Trisha’s Epic Passover Dinner At Ethan’s - Frenemies # 29

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Reddit Comments

Trisha titling that meme she saw “me doing algebra” literally cracked me up. It’s so literal and just hilarious to me. Also “you’re not fat but that haircut isn’t doing you any favors” absolutely sent me.

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/WillWork4Treats 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Not weaponizing. Just saying"

AHHHH! The flashbacks this gave 😷

👍︎︎ 119 👤︎︎ u/hyuckismysun 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Family Feud between the Paytas and Klein/Hacmon family would have great entertainment value and bring in a ton of views to the show. I hope Steve Harvey ignores Ethan shitting on him and they finesse their way on there lol

👍︎︎ 306 👤︎︎ u/coolestbythelake 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

“You’re like David Dobrik minus the SA... always like surprising me” TRISHA LOL

👍︎︎ 292 👤︎︎ u/Llama_Puncher 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

That Gabbie Hannah thing made me incredibly nauseated. If “friends” did any of that to me I would just instantly die inside

👍︎︎ 231 👤︎︎ u/exoticgluten 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

"We buried the fat-chet. We squashed the beef instead of eating it."

Ethan was on a roll with these puns hahaha

👍︎︎ 173 👤︎︎ u/coolestbythelake 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trishas reaction to the meme about Trisha not understanding it was a peak of (unintentional) meta comedy.

👍︎︎ 167 👤︎︎ u/misasin 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Each episode needs a part where they surprise Trisha. She is THE best present receiver.

👍︎︎ 165 👤︎︎ u/alsoknownasPhoebe 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

When Trisha said she thinks she has GERD I realized I haven’t noticed Ethan hack up a lung on the show anymore

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/DrSillyBitchez 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody and welcome to another episode of your favorite podcast the only one you like you told me yesterday you watch zero podcast i watch every podcast so it's number one in your book that's true i don't watch podcast do you watch us i don't watch our own podcast back to you those names sometimes sometimes i watch certain parts back to kind of like see if it hit or miss you know i just like to see what i look like like am i fatter in my skin you watch the whole episode back to see if you're fat or scared no i only watch like the first like 20 minutes yeah if i have a moon face or not i am very fussy i know we're not talking about weight or anything but i am very fat literally nothing fit me i had this on today in this because literally nothing fit me did you did you i just saw way too much you didn't see anything did you my god i saw like oh my under boob and like oh oh my god there wasn't that's my belly i think it's on my belly are you wearing a bra i exactly it's my belly it was my belly this is a belly a belly looks like a boob when you haven't seen a flubby one in a while anyways sponsored today bye today we are sponsored by bright sellers and honey honey oh and really quickly this thursday is the last chance to be handsome squidworth we are bringing spongebob back the ultimate teddy fresh collab uh one last time this is it red alert red alert april 1st 10 a.m 10 am i speaking and my words making sense yes april 1st 10 am pst last chance to be i had some squidworth this piece and more pieces squidward squidworth yeah oh it's squidward i thought it was squidward squidward i mean it's it's my hebrew spongebob that i listen to academy i feel like we're nothing we saying makes sense we're speaking like different languages octa dog yeti that's hebrew it's my hebrew spongebob wait what is that that squidward yeah we did a tick tock we do hebrews i'm saying something in me this is the most confusing episode gary is the snail i'm talking to the steele oh god okay last chance of teddy fresh follow teddy fresh on instagram april 1st 10 am last chance last chance to be handsome squidward in hebrew it's [ __ ] bob spunk okay um oh before we get into too much because there's in my opinion a lot to talk about you're just pumped two minutes before you're like i am so excited about this well okay so let me tell you what we're doing today we have arranged um a whole how it oddly satisfying there's this like it's a trend that existed before tick tock but on tick tock there's this whole thing of people like smashing their hands in the cake i love it smushing [ __ ] and doing all this so we are going to be doing that here today dan cut to this camera look at this oh it's not on it's not on don't cut to the camera yet but we have our own cameras we're going to be slapping cakes and slamming i love it peeling skin some people find that oddly satisfying nobody finds out they did i had 6 million everyone's like this is satisfying really i should say some skin for us to peel i have actually i wanted to ask you about that because it was so intense on your notes yeah it's in my notes but we had like a huge passover family dinner while you were there and it was fun but before we get into all that i want to say because of all of the vlog squad and david stuff and all the essay i or we thought it would be appropriate to start a fundraising campaign for rain which is the leading um charity organization for helping victims of essay and uh abuse and all such things i think it's great i think it's fantastic we already met our goal so there's no pressure to donate that's what we so here's what we did a whole thing me me and trisha each donated ten thousand except trisha i was like you [ __ ] she gave 10 100. i don't know why that's showing because you said you did that too it said for fees i wasn't trying to upstage you although hindsight i should have actually done like more but i i said for a fee so like ten thousand went to the charity and then like fees were a hundred dollars when you said you did that but didn't show up or what to be honest my accountant donated so i didn't know she's probably like she probably was like no fees well that's why it says that but hey i'm happy to donate a little more but anyway we each put 10 000 each and then we set the goal of 20 000 because like trisha said i don't want to be like expecting but if you want to help donate if you want to you know i like to turn this thing into a positive here of all these things happening so and raising awareness so i'm going to put this link in the description so if you guys want to uh donate frenemies team frenemies let's go and something funny to note is that me and trisha having put 10 000 a piece in we're already the number one team and guess who's number two mirror max and weinstein yeah yes like i'm sorry weinstein i think you're asking the pony up a little bit more mirror max could pony up a little more than twenty thousand i'm sorry what we what is it is that officially theirs or did someone set it up on behalf of like miramax and the weinsteins let's look i'm hoping donate yeah it's alumni we incur employees of miramax dimensions and the weinstein company i think they're just like yeah weinstein you know people who still work for the company are like let's also donate so we don't look horrible yes um well miramax should probably harvey weinstein probably should donate something i guess that'd be a mission of guilt though he's like i didn't do anything wrong weinstein's like what am i donating he did anything wrong but you know we here to help yeah that's a good he should be yeah yeah that's a good point or like quit international well once again well once he's like i'm pro essay why would i i'm pro essay oh weinstein i don't think he's oh you're just making that up i thought he said that he's like why would i want to prevent that i'm for that people who like worked with him like uma thurman and quentin tarantino they should donate maybe because they made so much money off of such a good point to our campaign yeah or the mirror maxwell no no no no don't do it in weinstein's name do it in our name so who are we calling out quentin tarantino uma thurman those are two quentin especially was to work so close ben affleck and matt damon goodwill hunting let's pony up friend me's we should do a woody allen one two it's like mirror sovina and all those people that could like you know donate woody allen diane keaton definitely would not because she still stands by him so i'm still so mad about it even though i know that the woody allen's yeah it makes me feel bad and the sickest [ __ ] i came out of that so angry i will never ever watch woody allen i'm gonna be honest woody allen's overrated it's like oh neurotic jew it's like that's the last thing i need in my life is another erotic jew out there representing me i mean i loved it because of someone who didn't know any jews i thought it was so cool that's when i first fell in love with jewish people because i thought that was so cool they had all these little ticks like i have and i was like oh maybe i'm a jew don't say i fell in love with jewish people you couldn't say that about any other ethnic group but i thought you're not saying i thought you're a culture say this i that's when i fell in love with black people right right right okay you avoid sound right okay i'll just say that's when i liked woody allen okay okay you're probably right about that i am right i'm trying to be more pc for sure okay good i am i probably love that we love pc people there there's a string of tic-tacs that think i'm like racist and i reach out to those people and i'm like let me know what what i'm doing that comes across that way because i need to stop and i need to like be the opposite because that's not mean if i'm coming across that way in any way i don't want to be that way oh really so i'm trying i reached out to a couple creators and what did they tell you um one was just like that i don't speak out enough and i agree with that i think my issue was okay for instance addison ray was on jimmy fallon and she did a bunch of these dances and like three-fourths pull that up because that [ __ ] was funny and weird but the thing is i never spoke up oh they're gonna claim us huh uh tonight's show yeah for sure no they did they did uh copyr like copy they didn't do the right music like they did that you know copyright free right now but the the show itself is gonna get the light show itself yeah i'm sorry oh my gosh just kick shredder sorry no i literally didn't see him he's just right there um no but the reason i never like stuck like said enough i guess like even during black lives matter i try to say what i can i just never wanted to come across like in sincere what are you supposed to you're supposed to call addison write dancing on the light show what is that no well i think when i've had opinions about something i've been scared to talk about what did you do wrong i think that there's a little bit and i agree actually with this so when i when i agree with something i should like say it more i just never want to be like the white knight in every situation where i'm just not no pun intended on the white just like i don't want to be the person that always is like like anthony padilla just has to stick up for you know everybody however you don't need to say no pun intended on the white knight well cause i don't mean like i'm a caucasian knight i know i i meant like it's a well it's a well-known uh well i don't want people to think that i'm like oh i'm this okay well um i don't know anyways i'm sorry i don't want that to come across and sincere either i talk to people like it just help if you're more vocal and i agree because there are certain things that i am i do feel like strongly about with the addison right thing and i didn't say anything because i was like oh it's not really my way what was the problem with edison ray so don't understand so she did which by the way killed her performance i'm obsessed i actually really like her new song obsessed i think she's really good her like dancing queer everything was great she did a segment prior to that where jimmy fallon was like holding up signs of like popular dances like corvette corvette you know like those kind of dances and she was supposed to do them they did the same thing with charlie about a year ago charlie also did these dances um and they ended up giving credit to the creators in the description i think after some uproar about it but if three-fourths of these dances are by like black tick talkers black creators like they should be the ones that get to perform this on these shows and why is charlie now add us in the one schedule because quarterback corvette was you know fly boy like kiki like and i and i i'm only sticking up for this because i do think that's a really integral part like the people who come up with dances like a lot of them are black renegade who are the three girls performing dixie charlie and addison and like that's just it was just it's just [ __ ] to the person who came up with that answer to your point yeah that feels a little bit of a slight thought more about it i should have done i'm so scared i don't think i think you're right in that you don't need to champion every single cause no but this one i feel strongly about because i'm like yeah it would be nice to show the people who created the dances and at the same time you do make 100 tick tocks a day so there's space in your schedule for it too well and i thought you know i always i always critique david for not talking like doing apologizing on twitter not giving his biggest platforms but since i think front of me is my biggest platform i was like uh we should address this that there is a little who are we giving a shout out do we need to credit the original do you know who they are yeah well i just know at the top we had i know fly boy i know fly boy shout out let me get the all of them well they're in the description but there's oh kiki shout out i follow i follow that we'll link them in the description the maya nicole why are they private well they are they they're not though but why would he make it private maybe to get more people follow i don't know really anyway i just you know what we're gonna do we're gonna link these guys in the description it's not gonna be at the top you're gonna have to expand but it's gonna be it should be more than that though like jimmy fallon linked them and i'm like jimmy fallon you should have they're big creators can i do it what more can i do i mean you guys can come dance on our show not that way you want people it's just it's just disheartening yeah and honestly i'm not gonna lie like this is no hate to add a center it's like they don't do the dances justice really like the creators who started these dances like kill it like and and you can tell when addison's doing it she's writing corvette correct like the audience like doesn't know what to say they're like it's that bit doesn't belong in that because like the late shows were like all that farts who are watching tv like you have to be like over let's say probably over 65 to enjoy jimmy fallon right so you've got these young girls doing these corvette corvette it's like what okay yeah i i just i just never want to come across as insincere i think that's why i like even during like walking around i try to say what i can but i just i never want to come across like i'm doing it i don't know what do they call those like performance activists i'm not that person but i do like this one i felt really strongly about like you know what i should say something because i just you know sometimes staying silent is a little bit like being complicit so you're right they say they say uh there's a saying like that that i can't recall that i can't recall a really good one right dan help me out what is it oh oh oh oh i got it i got it evil uh when oh i got it when when the goodman stand evil wins when the good men stand by and say nothing google it it's not but do you see what i'm saying right that's not the saying it's obviously way more wealthy i've never heard that one it's great it was about the holocaust oh go ahead dan what is it yep you found it that's the only thing necessary oh my god these pop-ups the only thing necessary for triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing now that's a quote okay do we love that we love it thank you are we that's are we good people in this yeah okay you're we're triumphing over evil speaking of jews passover yesterday with your family fun so much fun honestly so much fun and agenda wait what what hold on uh we have something we want to present to you i love surprises is this a good one or a bad one you tell me is it scary ian bring out the surprise this is a little something to commemorate our 1.5 year anniversary of meeting wait for it oh oh my gosh okay i thought it was gonna be a picture of us but this is um oh my gosh wait show it oh my god oh oh oh jesus christ no it's censored right it's censored enough well they'll tell us oh my gosh this isn't me you were printed up in the new yorker the culture page we wanted to commemorate your achievement of being an icon and one here of you stuffing your face with a burger i don't know why put that it's awesome yes and the contents oh that's so nice i would give you a hug but we don't really hug don't hug me i want to but like this is amazing i'm gonna put this in my office thank you guys and of course it's bedazzled and everything the frame you're like david dobrik minus the essay you always are surprising me because he used to get people like teslas oh like with giving me gifts he would surprise you by like like gave me hamilton tickets and i was like ah oh he would do nice oh he would do nice things minus the then after traumatized because i feel like what the david the david dobrik surprises were more like payoffs i mean for the record jason bought the tickets not david but it was for david's vlog so i guess never surprised me with anything but they did that after like trying you guys went to puerto rico to see yeah he paid ten thousand dollars a ticket it was for a fundraiser like you go to puerto rico today because because he's from puerto rico well at the time there was like hurricane so they were like hurricane relief and so that's a nice thing yeah but jason bought it but he let david have the bit for his vlog and he sent 20 anyways i guess anyways all i'm saying is like you're like david dobrik surprising me with gifts like here's a tesla and i'm like ah cause you did the peeps you did this yes i feel like you've done some money i can't even keep up well what can i say we have we we we pay attention here on the show no there's other good ones i forget so anyway it was this was something i thought it was that picture i was so excited because this one this also well we can do that too where is this at where is this okay so we were cleaning out our old office which literally i don't even know why we've been paying rent on it and we haven't even been in there in a year so we're like why are we paying because we bought you guys know we bought a new warehouse that we're going to build our set and and everything we're just waiting we've been waiting because of coven for the plans to get approved for like six months so it's like just sitting there it's so annoying but anyway we have this office that we've been paying rent on for like a year that's been totally empty so we were like why are we doing that so we cleared out this office it's gone it's done yeah it's done and we're moving all of the stuff into the new place but we found we looked this was the first time we met one like one and a half years ago so skinny we were oh my god i kind of feel like yeah i think i must have gained 50 pounds still why are we so skinny i guess quarantine but it is quarantined it's been a long year and a half i mean yeah i was really depressed and miserable when i was there so you know honestly you were happy way i guess well you know what it's just it's just crazy how life comes at you fast yeah yours was really sweet that was so unlike you i was like i was so nice but it felt like something i would like i think about but it was just yeah because it just it was just like wow you know just i mean like this is something with some unexpected [ __ ] i agree and that's why i try and make amends with people that i have like beef with like i try to do another podcast with someone i had beef with and i think this could be a beautiful friendship with ours oh hannah yeah gabby is thinking like maybe this will be like you know uh it's good you try and then i was like no massive failure but really but sometimes you get a friendship you get a fiance you get a family you know your whole family has partnered basically you're basically you owe me everything a kind of yeah kind kind of no and also you're the only one like once you start talking about david also i was like everyone listen ethan is talking about david as opposed to me talking about david for two years about the same stuff it's not anything groundbreaking i was talking about those girls two years ago i was talking about this and no one really cared so at least i'm not saying in a bad way i was like at least i guess people listen i agree maybe i i maybe it is misogynist i mean for sure when i mean i think i think it i think people are just they discredit you too easily or the whole vlog squad just was on this crazy discredit campaign of you know well and i get it that's why that's when you did and you did drive your car high on me but no one knew that that wasn't like a public thing that was three months after that no it wasn't like i made that because once you drop i'm just with peace and love once you drive your car high on meth in someone's house it's hard to take them seriously yeah but that was three months after my first mental health that was mental hospitality that was like anyways i get it and that's another reason why i try not to like put myself into situations because a lot of times people don't want trisha paytas defending them they're like oh trish is trash please don't defend me you know what i mean so i try not to white knight people if they don't want me to i just no pun intended i mean that one i think is okay cause i'm talking about general oh yeah anyways so anyway what i wrote was this photo was taken 1.5 years ago the first time i met trisha paytas in our studio which by the way we had a great that what the one thing i always say about you is like i think you were on the show twice before we made the podcast together and each time was like a really good episode yeah three times it was the one right before quarantine remember like two days before quarantine right we did the episode too right where we saw the bachelor's i was like oh you guys are sabotaging me oh yeah the bachelor i forgot so we did like two times and then the bachelor but like every time we had you on it was like so good mm-hmm yeah entertaining you were so you're just such an entertaining like great guest and i feel like i feel like we have i always felt like we had a good chemistry i think probably because we're both like just very forthcoming and unfiltered in a way i was like i don't think that's why we connected i was like not even close to saying that but i was like he wants to say well they said i'm not well we are both fat no we are skinny legends here i was 180 there i remember i was on tour i was like skinny look you know why we look so happy because we were skinny and that was also before the interview we took it before i remember oh before tragedy it was a little friction but anyway um i said there was no freaking oh okay yeah a little i was i think i was like yeah oh here's a really mean comment i should read that oh with it the top one yeah but anyway yeah people say you're friends with me they say since then she has become my sister-in-law soon to be my partner in crime and one of my best friends life is one strange mother lover you're my only best friend right now so i'm one of yours you're my only we pound it we don't hug i it makes me sad though because you hugged moses the other day and was the first time i saw that and i was like well because we don't want pelvis we've never hugged not even before covered we've already i tried to hug you once you're like don't touch me because that was so insane because we've never had that you don't need the heart so then you were like no but i feel i had ila for the first time last night it was amazing wait we hugged me and elog oh nice and like she just gives really good hugs actually like you wouldn't think so what i love being i love them people i'm going to say i'm not shaming but you think she's a skinny so you want to think such good bugs but like she went underneath and like brought in it was a really good hug i was like wow i was really like can i say something yeah there are i feel like there's two types of people in the world people who analyze the hugs they receive and the people who are fully unaware i don't i never think about the quality of a hub i always think about it like i feel like if we were to hug you'd give me a side hug like you know how you just put like one arm around like a weird side yeah i'm not trying to i'm not trying to go chest to chest but that makes it uncomfortable for me because i'm not thinking somebody wants to touch my chest like my dad doesn't do that either he'll do like this weird like side thing and i'm like you can well well regardless i don't think about dan do you think about quality of hugs um yeah i guess i do yeah really meeting someone yeah i'm a hug quality analyzer moses you think about how quality maybe it's just me yeah i try to avoid hugs all together what does that mean though you just hugged ethan you were the one he said as we were leaving he's like let's just go he's like i'll say bye ethan like we'll see by him from across the counter he's like no i'm gonna go give him a hug so you were the one that initiated the hug with ethan right but that's after kovi they got vaccines people feel more comfortable yeah but why are you avoiding hugs because a lot of times the other person's like perfume or stuff stays on you oh you hold that thing water is pure water has no smell but anyway yeah i try to avoid it i just like hugging and then ian and sam i'm just trying to see if i'm the only freak here are you guys do you guys analyze hug quality no no okay good sam okay but see okay she said she said sam ian's girlfriend who's here so she some people give really cozy hugs yeah so i guess half the room it's split it's like you know it's very interesting how some things are never spoken about like i find this very much to be like some people wipe their ass from the front and some from the back and then the others don't know that even the whole the other team exists at all so hogging quality is like that yeah the wiping thing is like i don't get it i actually wipe i don't even want to say it i actually wipe back to friend that's how i white but you're not supposed to because you because i don't have a vagina i mean i don't get infections why would you unless you're like like how sloppy do you have to be i'm not like having it half out and like wiping it out i don't know it's like yeah it's like okay if you can't handle your [ __ ] um yeah but people act like i'm getting like a peace and love i'm sorry this is gross but i wipe back to front too and people are like act like i've got [ __ ] all over my balls that's so much what are you talking about i don't know why i thought you were a bidet i thought you were team bidet well i i went uh there was a day when i before i ascended to the to the greats the great throne that i'm on now i used to wipe did you yeah there you go you've elevated i thought yeah your mom gave a double hug to me and moses she kind of went with both arms around us it was really interesting because i was ready to go for like a full hug around her and she went with her other arm around moses and me i was like so rate the hugs you got yesterday yeah um i would no that's like that's like no okay no don't okay i think moses mom goes really good hug she's always hugged yeah yes your mom did too your mom was very lively yesterday i loved her i loved your family like i didn't feel really bad i was like wow i was like i don't know if i was just i don't know what it was should i read this mean comment or do we not want bad guys because sometimes i like me comments what is it what you see oh my god what is it bad i can't even read it let's see what okay i'm read i'm reading this mean comment because oh oh yeah this one's me here let me read it before i show up well i'm just not gonna show it because i don't want to send a mob of people after this person that's a good idea yeah this one's bad let's not read it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean on the note when people do give like hate comments like that it's like i've been fighting i don't read i mean i'm glad you guys have given me multiple chances though one blow i remember you text me right after it was really bad and i remember being like oh my god why is he texting me because i thought we would never talk again like that last one of the last plots we had and i was like oh i really messed it up this time and then you're like i hope you're okay and i was like oh my god like i was so i that was like so anyways oh yeah yeah you guys give multiple chances you guys are forgiving people and honestly like it's good because like it's not like you killed my dog or anything we just had a little bit of a fight yeah don't kill my dog then we'll have a problem yeah i won't i haven't had um i've had an episode in a while which is crazy which is scary yesterday i had a thought in my head to like sabotage everything for a minute not in here not here but like before i came i was like i'm going to sabotage everything sometimes i get those moves it's just an intrusive thought probably yeah it's so weird if you have like a conscious thought of like oh i'm going to do it that's just an intrusive thought um yeah anyways so anyway passover with the family was amazing i also wanted per se that passover at the family we had a lot of photos and stuff there was a lot of like we're all vaccinated now yes the major i would say um every like almost everyone there is vaccinated yeah and it was because they were in different states or no or just because you had the hookup because you know you like you said the person that works for you guys knows how to get the hook up the back it's not a hookup we're in well my parents and all the old people got are fully vaccinated my br my brother-in-law is a teacher my brother is a teacher i'm fat you sent me a tick tock being like here's an obese person getting on yeah that was so funny i was so confused you said that i like i was like i didn't wasn't sending it to call you fat i just thought it was funny you literally it was like someone's like you can get the vaccination because you're you know let me pull it up i was like and then that was it that was our conversation i was just trying to i was just trying to share a funny tick tock with you like god forbid okay i sent you this just because it was funny i wasn't trying to call you fat why else would someone send this to you why else would you send this anyway because like you share something funny with a friend did you share this with anybody in your family i shared it in the chat with me that person you know you sent this to me okay all right well here let's watch it have you have you signed up to get vaccinated yet i have to do it under that link that you sent me well we had one for a thousand oaks but or whatever but we had one for well did you send your information to lino no we haven't done that yet well what the hell she'll sign up for you just send her your info and also your fat so you qualify i'm kidding i'm just kidding because of the argument i'm sorry look who's talking i'm [ __ ] mad you're no you're not but the haircut doesn't do you any favors well i know trust me why don't you wear a beanie until it grows for a little bit because i don't care you think i look fat with no hair i don't think it's that sweet you call me fat so i'm just trying to reiterate yeah we're about left we're we're both fat i have one ourselves to see who's fatter because i feel like that would give me some peace of mind well to be totally fair in this conversation i am like six to seven inches taller than him so like you know what i mean yeah but you do have the massive that's true mine are like 30 pounds you could weigh them on a little grocery store look we're we don't need to we don't it's not a contest trisha we both should be not a contest it's for peace of mind to be like okay if we're equally fat we can jab at each other we're equally fat i don't know you well who do you think's found i don't know i have no idea i i frankly think i think i am i think i'm 230 right now for real i need to really lose weight because literally nothing's fitting i mean not to turn into that but like i wonder we need like a body we need to you know what we need to do is do the body fat index or like what is it called the weight fat index it tells you how much of your body percentage is fat oh so that's how you really no i don't wait dan isn't that just based on height yeah like we could calculate that ourselves right now body body mass index my thighs definitely crush yours mine are yeah so why are they so big and yours are so skinny should we do that right now should you want to do how do you do it oh so so maybe we'll do it next week ian or do you think we're equipped to do it now well there i just search for a calculator it looks great this one just needs height let's not do it before we eat have an eating contest next week we see jillian michael's on here to train us don't you want to know what's important okay let's no but you're right you're right you are right we have a skill we have no no no no i changed my mind no let's do it okay you don't want to do it we have a skill right there we should cosplay as the two fatties from hairspray do you see that movie really what can i show you we would look so good as these characters so can i talk you need this one and one more time or you're uncomfortable with this i think i'm uncomfortable i think i might actually like try and un-alive myself if we do this really yeah let's not do it oh let me watch this tick tock first are you talking about the old hairspray or the new one um both wait i want to show the tick tock that apparently upset you this weekend that i was sharing because i thought it was funny okay this is us is it a picture of divine that's john travolta oh it is it's john travolta yeah that's him and yeah you never saw hairspray okay i don't watch i don't know i should what do you want they lost me at hairspray oh all you do is play video games according to your family yesterday they thought you would want to be nothing not weaponizing just saying that's what my mom said my grandpa said once because i used to want because my family's annoying and i mean or like for i just like you saw it like how they're obsessed with football it's like it's it's it's embarrassing yeah like i'm trying to put theodore to sleep and my dad's going at the top of his lungs like he has no consideration for anything like you're adopted that's like 100 like not even i don't see any similarities i've always said that but apparently i do look like my mom don't i i don't see it i was trying to see like your dad or your mom and i literally couldn't see it i was so confused like i hey listen i'd be happy to be a doctor i think i'm adopted too i think my moroccan is adopted i've always i've always dreamed of having been adopted it would explain a lot your family's great you're just so different than all of them i was like whoa oh yeah what i was saying was i didn't want to see it from my family is that like because my brother and my sister tried to make an effort to connect with my dad through this whole sports thing which he's like weirdly obsessed with and i think that there's the psychological explanation is that i didn't want to be like my dad i didn't want to connect with my dad oh and so i took up different hobbies and i mean with peace and love i like me and my dad are on good terms and everything yeah that's like the psychological explanation oh interesting your dad was on two game shows though so he said icon he told you about that yeah cud embarrassing no i love it wait what game shows i asked him he was a contestant on some stupid game shows yeah they weren't like any ones i recognized but he said he won um some kitchen knives i'll tell you i'll tell you he won a pair of kitchen knot or like silverware set yeah that it had like wooden handles and he [ __ ] kept those like for 30 years he would not throw them away because he cherished them but they're starting to rot like as a kid i remember we were still using that i remind them so clearly because it's all he was allowed us to use because they're so proud of it yeah but they're starting to rot it's made of wood no no no my mom you know what i got me thinking is we should do um we should go on family feud your family versus my family because they did a celebrity one with people i have no idea who they are can we invite ourselves on that show yeah we could try to reach out yeah i would do that i'd be [ __ ] happy that would be [ __ ] really good i wonder if it's so fun i feel like my dad would be good my sister would be good i'm not sure my brother he was like a calculator yesterday he's like they're like what's this and celsius he's like dude no because he's got like he's got more of a rain man brain than like a survey brain they could come in handy though for them because they go like what's the what's the never would what do people call have it whoopee that's a newlywed game i think oh i see oh but like top 10 names for having whoopee no it's like we asked a hundred people on the street what is something that you can get i mean dan do you think we could get on that show i mean i don't watch it regularly but wasn't like ninja on that show no yeah a thousand percent my the guy um angel my friend angel has my hair he has you get us in i'm in it really dude it's not take it off is it still uh steve harvey that hosts it if i don't get one of these looks from steve harvey i need one of these it is still steve harvey oh my god you guys need to interact with steve harvey wait i made a video like i made a video a while ago [ __ ] on steve harvey for being a douche i love him he's from cleveland i stand by steve harvey i love him honestly it'd be iconic my mom was on wheel fortune like three times i have i made a whole i went every game wait hold on steve i for steve harvey h3h3po i need to revisit this because we do we're uh we should throw it a break right oh really we're a little over having too much fun over here all right we'll be right back bright sellers is the wine service that helps you find wine you love while making wine more accessible to everybody bright cellar is gives you a personalized test to find the best wine suited for you and you know what you have access to wines from italy france and even right here in california oh my god the world at your fingertips south africa portugal and of course that's that's all of them plus you can pretend you're a wine connoisseur because they give you little facts about wine so you can feel really smart and boujee when you're drinking you are going to be basically a uh some is it a sommelier i believe you're going to get one of those cups you they literally have little cups that they fit and they spit it out yeah 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all he does is he puts the fl he goes that's all he does i like it it's funny probably your future is hosting family feud [ __ ] kill me for sure i could see you doing that no i'm retiring no you'll host like a thousand dollar pyramid like one of those things you know that's you and then and then you know what else i can see is is ethan for sure hosting like a pageant of some kind and announcing the wrong winner like he did no you think i'll f oh the wrong miss universe you remember that of course they don't like and i'm saying this as someone who's also your weight they don't like heavy people hosting those kind of things they like to have slim even if slim does not look like well hold on we have some fat hoes drew carey lost weight before he hosted it right they're like dude we're gonna need you to lose some weight everybody even jimmy kimmel lost weight like before he looks like they're like listen in general people don't like fat people isn't that crazy that's really great but no that's like one hatred i mean there's so many hatreds i don't get i don't want to say that's the one hatred i don't get but it's like why do people hate people that are fat because they're not because they think they're lazy and have no self-control so how would that affect anyone it's not like i look at someone that's like broke and i'm like oh my god you're so dramatic it doesn't affect me like no i'm not saying it's true i'm just saying i see that conveyed all the time i've probably even said stuff like that in the past you think they're like lazy i don't know i just think it's like it's such a but there's this whole thing i hear people even people i really like that i listen to all the time like howard stern it always goes on and on about ow just put down the fork fatty you know what i mean oh well i hate that that's like so like because it's a psychological thing like honestly if i could be 100 pounds i would but obviously there's something like yeah hello i'd love to be a skinny legend can i watch this [ __ ] tick tock please all right here it is i'm not an essential worker um hmm okay how do i say this um the what does this mean what is that what is that well it's um there's a certain thing okay if you hit it you can you can get you can get it um [Music] has to do with um um all right well when you figure it out you let me know i want that vaccine okay yeah did you hear that by may first we should all be eligible for the background believe me though i mean i'm down i can go get it i need to go get a head pre-existing edition literally all you have to do okay i will i will do it did you send me in the bro of course i did moses you have it so you're responsible for this [ __ ] could be not the first person to be responsible i'll be more responsible with this well because so entertainment is considered essential essential service and fat i'm going to die soon fat is like oh honestly i hate when people say that it's like oh like eating fast food take 10 years off your life i'm more than happy to have 10 years off that's an easy exchange i have a belly full of nuggets when i die i'm really happy bury me with the belly full of nuggets seriously you know that's funny that's good maybe because i like love food but honestly like i don't understand people like like they say jennifer anderson hasn't had like any carbs or cheeses for like 10 years okay oh [ __ ] die sad because that's what i'm saying die sad cardboard the quality of life hey now honestly it gets me angry that she doesn't eat pizza that's crazy to me that's crazy to me that people like don't eat pizza but it's like yeah what like oh people who are so fit like that are like you know you see them on instagram and tick tock and they're like it's like okay yeah they look good but you know they suffer but you know some people don't enjoy eating i don't think there's certain people that lila doesn't like eating right so amazing i wish that was me but i think it's just because we like love eating just like some people love spending or doing drugs or whatever it is like i will yeah i kind of wish i didn't love eating so much so yeah that would like make my life so less complicated oh i know like if you didn't enjoy it you just did it because you had to eat that would be amazing but that's a that's a but honestly i was thinking about this right like some of these people write like the david dobrik's of the world and stuff like that i'm like why are they so stupid why do they do this stuff like humiliate people like that's what they get off on if getting up on last week we're having a whole conversation about like what is his sexuality yeah we're like is he gay he doesn't seem interested in sex at all yeah did you tell me that he was like a [ __ ] no okay so somebody sent me a link and i watched it from the podcast maybe maybe ian you can find it real fast i don't remember where it was i don't want to kink shame him i don't think there's anything wrong with this at all but i thought it was just interesting because it's just to analyze his character right if you if you're into like cuckhold or whatever it is i'm not saying i'm not shaming you at all i mean god bless you know what was he doing let that bull ride your wife to [ __ ] all the way to valhalla and back he loves it so he said they were having a conversation on the podcast and i'm and i'm comfortable saying this because i listen to it with my own ears he says that he would love to watch his significant other have sex with somebody else and then they're like with a big dick or small deck he's like well a big dick obviously because you know you want her to enjoy yourself that's i heard that so so he's so i learned that he's actually a voyeur he's a viewer and he even said i remember he even you got it you've got to hear this because he says and then he goes on to say i don't like having sex it's too much work i'd rather watch okay i get that no but it's it explains so much for sure about like it and even and even weird because it's almost casts this voyeuristic aspect to a lot of the word sexual stuff that goes on in his vlogs like he would just be in my house when we got home to scare me like he was in my house all the time like so doesn't it make that i think it makes it more let's say um disturbing it's more like um um invasive yeah when he's getting some kind of pleasure from it right which i'm speculating but listen to this clip well if he says it you're not speculating if he says i like to watch well what i'm speculating is i don't know if he was necessarily getting doing that in your house but listen to this clip okay it's kind of interesting would you everyone have a threesome yeah sure why not wait really you'll be down to do one with me oh with you wait wait look at that yeah wait wait look at the graphic it's like him would you would you let another man have sex with your girlfriend in front of you oh good question i would say no no to that one yeah i've seen that porno before but okay yeah i would say yeah i would say yeah too totally yeah yeah yeah are you afraid i'd be afraid i wouldn't be able to come back from it i think that is like a very like it's a very look down upon thing in the community of having sex community in the community of relationships it's a very look we were laying down on your bed like two years ago and like i had this random thought i was like man i would love to watch my girlfriend get [ __ ] and you're like oh my god thank god you said that i thought it was so weird yeah there's something about it yeah it's like because it takes okay first of all having sex takes a lot of work so it takes that out so now you can just lay there and you're still kind of having sex but you're just kind of watching it's the best i feel like it's so much better i i love watching i prefer watching them like like i'm like actually doing it if the guy is like a big [ __ ] and then perfect yeah i'd rather the next day she's like i don't want my girlfriend to be having sex with like a lame guy yeah or a friend a stranger or a friend a stranger i'm probably stranger yeah yeah so again not not kink-shaming at all i mean god bless but it it's interesting because i was always like what is the deal with this guy he doesn't seem necessarily gay but he's not sexual at all you think he's like an asexual no i don't think he's asexual i think he wants he just he likes to watch he's a voyer which makes everything else is like 10 times more disturbing though like him asking questions to that 17 year old about having sex stuff it's like ooh like why are you taking in the room and hiding in your bathroom and listening to you guys have sex i mean he's very disturbing on so many levels i feel like he's had some trauma or something i don't know something bad maybe happened to him i don't know he's it's that's sad anyway not to direct i mean yeah i i'm not sure i don't sorry if this seems like i'm unnecessarily dragging him i just thought that was an interesting peek into his psyche of a continuation of the conversation yeah he's um so funny everything about david now i'm just like exhausted thinking about it i'm just like oh my god it's so much like we have so much to do here do you want i have chemical appeal let's just do it all right let's give them all about little gnaws little nausea did you see his new music video yeah you're totally fine with that i feel like you would you can see yourself atheist or just non wait you have a problem with his i was just wondering if he's not i'm not having him yeah i saw it and you have no problem with it of course no problem some things and even if i like i'm not even like super religious or anything like that but there's something so like whenever something like satanic is involved like there's this guy that hairy jay for instance is like santa i'm saying it wrong like santeria or something like that where it's like they sacrifice chickens and anything sacrificial anything double like related it just feels bad and i'm like not religious because you grow up christian so you have a little bit of a no but yeah but like i can have sex with no guilt i can you know there's so many things i can do with no guilt like that you know the christian roots you're just superstitious or something i don't know i hate like i don't listen to like lady gaga or beyonce because they have a lot of like illuminati and stuff like that but the little nozzle was like extremely i don't know because he's i think the whole thing is a parody about how everyone's saying he's going to help because he's gay right he's like yeah i'll go to hell and i'll [ __ ] the devil while i'm down there i thought it was great i just feel like i i get really weirded out about like not necessarily illuminati but illuminati like does demonic on earth illuminati does that's demonic isn't the illuminati just a secret organization yeah but it's like making a deal with the devil jesus that's the devil coming out that scared me so much i don't think the devil is part of the illuminati yeah that's what it is it's all about allah like no god like ella ella is no god when they say under my umbrella we're not singing if there's no god that means there's no devil um if there's no oh i mean i'm not saying i don't believe in god or is like some higher thing illuminati is not a satan right can someone fact check that well i i don't think the illuminati conspiracy theories are really a monolith uh you know people attribute all kinds of things to illuminati so right um so yeah yeah i'm sure there's lots of people that say it's religious you loved it i didn't love it i like it i'm a fan of his and his music videos are always like oh like super creative and and really like the last one he did the christmas one was like crazy awesome i loved it he disavowed his shoes because they have no collaboration with him but he has the the devil worshiping star wait he didn't wait he didn't do those with them they came out said we have no he but he has the nike swish on it i thought it was odd that nobody would agree to put a drop of blood it was just a parody is it not a real [ __ ] it's a real shoe that he's selling but not with nike he bothers nike he's going to get some bro you can't do that came out today and i was just like okay thank god because i was like let me factor yeah [Music] so do they need so is that like a if it's considered you might be able to get it so they buy these nikes retail and then they like customize them but then that must mean he's not mass selling them if they're concerned yeah it sounds like it's like a boutique like there's like maybe like a few of them oh okay 666 remember that then yeah that's different but i was like i was like wow nike allowed to put a drop of blood in the soul and that's also just like not sanitary i know the devil is real though i know there's like devil [ __ ] on this earth and not to i won't get into it but i saw one of my friends like literally saw his little one and scared the [ __ ] out of me because he like changed completely and i was like oh my god like literally like listening to this person you're just like oh my god this person's like literally something demonic is happening with them and i really believe that because this person was like like a perfect in every way like so simple that everything and then the minute like there was like something a switch i was just like holy [ __ ] i think there's some demonic [ __ ] happening here and it's scary and it's real that scares me it like makes me sick talking about him but you brought it up i know i think i was like i start talking about it and i start feeling it my my opinion on all that is that i'm not a superstitious person and i think that the belief in this satanic and the angelic and all this is stems i think it has a lot to do with with the superstition and ocd because it's like you go oh i have to say my hail mary's otherwise i'm gonna [ __ ] whatever i don't know how it works but it's like it's all very ritualistic and superstitious and superstition is connected to ocd because you get this thing of like i'm gonna something bad is gonna happen or something's good it's gonna happen if i do this i hear demon voices i know they're real i know demons are real uh real quick update which is great in time uh nike is suing them over this show oh [ __ ] you don't want to get sued by nike why would you put satanic and human blood on a nike product i thought it was nike i was like what the hell like that's so messed up [Music] mischief as i'm assuming the um what do you call it the our collective that ian was talking about that's gonna end well for them ian is saying that they made a ju they made a jesus shoe once upon a time where they put holy water oh and was nike cool with that i don't think it's like he's like cool with the holy water with the angels satan i mean that's racism no but satan is real it's racism against demons but who says satan's evil don't like like it's propaganda right like let's say the nazis won then we would all think like oh the nazis are the good guys like who's to say satan's really the bad guy don't you believe in he's definitely the bad guy don't you believe in yang and yang and the equal powers it's like satan and devil are they co-exist together that's like the balance of nature right like but they're real like i don't know what you're trying to argue well you what what's wrong with satan like it's like when you look when you look at the christian god it's like they say no sex no drugs no [ __ ] diss its ads like hell is a [ __ ] popping off party dude it sounds like satan's like he's like popping off down there i'm not someone who's not into fear convinced there's heaven there's hallie i'm not something like that all i know is there's demons and evil like spirits here on earth like i've heard them you think i've seen them like i've heard i've had conversations with them like it's really really scary i've seen people go to that side like it's been really really scary and they look like regular people like whatever but they're something that like possesses them that's like truly evil and it's like really really scary and i think you just never i was trying to help i'm just trying to help i think i was trying to help rationalize what part to be less scared of demons and [ __ ] i'm not scared of them now that i hear them like i talked to someone about it now that i hear them i'm not so scared of them it's more like recognizing that those are demon voices and not good voices because they sound like good voice they sound like just regular voices in your head like oh this this so when they say oh there's a window like jump out of it like it sounds to me it sounds like my voice and it sounds perfectly rational it's like well that windows open for a reason like why wouldn't you just jump out of that right now so it's like those kind of voices and recognizing that there are some demonic things going on that like i can't really control those are like some other voices coming to me like that's are you in therapy about these things yeah it's like because i thought i thought i was schizo i don't you know i don't know maybe i'm a paranoid schizophrenic like i don't know like that's the only thing that voices are tied to really and so i hear them like so often and like you really like not being able to recognize that they're demons or just denying that their demons is like a really scary and dangerous thing for me like if i thought that were my voices i would just go ahead and listen to them which i have in the past so um yeah it's pretty scary and it's not it's a non-religious um he's actually like he does a lot of like activism for like gay rights and stuff who are you talking to about this um i have a therapist and they tell you that it's a demon voice they don't say demons so much but those are just like these like irrational it's like intrusive thoughts i get it okay and but they're not my thoughts right so i've had thoughts i know exactly what you mean okay so what do you call them intrusive thoughts is the clinical expression well i just wanted to make sure that you weren't talking to a therapist it was like don't the demons are real no he's very not that he's very like gay you see him every week i zoom i do zooms with him every way more sometimes it just depends how often it happens but um it's more when it happens because i don't know like i don't talk to my family i don't remember talking i don't talk to anyone about it because it's like really like scary no yeah i totally i don't want people to also think i'm crazy but i just know like good i'm just happy you're talking to someone that's really for sure i think it's helped like so much because i've had problem back when i was like super depressed and anxious but i had lots of intrusive thoughts and they were like it [ __ ] it really can [ __ ] you up because you're like in the constant battle with yourself of like what do i feel is this me why did i think that stuff like that yeah it's really scary because like i never had those before like up until like a few years ago i never had them and then they kind of went away for a little bit now they're like back at full force which is so weird cause i'm like so happy like i really am so happy in life so it's like so odd that those voices come up you're just like what the heck um if i was your therapist i would probably just say because there's part of you that wants to sabotage your brain your good condition right now well it feels good like i said like denouncing things in my life like a lot of times if i felt evil presences i would just keep going with them and like being able to like denounce and like clear myself of any evil around me it feels really good so would it help if we got the holy little naz holy water shoes to wear i would prefer if i did not see little knobs i put not interested on tick tock and they keep showing me his tech talks and i think that is the illuminati [ __ ] don't show me dude tick tock is driving me crazy lately because i rep so i get these animal abuse videos on my home page like literally like animals dying and being maimed and like attacking and i always report it and these are videos with like lots of views and likes and i'm like this is disgusting why is this on the platform and i reported for animal cruelty and i swear to god they showed to me more because i do that because like it's like i don't want to see it i i immediately report it for animal fruity and they keep [ __ ] showing it to me i'm going to say something that you probably won't agree with but i think it's because you watched viewed and appreciated little nas x's video you accepted the devil into you you were like i think i've been getting these videos before you don't think that's the devil animal abuse you don't think that i got i was getting these before his video came out i think you're seeing more because you've accepted it this is an issue that's been happening before little noz video came out because little noz video just came out and what do you think about animal bees don't you think that's the devil what do you think that is you think that's just like oh that sucks well i think there's innate humans are capable of being cruel of course not humans demons well i guess humans can both be demons and angels at times right i'm an angel yeah you're an angel you kind of saved me i mean ask james charles if i'm an angel i doubt he would say that but if i was a 16 year old boy he might think i'm an angel you think he doesn't like you guys of your age oh he'd like me a lot more if i was younger really oh yeah oh i'm okay yeah did you see how i sent him an arm armpit pick on after doctor why was that because he has this phone number he has a [ __ ] phone number on his instagram for fans to text him and he goes hi sisters thanks for calling my thing i could text you all special promotions and i might even send you some selfies and we were like ah and i know that he's in the armpit hair wait when did that go oh he asked the six-year-old kid or one of these boys to send him a picture of his armpit oh i mean that's king shaming maybe oh well if it's well it's a [ __ ] challenge yeah of my armpits i was wondering if maybe he was fun let's see what are those numbers for i always see people be like call me yeah you text so many people so that's what i sent him with a heart oh my god you have no harm pay here what the heck well i no i wanted to make it look like kind of a young cube yeah do you have armpit hair yeah i have armpit hair but i didn't want him to see it because i want him to think i was young um i don't think that looks like young skin i know maybe you should have gotten like ian or something to do it yeah he definitely he knew how old are you 35 wow that's crazy i don't know you're so much older than me well aren't you like 30 32. oh you're old as [ __ ] actually i'm so happy that we're close in age because usually people on youtube are like so much younger than me yeah yeah yeah and i feel like well ela's 32. so it's like i feel like we're we're we're contemporary we're contempt contemporaries is that what really yeah we're from the same generation well i feel like all those like the philip defranco he was first generation youtuber i feel like all first gen were you first generation no no no no really no when did you start i came dude phil was like no i was like well i came i came like pewdiepie was like i came like right as monetization started oh i was doing youtube four years before monetization started i was like that's real [ __ ] as ogs it's real it's at the party places can someone please find that for next week so if you go to a place where they have the party palaces like the ball pit isn't that disproven that the mcdonald's cake they have them at the places that have the party party places but those are all really yeah there was one we saw one nine dollar so there's ian you got something to say no oh okay because on tick tock there's this whole myth about the nine dollar uh mcdonald's cake it looks so good but i saw so many people going no it's real they're like stop asking for the cake oh wait really yeah no i didn't see that okay one other one other requests okay what if we do our next costume episode what if we go ice skating and we're like nancy kerrigan and tanya hardy you wanna actually go ice skating i had a dream that we did that yeah which is the way so which is the one that broke the other girl's flag tanya harding hired someone to bust nancy kerrigan so which one do you want to be i'm gonna be tiny harding that's the one who got her knee busted no no no she's the one you should have like a [ __ ] up not a base what is like a baton you should have a baton and like and be chasing me that'd be so fun we could do like interpretive skating to that can you believe that she actually did that what is [ __ ] psycho she was really pretty margaret robbie played her in the movie and she looked gorgeous just imagine like being like i'm gonna break your [ __ ] leg so she can't win i saw the movie trish is talking about i don't i don't know if it's super accurate but in that movie it was depicted more that it was her like crazy weirdo husband that didn't yeah oh she wasn't involved i don't know well that's how the picture that i was depicted in the film i don't know it's not funny how you can have a movie about your life and then everyone's on your side again because i was like oh i kind of go back for tony harding because she has like an abusive mother and an abusive husband and you're like oh man i kind of feel sad for her it's a good movie you know yeah you know imagine being so good at something that someone's like i have to i just have to break their legs because i don't have a chance that's kind of an honor i guess that's good that i'm not good at anything because no one's trying to break my legs no one's coming for me crazy do you not want to do that okay no i'm down i mean drive yourself to get vaccinated you drove yourself yeah i can't picture you driving yourself anywhere what are you talking about anyways you think i have a valet why i'm not bougie at all i can't go anywhere by myself i get really anxious like i need somebody like with me i'm not you kind of well it's like looking at a mirror oh god cause i can see you now i'm looking right at the other hand no all right so this is a song called mirror by doesn't turn like yeah yeah yeah yeah justin ramen hair justin ramen hair timberland all right we've got there we have a lot to get to before the oddly satisfying so let's push through face peeling what the [ __ ] is this tricia what's with the face feeling oh my god i looked horrible this weekend oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait tick-tock is just a trout damn girl you are wild what is this my skin was peeling but what did you do to your skin oh i got a chemical peel which i didn't know what that meant and i have such a pick me obsession i want to pick i have a p i do have a picking up session they like burn your skin to peel off no you see all the scars on my arm like i i have such a i have to pick things that are on me so they literally put some kind of chemical that burns your skin off i mean it doesn't seem right yeah you look like a burn victory oh my god okay well maybe not honestly though i made me feel for like severe burns like [ __ ] it was really bad it was really itchy and painful do you feel it helped your skin no because i picked it off you're not supposed to pick it off your damage is it worse when you like rip off your skin a little upright so you're supposed to just wait while your skin withers off your face yeah you're supposed to just let it flake off and fall 5 million views though so someone liked it oh so it was worth it paid for itself well now i got my skin's messed up now i got because if you see up close i'm sure you can see on these cameras it's like flaking off i saw your skin yesterday it looked oh god okay trigger warning here's trisha peeling her this skin off and i don't know who the this is not this is this is oddly terrifying whatever the opposite so you're trigger warning to anyone who's sensitive but apparently five million people watch this so there you go apparently no they did i mean that's just not i don't know who wants to watch that i had so much fun doing it oh i wish i did my whole did it hurt no it's the best feeling oh my god i want to do it again that looks so good don't don't get another one next week you're going to end up oh stop i hate it i was trying to look like megan fox today and i feel like i look like snooky yeah well because my face is so round oh here's part two we don't need part two that's robbing them of the satisfying okay part two close your eyes if you're sensitive bro what are you doing with your life i like your haircut by the way can i just say i like your haircut i don't want it i don't want you no i don't know i was just trying to be mean no i agree no i was fast i needed to fire back no i know i felt a little like it's fine it's fine no but you made me feel a little bad and so i wanted to make you feel bad and that was thank you but i actually agree that i always look way fatter when i cut my hair that's why i wear extensions but i don't feel but it's fine thank you for apologizing okay i feel bad about it it's okay don't feel bad don't feel bad you don't have anything to say to me you also called me fat which triggered that oh oh well wait what's the point of an apology if you're watching okay i was just looking to see if you had maybe forgot but that's why wait when i called you fat for the uh that's what triggered me to call you back wait the tick tock thing or what i said you're i forget what i said well times you said if i was fat twice in this episode and you're fat and i was like well you're fat with that haircut that's why i said it okay okay wait let's hit some ground rules should i not say that um yeah no it's fine wait should i i'm sorry i'm sorry sounded a little aggressive when you said it but then i was aggressive and i feel bad i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i feel bad i called you fat should we hug no i hate when yes i got insincere moments why i thought we we bare we just buried the fat chit like the hatchet the fat [ __ ] i didn't quite we buried the fat [ __ ] we just squashed the beef instead of eating it oh my god wait i'm not being mean i'm just trying to be funny can i see another question yeah how does it feel to have a skinny family because i have a skinny family too do you ever feel like a little out of place well i always feel out of place with my family even when you were skinny yeah oh that's interesting well my parents were always really annoying when i was skinny in high school my mom was always trying to make me feel like i was anorexic and i needed to eat more oh i love that i've never had that feeling i love that so i was like so she it was always like you're too scared it was she was always giving me [ __ ] for my body like i was too skinny i needed to eat more and now obviously every time she sees me i'm too fat which like yeah oh interesting so you don't but you don't feel bad it's so funny because my family's opposite they literally never bring up my weight because they know i'm like triggered by it since i was like four but i'm constantly thinking everyone's thinking about my weight and i'm always apologizing to them like i know i'm eating a lot and they're like what are you like so i always wondered if you felt that way or you feel you don't feel anything um i know the feeling of what you mean about how it's like fat and you're always apologizing yeah like with mo something i'm gonna work out tonight i'm going to work i like he literally doesn't care what i'm always telling him to stop giving me [ __ ] for it just because like she know it doesn't help right but no she don't not to make her seem like mean or anything it's she's always she's encouraging and she wants me to be healthy yeah and she wants that it's not like she's like i i don't know yeah but do you i'm healthy you feel but yes always constantly horrible in front of your family more so or a lot or doesn't matter because i feel totally fine i feel embarrassed not because they're skinny i hate to bring this up so much but i've just been what's been weighing on me no pun intended because i'm so i don't care talking about it i get lately i've been just really down on myself i really feel really fat i probably am the heaviest because i couldn't fit into any literally i'm wearing gym shorts i could not get into anything and i was just like what is wrong with me i don't know i just feel a little depressed today was not my day because even i put on i was supposed to wear you know anyways i supposed to wear this other outfit and then i was like looking so ugly i literally had a full mental breakdown i was like i felt i had a corset on it wasn't i had this corset on that like did not fit and i might just have like fat rolls hanging over and i was just like oh my god i mean dude i have i have that ever when i get dressed in the morning there's like shorts that were like elastic shorts that like don't fit i just got really triggered this morning sorry i don't hope that's not depressing i'm not bringing people down because like honestly it's just about it's about me and then i know and i don't look i honestly swear on my life like demons come get me if i'm telling like a lie but like i literally don't think you're fat at all but then you always talk about it i'm like i wonder if anything i really don't think you're fat at all i i swear i don't i say it because you do but i don't think that really and because you are taller and all that stuff like that and in person not to say that you don't i think you look a lot heavier on camera because in person you're like a lot smaller you just don't like i see you do unflattering things like this so you sit back bad you have like bad boys you see you do that to look stupid but you don't look like that you don't look like that you're pushing yourself but that's why i wondered if it's like just in your head it's like a mental thing i don't know because i've always felt that was fat kind of but now i feel like i really have fulfilled the prophecy should we have do you have dr drew talking about this i feel like he specializes in like even just no you're just going to come fat shame me and tell your beautiful angel he'd be like ethan you're fat trisha you're perfect no but i want to know the psychology behind it because i really haven't ever ordered that pizza we talked about um we did arby's has a new crinkle fries today they just started did somebody say arby's i'm hungry though i want to eat arby's with you like what can i do i do love eating with somebody that enjoys food it is fun i don't know anybody that's different with you because these all these [ __ ] losers don't want to eat crinkle fries and like get like they don't want to get like bro just weird about it you know moderation like let's go pizza crinkle fries i mean i am working out tonight yeah right i am we got our workout machine got delivered we are going to work out tonight because i felt so good remember like three episodes ago i was like look i've lost i lost like three pounds and i was feeling so good about myself and then i just was like okay [ __ ] it like yeah the problem i always i've lately been having i have had i felt like before i started taking lexapro the antidepressant oh you're on that which by the way i love and like i don't i love it it's like i hate like the pro right we've talked about it but for me it's working right right and so i don't there's no i don't want to go off it by any means but i've had a lot of trouble losing weight since i started and so i felt like before the lexa pro i could be like okay i need to lose 10 pounds and i was able to do it yeah but since i started elixir pro about like a year and a half ago i've been i've been steadily gaining weight and every time i try to lose weight it's like i'll be really committed for like two weeks to something and then i don't and then i get on the scale and i didn't lose any weight and i just get so discouraged i say [ __ ] it yeah i'd never weigh myself that's like really bad like even the thought of doing it today i was just like oh my god no cuz like honestly like that will trigger me into like another world it's really weird but i've been fat my whole life like literally since i was five people called me fat so i was just like it to me it's like whatever i don't know but the thing is i am happy now like i am so happy doesn't get in your way i mean it like i mean you you men find you desirable you're successful you've got everything you want yeah i think i've just never felt skinny like what would that feel like you've been skinny and i'm like oh my god to be like 130 pounds would be like what does that feel like i think it was 130 pounds at like literally five it's nice because you can like tie your shoe you can clean your ass in the shower it's almost like you went to heaven and now you came back and tell me about the experience yeah i'll tell you all about it yeah so i can wipe my ass in the shower obviously but but it's not like it used to be i don't know i mean it's got nothing to do with that okay well that's good but the thing is like let's say i got a divorce i mean that's not happening god forbid whatever but like i would probably be like okay if i ever want to find love again i need to lose weight okay i'm the opposite whenever i go through like a breakup i feel like i get fatter i'm like well i'm fat anyways who cares really i feel like that's the classic guy move though when you have a breakup it's like hit the gym delete facebook what do they say they say hit the gym delete facebook facebook i don't know why i delete facebook so that's interesting because i have talking to eating disorders probably yeah i'm talking to like eating disorder therapist and they always tell me they're like you're not going to be any happier because i would say the key to my happiness if i lose 50 pounds and like you're not going to be happy or 50 pounds no you're not happy it's just there's always something when i was just but there's nothing else when i was a skinny legend i was there you know you are you still are a skinny legend i don't like that you call yourself that because you are probably like a mediocre medium weight like you're probably average wait bruh i used to be like 135. okay but you're what like 220 at like almost six foot i'm just saying i was a skinny legend yeah okay continue i want to hear what you gotta say it was [ __ ] heaven bro i'm not gonna oh you loved it i was just it was like bliss yeah it was ecstasy no i'm just i was just like i'm skinny everything's great no no you got problems you got problems it's like it's the fallacy of people say oh when you're rich then all you're then you're happy every day and you have no problems you still have problems i'm happier rich well sure you know what they say they say there's like a certain amount of money where it your strength like i think they say it's like you know something like a hundred thousand dollars a year i don't know what what there's a certain amount of money that someone can make where you can get the maximum amount of like of life improvement from and then anything else doesn't add i mean it's scarier to be happier with money because if you lose it one day which could happen to anybody then you're like what you're gonna be well you gotta go back to like mcdonald like i mean nothing against a stripper probably again you just go straight to stripping you think you could strip that like what's the cut-off age for stripping um you know what actually i probably just do like porn or something actually that's what you already did like rest in peace but like doesn't diamond just did porn because he had the name and i was like you know i'd probably just do that butterfucko who was that guy what is the cutoff age for stripping um i mean there was ones that are in their 40s i mean i'm sure there's some place i would hire like a i don't know is there like um granny strip clubs um oh business idea interesting i wonder how they hit that i wonder if they hit the the pole should we do a strip club you could have a real accident though at the pole with the grannies oh you got into my shot i like that that was cool it was cool to see you on all right hold on we're listen i love the chit chat wait can we open up a strip called called fatties where it's only fat strippers yeah if you want to go bankrupt i mean i honestly think there's a whole tick tock that i'm on of these like guys just saying how much they want to see fat girls more in there yeah okay sure let's let's [ __ ] off can we try it let's damn it i'm in mr beast has his burgers we have our fatty strippers i love that we're the mr beasts of fat strippers that could be really good get a reality show about it call e god can you imagine people that would go in there and then like the food would be like hella fatty too oh the food would be bomb people would come just for the food the butter noodles your mashed potatoes just for the food they're like actually this they're like dude there's a new michelin star restaurant in ila it's called fat strippers and it's we go there for the food but there's also fat strippers no it's called fat fatties fat fatties no just fatties just fatties yeah fatties naked fatties just fatties is good we don't even descriptive about it fatties is good i like that all right and now before we get to oh god it's gonna be a 10 hour episode whatever who cares people like it okay i thought it'd be funny to every week now i try to explain a meme to you someone said that so this is okay fine go ahead go ahead no i want to see it people were like oh trisha pages doesn't get memes but she likes adam sandler movies she's like the equivalent of like dad energy they're saying like you're not it's not cool like adam sandler anymore like it's not cool to find him funny that i'm like this like old dad because like like obviously like i mean he's not he's no you know i mean he's no steven spielberg i mean let's not put him on a pedestal but people like kind of like crap on him now because he has like i mean his movies are objectively bad sandy black players are funny did you see sandy wexler so good no but like he's made some of like the worst movies ever like what was that little nikki [ __ ] i mean i mean um um what's the one where he plays his own twin sister we should cosplay as them but i'm just saying jack and jill is widely held to be one of the ones i'm not kidding i can quote that movie i know every single thing about it so you liked adam sandler but like his movies he's made some that people i think people like for nostalgia i think he's a great actor but if you i mean if you want to say like he's a great filmmaker then yeah i think you have a p i mean let me follow up the rating here this is why he'll never be on our show yesterday you're like that's never going to happen he's never going to be on our show you know that right and i was like because you're saying i think he's a great actor i love his acting uncut gems amazing okay you want to see jack and jillian on um it has a 3.3 on imdb jack that's actually pretty hot raises undertones which i don't love there's like an indian kid and like this hispanic guy that they kind of make racist oh yeah dude that was just outrageous character who fell in love with his sister oh you know the movie though oh yeah i watched it of course because i made a review about it oh you did it three percent i mean it doesn't get worse i think people are haters i think any time i can i think time a comedian makes a movie where he plays his own twin it's a [ __ ] girl bro that's been done so many times it's like an eddie murphy thing it's like a i want to do that that's it's like a true okay it'll be bad but i'll watch it jack and jill's good i think people are just haters no that move is [ __ ] objective i don't like that he puts he has rob shiner in his movie so many times though and rob schneider is undeniably not funny and awesome i agree although here's the the the critics consensus although it features an inexplicably committed performance from al pacino jack and jill is impossible to recommend on any level whatsoever i think it's great that's the consensus of the critics haters someone gets too popping they want to try and break it down yeah that and then like out like i feel like this movie almost single-handedly ruined al pacino's legacy i think it was great like johnny depp was in the movie it was good okay whatever listen to jack and jill [ __ ] analysis show let's just look at some man and that was the case all right okay yeah so here's the first name okay okay ready it says i may not be jewish but the drip is real okay why am i in clouds because you're in heaven probably i thought i'm in israel isn't that the joke we're in israel so you do we get like that i mean i get the the the was that called the words i don't get why they use that photo in heaven because you're dripping i've used ascended it's a harvard shirt it's not even a jewish shirt it may not be jewish but the drip is real i just don't know we have we we don't get i like i like the comment i like the the context it just doesn't make any sense with my outfit the location because you're dripping and what okay okay next meme big daddy right is this one big daddy this one says trisha making her i love okay let me read this again trisha making her i love moses music video this is you okay how do you do fellow jews i like this one because isn't that from an adam's handler movie i like this one but what is that from i think it's from a tv show but do you get the beer so this is you saying how do you do with my fellow jews well you have to kind of understand the context of the original meaning okay the original meme is him trying to act like he's a like high schooler how do you do fellow kids yeah so the meme is he always goes up to kids and says how do you do fellow kids like he's trying to pretend wow so that's you how do you do fellow jews okay i like that one i get it yeah yeah that one's good okay but again if you didn't explain the meme i think if you explain to me and the meme is dead is what i hear right well you didn't you have to understand the context of this one otherwise i don't think i thought i was in amazon once i got excited that maybe i'd understand it but i didn't um here's another one this one is pretty deep cut but i don't get this one my goal in life is to be uh is to become to make as many memes as possible to confuse trisha oh mean i wish it's canceled again i wish i wish all a very with peace and love no idea to be quite frank i don't understand this meme either hey well then you tried it you tried to trick me you don't even know what the [ __ ] is this stan dude you haven't you haven't seen the the bugs meme no what is the bugs and my god i missed well it's always very grammatically awkward is like part of the joke uh it's bad this is a deep gun this one yeah i i i can't understand oh my god who is this person put them on blast who made that meme i think it was james charles no don't put james charles on blast or something he didn't even do okay this is the final one when trisha sees this meme i'm confused right okay well that's because this is a meme format okay of someone confused so memes are taking one image and just putting different letters different words to it yes you guys are geniuses out there i'm not smart okay all right so another caption for that picture could be me trying to do algebra that would be funny that's actually literally oh my god i actually think that's pretty funny because okay wait wait when trish tries to do this there's math on the thing i know it's tim literally oh my god it's so literal that it's funny thank you like but anyway if this got by the way this meme got 3 000 points and it was awarded several awards wow just so you know that this is non-existent awards no they're real where they get they get in the mail they're digital awards what do you want was that ft award what is the devil not real all of a sudden the demons are real you're sorry i brought that up where's god's award i pray you never have demons come and try and possess you or you sell yourself to the devil oh my god what what did i do to deserve this why did my i didn't i'm not scared that that's gonna happen i'm not selling my soul to anybody if anyone i'll sell my soul what do i sell myself nothing comes to mind exactly not for sale people me neither i can't be bought um there's some david dobrik news it's short though like for example todd put out an apology i don't think we talked about this oh todd the toddster todd tatarino my man is that from something too he just seems like that kind of guy yeah yeah for sure for sure i get it todd in case people don't know who todd smith is because i don't really know he's this douche actually i don't know if he's a douche but he really is i've said todd brandon david jason those are the four creepsters of that group like they need help dude tough what's good interns and he's jack though eh i mean yeah jeff too damn sup he's the one that had the 16 year old interns with jason at their house they had like did you see that video of the 16 year olds they had that showed up for david and they said you can work for us and he had them like clean their kitchen and stuff like that dude that is and they had like 16 year old girls at the house and jason's like these are new interns they're 16. i'm like you're 40. you have 16 year olds at your house cleaning your kitchen bruh he's 44. at the time no jason not this guy oh yeah this kid's like 30 something now pretty jacked though i know who's more jack jeff or todd jeff jeff looks like he's trying to flex though jeff looks really skinny i feel bad for him i feel like he can't work out anymore jeff looks like he's like trying to look casual but he's flexing so [ __ ] hard well jeff gets more points because he's he's speaking up and donating and doing stuff so yeah shout out to jeff todd is kind of the worst i'm not going to lie he's just here's his statement or did you read a statement um yeah i did but we can read it okay todd from todd todd todd [Laughter] toddy boy this is an apology to hannah and her friends and acknowledgement of my role in the trauma they went through and the night and of the end and that night and the pain i'm reading it from far away so part of me they carried everyday sins i would like to own up to my mistake and apologize to those i have hurt with my insensitivity i do not condone uh uh actual essual misconduct of any kind i'm so stupid i'll just say sexual misconduct you can bleep it or something okay well i don't know with youtube it's like all of a sudden you're saying the wrong word and they're like [ __ ] your whole episode oh i thought you were like okay i thought you're trying to get out no i'm not making jokes i didn't think that you're trying to be sensitive towards me or something and i was like it's fine but i get what you're saying i'm sorry for the disgusting comment i made in that video and he was the one who said i'm getting horny i believe when he looked in right yeah and he did buy alcohol for himself oh she's yeah right that always slides under is that apparently allegedly i mean we don't know for sure but according well i would you well according to you you saw no i didn't see him by it i didn't oh you didn't okay i said jeff i had said he asked jeff and jeff said i'll go get it and then we left so okay according to the witnesses actually jeff said todd bought alcohol for himself and then he changed it and said there was no call but then he changed it again and said trisha wasn't there when the alcohol was brought back so it just slipped out a lot but anyways jeff did say todd bought alcohol first yeah so and the witnesses said that he did so i mean we know there is evidence pointing to todd coming back with some of that who's ready to party all right sorry todd anyway i'm sorry for all that stuff i'm sorry to have been a part of a toxic environment that got in you into this situation i'm sorry that i was so naive and did not challenge my own perception to know what was actually happening in that room jump cut to him being like i'm getting kind of turned on right now there's no [ __ ] too when they're like allegedly when they're like nothing was going on in those rooms every time anyone's asked those vlogs are real it's 100 real nothing scripted it's not i've been a part of those vlogs it's never like i'm looking into some fake thing happening like whoa look at that happening over there that's the impression oh you know why i get that impression is because every time you listen to david talk up like when you listen to him talk about for example the seth thing people were going oh this is fake and david go he's wants people to know desperately that it's all real and it is it is the way they set up stuff is like 100 yeah they set up scenarios to happen but like it's not fake what they're setting up there's always like real [ __ ] happening that's how he gets reactions todd continues i was trying to say uh he says i never left the apartment until it was time to go and i did never purchase alcohol despite jeff saying jeff said you did buy alcohol for yourself so maybe you guys they did not get their story straight yeah you guys didn't get your stories fake come on get out he did not oh well he says okay he did never purchase alcohol for anybody that night i did hop up to make i did i feel like the fifth grader who can't read i can't see that far otherwise i would read for you i have like the worst eyes yeah just so you guys know it is far away i did hop up to make a joke for the vlog what does that mean he hopped up like oh david eats me what's what's full of let me think of the room fast oh i'm turned on right now i hopped up weird way to write it i was trying to say something edgy and crude for a laugh but it was not funny and i'm ashamed of myself i am in full support of hannah coming forward i cannot imagine the way she feels and i'm so sorry to have been involved and i understand that my inaction was of equally awful consequence i was in the apartment and contributed to the toxic environment that led to sa i know i need to continue to educate myself i sincerely apologize to those i have hurt including essay survivors i will however continue to have 16 year olds clean my kitchen oh sorry i got blurry okay yeah he said uh now i see how my action added to a culture that allows this to happen i'm embarrassed that this is what it took for me to learn about the effects of my behavior and action and ignorance i fully plan on paying the six-year-olds cleaning my kitchen instead of them working pro i'm sorry again i fully plan on learning from my mistakes and educating myself through different resources on essay it's pretty good apology yeah i mean i think that's the biggest question mark about the alcohol i mean that will never get answered they're just all back and forth yeah we'll never get answers i mean the girl said it was there it was there was there everyone thought it was there i mean to me it's like i i a lot of people say oh what does it matter that i'll closer but i mean what to you know what it doesn't matter it actually does matter it's supplying alcohol to minors is a big thing because like it matters if it's true that dave was like that's a huge go get it to liquor these girls up but guess what even if you didn't buy it directly for them and there was alcohol at the house just like a drunk driving at parties the person during the party can get sued for the drunk drivers being killed it was at dom's apartment right so but but they could say someone supplied the alcohol there and then that person's at fault for supplying minors with alcohol no oh yeah it's if i mean if there was proof that one of these guys got i mean that's why i left because i was like this i know for a fact is a really bad no matter the outcome of anything happening not knowing what was gonna happen that night like it was just regardless it was just bad it was like this is bad we're buying miners out like that's not happening we're not gonna be here there does seem to have been a trend of david keeping the people around him drunk to try to get entertaining content though so i mean he's admitted that yeah it fits the and tana came out with tweets about saying any guy who flirted or tried to get at me when i was 18 19 you're disgusting and she said anyone that's 10 years older than you at that age that thinks they get you is is it doesn't and they're just i mean but it was interesting because she's older now she's like what 24 not that much older but you know 25 maybe i mean it's a big difference from 18 no of course but the fact that she already sees it because now i'm seeing this with like younger influencers like these tic talkers and stuff like that it's so disgusting and like i'm glad she spoke up because like she was such a part of that like that stuff with jason and tana like i was just like watching that back was like so repulsive she goes it was a fake date and then he turned it into a real one and i was confused and why did he try and kiss me when the cameras were off like it was so repulsive and disgusting and it just made me want to puke like jason makes me like honestly he makes me want to puke i just i don't know what i'll say about it and he has yet to say anything and he's been like a common denominator interestingly the one pretty much the only one now who hasn't made a statement yeah who is there a band in his youtube channel like not on not doing the podcast anymore david has nothing to say what is jason gonna do or he did a show he did he's yeah he's doing stand up i guess huh i wonder what his acts like there was nothing nowhere online nothing about it it's so weird like so you all heard about the you all heard about this guy dirty dom boy that guy's a real piece of [ __ ] yikes um yeah it's really gross especially since he's the oldest and has children like you you probably should be the first person to say something because you're [ __ ] old like you should know better does he have a daughter not that it really matters yet no but it does matter he has he has a daughter and a son yeah no i'm saying what do you mean did you see that clip which i've been saying this for years his daughter he said on the podcast the 10 year old his daughter i haven't you have yep well i don't know if you want to read that but it was so disgusting i've been saying this she lives in a house with jason and his son and scott let me play the clip um ian can you find it you know what she's talking about it's the one where his poor daughter is complaining about living with todd on the path scott and todd yeah it's probably on the subreddit i thought i called it basically yeah but this so he's gonna pull that we can listen to it but this video i know you i know you're not on good terms with gabby hannah oh yeah i'm not i don't i don't i don't i don't like gabby can i have my own issues with her but yeah this is gross but this clip genuinely made oh my blood boiled i i i felt so [ __ ] bad the [ __ ] that they said and did to gabby is something that could cause lifelong trauma like this is so [ __ ] up and it makes me so uncomfortable the people who are watching this and okay with this this [ __ ] is so disturbing i will say like i don't know i won't say anything she said privately to me but when we did that when i did the podcast we talked for like two hours privately off camera and she told me a lot of this stuff and how it like affected her like she started like crying and i wish i wish i hope she would speak up i mean i know if she's not comfortable she wants to get past it but it's like beyond drama at this point this is like some really like humiliating traumatizing things that like they gave this out to the audience they said was okay zayn's never acknowledged heath's never acknowledged this it's like so gross like this is a time where i feel like she should speak up because she has so much to say about it i talked to her privately about it and it's like it's so gross i wonder what i remember she tweeted something cryptic about talking to lawyers or something yeah but then she's like i didn't sign any ndas and even if you did like you can still talk about this i don't know yeah nda doesn't mean anything at this point yeah i hope she i hope she does but anyway it all this clip speaks for itself because again i wasn't super familiar with his vlogs but i have never seen such blatant and it's not just bowling it's like really it's just like nasty nasty like just like cruel evil really listen to this [ __ ] really yeah that's not her makeup that's just her face oh [ __ ] you're right she ugly the beauty aisle gaby have you ever been in there probably not she's beautiful what turn the camera off okay i'm still right here we wanted to do a little secret santa since we're all going home for the holidays and we just wanted to put it on camera so that we would have it forever i got a gift and i got it for gaby oh it's for me and she's been needing these and i know how much you love to dance wait it's something i've needed you definitely needed it we've all kind of talked about it are these diet pills oh my god david that is so true exactly and now take four of these and you can probably dance better it's amazing what artists can do with people's faces look what they did to gabby's uh it's so lightweight is it a gabby [ __ ] yeah she's like she's really like loud voice really ugly i mean i wouldn't say gabby can you hurry up dude you've been in there for so long you probably look fine [ __ ] jesus christ are you a [ __ ] raccoon when gabby's on her period i'm so excited to come though that well yeah i'm always excited to come but i was so excited to go to target that i was sitting on my bed literally just waiting for your attacks i was just so excited are you not wearing makeup it's so easy to tell this is frank this is a exact replica of gabby's face so wait till she sees it on someone else so how often do you exercise every day every day so i shouldn't even try right like i could have an amazing guy and i threw it away because of you i could have an amazing guy that's what got me yeah who's the amazing guy i don't even keep a straight face how to ruin a perfectly good day hi it's that easy everybody should love themselves just the way they are okay so you're probably getting another shot bro i don't know what you're so afraid of you've been calling me fat since vlog the fact that everyone's like oh this is such a nice guy like it's like maybe he's not like the devil but you know he was on a [ __ ] anti-bullying tour is he off that now yeah egg finally got his ass off that i mean people just go you're ugly you're fat i mean that's like the lowest form of like but they're not even intellect like that there's nothing to that like why i feel like even in middle school kids would be like okay that's tone it down david right and she clearly is like why would you say that that's so mean it's like it's not like this friendly banter because they always like to say we banter with each other but it's i watched that and i was like i hate him he is a disgusting [ __ ] bully and people go oh they always go oh everyone's just giving each other a hard time really what's the joke about david right right what's the joke about david you can't make jokes about david like david does not like yeah you can't have anything to say about david there's no jokes about him well i have some now well first of all we know he's a [ __ ] not that there's anything wrong with that okay so there's no that's not a criticism though right so we can't do that i mean well he's afraid yeah he has no he's a bully he's an [ __ ] definitely a bully yeah pewdiepie confirmed that too peter was like i knew it i told you yeah i did shout out to felix did call it actually he actually did i have to give a shout out to pewdiepie uh he said something like a while ago about how david gave him weird vibes i mean i've been calling it out too but yes but pewdiepie well yeah i mean i give you all but not no hey listen no no no no hey i like no like i said nobody pull it out someone like kim yeah that was on his radars is you know obviously you know i know i know i feel like when people that are have credibility can like confirm you know because i get i get what i look like i look like a troll that just like comes with whatever i hate it though i didn't know this until h3 live when you said faze banks said or mac was like or what's his name mike mack mike mike he was like well trish say anything about you i'm like i don't know you like i was like with david for so long i only talk about people i know even i don't even come hard for like james like i don't know them like if i know someone personally yeah like that i have stuff to say but like if i i don't know faze whatever what's his name but i don't use blanks that was a triggering podcast just to listen to your h3 like the little snippet you played at that i was just like yeah it was bad with faze blanks talking about it with mike yikes and that's when okay yeah yeah they're so horrible i was like [ __ ] these guys fate guys anyone who knows about faze banks i've renamed him phase blanks because when he thinks nothing happens because when i think nothing happens what is that from also it means he's infertile yeah and then he's coming forward right now you look like the curly right i don't know will sasso played him in the movie with the shaved head can i be a three stooge aren't they jewish yeah wow there we go yes we love that can i be a stooge you've all you've been a stooge you've been a student your whole life i don't know what that means i don't even know what a stooge is i don't it's a sucker i think is it a derogatory term yeah why would they make a movie like that because they're numb schools they're they're idiots i think but nothing happens can you do that do it no pokemon face or is it gonna hurt oh wait wait is that wait i forgot about that oh yeah that's a little bit and then you do like but just what happens when you do just one i don't know you use two hands is the yeah thank you dan yeah oh my god i love ya here do it to me i'm scared i have a long nails okay good that's fun okay all right enough will sasso hit me up on tinder when i was single did you find that one clip of jason's uh oh yeah it's at the top of the dock you guys he just wanted to [ __ ] that he didn't want to date which was we wanted to [ __ ] you well sasso on tinder who's that the guy from the three stages yeah wait i need a picture i need to see a picture of this guy he'll recognize him i thought he'd want a date but he just wanted to book was see isn't that flattering no that's not flattering no girl wants to just oh but it's like you know i guess for me as a guy if any time a woman wants to have sex to me it's a deep deeply flattering experience it's a little different but nobody wants to this guy wanted to [ __ ] you yeah which usually big guys don't like big girls it's not a great proposition he's cute i think he's cute but i don't like i feel like he's not like brad pitt you know what i mean it's like hey let's [ __ ] you're like okay brad pitt's never wanted to [ __ ] me he's never come on to me ever this guy that's [ __ ] awesome i mean it's disgusting but it's funny why i mean it's yeah but it was an honest proposition right right at least you're trying to be upfront about it this guy could have been all over you sweating i think he's good looking but i was not in the market i bet you'd ask me for weird [ __ ] like like two fingers in his ass not just one but two oh my god like when jay moore was like i'm gonna give you american express card i was like is that i'm a hooker for having sex with me i'm gonna give you a pre-paid american express card yeah last time like right before me and moses became official no that's that was my last straw i was like i'm not doing hookups anymore this is weird and he's into wrestling so he tried to like throw me and pin me around it was crazy sorry did he have a good could he could he throw your weight around or did you have a weight advantage on him be good be good wrestler dolph ziggler he's like this really like ripped let me get a dolph ziggler on the screen this is the opposite of a will sasso i mean well cesaro is very attractive too but wait tell me about dolph ziggler he threw like like he was able to body slam like just like you had sex with this guy this guy's a hunk yum no he was so nice too um twitter he likes big girls he did it amy schumer he just straight up dmd was like yo i'm dolph let's [ __ ] oh i think he commented on stuff because i didn't know who he was i think he commented on stuff and then like a blue check mark and i was like okay blue check mark and you guys just met up we met up yeah anything never happened no we hooked up we have but like he didn't want to date or you didn't want to no he was so respectful and so nice i messed up i did like an exposed video because he you did an exposed video on fourth doll stick look so bad for him because he's literally the nicest guy in the whole world and like so respectful and so nice and just like amazing and everything what did you say about dolphins we were supposed to go on a date and i got glam i got full glam and this was i mean this is so long like five years ago six years ago and um he's like hey like i just got into town because he's here for he's always working and he was here for like a wrestlemania or something in l.a and he's like i just got into town and i'm just really tired tonight can we meet up tomorrow and i lost my [ __ ] i was like this [ __ ] flaked up i i don't know i did a video so wait you did have sex with him at least once oh yeah uh-huh one time and then the second time he's like wow imagine what he's twice okay good and he's like stay the night he took me out for drinks like it was like really nice like he took me out to go yeah imagine what he thought that day when he saw your video he was like holy [ __ ] this girl is what i know can i be real i kind of wanted people just to know i hooked up with him i think that's maybe why i did it to be like you know this is like i thought he was you know so he was able to toss you around oh my god so strong cause he's not like super big though he's like he deals with big ass dudes all day he's used to throwing bodies around he's like i got nothing on this like yeah it made me feel like i was 20 pounds i was like wow god i mean i don't want to be graphic moses here but you know what i mean like it just i don't think moses scared he's like he literally does so here's the clip you were mentioning that i said we play um another podcast classic of jason's poor ten-year-old daughter expressing not wanting to live with a bunch of frat brothers share your room yeah for now we should we've done that before no i'm trying to charlie was not happy about it she wasn't well she doesn't like zayn's videos really so no she she um she was not happy he was funny i'm just kidding i've never seen his videos but oh even more shade she probably has she probably has good taste she was like um she like she like went she closed the door to the kitchen she was like can we sit on the couch and have a talk no [ __ ] way yeah and i was like yeah she's like um daddy it's just kind of like i like your friends but it's like i'm a girl and like you know it's just hard living with all these boys all the time oh my god how old is she she's 10. holy [ __ ] yeah that's the same she's like you know i'm going through girl stuff i'm like no you're not oh yeah well daddy's about to live on the [ __ ] streets you know my friends move in because i can't afford rent you little [ __ ] sometimes i do explain money to them and they have no jason you're going to try to tell your 10 year old daughter that you have to live with [ __ ] 20 year old roommates like that i've been saying that it was so weird like nobody said anything i was like that's so messed up for that child that i know so odd that nobody cared that his ten-year-old daughter was living with todd todd and scott and scott's girlfriend kristen like it was all of them not normal and then they moved again and he continued to live with todd and then zayn moved in zayn would be passed out drunk on the couch like it was i was like how is the fact that he would even joke about like for a ten-year-old daughter to muster up the courage to sit down with her dad in a serious manner and be like i'm uncomfortable with this situation is first of all i think probably difficult for a young girl to make that choice right and then for him not to be receptive to it yeah and this was when they lived in the first house he moved again a second house with todd and zane and all that and i was just like ha it's crazy it's crazy that jason has said zero like zero things like it's it's it's so gross like well i listen i don't know what's the relationship with these kids i i don't want to kind of i'm sure that was even harder i don't wanna i don't want to say you know as as a as a parent i don't want to say or make any assumptions but i find that situation very very very [ __ ] odd i think there's so many things they should delete views if they're deleting youtube videos they should delete the views podcast because obviously because the viewing nice the view ain't good it's also just showing also why did he re-upload to facebook but delete it on youtube oh yeah he's i i think probably what's happening is that a third party is doing the facebook re-uploads but what's funny is that like they're still uploading his videos to facebook and getting like mad views and i'm sure it's monetized it's like facebook is such a is such a dumpster fire like facebook is oh it's such a wasteland it's i don't know how else to describe it they should i wish myself would come back and facebook doesn't give a [ __ ] i mean dude you could prob they're probably there's probably i think i have gerd curd gang is that what i have i can't like get something like nasty for food pizza you want pizza again or what what else we don't like the same kind of foods we found this out before our eating contest you we like very good what do you want to eat um i don't know i could eat anything what's your i don't want pasta that's for sure you really hate pasta it's so weird i don't know if we could be besties if you don't like pasta i just i pasta is such a waste of because pasta is like a really unhealthy food and so for me if i'm gonna stuff my face with like something that's generally that bad for me i'd way rather eat like hamburger or french fries or pizza i really think it's your medication that may cause you to have gained weight because you really don't eat like bad food i never see eating like chips or cookies like you always kind of eat like healthy stuff you're eating like strawberries and like you know that kind of stuff i've been hitting ice cream at night oh that's the worst i used to do ice cream all the time started buying ice cream first because she wanted to gain weight yeah and i'm eating all of it and i kind of i you know what i started to feel like an addict because i never used to do this but now i do it where i like sneak or i sneak bites oh really like why because because i'm embarrassed okay well that's what i was trying to get at earlier is how you feel around other people that's a new thing though really like the sneaking the bites because i'm embarrassed like she'll be on the couch and i'll be like try to open the freezer real quiet and be like how interesting put it back so she doesn't hear i found that yeah for sure i think that's a common thing people do even like subconsciously like knowing nobody cares in my house i still do i'll still go and try and eat something real quick oh my god it's just it's just put on tick tock and then call it a job just like i gotta do this for my job baby i gotta steal some ice cream for my job what's the materialistic eating i'm not doing that david might be into it don't give me any more reason to eat because i'll stop oh yeah oh david watch that okay there's one other thing that i wanted to share with you before we get oddly satisfying two hours later longest thing ever i listen we have a lot to talk about james charles old tweet he said he said in 2015 12 year old girls always managed to make the worst people famous iron eeler irony alert is kettle iron meat kettle what is he saying iron meat kettle what is the thing called hot tea meat hot what is that thing you mean the kettle calling the stove black i have it what the [ __ ] is that the cat and the meat cat meets kettle someone has now does nobody know dude what are you doing yeah you said it oh you're actually saying that it's like calling the kettle the kettle calling to something black it's something meat something something meat something pop me cuddle thank you wait wait wait [Music] i've never heard that in my life i guess ian is smarter than that and what was the one i was trying to say the pot calling the kettle black which is the basis of what pot calling the kettle block wow we were in the t round wow there's no of course this episode is two hours long we just i literally just wanted to watch a tweet and end up being like a 10 minute conversation about like we are literally two dumb fat fatties i mean let's not say dumb i don't know we're dumb i'm sorry i thought it was funny i like the fat i like the fact that i never had someone to call fat with me like it's fun i'm sorry i just thought it was funny because like i feel like we're both smart and dumb at the same time do you know what i mean i think no i think we're both skinny and fat at the same time like we look good for fat people you don't like smart and dumb at the same time i don't think i'm dumb no i think you're really smart oh but at the same time you don't understand memes do you know what you mean okay gen z over here and i feel like i'm not i don't feel like i'm dumb but like sometimes i can't read and i'm dyslexic oh so you are kind and like i'm literally trying to say the caught the cat meets the pic like we just had that like we just had a debate about the cat meets the kettle black mine was more like my brain is so occupied with other things that i couldn't remember you're a genius as einstein says why see here we go again i'm not even gonna try to recall this one he says why einstein once said why dan's already googling why do i remember don't remember things that i could easily look up let's do that one dan what was he looking up back in the day there was no encyclopedia let's see did i hit it did i say did i get something did i do something to memorize something that you can look up never memorize something you can look up albert einstein the smartest man that ever lived i don't even remember i'm gonna guess does it make sense i'm thinking that that's probably a fake quote no it's a real person do it do its core things i don't think anybody go ahead as well go ahead go ahead uh the top answer on quora it seems incredibly unlikely that he did [ __ ] see i'm an idiot yeah i agree you want to do oddly well you're not the first person to say that he said that but he gets mis-attributed quotes yeah people always misquote einstein they're like oh einstein was a christian actually or he was a jew or einstein actually support you know same thing with marilyn monroe it's always like like fat is beautiful marilyn monroe is like they always like or people with sex always quotes about marilyn monroe like sex is amazing do it as much as you can maryland like they always yeah oh like uh as uh abraham lincoln is famously known as saying death to all jews no oh are you sure how do you know but it's kind of fun you can just make up quotes for anybody right yeah what's a great quote let's see george washington once said these nuts sorry that's so stupid okay i think i thought we're wrapping it up are we still going well we're done we were supposed to do oddly satisfying and we ran out of time we are such chatty cats that is true that's what besties do when you don't see each other for a week we literally saw each other also like two days ago but we didn't really chat we didn't really spray we are such chatty cats bees what kathy's kathy's chad cathy's chatty kathy's that dude wingdub exactly you won't own being a little dumb no a little fat yes a little dumb no you're gonna make me own being dumb yeah i think that's more you okay mrs who invented gravity i heard that somewhere else so i that's right if we could be like dumb and fast who invented gravity i said why don't make me recall that why why do we need gravity yeah good question trisha whatever i was being funny definitely that's my comedic energy that i bring to the show yeah i agree with that thanks all right i'm so sorry we didn't get oddly satisfying but you know what let's do tomorrow or i mean not tomorrow no no okay next week we should just do get into it yeah yeah so there's if there's drama that happens maybe we do two up like you know if there's no drama we do but if there's like what if there's drama what if like something crazy happens and we need to be honest i thought what i had planned we were going to talk about for like 30 minutes right and then it ended up being like two [ __ ] hours that's what happens when you have the demon chatty the devil hour came through and stole it we don't talk about demons on the show why are you talking okay i don't like demons because it upsets you okay i i'm serious okay why does it upset you that i don't like talking about it we're never ending this show oh you just want to wrap it up no i mean no thank you thank you with peace and love this is a serious message to everybody watching my update right now peace and love pizza i want ringo starr peace and love thank you for watching everybody we'll see you next week this is the ending now yes we cut to do the ending what the hell can i say i was the original piece in love did you see that i tweeted peace and love first i did see that yeah well you're not the first person that ever said it but okay so that was the ending yes it's over [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 4,977,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha, paytas, frenemies, trisha paytas
Id: 46oesaefwP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 19sec (7279 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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