Episode 150 - Fighting a K-Pop Army

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace um very thankful to say i am not blind what do you mean so remember i told you the other day i had i was like seeing that gray spot in my vision yep and if you heard the story on stream you're gonna have to hear it again okay um yeah basically after like my boxing session last thursday i was sitting in my car and i was like blinking and i'm like the [ __ ] i'm getting a migraine and i start like squinting my right eye and there's just a dark gray circle and um it's like that part of my vision is completely blocked and it carried over um like however many days after okay and um like through the weekend and so i was like self-diagnosing and the only thing that has that symptom is a detached retina oh so i was oh so i i kind of guessed that didn't i last year yeah but i was just joking about it i was like maybe your [ __ ] retina's attached yeah but i was when you said that i was like bugged out because it's like the worst thing that can happen to you because you can from what i read you can get multiple detached retina surgeries and they may never fix it right i read this like awful story on reddit about a dude who had 16 different operations ugh yeah and his vision is still just [ __ ] and he said the whole time what if they were just like the wrong operations like yeah the whole time they were working on my knee so i had 16 different surgeries my eyesight's messed up but like i'm three inches taller my dick is way fatter and uh i'm beautiful they redid my eyebrows my actual eyebrow line i had 14 cosmetic surgeries none of them fixed my eyes though none of them fixed it so weird yeah yeah so uh you know i'm freaked out thinking about that going into it so i i go yesterday i get this appointment and first of all i don't know if optometrists give like good dick or something but i could not find one available for days okay like since last thursday or yeah i was like looking for an appointment you think optometrists are [ __ ] down their patients something because like they're just booked up i'm like it's actually a widely known fact that eye doctors give that good pipe yeah i mean something like why are they so busy is it i i [ __ ] to me is like your here's some glasses get the [ __ ] out of my office or you know yeah that's a floater it's gonna go away leave like how many people can they possibly be seeing i'm just thinking about an eye doctor sitting there doing the eye test being like okay can you read this and he clicks the remote and just a picture of his dick yeah no he [ __ ] oh god this is graphic go for it dude i'm i'm i'm into it as tom would say he was on the patient's face and then he's like all right can you see this oh okay yeah okay the dude said there would come in his eyes and he's like all right tell me what that last row is um hey yeah i can't i can't he's like you got the first letter that's good [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] he's like close your eyes all right can you see this and he's like unbuttoning his shirt yeah oh my god consensually of course consensually of course yeah no so i finally you know i get this appointment it just like opened up i'm like yeah let me get that [ __ ] and um because you know this guy's [ __ ] down everybody and i'm like i gotta see what it's all about so um i'm in that [ __ ] and first of all i just had to say that this dude is so wholesome it's just him and these two ladies and they oh wait which one well hold on which one did you go to wait don't say the name but is it by me yeah i [ __ ] love that guy yeah he's my [ __ ] guy dude yeah yeah he's my favorite yeah i love those two ladies in there that just uh you know they wipe down everything yeah everything yeah and like they're so soft-spoken like yeah the last time i was there i was just there hold on oh wait so [ __ ] discord i go in and i i get my right people i look through some camera they do like the intestinal come on man type camera on my eye um and then uh they give it to him and go before they looked in my eye i was like oh yeah man technical difficulties i'm so sorry we will be right back with the podcast yeah sorry my [ __ ] discord crashed oh were you just talking i mean yeah i was just talking to myself it's fine damn i should have just logged off as a prank and just let me just do a 20 minute bit yeah 20 minute story 20 minute story it's like the end so you're like yeah so it turns out my retina is actually detached and i have eye cancer and it's just really tough man welcome back to the podcast uh my discord credit i miss all of that what were you saying dude what were you saying about your [ __ ] ass eyes [Laughter] sorry so start start again i was just gonna say the last time i was at that guy's place i used the hand sanitizer and he looked at me said alcohol free and i was like oh is that good i was like oh good in my head and then i was like wait no don't you want alcohol how is it sanitizing i don't understand [Laughter] i mean the other sanitizer they were using was alcoholic for sure i thought i was going to pass out putting my head up to those machines because all i could smell was that [ __ ] um wait wait wait my [ __ ] stream labs crap what the [ __ ] is going on oh oh oh dude this is me hold on one second up computer [ __ ] oh here's the beautiful part i actually have all this on my side so your technical um uh experience you're uh i don't have that you're living as i i have your audio of all that we have this recording no my audio is fine you don't have my video though there we go we're back okay we're back we're back nate just do a little magic let's put like a picture of a i don't know um yeah it's like a toucan or something yeah what do i look like who do i look like the you know the the penguin from surf's up yeah i put the penguin from surf's up yeah classic his name is whose name is cody by the way yeah um so bro so whatever um i tell him i started boxing recently and then he gets the little scan from my eye and bro he just goes oh i got some bad news i was like oh you had to say it like that like but i mean i guess it was nicer you know how do i how do i put this this is your retina and this is the attachment right [Laughter] it's busted something busted that thing wide open uh noel's retinas falling down falling down falling down i thought of that one on the way over here your retina is [ __ ] up um sorry that was the bad news we'll see you guys i got some bad news man and my [ __ ] stomach syncs i'm like don't say it and he's like looks like you have a detached retina i go [ __ ] really and then and then i say it and he said you said you were boxing right and i was like yeah but i don't do it like professionally like i didn't take some type of like head injury you know i'm like i'm just hitting pads and he goes oh all right we'll lie down over here and he's like let me do an ultrasound so he checks if my eye is pregnant and he's like scanning around my eye and he goes oh all right good news man um i was wrong i dodged a bullet there um and and he's like he's like your retina is attached see like look at all this and my retina is it is attached but my retina is lifted off the back of my eye so i'm like what the [ __ ] so like from memory he's like oh you have like cor you know the optimus corpus whatever it was like some crazy latin [ __ ] he just knew it by memory which was i was like this is i mean like i've never seen a doctor do that you know what i mean like i never know that [ __ ] but to just like type it out like yeah regular speed to be like oh yeah you have that's perfect every doctor has this keyboard too yeah so yeah so he types the [ __ ] in and um i i guess it's a he's like it's very it's super common in in men where when some men when they get like stressed out or something a uh a liquid forms in the back like and it like lifts the retina off the back of the eyelid and it goes away over time um he was like did you lose a job or did you do anything stressful and i started laughing like could you imagine if i had actually lost a job and that was his first question to me yeah yeah it sounds like you're stressed out man did you lose a job actually yes i just did get fired um yeah today literally before i came here thank you for reminding me yeah cool and i also can't afford to cover this because i no longer have insurance because they wouldn't offer me cobra that is a pretty funny question to ask you think you'd like ease into that a little bit or something more with that just left and right did you did your wife like start [ __ ] around on you or something it's like you kind of look like you see with me i give that good pipe so that'll never happen to me but for someone like you i feel like you might be cheated on when you're lying down on the table i notice like your dick print is very small so the first thing that came to me is like you must you must have been cheated on because your dick looks extremely small you can see it through my scrubs here it's actually a massive problem and that's also what they call my dick it's a massive problem but that's besides the point um is your wife [ __ ] around on you yeah yeah oh wait oh [ __ ] sherry oh she comes wow oops um never mind uh yeah exactly he recognized her oh that's your wife oh my three o'clock wow yikes we're gonna get you on out of here then yeah sorry bud sorry about that sorry i had to find out this way this happens mostly because of stress do you have a whack dick by chance what you know sure predict it's kind of weak it's kind of weak right weak stroke game yeah so something maybe you don't last long yeah you don't know what to do with it yeah and you're unemployed maybe yeah that's what i mean this guy was just going wrong on me left and right oh man your eyes [ __ ] up did you get fired yeah i gotta get i got a great therapist if you need if you need someone to talk to you he's just next door man and i get a 20 referral so you know if you head down there yeah exactly oh that's funny well i mean that's fortunate i guess you're your eyes fine and your retinas attached yeah but that is also interesting isn't it crazy how much uh stress can do to your body i know like the physical effects of stress yeah how they manifest yeah it's kind of scary you know ladies and gentlemen like fellas if you go to hook up and your dick is is not working right it's stress man the stress is just killing my [ __ ] right now or inverse ladies you know if you're if you just can't get into it and you're kind of dry it's the stress i'm sorry i think you just use that blanket for anything yeah i mean yeah ladies if you have a dap yeah you've got a doubt it's just the stress from my job sorry yeah the stress is just that's absolutely a valid excuse that many people use i bet you [Laughter] it's not to see isn't that just the [ __ ] you see like in movies and stuff it's like like a long day long day yeah yeah get into it you know i just think it's funny to use that at like two in the morning yeah yeah yeah drinking yeah a long night of drinking and she's like oh it's just it's just my job man you know good job really stressed out just stressed out it's nothing to do with you absolutely nothing to do with you yeah it's just the stress no it actually is when when he said when he said that i laughed i said stress can [ __ ] your eyes up that's crazy the best part was he had me play like the 80s version of kovacs where i had to put my eye up to this like um this little ring yeah yeah and click a mouse button every time i saw a light yeah and i was like this dude has no idea he's dealing with a gamer i'm about to [ __ ] body this [ __ ] you're like dude you should buy that thing and stream it basically this machine like tests your blind your blind spots right yeah so it shines like little lights all over the place yeah and every time you see one you have to click a little button yeah just like just button matched it right slayed out slayed out it finishes your get off your sweating did i get a high score yeah i did a whole bit on stream yesterday man i played like this [ __ ] 80s music and [ __ ] and i was like i walked out that [ __ ] and they they asked me to put my initials on the high score board and you know what i put i put ass yeah i was like and i was like then the doctor looked at me and he was like now do it with two eyes and he threw a ps4 controller at me and i was like easy bro but yeah dude i was like i was chuckling like i'm like this dude he really has no clue i'm about to [ __ ] this [ __ ] up so so hard it's adorable it's adorable you have no idea how hard i'm about to go in on this blind spot trap am i in my visible spots you know what i mean like when i when they handed him my high score he was like oh yeah you're it's definitely only in this area i'm like yeah that's [ __ ] right it is only blind in that area because the other areas you see that [ __ ] clean clean bruh insane phase up i threw i threw my f at him and i was like what's up and how do you what how do you do the f you know you just you just i'm i'm throwing it up right now you just okay you know it's like probably doing another gang sign but yeah you probably are nate blur this out i was like phase up bro yeah blur it out nate [Laughter] blur this out i just want to say a rupture to nate through the whole episode now to make him do [ __ ] [Laughter] nate put a banana right here yo nate uh track my face real fast [Laughter] he's not gonna do that part nate blur my double chin right here nate think fast put a orangutang right here three seconds cut it out [Laughter] do you even know what i just said uh no i didn't that's right you don't because you don't know french or spanish i don't yeah but you could if you used babel the sponsor of this episode yeah yeah i always wanted to learn another language but every time i try it never sticks i decided to give babble a try and i'm hooked babel makes it fun and easy to start having conversations in espanol that means in spanish but you wouldn't [ __ ] know that or whatever your preferred language babble is proven to get you speaking a language within weeks all right yeah battle designs of course is a real world conversation in mind letting you learn every day practical conversations that you'll actually use the daily lessons are 10 to 15 minutes and start by teaching you words and phrases then sentences gradually get more complex soon you'll be practicing short conversations okay lessons are thoughtfully created by over 100 language experts and their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective across multiple studies they even have speech 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and he's out right yeah you saw the dude they replaced him with no malone brown you hear this full no malone brown dick in your mouth no no no no [Applause] [Laughter] the tables have turned once again [Laughter] that's exactly what i did no never heard of him who's malone brown [Laughter] oh my god bro oh my god dude oh my god man i've been i've been sitting on that one since last night god damn it i was like crafting it i'm like i'm like [Music] i was like do i fake him out do i say like 100 thieves is signing a rapper because of drake and i'm like no that's going to be too complicated because then it's going to be like uh it's like malone brown what that doesn't sound right i'm like oh oh oh shoreline that's good no you sure mine man i gotta give you credit for that that was really good that was really good hey you you you got me you got me you [ __ ] owned me i got boned i knew i knew it had to be like quick it had to be a quick one-two follow-up like you couldn't have a lot of time to think about it that's the only way that's gonna get you with it i'm pissed man you know it's gonna be funny it's there's gonna be one person listening who hears malone brown they're gonna go oh no and then you're gonna go who's malone brother oh no no just screaming cody no just don't say it yeah don't do it don't do it some dude alone just don't screaming in his car no that's crying please not like this not like this not malone brown god damn it nate uh put my lone brown dick in your mouth he's got a tweet did he say that tweet who is it from some carson or something like that and he said he said i he said coronavirus sucks i missed when everyone had ligma oh yeah yeah [Laughter] can we just go back to the days and everyone had ligma yeah that's it yeah that's good uh poor you know poor ninja still tragic story that he got that it's tragic that he got ligma [ __ ] hell dude i was having a good day too yeah your day's ruined not anymore not anymore bro i was i was really i'm laughing at myself i was really like crafting that at like 11 o'clock at night i'm like how am i gonna get this are you on a whiteboard yeah with malone brown [Laughter] possible lead-ups for this possible setups shoreline yeah i like that one i'm a [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] idiot the grown ass man being like i'm gonna get my my boy with malone brown god damn it yo i want to i want to take this opportunity to uh congratulate our boys bts oh yeah i want to take this moment to congratulate bts on breaking the youtube record with 10 million views on their newest song in 20 minutes that's actually wild man when i saw it on the trending page it had like 120 million views in two days what the [ __ ] like how is that even possible how is there that many people on earth you know um a lot of [ __ ] it's like a lot of kids bts dynamite look at this let's see what it's at right now 120 million what what's the population of l.a well it's got 209 million views now and it's five days old bro population of la is only four million yeah a population of new york new york is 20 okay so that means bro that means the equivalent of everyone in new york watching that video in the first 20 minutes yeah every single [ __ ] person yeah it's it's unbelievable think about an entire state dude that's like propaganda an entire state tuned into your [ __ ] song oh yeah that is wild bro i mean you see the the numbers that spanish artists put up and you're like damn that's another level and then this you're like these are the biggest artists in the world by far nobody else puts up those kind of numbers no it's crazy like how do so many people give a [ __ ] you know what i'm saying teenagers man no i know but like they're not i i don't even i don't know don't you dare you better be careful i know i know i better be careful i gotta tread very carefully yeah you better be careful i'm just saying the song's not that good it's pretty good but it just sounds like a pop song you know oh like it's just normal that's not it's that shouldn't be controversial at all it's a decent song obviously it's season silence at 209 million that's that's [ __ ] despacito [ __ ] you know which is one of the best songs of all time you know uh-oh uh-oh anybody see how many armies watching this masterpiece right now to break all the records because our boys deserves it that's the first comment damn that's actually crazy to like your whole existence is to be like a bitcoin miner for a boy band yeah yes yes you know what i'm saying that was very well put like you're in your household like using your dad's [ __ ] wi-fi fridge yeah his laptop and your ipad and you're playing all the [ __ ] and you make a tick tock playing the song and you're like we're contributing like where can you yeah yeah you're on discord with the other army members we're doing it army 100 million in 10 days or in two days 24 hours 24 hours 100 million in 24 hours 100 million [ __ ] views think about how much money that think about how much money that is would you say you are envious and jealous yes no no i don't think anyone wants that kind of attention bro bts is more popular than the coronavirus that's crazy yep that's the new metric if you can be more popping than coronavirus let's see hold on you're just figuring out how to download it and get another calculating royalty money just on spotify alone but it's actually not that much i mean it's just like i yeah you know what's surprising is that on spotify they only have 17 million monthly listeners uh you think they would be like number one oh so bts is fraud like six nine is that what this is so they're buying views it's buying views that's what i'm saying [ __ ] liars is that what's happening you're botting the [ __ ] so they really are using bitcoin miner yeah they are really using bitcoin they're using just listen to their meals of minor rigs it seems like everybody's making millions bella thorne with the porn dude what did you even put up there that like went crazy or was it the fact it was just her i have no idea bro i think there was also i was reading some story about a female race car driver who i think she had to take a break from racing because she couldn't find a sponsor this could be completely made up but i had read this [ __ ] somewhere and basically she started in only fans and made enough money to get back into driving no way really let me look that up right now yeah i mean this [ __ ] gets crazier every single week oh yeah only the [ __ ] was only fans renee gracie this is in june she was a racing prodigy in v8 supercars she moved to super 2 in 2015 first full-time female competitor in the category in 14 years she wasn't making anyone driving so she started and only fans and what did she post there um i think probably just like sim racing tutorials no surprise just you know building off of what she's done already that's actually crazy man uh so oh wait no no no what is that she didn't go back to driving that's crazy bro she was she was driving for seven years and she was just like i'm not making any money doing this [ __ ] so now she's full-time only fans yeah yeah i mean like yeah it's crazy it's crazy now like it just gets crazy every single week every single week i feel like you see these stories someone making millions of dollars on only fans and bro all these headlines for her are like oh she's australian too she like everything all the numbers are different depending on the report like one is like 90k a month and the other one's like 3.5 million a year this one's like 25k a week and yet like nobody actually knows yeah no it's just not public right no um yeah ladies and gentlemen we want to thank the verylovelystamps.com y'all know stamps.com by now if you don't are you new here listen with stamps.com you can print postage on demand and avoid going to the post office and you'll save money with discounted rates you can't even get at the post office okay stamps.com also offers ups services with discounts 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couple of titties there i mean it's probably like just pushing the [ __ ] limit you know what i mean yeah yeah it's basically like you know what gets removed on instagram goes there yeah yeah and i love i love that here's what's next instagram is going to integrate monetization for only fans type content bet you yes bet you they create a feature where you can pay to see exclusive [ __ ] you can sub to people yeah guaranteed yeah yeah oh yeah they definitely are going to do that every every service you can't not do that now actually yeah that's where that's where everything is going i mean youtube caved on it that's pretty huge yeah yep bro in the future just gonna be everyone's gonna have 50 fans every single person is going to have 50 people that support them every single person and that's what the economy is [Laughter] you just got to find your 50 people and then you're good um what the hell is i'm going to say uh yeah i i like how i hate how instagram wants to pretend it has dignity with wha dude how shameless reals is i know it's it dude like i was i was like cackling at my [ __ ] discover because at the top fold is reals and it's like some girl like shaking her ass and then right before it it's like mma fighters and cars and then like you scroll down and there's another reals plug and it's another girl in short ass shorts it's just in the middle of cars and and [ __ ] yeah like like screencap tweets of uh like ufc [ __ ] like this [ __ ] is shameless and it's so it's so jammed into the app it's so shoehorned in there dude it looks like [ __ ] it's like you gotta go to the story to make a real and then once you post one it shows up on the third tab of your thing that's like if you click on the discover page one it'll take you to that tab on the person's thing but then if you swipe left you go to their videos or whatever and then you go to it's like just what the [ __ ] is this app anymore yeah what what is where the thing like who the [ __ ] is gonna use instagram for the first time ever and be like oh yeah i get it this is super intuitive oh yeah this um this oh yeah everyone's page is like an insurance website and i have to go through the different window panes yeah you have to see all the is there a site map for this yeah oh it's like netflix but of of this person [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here man no one no one needs that many different kinds of media for a person it's so funny it's like you can watch the video wait it's videos but you just 17 different types of them video in a square video long video long promoted differently instagram is just going to be premiere eventually i know yeah it's just going to be editing software yeah and so if you go to this person's site um you can actually take these clips and put it into a timeline and create your own fan cam for them so we noticed that a lot of that's next dude we saw that you guys like to make fan cam so they're going to build a feature for you to take existing instagram media and cut that [ __ ] up and put [ __ ] sparkles on it [Laughter] and licensed music it's like the whole thing is like does anyone even like have a personality anymore like all this [ __ ] is just like it just makes media for you and it tells you how to be yeah it's weird uh depressing and it really is but yes they will definitely add paid uh service of some of some type yeah yeah there's no way they don't i wonder how they would do that because it is wasn't instagram supposed to monetize what was the other one they did before reels igtv yeah wasn't wasn't that supposed to be monetized it is now oh okay yeah so they already got that yeah and take talk is now two yeah yeah yeah right right right right yeah that much i know tick tock so now that you know they they did this like creator fund or whatever i don't know if everyone's heard of this but you know like they they announced they're doing like a it's like a two billion dollar it's gonna grow to be two billion dollars better that money is going to be used directly to support tick tock creators so when i saw that i thought it meant like oh they're just going to give they're going to pick a few people like david dobrik and whatever and give them like a monthly allowance to post x amount of times right but it's actually like it's c it's it's uh it's like cpm based cpm based so it's when you post videos it'll like i just like enabled it or whatever on my thing and now i have like youtube i have like a like a money [ __ ] page where you can see money analytics so weird dude it's funny for tick tock because they they don't make money like if they think they're just losing unbelievable amounts of money like i think there's like this chinese money that's they're just giving to americans to post i mean bro i mean that's just like them trying to you know make up for the big drama and they're just trying to capture market share off that [ __ ] and like you know get more people to like promote it because i'm sure that whole fiasco like didn't play well for them yeah yeah yeah i mean who knows if it's still going to be around in a month i mean yeah microsoft acquiring it i hope microsoft acquires this they can [ __ ] ruin it yeah it's so funny to watch tiktok get destroyed by microsoft like everything else they're like ah i mean we've already done this bit but just thinking about them being like yeah so we thought about the monetization thing and actually what we want to integrate is hololens we think that's a much better idea oh my god dude i'm just picturing bill gates doing like the stupid real estate tick tocks like this is how i made a billion dollars pointing to words like invest in property buy a condominium lease out the four units live in one of them real estate tick tock is the worst real estate tick tock is the [ __ ] worst i hate those dudes it's like dudes in suits sitting in bathtubs being like yep i just flipped this unit for 700k and it's like i don't care i don't give a [ __ ] you're also talking to teenagers bro who cares why are you flexing this yeah why are you flexing on little kids straight up little kids it's like that dude uh that like went super viral for saying all like that [ __ ] like you know um ah he wear like the oxford [ __ ] yacht club type clothing and suits and [ __ ] he'd be like this is how you [ __ ] a hot model and like oh dude he's hilarious whatever that [ __ ] name is it just it killed me because i'm like bro if you took 80 percent not me that's aggressive like sixty percent of these views and you put those people in front of you they're children like you're you're a nerd [Laughter] you're telling 12 year olds how you [ __ ] are you kidding me just go [ __ ] that is pretty true i want to remind you uh never once have we played mario kart but i always use that as a reason to get them back to the place i love mario kart eight-year-olds watching that dude mario kart [ __ ] rules though seriously why wouldn't you never play it what do you mean you never play it can i have it if you guys never play it they never end up playing mario kart it's like cool man sweet like it's just one big ad to be like i have sex it's like damn that's tight bro yeah how many times have you done it like twice that guy's pretty that guy's pretty [ __ ] funny like such an absurd persona to have oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like i just stirred i feel bad uh for anyone that thinks they like him you know what i mean every every every dude that i've known that was actually like a slayer you know any dude that like was actually like a lady killer yeah like we're the the most low-key about it yeah yeah yeah they're never like braggadocious because it's like not something that you should be like super proud of right no it's these dudes that are like pickup pickup guys that are like [ __ ] uber proud of it that it's like dude you shouldn't be in this position you know what i'm saying yeah they obviously don't have like what it takes no they don't [ __ ] any any dude i've ever talked to that's been a yeah like like like they [ __ ] like that it's always like um they always like it's it's always like they have like this undertone when they talk about it and be like they might bring a story and they go yeah yeah i was like hooking up this girl it's it's always it's always sort of like this yeah i met this girl and then like we you know we hooked up and it was like whatever and like they kind of dusted off you know what i'm saying yeah and like yeah like i used to it's working because that's what i feel like that's what the women are attracted to and like they're like chill about it and they're not you know them if they're confident no yeah they don't go on to talk and they're like women are [ __ ] stupid and it's easy to [ __ ] them yeah yeah also that dude does like fit checks after english like yeah yeah yeah oh by the way forgot to forgot to comment on the fit here dolce dolce dolce dolce the armani exchange doing his [ __ ] nordstrom rack hall at the end he went to the he went to nordstrom to the suit section and just picked the first one bro how do you blow a bag and still have no drip your [ __ ] is goofy man you look like a [ __ ] zara mannequin get out of here bro [Laughter] i know dudes in an outfit that costs 100 [ __ ] more than you get out of here get out of here it's pretty wild but it's so funny what what what what dude do you know that [ __ ] a lot i'm i'm thinking no i'm saying but who do you who do you know that [ __ ] a lot that goes you know what i want to teach other men how to do this yeah no zero zero zero zero and no it's funny that you bring that up too like the lack of pride that's so true because the two guys i'm thinking of one of them he'd always kind of like you know he's like like click his he's like yeah like it was like he'd always preface each story with like a i'm not super proud of this but yeah and then the other dude i'm thinking of he would whenever he tell me a story he would kind of laugh and he'd always like he always oh man like i'm a piece of [ __ ] for this and then like you know what i mean like it just there there is like that at least between these two dudes i'm thinking of there's like this self-awareness where it's like yeah like i [ __ ] around and like you know i wouldn't say it's like the best thing on earth yeah yeah exactly you know it's not like like when when you get these dorks talking about like like it's a game and like it's like about hunting prey and stuff it's like dudes you never have done anything scary in your life get out of here yeah oh you should anyway maybe maybe you know maybe maybe i i i'll leave room for maybe i'm wrong or we're wrong maybe that guy [ __ ] a lot but i don't have a ton of faith in that no i think i don't know i watched his youtube video he did like youtube because curtis connor was like did a video on him or something like that so he did like a response video and i think his points were like he was kind of he kind of was saying i'm not a pickup artist i just want to help dudes make actually good relationships with women which if that actually is the intention that that doesn't that's not necessarily a bad thing no but that doesn't really i don't cross that's what i'm saying again then his tick tocks are he's like fellas so you're making out with this chick at the club right and you want to get her back to the slam zone to splash mountain how do you get her there well just promise her some [ __ ] and then don't deliver it's like i know i'm like when you when i saw that clip i'm like bro isn't that like just deceit yeah it's not just like taking advantage of somebody emotionally yeah yeah i tell her i have three pugs i don't have any dogs okay it's like oh that's pretty scary for her that's like she comes to your apartment and she's like oh my god where are the pugs and you're like they're not here it's just mario kart and this dick you're like what ah yeah that that's the funny part he's like they never end up playing mario kart because they leave he's like oh so no games all right bro later and they dap his ass up and they leave yeah oh wait you brought me back here to hook up oh yeah i don't know no i i definitely just wanted to play mario kart dude it bugs me because he has the same delivery as like someone uh like like when like when uh when i see those tick tocks of like a furry person doing like a character yeah when they're like yo my name is and i'm lit like it's like that same cadence to me like fellas let me tell you how to [ __ ] with your dick all the time you're like should we watch should we play one now because i feel like no [ __ ] okay i mean if you haven't seen it then i guess just just search like tick tock pickup artist or something like that yeah you'll find it you'll find it he's all right listen guys whether you're working from home or working on your fitness you want what you're listening to to be what you're listening to not what your neighbors are listening 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should watch addison ray's mom doing the whopping [Laughter] [ __ ] oh my god man again bro every ev everything nothing is sacred man let me let me fade this [ __ ] in oh actually we can't play the music god damn it oh no but i could just play the clip yeah you can play the clip but all right all right no let's go with my personal favorite we just go with the benny hill theme i need to strain this to you hold on no no i got it i got it i saw her first tick tock where she was like addison addison has to start treating me better or i'm gonna post the [ __ ] draft that i have and i was like that's really funny because you definitely don't have one you shouldn't have one and it's a funny joke right and then the next day she [ __ ] posts this i'm like jesus [ __ ] how do you know i mean come on this is the same [ __ ] as when a mom and a daughter start a only fans bro this is the same [ __ ] i bet i think there has to be there's this there's just got to be a point along the way where you're like i'm a parent i'm a parent first and foremost you know yeah yeah yeah um parenting first yeah the the joke was funny and then there's a line yeah bro can you imagine being like a like a like maybe like a blue-collar parent and like you do like some hard ass labor for like 10 12 hours a day you get home and your kid is just like bugged out on tick tock and they're like dad come do the whop dance he's like what the [ __ ] yeah it's like this and he's like he just like shows like the cardi thing it's like it's funny if we do it together he's like you're nine [Laughter] i'm learning how to sell houses too yeah yeah dad can i have an amazon account so i can do drop shipping yeah yeah yeah he's like what the [ __ ] dude i was i was thinking about like drop shipping and how um it's it's funny that you know basically we're gonna get to a point where there's no walmart there's no nothing it's just gonna be all like it's gonna be like new york on the internet where it's like all like the equivalent of like e bodegas and everyone just drop ships you whatever yeah everyone's just penny fighting you know yep well i can do a calculator for 13 60 8. and everyone has 50 fans yup everyone has 50 fans 50 fans and uh it's all done with bitcoin because then you can pay fractional you know so then it's like i can i can drop ship you 12 um uh green peppers for point zero zero zero nine three three seven bitcoin yeah like um guy down the street is doing .90 flat and he's like [ __ ] fine i'll do 9-0 flat for the 12 green peppers no less yeah yeah yeah that's depressing yeah anyway i didn't even know that this was her mom he's like i was like hold on i gotta send my neighbor pictures of my feet he's one of my fans as soon as i do this he'll just wire me a little bit and then i can pi and then i can buy these peppers he's one of my 50. bruh i hate this man it's like my top five that's what it's gonna be they're gonna bring that back but it's just able to fund your life yep bro i i hate that the whole family does this [ __ ] is that like her little brother or something yeah it's her little brother are they all doing the whop dance together oh jesus [ __ ] like these yeah and here's the thing dude now that tick tock is monetized they make bank off this [ __ ] look at each one has like 20 million [ __ ] views oh yeah bro they got her dad dressing they got her dad in a dress they're definitely [ __ ] taking off this [ __ ] yeah they got they got her dad in a dress they're made yeah yeah he's kidding he is he's killing it dude yeah no i'm just saying like um killing it yeah yeah slay slave man serving serve that look sir my man is serving um yeah so yeah that's the haps but um yeah i saw i was i was that's the haps with tick tock i remember i was like looking at one and this guy was like i just bought this studio um he was like a flipper and he was like i just bought this studio apartment in like kentucky or something like that yeah and then he flipped it and he's like and now i'm gonna sell it for like 50 and i'm gonna get this loan and i'm gonna do this with all with my cash and blah blah blah and like i looked at the comments and it's all people arguing about like the type of loan and and i'm like what the [ __ ] am i right that's a [ __ ] real estate subreddit what is this that's crazy serious like literally like 10 flippers being like that's not that's not the right way to do it but what and then there's like 10 other people that are like you flippers are ruining the like housing prices for us people that you know hard-working people who actually want to buy a home this is the internet bro so you know like half those people are just like saying [ __ ] i'm like isn't this the same app where addison rey's mom is doing the whop dance yeah am i on that same app yeah i i've said it before i'll say it many times it's just too many [ __ ] moms on the internet moms should not be on the internet moms should be raising their kids they should have no clue what this is dads too parents should not be on this [ __ ] because then because then it like turns into this thing where like it's like oh no with the [ __ ] dance it's fun you can do it too and then it's just like no parents cannot do these things they should not be included that's just that's just is what it is when we become parents we just can't participate in some of the [ __ ] coming up yeah that's just that's it yeah some [ __ ] is for the youth and some [ __ ] is for old people and that i feel like that's just how it should be so not be [ __ ] me and my husband have started our only fans and our daughter is filming but uh we take over once we're in the bedroom i don't know man here's here's the thing that i was thinking yesterday i was like why because you know one of one of the kids in the the sway house he did the [ __ ] dance and it's it got like 40 million views right nice i'm like five years ago dude we were making fun of cola brand for [ __ ] his for doing the grind on me [ __ ] remember that everyone was talking about how cringy that is for now and now for some reason it's fine if you're just cool with it yeah everybody's cool with it yeah you know i'm like oh my god this is next level [ __ ] dude [ __ ] your carpet i mean bro because i feel like i don't know how to i don't know where this gets lost but i feel like at least on vine there was an element of like you cannot like do not do some [ __ ] that is not you like i feel like people kind of sniffed out integrity and and i don't maybe i'm wrong you tell me but i feel like there's like been some change where it kind of goes like with the six nine thing like i feel like the attitude of like the youngest people now is if you're getting paid it's fine and like you know like and that's like the number one thing i feel like a six nine fan says where they go oh he snitched whatever he's getting money though so it's cool yeah you know what i mean like like there's like this willingness to like trade like dude you know it's i feel like it's just the worst version of would you suck a dick for a million dollars yeah that's that's dumb straight dude question but now everybody and it's like will you do the [ __ ] dance for 10k like yeah i would actually you know yeah that's the same as like would you get kicked in the balls for a thousand it's like yeah let's not go let's not do this again we know you would do it i don't know man maybe i'm wrong tangent here but do you kind of get what i'm saying like yeah yeah no and it's also but it's also like with the amount of stuff the layers that tiktok adds to the video the music the filters the whatever it really isn't you yeah so yeah you can kind of do anything and it's and it's fine because the music is good and the dance you didn't make up and someone good made up the dance and the filters you didn't do right but they were stolen from some and it's just not you anymore so it's like that's fine yeah video of you doing something that's the craziest part dude about like um like when people copied [ __ ] on vine there was like this like expectation that you're gonna put like like inspired by or you're gonna tag the person who came up with it originally because if you didn't the comments were gonna be like you [ __ ] thieving piece of [ __ ] yeah yeah you just steal for yourself and now it's like yeah just copy like no but yeah sorry keep going no it's just like your whole tick tock account can just be what other people have done and you can blow up off yeah yeah you used to have to like do your own punch line like it would be the setup for the joke is the same or the theme is the same but then you would come up with something now it's like if you've ever seen that sound that's like uh you know oh hot mom with diarrhea check yeah yeah yeah madison ray's mom going off on that one my hot mom has diarrhea check get some gold then there's some gold in there i'm golden [Music] it's like uh you know shawty a little batty she my little boo thing and shawty got the fatty shotty got the fatty right that one you know that song right um yeah pop smoke and whoever else yeah okay so the joke with that one is there's one there's one joke that's really funny with that one it's like the first guy singing shoddy little baddies she my boo thing and then it's and then it and then it's like the the caption is me looking at my girl at a party and he's like shawty little baddie she my little boo thing and then it's like my uncle and shawty got the fatty and it's me and then it goes back to me uh shot he got the fatty and then he like he like looks he's like wait what did my uncle just say right that's the joke and it's funny the original is funny and then i look down the thing and it's like 400 of the same [ __ ] joke it's just people doing this doing the joke yeah over and over and over and over and over and over and over again i was like no he did and that's how the 50 fans thing comes about dude where it's like people don't people never click through to the original thing yeah and so um when when the when that one rando person does it in the 400 and then like some random people find them they go oh this guy's funny and it's like then that's how he gets his 50 fans you know what i'm saying yeah i see what you're saying it's like we're in this weird state where and i don't want to be all [ __ ] fake like political science whatever the [ __ ] but it's like humor and entertainment is so [ __ ] commodified like it's it's it's just you can get it from anywhere you can be anyone and you're funny now or you're a comedian and it's just a crazy thought that all these young kids are gonna grow up and their primary is going to be i want to be famous or i want to be known on the internet i want to entertain like you like like the generation uh i feel like ahead of them was like oh i want to be a youtuber you know what i mean like that was kind of their idea of it and they want to be like emma chamberlain or something where they vlog and they see fast cars and they meet funny people or whatever now like with tick tock kids i feel like it's just like oh yeah i'm just gonna get on tick tock and you know it's easy i just do this and that and i'm super popping and then you know i get a brand deal and then i'm not gonna go work because like look at jake paul dude that's me obviously it's like i don't know man yeah no i know what you're saying i know what you're saying i know i feel like we're being like boomer right now but i'm just i want to predict where it's going to go because like with only fans and now [ __ ] logan paul has his own paid fan club that's his own private patreon jake paul i think he's doing the same thing and jake paul is going to find his girlfriend on it yep and yeah exactly and nelk now does it too they have the ascend club yeah yeah okay so where's this like everyone is just gonna have their own private little only fans with 50 fans and you know what comes now is the [ __ ] and and to your point about this being boomer [ __ ] it is boomer [ __ ] and and that's fine because i feel like that's the part that is weird about everyone else stop pretending you are [ __ ] 12. you are not 12. all you [ __ ] internet people you want to get on tick tock and pretend you're like nine years old you're not like you're not okay you know what i mean it's fine to say some boomerang [ __ ] because you are disconnected whether you like it or not there's some [ __ ] you just don't get contextually dude i feel like what could happen is and i feel like it could just be a relapse of like mcn [ __ ] but it's like paid where someone creates a network and they go oh uh we like these guys like these people like these people and we all have paid services and we have a way to simplify that for you we have these people in-house so you can just do your thing and we'll take care of this and you know it might be a hard sell because everyone will build that up for themselves and they go what the [ __ ] is in it for me but i could see that happening right like like or or maybe people group up right and they create their own [ __ ] i don't know yeah yeah yeah maybe it becomes like like a cable network like you just revert back to like okay i'm just gonna go to the sway house channel now okay now i'm gonna go to the high school house channel exactly and i i pay for packages and stuff like that yeah also keep in mind i wanna mention when i was listing all the full send club and i was like we do that too right now yeah patreon yeah and it's it's just i don't know i love all these like micro i actually think it's really cool all these like micro subscription yeah no it's a good thing because then it it takes the power away from like [ __ ] nbc and whoever these [ __ ] are no but it's it can only go so far right eventually people are gonna be like okay i'm not gonna pay for this guy's twitch channel this person's only fans like my whole [ __ ] monthly salary is going to these one person these like you know groups of one people groups of one people yeah these different individuals who are doing different things that i all want to see so then what's the solution to that i'm i don't know man i think like it that just might become normal like i think like that's just what it is like especially now no no one's going to [ __ ] live shows live as far as like value currently live is being converted into you just watch it on your phone for free because you can't do it in person yeah it's like it's actually this weird thing where live performances are being um some some people are doing virtual right where you pay to see something virtually and like that's kind of interesting but i feel like live now is being marketed as like if you can't be there in person it's not really worth your money or it's only worth so much so with how like i [ __ ] like how starved some people are for like entertainment i feel like this next year and a half is just gonna completely hammer home the idea of like oh no i pay this i pay that i pay this i pay that and these are like my 19 different pieces of entertainment and i think that's just like what it is that's a wild dude yeah i mean it's already that way with like hbo max netflix hulu espn like people already pay micro for [ __ ] no i know but these are these are giant companies that put millions of dollars into producing shows to coax you to get to to pay five bucks a month for their service right we're talking about people that are just taking their instagrams that they post for free saving them and then uploading them to another service and somehow getting money for that because titties because boobies because those sweet milkers that's what it is [Laughter] stop it dude leave that girl alone man stop it i know poor girl i feel really bad i feel really bad but i can't help i can't not read the [ __ ] phrase oh i cannot it's not fair no it's not fair it's not fair i can't read juicy milkers and not laugh i can't read milk wagons and not laugh no it's it's not fair it's not fair like i'm laughing at her i'm not laughing at anything i'm just laughing at me you see milkers it's absurd man that's the most deprived phrase ever juicy milkers oh my god man don't care mommy milky mommy milky just i'm [ __ ] five years old five it's not fair it's not fair you can't say that [ __ ] it's not fair yeah cause that's the funniest [ __ ] phrase and it's so [ __ ] up the way they're using it i know god man you see that [ __ ] that imagine wait which one sorry no no no i was just gonna say imagine you going on instagram live like trying to be serious and people are like let me let me suck on that juicy ding dong dude over and over again oh empty empty let me milk your snake oh let me [ __ ] let me milk your milk snake what's the [ __ ] i was thought things like a funny term when you're like [ __ ] taking the venom out of a snake but there's not really let me defang that look you know that python let me suck on that gummy worm big juicy milkers yeah oh it's [ __ ] up man it's [ __ ] up dude because i feel like that's anyway i've been talking a lot i'm sorry i'm sorry if i ranted this episode i'm sorry on my boomer [ __ ] um i like that i have fun i'm just on my boomer [ __ ] you know i had fun um yeah we got we're gonna hit the bone zone tomorrow morning it's it's uh it's my fault ladies and gentlemen um you know i just uh got some things to take care of and it is it is a busy time right now honestly yeah it is and also sitting at the computer for too long is like pretty like streaming yesterday was um it's pretty brutal because of your eye yeah just [ __ ] blind in one area yeah that's that's whack that's awesome it's super distorting like playing a [ __ ] video game it's like yeah so uh yeah anyway um twitch rivals do it wait what fall guys tournament us our boy ninja is going to be in it so i just want to promote that izzy i don't know i'm just making that up our boy ninja is going to be in a tournament this weekend so you know felix's only come out yeah it's only right to give him a shout out yeah helping guests yeah so yeah he's kind of like down bad right now you know yeah you know a platform to go to yeah he had a big falling out with like his like his friend mixer so it's like it's kind of a bad time for him so you know make sure you tune in throw sub at him he could use it um he's got that big ass red bull cave and you know that thing's got to stay up and running so let's make sure we take care of him okay yeah also tmgpod.com tmgpod.com if you want to get your merch and you know the zombie there's always there's a bonus episode every week on patreon you already know that listen we're gonna spend the whole [ __ ] episode talking about only fans we might as well plug our own only fans yeah patreon.com tinyme gang there's a bonus episode a full hour of content every week that every week you don't get to see plus there's no ads so you can you don't have to listen to the stuff you know yeah yeah you know also onlyfans.com ninja um he's got only fans as well no um yeah see you guys in the bone zone peace
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 308,699
Rating: 4.9484453 out of 5
Id: VH1rE33x-Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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