Episode 165 - Growth on TikTok

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace what's up brother well my i posted a tick tock and it did more views than my last three videos combined looks like i'm a tick-tock right now it looks like we all are dude looks like we're all tick-tocking i love that i love when people say when people i see people on interviews and they're like uh you know like tick-tockers and people are like what are the benefits of tick-tock and they're like you can just grow so fast you're just it's just such so easy to grow you know it's like um and another example is charlie demilio got 100 million followers in like a year yeah and it took pewdiepie 10 years yeah for longer than that take it to 100 million subscribers yeah and it's just like i don't know i it's something irks me about using growth as a catch-all term for real human beings pressing follow in an app and like dedicating themselves to like watching you you know what i'm saying yeah it's just dude i can't just grow it's so easy to grow man it's so easy to just like you know uh corral these [ __ ] sheep to to view what i do you know it's also the weirdest place to brag about growth because it's the least least amount of effort yeah oh yeah i know like you're following you could follow 5 000 on tick who gives a [ __ ] yeah who gives i think that's what they mean too it's like so easy to grow meaning i don't have to do [ __ ] and people and i get money yeah that's uh that you know that part i don't really understand um you know i'm just i'm just coming to grips with the fact that you know it's just so easy to grow on there and i had no clue that this late this this was sitting right there the whole time yeah sorry tell me about your growth tell me about the the views what was the video well first of all that the tick tock i watched it again and kind of chuckled to myself because i'm like man this comes across a lot more bitter than i had intended i was just trying to make a you know a little funny everyone's always making fun of my bald head whatever and so i just i figure out the green screen thing and i'm like let me just make a little joke about this and i woke up this morning and two million views what i know i hate it i hate how much i respond to that to that feeling too when you post a tick tock and you wake up and you see that number and you're like [ __ ] yeah i it wasn't i i didn't even have that yet i just was looking at it feeling i just more questioning you didn't have a little part of your brain that was like what's the next no it's definitely dope like i looked at it and i was like that number is awesome but then it just made me feel stupid about everything i said oh why do i why do we even try to be funny we should why try anything exactly it's so much easier to grow on tick tock just do this yeah right just do this no that's that's a bad attitude but yeah you know it was it was a shock for sure i haven't even seen it is there music can we pull it up yeah you could play it there's no music okay okay you know let's do it no pressure to laugh if it doesn't make you laugh it's okay it won't hurt my feet no i'm gonna laugh my little nads off dude let me just real quick here okay oh okay two guys on the pc i see it okay hold on let me screen share why does this it's why is this so hard share screen and there we go okay wait i gotta do audio hold on this is so weird man this ui is just oh okay there we go the ui just makes it so easy to grow that's so easy to grow yeah exactly all right [ __ ] y'all man shout out to symbol love but the rest of you is that all you do on this app i don't come on this app and when i do it's just you look like this bald person you know i've learned this quarantine you guys only know four bald people and one of them isn't even bald you only know obama spooky from on my block or whatever uh this dude and dog face that's it that's that's the only world you have you look like that [ __ ] sucks get a new roast nice roasting the roast i like it i don't know whoops whatever man still going here we go there we go that's it um more more views than sophia in 24 [Laughter] you want to hours that music video we did all that stupid work for what i feel like it's fake man i feel like all those stats are fake somehow they're fake it it's all fake or or tick tock really is that popping or there are there really are that many people going through their feed on tick tock every second of every day i couldn't i could see that only i could actually see it being real now because we're all locked inside the house yo speaking of pandemic how do we never joke about fizer making viagra and the vaccine why what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean dude they're gonna get some tubes crossed in the lab and that would yeah that was it was ripe right for we missed that people are gonna have no problem growing yeah i'm sure everyone else has hit the bits and we just didn't do any why can you imagine if that [ __ ] got crossed and you went if you're a vaccine and you just came out hard as nails like why are people complaining about getting this it's awesome i've been hard for seven years i've had a boner like this since i was 12. [Laughter] it's instant it starts like as it's going down the syringe your dick is like it's like matching the pace of the syringe so like like what's happening what is happening i don't know man that [ __ ] killed me that though those people it's totally normal [Laughter] she and the the lady at cvs injects you she's like looking down in your pants for a second she looks away what oh no usually there's a no i feel it no it's there oh i'm sorry i just uh it didn't appear sorry no no i'm not seeing much of a tent here no i'm pitched i'm i'm definitely pitched this is more of a birdhouse no i'm up i'm up i'm up that's not a burden that's the whole thing that's the hole up well it's because i'm wearing subie jeans they're a little bit so it doesn't exactly let me hold on let me know just to be clear you are fully torqued right now let me push my thighs together hold on okay yeah that's a little bit better see now now the more of a dollhouse not yeah no no no hold on hold on hold on hold on what we're looking for to make sure the vaccine is you know registering correctly is a full-on tent someone behind can you hurry up hold on just let me move my fendi belt it's getting in the way the buckle is is so heavy it you know it's it's an expensive one so it's real heavy it just weighs on my dick and balls and so it holds them down sometimes my boner doesn't it's dragged it's dragging my pitch down exactly yeah yeah imagine building a tent but one side of his weight in platinum it just it wouldn't work so just hold on one second is there a let me move my fendi belt hold on let me move the other fendi belt hold on yeah still yeah not not seeing the height just not getting the vertical on this that we would like to see you know what it is it's probably the third fendi belt yeah sorry for gucci belts on my waist bro the people on the board of pfizer are going to sleep healthy and horny you know you know what i mean like they just they have one of the most needed things in medicine right now about to roll out and they got the magic blue pill yeah you know they hid that vaccine like six months ago and popped a blue pill and just went to town we're like we're rich yeah we are going to make millions and millions and millions honey [Laughter] big pharma big pharma no more people are going to love us they're going to worship us you know that's the you think that's a big pharma execs party they don't even they don't even do drugs like that are mind-altering they just try different vaccines and stuff yeah high-level medicine yeah they go into the lab and it's like one of those m m stores every color every different color pill is all in a different container now that's what it's like going to the cp ecstasy factory yeah you ever done a benzo and tums let me tell you [Laughter] it doesn't sound we call it tumzos it doesn't sound like anything but let me tell you we call it bums it's called a bum god and god damn and if you're feeling if you're feeling crazy you crush it up you do a bum bum you crush it up into a bum bum when your buddies blow it up to your ass through a straw i'm telling you a bum bum nothing you've ever experienced before you could eat a full pizza and feel happy it's insane and your stomach is uninhibited ah [ __ ] who was it that started the or who was it that got charged for like george washington for the opiate epidemic i don't think it was him oh um oh it's jefferson what was the company what was the big pharma company that got charged for that for what the opioid epidemic oh tick tock uh white dance llc that's who it was opioid epidemic um big pharma enron i don't think it was enron excuse me geez louise martin shkreli's uh i can't find scrolly's toy factory [Music] you know what i can't find it but you know someone said someone someone should leave that in the comments oh what company what no what's the what's the it was one company that got charged for basically starting the whole opioid epidemic in the states oh yeah yeah yeah um yeah someone should tell us the company because of oxycontin i think who makes oxycontin oh someone someone told me that they think the show where the i the thing of the dude who conned the women into love and and went for the cash was bachelor pad oh okay so i need to look that up and see if there wasn't there was another one though i don't know there's a british show or something like that um what is it yes yeah yeah you know what it is planet earth that's what it is no you know speaking of shows uh you know what show i'm thrilled for what okay well let me pull it up oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's watch the trailer together as a podcast as a part i mean when you play it back on zoom it's all um it's all lo-fi and the audio's all weird gets warped wait really yeah someone will speak and it goes is that free is that for you or is that for everyone i think it's just for me oh really normal in your recording yeah and we could try it let's try it let's try it let's just see [ __ ] zoom hey did you still see it yeah okay this is a recipe for seduction premieres december 13th presented by kentucky fried chicken and this is a lifetime movie i hate how genius this is is it real is it supposed to be maybe it's fake maybe it's fake okay go ahead i thought i don't think it's fake because what is it lifetime pranking us like why would they post a trailer for something that doesn't exist uh yeah i feel it has to be real okay let's play from the star ready smash it what the hell are you doing a lifetime original mini movie you don't answer my proposal and now you're not answering my call i think i'm falling for the new chef what the [ __ ] mario lopez though jessica is falling for marlon the cook jessica why does he have like halloween gray hair dye in his in his hair dog he's the he's he's this he's the colonel he's i know but he's just a hot colonel man he's the popcorn huh nice nice that was good he has a secret recipe that's gonna change the world some secret recipe a secret recipe spare me we all have secrets if you marry my daughter i promise there'll be more long weekends in your future oh we have a problem oh chicken man chicken man i wonder if it's just a limited thing you know just kentucky fried chicken just a one hour i don't understand is this a plate for like more wine moms to eat kfc or something it could be bro like what should we alright ladies welcome to book club what should we order for food today bro mario lopez i don't even know what his demographic is it's probably wine moms dude all those moms for sure yeah all those moms that grew up watching say by the bell yes exactly and he's still [ __ ] hot too we got to get whatever plastic surgery he is getting yeah he looks unfazed man that dude looks like he's been 30 for the last 30 years [Laughter] right that dude that dude walked out of a uh he looks like he came out of a factory or something like he was 3d printed or some [ __ ] he doesn't have a [ __ ] single wrinkle on his face he he was the one hosting the fight right the jake paul fight yeah yeah he hustled that was so weird very bizarre boxing is just becoming better yeah that does sound kind of like a christmas song a little bit yeah you know what makes this time you're a truly wonderful man what is it dude it's the music oh what are you talking about holiday music oh yeah and i'm getting my holiday music fixed with amazon music oh what's your favorite holiday song i mean you know wait it's hard to stay away from the ones with my name in it [Laughter] true but mine's what's popping by jack harlow yeah brand new whip just hopped in that's about santa and it's slay actually double meaning that's what people didn't realize is that jack was setting up for the for the uh for the future listen if you if you haven't tried amazon music before wait i cut you off what did you say no i just you know um jack has has set us up so now this christmas season we have a song we can all know and sing together so you know gen z and boomers alike that's what we're gonna be caroling on christmas day exactly what's poppin whip just hopped in and all of us will be doing that on amazon music if you haven't tried amazon music before for a limited time you can get your first three months of amazon music unlimited for free that's access to more than 70 million songs on demand and ad free play the songs you want when you want free for three months you can play mariah on repeat uh long into 2021 if that's your jam just want to stream free amazon's music amazon music's got you covered download the app to get access to millions of podcast episodes at no charge plus thousands of music stations and top playlists so you know you can listen at home wherever you are uh all through the holidays and you know just make them merrier and and fun with festive tunes and remember for a limited time new subscribers can get three months of amazon music unlimited for free go to amazon.com tmg that's amazon.com tmg get your first three months of amazon music free starts at 7.99 a month uh after that new subscribers only there's obviously terms that apply offer expires on the 11th of january so hit that plus when else are you gonna see tmg attached to an amazon link so exactly man that that quote that dana said had me howling this is about the logan paul fight yeah what did he say he's talking about mayweather and i dropped a lot of fighting and car related stuff in the threat i'm sorry but it was just too good dana said when people ask me well let me try to do my best dana white impression you know when people ask me what's the state of boxing right now that's where it's at didn't that kid get beat up by the [ __ ] video kid came from england and now he's going to fight floyd mayweather didn't that kid get beat up by the [ __ ] video game kid oh my god that's so that's so brutal whenever someone you know i feel like he has a way fighters and people that are involved with fighting have a way of packaging of being very poignant when it comes to like insulting someone like ksi like the amount of [ __ ] that he's done you know what i'm saying no matter what you think of him you can't not respect him for all the [ __ ] that he's done no but just to cl just to classify him in in three words as that video game get [ __ ] brutal that f the [ __ ] video game kid [ __ ] video game kid it's so goddamn funny dude that kid get beat up by the [ __ ] video game kid from england jesus christ man you know never mind all the fighting and [ __ ] i think it's uh i i loved the clip of logan act there's it's him react he filmed the clip of himself reacting to the fight announcement yeah i saw that and i just got to commend him if if that wasn't acting you know just the it it it looked as though he was doing a scene see how i'm about to fight one of the biggest fighters of all time my god oh like he's really pretending yeah i mean how did he not know like that reacting to floyd's instagram post that and what are you guys really gonna do in there it doesn't it doesn't make sense to me i don't know it just doesn't make sense like how can you be excited for that how it just doesn't make sense it's like why he i watched some interview with him and he was like floyd was like i don't well bill gates is still making money off microsoft and that was his specialty you know that's what he he he built that legacy and everything and then and you know so such and such is still making money off this technology that he invented why can't i do exhibition matches and make a [ __ ] ton of money forever and be like the guy that does exhibition matches it's like it's it's just i mean i i mean not if you want to make [ __ ] millions and millions of dollars for sure go for it but it will tarnish your legacy a little bit it has to it has to you're an athlete you're not a you know it's not the same thing as as inventing or building a company or something like that it's like you you you were extremely successful off your like athletic prowess which everyone knows only lasts like 10 years max you know i feel that the pandemic has accelerated this kind of desperation in entertainment yeah maybe yeah no this is something floyd may would have only entertained and joked about but the fact that you know maybe this isn't specific to floyd and i don't really know what floyd would have done outside of boxing but maybe there were more things he could have gotten into if the world was kind of normal but because it's not i feel that that's what's making these people consider these weird mashups with youtubers and stuff because they they need to get they need to get paid somehow yeah so i don't know that whole paper that whole pay-per-view structure is such a money grab the whole thing is just it's a scam it's a scam i mean it yeah it i i don't know i so was wwe though and people still watch that like even if it's scripted and it's whatever it's still gonna be a show and people watch it and so that's entertainment and that's what floyd said he's like it's just entertainment which i agree with but i just think they got so [ __ ] lucky like finding this weird niche within an already somewhat niche sport yeah that for some reason everyone wants to watch like it's [ __ ] bizarre how do the depauls do this how the [ __ ] if you told me two years ago that logan paul will be fighting floyd mayweather dude you know what's so funny is i looked at jake paul's youtube channel and you go one year back just one year he's got all those goofy thumbnails with him posing with that little kid remember there's that short period where he was pimping out that kid for views and i laughed and i put that thumbnail next to his latest music video thumbnail and i was like this is how quickly people forget it was a year ago this dude is like hoeing out a seven-year-old i have never seen whatever this little baby's name is i've never seen him cry like this you don't know he got he got in trouble at school and he's upset and now he's like i got a fbi charge what the [ __ ] is going on here how did he convince all these people that he's cool i mean i don't know it just goes to show like i something about those two kids like i don't know they they just their desire to like open as many doors as possible until they find the way to the gold is is like unbreakable and so i mean i hate to like i'm not saying let's all take a page out of their books i'm just saying like it just goes to show like you just keep trying [ __ ] and throw [ __ ] at the wall and then eventually you find some [ __ ] like this where now you're [ __ ] now he's fighting the best fighter in the world and it's like what how well the thing that the paws understand is that this is a unique time where two guys like them can do [ __ ] like this you know they couldn't do they think do you think do you think they understand there or you think they just got lucky but just like i said just trying to think [ __ ] no i think they understand it like they do something it gets views they can wrap their head around okay if i do this again it's gonna get more they they're not that dumb you know no no yeah i'm i'm saying no that's what i'm saying is you start out what was their first fight um it was the whole you know logan versus ksi and then comedy shorts yeah jake paul yeah yeah so they started with that which had headgear and all and everything and it wasn't a pro fight and that was nowhere near the level that this is at now yeah and that wasn't during a pandemic they were just like all right let's just we want to fight i bet you people will buy tickets to this and they try it and then yeah you then they make like strategic decisions based on that but yeah well i think that they they sold so many pay-per-views that weekend that they realized oh okay we have something here with boxing you know we don't that's their version of stand-up you know that's their version of doing a live like a live tour so they uh and obviously that money's crazy so they're gonna say yeah let's let's do it again so they know how to it is that whole wrestling aspect where they're selling it and they're talking [ __ ] they're making videos about each other it's definitely that wwe sort of model right just preying on the the drama and all that yeah they get that for sure i think unintentionally they built up such a history of data that they had enough to convince all these cronies these old people hey man you wanna you wanna get paid look at what we did we've only done two fights look how much money we've made off of two fights and all these boxing promoters go huh how'd you do that sean yeah say well if you sign the line for this amount of money we'll bring that to you they didn't know that they were going to do that but that's the position they're in yeah so i think and and i think depauls have that um they have that thing that they're easy to understand and they're easy to hate and that's what keeps them easy to talk about yeah i don't know this is our second episode about them in a week i know well well how can you not talk about it that's that's the [ __ ] that's why they're that's why i don't get it man it [ __ ] confuses me oh it i mean i saw dude do a video and i've i feel bad that not remembering his name i think if you just search the terms like jake paul late stage capitalism or something he just kind of you know he just kind of talks about how a guy like jake paul uh of course someone like this was going to exist you know just there's there's the natural sort of obsession and interest in uh having money and all that that's i now more than ever that is like super pronounced so two guys like them just they understood that they milked that [ __ ] to the wheels fall off so you know i don't know they're going to dance around the rain they're going to make millions of dollars and then we'll see you know everyone's going to keep paying to watch them fight until one of them gets punked they should literally floyd and logan should literally just dance around the ring oh that's what they're gonna do like it's just entertainment man it's an exhibition fight like we just have to actually fight we can just like okay they both were doing like interpretive dance that is my prediction man logan is gonna be like i'm gonna kill him and this and that they're gonna get in there and then yeah that's basically what it's gonna be they're gonna lock up hands and slow dance [Music] the other thing too that's so funny is and this is my armchair analysis and sorry i'll just stop steamrolling the [ __ ] in a second but this whole you know what that logan and them have done really well is selling the idea that they have a puncher's chance like oh logan's bigger and if he just [ __ ] you know if he just he's a big dude and if yeah right yeah yeah yeah yeah dude floyd has the most unique training in that his hands he like he he broke i think his left hand like early in his career and he kind of realized that maybe relying on punching uh would not extend his career so he's trained his whole career to be defensive yeah blocking yeah you know getting out the [ __ ] way yeah there's not a single punch that logan with even you know just a year of boxing training that floyd's gonna see like logan it's gonna be in logan's eyes and his elbow and his shoulder and floyd's like eyes gonna hip there's the one and there's the there's the one two and yeah but but what if what if dude here's no but here's the thing the line is one to 1750 right now for for logan to win so okay let's say let's say you put 100. we put down 500 bucks on that okay okay 500 bucks on that which i might do honest i hate to say that i'm going to bet on logan but why why there's no reason not to do that because let's just say there was that little chance that maybe he sneaks one through and floyd all of a sudden you know maybe floyd i don't know what he like zones out for a second and looks at wrong boom on the ground we went 900 000 yeah yeah no definitely definitely no definitely you put some money down and and see what happens but is that how do the boxing how's boxing betting work anyways is it i think it's like you have to bet you know will someone win in this round no i think you can i mean i think that you can bet on anything that you want to bet on yeah probably and where you go but that's just for a knockout i'm pretty sure uh who's that calling uh well you got a call bro oh hello hi it's fresh hey what's up fresh hello fresh i mean [ __ ] i [ __ ] it up hello fresh is what i meant to say which is the sponsor of this episode get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door with hellofresh america's number one meal kit hellofresh lets you skip those trips to the grocery store and makes home cooking easy fun and affordable hellofresh offers convenient no contact delivery to your doorstep for easy home cooking with the 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80 bucks off including free shipping at hellofresh.com eight zero tiny meat so ladies and gentlemen if there's any way you wanted to stick it to the paul brothers throw a hundred bucks on logan winning no that's not is that is that sticking it to the ball brothers not really but if you've ever wanted a piece of their success now's the time now's the time now it's time money dirty would that money feel afterwards disgusting you know you're like signing the [ __ ] check for your lambo and you're like oh i had to bet on that paul logan paul for this scent he crashed and now you're driving around that lamborghini with a with an air freshener of logan paul's face and you have your maverick t-shirt on and you can't believe how you've arrived here and you're 35 you're 35. you can't believe it you started out hating these guys on a random comedy duo's podcast and now you're a daily upload consumer yeah of logan paul that's the thing is that is that even even if i refuse to watch it even if i take that bet i'm i'm falling for it i'm i'm exactly everyone else that they're just preying on right now with this event yes you are what are the odds that it's going to be entertaining they said it's it's supposed to be entertainment what are the odds that's gonna be at all entertaining have you ever i mean have you ever watched the floyd fight yeah and i like i actually like watching him fight people fast and i mean yeah people call him boring because he's defensive and there's i know there's been debate about his boxing style i you know i find it interesting as far as you know how how he approaches boxing you know you can't deny that he's one of the greatest to ever do it but i don't think because i don't know the the where the like what weight they're gonna fight at and all that so if logan has to come down and wait and then train at that weight and he's never trained at that weight before and you know his gas tank was good against ksi but it wasn't amazing so eight rounds with floyd that's like can you even bet that logan's gonna have the conditioning to like really be in round six like and be competitive i don't know so so you're saying maybe it will be entertaining maybe not see the thing is like i like watching boxing i think it's entertaining and i like watching floyd fight but you know and i liked watching the undercards to um to the tyson fight except for when the jake and nate once started the first you know until the knockout it was not entertaining at all no if anything it made everyone in the room angry they were like what the [ __ ] are we watching this isn't anything two guys hugging and not knowing what they're doing and then the knockout happened and then it was like okay that was worth it right but that's way less likely to happen in this one unless it's logan getting knocked out by i mean yeah floyd might just will probably do to logan he did to conor where he's gonna you know he'll he'll he'll box how he boxes he's gonna let logan try to beat him up and he's gonna know exactly i was gonna do it and then logan does three rounds of that and he's like i can't [ __ ] hit this old man and then that's when floyd comes out smiling and he's like you ready to go to sleep and then he's going to start touching them up okay pop pops well maybe it will be who knows maybe you know what i'm saying mm-hmm they say it's supposed to be entertainment but it just seems like a weird it doesn't seem like the chances of i don't know maybe i'm wrong maybe we'll see we'll definitely see i guess we'll see but we should stop talking about it because dudes no no okay okay okay you want you want to know something crazy so this weekend uh dude named jordan jordan levitt leave it looks seems to be spelled leave it he let me find this slam holy [ __ ] maybe it doesn't even matter i can just describe it so this it's an mma match jordan leave it he you know he comes up the the monkey or something i think i've seen him fight a couple times but i haven't but he's really goofy when he gets in the ring and he does this little dance when they call out his nickname where he puts his arms to his side like mimicking a monkey and he like shifts his hips left and right as if to do like he's like and he just kind of comes out you know with movements that they're they're they're exaggerated okay and so the fight starts and he's fighting his dude matt wyman and matt wyman really early try like like wraps his legs around him so it looks like a sex scene matt wyman is you know face to face with him wrapped around him it looks like he's like trying to lock up like a like some kind of i don't know what he was going for honestly and why he held on this long but at least i can't remember but jordan leave it picks him up and walks him across the ring you know like he's about to [ __ ] him okay he puts puts him up against the wall and makes out with them bro he lines his he frames his forearm over matt wyman's chin okay and then he drop he slams him on the mat boom he he looks at him and then jordan levy just lifts his hands and he gets up and the dude matt wyman is like he's like cross-eyed out cold on the mat just from getting slammed bro let me let me pull maybe he's like what the [ __ ] i haven't even kissed you yet yeah he's he's pissed dude couldn't even start the foreplay have got to be kidding me why man why man matt why man matt why man matt why man come on i i i quote it you can even just go straight to the oh no no no no sorry the hill i'm trying to here here here sorry i copied the wrong one there we go run that up for the people at home okay i'll run it i'm not gonna talk about fighting it's what happens after that was the funniest creepiest thing and man okay man oh killed him killed him how dude yeah ow so wait what happened after so so i asked kyle to find it and uh i should have specified if someone can find this for me please send it to me it's the interview immediately after the fight so there's two post fights and they always do one right at right away and so the one right away um jordan like leave his demeanor is just like very serial killer his eyes are wide just he's like hey yeah hi hi and they say jordan how are you feeling right now did you did you practice that and he says uh yeah i don't know what fight it was but uh we saw him do the same thing so oh yeah yeah i intended i i framed it right across his chin so he couldn't come up and uh it worked and they're like okay here's the replay tell us your thoughts show the replay of the kid going down he just goes oh yeah [Laughter] just like that oh yeah that's nice yeah like is it nasty almost yeah oh and then how could i forget is it nice and nasty combined how could i forget this [ __ ] he [ __ ] he knocks him out they they put him on camera for a celebration this [ __ ] does the splits oh no he's doing the whop dance like he's the part where he's like dog no dude come on it has to be in this thread that [ __ ] was so people were tweeting these memes of of pictures of girls like twerking on graves they're like jordan leave it after winning smoking dude that was nice and and then and then and then hit his um then he has his coaches lift him up in the air doing like like the dirty dancing move like like he like he takes a few steps back and he runs up to them and they pick him up and they hold him in the air oh my god that's so funny here it is watch this one oh my god go to go to 14 no volume just don't put any volume on it's like it's like wait what'd you say go to 14 and then just leave the volume off imagine 14 minutes 14 seconds 14 seconds okay imagine getting your ass beat and then the dude does the splits after whooping your ass dude i can fight and i'm flexible so he goes to sleep night night oh bye oh he's popping the cake out too look at that [Laughter] all you tick talkers do the jordan leave it challenge i want you to knock somebody out and then just do the splits and point your they really did a close-up on his toes i can't believe that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] oh that was not oh [ __ ] this is really good so this just that was this weekend yeah that was this weekend that's nice that's nice dude [ __ ] that's so nasty bro i also have to bring up that lewis hamilton cliff which oh uh it's is this one dude hey man are you looking for the ultimate stocking stuffer for this holiday season well y'all i know where this is going look no further because our sponsors manscaped have the tools to make you win this year's stocking stuffer or white elephant competition i don't understand are you stuffing it with oh yeah you're stuck with your balls dick balls which are freshly groomed yeah manscaped is the only brand dedicated to below the waist grooming and hygiene products and great news they just released their products across europe canada and australia wow that's great i mean a few of their products that are prime stocking stuffers this season are the crop preserver ball deodorant which the name speaks for itself your [ __ ] stinks okay yeah straight up yeah you think you're doing the stanky leg meanwhile you got a stanky stinky nut sack exactly so take care of that the crop reviver ball toner a spray on a spray-on toner that will give your balls a little slice of heaven with their aloe vera and hazel extracts that actually sounds really nice it's gonna make your nuts taste good man yeah crop cleanser body wash a full body wash that you can also use on your hair crop mop ball wipes you never know when an opportunity strikes so you should always be prepared foot duster foot deodorant i need that [ __ ] dude my feet smell so bad uh and let's not forget the best trimmer for your butt balls and body the lawnmower 3.0 you know uh these uh formulations what these formulations are all vegan cruelty free dye free sulfate free and paraben free so you know their products are legit uh get 20 off free shipping oh sorry get 20 off plus free shipping at manscape.com tmg whether this is for your partner dad brother friend get them something that they will actually use and it's almost sure to laugh at 20 off and free shipping at manscape.com tmg be the ballsiest gift giver ever this year with manscaped hey man yeah what is that sound are you what is that are you chugging water oh was that water boring boring hard to drink right because it tastes like nothing yeah how are you supposed to stay hydrated when it just sucks and it's [ __ ] abysmally boring to drink water especially in in the changing seasons where it's harder to stay hydrated and so you need to be doing that well you can do it with liquid iv which um is the [ __ ] best honestly i love it i love this [ __ ] i drink it every single day i seriously do um what is it dude tell us look what i think i could be busy said i [ __ ] love this [ __ ] no i do how can they be pissed at that i [ __ ] love it well bro okay with one serving of liquid iv it'll provide you the same hydration as drinking two to three bottles of water alone all right and they got three delicious new flavors sweet and juicy guava crisp watermelon and comforting apple pie it's got five essential vitamins you know well more vitamin c than an orange as much potassium as a banana okay it's healthier than sugary sports drinks no artificial flavors of preservatives and less sugar than apple what makes it so effective is it got the optimal ratio of glucose sodium and potassium delivering water nutrients into the bloodstream all right it's the perfect balance to help you hydrate more quickly and effectively than water alone one stick of liquid iv in 16 ounces of water can give as much hydration as two to three bottles of plain water that's how you use it you rip it open you pour it in water and then it makes it taste great and it makes you get hydrated more damn liquid iv is available nationwide at walmart in the beverage section or you can get 25 off when you go to liquidive.com and use the code tmg at checkout that's 25 off anything you order when you use promo code tmg at liquidive.com get better hydration today at liquidity.com promo code tmg wow you're gonna you're gonna howl this could this could be a cringe in it of itself man we're gonna get talking oh yeah yeah i watch this fans are crazy man it was pretty good crazy yeah i didn't realize how big this guy was oh he's massive huge i was like i watched the video and i was like oh he's got a balenciaga sweater on so new tab lewis hamilton net worth 285 million bucks yeah yeah bazillion trillion bazillion trillions the bts of racing dude bro what i have jokes for this is someone dm me this video as well i had a [ __ ] hilarious joke good write it right off the rip what what is the angle i i'm saying people film like from here dude this is a jacob sartorius video bro totally the hoodie popped the look in his eyes yeah yeah yeah he has a ring light on in his pupils but it's a it's warm light yeah real warm light you got the you got the bicolored ring ring light yeah exactly it does two color temps oh dawg the [ __ ] forearm extended like he really has to frame it like he's pinning you down come on man yeah oh that's what it is that's exactly what it looks like it looks like he's choking us hi everyone i hope you're all well i know i've not been in touch this past week but it's definitely been one of the hardest uh weeks that i've that i've had for somebody are you grabbing your meat dude the arm is like the arm position is crazy all he needs all he needed to do was do one little like yeah yeah dude dude he's trying the hardest by the way this is the guy that we were talking about that had covid okay this is what he's talking about the race car driver is recovering from cobit he's trying so hard not to lick his lips this has been one of the toughest weeks of my whole life ah this one this is one of the hardest weeks of my life this is the hardest i've been this has been one of the most throbbing weeks of my life let it finish honestly i feel like i'm just pulsating right now with the desire to get over this virus [Laughter] um it's just been focusing on recovering and trying to get back uh in shape so i can get back in the car and race the final race in abu dhabi um i woke up today feeling great and got my first workout in so i just wanted to send you guys a message of positivity let you know that i'm okay and wait wait wait we're just right here it's right here one of you for sending me the amazing messages and and videos and um i really really appreciate it that doesn't say nudes i just want to say that is not nudes if that is not beautiful people thank you for hearing me all the messages and those videos god in those amazing videos what videos what who are you what why are you watching whose videos are you like what fans videos are you watching you're going to your dms and watching like if this is not the face of i just got a hundred million nudes oh yeah for having coveted coveted nudes let's see what else he says and i hope that wherever you are you're staying positive and fighting through uh whatever that you're facing and uh i hope that i can get back in the car soon oh my god that looked down yeah hope that i can get back in the car soon are you filming a rap video what is it uh bruh this is he kind of looks like like he should be an r b singer or something like that man lewis is you know he's a good looking dude there's no there's no denying that so whoever sent me this as well was like oh yeah he definitely was getting his dick sucked right there oh right here oh my god oh be so funny right at the very end you heard [Laughter] you just see the top of someone's head just pop up from the bottom of the frame thank you all whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa remember positive [Laughter] sh she is mate what is her back down geez stay positive i just she [ __ ] spits on it oh my god thank you for the to all the fat the wonderful fans for the wonderful message no she does the [ __ ] cheers thank you love y'all [Laughter] i'm telling you right now there's gonna be so many louis fans that comment on this like how dare you you sick pervert like david oh come on it's funny how can you not look at this and say it's funny dude it's so funny man this guy has the [ __ ] life dude yeah come on that's the life yeah i just uh i'm sending you guys love yo someone please take this and and confident comping right at the end writer says send in love right when he smiles there put in the little like he's like i'm about to send some love right now too i'm about to send someone else some love and i'm about to send you some love right now and you some love and use some love ah man the [ __ ] dude it like holy [ __ ] that's like a thirst trap ran through a pr firm yeah you can show a little forearm lewis um wear something a little bit more nighttime you know and um preferably after a workout you might be a little short of breath so it might just give your voice just a subtle you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah you want yeah yeah you want you want to shoot it at nighttime but you you want those incandescent lights you want that warm lighting so it reminds people of being in a sauna with you yeah or you know bedside lighting that's really what you want to go for what would have been really cash is if at the end of that video he reached over and he had like a little pull tab for a like a lamp and he just he just pulled it out good swimming love good night good night oh yeah yeah yeah and the video just keeps it's a real it's a seven minute instagram reel this is him [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of somebody [Laughter] oh i hit the bottom of my lungs thank you good night [Music] stay positive stay positive stay positive sending all my love in your beautiful videos the remaining six and a half minutes is just him [ __ ] i would like to inform you all i regret to inform you that i've accidentally uploaded this video of me absolutely destroying this destroying this woman's cheeks and i would just like to apologize in advance for what you're about to see oh my god oh my god yeah you thought you thought that you guys thought the j alvarez tape was crazy watch this oh my god man i want dude i want someone to do the incel version of that video who's just them in a blow-up doll in like a dark closet yeah he's coconut oiling the you know like i didn't even see that part man i saw a nut sack and i'm like i'm good man i really never wanted to know this dude's nuts look like oh [ __ ] like you had a hot wing man that's funny that's what louis does to you that's what lewis does [Laughter] yeah the sex tape was like i don't know i mean i guess because it's so short and it's chopped up like a [ __ ] video everyone called it a uh like a calvin klein commercial or some [ __ ] yeah exactly i just saw um i saw him do the little you know edm you know come here come in here and then the woman got naked and then i saw a vagina and i was like all right he's going all the way with it i thought it was just gonna be like a only fans announcement yeah you know i thought i was just gonna cut to black and onlyfans.com jay alvarez and then i saw him the only way i can describe the the motion i saw is it looked like kyle from milk like popping champagne it was that same sort of awkward lower back motion okay that i remember seeing like i just saw nutsack and like and then i'm like i'm i'm good i mean it's like you can't even you can't even really get a grasp for what's going on you know yeah i need a more plot and you need more build up yeah yeah more like just get cuts right into the action it's like well what is this a music video or or am i watching two people make love you know how they met no what's the relationship exactly what was the well yeah what happened outside the room it's not all it's not it's not all about what goes on in there you know is this a young performer yeah are they playing roles you don't have time to get into it i felt no emotional connection to either of them the whole time i didn't really have enough time to project myself into either character yeah exactly project myself onto onto their character either character yes yeah i just wasn't overall was not impressed by that film [Laughter] i love like people posting on tick because it was [ __ ] everywhere on tick tock right or kind of a genius move by him if he was the one that released that first of all shooting it like that and then releasing it if he was the one that did it i don't know apparently he's been around for a while because i think logan paul talked about it on his podcast like three months ago and didn't go viral then but for some reason everyone on tiktok found it at the same time and all the comments are all like like girl he's doing the bare minimum it's like the the thought of gatekeeping being impressed by porn is so [ __ ] funny yeah that's what tick tock is is one big everyone the one big gate yeah and a bunch of keepers yeah i mean you know it's that same [ __ ] when asap rocky's tape leaked or whatever yeah and all these dudes tweeting about his dick and said like what what yeah yeah yeah dude even when king von died people were posting like videos with his songs and like i'd go to the comments and all the first comments were like you didn't even listen to his music before this you didn't even listen to his music before this it's like are you gate keeping someone someone feeling remorse over something also it's it's good for king von's like family like exactly he like i think he owns that [ __ ] so you know it's not that you want to say someone benefits but like it's not going to nowhere right yeah yeah you know and it in some way it it's i mean i hate how that [ __ ] happens especially with rappers you know like it sucks that bro how many rappers have been killed and or shot at this year is actually insane yeah i know dude uh i mean i mean you just go i mean it's going on the list i mean i don't know my brain is [ __ ] just thinking about that sorry i'm not trying to take i'm not trying to do the kid cudi yeah jesus what did he say again what did cuddy say again you remember when that woman shot herself on facebook live oh [ __ ] that's so depressed that's like one of the most that's like the perfect depressing thing to say because it's first of all it's facebook live probably wasn't a lot of people watching that second of all live streaming your suicide ridiculously depressing oh if i saw a guy do that i saw a clip of a dude on facebook live with a shotgun bro where did you see that clip um i think twitter you gotta unfollow people i mean yeah no i i blocked the [ __ ] out of that person i was like what are you doing that's rough nah man it was um i think dude i mean we don't have to we don't have to go down this path but that [ __ ] that to me is like bro can we do anything to help people like jesus christ man we got people doing this stuff to themselves on on live stream is there no capacity for any sort of empathy in this world that the [ __ ] no no person can cut a check to like hire some people to talk to humans to make them feel better anyway yeah we really are cutting this right that's my micro rant that's my micro rant sorry sorry i mean it is true though like that that's a weird i mean it's definitely uh like it's almost like they're so desperate for help or something that doesn't have to live stream something that morbid in order to almost what like i don't even know what the motivation there would be it's just that at a loss you're that at a dead end where it's nowhere else you can go you're like that's what it is you have no options man look speaking of you know ruining the vibe someone this is not comparable but someone definitely ruined our vibe a little bit you know so for our spotify end of the year wrap up oh yeah yeah yeah let's do our [ __ ] yeah podcast beef beef first pie beef so cody posted from our spotify rap that we were ranked the seventh most popular comedy podcast in the united states which we were we confirmed it when we zoomed with this podcast team at spotify and they told us you were number seven confirmed they brought it up they reminded us they say hey man you guys hit number seven that's [ __ ] amazing yeah it wasn't even us because we're humble like that okay we would never bring something like that up with the team at spotify whom we were zooming with because we're humble and we don't brag so i repost the post i say thank you guys love you all because we do we're very thankful that we've achieved this this podcast has been going for a while a lot of you have been listening to us since day one since the you know since the since the all the audio issues we had in our shitty studios and blah blah blah since squad 680 unconvincing gay guy and we're so you know we're thankful that you guys have stuck with us this long and continue to support us then i get a message hey man looks like someone stole one of your posts for a little bit of clout i said that's not a word i've heard in a while man the [ __ ] is this post no clout god damn it man you got me got me got me okay hey man have you been to haywood hey would you put my balls in your face nope okay so so then i i i clicked this image or no no it's someone else's story and i'm like what the [ __ ] and it's a screen cap or it's a it's a story that says you were the seventh most popular comedy podcast in the united states no joke and she puts it's been a long journey with a long way to go and we are just getting started and it's the [ __ ] it's the girl who got kicked out of the the call her daddy podcast so sophia so and her show is called sophia with an f for [ __ ] off we're seventh we are seventh and there can only be one seven it's a lucky number and it's a great number to be and we're very appreciative of it and humble as well too and we [ __ ] killed it to get seventh place right and now she's claiming that she's seventh place what what's going on did the app [ __ ] up and tell and attribute two people to seventh place i don't think that's possible man i also don't think that the team as podcast team at spotify would put together a i counted 45 page deck where one page has that stat front and center again not bragging but the people at but 45 pages let's just say that not bragging though but it's 45 pages and one of the pages was that that should kind of irked me but you know i'm flattered i'm flattered that someone would want to try to take our spot but yeah there can only be one seven so sophia stop the cap stop the cap okay there can only be one there can only be one seven and that is us we are the seven that's it one day you will have that seven when we when we decide to vacate and we move on to six or eight you know depending what we choose if we go left if we go up or down that's up to us but as of now there's no way you're seven because we're the seven we're seven what's in the box it's us you know and and i'm i'm i'm frustrated that you would try to take that away from us because we worked for this okay i wanna but i wanna know i wanna know i want this is a genuine question it's not really a beef could be a beef could be a beef but i wanna know kobe beef did you steal our picture our screenshot and claim that your seventh or did the app tell you that yeah i want to see some receipts you know yeah cause we have ours we have our spotify rap linked right now we can take you through it i have the url for it you can go to it and check it out for yourself number seven boom yeah so if we can get it then we can take it up with spotify and we don't have to be you know there's no issue but yeah yeah yeah there is a beef right now just with whom i don't know yeah potential brewing shit's on the grill that's for sure yeah so wow can't believe that man i can't believe that you know and and and just just to say this we worked for this seven we worked for it okay we didn't click up with any suit man we didn't sandbag a co-host yeah we didn't do none of that that's true we earned our seven yeah so for you to just go and screenshot it if you did and go oh yeah it's whatever it's whatever i'm just going to hype it up the way i want to hype it's whatever disrespectful bro disrespectful do you see wait hold on one second do you see those two awards behind me right there you see those two look at the back of cody's office what the [ __ ] you see this on myself what do you think what do you think those rewards are don't make me run to my garage right now and pull out mine yeah these are actually for most outstanding performance junior and senior year on the duke diving team that's what those are but they could be podcast awards and in our studio you know we have one of those it's a shorty award or streamy or one of those yeah stupid things and we got an honorary webby and we got an honorary that's two physical [ __ ] trophies that we have for our podcast mark the yeah the merit the work that we put in and just [ __ ] let's strip that away from us with one screenshot it's [ __ ] it's fake man you know what's funny is like when caller daddy first started remember remember i downloaded like their one of their videos or something off instagram and we watched it maybe and we said something about it and then she she mentioned us alex did like one of the very first episodes and then they in the preceding three months blew the [ __ ] up beyond belief well that was a little beef and now we have another beef i don't even care if i wouldn't i don't give a [ __ ] if her podcast is bigger than ours just don't try to take away what we have worked for yeah like five or three or one that's great we're seven though and we earned that seven so get the [ __ ] off our seven that's it that's it yes okay yeah i want that seventh place trophy yeah so if you if you're a trophy maker you know hit us up send us our seven you know we need we need that i [ __ ] i that would actually be a fantastic thing for the new set oh yeah he's a big like number seven trophy yep yep so you know and and and it says awarded to tiny kang not sophia with an f yeah not the suit man yes just tmg so you know i just had to get all that off my chest because you know i feel we were glad you did man we work for this and we need some receipts so you know we'll withhold the anger and give you the chance to offer some receipts but if you can't come clean come clean i want to know i actually truly curious tell the truth um dude i want to watch something in the bonus with you and but i want to make sure you haven't seen it already and that's the youtuber that jumped off the austin the top of the austin bridge oh into the water it is unbelievable oh but i think it's it's tmz and they're going to copyright claim us so we have to it's unbelievable that's the first thing we're going to watch and i also want to let everyone know that uh we got we have new colors of the sofia merch that dropped last week we just forgot to talk about it yeah we tweeted about it but we forgot to bring it up on the podcast but um yeah you're still looking for a christmas gift for somebody brand new colors i think there's some still in stock let's check yeah let's check real fast oh yeah oh oh yeah ooh i forgot to put in my dang [ __ ] gray one's still in stock the navy hoodie is still in stock the gray hoodie is still in stock and there's actually more of the old [ __ ] too like the broke [ __ ] hoodie ooh is still in stock yeah mediums largest they restocked all that old [ __ ] so um yeah there's still a whole bunch of stuff left so if you want to if you if you want to cop some of that stuff help support the show we appreciate it i have at it and um that being said uh sophie with an f [ __ ] off we're number seven and we will see you guys in the bonus okay
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 239,429
Rating: 4.9549584 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 39sec (4299 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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