They Had To Film This Terrible Christmas Movie Twice

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Merry Christmas everyone looks like there's something under the tree I wonder what's inside wow it's a new Kurtis Conor video here you go hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press the subscribe button for extra folks it's the most wonderful time of the year the wintertime it's so fun there's dirty slush everywhere you you have to buy winter tires and oh when you walk outside for too long the I juice in your eye freezes mmm I love it yeah winter sucks dude I [ __ ] hate the wintertime I'm not a fan at all the only good thing about the winter is Christmas obviously right I love Christmas I love celebrating Christmas it's so much fun I'm not like religious or anything so I don't really celebrate it to like you know commemorate Jesus's bday that's not why we celebrate you know I just like hanging out my family and watching Christmas movies dude do I ever love Christmas movies yes the answer is yes I [ __ ] love Christmas movies so much just so much two of my top five favorite movies of all time are Christmas movies okay and that's not a coincidence what two movies you asked good questions Inge all the way in home alone too obviously okay Christmas movies [ __ ] slap Jack Frost gets an honorable mention but seriously there's something so amazing about Christmas movies when they're done right like that one scene in home alone - when Marv gets electrocuted and he turns into a skeleton Wow dude I [ __ ] lose my mind every time I see that scene it's so funny we're in jingle all the way when Howard is like put that cookie down now [ __ ] for every like good Christmas movie I feel like there's like 30 bad ones and I'm sure you're all aware of seven bad Christmas movies I made a video last year about a Christmas movie ChristianMingle is the movie and I didn't even know it was a Christmas movie until they rereleased it as Christmas mingle hey guys if you're gonna change the name of the movie you better [ __ ] release a Christmas themed dating website to go along with it you you sinners you absolute sinners winner winner chicken sinner sinner I hardly know her okay Jesus Christ so the movie we're gonna be talking about today is called too cool for Christmas let's find out what the movies about sixteen year old Lindsay decides to give Santa Claus an extreme makeover that's it usually synopsis is sit synopsis synopsis is synopses synopses usually synopses when they explain a movie it's like they tell they say the goal like what what the main characters goal is but here's something that's stopping them from reaching that goal right because you know good story is just good conflict but this one is like Santa gets a makeover and it's kind of cool but I I found a better synopsis which reads Lindsay thinks she is too cool to be with her family on Christmas when she ends up delivering presents with Santa himself she finds out what Christmas really means so grab a big plate of cookies a big old glass of milk and let's make fun of this stupid movie the movie starts off with Lindsay sleeping in her bed on Christmas morning classic teen you know always sleeping in their bed on Christmas morning then her little sister wakes her up and they go downstairs to open some prezzies [Music] and she's so happy she gets that Chanel bag she's always been wanting but uh oh it's fake you know it's gonna be a good movie when they add in a bunch of silly sound effects that don't need to be there at all okay saying that out loud I kind of just realized that that's what my videos are just me hiding a bunch of sound effects that don't need to be there but it's different though okay I'm not a movie my life is but I'm not imagine a youtuber like editing major motion pictures oh my god your ex case do you really think you have a chance against us at mr. cowboy so it gets all like distorted and weird and like the parents keep laughing a bunch and we find out that this whole Christmas scene was only and it's a scary dream to her because she was freaking out about a fake bag so that's like her her character trait she's like materialistic and like selfish and stuff that's like a common theme that she tries to like overcome in this whole movie then we get the title screen and they play a wicked cool song that I'm pretty sure they wrote for this movie [Music] [Music] next time someone hands me the aux cord bro are you ready to turn up - too cool for Christmas bro so she picks up her best pal Paige on the way to school and they and this is when we find out a pretty major plot point so they have this big plan to go on a fun ski trip on Christmas Day but Lindsay hasn't told her parents yet have you told them yet no uh-oh looks like she's in for a mountain of trouble boo yeah [ __ ] you you suck hey stinky you little okay fine okay let's just keep watching the movie so now Lindsay is like complaining to Paige that like her family they do the same thing every year for Christmas and it's just so boring with my family it's the exact same thing every year and you know what I agree right like [ __ ] her loving family and their cute traditions okay so before we go any further into the movie's plot I want to talk about something really quick about the movie's release so in this scene you can see Lindsay's parents are gay okay there's two gay men two dads and that's great okay more dads the merrier I've always said that but there is another movie called a very cool Christmas and it's the exact same movie except for one aspect a very cool Christmas features heterosexual parents instead of gay parents the entire movie is the exact same it's like shot-for-shot it's the exact same but every scene that has the parents they had to film it twice once with the straight couple and once with the gay couple so much work now some of you have probably seen this on Twitter that's actually how I found out about this movie the tweet said that too cool for Christmas was intended to release only in Canada because I guess Canadians are more like tolerant or whatever so whatever but yeah very cool Christmas was intended for for the American audience which is which was more like conservative at the time especially then back in 2004 when this was released but after doing more research I kind of found that that's not really 100% true the director said that they worked really closely with a TV network an lgbtq+ network called here TV so they developed the movie like for them but it didn't have the budget as like like a lifetime or something like that so so they made the movie for here TV but so they could sell the movie to lifetime they just put in like a heterosexual couple because America they they they were they weren't as tolerant so I mean it was kind of true but not the whole Canadian American thing but still it's so weird to like think of the actors like finishing filming a scene and the director just like okay cut a dad's sub out tap out for you do a little tag-team just step out for the mom okay good and we'll do the same thing one more time here we go so weird like imagine if they had to do that for every single movie that featured like a gay couple I'm freaking out I can't believe we just hooked up out here in the mountains of Wyoming oh no neither can i well what are we gonna do well considering we're man and woman heterosexual couple I don't think anyone really has any issues with us being together so I actually think we're good oh oh yeah well I guess you're right well that's great news you bet your ass it is let's go hook up again all right Brokeback Mountain now airing on lifetime for some reason all right back to the movie wall movies back to the movie back to it so now we meet Lindsay's love interest and his name is Anderson and we find out that him his friend JT and his other friend Kevin are all going on the exact same ski trip as Lindsay and Paige this is great so are we we leave on Christmas morning so do we well JT's gonna freak when I tell him that you're coming he's been dying to hook up with you geez buddy he is that like a normal thing to say I don't know if it is he's been dying to hook up with you he wants to have sex with you so bad he keeps dying he's dying to I've had to we've had to bring him back to life several times because he wants to hook up so bad keeps passing away so now Lindsay really wants to hit the slopes ooh now that Anderson's gonna be there [ __ ] so she goes home and gives like a presentation to her mom and dad will her dad in her death to her parents depending on which film you're watching it's like a it's like a presentation to to convince them to celebrate Christmas later on so she can go skiing so in the presentation she like roasts Santa Claus [Music] a corporate creation in the tradition of Ronald McDonald and the Energizer Bunny and then her little sister says this you just say the Energizer Bunny isn't real has anyone ever thought the Energizer Bunny was real seriously if you've ever thought that please let me know but if you have sorry newsflash you're dumb sorry it's like a weird [ __ ] Easter thing like yeah wake up and the Energizer Bunny is gonna hide batteries around your house and you find them then you eat them eat the [ __ ] batteries and you die there's so many parts in this movie that just say [ __ ] like that and I'm like is are you trying to be funny are you is it just pointless [ __ ] to say like I don't I don't get it but after the presentation obviously your parents get super mad at her and they tell her that she can't go skiing you're not going and that's final they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine and you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because [ __ ] Solon's he's really upset so she goes to the mall to relieve some stress she Ostrom mall in December to relieve stress I don't know about you guys but if you've ever been to a mall in December that's probably the most stress inducing thing you could ever do but hey what do I know right I'm not a stereotypical teenage girl in a movie written by [ __ ] Michael Gilbert so what do I know also another quick little sidebar Michael Gilbert the the writer of this movie was also apparently a creative consultant on the television show Radio Free Roscoe and if you've ever seen that show you [ __ ] know how good it is you know how [ __ ] hard that show slaps so this movie makes me extra mad how can how could you consult creatively on such a great show and then make this Hey okay back to the flick oh hey it's Michael Gilbert wow the guy we were just talking about yeah the writer of this movie plays a mall cop in this movie that he wrote and let me just say right now I want to spend as little amount of time as possible talking about this character because he makes me blood red mad he makes me so upset okay he [ __ ] sucks okay I'm sorry but Wow like I know he's like the villain of this movie you could say and I know villains like you're supposed to hate them but not this much I hate when he's on screen okay I get I get sick away from the stick but whenever he's on screen I want to run I want to sprint full speed I want to [ __ ] Naruto run into a [ __ ] tornado do you know what this could do it's lodged in the throat of an infant write him up Donnie like dude his acting she's stick to writing dude okay so the he's like a power-hungry mall cop and he hates teens man I hate teenagers and it seems like his only weakness the only thing that makes him like stop [ __ ] with people is when someone throws a hamburger at him an unspoken respect Oh throwback I'd I don't know dude so now we meet the mall Santa Santa Claus he goes into this store to to buy an expensive suit but the employee thinks he can't afford it so he kind of just like kicks him out if you have to ask you all mostly can't afford to buy Merry Christmas goodbye and this scene may seem pointless right now but I got a I have to reference it now so a later one makes sense so just so just wait a second and then we cut to a quick scene of the the [ __ ] stupid mall cop he's talking to Lindsay and Paige and then they bring up some weird dating show he was on honest right now she digs me a bit more that's fine sometimes they're gonna like me more other times I'm gonna like them less but yeah I'll call Allison again yeah again I don't know if that's supposed to be funny I don't know why that's in the movie so after that he's sitting on his little chair and he's ready to be Santa and Paige and Lindsay decide to go see him to go sit on his lap and talk to the Santa but they don't just go and like ask him for presents you know they don't do a normal thing they if they they wait in line and then they sit there and just [ __ ] [ __ ] with him the whole time they just make fun of them it's Christmas at least I don't wear the same red suit every year tell me Santa how can mrs. Claus Stan to be married to someone so completely devoid of style like holy [ __ ] just so mean that that poor old man writing hope and love to little kids and they're just like hey pervert [ __ ] you you have no style you get no [ __ ] you are a loser so that I guess they sit there for a bit they keep roasting them and then Lindsay pokes him in the stomach and then and then then after that once she does that then she feels bad sorry calling him a fat pervert was absolutely fine but as soon as she poked his belly yeah that was [ __ ] up I'll say that that was a little too far so she goes back and she apologizes to Santa I just wanted to apologize for what I said before and she asks if if there's anything that she can do to help him because she wants to stop feeling selfish maybe I can buy your wife a gift and you can give it to it so I guess so Santa in response to this is like I'm actually having really bad marital problems with mrs. Claus we used to be so close we were like two lights in Christmas tree [Music] every year those this banka banka lights cut further resin apart after all that Lindsay agrees to to help Santa Claus and he's like okay great so they go into this big montage of them working out so Santa can lose all of the weight that he has put on because even when Lindsay's trying to be nice to Santa she's still a [ __ ] [ __ ] right like oh I know why your marriage is failing cuz you're a fat loser and you're ugly so I can fix that come along stupid idiot fatty because that doesn't even make sense like why would she do that right because in the flashback when they were happy together Santa still looked like that right like he was he's always been like a jolly guy that's his thing so once the working out montage is done they go into another montage and this one's a classic this one's a classic montage it's you know the old one person goes in to try a bunch of different outfits on and then the other friends like no I don't like that one and they do another one and they're like not that one either come on and then they put on like a regular outfit and they're like that's the one and they played this song during it where it's like it starts by saying Santa baby so you think it's gonna be the song Santa baby but listen now I see you really understand that it's clothes that make the man appealing to dude imagine if when you're when you're at the club and then like some guys like yo DJ plays Santa Baby and then the DJ plays that dude you get in so much trouble hey yo DJ play Santa Baby what no no way dude that's gonna kill the mood no way play Santa Baby no I'm not playing Santa Baby what the [ __ ] oh come on DJ I'll do anything here have my life savings just please play Santa Baby your life savings is three dollars and a Sharpie with no lid Jesus man okay fine I'll I'll play the song okay just keep keep your savings so kind okay [Music] wait what the [ __ ] is this I'm sorry man this is the only Santa baby I have sorry this is all wrong this is all wrong you gotta play the real Santa baby yeah so once they find him a nice suit to wear they go to a hair salon and there's another montage I'm not joking they have three separate montages in a row hey just make one oh my god please just make one why do you need to do three here we go we get to see what he finally looks like now older man you're hot so now Santa is [ __ ] and you know why it's about time okay ever since I was a wee lad I was always just like you know Santa's great no I love how he gives me gifts but I don't think he's that hot Santa Claus is coming and his wife hey I'm talking about hot Santa just reminded me of something a few years ago a mall in Toronto they had this whole like ad campaign with a sexy Santa and it was him like you know just like being hot but being Santa so they really made to cool for Christmas a real thing that's [ __ ] crazy dude that Santa probably leaves you on red and green I did it okay so Santa is sexy now and this is my favorite scene in the whole movie let's watch it yeah I came in a few weeks ago dressed in my Santa suit and you laughed at me no big mistake huge take that [ __ ] she just got pretty woman I was in here yesterday you wouldn't wait on me oh you work on Commission right yes big mistake big huge my favorite scene the only good scene in this whole movie is an homage to a different movie oh man that's so funny dude picturing like one of those like you know those gold digger pranks like all you could have but not now that's basically what this is but picturing that with like Santa Wow hey shawty what's good you want to come you want to come roll with me you know sorry I don't oh you don't okay well I guess I'll just take my sled pulled by magical Reindeer and I'll just fly out of here no oh no wait wait now I want to sorry babe I don't hang out with coal diggers no come back oh I'm not a ho what the [ __ ] no I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry [ __ ] okay so Santa and Lindsay they leave them all and Santa's like oh yeah it's Christmas Eve we got to deliver all the presents to every kid in the world now and you gotta help me Lindsay I was hoping you'd come along with me yeah so Lindsay agrees you know for whatever reason and then Santa goes on to explain all of his magical powers and how they work how is it possible that gifts for every kid in the world fit in the back of my car two flips to the right ear and I shrink everything down oh that is so cool different combinations of ear maneuvers cause different effects two flips on the right side shrinks presents exactly another example if I were to pull my earlobe on the left side four times I'd speak perfect Cantonese [Music] okay I beg your pardon well that's whoa oh wow I don't know where to start with that that's not even impressive Santa okay usually old white men are just blatantly offensive without doing anything or their ears so that's just adding a step why would you write that into the movie holy [ __ ] hey I'm an old man and if I pull my right ear six times in my left ear three times I get mad at a customer service worker just for trying their best and then I fall asleep on the couch at 4 p.m. I'm Santa and I suck [Music] [Music] I didn't know they hired Neil Breen to do the [ __ ] special effects for this movie it literally looks like they're just driving in a huge car on top of a city so Lindsay and Santa they they travel the whole world I guess and deliver all the presents to the kids and meanwhile the the mall cop is like freaking out because he saw them drive away with a bunch of toys so he was like Oh black-market toy ring that's that's what they're doing someone's got some stolen merchandise I don't know movie stupid mall cop sucks later on at night they end up going to Anderson's house the huh boy they're like some form of genetically perfect superhumans almost as hot as Santa but no one is good luck dude I don't know what it is like if I woke up in the middle of the night like the night before Christmas and I saw a big jolly man in a red suit I'd be like okay Santa's real that's cool I did I was wrong I guess but if I woke up and middle of night to get a little drink and I look over and I saw just like a man an old golden brown man and he's just standing in a nice suit I'd be like hey man I'm calling the cops I think you're not supposed to be here you're supposed to be at a country club right now why are you in my living room you hot hot old man get out get out of here okay the movies almost done Jesus Christ so before they leave Anderson's house Santa puts in a little letter into into Anderson's stocking without telling Lindsey oh and the last house they get to is Lindsey's house and he's like you got to go you got to go deliver the presents by yourself you expect me to go in there and take one look at my house and then I'll start thinking about my family get all touchy and feeling then not want to go on the ski trip right guilty as charged but then she goes into her house and there's a baby this is the big turning point in the movie Lizzy sama asked me to put your gift under the tree you're my gift under the tree mm-hmm I told Santa I wanted you home for Christmas and you are that's what you asked Santa for [Music] she was the gift all along Wow oh wait hold on so she leaves I did I didn't notice that when I first watched it she just she just left it I wanted you home for Christmas and here you are right in front of me oh that's so sweet okay bye so they head back to the mall to say their goodbyes but in the mall cop pops out of nowhere and they have a big confrontation but guess what [ __ ] happens it's a little something I like to call banned from the mall for life [Music] yep some hoodlums throw him burgers at him I hate this movie so much so this Christmas Day and Anderson shows up he's like I got your letter I got your letter then I talk it out they find out that they like each other they smooch I like you I like you too and they live happily ever after I guess so now finally last scene in the movie Santa goes home to the North Pole - mrs. Claus to show off his new look and big twist is that really you mrs. Claus got a makeover - now they're both hot seems as though we've gotten each other the same gift matching Christmas makeovers in my favorite song plays again [Music] so yeah then the movie ends with a really really passionate sex scene and it's full-on nudity actually kidding that's not that's not true so yeah that's too cool for Christmas slash a very cool Christmas depending on the parents okay so the whole two versions of the the movie thing is very weird but that put all that aside this movie sucks okay the selfish girl helps Santa get laid again because she poked his belly and felt bad that's the synopsis my god I don't not like that but you know what until they release the movie about mrs. Claus's makeover I don't want to think about this movie ever again okay all in all the pretty woman reference was pretty good oh my god well that movie was yucky but you know what isn't yucky delicious food from hellofresh that's right it's time to hear a word from today's sponsor hellofresh if you don't know hella fresh is America's number one meal kit they send you easy seasonal recipes and pre-measured ingredients right to your door all you have to do is cook and enjoy dude me and my girlfriend we love cooking together in hella fresh has made that entire process even more enjoyable hello fresh makes cooking delicious meals at home a reality regardless of your comfort in the kitchen hello fresh has something for everyone from family recipes to calorie smart and vegetarian and fun menu series like Hall of Fame and craft burgers so no matter what your diet or preferences there's a plan that's perfect for you my absolute favorite thing about hella fresh is how flexible and easy it is to use me and my girlfriend were just in Chicago last week and we weren't gonna be home to make any of the hello fresh meals obviously but with just a few taps on the app I skipped that week of meals and you have to worry about it and if you want to add extra meals to your order as well as yummy extras or dessert like garlic bread and cookie dough you know if you want to make some cookies for hot Santa it's just as easy it all sounds great right hello fresh sounds amazing but what's super great is that hellofresh is now from 566 per serving making it America's best value meal kit and hella fresh is offering a hot and spicy deal for the citizens of Curtis town okay you can get started with nine free meals that's 90 dollars off your first month of hellofresh including shipping all you have to do is go to hello French comm and enter code Curtis town nine or just click the link in the description and there you go it's that easy dude thank you for sponsoring the video hello fresh love you bye bye alright that's gonna do it for the video thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you did please like the video because one like equals one ear flip okay let's try to get to 100,000 ear flip so we'll see what happens we'll see what Santa does when we hit that number hopefully he'll be nice but probably not he will be hot though I know that for sure leave a comment let me know you thought let me know you thought of this movie and let me know any more recommendations you have for movies for me to watch and make fun of because it's a lot of fun and I like doing these also don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun and as soon as you press that subscribe button you become a valued member of Curtis town if you've never heard of it Curtis hound is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law yeah you can check the description for all the other stuff that I do my Instagram my Twitter you know my weekly podcast called very really good he's a youtube channel for that I film all of them it's a lot of fun if you like my videos you'll enjoy the podcast you know I got merch all that good stuff and yeah before we go I want a [ __ ] bank all of you for my video last week that I did for an update on the whole team balls thing we hit our goal of $10,000 for to donate to love his respect we hit it we hit our goal in like 12 hours so I just wanna say thank you to everyone who's donated everyone who shared the video I appreciate it so much and yeah that was really awesome for us to do we did it Curtis town that was [ __ ] awesome I'm proud of us that was that was cool alright I gotta go though I gotta go throw a hamburger at that stupid mall cop goodbye [Music] now I see you really understand it's clothes that make the man
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 4,409,139
Rating: 4.9693007 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, kurtis conner commentary, christmas movie, bad christmas movie, bad christmas movies, hallmark movies, christian mingle, too cool for christmas, a very cool christmas, cringe, bad acting, movie review, kurtis conner christmas
Id: 5pP_KDIU-_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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