Jake Paul is Undefeated... Until Now

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let's talk about the uh jake paul and vanessa ben askren fight benny ben ben um you like ben askren you know i kind of spoke nasty about him on the moz on the jorge fight because i was been asking to put my dick in your mouth oh nice nice how's it going thanks man that's that's the one on the board that's definitely that definitely that's a half point maybe it's a half time i think it counts i didn't see it coming literally yeah nice oh all right sorry what were we saying no i like i i kind of spoke if if the internet delay wasn't here you would have got that one clean and clear hell yeah you would have drained that from half court sucks for the win [Applause] e5 e5 hey nice to e meet you send in an 85 your way zoom professors be like let's get a quick e5 nope okay okay cool let's go ahead and open our books to 107. let's rip a couple aspirin vids yeah couple vids just to give the people a little context on what we're talking about him and jake did a a press oppressor for their fight or whatever and it was a it was kind of a funny uh dynamic i would say funny energy yeah because ben clearly does not give a [ __ ] and jake wants him to care jake is doing the whole like like over dramatic like we hate each other shtick because because he's like trying to sell more tickets yeah and ben isn't playing into it and it just leads it's just like you can tell it's frustrating for jake and so he does it even harder and it's just not the dynamic is really bizarre i think it's great because that's you know naturally ben's age is showing and jake forgets that ben's literally been in close to 30 professional fights so it's just like yeah i think for ben it's like bro i've stood in front of guys actually scary and a [ __ ] 22 year old who just learned how to punch like a couple years ago i think i'm fine anyways yeah rip the clip there we go bro little slap on the ass dude get that [ __ ] ass out of here before i eat it yeah yeah yeah yeah get that [ __ ] stick 2cs out of here ben cheeks out of here before i stick my nose in a dog don't mess up again before i i might grip up on that thing next time ben yeah play the homicide clip yeah this [ __ ] is so funny you can't fight dylan so you pick the next person okay let me continue you said if i want if i wanted the easiest person it would have been dylan but you're saying i picked you because because dylan one sent a contract well i'm trying to wait for you to stop talking okay so anyways like this is typical boy behavior but obviously sometimes this is the [ __ ] wrong person this is the [ __ ] fight game you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] this is the [ __ ] fight game yeah i'll bully you around just like i'm gonna bully you in the ring shut the [ __ ] up you sound like a middle schooler oh he's bullying me shut the [ __ ] up now i was talking to your mentality you're not gonna bully me that's gonna that's not gonna happen and you know like jake if you and i ran into each other in the back alley in las vegas and i wanted to do a homicide do it right now though right now someone's going to stop you got like 27 people that's what i thought yeah okay anyways i would do a homicide on you if i wanted to [Music] dude wait is this the one yeah yeah yeah oh god dude this clip is money heard of jake paul prior to accepting this fight but i couldn't have told you a lot about him or his brother i knew um you know he kind of came up in his brother's shadow he's trying to fill his brother's footsteps you know his brother is a lot more talented at the larger following those those type of things you literally went on your instagram and asked people for roasts you asked people for roasts on your instagram and that was the top comment was say that his brother is better than him is he that's like that's like calling kylie jenner kendall jenner like i don't know anything about them anyways so that doesn't matter still a compliment i would love to be logan logan's a great kid both stars both taking over the world at a young age okay so when logan's little brother called me out who's better you were him in boxing me hands down that's why i'm three and oh three kos he's oh one and one yeah you ever whoop your ass when you're the little brother so i'll take that as he rubbed your face in the carpet on a weekly basis oh my god oh my god yeah sure ben dude jake can say whatever but we know we know that one cut his ass deep because jake doesn't stop talking so the fact that something made his brain start to compute he got you just admit he got you it is kind of funny that he he's like that you got that from an instagram comment and he's like ben's like i don't i don't really care i'm just you can tell he's like i'm just doing it because i you know i don't even want i'm just gonna get paid for this fight and that's all this is for it's for the money yeah for me it's like how old is he ben he's like yeah mid-30s let's find out you can just tell he's like i'm in there i'm just this is just a paycheck he's 36. he just doesn't care all it is he doesn't eat if anybody loses even if he loses he's not gonna give up a [ __ ] not at all dude he had and people are gonna try and put like you know the gifts and everything he's like i just don't care dude uh there's a great clip of two things one jake tries to get under his skin by repeatedly playing the the jorge knee dude like you hold the record and ben's like yeah i do hold the record yeah fastest knockout in the ufc he's like jake i've seen it i've actually seen it like a million times i'm not insecure like you so i don't care i know you're trying to project your insecurity onto me but i just don't care and then jake is like holding it up and it's like the knee just repeated over and over and ben's just like yeah yeah that's me getting neat in the head it's like i saw it live yeah saw it live saw the knee coming towards my face he's like that doesn't bother you he's like no it happens that's that's it no that's that's fighting you get knocked the [ __ ] out sometimes i think the [ __ ] fight game that's a [ __ ] fight game dude this is the [ __ ] fight game that's also yeah that's also funny because again ben has been in 30 pressers or whatever like actual killers man the other great thing was jorge was tweeting about ben you know and i was kind of i i didn't like speak highly of ben uh going into their fight because i just like kind of bought into a media narrative but ben goes jorge i've kind of bit my tongue on this for a while but you're welcome you got one of the luckiest hits and uh that made your career if it wasn't for that you would still he's like like uh he says i'm like you lost to usman and you're gonna lose again so beat it loser oh my god so then everyone is just now like oh yeah now that you think about it like if he didn't need ben then he wouldn't have got the bmf fight with nate diaz and like all he did was prolong his fall off cause then he fought marty and he got beat up and he's probably gonna like already ben just changed the narrative on that whole thing it's not like mma fans are like that's kind of true wow [Laughter] this is great a little renaissance for ben askren yeah i mean i think jake underestimated ben askren's [ __ ] talking because ben can be just as annoying i guess that's what i mean is that like his nonchalantless is more like i don't give a [ __ ] is almost more annoying than if he were to take the same approach that jake is where he's like chirping hard cause jake's like yelling at him like this is the fight game like shut up like do it right now like threatening to fight on stage or whatever and ben's sort of like dude i don't care about this yeah it's not real to me it's almost way more annoying i feel like and i feel like it's doing a better job of like selling the fight oh for sure dude i want to watch it now because of ben's attitude i i like i wish i wish ben would just be like jake you're not a real fighter you're not like if you just kept repeating that over and over i feel like that would just crush him mentally you're not a real fighter dude so you fought three fights there are guys an amateur with like 20 fights you're not a real fighter man this is the [ __ ] fight game dude so funny yeah i mean you know we'll see what happens i just think uh you know someone's gonna win someone's gotta win someone's definitely gonna win and someone's gonna lose for sure someone's probably gonna lose as well if someone wins then i'm gonna i'm guaranteeing that someone loses too yeah someone's definitely gonna lose yeah someone's gonna lose so hard dude someone's going to lose like [ __ ] dude someone's going to get [ __ ] l l someone's going to get held so hard so good oh so good oh someone's gonna lose so good i can't wait till [ __ ] jake wins and you guys all have to see that mma gets held so hard yeah mma is over dude dude mma is [ __ ] held and cancelled after this mma is actually cancelled yeah we're canceling mma mma is cancelled um because it's gonna take two l's that i can't wait for it dude the the big brains what's the date of that fight april promote a little bit april 17th okay cool just like let me see if i got some screenshots there were some pretty funny big brain takes on those threads about ben just comically um uh oh yeah this one killed me if jp trashes aspirin then ufc is a joke and boxing is superior nice man nice you nailed it hell yeah espn needs this guy it's kind of a funny like it's kind of a funny thing to even argue like they're two entirely different sports i know this one killed me all things being equal no shot take a top striker in boxing first top bjj fighter and your striker as soon as he hits the ground would be a huge disadvantage this is one of those like gracie like ground always wins guys yeah like i know this dude is like tying up his ghee as he's like typing this [ __ ] out no [ __ ] shot dude come on take him to the floor opening up take him down rubbing the opening of his ski he watches the fights in his key oh if they could go to the floor right now bro [ __ ] love to see a little wrestling putting his foot behind his head just being flexed oh my god dude they could just [ __ ] go to the [ __ ] floor right now [ __ ] take him to the floor the only type of dudes that want that while watching a fight [Laughter] everyone else oh no don't go to the floor no yeah punch him in the [ __ ] face yeah i i love when like two like you know ufc fighting two guys go to the floor and instantly the crowd is just drunk and so i was like oh no 17 hot dog for this [Laughter] big hot dog and watch two guys beat each other in the face you
Channel: TMG Podcast Highlights
Views: 808,727
Rating: 4.954576 out of 5
Keywords: tmg, cody, ko, noel, miller, comedy, comedians, funny, jokes, lol, long, form, conversation, radio, podcast
Id: -AOi0Jd1Geo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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