I Became A Country Boy

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kurtis is officially the greatest country musician of all time (except for dolly parton)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/deadpoetshonour99 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/theappartmentfig 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

His "country" videos are my favorite, but sometimes he seems genuinely scared/dismissive of rural people and life.

Making fun of stupid performative redneck Tiktoks are funny, but then he'll laugh at the very concept of wearing boots or growing crops or something. There's a difference between rolling coal/having AR-15s in your wedding photos and, like, farming or fishing.

He was talking about the Bass Pro Shop store like he was in a horror movie, not a bougie store for suburban people.

Edit: inb4 "they're just jokes". I know. But there's bits between the jokes, where he seems genuinely dismissive or scared. I prescribe him one viewing of "Tucker and Dale vs Evil"

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/whatisscoobydone 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

am i stupid or

how is the girls brother blood related to kurtis if the girl isnt.....lmao

please help my tiny brain

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cvrmcn 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
(intense orchestral music) - Citizens of Kurtistown, hello. I just passed a law making it illegal for you to not follow me on Instagram, so. Go check me out on there, I'm on there. And as of one second ago, I passed another law making it super illegal to not listen to my podcast and to subscribe to the podcast channel. It's a weekly podcast. I upload more frequently on there than I do on this channel. (chuckles) All right, that's it, enjoy the video. Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's really good to see you again, I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel, you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos. Except for that one time. So press that subscribe button for an extra greeting. At, folks. (loud clap) so if you've been watching my videos for a while you know that I'm a big fan of country content. You know whether it's a country boy flexing his muscles and lip syncing to his phone or a country girl getting bucked off her horse, or something as simple as a country man sitting in his truck thinking about crazy shit. Country people fire me up, dude, they butter my little biscuit. Show me that Vine of the country girl yelling yee yee in her front seat. - Yee yee. - Or the country boy, I love you girl. Just show me those Vines and I don't have to eat that weak. (chuckles) That's plenty sustenance for me. I made three videos about country folk. There's the country memes one, country boys of TikTok and then one of my most popular videos ever the country girls of TikTok. Yeah, my country girls video was really the video that catapulted my channel. I got a ton of new subscribers from that video and it was just a big deal for me 'cause it was also one of the first few videos I made after I quit my full-time job to become a Youtuber, so the video's just very special to me and (gagging) Sorry, I almost turned into a tree, it got so sappy. That was a close one. So I wanted to make another country video, you know go back to my roots. 'Cause I'm a tree now. But no, I wanted to go back to my roots because believe it or not this is actually the last video I will ever film. (people gasping) In this room. (relieved sighing) I'm moving so it's gonna be a different filming setup after this video. But yeah, I wanted to do a nice send off video for this room 'cause we've made a lot of memories in here, we really have. A lot has happened in here. (dreamy string music) Okay, maybe it's for the best that I'm leaving. (chuckles) But yeah, no more wooden doors with hexagonal door knobs. I mean the plaques are gonna come with me, obviously. And so is the chair and so am I. So realistically not that much is gonna change at all. I didn't wanna just do a regular video where I just watch country TikToks, make some jokes about it and that's it. You know, that's been done before and I wanted to up the ante a bit. Maybe I'll even up the uncle as well. 'Cause I could dog on country folk all day but maybe I'm wrong about them. Maybe the way that they're living their life is correct and we're in the wrong. So I thought it'd be a good idea for a video to see if I have what it takes to be a true country boy. 'Cause you know you've got all those classic country boy stereotypes, all they care about is drinking Mountain Dew, skinning bucks, driving trucks, you know, flirting with their cousins, drinking Bud Light, the list goes on. But I wanna prove them wrong. I've been goofing on country boys for a while now, okay? And I can talk the talk, but can I walk the walk? Or gallop the gallop? (horse whinnies) Can do the boot scootin' boogie? We'll see. So let's go. (country music) I think we need to look at some country TikToks to see what country folk have been up to since my last videos. Oh you think I'd make another country video without watching some TikToks and making fun of them? Come on. (people laughing) Come on. - These city boys make threats on the internet and put gun emojis. Country boys show up to your house about 50 deep, cut your limbs off with a machete and then feed you to hogs. See city boys, when they get in a fight, they just close their eyes and swing their arms, like idiots. Country boys just look at you and pierce your heart with a laser beam from their eyeball. - What the hell? Okay. (chuckles) Laser beam from their eyeball. - With a laser beam from their eyeball. - Okay, now that I think of it, that actually makes a lot of sense. Clark Kent grew up on a farm, right? Oh my God. I just cracked the code. (explosion) Code cracked. Also I love in this TikTok how he said, "City boys just make threats on the internet" and then immediately after made a threat on the internet. - Cut your limbs off with a machete. - But what I've learned from this TikTok is country boys, they shoot lasers out of their eyes and the only thing that they hate more than a deer that is still breathing are city boys noted. (heavy metal music) Oh my God. (screaming) They've been keeping busy since my last video. Holy moly. Like, guys, did you not have anything else to do? Like, nothing, that's what you're gonna do with your time? Fuck, well I mean I can tell you right now I'm not gonna do that for this video, of course I'm not. Like what the fuck, this is so scary, is some weird initiation for some fucked up country cult? Like Heaven's Gate but Heaven's Bait. And instead of punch it's Mountain Dew Code Red? Yeah, maybe I shouldn't be joking about a cult's mass suicide. But what they're doing right now could easily be described as that. (heavy metal music) Like how do you even come up with that plan, right? I'm so impressed by that. Hey brother I'm getting pretty bored. What do you wanna do tonight? Well, it's 11 PM, it's Tuesday. We're all just so fucking drunk. Okay. How 'bout we stand in a ring of fire. All right. And then we let a bull chase after us and the last man in the circle of fire gets to eat the last Arby's Beef and Cheddar. Beef and Cheddar, Beef and Cheddar, Beef and Cheddar, Beef and Cheddar, Beef and Cheddar. Arby's, get fucked. Okay, what did we learn from this bull TikTok? I think we've learned that country boys like to live dangerously, okay? They like to fly by the seat of their boot cut pants. (whistling) And I can respect that. (pop-country music) Don't touch my truck. I don't want any trouble. (pop-country music) Okay, that was pretty scary, but dude, I gotta address it. Look at those milk jugs, bro. Sorry to object this country boy, but my man has got some bazongas, okay? That's why his back is so ripped. 'Cause he's gotta carry around those jugs all day. He's gotta be a milk farmer. Also why did he get into the passenger seat? He got into the passenger seat, right? Yeah, why did he do that? Well, unless he's British, 'cause that's where the driver's side is over there. A British country boy, do those exist? Oy mate, get those filthy mits off me truck, all right? Or else I'll shoot lasers out me eye. Have you go crying to mum. To mum. Mum. (chuckles) But I watched his TikToks, okay? He's not British. So why did he go into the passenger side? I'm so confused. (pop-country music) Don't touch my truck. (pop-country music) I won't. Hey, why'd you go in the passenger side? Shouldn't you be, shouldn't you be in the driver's side? Okay. (engine starting) (intense music) (woman screaming) Oh damn it, I should have never touched his truck. Okay, I could talk about this guy and those huge boobs of his until I'm Texas Toast. But, let's move on. So I guess country boys really love trucks, I guess. Especially their own truck. Which is not good news for me. I do not drive a pickup truck, okay? I drive a Toyota Carolla, which is, now that I think about, the exact opposite of a pickup truck. It is a put-down car. Okay, well I mean something I can do pretty easily is dress like a country boy, right? So let's see what they wear. (hip hop music) (country music) Oh come on, oh come on, take your shirt off. Come on, don't tease me like that, Stephen White, that ain't white. Come on, man. Ah fuck. Man these videos are still so funny to me. After all these years. (chuckles) Like, country boys act so tough and then they do this shit. (chuckles) Ah, it never gets old. If you ever mess with a country boy, we'll come over and chop your limbs off. (upbeat pop music) And I'm not saying I'm tougher than a country boy 'cause I don't do that shit, like I can guarantee you this guy could kick my ass no problem. Even though that doesn't really mean anything. I'm pretty sure a toddler with no arms could kick my ass. 'Cause he still has legs to kick my ass with. I'm not strong is what I'm saying. But okay, country boys have muscles and they think they're very handsome. Noted. Okay, let's see what else I can wear. Okay, things I'd wear as your man. Nice. Looks good. Okay. Little, looks pretty similar, but all right. Okay. Oh, hello. (chuckles) Wow, okay. Get you a man who can do both. Jeans and hat. And jeans with big hat. I also love the caption: things I'd wear if I was your man, implying that he would only dress like that if we was dating someone, right? Like this is what I would wear if I was your man. But I'm not. So, I am going to continue to dress like the Mad Hatter. (creepy laughing) But no, this TikTok is good, it's informative. These are simple, achievable outfits. So this is something I can do. (chuckles) (gentle guitar music) Whoa. (gentle guitar music) Okay, I'll say it, that was tight as fuck. I'm soaked. (chuckles) Clean up on isle Kurt. I'm soaked. Maybe I'll recreate these, that's what I'll do. I'll recreate these TikToks because this is really cool and I wanna be this cool. Okay let's watch one more. (upbeat country music) Oh. (upbeat country music) Oh man, I forgot about dip. Fuck. Damn it. I really don't wanna put chewing tobacco in my mouth, that is the last thing I wanna do. I'd honestly rather be chased by a bull in a ring of fire. Dude, chewing tobacco is so gross man. Just smoke cigarettes. Well, okay, well don't. Don't smoke cigarettes. They're gross and they're very dangerous, they're bad for you. But, like at least cigarettes look cool, right? Whoa, wow that was great. (chuckles) (gagging) What are you doing? (groaning) The fuck's going on? Now where were we? I don't know, no where? You were gone for eight hours, you barge in here, you lay down on the bed and say "Wow babe, that was great." What was gr... I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Now, where were we? Are you okay? I don't know, I was tackled by a bull in a ring of fire, so I might need medical attention. Yeah, you have to stop doing that. Now, where were we? Okay, so I think we have some good information. We know what country boys wear, we know what they drive, and we gotten into their heads a little bit. They like working hard and playing even harder. They like Jack Daniels, shooting lasers out of their eyes, packing lips, flirting with their cousin, and looking hot as fuck. The simple things in life. (chuckles) So let's begin my country boy transformation, and obviously I think the best place to start is the clothes. You gotta dress for the job you want, not the job you have. So let's go. (upbeat country music) All right we're here at a store I never thought I would go to 'cause I feel like I make fun of this place all the time. How the tables have turned. But yeah, we're gonna go in and get some country stuff. I feel like I'm nervous 'cause I feel like they're gonna know we're city folk. We're gonna stick out like sore thumbs. It's gonna be like that one scene in "Inception" you know, when everybody starts looking at... (child babbling) okay. You know what I'm trying to say. All right, so let's go into Bass Pro Shop, fuck, here we go. Walking around Bass Pro Shop is probably the weirdest thing I have ever done. 'cause I'm a city boy at heart, but hey, I'm also a shitty boy at fart. (farting) You know when you're playing a video game and you clip out of the map, that's exactly what it felt like. It was basically Target for people who use deer as targets. There was an archery center, a boat center, a fishing center and even a water fall center. And also for being a store located in Ontario, Canada, they sure did have a lot of American Flag memorabilia for some reason. - Totally normal. - The thing that really tied the whole store together was this overarching theme of death and despair. Taxidermy deer watching you pick out which camo hat you're gonna wear when you kill their brothers and sisters is truly something else. But I gotta say, my favorite part was finding this animal rescue set in the toy section for the daughter who loves animals and wants to rescue them from a terrible life. So her dad can shoot it in the fuckin' face with his gun that he was practicing with at the gun range. All this animal murdering even got me excited about killing this cute little unicorn. (gun shot) this is supposed to be full of hunting clothing, but these are just empty racks, there's nothing here. So, I sat down on an invisible chair and got to thinking. If they tell me my items are 50 bucks, do they mean 50 dollars or 50 deer carcasses? I guess we'll find out. It's a good thing I killed 50 deer last night just to be safe. (applause) After a long day, I had everything I needed except for a comically large tub of Uncle Buck's Old Fashion Cheese Curls. So I grabbed my cheesy snack and said farewell. All right, just got finished in Bass Pro Shop, I think I'm good for the rest of my life. I don't have to go there again 'cause that place was so weird. Holy shit, I'm like exhausted, that was a lot. (laughing) holy fuck. So yeah, I'm gonna go back home and we'll get this transformation going, I guess, I don't know. I feel like I saw things I wasn't supposed to see. No human is supposed to see those things. But yeah, let's go home, please. Yeehaw. (upbeat country music) Okay. It's been a few days since the Bass Pro Shop trip. I needed a while to recover. (chuckles) But we got a bunch of country stuff and we're gonna start getting these TikToks ready to recreate. I'm excited. Okay, so I got this big, camouflage jacket. I wanted to buy stuff that I could also just wear maybe, if I want to. Like this is pretty warm. (ominous music) You can't even see me. (chuckles) This is a hat that I used to wear back in like 2014 when I thought I was like really cool, but Jenna helped me clip the sides up and now it looks like a country hat, a cowboy hat, sorry. Oh, whoa dude. Howdy partner. Holy shit, I look fucked. Dude I like look racist. (chuckles) Fuck. Got my Uncle Buck's Old Fashioned cheese curls. Fuck, I just brushed my teeth, too. Bottoms up. (crunching) (winding music) Taste like Cheetos if Cheetos were shitty. There's a good thing there's a million of them for me to eat. This is actually a huge find. We picked up a cowboy coffee table for our new place. While we were there, she was like, I got all this other country stuff, do you need it? (groaning) I was like yeah, sure. And then I got these cowboy boots, my size, for five bucks. (applause) Ballin' on a budget, baby. And I'm gonna cry about this later so I'll be bawling on a budget, too. Do the jeans go over the boots or into the boots? These jeans are too tight. Fuck. They're my boots. Oh shit, dude. I also got this camouflage shirt from Value Village. (child babbling) I also got a camouflage Bass Pro Shop hat. A bottle of Jack Daniels, 'cause I do know who he is. And I got a reusable bottle, it was on sale for $10. It says "Sorry for what I said "while we were trying to put up the tent" (audience laughter) Oh, Kiwi's here. You probably don't even recognize me. It's your old man. Oh, also I got black licorice, because this is gonna be my dip, I'm gonna chop it up really small and then use that as chewing tobacco because I don't, one I don't even know where to get chewing tobacco and two, I don't wanna put chewing tobacco in my mouth. I'll put it in my ass, but not my mouth. Pooing tobacco. Oh also I got coronas for that cool TikTok I'm gonna do. And last but certainly not least, nectar of the gods, Mountain Dew. - Mountain Dew - Fuck, I guess we should get a drink going, huh? (sniffing) (coughing) And I thought of a really bad, I think I'm gonna mix it with Mountain Dew 'cause I feel like that is the most country drink you could have. I'm scared about what's gonna happen. My mullet's gonna grow six feet. Not like feet, but like in length, you know? Not actually toes and stuff. I don't know how much is a normal amount. That's like two shots of vodka. I don't know if that's enough. Okay that's a lot. Don't try this at home. Unless you're the legal drinking age, then do whatever the fuck you want. - [Country Boy] Mountain Dew. - Okay. Yeah Mountain Dew's fucking awesome. - [Country Boy] Mountain Dew (hip hop music) - Dude, I gotta start making videos about healthy people. I did WeWereCute, I ate Ramen all day. And now for this I'm just fucking killing myself. Okay, bottoms up. Oh God. I'm regretting my decision. Let's do the laser beam through your eyeballs, let's do that one. I gotta find the sound. (upbeat music) I found it. I found it. Dude, I don't know why I'm trying so hard to convince people I'm a country boy. I have yee yee tattooed on my leg. I always forget I have that tattoo. 'Cause I should. I should never have gotten it. But here we are. (laughing) Dude. Dude I look so dumb. - These city boys make threats on the internet. - What if country boys actually talked like that? City boys make threats on the internet. (upbeat music) - These city boys make threats on the internet and put gun emojis. Country boys show up to your house about 50 deep, cut your limbs off with a machete and then feed you to hogs. See city boys, when they get in a fight, they just close their eyes and swing their arms, like idiots. Country boys just look at you and pierce your heart with a laser beam from their eyeballs. - Dude, that's so good, let's go. I'm a country king. All right, so the next TikTok we're gonna do is things I'd wear as your man. Okay, we'll that's just me changing outfits, so that's gonna be boring for you guys to watch. So, here's the TikTok. (country music) Okay, we gotta do this one though. (hip hop music) (country music) (groans) Ow. (country music) I look so dumb, dude I love it. (hip hop music) (country music) We're doing all right. Next is the one I've been waiting for, okay? I gotta try to do this beer thing. Fuck, how does he do it? So he's got two beers. This taste like shit, oh my God, okay. So he's got two beers. He's holding them one's under the... Hey, have I ever held anything before? Okay, so he's just like, hits it off his leg. Ow! Fuck! Two fingers. (dog barking) Kiwi, not now. I really gotta do it hard, eh? Ow! I'm gonna break my fuckin' finger. How does he do that? Okay, maybe 'cause he's sitting, it's easier. Or maybe 'cause he's on a dirt road, maybe that's, that helps. Okay I think this, I think I have, I think I might have, okay. (chuckles) Okay, I think I might have done it. (curious music) First try. Do you think a country boy owns a fuckin' Swiffer Wet Jet? A country boy would have just called his Golden Retriever to lick up the beer. Fuck. Okay, I think I got the basics down for that one, so I'm gonna film that outside and here's the final product. (upbeat country music) Okay, so next up we'll do the dip one, I think it's time to make some dip. What does chewing tobacco even look like? (burping) Kiwi's been giving me dirty looks this whole time and I understand. If I saw me, I'd give myself, I'd give me dirty looks too. (fast-pace music) Oh, my hands are all sticky. I mean, yeah my hands are sticky. Ah, I should have used a blender, dude. But hey, blender? (chuckles) I hardly know... Okay, so this is what we got. And I got my tin. I'll just put the chewing tobacco in the tin. Cool. And now this goes right in the garbage 'cause I hate this shit. Okay, I'm gonna make this TikTok. Here's the final product. (upbeat country music) Okay, well I hope you enjoyed those TikToks, my stomach hurts. I'm starting to think I'm not cut out for this whole country boy thing. I almost just broke my finger just trying to open a beer bottle. But you know what? I have one more idea that might just work, it might turn me into a country boy. This is my last, final hope. This is my hail Mary. So let's see if it works. Come along. (country music) Maybe I'm not very good at being a country TikTok boy, but there is a loophole that not many people know about. Bo Burnham has a song about this in his special "Make Happy" but if you make country music, you don't actually have to do any country stuff. Like, he mentions that these big country stars, they just talk about doing hard work when they have like private jets and stuff. While the actual hardworking country people listen to it and they're like, oh okay, sick. Let's take a look at some country lyrics, for example. I was haulin' hay, I was feeding the hogs and that summer sun had me sweatin' like a dog. That summer sun had my tongue all the way out of my mouth. So I cooled off in the creek, then it was back to work in the daggum heat. I was cussin' out loud, thinking 'bout quitting, looking back now, I'm sure glad I didn't. 'Cause just when I thought it couldn't get no hotter, I caught a glimpse of the farmer's daughter. Daggum, you know? (chuckles) Daggum, what does that mean? What does daggum mean? Okay, it's like country term for damn. You could replace damn with daggum. Cool, I didn't now that. Southern beavers build daggums. (chuckles) oh God daggum. So the guy who wrote this song, his name is Rodney Atkins. And I don't think this guy has ever done any farm work in his whole life. Look at him, he looks like if Papa John was never bitten by that radioactive pizza and he just made country music instead. (distorted audio) This guy's name should be Papa John Denver. And I tried looking up to see if this guy actually grew up on a farm, but I couldn't find anything. Which is weird because if you did grow up on a farm and your whole career is based off of growing up on a farm, being a true country boy, you'd adverse that to everybody, right? I would. But country folk, they love this guy 'cause he makes good country music, you know? Let's read some of these comments. I married the daughter of a farmer and let me tell you this, there are very few things on this earth that are truer, more genuine and more beautiful than a farmer's daughter. No joke. (chuckles) You think I'm joking? (ominous music) No joke. If anyone likes this song and is still listening 2020, give me a thumbs up. Those comments are so funny to me. I like reading them like they're radio transmissions in like a zombie apocalypse. Please, (zombie groans) if anyone likes this song and is still listening 2020, (zombie groans) give me a thumbs up. Let's look at some more lyrics. Yeah the boys 'round here drinking that ice-cold beer talking 'bout girls, talking 'bout trucks, running them read dirt roads out, kicking up dust. The boys 'round here, sending up a prayer to the man upstairs. Backwoods legit, don't take no shit, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit. chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit. Jesus, did Pitbull write this song? - Meet me at the hotel room, Meet me at the hotel room. - Like he really didn't hold back. You got beer, girls, trucks, religion, and chewing tobacco in the same chorus, dude. That is the song writing equivalent of only taking one trip when you're bringing your groceries in from your car. You you can stagger it a bit, it's okay. (chuckles) This guy's just like, no, I'm gonna bring it all. I'm taking it in one trip, I'm strong as fuck. This song isn't satire, either, it's 100% serious and it's by People Magazine's 2017 Sexiest Man Alive, Blake Shelton. - Thank you! - Do you think that guy's ever worked on a farm? No way, dude. I've done more farm work than that guy. It was on Farmville in 2009, but still. Okay yeah, right here. Blake Tollison Shelton was born in Ada, Ada, Ada, Ada, Ada. To Dorothy, a beauty salon owner and Richard Shelton, a used car salesman. No farmer, huh? That doesn't seem fair to me, right? They're like gentrifying country music if that's... (dialup noises) Can I use that word in that sentence? I don't know. I feel like there should be a country music committee that forces country singers to actually work on a farm before they can write songs about it, you know? 'Cause it's so weird. It's like if Jeff Bezos wrote a song about like, ethical business practices, you know? Sure, it'd be great to hear, but he doesn't know anything about that. And just picked two random country songs. If you looked at any mainstream country music, it's all like that. It's all drinking trucks with my hot beer, her jeans were nice. And that's the whole song. But anyways, back to me. (chuckles) If I wanna be inducted into the country boy hall of fame, I just have to make a banger of a country song. 'Cause I can't be a real country boy, I'm bad at making the TikToks, Bass Pro Shop scares me, so I feel like this is my only option. I have to use all the knowledge that I've gained to make a beautiful country ballad. So I can be named People Magazine's 2017 Sexiest Man Alive. Because I was robbed of that title. So without further adieu, without further Ada, Ada. (chuckles) Here is my country song. (gentle country music) ♪ Well I just got done on my old man's farm ♪ ♪ And I walked on in to town ♪ ♪ All right ♪ ♪ I saw a girl with her beach blond hair ♪ ♪ And her boots right on the ground ♪ ♪ So I grabbed a couple ice-cold beers from the fridge ♪ ♪ And I opened them with my feet. ♪ ♪ And let me tell you something about this girl, ♪ ♪ She's the sweetest thing you'll ever meet. ♪ ♪ She's the yee to my yee, ♪ ♪ The ground to my beef, ♪ ♪ She's the girl of all my dreams ♪ ♪ But there's just one thing about her ♪ ♪ That I just can't believe. ♪ I can't believe. ♪ When I look in those eyes, it aint no surprise, ♪ ♪ She's the most southern girl I've dated, ♪ ♪ But there's only one thing wrong with this woman ♪ ♪ We're not blood related. ♪ Oh brother, what will my daddy say about this? ♪ We're not blood related ♪ Yee yee ♪ My friends say I'm crazy for loving you ♪ ♪ But I don't know what else to do ♪ What else can I do? ♪ You got a lip full of dip ♪ ♪ And a heart full of love ♪ ♪ You're sweeter than Mountain Dew ♪ Code Red ♪ I'd stand in a circle of fire for you ♪ ♪ And let a bull chase after me ♪ I swear to God. ♪ But we supposed to start a family ♪ ♪ If we aint family? ♪ ♪ She's the yee to my haw, the see to my saw, ♪ ♪ She's everything I need ♪ You're everything I need ♪ Except she's not my sister ♪ ♪ Or my cousin at the very least. ♪ Oh come on. ♪ Like the worm on my daddy's fish boat, ♪ ♪ You got me hooked and my breath is bated, ♪ ♪ But there's still only one thing wrong with this girl, ♪ ♪ Still not blood related. ♪ Come on now. You make shoot lasers out of my eyes. ♪ We're not blood related ♪ Well folks, we got to talking, and one thing led to another and if I want this girl to be family, I guess I gotta just marry her brother. - Me? ♪ He's the skin to my buck, ♪ ♪ the wheels of my truck, ♪ ♪ He's my home on the range ♪ I'm in love with him ♪ And there aint one thing about him ♪ ♪ That I would ever change ♪ he's the perfect man. ♪ Now honey I know, it might take a while ♪ ♪ For you to get situated, ♪ I understand, ♪ That I'm in love with your brother even though ♪ ♪ we're now blood related. ♪ ♪ Blood related ♪ - Shh. Well, hope you enjoyed that. That song, "Blood Related" is not on Spotify and other streaming services. So you can stream it if you want. If would be very funny if we got this song on the country charts. That's all I'm saying. Please, I wanna be a country boy. And I know I said I was gonna prove these country stereotypes wrong in this video, but I pretty much wrote the whole song around them, so, sorry. In conclusion, I think I have a lot more respect for country folk after this video. It really takes a certain type of person to stand in a ring of fire, get tackled by a bull and then wake up the next morning and do like 12 hours of physical labor. If I get up too quick, I have a headache for the rest of the day, so, I really admire these people. And you know what, I think country people get a bad rep, you know, from people like me. While I was looking up photos of trucks for this video, I found this article about this country boy who painted the back of his truck. It says not all country boys are bigots, happy pride month. And that's great, that made me happy. Sure, it's the bare minimum, but it's more than you usually see, so it's nice to see that, you know? Shout out to all my country folk. Because that song, I am legally inducted into the country boy cult. You know, maybe I can even convince my band mates in Wallows to maybe do a country song on the next album, I don't know. I'll talk to the fellas. Okay, I think it's that time, let's hear a word from today's sponsor ExpressVPN. Do you wanna expand your entertainment library? - Yes. - Do you want internet privacy? - Yes. - Then you gotta check out ExpressVPN. I've been using ExpressVPN for like two years now, they're a long-time sponsor of the channel and I truly cannot stress how great they are, seriously. Folks, like it or not, every time you connect to an unencrypted WiFi network, you're at risk of a hacker stealing your personal information. But ExpressVPN ensures your internet privacy by encrypting 100% of your data using the highest standards of encryption so nobody can access it. On top of that, ExpressVPN masks your IP address so nothing can be traced back to you. Also, scary little fun fact, did you know that your internet service provider can see every single thing you do online? And even weirder, they can legally sell that data to ad companies? (winces) - Ew! - Gross. But with ExpressVPN, your data is hidden and completely safe. So you can browse without worry. It's like I wouldn't drive down the highway without a seatbelt, right? Safety first. Also another amazing thing about ExpressVPN is they have servers all over the world, which allows you to change your location so you can access content that's blocked in your country. For example, if I want to watch some Tim and Eric, I can just switch my location to the US, bada-bing, bada-boom, I'm watching the show. And it works for Netflix, too. Every country has a different selection of content, so you can switch around to different countries so you can watch thousands of shows and movies you didn't even know you had access to. 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It just, everybody's winning all the time. So yeah, click the link in my description. Set your location to Texas and have a yee haw time. But yeah, thanks again to ExpressVPN. I love ya, back to me. Well, like the video if you enjoyed it. I like doing commentary stuff, obviously, but it's always fun to mix other stuff in it like this as well. And also one like equals one lip that I will fill with dip. Not mine, 'cause I don't want to. Just strangers, I will fill stranger's lips with dip. Yeah, leave a comment, let me know what you thought, let me know if you want me to make a country album. (chuckles) And if there's enough comments, maybe I'll do it, I'll think about it. Yeah, subscribe if you want, check the other things I do. You know, Instagram, Twitter, Podcast, all that stuff is down in the description. And yeah, say goodbye to this room, I guess. Fuck, this is the last time I'm gonna be filming in here. Weird. I know it doesn't really have that much of an effect on my videos, but yeah I feel like I should say something, thank you for all the support that you guys have given the last, basically two years, I've been doing this full-time two years now, which is crazy to think about. Whether this is the first video you've seen from me or you've followed me since Vine, or anywhere in between, just sincerely thank you so much for watching me, supporting me, tweeting me, commenting, everything, it's getting merch, coming to see me, it truly blows my mind, if I think about it too long, I'll start to cry or some shit, so. But yeah, I truly cannot thank you enough for the support. So, seriously, thank you. I'm talking like I'm never gonna make a video again. (chuckles) It's quite the opposite. I'm gonna definitely make more videos and I'm gonna make a bunch of videos in the future, but I don't know, it feels weird to leave this room, you know, 'cause my life changed in this room, so. But yeah, again, I'm still making videos. It'll just be in a different setup. Unfortunately, I would stick around but I have to go. I have to butt-chug a bunch of Mountain Dew. Mountain Doodoo. (farting) See ya. ♪ He's the skin to my buck, the wheels of my truck, ♪ ♪ He's my sweet home on the range. ♪ I'm in love with him. ♪ And there ain't one thing about him ♪ ♪ That I would ever change ♪ (laughing) ♪ It might take a while for you to get situated ♪ I understand ♪ That I'm in love with your brother even though ♪
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 3,069,662
Rating: 4.981153 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, tiktok, tik tok, country boy, country boy tiktok, country boy tik tok, kurtis conner tiktok, kurtis connor country, kurtis conner country
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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