TMG 2020 Podcast Highlights

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oh have you been following the shoreline watch a drama no no what's up so like you know phoenix yeah flex and he's out right yeah you saw the dude they replaced him with no malone brown you hear this fool no malone brown dick in your mouth no no no [Music] it doesn't really matter how much money you make or how much money you have that's really the thing because i'm not asking you for a large financial contribution if it cost twenty dollars to sub twenty dollars is quite a bit of money twenty dollars is quite a bit quite a bit is she from canada probably she has to be given the paleness i'm gonna say yes you can get a full meal for twenty dollars and the difference of twenty dollars and each i love how this starts honestly like a motivational speech i'm gonna let this i know right i'm just gonna let this play yeah let's run it back just so you get the full statement but people are probably sitting here thinking right now like okay this is going to help me right the next few minutes are going to be um insightful for me and and i'm going to take something away from this video right yeah by what you think i think yeah okay easily a bit of money twenty dollars is you can get a full meal for twenty dollars and the difference of twenty dollars and eating a meal is in that twenty dollars like that's where it is but a sub is five dollars at max what did you say the difference between eating yeah [Laughter] does that even make sense it's with the classic bullshitter economics she just she said it's so like surely yeah that's like some pyramids game [ __ ] right there no cause you put the money in and then it goes in and then it comes back out and the difference is sitting in between right right imagine you're eating a meal at tim hortons right 20 20 can quite a bit of money yeah i can buy you four full meals at tim hortons imagine you didn't eat one of those meals so you're sitting in tim hortons with three meals okay that meal that you're not eating that's where the money that's where the difference lies okay huh yeah i'm still i don't even need to get her original statement what the [ __ ] was that hold up i'm gonna listen really closely because we all know math is hard for me twenty dollars like that's where it is right and the difference of twenty dollars and eating a meal is in that twenty dollars like that's where it is what does that mean what does it mean tell me i think what she's saying is the difference between twenty dollars and eating a meal is that's it right there it's it's twenty dollars it's in the twenty dollars right there but what but that's the weirdest backwards way of saying twenty dollars can buy you a meal i don't know how many dollars and the meal is in that twenty dollars like that's where it is but um sorry keep playing that's so funny that was the weirdest way of saying [Laughter] twenty dollars is twenty dollars i don't the difference is there the difference between not eating a meal and eating a meal is having the twenty dollars that's the difference welcome to economics with jay alvarez all right welcome to how currency works yeah sub is five dollars at maximum in whatever your currency is it's maybe ten dollars and it doesn't matter how broke you are if you have time to watch twitch you have you have ten dollars truly if you that's hey that there's another little uh macro economic break down there twitch users to watch twitch equals ten dollars in the wallet yeah guaranteed every time every time every [ __ ] time yeah you don't if you watch twitch you have ten dollars you definitely have ten dollars no and i love how she follows it up watch ten dollars truly if you don't have ten dollars you probably don't have time to watch twitch because you should be working you should be trying to earn money uh it's not a ton it's not like a ton of money so being like [ __ ] off i hate this chick i hate this chick oh you don't you don't like that you don't get paid talk to every [ __ ] creative person ever every stand-up every artist anyone who's ever tried to entertain people talk to them for the first five [ __ ] years of their career see how much [ __ ] money they made goddamn talk to the people that are sitting in coffee beans in the [ __ ] valley yeah writing writing day after day writing yeah for free with my money i can't support the entertainment oh god let's let's let's hear this let's hear this is the this is the hook line singer right here money i can't [ __ ] or to sub it that doesn't really track what you mean to say is i'm so irresponsible with my money i can't support the entertainment that i enjoy ah that laugh oh oh i felt that in my bones holy [ __ ] get that again what you mean to say is i'm so irresponsible with my money i can't support the entertainment that i enjoy [Laughter] [Music] bmg or tiny meat gang and their songs are pretty good and their podcast is also not bad but i'll take it not bad no i'll take it from an englishman i'll take pretty good and not bad i think he's australian isn't he no i couldn't help but notice that i said the word like oh yeah yeah aussie even better like like a lot and i wondered exactly how often do that say these words i like this guy's so you take a whole heap of more big curio he has a great set yeah and then sprinkling a global pandemic causing me to self-quarantine so i can't go outside and spend time with my friends that don't exist and what you end up with is me going how did i completely miss it he's aussie i really really thought he was english it's such a fat strike for me he's going to be so offended watching this he's going to say i'm english [ __ ] you guys yeah and the fact that you said oh from an englishman okay i respect it or whatever wait aussie oh never mind no even better cast they release and cutting out every single time they say the word like so how often do they say well in episode 124 of the podcast which was really similar yeah there was a reason like like like just right let it play like like like like like like like like like we should just change the podcast to this this is very funny just 60 minutes of like we cut we cut out everything we said what's up guys thanks for tuning in to this week's podcast like [Laughter] oh man oh man i'm getting flashbacks of um right now like like like like like a bigger bike like like you like like like like i'm like okay the only thing i'm gonna use as a like see as a two percent defense 98 of this is super valid the only two percent i'm going to defend are the times where we've been on the road and our brains were a bit fried from performing that's fine and we're we're out of gas that's the only two percent of the hundred percent likes i will defend the 98 percent are [ __ ] for the two percent where we were completely taxed from touring so we had no capacity to think yep this one where is this was this australia uh yeah yeah that was recently yeah this is australia so we can't even use jet lag as an excuse here yeah we were we were already like in that time zone like like like like like like like like like a sniper like like like oh my good god dude he's like like like like episodes too like this isn't even the worst one holy [ __ ] it's pretty wild but anyways man what'd you say i said shout out to this man everybody show bevin some love dude yeah man no honestly i i i i i i love stuff like this because there's no way you're ever perfect right and i'm just not trying to harp on the same thing but i don't know i like this whatever what were you about to say this is one of those things where when you hear it you can't stop thinking about it yeah i've never noticed i listen to our podcast all the time because i'm vain i've never noticed it yeah but i do notice it on other people's and it annoys me so i'm glad that someone brought this up because it was a kind of an eye-opening thing i was like oh [ __ ] do we do that of course we do yeah it's just we don't know what we're [ __ ] saying half the time so we just you know we gotta we gotta find a different word like what if we replaced it with you know smegma for example or we just said that instead just a harmonized hmm yeah yeah if it was something enjoyable maybe it wouldn't be so bad but the word like is such a it's uh what if we replaced it with yes i'm watching the tiger king and oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's pretty good turn it into the horniest podcast ever [Music] i saw some post about a device bro it it can simulate uh tastes of food and and other things and and smells no yeah on your tongue no yeah yeah that's what it's gonna be can you imagine gwyneth paltrow's gonna have a field day with that [ __ ] bro wife comes home her husband it just has like it's like a stick that you put on your tongue it's very obvious man he's just like on a large this is a [ __ ] 80-inch television just like some [ __ ] video he's got the stick on his tongue he's like oh oh how did that get there it's a pixie stick i i didn't i didn't know no he's just smelling it no because to get the smell you have to put it on your tongue you taste the smell it was something like that let me get that the actual quote huh oh he's talking like that full from rat race with the pierced tongue oh my god it's been forever since i've thought about that rat race what a movie the norway mackie synthesizer is a lickable screen it's a screen that can recreate almost any taste oh sorry or flavor sorry no smell without eating food smell would be funny if i had little like vents on the side smell-o-vision pump out this like gas oh it just smells like whatever you're like you know you're watching a cooking video yeah or a fart or a fart youtube videos this video is normansky synthesized oh yes you can just taste everything in the video oh i love this video it tastes like meat [Laughter] oh my god how's the wife comes home dude's watching porn just lapping the screen like a kid drink like a cat drinking milk just like [Laughter] it's a close-up shot of a [ __ ] that's that's gonna be you know that's the future of memes someone sends you a dope uh normanski synthesizer [ __ ] lick video and you start watching and you're licking your your synthesizer and then it just changes to dick all of a sudden he just oh no oh why did i like it why did i like it [Laughter] what are you talking about i i turned it off before you know you got there before he even got there you started having a [ __ ] meltdown [Laughter] you're crying and [ __ ] texting your wife i'm funny i'm gay what what i'm saying i sucked a dick i was looking at the the justin sent me a meme and i was tasting it and then it changed to a dick so i tasted the dick justin sent me a meme and i was tasting it oh i didn't meet you i swear to me too but i tasted the dick you what i like to dick i tasted it what how cuz i have a normanski synthesizer when did you buy that for tasty memes it just started as a joke i just i wanted to watch the you know the crafty videos and taste the macaroni and it just it was supposed to be a gift i was watching those cooking videos i thought it'd be nice if you could taste the instagram cooking video and then i thought i'd give it a try before i sent it gave it to you and then i licked the penis i don't want to taste the dick anymore [Music] uh it's too bad we couldn't do it in studio though it would have been would have been cool i know you could have seen just how small we are this is how your studio is google says i'm five [ __ ] seven so i'm on board wait how tall are you six foot so it says i'm five seven it might have been changed now no it's changed now six feet so when i came out people were like commenting [ __ ] like five seven i was like like i don't even look at the [ __ ] comments anymore but for a while it was just like short like short keying love i love you blah blah and i was like what the [ __ ] and then someone said google has me at five seven and i was like what the [ __ ] you're like i'm not [ __ ] short yeah it's like [ __ ] all my buddies are over six foot anyway so i feel like the short one but five seven just slander bro like come on hey what's wrong with five seven yeah what's wrong with that dude hey wait no i'm just kidding because i'm not five seven if i was i'd rock that [ __ ] too hey listen if that's you that's cool that's not me yeah that's good yeah good dude i just i just i'm not if if i was i'd be cool with it but i'm not because that would be pathetic [Laughter] this is weird it feels like i'm watching one of the one of the talking heads from the show yeah dude so like yeah and the be cut dude those were those were the worst so i watched the show back um finally it took a while just because there are certain parts i was kind of like damn like they got me at the worst like the worst moment but the beach hug and you're just sitting there talking to the camera like there was one episode i remember we got pretty much 5x the amount of liquor we'd normally get let's cost them more oh yeah yeah yeah i can tell some episodes you guys look bad like your eyes are like glass you're like i feel like they don't love me anymore yeah straight up like i was sitting in there and i'm just looking at myself like dude i am turn and you already know they're getting like every answer out of me they want and they use that same one for like the next two episodes because it was so long can you even say that do we have to cut that out uh no i think we're i don't know yeah we probably didn't talk about production too much but that's what i want to know though i want to know yeah that's fine that's fine to say just not i'm sure i just can't be saying like yo someone told me this or that yeah yeah yeah yeah when you when you like go to the to the b cut room do they tell like i always wondered like when you did the challenges and you're talking about the challenges as they were happening or i guess like when you're talking about [ __ ] that happened what am i trying to say yeah no like when when okay let's say you do a challenge and then you go then you're talking about it they always have you phrase it in real time oh like you're in yeah yeah like you're in present tense but is it that you do the challenge and they get you after and they go okay how did this make you feel and then when this person did this is it just that yeah yeah no that's that's exactly how it is we come back and uh just kind of how do you feel in this moment how was this and you talked about it yeah did they ever make it force like do they do you ever give an answer they say that's good say it like this though it's more of it's more of like we know we know that's good but just be more drunk when you say it yeah no it's more more direct i'd say kind of like if you're just talking around the point they'll be like you know we want you to hit that on my head like hit that little harder and then you will but you really learn how to answer the questions without throwing people under the bus so you just talk around and you get to it but then when you re-watch it back it's kind of like snaps just put that part in there and you're like [ __ ] like yeah so what's funny is i googled carrington love island height and the third link is a reddit post carrington update so is he five seven or six feet dude i hate i found out what reddit is just just after the show [ __ ] i know you guys don't know what it is apparently but it's [ __ ] terrible it's so it's so weird the conspiracy theories of like the show like there's there's fans of people who like make up theories like i saw one it was like caleb caleb was bi and camden's gay and and they've been secretly talking what like where did you get that from like what the [ __ ] how did they get your sex tape bro that was all right i hacked the love island server and i got your sex tape it's a wrap for you hold on you you didn't know what reddit was that's the part that you just found out what reddit is and how old are you 23. dude i am doing it like i i've heard about it i just never when you're succeeding you don't go on the internet like that like the internet is a utility it's just like it's the most that's the most hot person [ __ ] of all time just like yeah i just found out i just found out people sit inside all day and post on a what do you even call this don't these talk to people in person hilarious they're not even like normal conversations it's just like the weirdest [ __ ] though like the weirdest [ __ ] no offense to anyone after using reddit but damn dude i am oh my god this is the funniest thing this is probably the best segment that we could have ever asked this is the funniest thing i've heard about entirely because we constantly pretend like we don't use reddit even though we do and so to have someone on here that literally has never used it yeah this is [ __ ] amazing this is the funniest thing i've heard literally my entire life yeah [Music] so this one kid alex warren the top kid there yeah search his name on youtube on youtube and watch his newest video and tell me if it if he reminds you of anyone that one girlfriend wakes up in pool prank decided to prepare a dish for me wow yeah i mean voila i would speak spanish you wait just play to the intro okay it's just grilled cheese okay bro oh wait hello this is your first time seeing this kid yeah really yeah what is this your first time where have you seen him i've yeah i've gone down this hole already you late bro i [ __ ] why didn't you say anything to me it's mind-boggling it's freaking me the [ __ ] out what you knew i didn't know about this kid i mean i so i like i like search his name or whatever and i see that there are some like breakdowns of like comparing his videos to david dalbrick's videos right yeah but it's like gotten way [ __ ] worse oh yeah yeah i mean yeah and no one's said anything since then ugh what what else can you say i mean it's so it's so transparent what he's doing no but to doubts down to the [ __ ] laugh dude he copied his voice i don't understand yeah that that part's scary it's freaking me out yeah it's weird as [ __ ] yeah and buddy has carbon copied david dobrik like yeah so he boasts he posts vlogs yeah they're all a little bit over four minutes yeah they all are the same format where they start with like a little sketch it cuts to the intro which is just text it's quick and then it cuts back and it's all like pranks and sketches that he does with his friends right now you can say okay he didn't invent [ __ ] vlogs like this you know the intro format where it does a sketch and then it cuts to an intro that's been done for a long time i used to do that but mostly because david dilbert did it but like i also like david dober didn't invent that right no cold opens is not but this is a whole another level where he's he's basically cloning david dobrik's like personality and his mannerisms at the same time yeah yeah you and the most identifying thing to me is that you know david dobrik the most unique thing i think about him is he's a laugh talker yeah i've never seen anyone else do this besides david dobrik when he when he talks to the camera he talks like this yep and you know not no shade no shade on the dude at all i really i think i respect what he's done for the platform and everything but he's a laugh talker yeah he is i've never seen anyone else do that before it's very unique to him yeah this kid laugh talks i mean i think it's is more than that too it's like the cadence like even in this first 30 seconds a lot of gordon ramsay and he's decided you know a lot of gordon likes just like that in and of itself it's almost like he looked in the mirror realized he had the same vocal tone i was like i'm going for it yeah man yeah prepare a dish for me they laugh the laugh is freaking me out i mean voila i will speak spanish in spanish it's just grilled cheese it's just grilled cheese okay yeah like so go is there any is there any like during this where he laughs guys or he talks to the camera you know get nested yeah i don't know what you're going to get right i have this really original idea of putting covert in the pool while she's sleeping that one's not a good example she won't wake up from this all right from this must be really deep sleeping yeah yeah yeah you keep sleeping it's i don't know man if you can go down the hole if you care you can go down that hole if you care you can slide down that hole if you care i've i've never seen some [ __ ] like this ever [Music] i just have to walk back to sucking off really yeah i know sorry please i'd love to go back to that i was thinking about and i've i know we've done this before but whatever i was thinking about going to a confessional it's like ah heavenly father how are you all right son we want to talk about oh father i got my [ __ ] sucked last night it was so like oh i just felt like i had to come in and say sorry like it was she was bad but no i had to apologize for her you know what i mean she was sucking my thing he's like okay well it you know what honestly father i didn't even want to really apologize for it i just had to tell somebody i'm and i just thought i'd come in and just tell you so what do you think well what does she look like son he's just tipping the phone around around the let me slide this through man look at that look at that he's like oh dear oh dear you could say it man your mercy oh mercy mercy me mercy mercy me the lord oh yeah he's like damn not a lot of followers too nice nice she's very uh she's very good on the instagram i can see yeah father she sucked my thing i'm afraid to call her back but because i don't think she you know i think i'm just like a little toy to her but god damn i know would you say when you say sucked would you say she sucked you off oh she slapped me off father good lord nursing me mercy me heavenly father i want to apologize for getting my thing absolutely sucked off last night that's a tweet right there dear lord i'm so sorry for getting completely sucked last night i have mercy on my soul please forgive me for getting sucked off last night father i want to propose a new chapter in the bible called the sucking dude that was crazy she can't be the only one if that's the devil i need so much more strength because good lord she sucked me off dude [Music] my 22 year old female boyfriend 22 year old male farts are ruining our relationship i thought this would be here tomorrow see this is like the exclusive [ __ ] you can't get this anywhere else yeah no this is this is a [ __ ] holographic charizard of of reddit posts man i really hope that this chick didn't post this and then her boyfriend saw it so she deleted it and finally they've defused this issue and now we're just going to reignite the flame we're going to wind them up yeah all right so read it my boyfriend of four months has uncontrollably rancid farts i've been on a road trip with him and two other people 19 and 21 for three weeks now and i'm at my breaking point today in particular was nauseating would it be nauseating no no no we've been on a nine hour driving every time he falls he proceeds to laugh maniacally uh and locks the windows [ __ ] dope though this is what you get for dating a fred dude yeah seriously that's funny like once yeah no repeatedly that's that's not funny i can hear the joker laugh now this is the origin story of the joker yeah some people just want to watch the world stink the farts raise the temperature in the car no he's just turning on the heater to be an [ __ ] that's the part you're missing no it's funny to think of his farts actually being that hot yeah just like like hot [ __ ] infrared just [ __ ] a red gas consuming the car the farts raise the temperature in the car considerably make my eyes water damn so they're spicy nice you can taste it they got [ __ ] curry powder in that [ __ ] yeah and on multiple occasions have made me gag and nearly vomit oh my god damn bro this guy's got he's got a weapon yeah this guy's got some power his stomach is a weapon bro it's registered yeah she's got a serial number on it's potent he has a [ __ ] limit on how much [ __ ] he can eat because it passed a certain point it's like he's federal permit to be eating that much curry because of what comes out of his ass yeah he needs intestines license i keep telling him to change his diet or go to gastrointestinal intestinal specialist because i cannot take it anymore oh my god man let's let my significant other tell me you need to see a gastrointestinal specialist in an argument see how i react i would i if someone legit told me that i'd be like i do have a problem i would if you have bad farts for months at a time that's not natural this has been happening for months look i understand once in a while let anyone let anyone rip but this is constant in the car in front of my parents during sex that's a no-no bro and every time he just laughs many times he farts into his hand and well if he can throw if you can if you can ball up your fart is this full an avatar oh that hit me so hard man is this full aang like the [ __ ] stop like the style bender like he can fart into his hand and throw it at you like a snowball yeah just dragon ball and every time he just laughs many times he farts into his hand throws it now i'm trying not to be unreasonable i love him a lot he's a perfect man for me i don't care that he farts a lot i cannot handle the smell and this is where my screenshot cut off i say you're like babe i want to try something different he's like all right you say you so into farting um i want you to fart on my face yeah mm-hmm no no okay go ahead and then you know he's like all right all right yeah all right yeah you want me for you in front of me yeah you turn around i want you to find my face and then when he turns around you get one of those nare uh you get an air strip uh-huh it's covered in wax and you just smack it right on his [ __ ] okay right along the hair of his [ __ ] okay you shave his ass no no you just leave it on he said you want to fart again go ahead tear that thing off then you can fart again and it's just like a it's like a reminder so like he's gonna have to go through some pain to get back to where he was and he'll make him appreciate what he had before yeah and not to use it willy-nilly yep and you know should take his [ __ ] away from him yeah i see disarmed or how how's this okay get him um get him a butt plug for every single gift so like we're talking valentine's day birthday keep getting him butt plugs different colors though like mix it up pink purple um i mean you could get ones with little figurines you know like cool little things attached to them you know there's a ton of bub plugs you can get but just keep so when he'll fart in front of your appearance get him a butt plug in front of his parents yeah for his birthday yeah i'll be like your son oh this needs this it's because he farts all the [ __ ] time or fight fire with fire bust back when you're having sex with him get off turn around fart on his dick he might just look at that and go all right yeah okay okay yeah yeah [Music] we're lucky enough to get in thanks to ksi so this is the first time i've ever been to this place i don't think we could have gotten in yeah um really i don't i don't know he he handled it so i don't know he had like a promoter they were the line was pretty [ __ ] um like huge and also the bouncers were very very mean oh and we showed up and said his name and it still took like 15 minutes finally i was like alright four of you can come in whoa yeah and so uh we get in and it's it's going off like we have this table like near the back and everyone no nobody there is like general admission everyone has a table oh and everyone's standing on the seats and it's going crazy and it's very very small like i would say it's probably like double the size of this room and there's a giant stage that comes through the middle that like is a semi-circle at the end so there's tables wrapped around it and then there's a main stage at the back oh [ __ ] and so uh the first act comes on it's like this girl that's dressed up in lingerie she's got this insane voice and she starts singing and it's like a singing number that ends and we're like oh then that was like pretty great as far as shows go like live shows at a club that was amazing yeah the second one comes on i don't even know if i can like i'm pretty sure they like make you sign an nda when you walk into this place or some [ __ ] so i don't even know if i can talk about this but did you sign this did you sign something no but i feel like i had that video like that yeah it's just like the understanding that if you go you don't talk about it oh [ __ ] that i'm i don't think i'm gonna go again no so the second act this chick this crane comes down from the ceiling and she comes out on stage and she's dressed up in like sort of like a kimono and she's got a blindfold around her face and she attaches the crane hook onto her hair and it pulls her up in the air and she does this whole number where she strips and spins around just by her hair the whole time okay and it's like super weird and and sexual and cool and and dope all right she finishes that and we're like damn that was really cool that was really cool okay a little messed up that she was being held by her hair the whole time but still very cool right what could the next one be how are they gonna top that the next one the next one is this dude that has clown makeup on okay horrifying clown makeup okay i'm talking like this [ __ ] straight from do you ever watch that video i did on that on asmr and there's that dude that had that mask on that's like rubbing the mic with his knife i can't remember horrifying makeup like it clown makeup and he's got um he's got giant fake boobs okay and then he is like almost naked or he's kind of wearing like a maids outfit or something like that okay he takes his boobs out okay and then and then um he's got a he's got a a guy tied up naked on stage and he takes a knife and he basically insinuates he's like cutting the guy's dick off or something like that okay or maybe like slicing his leg or something okay because he has his blood on his hand all of a sudden oh and he gets up on stage turns his ass towards everyone and starts fisting his own ass with the blood-covered hand so oh man so that was the next thing like i don't we're all like everyone in the club is like what the [ __ ] so what is it like they were trans like what or is it just like hard to say because the makeup just like was not telling i didn't even know if the boobs were real oh were i don't even know if they were like real fake boobs they might have just been like a thing like one of those like yeah yeah whoa whoa and the clown makeup i mean it wasn't even like i didn't even know no it's fair yeah yeah yeah and good hair though and no he's wearing a wig oh crazy like coffee crazy wig word so he's fisting his own ass with with his blood cut blood soaked hand from the i'm sorry if this is like disgusting to you right now it's more funny to me because it's like we were all just like from uh this yeah like yeah sexual or circumcision yeah well it's like it's like you know it had this sense of like oh wow this yeah yeah and she's like spinning around her body's all like you know she's pointing her toes and she's like his art or something it's hard it feels like dance yeah yeah to this like shock yeah value show yeah and so we're like okay uh that was wild the next one comes out is the two dudes and they're contortionists okay and they do these crazy like pop block dance moves where they're like popping their shoulders out and [ __ ] like that was wild but like also a little bit gross and then and then there was another show that was like kind of normal and then the clown comes back out and it gets naked completely naked and he takes his dick and he just pees all over all the people that were sitting at the table surrounding the stage so these are the most expensive tables at this club i mean they're probably like thousands of pounds and this dude is just peeing all over them and we watch boobs are no boobs boobs like look so they were real then yeah but it could have been like makeup like it could have been like a fake set of boobs that he put i don't know word okay word i just gotta get the image right i gotta make sure the boobs are on or off boobs are the boobs [Music] bro i also have to bring up that lewis hamilton cliff which oh uh it's is this one dude you're gonna you're gonna howl this is good this could be a cringe in it of itself man we're gonna get twenty oh yeah yeah i watch this it's like lewis fans are crazy man pretty good crazy yeah i didn't realize how big this guy was oh he's massive huge i was like i watched the video and i was like oh he's got a balenciaga sweater on so new tab lewis hamilton net worth 285 million bucks yeah yeah bazillion trillion bazillion trillion the bts of racing dude bro what pla [Laughter] i have jokes for this because someone dm me this video as well i had a [ __ ] hilarious joke good write it right off the rip what what is the angle i i'm saying people film like from here dude this is a jacob sartorius video bro totally the hoodie popped the look in his eyes yeah yeah yeah he has a ring light on in his pupils but it's a it's warm light yeah real warm light you got the you got the bicolored ring ring light yeah exactly it does two color temps the dog the [ __ ] forearm extended like he really has to frame it like he's pinning you down come on man yeah oh that's what it is that's exactly what it looks like it looks like he's choking us hi everyone i hope you're well i know i've not been in touch this past week but it's definitely been one of the hardest uh weeks that i've that i've had for somebody dude the arm is like the arm position is crazy all he need all he needed to do was do one little like yeah yeah dude dude he's trying the hardest by the way this is the guy that we were talking about that had coveted okay this is what he's talking about the race car driver is recovering from covet he's trying so hard not to lick his lips right now this has been one of the toughest weeks of my whole life is one of this is one of the hardest weeks of my life this is the hardest i've been this has been one of the most throbbing weeks of my life let it finish honestly i feel like i'm just pulsating right now with the desire to get over this virus [Laughter] um it's just been focusing on recovering and trying to get back uh in shape so i can get back in the car and race the final race in abu dhabi um i woke up today feeling great and got my first workout in so i just wanted to send you guys a message of positivity let you know that i'm okay and wait wait wait we're just right here it's right here one of you for sending me the amazing messages and and videos and um i really really appreciate it that doesn't say nudes i just want to say that is not nudes if that is not beautiful people thank you for hearing me all the messages and those videos god in those amazing videos what videos what who are you what why are you watching whose videos are you like what fans videos are you watching are you going to your dms and watching like if this is not the face of i just got a hundred million nudes oh yeah for having coveted coveted nudes let's see what else he says and i hope that wherever you are you're staying positive and fighting through uh whatever that you're facing and uh i hope that i can get back in the car soon oh my god that look down yeah i hope that i can get back in the car soon [Music] come on a rap video what is this bruh this is he kind of looks like like he should be an r b singer or something like that man lewis is you know he's a good looking dude there's no there's no denying that so whoever sent me this as well was like oh yeah he definitely was getting his dick sucked right there right here oh my god oh be so funny right at the very end you heard [Laughter] you just see the top of someone's head just pop over from the bottom of the frame thank you all whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa remember to stay positive [Laughter] she's mate what's her back down geez stay positive i just she [ __ ] spits on it oh my god thank you for all the to all the fat the wonderful fans for the wonderful message she does the [ __ ] cheers thank you love y'all [Laughter] i'm telling you right now there's gonna be so many louis fans that comment on this like how dare you use sick pervert like david oh come on it's funny how can you not look at this and say it's funny dude it's so funny man [Music] we have mark mcgrath in studio today in our in our our studio air quotes um we're here to bury the hatchet so we're going to box out back we're going to go one by one well or i'll sit on your shoulders and then we'll that'd be good we'll wear a trench coat yeah we're a trench coat it'll look like one it'll be as tall as mars it's gonna be good because if you've seen by my videos i like to pick on you know the smallest that's what i do as a fake tough guy but i'm glad you guys accepted my you know my my um request to to fight you know i'm very angry and your friend and your fans are very vociferous what does that mean it's a combination of feverish and vociferous i just made it up you caught me on it you got it i said i meant said i meant to say vociferous okay which i also don't know what that means that just means like means loud and means very proud they're very they love what you guys do okay you guys know that you guys are out there shaking hands doing meet and greets that are seven hours long i know but and that's so when i know if i'm trending on a topic it's probably because of youtube so thank you guys for keeping me relevant i have to be honest so someone tweeted a clip of this like a while back of someone bringing a sign and they you brought them on stage yeah it was like it was my worst nightmare because i was like oh bro don't i'm like don't don't go to the show and [ __ ] up the show man people paid for that no no dude everybody has the right to do whatever they want and like look i i want to qualify something of that video real quickly i reacted like a complete [ __ ] you will never hear me make an excuse for how i reacted i reacted like an idiot i reacted like a drunken idiot coming out a bar at 2 30 in the morning now i keep using the word reacted yeah that was nothing i did i was reacting to something that was being done to a group of people yeah you know i was at it was a party i think it was like 22 almost 23 22 years ago and madonna was having a party yeah and this is the guy's even pre-internet i know some of your your viewers and listeners what are you talking about and they're like what there was actually time before the internet social media and uh the whole paparazzi world was kind of brand new tmz didn't really exist yeah what like what even like where did that people magazine they went magazine you know sean penn punched the photographer yeah that was like that kind of thing and people magazine and it was the internet wasn't even a thing so i couldn't anticipate you know 20 25 years later for sure what the repercussions were but coming out that night there was a group of people and paparazzi not not they weren't all paparazzi but it's a group of people and it's about 2 30 in the morning let's put the context together yeah yeah and i come we're coming outside and what paparazzi and people did back then to get pictures was kind of harass people kind of haranguing you into reacting yeah and i was like wow they're dropping some f-bombs here yeah there was gay people there and people were getting a little bit intimidated because there's kind of a group of like you know angry guys yelling at people going look over here blah blah blah is the paparazzi doing this it was a group of people in paparazzi the so-called quote-unquote kid that i yelled at was in the bar two hours earlier somehow this kid has become 12 years old and i was always 50. you know i was never 26 and he was 22. so every headline about the video the kid just gets younger and younger and younger like they go and you know mark mcgrath yells at a 14 year old and mark mcgrath so it just keeps getting younger it's just so weird so i i just feel like i should sort of speak up on what it was and again i reacted like a complete [ __ ] and there's complete plenty of good material in there i've told you both yeah there's tweeze my nips there's by the way i told that guy he'd never make it in showbiz i was right about that one confirm that we haven't heard from dude since i don't think so yeah you know what i'm saying so you know get that what if like there's like this massive irony arc where like he's like he's like yeah [ __ ] mark mcgrath he like goes out to become a stand-up and then just people like hey aren't you the sugar gay dude i know and then and then sugar game bro they bring signs to his but so like i was kind of like wow this is kind of like you know angry angry mob sort of mentality and it was a little bit gnarly and like i'm not a tough guy but once i heard the sugar gay comment come in i was just drunk enough just stupid enough to react to it yeah being the terrible fake tough guy i am i looked at the smallest guy and found him i don't know if the dude even said it so i just reacted like an idiot all tweets or noobs bro i don't remember i said the dumbest [ __ ] thing i and i'm not going to say it's dumb i'm going to say it's actually gold because we have tweezer nips for forever freezer is a good one that's a that's a legendary it's pretty legendary i'm pretty proud of that one i've got to say matter of fact going into 2020 i want all tough guys using tweezer nips it's time i want all tough guys to tweeze their nips is there a more emasculating thing than to ask someone to tweeze their nips and is there more masculine thing than to tweeze your own nips it kind of works in both contacts this is matthew mccon's clip oh yeah let's watch it maddie giggles yeah what is it what's the clip dude let this rip the whole thing i can't [ __ ] wait for this i was crying bro okay not that not that i want this see it yeah oh oh so okay this is him on what some podcasts okay and not to make it a podcast about a podcast but actor [ __ ] oh man this is just the most actor thing ever okay it's talking about the scene an interstellar when he's crying okay and the caption is the interstellar crying scene was done first take all right not just okay let's let it read so that was a monday morning um okay it's not a scene about knowing the dialogue it's not about saying the right word it's about reacting which is the word you just used i gotta go into that and just say relax and get ready to receive now here's the trick and i did this with the final summation and the time to kill with joe schumacher i walk in and i'm pretty much in my on those i'm in my own zone i'm not looking anywhere else in the eye i'm in my own zone to receive whatever is going to happen i love to receive to receive to receive man just let it rip let it rip and i hear and i have something in my hand written in case i need it and then i hear no let's try to go okay we're going to set up cameras over here is wide and here's wide and then we'll rehearse it one time we'll play the video and i just kind of walked over without looking at him kind of up and he goes yeah and i hand him this thing it's a piece of paper that has two letters on it see you which means close up so he goes that's me letting him know no don't do the wide shots and all this get in close now and there's our rehearse and i just look up and i go which is what i mean by going uh we rehearsing live all right i'm sorry who directed this nolan he sounds like mcconaughey director yeah yeah nope nope shut up nolan we're doing it my way i love the the hand roll so what is it what this means is i'm rolling we're gonna do it live [ __ ] it do it live it's as if as if this could mean anything else i do this yeah i do this which means in the movie biz that means let's roll swirl i'm doing this i do this tim right i'm doing this to him so i'm doing this to him which in the biz means roll he says go wide or say uh-uh i want it tight this means tight shot right here tight shot that's what that means he says so he so he says we're getting wide i say i i i go up to him right and i go in his ear and i say this [Music] which which in the game means close up i want to go close up he says we're going wide i say nope i go right up to his earlobe and i just give a nice little it's a quick little suck on the earlobe and he knows nope no rehearsal we're doing it live close up it would actually be [ __ ] hysterical if he started [ __ ] with whoever this podcast host is because he's just making it like movie terms and he's every single time he's got to explain it like that you know that means let's we're live let's roll if he was just like just [ __ ] just [ __ ] up to him i do this right and i say no no which in the movie biz means craft services needs to be replaced right right right right right host is just right okay yeah okay right i see that i see so if i'm on set and i go they're going to give it to me close up yes exactly that's right means yeah [Music] right you
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 376,061
Rating: 4.9749117 out of 5
Id: CJAMhfXfCmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 19sec (3379 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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