SUPERBABIES: The Superhero Movie of Your Nightmares

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- Hey guys, what's up. Welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's really good to see you again. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel? You get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos. So press that subscribe button. (indistinct mumbling) Alright, folks. (hands clapping) It's baby time. I'm a big fan of superhero movies, okay? I love superhero movies. I remember I saw the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire for my eighth birthday, saw that in theaters. That was probably the best day of my life. Ever since then I've been obsessed with superhero movies. I liked the old Marvel movies, the new ones, even the bad superhero movies. They're still fun to watch, you know, I love them. But now I don't know if I like superhero movies anymore. And that's all because of the movie that we're gonna be talking about today which is "Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2." Emphasis on the colon because this movie is shit. (farting sound) It has a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes with reviews like "It was the worst movie I'd ever sat through." And "It is perhaps the most incompetent "and least funny comic film ever made." Yup, the movie we all know and love, 1999's "Baby Geniuses" got a sequel and then another sequel and then another sequel. And then one more sequel. But don't worry. We're only going to be talking about "Baby Geniuses 2" today because honestly, after watching that, I don't think I'd be able to sit through another one, let alone three more. For those of you who don't know, I made a video about the first "Baby Geniuses" movie back in November. So if you want an in-depth look at that movie, you can watch that video, but if you don't feel like watching the whole video, I get it, it's all good. Luckily, you don't have to know what happened in the first "Baby Geniuses" movie to understand the second one because I know exactly what happened in the first "Baby Geniuses" movie. I watched it like six times, okay? I know everything that happened in it and even I don't understand the plot of the sequel. So you'll be fine. Regardless, I'll do a quick recap of all the important information, okay? So in the "Baby Geniuses" world, babies know all the secrets of the universe and their baby talk is actually their own ancient language, but once they turn three they forget all the secrets of the universe and they just become like a regular person. So there was this whole thing where this evil corporation was trying to obtain the knowledge from these babies. There was a big fight scene, a giant robot baby that still haunts me to this day, (clashing) and in the end they stop the bad guys. So I had like a few movies that I've wanted to talk about and make videos about but I feel like "Superbabies" was the perfect one to talk about right now because recently there's been a lot of like baby hatred on the internet. There's been a lot of baby hate for some reason. Whether it's the ice age baby, the Jeff Bezos baby with a bunch of crap on its face, or the mega baby, people really hate babies right now on like a deep, deep level. (laughs) Which is really weird. When you think about like, child stars, right? Like widely loved and respected beloved child stars, they grow up to be like really sad and depressed and they have like a really tough time, you know? And that's when everyone loves them. When you're a baby and everyone hates you? - Honey, you've got a big storm coming. - All I'm saying is, when the ice age baby ice ages a little bit, just look out. (baby crying) But enough about those dumb, ugly, stupid pooper babies. Let's talk about some super babies. So the movie starts off at the daycare where the first movie took place and the babies are crying, screaming, making nonsense noises, you know, baby stuff. So this is where we meet the daycare owners, Jean and Stan Bobbins. The daycare owners of the first movie, his name was Dan Bobbins, so his brother Stan runs the daycare now. And I'm sure that was a choice by the writers, I'm sure the regular actor wasn't just like, nah, fuck that, I'm not doing a sequel. So now we cut to the main babies communicating with each other, and I forgot how scary it is watching them talk to each other because their mouths don't move. They CG their mouths moving. So here's that. - What kind of milk you drinkin'? - Baby who can perform superhuman feats, communicate to both babies and adults. - Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh. God, that shit activates my fight or flight, dude. Or fight and flight, dude, I'm going to fight these babies and fly away. Okay, since these are the main characters, let's meet them. Okay, we got Archie. He's the main baby of the group. He's ambitious and he shits in his diaper. And then we got Finkleman. He's the smart one and he also shits in his diaper. Then we got Alex, he's energetic and fun and he also, you guessed it, shits in his diaper. And last but not least, we got Rosita. She's spunky and she doesn't take any shit except in her diaper. Or at least I think her name is Rosita. My girlfriend actually noticed this when I forced her to watch this movie. They call her Rosita throughout this whole movie. - [Archie] Rosita! - The IMDB page says that's the character's name, it's Rosita, but then the credits says that her name is Haley. Who's that? Like, that's not just like some typo, y'know? That name is really different from Rosita. I cannot get over that, dude. Like imagine if you were watching the credits for "John Wick" and then it just said Keanu Reeves as Two-Gun Gary and you're like, okay, hold on. I, okay. I thought he was John. I just honestly think that they just like gave up halfway through making this movie and you'll see that going forward but let's move on. So Archie starts talking about this baby superhero that he heard about named Kahuna. - [Archie] Sit back and let me tell you another story about the legendary Kahuna. - Then we cut to this flashback to 1962 when the superhero baby Kahuna saved a bunch of babies in Berlin. (dramatic rock music) And if you've seen the first "Baby Geniuses" movie this kid looks pretty familiar, right? That's because the triplets who play this main, like, superhero baby in this movie also played the main baby genius in the first movie. And I know what you're thinking. If the same actors are in the sequel, they must be playing the same character, right? Uh-uh. The same actors returned for the sequel to play a different character. There's just so many weird aspects to this movie that it's like hard to just focus on the plot. I found it like, interesting that the main character is actually played by triplets because I didn't actually notice. They all look like the same kid. Because, you know, triplets all look the same. Like, that makes sense though, right? They did that with the Sprouse twins when they filmed "Big Daddy" because like, you know, a kid gets tired, you just fucking tag team, swap 'em out, right? So it makes sense but then when I went through the credits and saw that every baby was played by a pair of twins or like a set of triplets and that's pretty weird. Like that must have been a very strange set to be on, right? Like imagine if you were like some craft services guy like walking onto the set. You had no idea what the movie was or anything. All right, food's here everybody. Thank you, mister. Oh, no problem, little guy. Yeah, thank you so much, mister. Whoa. Twins. Would you look at that, that's cool. Thank you, mister, we're very hungry. Oh, well, never mind, triplets! Cool. Thank you, mister! (screaming) Thank you! Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you. Goo goo ga ga. Thank you. What kind of movie is this? A really bad one. So yeah, I had to order this DVD on Amazon because it's not on any streaming service anywhere. Like every streaming service is like, nah, fuck. We don't want that shit. The cover, first off, it says family edition on the top which is odd. You know, because that just makes me think there's like an R-rated version of it somewhere out there. Which I would actually really like to see but the part that I don't like is that at the bottom here there's like this really weird looking babies. Like, they don't look normal. Like, they look like CG just fake babies. And also, none of these babies are in the movie. And it says, "America's favorite talking babies are back." No they're not. They're not in it. And all the other promotional photos that they used for this movie featured these babies. And they're not in the movie. But when I looked at it closely, this one baby, they took a screenshot from the first movie of the main baby and just put it on this baby. But what's weird about that is that baby is this baby. They're the same actor. You can't do that! Okay, let's back into the plot, sorry. So this is where we meet the movie's villain, Captain Kane, played by Academy Award winning actor and Angelina Jolie's father, John Voight. His character, big surprise, wants to take over the world so he does all kinds of bad things. - [Archie] And so he did all kinds of bad things. If you think the Kahuna was about to let Kane get away with that, think again. - Mini blowtorch! Mini blowtorch! - [Woman] Take your mini blowtorch. - Who are you? - The name's Kahuna and I'm busting you kids out of here. (hushed whispering) - Damn, that's a smooth ass baby, dude. That's a smooth baby. Not like smooth, I don't know, but that kid got game is what I'm saying. (upbeat rock music) Okay, so Kahuna saves all these babies and now it's time for a big epic fight scene and you're going to hate it. (dramatic orchestra music) - No! Too late! I told you, it's too late! Now it's over! - It's play time. (victorious orchestra music) One potato, two potato, three potato, four. Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more. (grunting) - Yeah, if there's one thing I never want to see ever again, it's a jacked baby. I don't need that. Muscles shouldn't be on a baby. I'll say that. Not even if you placed a muscle, like a shellfish, a muscle on top of a baby's head, even that ain't okay, okay, no muscles on a baby. I'm just picture like a baby putting like pre-workout powder into his fucking like mom's titty milk. Yeah, I gotta drink this protein to get my reps in. Yeah, I also don't know how to count so you'll have to tell me how much weight I'm lifting. Also, I just shitted on the bench press, sorry. That's a new character I'm working on called Strong Baby. His name is Jim. (laughing) So yeah, Kahuna beats up all the bad guys and he wins again, he escapes, hurray. So now back in the daycare in present day, we found out that this guy named Biscane -- - When you're in business with Biscane Broadcasting you've hit the big time. - Is installing some kind of satellite network at the daycare to like use the babies as like test subjects. - Allowing a huge satellite network access to this facility and to utilize our kids as test marketing subjects, it's everything we stand against. - Doesn't really make any sense but Stan wants the daycare to be the best in the world so he's like, screw it, dude, let's do it, let's get that satellite, it's going to be sat-a-lit. - Bobbin's World will be the McDonald's of daycare. - And you're not going to believe who this Biscane guy is. (people chattering indistinctly) - Tell them to get away. - Not now, please. (dramatic orchestra music) - Mr. Biscane. - Biscane is Captain Kane from the '60s. 40 years later, he still has hatred for babies. (applause) Respect. So we cut back to inside the daycare and this is where we meet another main character. Her name is Kylie. She like helps at the daycare and like reads the babies stories and stuff. So now Biscane is at the daycare, he's giving some speech about his satellite network, and this part pisses me off so much. Archie is like watching Biscane give this speech and then he says this. - [Archie] That's Captain Kane from Berlin! - How would he know that? Hey, straight up, how the fuck would he know that? Like he told this urban legend about Kahuna saving a bunch of babies in Berlin. He doesn't know what this Kane guy looks like, right? Unless when he was telling the story he was like, okay, so Captain Kane, he's a bad guy, he looks exactly like John Voight and he is John Voight. So if you see John Voight, that's Kane. Look, I know this baby is a genius but there's literally no way he could know what Kane looks like. (mellow classical music) (clunking) Wow! (applause) It's a plot hole in one. So Archie brings all the babies into some office to do a Google search on Biscane. A Google gaga search, if you will. And while this is going on, Biscane's henchmen catch the babies in the office and then they start interrogating Archie. - Oh no! - Tell us what you know, little man. - Which is just fucking insane to do. Tell me what you know, baby! (baby crying) And if you thought it was weird that two grown men are interrogating a baby, oh my God, this scene gets so much weirder. - [Henchman] He knows something. (adventurous orchestra music) - [Kahuna] Hey, Pop Face! - It's him, it's the Kahuna! I knew he'd come! - Jesus Christ, that, and no hyperbole, is the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life. If I was one of those henchmen and saw that, dude, if I saw a baby crawling on the ceiling, oh my God. I'd go to the closest volcano and just fucking throw myself in, dude. I'm done. Can they just make one movie that isn't just fucking terrifying, right? The first movie had the huge baby robot and now this one has a fucking demon ceiling baby. Great, thanks. And now Kylie is taking the kids for a walk and on their way out, Biscane's men, they end up dropping a super secret CD into the baby's bag. So while Kylie is walking the babies around, some of Biscane's men are like following them, trying to get the CD back because it's very important. - We gotta get out of here. Hold on, kids! (tires screeching) (babies giggling) (laughing) - If that was real, those kids would have been fucking launched out of that stroller, dude. I wish they could have shown a different camera angle. It would be like that video of the people in the boat like falling over but it would be babies in a stroller. So there's this big chase scene and then they end up getting cornered in some like industrial factory thing. - What do you want? - And things are looking pretty scary but then Kahuna shows up. ♪ Watch your step ♪ - It's the Kahuna! - It's the Kahuna! (groaning) - I love him! - Simp alert! We've got a simp! - I love him! - Archie's a simp, dude. But anyway, he beats the shit out of those guys too and then he escapes with the babies and Kylie. And I know what you're all thinking right now. You're like, hold on, if that baby was a baby in the '60s, how is he still a baby now? Don't worry, they give an explanation for that really soon. So this is ageless possessed demon ceiling baby drives the kids back to his headquarters and this is also where we find out where the movie's budget went because, oh my God, look at that set. We got a bigger budget for this movie, should we spend it on like better writers? Better special effects or something? Nah, cave with boat and water slide, please. Good idea. So all the babies are like walking around, exploring this awesome cave headquarters type thing, and they end up stepping into this thing called the imagination station and this imagination station will turn them into the true versions of themselves. Okay, and I know nothing I'm saying makes sense, just roll with it, literally nothing I say from now on is going to make sense. So the babies step into this imagination station and they get turned into their superhero versions of themselves. There's Brain Boy, Baby Courageous, Cupid Girl, and Bounce Boy. So when I first watched this movie, I was like, okay, cool, so these babies are superheroes now. It's going to be like "The Avengers" with babies. That actually would be kind of cool but obviously that's not what happened. - This thing's busted! - Or maybe the machine's just seeing the real you. Think about it. - Hm. - All right, I'll change it back. (laughing) - Easiest kid to persuade ever. It's not busted, this is the true version of yourself. Think about it. Hm. Okay, okay, fine, I'll change it back. Geez, just please don't be mad at me, I haven't had human interaction in like 40 years. Now we cut to Kylie, she's sitting at the bar, and she's getting pissed off at everybody and everything. - Beat it. Shut up! - And this is when we meet another main character, Zack. And it's that guy. You know, that actor from "Shameless." That's great, we got a love interest now. Yee-haw. And of course his fucking name is Zack. Dude, look at him. That's the most Zack I've ever seen, man. - I'm Zack. - You've got that haircut, you're Zack. Sorry. Your name could Lyle, bro. If your name is Lyle and if you walk into a barbershop and you're like, hey, short and spiky, you're walking out of that barbershop a Zack, dude. Look at your driver's license, it just says Zack now if you have that haircut. Okay, back to the movie. - Wow, he really is a super baby. - Super Kahuna. Have a little respect, the man is over 70 years old. - Okay, so there we go. Kahuna is actually over 70 years old. So at the very least, he was like 30 during that whole Berlin thing. So why did he wink at that little girl if he was actually 30? - Put that down. What are you doing here today? - Name's Kahuna and I'm busting you kids -- - Kahuna, you're canceled, sorry! Hashtag Kahuna is over party. And you know what, I'm not gonna finish the video until I get an apology from Kahuna himself, okay. (upbeat classical music) (crinkling sounds) - I'm sorry, Kurtis. - Thank you. All right, so it turns out Kahuna is like some worldwide like superhero. So they head up to their command center to like check in with the elite people of the world. And when I say elite people, I obviously mean Whoopi Goldberg and the boy band O-Town. ♪ Mr. K to the rescue ♪ - [Archie] That was great! ♪ Mr. K to the rescue ♪ - [Assistant] We have the president online. - Bye. - Oh my gosh. - Can you hold for a moment, Mr. President? (laughing) - I forgot about that. Oh no. So I guess the three most important people in the world, Whoopi Goldberg, O-Town, George W. Bush. In that order. - What is Kylie thinking, taking the children out for so long? - So Kahuna devises a plan to like explain to the owners where the babies went. - I'm Captain Baker of the San Diego Police Department. We have your niece, your son, and three other babies here. Yeah, we're going to put them up in a hotel for the night under police protection, of course, and we'll get nannies to look after the kid. We'll watch 'em like a hawk. - What? Yeah, that's a normal thing that happens. Don't worry about your kids, we'll put them up in a hotel and pay for it and watch them for the night because we're the police and that's what the police do. Your kids are going to be fine, okay? Except for Bounce Boy here. We're going to arrest him for doing nothing at all because we're the police and that's what we do. Okay, so this next part is actually pretty pivotal to the story. So Zack tells Kylie that he was an orphan but Kahuna like rescued him and raised him. - Well, he found me in a Russian orphanage. - That's like his dad, I guess? Which is weird. You say you got daddy issues. - I'm Zack. - And now the part we've all been waiting for, Zack explains how Kahuna got his powers. - [Zack] You see, Kahuna's father was a scientist. He dedicated his time to developing a kind of super vitamin formula but he created something even more powerful, a sort of fountain of youth formula which actually stopped the aging process. Kahuna's father worried that the enemy would realize the true potential of his formula and use it for evil purposes and he was right. (glass shattering) (dramatic orchestra music) - Yep. Oh, what's that up there? So in this flashback it says ten years go by and Kahuna has aged normally which doesn't make sense 'cause if he drank that anti-aging stuff, then he should still be a baby technically. (soothing classical music) Oh, wow, another plot hole in one! So his big brother hates him now because he's strong. - Hey, man, your brother gives everybody the creeps. He's a freak. - Then his father dies. - You'll forever have the body of a child, you know, but you'll always have the heart of a hero. - So one drop of that goo made him a baby forever but if he chugs a whole bottle of it he can crawl on the ceiling. Cool. - Another one. - So Nick and Kylie kiss, it's wicked cool. Then they finally check out the CD and then they realize Biscane's master plan. It's to mind control all the babies and kids all around the world. So they kick it into high gear and they head over to stop Biscane when this happens. (motor revving) (crackling) - I can't see, I can't see! (gasping) - Pretty crazy, right? Kahuna just vanishes and nobody saw where he went because there was a bright light and everybody was blocking their eyes because it was so bright except for Archie, who just didn't listen to the director at all I guess. Ow, my eyes! - I can't see! - This is so bright! - Hey kids. If you're watching this right now, things can't be good. Every child has power. All you have to do is believe. - We've got to work together as a team! What do you say? - Kahuna, Kahuna! - Kahuna, Kahuna! Kahuna, Kahuna! - Kahuna, Kahuna! - Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna! Okay so now we're at Kane's headquarters and this is where the movie tries to like switch lanes to try to like portray some sort of like meaningful message and that message is like, TV is bad, you shouldn't watch it! - Millions of couch potatoes! We'll fill their minds with nothing! - I feel like they just wrote this whole movie and like halfway through act three now they're like, oh, fuck, this movie doesn't have a point. Uh, what should the moral of the story be? Uh, TV bad? Yeah, yeah. Anyways, they lock up Kahuna in this big weird like claw thing. But then he escapes like, literally two minutes later because he's the fucking Kahuna. Meanwhile, Kylie is explaining everything that happened to the daycare owners and then they head over to Kahuna's headquarters. - Holy... - My thoughts exactly. You guys spent the night here? - [Zack] Mr. and Mrs. Bobbins -- - Why does she think that's so funny? - You guys spent the night here? (laughing) - That was dangerous, you shouldn't be laughing about that. You spent the night at some 70 year old's mystery cave brimming with safety hazards? That's hilarious. Hey, can one of you kids hold this knife while I pour you all some shots? I'm a terrible person. Okay, so now they're gearing up for the big final fight. Biscane and his men are on the way. So now the babies head into the imagination station to become their superhero selves. Why didn't they do this a fucking half hour ago? Dunno. - I am too many and too powerful and as always you are all alone. - [Archie] But Kahuna is not alone. - Kahuna is not alone. - Kahuna is not alone! - Another of your little tricks? - Kahuna is not alone. - Not alone. - Not alone! - Kahuna -- - Who is this? - Ugh. - Woo! It's me! - And me! - And me. - Me, too! - So Kahuna like throws the disc and he controls it and makes it fly around the room for the entirety of the fight while the super babies use their new powers. (screaming) - [Rosita] Gotcha. (screaming) You can run but you can't hide from Cupid Girl. (giggling) - I love you, man. - They just start fucking each other. Uh, that was in the R-rated version. They had to cut it out for the family edition. (dramatic orchestra music) - [Alex] Can a brother get some water? - Alex! - That disc belongs to me, girlie! - Who you calling girlie, sister? - Get back to work. - The fight scene is over. They defeat all the henchmen but Kane still ends up getting the CD into the satellite. - I did it! I did it, I did it! - But now it's time for the big twist. - You think I went to all this trouble just because Dad liked you best? - Dad? - What are you talking about? - Biscane here is Kane, my brother. (groaning) - No way. So the whole reason Biscane is the way he is, the reason he's a villain, is because he wanted to be the baby with superpowers. - I should have stayed young forever! - But they go to the satellite feed and they change the mind control message to like a good message or some shit, I don't know. - I can alter the mind control message so instead of being robbed of their free will, we can just turn it around. - And crank up the free will! - No! - You know, man, I don't know what the fuck they're saying at this part. This is like the last page of the script, I think, and the writers are just like, I don't know. Crank up the free will, fuck. - No! - Switch the mind control message to freedom control. They don't have to sit and watch TV all day. - And there it is. Yeah, they don't have to watch TV all day and rot their brains. Watching TV is bad, you shouldn't watch anything on your TV. Except this movie, except "Superbabies." You should watch that. Watch that movie, please. And this next part is, God. It just gets so fucking stupid, man. Biscane gets punched into the imagination station. He's like, oh now I can become a superhero! - This is how they became their super selves. It's time for the real me! - So he presses the button and he's turned into a baby. So, and that's what he wanted. That's what Biscane wanted, he wanted to be a baby. - No, I hate babies! (giggling) - Once he gets turned into a baby, he's pissed off about it. I wanna be a baby. Okay, you're a baby now. No, that's not what I wanted! But anyways, Kahuna leaves. - It's time for me to pack up and move on. - To go play chess in a park. I don't know, whatever fucking 70 year olds do. And now we're at the last scene in the movie, okay, I promise this is the last scene of the whole movie. They're back in the daycare and Jean and Stan, they bring someone special to see Zack. - There's somebody here to see you. - And big surprise, it's his mom! I'm not going to edit this at all. Just watch this scene in its entirety because it's fucking insane. - Are you my... My mother? Um, Mom, this is my friend, Kylie. - Hi. - Kylie, this is my... My mother. (applause) - Yay! - The mom didn't even say yes to the question, "Are you my mom?" She was just like... - Are you my... - But instead of being like, oh my God, Mom, I can't believe it's you, I love you, it's so nice to meet you. He's like, hey Mom, this is my friend, Kylie. Kylie, this is my mom. (laughing) Okay, really quick, I'm editing right now and dude, I didn't notice this before, but the mom looks like she's going in to make out with Zack. It's like in the last second she's like, oh yeah, this is my son, I'm not supposed to smooch him. I just thought that was really funny. Okay, back to the video. I don't know why you would friend zone your girlfriend and then introduce her to someone you don't even know that it's, I don't know, dude. I met my mom the day I was born so I don't know what it's like, I guess, but that's just a very weird way to end the movie, you know? - Kahuna! - All right, fuck, that was "Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2." When I finished watching the first "Baby Geniuses" movie, I was like, wow, that was bad. But when I finished watching this one, I was like pissed off, man. Like at least the first "Baby Geniuses" movie had a little bit of like originality and heart in it, you know? This one just seemed like a quick cash grab and an unsuccessful one at that, too. This movie's budget was 20 million dollars and it made nine million dollars, so all that, for what? I don't if I'm going to make a video about the other sequels. If I do, I'm just going to one video about all three of them. But I'll only do that if you guys want to see it so comment below, let me know if I should do a part three. But yeah, I guess moral of the whole story, moral of the whole movie, is... - [Children] Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna, Kahuna! Kahuna, Kahuna! - All right, well, I hated that movie about those little dudes. So let's talk about some little dudes that I love. Raycon earbuds. That's right, today's sponsor is Raycon so let's talk about them. I love listening to music when I'm working and if I'm going to have earbuds in my ears for an extended period of time, they better be comfortable and that's where Raycon comes in. Raycon offers their wireless earbuds in a range of fun colors and patterns so you can get the perfect pair to fit your style and unlike some of your other wireless options, Raycon earbuds are both stylish and discrete with no dangling wires or stems. And they're not just stylish, okay? I can say with confidence that Raycon earbuds are the most comfortable earbuds I've ever tried. The company was actually co-founded by Ray J and celebrities like Snoop Dogg, Cardi B, and J. R. Smith are obsessed with Raycons. The compact carrying case can charge earbuds four times on a single charge so you can just focus on the important stuff and stop worrying about if your earbuds are charged or not. Now I know what you're thinking, all right? 'Cause I'm psychic. You're thinking, wow, Kurtis, these Raycon earbuds sound amazing but they must cost a fortune. Well, that's where you're wrong. Raycon earbuds start at about half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market and they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know. Now I like the sound of that. Raycons are great for working from home working out, and listening to music and podcasts for hours without driving your housemates crazy. Their Everyday E25 Earbuds are their best model yet with six hours of playtime, seamless Bluetooth pairing, more base, and a more compact design that gives you a nice, noise isolating fit. And Raycon has hooked up the citizens of Kurtis Town with a great deal, okay? If you want get 15% off your order all you have to do is click the link in the description. It's that easy. And you'll also be supporting me and my channel so it's a win-win-win-win. Everyone wins. All right, thank you so much to Raycon for sponsoring this video. Back to me. All right, thank you so much for watching, guys, I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please press the like button because one like equals one baby on the ceiling. Yeah, leave a comment if you want me to make a video about "Baby Geniuses" 3, 4, and 5, I don't want to, but I will if you want to see it because I'm a man of the people. Yeah, if you want to subscribe, you can do that. No pressure, but it'd be pretty cool. You'd be one of the cool kids if you did. (laughs) I'm kidding. If you want to see other shit I do, you can check the description. Instagram, Twitter, my podcast, merch, Twitch, all that bullshit. All right, guys, I actually have to go, though. Sorry, I have to, I'm really thirsty so I'm going to butt chug some of that green juice. See ya! (mellow R&B music) I've got diarrhea!
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,047,917
Rating: 4.9825959 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, movie review, bad movie review, worst movie ever, baby geniuses, superbabies, cringe, bad acting, terrible movie, disaster movie, baby, cringe baby
Id: kbLxFezgYIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.