Fateful Findings: An Extremely Weird Movie

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hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press that subscribe button for an extra greeting folks I've been meaning to make another movie review type video ever since I made the Christian mingle the movie video a few months ago it was tough like narrowing down I had a lot of options for movies that I wanted to cover but I kept coming back to this one the movie that we're gonna be looking at today is called fateful findings I've wanted to make a video about this movie for probably like two years now it might be my favorite movie ever it's it's it's a roller coaster not actually it's a movie it's not a roller coaster but it's it's it's comparable to a roller coaster you know because how much fun it is you guys get metaphors right if you've seen the movie or heard of the movie before it's fun to look back at it again and if you've never seen this movie before holy [ __ ] you're in for a treat you're in for a treat yummy yummy PP before we get into the main event I want to say really quick we just announced more dates for the Danny and drew tour these are the final dates that will be announced grab your tickets dude VIP tickets are available right now in general admission tickets will go on sale on Monday so if you live in one of these cities grab your tickets cuz it's gonna be a lot of fun me Danny Gonzalez and drew Gooden are gonna make ya'll laugh hopefully oh what's the what time is it oh it's half past video let's let's do it okay a little back story about fateful findings before we get into the film okay faithful findings was directed written and produced by a man named Neil Breen and if you are wondering yes he is also the star of the film I'll read you the synopsis a boy develops amazing mystical powers and uses them as an adult to hack government databases and I know that may sound like a pretty straightforward premise but this movie is anything but straightforward okay so with further ado let's get into fateful findings so the movie starts with two kids just being kids right they're walking through a park they're walking through a desert they're making skulls move to be a kid again and then they they find a mushroom look we up a mushroom I love this pose that this kid is staying in for so long look a mushroom so then there's this weird like blue wind that flies by I don't really I still don't know what this is really I've watched the movie several times and I don't know what the blue wind is and the mushroom turns into a little bag I didn't think I'd ever say that sentence in my life but here we are and what's in that little mushroom bag a treasure so then they put these little beads in the box that were next to the mushroom for some reason and then they bury it this is a real movie and then the girl writes it's a magical day in her notebook okay and remember that all right that's gonna be very important to the plot that doesn't exist in this movie remember it so I guess later the girl Lea is moving away you know I guess there's too much blue wind in the neighborhood they got to get out of there where's Dylan literally right where is he dill over here we are are you I can't see you Dylan you only move closer is that good oh there you are Dylan [ __ ] this next scene with no no like title card or anything that says like 20 30 years later or in the future or anything any transition at all there's nothing it's then we see this guy okay and this is our guy Neal Breen okay he is the mastermind behind this film and this is the boy grown-up that's Dylan from the muck the magic mushroom treasure that's him grown-up now hi yeah [Music] okay great yeah nothing special [Music] he's the only guy there the only guy on both sides of the street he's the only one crossing for all you can see and then when they zoom in on the legs there's like five other people there like right beside him and my god man [Music] can you hear me [Applause] okay so he gets hit by a [ __ ] rolls-royce and I just love the face that he makes to the car that is speeding towards him and is about to hit him and then someone walks out of that Rolls Royce walks towards Dillon's corpse and gives him a little rock a little baby stone and and then [ __ ] off and that's really weird and doesn't make any sense but what also doesn't make sense is that nobody is talking to her and being like hey can I get your information I'm calling the cops cuz you just [ __ ] hit that guy and so they put him on a stretcher one of the paramedics puts his phone on his belly for some reason I'm sure I mean I'm not a paramedic I don't know is that what you do paramedics sound off in the comments let me know if you put phones on victims bellies okay so he's taken to the hospital and we learned that is pretty serious he's in critical condition but since he has that magical little rock he wakes up and he's fine and he just gets up and walks out of the [ __ ] hospital so then he goes home and takes the bloodiest shower [ __ ] ever what are you doing home you're supposed to be in a hospital I let myself down help me [Music] goals dude [ __ ] goals right there if you can't handle me at my face caste then you don't deserve me at my not face caste all right so this is a part of the story where we find out that he's a best-selling author he's a very successful author I have a dim master's degree in computer science and I turn out to be a writer Oh novels things aren't going too well you know Dylan's got a headache rightfully so you know because of that [ __ ] car that hit him in the head that'll do it and I'm just gonna play this scene I'm not gonna interrupt it because wow it's a hoot I think I'm sure he wanted this scene to be like huge and dramatic like oh I'm fainting and everything is falling off the desk but this to me it kind of just looks like he hates laptops right he went out of his way to make sure those laptops [ __ ] fell on the floor dude so I'd like to think that's a major character trait of Dylan he just [ __ ] hates laptops so I'm Dylan get those laptops out of my [ __ ] face so now I meet Dylan and Emily's friends they don't really add anything to this story but they take up a lot of screen time they just argue the whole movie basically they have a failing marriage and stuff are you sure I cannot be little this one's seen the house they're arguing and the husband he drops a bomb on her dude we don't have sex anymore and she responds in the best way possible I'm very busy that's the best response to any question that gets ya to anything nude can I have a word with you yeah why didn't you show up for your shift yesterday I'm very busy I respect your honesty uh can I get a promotion for this guy please okay so now we go back to Dylan and he's working on his book and this scene [ __ ] cracks me up a lot I know I've said that like 30 times already but every scene makes me laugh a lot so he asked for his pills were my pills and as soon as he gets them thank you for no reason he decides that he doesn't need them anymore I don't need these he doesn't need his painkillers after got hit in the face by a rolls-royce and then he has this dramatic scene in the bathroom where he like flushes them down the toilet and they're treating it like he's like addicted to them but it's not he's not addicted it's not the part of the plot he just like decides not to have them anymore and I know I said he flushed them down the toilet he didn't he just put them in the toilet I didn't flush it down so his wife goes in and she grabs the pills uh-oh then he's back to working on his book and we get another top-notch fainting scene let's watch it [Music] if you just take your pills man holy [ __ ] if we keep feigning so much I don't need these and he [ __ ] spilled it all over his laptop did my theories correct he hates laptops they're just so portable and convenient I hate them hey whoa take it easy man you don't look so good I'm you keep fainting I think I'm gonna call 911 all right get that out of here that isn't a rotary phone okay so then they have this weird [ __ ] dinner party and then we finally we finally get into the main plot point of the movie and it seemingly comes out of nowhere I don't like for no reason at all I'm going to continue hacking into these government systems to see what I can find out about all this national and international corruption I know is going on there was no mention of any sort of government corruption or hacking like before this there's no mention of it and now he's just like yeah I guess I'll just hack into the government that's fine like I said before this is a real movie okay so now we find out that Dillon's wife is addicted to the pills that Dylan flush down the toilet your pill taking for pain relief has gotten out of control and then they have yet another argument about just [ __ ] I don't even know what they're talking about in this one my job sucks I've got to get this work done it's gonna shock the world I've hacked into just about all the information need they have no idea get off the pills straighten your life out let's talk imagine being an argument with your wife and sitting like that Wow [ __ ] Power Move dude that's so sick oh you're taking the kids okay okay so now he's back in his office just hacking away hack hack hack and then his wife walks in and says oh talking which totally makes sense this is a real movie and then Dylan [ __ ] turns on the charm did really every other scene he's throwing a laptop for don't ever invite Neal brain to your house okay and this is my office here right here's my laptop is it and then they start making a mess of the whole office and then they rip each other's shirt for some reason and then they kiss and all is well I guess okay so now they're having some barbecue thing and the whole gang is there did the doctor at the hospital the doctor of the hospital that's not a real thing nice to meet you I'm the doctor the doctor of the hospital I checked the hospital's pulse I give the hospital their medicine I just make sure the hospital is in tip-top shape because I'm the doctor of the hospital okay so they're all hanging out and something crazy happens the doctor of the hospital goes to take out her phone but accidentally drops her notebook obviously because it's [ __ ] humongous and it's barely in her pocket to begin with but it falls on the ground and it opens to the page that says it's a magical day the girl from before did is this yours yes just something I've been carrying for good luck oh my god is that you it is isn't it it's you Leah [Music] very subtle guys okay so now we go back to the friends and they're they're arguing now about [ __ ] nothing another hard day at the office damn it yes stay away from me hey dude a little bit of an overreaction I think what another hard day at the office again let me remind you this movie is about a man with superpowers hacking the government what the [ __ ] is going on right now what are we watching Jim yeah how could you have done this Jim come on use your special little rock can't you save him with your little pebble come on I can't believe you committed suicide okay so Jim's dead now I guess because he poured his drink on his wife and to be honest dude was asking for it that's [ __ ] up dude and now Dylan is hanging out with Lea and things are getting pretty steamy and this is one thing I wanted to talk about this is really strange because like they're the same age right like when they were kids they were both kids so you would think 20 years in the future they would be the same age right no shade or anything but he's obviously much older than that girl right time just flows differently when you're Neil Breen okay oh you didn't know that where've you Breen so they go back to the magic mushroom treasure [ __ ] play around the dirt a bit and then they kiss next to a tree just to people who are the same age kissing in a forest because that's how you pack the government while they're making out Dylan's wife overdoses and Dylan has the same emotionless response that he had with Jim Emily Emily Emily and so I guess Lea is his new wife now just super quick no downtime just next wife on the go ready to go and I'm gonna play this scene right now because wow it's [ __ ] crazy [Music] what was that hey what the [ __ ] what did I just watch yom-yom that one spinach leaf made me very full I got that so now he's telling Leah that he's hacking into every government ever and for how secret he's saying it is he sure is telling a lot of people right hey everyone don't tell anybody but I'm hacking into the government all right don't tell anyone though it's a secret you must be very quiet when you tell someone else I mean don't tell anyone please don't tell anyone else I can't wait any longer you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me man why does he every seed man okay this is my impression of neoprene walking into a Best Buy okay we're almost at the end I promise okay so Leah's walking into her house and then she gets kidnapped very poorly may I add okay that was creepy that I said that I know how to kidnap all right and that's bad good night I'm not saying that at all um it's just in broad daylight like on someone's driveway you know what I'm saying and while they're like you know tussling the kidnapper drops a piece of paper saying where he's gonna bring her thank god he said I was looking for Leah and he finds the the hooded kidnapper and he does what any of us would do smash a bottle over his head if you thought that was weird and random as [ __ ] get ready for this all right he teleports into the trailer that she is being kept in and and rescues her there was no real mention of superpowers before this we didn't know if he knew he had superpowers or if you knew how to use them but I get there it is I need to put the blindfold back on trust me trust me I'm going to do something that you can't see just does like a bunch of fortnight dances please put this blindfold on I don't want you to see this hey hey put the blindfold back on what do i say okay so they escape hooray and now Dylan is ready to tell the whole world what he found while he was hacking and this scene is edited so well and I love it with all my heart okay I would die for this scene I know this videos probably the longest [ __ ] already but I want to play this scene as long as I can okay I need you to see how amazing it is I've been hacking into government and corporate systems all over the country all over the world what I have found will shock you I'm afraid of going to prison they now know my crimes [Music] I am resigning today as your senator I resigned today as president of the bank okay sorry to interrupt but that's my favorite line in any movie ever I'm resigning as president of the bank so okay the scene goes on for a very long time but it's basically all these corrupt businessmen and Senators they all take their lives at the same time while Dylan is giving his speech about files and society and stuff get a load of this society and now after all said done Dylan Lea to people who are the same age they walk through a forest and they live happily ever after that's the [ __ ] movie Jesus Christ I think I'm like astral projecting right now dude I feel like I was watching myself watch that movie half of that stuff didn't need to be in there the friends troubling marriage leading to a murder those little beads they kind of jumped the gun on the super powers thing the hacking kind of came out of nowhere never found out who that random girl was from the rolls-royce there's just a lot of stuff that I don't understand about this I'm very busy but I'd like to think that there's a deeper message in this movie right so I'm gonna try to figure out what it is is it have an affair so when your wife dies you already have one as a backup no I can't be it is it don't hack the government unless you have a special little rock that's true but I don't think that's it I don't know I don't know what the message is dude maybe it's just really Pro mushroom maybe that's what this movie is mushrooms are good for you okay they taste good and maybe if we all spend a little more time with mushrooms we'd come to find that they're a real treasure correction this movie was brought to you by the American mushroom Institute I think in all seriousness neoprene he's gained like a really passionate fan base from this movie and many of his other films and rightfully so dude like I was hooked the whole time throughout this whole movie I could not stop watching and that's rare dude like there's a lot of movies that come out now like big blockbusters where I'm like alright let's get on with it but this one I was like genuinely entertained the whole time and that's and that's great okay he's making the art that he wants to make and that is special okay so hats off to you Neal and I encourage you to please support Neal I'll leave the link to his website where you can get his movies and grab this DVD because watching it through this video doesn't do it justice you have to sit down and watch the whole thing okay so Neal props to you this video is all in good fun and I just keep doing you man that's amazing now I don't know about you guys but after watching this movie I have a severe hatred for laptops so I'm thinking about getting a desktop computer and I know the best way to buy one that's right folks it's time to hear about today's sponsor Zev it Hans Abbott you can easily shop millions of products from your favorite brands and pay interest free over time in addition to interest-free credit debit has no cost to join no late fees and doesn't check your credit score or even impact your credit score so you can shop without worry big purchases are always 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let me know what you thought of the video let me know if you've seen this or let me know any other movies you want me to make a video about that'd be great press subscribe button if you want that would mean the world I make a video every single week and there's so much fun and you'll get an extra greeting at the beginning of the next video and the one after that and basically all the other ones until you unsubscribe but please don't other than that check the description for my social media my Instagram my Twitter you can also find the links to my weekly podcast called very really good there's a lot of episodes but you can jump it anywhere I just talked about random [ __ ] it's a lot of fun also Curtis Tao merch is down there tickets for the Danny and drew tour all that [ __ ] is in the description so thank you very much for watching admin Curtis Connor I got to go play with a little rock a little Dwayne Johnson full rock ok bye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it and you want to see more from me you can click on the videos on the screen there and you can watch those and don't forget to press the subscribe button alright peace out
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,212,913
Rating: 4.9818048 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, fateful findings, neil breen, fateful findings review, review, weird movie, bad movie, bad movie review, movie review, b movie, low budget movie, fateful, findings, kurtis conner movie, hacking, hacker, super powers
Id: q9VkIgFmxuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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