Justin Bieber's Bizarre Desperation

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hey guys for again to this video I just wanna remind you guys I got some shows coming up on the west coast I'm doing a West Coast tour these are the cities I'm going to it's gonna be a lot of fun San Francisco sold out like super quick so we added a second show Tacoma also sold out so we're doing a Late Show the same night so those tickets are available too so I'm doing a Valentine's Day show in San Francisco so come spend your Valentine's Day with me dude it's gonna be fun and good so yeah tickets in the description see you there enjoy the video hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going so good to see you again I hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos okay so press that subscribe button for extra wheeling folks okay so this video I feel like it's a little different from my usual ones because you know usually I'm talking about like a youtuber or like a weird like tick-tock trend but but this week I'm going head-to-head toe-to-toe with one of the most famous celebrities in the world Steve Wilkos dude I got a fucking problem with you Steve pull up all right we got a boxing match all right I'm kidding obviously today we're gonna be talking about everybody's favorite Canadian boy and I'm not talking about Alex Trebek I'm of course talking about Justin Bieber I feel like by the time this video comes out what I'm talking about and this whole thing will be old news and a lot of other youtubers will have talked about it already because I take a long time to edit my videos but here we are I wanted to talk about Justin Bieber this week because he's doing some very weird things before we get into everything that's happening and before the the Justin Bieber stands tell me to Frick off because they're too young to swear I just want to say I'm usually a big fan of Justin Bieber's music okay I saw him live a few years ago and you put on like an amazing show purpose is the fucking great album under the mistletoe is actually the best Christmas album ever made and dude eenie-meenie slaps so hard it's unbelievable even though that's technically a Sean Kingston song our boy Justin he's some very questionable things in the past and he's had his fair share of controversies but he's still he still remains to be one of the most liked popular celebrities in the world which is why his recent behavior is so strange so before we talk about his recent behavior we got to talk about his past the past few years to put the whole thing into context so a few years ago Justin was on this huge world tour and he ended up canceling the rest of his shows too you know just like take a break and focus on his mental health which is amazing I respect that so much you know I can't imagine the life that guy lives how much pressure is on him so a few years go by he gets married and he appears in like some songs here and there but he never puts out his own music you know he's only ever really like featured in songs like the DJ Khaled ones and that that most the most recent one the Ed Sheeran one you know that good edge here and one that we all listen to every day so after years of not releasing any solo music on December 11th 2019 he puts a picture on his Instagram that says Bieber 2020 whoa he was telling us how good his vision was and we're all very happy for him hey guys Bieber here I got 20 20 but now man people start freaking out when they saw that you know cuz you know the Biebs is coming back he's our boy is coming home and you know we and we thought we would never see it happen but Never Say Never so everybody was super stoked for his return he announced like this a documentary series he's doing a new album a new tour everyone was so excited and on December 28th Justin Bieber drops his comeback single yummy and people didn't like it some of the lyrics are pretty ridiculous not a match get many baby I love him but yummy is just like not in it's not day what is this yummy bush what is this man is really out here going from last year propping up the known abuser Chris Brown to sound like Chris Brown on this new track not good it's not good this this sucks so yeah not the best reception and people were very vocal about how they felt about this song there's a lot of people making you know jokes and memes about it and I made one too I know you know I had to toss one in the bunch you know couldn't hurt the joke that I made was about Justin Bieber at his at his wedding saying like yummy yummy yummy you are young yum yum yummy yum yum because a lot of the backlash on this song was because of the lyrics like the song had like five songwriters and that's the stuff you come up with you're talking about your wife Justin your wife the girl that you promised to spend the rest of your life with and you're like ish she tastes pretty good like that's what you say to someone when they ask you how your how your ice Cream's sent Sunday was you know not how you feel about your life partner bro you know my wife is like well-seasoned bro like yo if Gordon Ramsay is on my wife he'd be like bloody delicious anyways the song is out for a few days and this is when stuff starts to get weird so justin bieber starts promoting this his new song yummy wish you know artists do that's normal but Justin promoted the absolute shit out of this song like holy smokes like when you scroll up on his Instagram it's just the lyrics of his song basically it's just yummy over and over again that's all it is dude and it was not just Instagram okay if you go to his YouTube there's a yummy lyric video the yummy official video the Justin yummy fan lip-synch yummy Beliebers react a yummy animated video a yummy food fight and a yummy another yummy animated video wow that's a lot Curtis you all just said right now well there's more okay there's a yummy dance challenge a hashtag yummy dance challenge there's a yummy game which is just a pacman ripoff he also started a tick tock account and only lip syncs to yummy those are the only videos he does on there like he really he just shoved it down everybody's throats he really really tossed it in there and it was not yummy okay he was yucky yeah you got that yucky and then he I guess he tried to do some alternative marketing strategy where he posted a bunch of pictures of babies on his Instagram with the caption yummy and let me just say right now that's super weird a Biebs very weird of you to do that my guy like what is it what does that mean do you eat babies Justin I don't I don't get it yummy is what you say to food or your wife I guess and then you're posting a just babies I'll do it I'm all Rach my examples gonna I can't even talk do you it's racking my brain so much that I guess I guess that means he eats babies which is fucked up you know that gives a whole different meaning to his song baby and obviously it wasn't just me who was weird out by this a lot of people were understandably so he puts out a song seemingly about fellatio with lyrics like you got that yummy YUM say the word on my I'm on my way and then promotes it by posting 13 babies I beg your pardon bro that's a big old you got a big old pardon from this guy oh wait sorry hold on I'm actually getting okay yeah I'm actually I'm just getting some word on this current situation this Justin Bieber is a weird awho so when I saw that when I saw the whole baby thing I was like okay another celebrity doing something just fucking insane what else is new but then I saw these next posts and videos and these are what actually prompted me to actually like write this video so in a now-deleted Instagram post Justin Bieber posted this like step-by-step guide on how to make sure his song will get to number one because that's what Justin Bieber really wants he just wants his song to be number one and you'll see that going forward so yeah let's let's look through that post right now how to get yummy to number one Spotify create a playlist with yummy on repeat and stream it play on a low volume let it play while you sleep if you are not from the US you can download a vnp app okay VPN proofread holy shit set the VPN to us and then create a Spotify account iTunes buy the song on iTunes buy the song multiple times on Justin's website YouTube don't repost the video like it instead stream on YouTube log out of your account don't skip ads don't mute it don't repeat refresh gotta fuckin post that that YouTube that last one I got a post that every time I upload a video a man if Justin's doing it I can do it too dude that's like really sleazy right I think that's also the first time I've ever unyk Lee used the word sleazy in my life that's how easy it is it's so sleazy I had to use that word and it's not even being like hey bliss please listen to my song I really want that spot it's like yeah you got a you guy get a VPN app and manipulate stream data so it makes it seem like more people are listening to my song in the US and also play it while you sleep gangs you know the best way to get your streams up let's put out a good song man that's literally all you can do he's at the he's out up a level in his career where no matter what he puts out he's gonna have millions and millions of people listening to it he's Justin Bieber it's just fucking sad to see man cuz a lot of Justin's fans are younger and they look up to him so much so they're gonna do that they're gonna go to their parents are gonna force their parents to get a VPN for them to use they're gonna stream yummi on repeat all fucking day and night the parents are gonna get sick of the song so the parents are gonna kick the kid out of the house obviously Justin do you want kids living on the street is that what you want cuz that's what that does cancel so you're all probably thinking wow Curtis that's gross I can't believe he did that it can't get much worse than that well you're wrong it does it gets a lot worse so justin bieber was doing a bunch of instagram lives to promote his song okay let's just watch it i can't even describe it let's let's watch the video are you download my song on itunes yes I did did you purchase it man but you know I need you to purchase on iTunes I have you did both you've been crushing it as a fare doing everybody around the world so proud isn't that so sad man here's this little girl who's so excited to finally like talk to the to the artist who she looks up to and loves the most like so excited he's just like hey just buy my song you got your computer with you you got it go get it you get my song you buy it I don't believe you do buy instrument show me the receipt idiot you get it did you fucking get oh you did oh you're the best fan you're the best friend in the world we love you and I love you now my god fuck you Justin Bieber that is disgusting okay shame on you shame and it's not like this was like an isolated incident dude it Hayes D did it like several times with a bunch of different people man it's yucky don't get me wrong I I totally understand self-promotion dude I literally started this video by promoting my stand-up shows next month I get it you have to do that but man don't fucking force people and make them feel bad if they didn't stream or buy your song enough right people are busy man maybe people can't afford to buy your fucking song about eating babies maybe maybe they don't have time maybe one have time to stream your song over and over again right the only person to blame for your song not being number one is you sorry or maybe there's some other artist that's blowing up right now and like taking your spot fucking Oh No right I'm not gonna sit here and act like oh I'm so much better than Justin Bieber but dude like imagine if a measured if I did that same thing you know hmm hey hey I know you from YouTube cool did you did you watch my new video yet just put it just put today no I have another time I've been I've been here at the mall today so did you did you listen to my my podcast episode that I put out yesterday did you do that at least no I'm I'm actually been really busy unfortunately yesterday I did I had to take my parents to go visit our grandmother who's in the hospital she's very sick and when we were at the hospital of my mom and my dad they fell down the elevator shaft so now they're in the hospital too so I've just been I've just been really busy and I I just haven't had the time I'm so sorry that you haven't been able to watch my video yet did you did you at least buy my merch you got it you've gotta get my merch right yeah yeah I did okay well then why aren't you wearing it well it's dirty it's dirty you made it dirty because I wore it it seriously just watch my video aren't you a fan you said you liked me right everyone this is weird just watch the video seriously just fine I'll watch it Jesus Christ man okay look I'm pulling it up you've been crushing it as a fan doing everybody around the world so proud okay as I'm filming this video Yummie is at number nine on like the overall iTunes charts and number three on the pop charts and that's great dude Justin you have a top 10 song in the world dude after not making music for years that's amazing and also I understand that he's under a lot of pressure dude I can't even imagine dude like I put a lot of pressure on myself and what I do and I'm just a fucking youtuber dude but like come on buddy come on I want to show you guys one more video that Justin did that kind of illustrates every issue that I have with him at the moment so let's watch that I'm doing everything I can on my end yeah let's go to number one let's go go stream it right now if you're on here go stream yummy like please man I really want this frickin spot I need all the help I can get all right guys go stream it love you but I'm doing everything I can on my end did hey I held up my end of the bargain and that was to make a mediocre pop song with weird lyrics about eating babies and you guys aren't you guys aren't listening to it enough you guys guys didn't even get a BNP app just to listen to it all night again I don't know what it's like to be one of the most famous people in the world dude that must be crazy and I didn't want this video to be it like just fuck you Justine anymore this is cringe like I'm even though I kind of just said that a few minutes ago but that's not my intention okay believe me I just can't really get over the like that just like the desperation he has to get that number one spot you know like he took all those years off to focus on himself his mental health and to make himself just feel better so he can come back and make music right the thing that he loves to do and that's great that's amazing I'm so proud of him that he did that you would think after taking all that time off you know getting married all that stuff you would think he wouldn't come back ring about like oh I need the spiny the number one spot that's all that matters dude like a pretty similar comparison to this whole situation would be with Harry Styles right Harry Styles Justin Bieber - in sanely popular musicians with immense pressure on them to to chart make money sell records and all that but listen to this snippet from Harry Styles beats one interview for so long especially in the band it was like every album got bigger and every tour got bigger and it was like always growing and I think when I went to make the first record it was kind of freeing cuz I felt like well I don't have to do this anymore if you're happy doing what you're doing then nobody can tell you I'm not successful dude comparing that to Justin Bieber's livestreams dude it's night and day dude I need you to purchase on iTunes and that might not be a fair comparison to make because if you compare any one to Harry Styles the other person is gonna look like absolute dogshit the man is perfect Wow but you know what I'm you know what I'm trying to say right when you make good music people are gonna listen to it you know it's same thing as like movies when you make a good movie a lot more people are gonna go see it which actually gives me a really good idea okay Justin if you want the number one spot if that's what you want more than anything just do what Hollywood does man just make sequels I guarantee you dude if Justin Bieber made one less lonely girl - oh that's the number one spot for sure you look me dead in the eyes and you tell me that if Justin Bieber put out one time - the second time or baby - what's for dessert that he would not get the number one spot yeah you can't okay you can't do that in conclusion Justin Bieber in the wise words of Tyra Banks never in my life have I yelled at a girl like this when my mother yells like this is because she loves me I was rooting for you you were all rooting for you how dare you you learned something from this all right now that we're all done talking about Justin Bieber it's time to talk about the real reason you clicked on this video and that is the ad read and today's sponsor fits very well is expressvpn if you've been watching my videos for a while you know all about expressvpn and why it's so good but if you haven't given it a try yet now is the perfect time I travel a lot you know when I'm douche O's and stuff and whether I'm at like a hotel or an airport I always have to use like public Wi-Fi connections and if I don't use Express VPN while using those connections I'm wide open to all these stinky little hackers will just steal all my stuff do it it's scary and if a hacker steals your information online they can open bank accounts in your name look through your emails access your social media passwords all because you didn't have expressvpn protection expressvpn actually encrypts your data which prevents people from sniffing your information when you use a public Wi-Fi network another amazing thing 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would mean so much one like actually equals one baby saved from Justin Bieber's hungry hungry face so just like the video to save a baby leave a comment let me know you thought the video let me know what you think of this whole J Beebe situation because yeah it's just so weird I never seen anything like it and so let's talk about it dude let's just fucking vibe down in the comment section also don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun and as soon as you press that subscribe button you become a valued member of Curtis town if you don't know Curtis town is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law if you want to see the other stuff I do check out the description I can follow me on Instagram Twitter I check out my weekly podcast called very really good if you enjoy my videos you'll enjoy the podcast as well it's a good time also I got merged down there I forgot some shows coming up please come to the shows I really want the number one show spot I really need it alright that's it that's it for the video though thank you so much for watching seriously means the world I hope you enjoyed it I gotta go though I got to go pee into a restaurant mop bucket to make our boy Justin proud okay bye [Music] Justin Bieber I hardly know her um sorry okay
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,358,986
Rating: 4.97434 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, justin bieber, yummy, justin bieber yummy, yummy reaction, commentary, desperation, justin bieber desperate, cringe
Id: eYzX05lrgCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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