Twisted Pair: The Best Movie Of All Time?

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how to drop new merch Wow a curtis town beanie it's a curtis thing t and an embroidered folks hoodie with a nice little clapping design on the back home man also come see me on tour ok enjoy the video bye [Music] [Music] hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's so good to see you again dude I hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press that subscribe button for an extra reading folks Wow would you look at that it's Breen time I made a video about Neil Breen's movie faithful findings like six months ago and to be honest I have not been able to stop thinking about it ever since if you don't know Neil Breen is a Las Vegas realtor turned indie sci-fi filmmaker he's made five feature films and he's garnered quite the the cult following because of his movies and their uniqueness is a word I would say I guess and they've apparently all been profitable so everything's going well there and you're all probably thinking well what's new with Neil you know where is he Breen well his most recent movie twisted-pair came out last year 2018 and apparently according to Neil it's it's a lot different it's way different from his past films unlike my other feature films you will not see any deserts you won't see any hackers or laptops what he doesn't tell us is that there's no laptops in it because he destroyed every last one on earth so Neil actually started a GoFundMe for this movie twisted-pair and it ended up raising $7,000 I don't know if that was the entire budget for the movie but it's definitely what it seems like sometimes and I know twisted-pair sounds like a new white Claus flavor but it's not but it's not why did I say it like that but it's not okay it's a movie here's a synopsis for twisted-pair identical twin brothers become hybrid AI entities yet torn in different directions to achieve justice for Humanity so today we're gonna watch twisted-pair and we're gonna see how it compares two faithful findings which is an ironic ly one of my favorite films of all time fair warning this movie has some adult themes immature so I doubt that this video will get monetized but it's all good dude cuz we got a sponsor so before we watch twisted-pair let's hear a quick word from today's sponsor Ray's shadow legends in case you've been living under a rock for the past few months raid shadow legends has become the sensation of the mobile world raid is one of the top 3 ranked RPGs on the Google Play Store and it's just been nominated as a finalist for Google play's best of 2019 users Choice Award the game is crazy popular with almost 15 million downloads over the last six months that's a lot of folks so what the heck is raid great question it's an epic dark fantasy done right ok a free to play hero collection turn-based game with over 400 champions for 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luck and I'll see you there alright ray thanks for sponsoring the video let's watch twisted-pair so the movie starts with a nice voiceover from our main character Kade played by Neil Breen and he goes on to tell us what happened to him and his twin brother kale when they were younger also played by Neal Breen there's a bright light in the sky and time Stood Still we were both selected yeah so the twins were like selected and they were turned into like these AI robot cyborgs with superpowers we were given missions by the superior entity to fight for good and defeat the evil in humanity I don't know but apparently kale he kept failing all of his missions he wasn't as good as Kade I guess the force eventually decided to remove his powers and release him and this is where we see the first implementation of green screen in this movie and there's a lot of it like way too much and that's coming from me if you've seen any of my videos I you know I use green screen way too much so yeah it's just it's this weird shot where the twins are like walking through this like purple forest and I know it's supposed to look like the one twin is like behind the other twin to me it just looks like the one regular-sized Neil is walking and then there's a smaller just a smaller Neil walking right right next to one big Neil and little me so now it cuts to Kade doing this like voiceover about AI and VR and [ __ ] and this happens like every [ __ ] 20 minutes in the movie dude like listen to this clip from his voiceover I was approaching a robotic humanoid state synthetic brain power what do you like all of these voiceovers in the movie sound like what someone who took too many shrooms on a camping trip would say you know yeah so [ __ ] AI is gonna be like programmable matter one day and VR is will will synthetically in implant itself into the end the human psyche and VR VR is through is to blame do we got a shame we gotta stop with all the VR VR is is gonna kill us you know I swear energy the fax right there hey guys you want to come try my new VR game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this voice-over goes on for just way too long and ends it ends with the best Breen scene of all time I think while developing further and further in a humanoid state over the years I never wanted to lose touch with the magic and majesty of nature and the gifts it had given me yo Neil Neil Breen asked to like release the unedited green screen footage of him just like for the whole movie he's got to release the green screen footage call it the green screen he's got to release it on DVD and I'll buy every copy dude Neil I'm kneeling for you okay do it please follow me they can't hurt me you won't get hurt follow me and they say white men can't jump proof is in the pudding baby to the stock footage of the army men obviously wasn't filmed with Neil Breen in mind so it doesn't work with it really but I love how they just pause the video until Breen was like ahead of them and out of the shot so they could just play the normal clip dude that's so it's genius also hey Neil there's more than one explosion sound effect that exists all right so another successful mission for Cade so he gets on a private jet back to HQ and it's a real jet it is he didn't just green-screen himself onto some stock footage that I found on Shutterstock no sir he wouldn't do that to us he wouldn't lie to us like that seriously though that's pretty resourceful like why film on location when you can just shoot yourself in front of a green screen the whole time right but he's back at HQ now and he gets his next mission which is programmable virtual reality the corrupt version and guess if they mentioned that ever again in the movie nope but anyways he goes into another voiceover about AI a limitless digital universe but then we find out that he misses his brother kale I miss him and this next scene made me laugh so [ __ ] hard dude I was by myself watching this movie and I was screaming laughing dude it's so funny there's like this important meeting with a bunch of people they're having an important meeting about like technology and stuff let's just watch it programmable virtual reality DNA this is very serious we're on the verge of my programmable matter we will all be connected telepathically dude they're just yelling just random words at each other dude I can't get over that scene that's not how people talk a crisis is very serious my I'll be connected telepathic programmable matter all right so now Cade he leaves HQ when he's walking outside and he bumps into a lady and he feels really bad so he tries to make it up to her like right away it's my fault really I apologize let's have a drink let's have a drink meet you back here at eight o'clock and have a drink totally normal thing to do right I'm sorry I'm so sorry let me take you to dinner come on let me take you to dinner I'll take you to dinner meet me back here in an hour I'll take you to a drink I'll give you a drink so oddly enough he was serious about that so he goes back to the same spot at eight o'clock and she's not there it's 8 o'clock she's not here shocker okay so this is where it gets like really uncomfortable when I first watched this scene I was like it was really unsettling but I just want you guys to know that what you're watching in the scene isn't actually happening I guess but I will say trigger warning for like sexual assault because this scene made me really uncomfortable because I well I didn't know what was going on during it so skip to that part in the video if you don't want to see this super weird [ __ ] scene okay that's the girl I met earlier I'm gonna go follow her I'm gonna hurt you now you're mine now I'll teach you to ignore you were supposed to meet me at 8:00 [ __ ] you can't resist me now yeah let's shut that down so that scene goes on for just way too long but it ends up it ends up being a big joke big twist okay they're actually boyfriend and girlfriend mom called today so mom I said hi yep you know when you force yourself on your girlfriend and repeatedly call her a [ __ ] and then she smashes a painting over your head that's [ __ ] goals dude that's bagels that is such a weird way to introduce the main relationship in the movie dude dude I could not I can't believe that holy [ __ ] okay let's move on please and thank you now a custody is three businessmen they're walking into some building but then Kail Cades evil twin he he kidnaps them and he holds them hostage he ties them up in Chains and then they make some really really gross noises hey Neil quick question yeah for this scene where we're all tied up and stuff what kind of noises should we be making well have you ever had sex yeah those noises that's weird so apparently kale kidnapped these businessmen because they were corrupt and they committed a bunch of crimes so he's gonna just like catch them and kill them I guess politicians off for years it's pretty harsh but that's his form of Justice this is my form of Justice so he shoots them in the shoulder and leaves them to die right after that kale goes and kills some more corrupt businessmen but oopsie daisies he drops a used syringe with his DNA right next to the bodies I mean if I had a dime every time I did that now we get into another AI voiceover but this is actually the shortest one of the whole movie a deep learning neuro network I'm gonna start doing that dude like the halfway through my videos just cut that [ __ ] random footage with me just saying [ __ ] digital farts in this movie there's a lot of scenes of the detectives like trying to figure out where these three businessmen went but I'm gonna save a lot of time and just say that they never really do any detective work it's all just them on the phone being like where are these guys can't find them the only thing that does happen is they test the syringe and they find out that they can't identify the DNA because it's not like human DNA cuz is a robot or something this is DNA that they can't identify even though they took away his powers in the beginning so it doesn't make any sense at all but [ __ ] it nothing does in this movie so it's fine but now's a really big scene this is where Kade and Kail finally reunite with each other Kail why haven't you contacted me we're different no I'm different I don't have what you have but you could have at one time but you threw it away or it was taken from me I love that in this scene it looks like they're not even [ __ ] looking at each other dude it's so funny hey we're different no I'm different I don't have what you have guy who's just standing right there yeah but you could've you coulda well I don't okay it was taken from me okay looking over there I'm right I'm here right why you what what you say you're my brother okay don't you see I'm your brother and you're my brother okay he did too many shrooms okay marry me and now we find out that Cale and his girlfriend are both addicted to drugs and alcohol oh did they just forget to add in a punch sound effect I have so many questions now is the time that we meet the villain of the movie we are 40 minutes into the movie there's been no mention of a villain or there's no lead-up or anything at all just literally out of nowhere Cades like so there's a bad guy that we got to stop his name is coos and he's gonna kill people with biochemicals and this is what the movie is about now but luckily Kade goes undercover to stop coos and his evil plans mister coos every time this villain is on screen I feel like I feel like I'm high I know I didn't have any today but it feels like I just took like 15 edibles to my [ __ ] face dude the dog is 1/1000 steep and an upscale tortoise at a time did and that girl girl looking right at the camera like the [ __ ] why did I agree to do this okay this [ __ ] movie man Who am I what am i okay uh so next we get this random shot of Cades girlfriend just kind of standing around and kale is in the background looking at her she thinks that no one sees her but kale Caesar is that scene relevant to the movie at all no did I include it just so I can make that kale Caesar pun yeah all right now things are getting crazy so so Kade he breaks into the center of the operation this is the center of the operation he does another voiceover about AI he stands in a room and then he leaves to go stop coos makes no sense because that's the center of the operation right when that's it wouldn't that be where you would stop coos add it to the list of things that don't make any [ __ ] sense in this movie okay I mean at the very least I think we got some like this is like really good like meme potential you know half our life in the movie we cut two kale he still got those moaning businessmen tied up so he shoots one of the dick and then leaves yep I don't know all right so huge huge drama now we cut to kale and his girlfriend fighting and they break up we're done I'm done with you we're done we're done we're done I'm done with you so now it's time for the big action scene okay the huge set piece of the movie and I'm not gonna edit this I'm just gonna let it play for you guys cuz it's a masterpiece [Music] wow man so that was crazy holy [ __ ] but the thing that I don't understand is that Kade he's always talked about like the superpowers that he has um but I'm not sure what they are cuz to me all I've seen is that his superpowers are him jumping on things and then jumping off of things and when they jump off it explodes that's what that's all I've seen that's all that I could see him do that's a [ __ ] really weirdly specific superpower to have right somebody help me don't worry jumpy explode man is here to save the day oh thank god my that's my apartment building over there my cat climbed out on the ledge somebody needs to save it oh well I can do that no problem thank God but just fair warning when I jump off of your apartment building it will explode oh okay well then don't do that I'm just call the police or something ah come on no come on just let me do it no no way I'm not going to okay fine whatever so after that huge awesome explosion scene kate is feeling down in the dumps okay he misses his brother he wants his brother to be better okay so he gets real introspective the egos back baby the Eagles back the egos back the egos back hello my friend okay movies almost over I promise so now Cades walking where he bumped into his girlfriend before and that bit now he bumps into kales ex-girlfriend and she starts freaking out because she thinks kate is kale not gonna lie that's me every morning at myself in the mirror oh but now we got a big twist guys huge twist in the plot Cades boss calls him and tells him that his girlfriend is one of them she was one of them and I don't know what she meant really one of them I don't know they never explained that either I'm guessing it means that the girlfriend was was with coos working with coos you know but now it's finally time for the final showdown ok he's already exploded one building but now he's got to go explode another building I guess by jumping off of it I don't know and it's weird because he shows up to coozes like headquarters but it's the exact same building that they used for Cades headquarters in the beginning of the movie you know one where he comes out he's like I'm gonna follow my girlfriend home I'm gonna go follow her I'm guessing they only had like a finite number of buildings to use to film and they're like yeah we'll just we'll just use that one for several different locations no one will notice I noticed but let's watch the final showdown this is the end for you coos and your evil empire good job guys as soon as he's as soon as he just jumps pass and there's like alright well [ __ ] missed them guess that's all we can do just this Hey [Music] what he'll be back okay so Cade stops coozes plan but he still escapes I guess but now we have a final showdown between Cade and his his girlfriend no okay okay so Cade kills girlfriend we go find out that the businessmen are now dead I don't know why Kail held them there for that long when he's been just murdering other businessmen no problem really quickly but I don't know but Kayla's happy so he walks away to go kill more people I guess that's the end of his character arc love you Kail great job and dude this last scene in the movie makes no goddamn sense at all so Kate is like walking through the purple forest with his dead girlfriend the one that he killed and he's like super bummed he's so sad no you killed her dude you shot her dead you feel betrayed me haha oh you're dead how did this happen Kate I will love you for all eternity [Music] he was like really sad about her leaving forever but dude to just walk away like that after Wow Savage no don't go I'm gonna miss you [Music] so finally Kay delivers one last great voiceover and he ends the movie on an awesome line of dialogue everyone has the right to love and peace I'll be right [Music] yep the movie ends the same way that ET ends basically [Music] bad Neil that's not allowed okay oh my god okay so that was twisted-pair I don't even know how to end this video dude I don't know what I just watched I know for a fact that it was not even close to as good as fateful findings was okay no twisted payer had like no likable characters a plot that made no sense really bad special effects okay well I guess faithful findings had all of those as well but at least that movie had heart I think Neil Green has a lot of very creative ideas he's a very creative person you know who who else on this [ __ ] planet is gonna come up with a deep voice villain who massages diamonds and a robotic ai man who jumps off things that explode only kneel only Neil will ever come up with that [ __ ] don't get me wrong I love Neil brain movies okay I love I love them so much so much that I would I want I want to be a part of one one day okay Neil if you're watching I'd love to be in a future movie of yours at the very least I'd love to all even do like some special effects for you if you want proof of my special effects editing abilities here's my demo reel enjoy this is for Neil only okay don't watch this if you're not in the Oberon okay enjoy Neil follow me they can't hurt me you won't get hurt [Music] while developing further and further in a humanoid state over the years I never wanted to lose touch with the magic and majesty of nature so yeah Neil thank you for watching let me know what you thought and I'd love to work on the next film Thanks all right that's gonna do it for today's video thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it please press the like button because one like equals one little meal and he's so cute also leave a comment let me know what you thought of the video let me know if some other movies you want me to make videos about or if you want me to make videos about Neil Greene's older films who knows let me know in the comments also don't forget to press the subscribe button I can make a video every single week and there's so much fun and as soon as you press that subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Curtis town if you don't know Curtis sound is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law yeah show you the description probably other things I do my Instagram my Twitter you come see me live grab some curtis town merch check out my podcast all that good [ __ ] alright thank you so much for watching I've been Curtis Connor I gotta go I'm gonna go get me a pet eagle bye bye [Music]
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 3,606,159
Rating: 4.9745307 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, neil breen, twisted pair, kurtis conner neil breen, movie commentary, reaction, movie review, bad movies, bad cgi, fateful findings, worst movie
Id: FrZ-5xrj1dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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