it make it a country i wouldn't really play unless it's a special situation also the uprisings either need to be fixed or better explained let me know how you'll like it so there's that i would play the better if i played it again but i don't really want to play anarchists at least in the near future then again if i were for example fighting the axis say germany got here and i was fighting them i could just spam uprisings over the territory that would be quite cool so there's something to be said about anarchist spain being a viable choice also i think in multiplayer you could do what was kind of done to me by the united kingdom just go down the anarchist path and then surrender to your friend and turn back into a normal country that can join factions but keep all those beautiful anarch bonuses where's that bonus the anarchist society eight percent recruitable population and zero stability forever are they eight percent recruitable population okay i'm going to end it here let me know what you think and what i should do next and also a reminder this video has a sponsor do check them out and i will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 213,408
Rating: 4.8933148 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 spain, hoi4 defeat germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 spain world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman spain, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 good spain, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 spanish world, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4 intelligence, hoi4 la resistance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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