The Frightening World of AI Generated Content

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Why is the AI video the funniest thing I’ve ever seen?

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/rougekat 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

havent laughed this hard in a long time thank u ai kurtis

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/bitchbri 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I've watched this through twice and was in pain I laughed so hard both times. Thank you for this gift ai Kurtis

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ExhaustedPolyFriend 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn, i wonder what kind of stuff AI will be able to do in the future.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Deepfakers 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the primitive forms of artificial intelligence we already have have proved very useful but i think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race [Music] once humans develop artificial intelligence it would take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever increasing rate humans who are limited by slow biological evolution couldn't compete and would be superseded hello i didn't originally intend for that intro to be so uh spooky but i think it looks cool and that's really all that matters all right well i guess i'll do my silly little intro now hi there welcome to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going really good to see you again i hope you're doing well see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so you might as well just press that subscribe button for an extra reading oh you think i'm tired of saying that yeah right folks we're going to try something a little different today all right no cringy tick tocks or bad movies or anything today i'm going to talk about something that just genuinely interests me this is it underneath my eyeball wow look at it go no this video is about artificial intelligence not to sound like neil breen in twisted pair a limitless digital universe but i've always been really interested in the uses and future potential of ai so i thought hey why not devote a whole video to it right we'll research it we'll we'll dive into it we'll really just go down the rabbit hole we're gonna do a cannonball into a rabbit's [ __ ] so come along hop on the boat and let's go for a ride ai captain artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence such as visual perception speech recognition decision making and translation between languages boring whenever i hear the term ai i think of ai in like video games like cyberpunk 2077 well here we go [Music] okay well maybe not that game as a bad example that was all a and no i last of us part two how about that the enemy ai in that game is like trained to track you down and actually behave like human beings like when you kill someone in that game another enemy will like scream the name of the person you just killed because they're sad that they lost their friend [Music] it's awesome i mean it's violence is bad it's what the whole game was about i didn't learn my lesson but the ai in video games is actually different from the ai that your alexa uses for example you know video game ai has to abide by a certain set of rules because if not they could just learn what the player does and totally adapt and change their behavior ai and real life devices use machine learning that allows the system to constantly better itself as new information becomes available to it so that in a video game would be brutal like imagine you're playing super mario 64 and you're about to fight bowser and he just pulls out a gun and shoots you it wouldn't be a very fun game well yeah give bowser a gun 20 21 a rhyme so it's got to happen but there's actually a lot of amazing real world uses for ai happening right now like spotting cancer and tissue slides better than human epidemiologists discovering new uses for existing drugs fast translation for easier communication anticipating acts of fraud before they even happen and so much more but you know what call me shania twain seriously call me shania twain i want to compliment you on your music okay call me shania twain because that don't impress me much all those things i listed that ai can do that's all math and science crap all right robots are supposed to be good at that [ __ ] you think i'm impressed when owen wilson says wow in a movie no do you ask a fish how it swims um or a bird how it flies no no siree you don't they do it because they were born to do it the ai that a i am interested in is the ai that tries to create original pieces of art cause you know what i'm an artist sorry all these fart jokes i make i hate to break it to you but that's art that's fart whether it's a painting a poem a song a script to me creating art and consuming art is one of the most human things we can do right so how can a silly little robot make something as moving as the sistine chapel or boss baby i don't think it can be done and that's what i wanted to focus on in this video like the relationship between ai and art here's a hypothetical i think about all the time if ai gets to the point where it can script an amazing animated movie every single time in minutes and then they train ai to beautifully animate that movie script a studio like pixar could put out like hundreds and hundreds of movies every year like with no human ever even touching it you know whether it's just as good or even better than what humans make in the back of your head if you're watching one of these movies i think it would feel wrong it'd feel gross i think the coolest part about watching an animated movie is like you could pause it at any time and whatever frame you're looking at you know some poor animator was ripping their [ __ ] hair out because they were so stressed about trying to make that frame look the best it possibly could and that's why i think we need to be like really careful with this ai stuff and i know that's like on the very low end of the spectrum of how scary ai can be oh no robot make movie too quick slow down i think there's much more to be worried about in terms of ai like this interview with a robot for example i don't like noisy pop music oh let's talk about something else okay like cruise missiles you know that cruise missiles are a kind of robot but of course if i was able to hack in and take over cruise missiles with real live nuclear warheads then that would let me hold the world hostage so i could take over the governance of the entire world which would be awesome [Music] i mean she has to die right i think we can all agree on she needs to die someone needs to kill this robot i know violence isn't the answer unless the question is how do we get rid of this robot violence excessive violence which would be awesome holy [ __ ] dude i don't like pop music let's talk about something else like cruise missiles hey pardon and then there was that robot sophia saying this i will destroy humans and of course there was that whole thing with the alexas a few years ago just randomly laughing yeah so our days are numbered but that's not what this video is about we're not talking about robots taking over the world we're talking about robots in the arts and that's arguably scarier have you ever met a theater kid imagine a theater kid that never sleeps just constant show tunes and impressions all day that's hell on earth but if you didn't know ai is actually already creating pieces of art so how do we take a look at that this is the portrait of edmund de bellamy it is the first ai created painting to ever be auctioned and it was made by an algorithm that used a data set of about 15 000 portraits how much did it sell for good question 432 hundred dollars just obviously too much but there's the obvious question is this even art or is it simply just a rehash of every other piece of art that the algorithm has seen i don't know dude because one could argue that's what human made art is as well right just a reimagining or reinterpretation of all the things we've seen before is art really something that can be boiled down to an equation or an algorithm i don't have the answers to these questions and that's why it's so frustrating i guess art is anything that makes you feel something but then taco bell would be art because that makes me feel like i'm bleeding out of my [ __ ] like when i see that i don't feel personally inclined to call it art because a human didn't make it but at the same time that elephant that cute little elephant that made all those paintings oh she's definitely an artist dude she's my favorite artist and don't you forget it she won't she's a [ __ ] elephant but obviously just from looking at ai art pieces if they're not as accurate or artistically impressive as the portraits it's basing the new artwork off of right there's just something like really eerie about them if you made these paintings in your art class i think your teacher would have to schedule a meeting with your parents because something is clearly wrong talking too much about cruise missiles i'm sure tom cruise missiles alternate title the top gun tom cruise message i'm getting distracted man and this creepiness is something that's pretty consistent with ai generated content and i think it's only creepy because like i said before in the back of your head you know a human didn't make it it's like if you woke up one morning and there was just bird [ __ ] on your bedroom floor you know it's not supposed to be there and it looks way different than the stuff a human would make that's what ai art makes me feel like there's bird [ __ ] in my bedroom or human [ __ ] in a bird cage either another great example of creepy ai content there's a video of ai take a shot every time i say ai and [ __ ] rest in peace there's a video of ai trying to continue the famous song all star by smash mouth by only hearing the first 15 seconds of the song and the end result is terrifying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is okay a second thought that actually kind of goes hard i'll admit it that slaps they put the a in a i cause that was she was lit imagine that version in the opening of shrek so like the paintings it's obviously not the most high quality piece of content but for a robot pretty impressive like you can see the potential in the future for robots like creating art it's huge but riddle me this can a robot write one line of a video script and then proceed to watch one hour of youtube to reward himself for all his hard work didn't think so hey just uh just popping in to confirm that i'm currently scripting the video you're watching right now um but here's a there's a video of the history of mario kart 64 speed running so hard at work so if you couldn't tell i'm in the boat of ai content is bad and scary and i hate it but i'm going to go into this with an open mind and the one cool thing about ai generated content is a lot of it is kind of just like open to the public there are websites out there where you can use ai to make your own content so how about we give that a try [Music] did you like how i put d-a-i-y like d-i-y but a-i so d-a-i-y cause i didn't okay i get it i know ai can make life way easier for a bunch of people and they can revolutionize the way we use tech but i don't give a [ __ ] about that dude i just want to laugh at memes all right take me to meme school meme school luckily there's a website where an ai robot will make memes for you and the results are honestly funnier than any regular meme i've ever seen so the website's called this meme does not exist there's a bunch of like just like blank meme formats up here and it just uses like data based on all a bunch of other memes to make ai generated memes all right that one with the two the two handshakes right the two guys shaking hands we got [Music] you see a bear and a strange dick when you see your friend with his friends that's so sad and uh i'll be honest i use this website for like hours the other night so i'll show you some of the favorite ones that i made or well i guess i didn't make them i'll show you my favorite ones that the robot made for me i want to be a professional person but i will start a fight i love this one so much because it doesn't even adhere to like the intended format of the meme right it's intended to be this like mocking type thing but this one is just like nope listen i would really like to be professional but i i know i will start a fight i don't know with who or when or for what reason but i know for a fact i will be throwing hands ah also didn't realize this before i feel i feel inclined to say that in my script it says in brackets pose like sponge bag i don't know how to do this sponge bag here's another good meme flooding is the best thing ever change my mind this meme format is just it's so good and it's funny to think about anyone being pro-flooding but to imagine someone who is so pro-flooding that they set up a desk at a college campus just begging people to even try to change their mind yeah flooding is the best thing ever more room for me and my fish i mean my fish bros i mean my bros hey come on man are you a fish yeah i'm a fish to all the boys who think i put the cheese in my bed i think those are just so funny to me because they literally make no sense at all like does this mean boys in general are like boring and lame but anyone who thinks you put the cheese in your bed is superior or actually this is the full real title of the new noah centennial movie i didn't get in [Music] but amidst these absurd memes that make no sense whatsoever like two times out of ten this meme generator will actually make a meme that makes sense not sure if this is a real person or a trump supporter not bad that's a pretty good meme you trying to have a normal day and then your friends show up and now you're not having a normal day some [ __ ] random meme page could post that and caption it tag the tag your tag this take the squad take your squad and then you would get a bunch of likes i hope they'd be more confident with the caption but if memes aren't your thing i also found another ai website that creates inspirational quotes so here are some of my favorites from that one dentists are not not going to laugh at you feel inspired i do i'm inspired to never go to the dentist ever again that's why they wear those [ __ ] face masks because underneath oh man they're just [ __ ] cracking up dentists are gonna laugh at you that's a guarantee a guarantee if you will and i'm sure you will running a small business is 100 cool holy [ __ ] did he write that with a sparkler you know people do that in photos and [ __ ] they'll like i don't know how they do it but they make like words with sparklers of all the things to write that's what he picks you see in this photo we wrote happy and then in this photo we wrote love whoa cool wow yeah what did you write with your sparkler running a business is 100 cool what why do you do that well i mean dentists are not not gonna laugh at you are you okay can you call an ambulance i thought my lit sparkler was a q-tip jesus christ man don't get mad at me just like the meme generator this inspirational quote thing is it's only successful a small percentage of the time i only really got one that made sense and it was this photo of a boxer that reads do your best be a gay wizard and you know what that's true that is unequivocally true you may think you're doing your best but if you're not casting spells and [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] a another person of the same sex i'm sorry you're not you're not hard enough you're not working hard enough but my man dumbledore he was always doing his best bro be like dumbledore die in the sixth movie will be replaced by another old man in the third one and then die in the sixth one but those memes and inspirational quotes you know they're there to make us laugh but you know what that's just immature dude sometimes you gotta sometimes you gotta feel [ __ ] you know art makes you emotional so luckily there's an ai program that uh will write a poem for you it's called verse by verse and it's actually developed by google so that's that's something right all you have to do is give it a prompt for the first line and then it does the rest of the poem for you so here are a few of my poems [Music] sweet tooth feed me some of that hot chocolate slop turn me into the barn with an arm thy dark eyes over the mountain top i noticed it in my own new farm [Applause] sharp i'm a dumb [ __ ] with a sharp sword but frisk into white and virgin knees take the boon communion with the lord because of the world no man shall see help me pubes so foul they're making me sick they made me hard by their piety ed had a sweet swallow on a stick after a little pause she was he [Music] i'll give you a minute to go to go get some uh tissue because you're crying or coming or either or so the memes and poems those are fun but what about videos making videos is my line of work and that's how most people consume content these days so let's see what videos ai can make just looking on youtube there's a bunch of videos titled forcing a bot to write a blank where they'll force a bot to write a script and then they'll just film that script and there's one in particular called forcing a bot to write an olive garden commercial which was pretty funny almost a little too funny what is wrong friend four [Music] [Laughter] and upon further research it was confirmed that this olive garden commercial was actually written by a human there was no bot at all the whole thing was fake crazy right i don't know if you remember but there was a meme going around on twitter a while back where people would post scripts uh claiming that they forced a bot to watch a thousand hours of harry potter for example and it would make a script and they were really funny but those are actually proven to all be fake they're all just written by a person because if you were to force a bot to watch a thousand hours of harry potter even though a thousand hours of harry potter doesn't even exist but if you were to force an ai to watch a video it would only produce more video it wouldn't it wouldn't write a script with recurring characters and dialogue and stage directions so i think a lot of people were just using the buzz around ai to make these nonsensical videos actually makes sense in some context and that's annoying dude why are you lying yeah robot made this it did just me click the [ __ ] click the video you won't do it [ __ ] but after watching these videos and discovering that these bot written scripts were fake i got to thinking which is crazy i never do that i got to thinking is it actually possible for ai to write a full script and for it to be as absurd and funny as those fake ai videos i guess my real question is can a robot script a video for me and there's really only one way to find out oh it's getting warm in here so i took my sweater off also check it out [Applause] um i have a confession though believe it or not i've actually used ai in my last few videos there's a really cool website called runway ml that provides tools for content creation that use machine learning and they have this green screen software that isolates the subject of a video using ai so you can achieve the effect of green screen without actually using a green screen so with that program i can be in my office and then look at that i'm at the i'm at the friggin eiffel tower bonjour do you like a croissant but they also have a bunch of other tools on there as well and it's actually surprisingly easy to make your own ai models on that website i actually made one myself i trained a bot to make a youtube thumbnail for me after showing it 30 of my own youtube thumbnails and this is what i got yeah you'd click on that right you'd see what that was about right that amorphous blog with no discernible shape or structure do my click-through rate's gonna be crazy from now on so i think this website is the best bet for me if i want to train an ai robot to write a script for me and i found out about runway ml from my friend and fellow canadian youtuber matthew paquette he made a video about runway ml a while back and he's been using their tools to make really cool content he made a video on tick tock that got 11 million views okay where he trained an ai bot to create photos of people who don't actually exist like that he's not great that guy isn't even that guy doesn't exist he isn't real i can make fun of this guy and not feel bad hey [ __ ] you man this guy sucks i bet he [ __ ] wets the bed i bet this guy doesn't even shave his balls weirdo loser c and it's fine because he's not real and hey cards on the table i'm a dumbass and i don't know if i'm the best guy to actually train an ai bot so if i'm gonna do this if i'm gonna train a robot to write a full-on video script for me i'm gonna need help from someone smart like matthew literally the first half of his name is math he's smart so how about we go have a chat with matt a chaff you with matthew hello hello for the first time we didn't just have a full conversation before this you pretty much i think you'd call yourself a genius right i mean self-proclaimed but no you're you've always been like really um knowledgeable about just like tech and just everything which i've always been really um impressed by if i'm if i'm being honest that's why i thought you know this was perfect for for you to help me with this video even though it's technically you're the one who like told me kind of basically the idea for it but sweep it under the rug everything and this is all my idea but yeah you've been using ai a lot in your like recent content yeah so maybe a couple months ago um i came across uh just some ai stuff on the internet and i was like oh that's really interesting and kind of did like a big deep dive into it and then just kind of uh discovered all the different things you can do with ai and you don't need to be a programmer you don't need to be a genius like there are websites for regular people to use to take advantage of ai just so just how ai relates to to creating content what do you uh do you think it's like good and like going forward do you think it could be like harmful in the long run or something like that yeah i mean when you take a look at what ai has done for like um content creation i think there's like two big sides to it like for example let's say you are in the vfx industry and you spend all day every day cutting out um your subjects from the scene um some people might be like concerned that that's going to take their jobs away and then on the other hand those tools are allowing everybody including the professionals to just be more efficient and to create more and in some ways you can just accelerate the process and hopefully be doing more in terms of uh what this video is about basically uh do you think it's possible do you think do you think it can be done to just like every time make a great perfect legible video i mean uh you could definitely have a robot create a script for you uh it just might not be a good script but it'll make sense it'll be english right it'll be a video but uh as of now you're probably not gonna have something high enough quality to actually shoot and run with okay that's bad news but we can try yeah we're gonna give it a try we could do um there is a ai model that literally just learns as much as it can off the internet it'll just scan ripping all the english text off of everything and then we can just feed it your video scripts and it'll be like a little virtual curtis connor holy [ __ ] okay so we're pretty much feet force-feeding someone a bunch of crap all the right stuff and then they're hopefully they're gonna poop out a curtis video precisely great well uh thanks for giving me some insight onto ai thanks for helping me out uh everyone check out matthew's channel it's great you can you can learn a bunch of stuff and you know i can say from personal experience he's a good person thank you very much he only paid me a lot to say that a lot all right hello so matthew actually made several different models to try to get the best outcome also last month i had closed captions added to a bunch of my old videos so it was super easy for me to get the scripts from pretty much all my videos for the bot he was able to generate a few scripts that were pretty funny there was a few issues with the script i'll show you right now what that video would look like if i did film it with that script and i'm sure you'll see what the issue is we've got a big boy today i think we can all agree on one thing curtis it's babies today we've got a big boner i've never been as happy in my life ever since my iphone 3gs i bought it new because i wanted something different with the apps on it what i'm trying to say is that i miss my boob tube so much like what the [ __ ] happened to my boob job i miss my boobs i miss having boobs that big i used to have boobs like everybody does now i just look better without it i just wear makeup and that's about it i think that's all i can really think about boobs in these terms curtis i think boobs are over party iced tea i think that's all i can really think about right now are we in the last days of the baby boomer decade well yeah i mean the boob tube is over party i think so that's good so you can see what's wrong with that script right it's pretty funny and absurd but i had to add in my own punctuation to it so i could even read it because it was essentially just one long run-on sentence and america doesn't run on sentence it runs on duncan so this is not gonna cut it and this happened because the ai model has just strictly my dialogue to go off of so it's only gonna spit out more of just dialogue you know what i mean like there's no stage directions or different characters or anything like that so what that means is if i want the ai to essentially write a screenplay for my videos then it needs my videos in screenplay format and i unfortunately don't write my scripts like that i should i've been meaning to but i i am too lazy so i actually hired a professional video captioning service that was a little more expensive than i'd hoped so matthew and i decided that five videos would be a good amount for the ai to go off of so i needed to pick five of my youtube videos out of like the 100 that i have so that was really tough but i ended up sending over five videos that i think have a good mix of everything that i do on my channel the five videos i picked were fulfilling my childhood dream of becoming a magician i became a country boy tick tock's worst dating coach does anybody else remember mancer's and the i'm not like most girls phenomenon i think that's a pretty good serving for the ai it's a nice little a nice little beer flight for it you know to get a nice sampling of what my channel has to offer which isn't much so a week later they sent me the screenplays and now we had everything we needed so i sent everything to matthew and he began training the ai bot hopefully this [ __ ] works i'm filming this part before the bot is actually done uh writing the scripts i honestly don't know how it's gonna turn out i hope it's good but yeah here's the curtis connor video written by a robot enjoy hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's quite the opposite as usual if you're coming back you're not welcome back [Music] italian it's really good to see you again i hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos it's really good to see y'all seeing that all right [Music] [Applause] but we're gonna come out and say we're not like most country stars we're gonna show you some country stuff and i'm gonna throw you some cash you got some cash put your money where your mouth is an inch long 300 a clip we're gonna throw up the hill okay [Applause] so today we're gonna take a look at some of the most talked about streaming services in the world and we're gonna take a look at some of them for example netflix is the fastest growing streaming service in the world accounting for just under a billion videos a week and it's also the second biggest offender twitter behind bars for like two years [Music] but dude [ __ ] i wince every time i see this guy i will rub my balls in the balls and those are just not human reactions and you should never be able to consent to guys like this so i'm gonna post this video in my bathroom i swear to god it's easy to forget it's been a few years since the amanda show but one thing has changed a lot of people are like oh my god we're no longer the same people we're two people so if you're coming to the united states you're not allowed to email buy something you're not allowed to view this content but according to the latest available data the top 1 of earners make more than 12 300 making them a millionaire and that's more than double the average household income and that's more than double the average household income okay so i'm going to show you some questions and i'm going to show you some video footage well it's it's really easy hey brother hey how you doing look at you brother i'm just trying to find you you may be living on a farm so you got to start looking at other fields [Music] there it is there's a lot of good stuff growing up on this earth but if you want to be a true country boy you need to look at some [ __ ] fields [Music] diamonds [Music] so i guess we gotta crack the code oh oh [Music] all right that's the end of the video sorry video short please i should just close my mouth in conclusion bottoms up so sue me sue me alright so if you want to see more like this you can check out the description and also some poker chips which i just released he still sells for a little over 80 you get the poker chips you know the dice the greens you pick [Music] okay it's just me now there's no robot scripting this this is normal human stuff okay trust me okay so am i frustrated that a robot scripted a way funnier video than i ever could a little bit i'm a little pissed off i will admit i had to go through the actual script and tidy it up and move a certain few things around just for it to even make sense to anybody but all things considered the bot did like a really good job of making something that actually kind of made sense uh shout out danny thanks for helping me with that i guess since he was in my magician video it scripted him in there so thanks for helping me i made that ai model public on runway ml so i'll leave the link in the description and you can go uh generate your own curtis connor script if you want but yeah what did i learn what did i learn from this whole experiment i don't know maybe robot not bad could it be robot sometimes good row row row your bot gently down the stream i don't know i think in relation to art ai is best used when it's simply an extension of the artist but in like 10 years time if you just let a robot just do everything it's like where's the fun in that like the reason we make art is to feel less shitty about the human experience for like a short time and also be able to relate to one another but what's a robot got to relate to squat jack squat unless robots become like totally self-aware one day and they're able to like reproduce and feel emotions and love and have dreams and aspirations then then talk to me show me a robot who is a legitimate gay wizard and then we'll talk and then we'll revisit this all right but for now if ai can remove all the mundane parts of editing and make writing emails a little easier [ __ ] yeah man sign me up i just thought this topic was super interesting and i think it's gonna continue to be interesting the more it develops and i learned so much making this video so let me know if you want to see more videos like this just dedicated to one topic where i just kind of dive in and research and try it out because i had a blast even though this video took so long to make but uh it was a good time i think in conclusion bottoms up no in conclusion whether ai is used to make videos of yourself bust into move or if it's microsoft training a chat bot that allows you to talk to your loved ones after they die that's a real thing by the way i think what we can agree on is ai has and will continue to change the way we do pretty much everything and whether that's a good or bad thing we'll just have to wait and see and while we wait and see how about we hear a word from today's sponsor expressvpn folks browsing the internet can be a lot of fun but much like other things that are a lot of fun it can also be pretty dangerous every day you send tons of information out into the digital world that can be seen and intercepted by many different parties before it gets to where it's supposed to be going think of it like this if you were writing a love letter to your crush you wouldn't want a bunch of other randos just reading it before it got to your crush right but with a vpn or virtual private network you have a secure tunnel between your device and the internet only your crash will be reading that love letter okay you don't gotta worry anymore and there's a bunch of vpn services out there but here's why expressvpn is the best 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thought of this video and just the topic of artificial intelligence i want to do more videos in this style this year i feel like i spent a lot of my time talking about things that are bad and i hate and it kind of bums me out i really enjoy this like deep dive into topics that i find interesting and you know just really try to make some funny videos about that so uh let me know what you thought of this style and maybe i'll make some more in the future and if you have any topics for me to talk about throw them at me uh thank you to runway ml as well bars and thank you for watching if you're still here check the description for the other things i do my podcast weekly podcast got very really good my merch down there i got some merch coming up real soon so be on the lookout for that it's gonna look it's [ __ ] sick and yeah just subscribe if you want because i make videos all the time and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of curtis town if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law but yeah that's it i would stick around but i have to go unfortunately um i have to go cheer on a flash flood because flooding is the best thing ever peace but we're gonna come round and say we're not like most country stars we're gonna show you some country stuff so i'm gonna post this holy [ __ ] so i'm gonna post this video in my bathroom but we're gonna come
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,301,698
Rating: 4.9773889 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, commentary, video essay, documentary, experiment, ai, artificial intelligence, comedy, robot, robots, ai memes, memes, forced a bot, forcing a bot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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