I Lived Like WeWearCute For A Day

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- All right before this video starts I gotta talk about some stuff really quick. I announced this on my, you know, YouTube community and my Instagram and Twitter but if you don't know obviously I had to postpone my April and May shows that I have coming up. I'm super bummed about it, obviously, but you know, I don't want people, you know, getting in big groups and making this thing a lot worse than it is. Also, quick disclaimer about this video, I'm going out in public a lot and just going everywhere in this video and this was before, I filmed this before this whole thing happened, so, yeah. I have to say, if you are able to stay home, please do. If you have the option to, please take this seriously, please stay home. If you have to go to job, if you have to go to your job, if you have to go to your job, obviously, that make sense, you know, we need to make money but, yeah, just, you know, wash your hands, don't touch your face, all that stuff and, you know, call your friends and family, you know, make sure they're doing all right, anything you can do to help. I'll be here making videos. It'll probably still just be once a week unless I have another idea to do but maybe I'll do some live streams on YouTube, I don't know, man. (hand slapping) Animal Crossing is coming out, maybe I'll live stream that, who knows. But, yeah, that's it, stay safe, wash your hands, all that. Love ya, take care of each other, because that's what KurtisTown is all about. All right, enjoy the video. Hey there, welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up, how's it going? (bells chiming) (upbeat music) It's very good to see you again. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel? You get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video, so press that subscribe button to become a citizen of Kurtistown right now. (feedback echoing) Oh man. Folks. (hands clapping) All right, let's get into it, I'm fucking, I'm really tired, it is 9:11, oh, it is 10 after 9:00. (upbeat music) So, some of you may know this, but a few weeks ago I made a video about WeWearCute called The Chaotic TikTok Sisters. If you haven't seen that, you know, I advise you to go watch it but if not, if you don't feel like watching a whole video before this one, I get it. Here's a quick recap, okay? (upbeat music) So the two sisters who were actually on the first episode of the Bestie Picks Bae Series on my channel, they make really weird TikTok's now. They make ramen in terrible, horrific, ungodly ways, they pretend to order things from restaurants, they get pranks ready and never show the actual prank and their mom is a robot. - Mom, look! - [Robot Voiced Mom] Why are you hitting her with a rock? - And since my video about them, they've only gotten weirder, okay? They're dipping Takis in Vaseline, the one sister is pretending to be a baby. - Baby tries jelly fruits! Orange! Oh, juicy squirt! - And also they're holding Shaq hostage, yeah. - This is Shaq's first TikTok. - And what does he need to know? How to eat jelly fruits. Mm! - So jelly! - So jelly. - That's right, "Good Burger" star Shaquille O'Neal is being forced to make some fucking TikTok and just say, So jelly". - So jelly! Actually, unless jelly is like his way of saying jealous. He's jealous of all the people who aren't in that TikTok right now. (laughing) (metal slamming) - So jelly! - So the video I made, (cheerful music) I was just, like, poking fun at their content, you know, commenting on how bizarre their videos are but when I uploaded it I didn't really hear, I didn't hear anything from WeWearCute but then I saw this TikTok. (metal slamming) - This is the Wheel of So Beefy! - We're paying one of these celebrities to make a cameo saying- - So beefy! - Let's see who's gonna get beefed. (dramatic music) - Did you see that? See what they did? My name was on the wheel, spelt incorrectly. (dramatic music) (wheel clicking) They're calling me out. They're calling me a stinky, little wussy, pissy, little cry baby, okay, and I won't stand for it. (dramatic music) So, you know what, WeWearCute? We got beef now. So beefy. (laughing) - So beefy! So, you know what, you brought this on yourselves, okay? I gotta fire back but before I do that I need to know my enemy, I need to know what it's like to be in WeWearCute, you know. I need to, I need to wear cute (dramatic music) so today I'm gonna live like WeWearCute, I'm gonna do what they do, (keyboard tapping) I'm gonna eat what they eat, I'm gonna prank what they prank and I'm gonna get inside the head of WeWearCute. Without further ado, let's get this fucking day started. I think it's breakfast time, right? So, let's go. (upbeat music) I'm out here now. So, most important meal of the day, right, is breakfast and I'm usually a big fan of breakfast food and I looked through WeWearCute's TikTok to find any breakfast food that I can eat then I saw this TikTok. - [Em] There's a winky face on the bottom of Rice Krispie boxes that have a gift inside. - [Ash] There's a gift! - [Em] Amplifier for the Krispies! (cereal crackling) Wow, it's so loud! - Pretty cool, so I went to Walmart and I looked on the bottom of every single Rice Krispies box that was there, didn't have one with a smiley face so guess I can't eat that. So, you know what, we're gonna have Ramen Mac & Cheese for breakfast. (audience cheering) Fuck, man, my stomach by the end of the day is gonna be in rough shape. I'm gonna get an ulcer or something. I'm gonna have to film a fucking apology video, show it to my toilet. (farting) So, I'm gonna watch the TikTok and, uh, just get a refresher, you know? - Ramen Mac & Cheese, it's a thing! Add milk, add flour. Add your cheddar. Mix it, it should look like this. Add your ramen and mix! Take your mini-blowtorch and make it brown and enjoy. - All right, so I have all the accoutrements here if you will. (laughing) I'm gonna go and I'm just gonna go cook up some ramen and then make the rest of it in this pot here. So, Mr. Noodle, is there a Mrs. Noodle? (laughing) Oh, it's steaming, it's too hot. (breath blowing) Okay, the milk is in there- - The milk! Then we gotta pour the flour. They don't say how much flour. They're just like, "Add your milk and add your flour" so I guess I've just gotta eyeball it. - [Em] Add flour! - Okay, that seems normal. Hey, stop smoking, though! (flexible metal flapping) (laughing) - [Em] Add your cheddar! - [Kurtis] We'll stir this around. - [Em] Mix it! (cheese slurping) - All right, this is easy, man. Come to think of it, this might actually taste kinda bomb. (laughing) It should look like this. - It should look like this. Uh, I got my cooked ramen here and now I guess it's time to put it into the sauce. This is the moment of truth. - [Em] Add your ramen! (ramen slithering) - Oh, God! (laughing) Now we just mix it. (ramen slithering) Oh, God. Okay, I think that's pretty incorporated. Ah. (ramen plopping) Oh, God! And, you know, if I was a regular human being I would just eat this but, you know, - Yoink! you gotta grab your mini-blowtorch and make it brown. (blowtorch clicking) Oh, there we go! I'm making it brown! (blowtorch hissing) that's what I say when I'm on my toilet. You can't even see that on the camera. Trust me! Look, the little black parts, do you see it? You see, like I know what they were going for when they did the, "Make it brown" thing, you know, cause like the mac & cheese has like the hard, the crusty on top. Usually you put like bread crumbs and then you bake it, you don't just fucking light noodles on fire, dude! (laughing) All right, got a fork, fucking bottoms up. (musical note descending) (dramatic music) (mouth chomping) Oh, okay. (laughing) Like actually not that bad. (laughing) I hate to say it but this kinda hits. (hard rock music) Dude, listen to the sound of that. (noodles slithering) - [Cameraman] That's what good cooking sounds like! (laughing) - If they don't sound like that, I don't want it! (laughing) All right, well, now that we got breakfast, we got the food, I'd really like some coffee just to really upset my fucking tummy even more but I've actually never seen them drink coffee, they've never made a TikTok of them drinking coffee but what they have done is they went into a Starbucks and they ordered Holiday Bagged Air. - [Ash] Can I get one Holiday Bagged Air, please? - So, I'm gonna do the same thing. (upbeat music) I'm over here now. I originally was going to go to a Starbucks and asked for Holiday Bagged Air but one, that would send my anxiety through the roof, and two, I used to be a barista, I used to be a barista at Starbucks, I worked there for like three years, man and, um, dude, if I was, if I was working at Starbucks and some fucking YouTuber came in and was like, (cheerful music) "Hey, you have an Holiday Bagged Air? It's for a YouTube video", dude, I'd push 'em to the ground, throw hot coffee on him and quit on the spot. I'd have to and I'm not gonna do that today, okay? I'm not gonna ruin some poor barista's day, all right, they have it hard enough. I am going to ruin someone at Corporates day. (laughing) (inspirational music) I'm going to call Starbucks Head Office to ask them if Holiday Bagged Air was ever a menu item and I think we already know the answer to that but I just need to be sure, okay? Corporate Office in Chicago! Okay, here we go. Even this is making me fucking nervous, man, it's just a phone call. (phone beeping) - [Operator] Please hold while we transfer you to the next available representative. Did you know- (phone ringing) (cheerful music) - [Woman Representative] Thank you for calling Starbucks, my name is- - Salisa. how can I help you? - Hi- - Salisa. How's it going? - [Woman Representative] Not too bad, I hope everything's going well with you. - Good, thank you. Um, I just had a quick question. I saw this video online about some item that you, that Starbucks has, it's like a holiday item. Have you ever had a thing called Holiday Bagged Air? - [Woman Representative] I have not. (metal slamming) - That doesn't, that doesn't exist? - [Woman Representative] I have not heard of that. Is it a drink or what is..? - Um, I just think it's like a bag of, I'm not really sure what's in the bag but I just saw the video of like they ordered it and then they just grabbed the bag. You, you never heard of it, though? - [Woman Representative] I have not. - Okay. - [Woman Representative] If it was a holiday bag, you know, dare it could very well have Starbucks stuff in it but it would not have come from us. - Okay. I, I thank you very much. - [Woman Representative] You are welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with? - No, I think that's everything. Uh, thank you so much for your help. - [Woman Representative] Ah! You are welcome, you have a wonderful day. - Thank you, you too, take care. (laughing) That was the sweetest woman (laughing) in the world. Bag dare. (laughing) (audience cheering) I dare you to be a bag! They lied to all of us, huh. (dramatic music) And to think, we all bought it the second we watched it, we all thought it was real, we believed them but here we are, just feeling empty. Empty like a bag of air. (audience laughing) ♪ Do you ever feel ♪ ♪ Like a bag of air ♪ ♪ At a coffee shop ♪ ♪ During the holidays ♪ (laughing) I think it's safe to say that all the secret menu things they do are fake. No shit, but now we know, now we have concrete evidence, all right? Myth busted! (metal slamming) Fuck, my stomach hurts, man, (laughing) and now to make it worse. It's lunchtime, let's go back to the kitchen. (upbeat music) All right, we're back in the test kitchen, the KurtisTown Test Kitchen. (hard rock music) So, for lunch we're gonna be making the Saucy Ramen. - Saucy Ramen! I don't, which is just spaghetti, I don't know why they called it Saucy Ramen. Like when they're ordering spaghetti at a restaurant they're just like, "Can I get the saucy noodles, please?" and they're like, "Yep, spaghetti, coming right up. Would you like balls with that?" "Yes, I'd like the saucy balls, please". The meatballs. So let's watch the TikTok for a refresher, shall we? - Add in your ramen, quarter cup of tomato sauce, boiling water halfway, a sprinkle of Parmesan and wait. It's a thing! - Okay, it's a thing! So, water's boiling. (package crackling) (bite chomping) Do you think any bags would get opened if none, if humans didn't have teeth? - [Ash] Add in your ramen. (ramen thudding) - Fuck. Imagine no- (water bubbling) So loud! (water rumbling) Can't even hear me. Oh, I gotta do tomato sauce first. (laughing) Eh! Uh oh! (laughing) (hard rock music) Fuck. It's there fault, it's cause they spelled my name wrong on the wheel. (hard rock music) Okay, that's why I can't open it. Open! (hard rock music) (lid popping) (audience cheering) (laughing) Quarter cup of tomato sauce. - Quarter cup of tomato sauce! I don't know what a quarter cup is. Well, I know what it is but you know what I mean. "I don't, what's a quarter cup?" (goofy music) "I know what a quarter and I know what a cup is but together, huh?" And now, boiling water, halfway. - [Ash] Boiling water, halfway. - Spilling water everywhere, (water splashing) so that's pretty cool. (plastic popping) - [Ash] A sprinkle of Parmesan. - Do you think if they didn't invent forks nobody would open Parmesan things? My dog is crying. He's like, "Please don't do this to your body, Kurtis!" And now we wait. She didn't say how long to wait so I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna stand here just like this for six years. (clock ticking) (ethereal music) - [Ash] And wait, and wait. (clock ticking) (ethereal music) (cheerful music) - Barely cooked at all, just the way I like it. - [Ash] It's a thing! (slurping) Uh! That tastes like my ass. - It's a thing! Fuck, man, I'm so hungry! (laughing) I want real food! Ah! (upbeat music) This may look like the KurtisTown Test Kitchen, okay? It may look very similar but believe it or not this is a different place, all right? You just entered The Prank Zone! (laughing) (upbeat music) You thought it was over. I got a belly full of noodles and I gotta burn off these fucking calories, okay, and what's the best way to do that? Pranks, baby! Good old fashioned pranks, all right? A couple hah-hahs, a couple practical jokes. So, I'm gonna do some pranks, all right, but I'm gonna do mine a little differently, okay? Unlike WeWearCute, I'm actually gonna go through with the pranks and show you the reaction. So the pranks I've decided to go with today are the Fake Cola Prank and the Wiener Prank. Neither of them are gonna be- - [Ash] On my mom! - Because she is a lovely, great woman and she doesn't deserve any of that, okay? So I'm gonna do these pranks on my friends because they are not lovely women and they do deserve this. (laughing) I originally wanted to do the realistic rubber rock prank, you know, but I could not find the movie rock. I couldn't find the movie rock that they were talking about and using, okay? Whenever I searched "movie rock", big fucking surprise, Dwayne Johnson showed up cause he is the movie Rock. So, we're gonna set up this Push Pop prank. The way it works is someone opens up a Push Pop but instead of a Push Pop it's a hot dog wiener. - Wiener prank on my mom! This Jumbo Push Pop might look like a Push Pop but it's gonna taste so beefy! That's one meaty lolly! - But I ended up getting some Push Pops and you'll notice that I'm using the plural and that's because I had to order them on Amazon and I couldn't just order one on Amazon, obviously, so I got 18 Jumbo Push Pops. It was 50 dollars, I wish I didn't do it but, hey man, I'm doing it for you! I'm doing this for you guys. (upbeat music) (laughing) Ew, dude, the fucking mascot for these, they're terrifying. Look at this nightmare of a guy. He's terrifying! (man screaming) All right, I sucked it dry, (goofy music) now it's time to stick the wiener in. I feel like this is gonna get demonetized. (laughing) Should blur this out. Uh! (laughing) This Jumbo Push Pop- - This Jumbo Push Pop- might look like a Push Pop- - might look like a Push Pop- but it's gonna taste- - but it's gonna taste - so beefy! - so beefy! That's one meaty lolly! - That's one meaty lolly! (laughing) All right, Prank Number One fucking done, dude! Uh, now for The Fake Cola Prank. Now, I actually couldn't find The Fake Cola Prank anywhere in person. I went to Spencer's Gifts to go find it cause I know they have little pranks but I couldn't find it there and I'm technically banned from every Spencer's Gifts in the world because my friend and I got caught shoplifting there when we were 15 so I risked my life, dude! (laughing) I risked my life for this Coke. Pablo Escobar who? (audience laughing) But I found it on Amazon, I searched "Fake Cola Prank" on Amazon and it came up but there was only one review and it was bad. It says, "Don't buy, didn't work" so I'm gonna take their word for it. So, I'm gonna make my own fake Cola with, uh, club soda and soy sauce. Okay, I'm just gonna pour this Coke out. (soda splashing) (slurping) (dramatic music) (hands slapping) (warning tone blaring) Oh! Why did that hurt me so much? (coughing) Uh, this video will be the death of me! All right, so the Coke is in the glass now, I'll drink that later but first I gotta grab my mini-blowtorch and make it brown. (blowtorch clicking) (laughing) Just burning everything! (laughing) Grab your mini-blowtorch (demonic music) and burn it down! (soda splashing) So now we're gonna put the soy sauce in. I'm worried that it's gonna smell too much like soy sauce cause the only thing that's gonna be in there is water and soy sauce. (water splashing) Oh, dude. I mean, that looks pretty fucking real. I think I'll add some of the Coke to this, (burping) that way it'll take away some of the (burping) the fucking soy sauce smell, right? I mean, that looks like Coke, dude. (inspirational music) I'm gonna do a little taste test. (slurping) (child crying) (record scratching) All right, so The Fake Cola Prank, ready to go, Wiener Prank is ready to go, now all that's left to do is prank my buddies so, come along. (upbeat music) After spending all that time in The Prank Zone I was finally ready to go so I hopped in my Prankmobile, ready to take on the world. Casey Neistat, I'm coming for the throne. Actually the "kc" in kcneistat stands for "Kurtis Conner", a lot of people don't know that. Okay, so I'm gonna head over to my friend Jacob's house. (gunshot banging) He is the victim of my Fake Cola Prank on my friend. I told him I'm filming a brand deal for Coca-Cola, just lied, lied to my friend. Um, I feel bad cause he was really excited, he was, like, super proud of me but he was down, so we're gonna drive there and we'll see in a sec. (upbeat music) ♪ Drivin' to Jacob's house ♪ ♪ All right ♪ Okay, I just got to Jacob's, I just did the best parallel park of my life, it's whatever. I'm feeling really nervous. Usually when I go, like before I go onstage when I do, like, standup I'm very nervous and I get the nervous pees, I have to pee like 30 times before I go on stage and the same thing has happened to me. I peed four times before I left and now I have to pee again. So, I'm really nervous but we're gonna make our way up. Jacob, hope you're ready! I made my way up to Jacob's apartment ready to prank his little socks off. He welcomed me in with pure excitement but he has no idea he's about to get got so good. I sat down with him and explained how the Coca-Cola commercial was gonna go and with everything in place it was prank time. (upbeat music) (laughing) Oh, man, that's so good! (caps hissing) Well, cheers! (bottle clinking) (upbeat music) - (laughing) Oh, my God, mine tastes really weird! (laughing) I'm not joking. - What does it taste like? - Not... - Oh, yeah, that smells really weird. - Take a sip. (laughing) - Yeah, that tastes weird. (laughing) Jacob just got pranked! (laughing) - Did I? (audience laughing) - You just got pranked! - No way! (audience laughing) - There's no Coke commercial! - What? (audience laughing) - There's a camera there and that's it. - What is this? - It's a fake Cola prank on my friend. - Oh, you got me with a fake... Is this one of your videos? (laughing) - Yeah! (laughing) - Fuck! That tastes horrible. - I know, it's soy sauce and club soda. (laughing) I thought you were gonna go for it a second, I thought you were just gonna not say anything. - (laughing) I really- - Which would, could really- - I really drank and I was like, and I paused just a second, took me, like, "Is this what Coke tastes like now?" (laughing) (laughing) - Well, thanks for being a good sport. - Thanks for getting me, buddy. - No problem. Well, the prank was a success (upbeat music) and the best part, Jacob wasn't even mad at me. He politely bid me adieu and I happily made my way back to the Prankmobile to get ready for my next hoodwink. Okay, so now I'm gonna head over to my friend Dean's house. (gunshot banging) Uh, he is the victim of The Push Pop Prank. I'm gonna tell him I'm filming a video for my second channel where I'm ranking my favorite candies from when I was a kid and Push Pops is at the top of my list and I need a video of us just sucking on some Push Pops, you know, just sucking down some Pops. So, I'm gonna head over there right now. I tried to film myself while driving but I almost immediately got in an accident so I stopped but I made it to Dean's and went to grab the Push Pops and, ah! Sorry, (laughing) scary little guy. I grabbed the Push Pops and started to explain my fake second channel video premise to Dean and just as I expected, he bought it no questions asked. It's prank time! (upbeat music) Three, two, one, action. (laughing) - That's a good one! (laughing) - You want a Push Pop? - I'd love one, thanks. - Oh, great. - Here, how's blue? - That's perfect. - All right. - Awesome. Three, two, one, cheers! - (laughing) Oh, man! (laughing) Sorry, what is that? - It's a Push Pop. - Oh. (laughing) Sorry, one second. (sniffing) Aw, it's a hot dog. - Um, I was hoping you wouldn't look and just put it in your mouth. - No, cause, mm. (laughing) (laughing) - It's all good, so. - I'm, I'm, yeah. - Good job. - Hey, let's go, give it up! (hands clapping) - (laughing) I guess I'm not sorry for like... (solemn music) - The Wiener Prank didn't work. I guess, all along the real wiener was me. I left Dean's house defeated but the day isn't over yet, I still have one more thing I have to do. (sighing) Fuck, uh, didn't work. I guess he knows a wiener when he sees one and that's fine. (hand slapping) I'm thinking maybe I should have, like, painted it blue or something. You know, maybe put some, like, glitter on it. I don't know, I don't fucking know, dude. I mean, one out of two, you can't win 'em all, right? Um, (upbeat music) but I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty hungry for some more shitty ramen so I'm gonna head home and you know what, I'm gonna make some dessert cause it's been a long day and I deserve it. Okay, I dessert it. (upbeat music) It is dessert time. It is dessert time because it has been a long day, I deserve a treat, okay? So, I'm gonna make some Cotton Candy Ramen! I can have one Cotton Candy Ramen as a treat. - Cotton Candy Ramen, it's a thing! Cook your ramen, add two drops of your cotton candy flavor. Add your cotton candy color! It smells so good and looks even better! How to make a delicious carnival ramen treat at home! - Let me just fucking tell you, dude, I, much like the Push Pops, I went through the fucking wringer to get this cotton candy flavor. This fucking thing, this tiny bottle? I had to go to a wedding cake store, I didn't even know those existed. Um, but I went to one and I got it. She did say it's very strong so I need to be careful with how much I put in. Um, I have a bowl of cooked ramen here. - [Ash] Cook your ramen! - I'm gonna pour in a little but of cotton candy flavor and then some cotton candy color which is like, I guess just like blue and red cause there is no true cotton candy color, you know. Like, if someone was like, "Hey, what color is that car?" you're like, "Oh, it's cotton candy colored". No one says that and they make it impossible to open which is really cool. (cheerful music) Oh, there we go. The chompers coming in clutch, again. God bless teeth, you know? I'm so fucking tired, man. All right, I'm gonna add my cotton candy flavor now. - [Ash] Add two drops of cotton candy flavor! - A couple drops, okay, holy shit! All right! (laughing) Oops. Mix that around. (laughing) (noodles slithering) How do they make cotton candy oil? How does, do they milk a cotton candy? Straight up, stop lying to me, do cotton candy got tits? And here we go. (cheerful music) - [Ash] Add your cotton candy color! - Some drops, it just looks like blood. Now blue! Red and blue, hey look, it's Superman Ramen! ♪ Super Ramen ♪ Now we mix. (noodles slithering) Oh, God. It looks like a crime scene. Man, if it don't sound like this I don't want it. (laughing) (fork clanking) Ah-ah, it looks like a dead fucking, like, wig. Looks like a dead clown wig. Like if you found a dead clown's head in your, like, dumpster this is what the top of it would look like, you know? All right, everyone, this is as good as we're gonna get. - [Ash] It smells so good and it looks even better! - I unfortunately don't have fangs like they do in the video. - [Jenna] We have fangs. - We have fangs? False alarm, Jenna came through with the fangs. - [Jenna] Don't say that! (laughing) - So, now I can really be part of WeWearCute! (audience applauding) (burping) Let's go, all right. - Ah, rah-rah-rah! Bottoms up. (upbeat music) (teeth thumping) I can't do that with that. (bite crunching) (mouth chomping) Dude, we are... Oh, God, it's not even... (bowl thumping) It's not sweet if that makes sense, it's really bitter cause, I think, usually you put this in with, like, stuff that's already, that already has sugar in it. Yeah, that's the worst one. That, that is worse then the Saucy Ramen. Hey, don't do that, Cotton Candy Ramen, forget it, trash it, don't do it. Ramen Mac & Cheese though, this kinda hits. (upbeat music) In conclusion, what've we learned? What've we learned, folks? We learned you should never do what I did. Uh, you should make ramen the way that's it's intended to be made. Do I regret doing, this? Good question. Yes, absolutely I do! I miss my chair, I miss sitting in my chair making jokes. Did I have a good time? Did I learn something? Yes, I did, actually. I learned that Cotton Candy Ramen tastes, looks like a dead clowns head and also tastes like one, too, okay, so don't have it. Seriously though, what I did learn, WeWearCute, fucking hats off to you! I have so much respect for you guys and what you do. How do you do it? I don't know. I'm convinced, I know your mom is a robot but I'm convince that you guys are as well cause no human, no regular human could live off a diet like this. You must be, I need real food, okay? I just don't know what to eat. - Kurtis, why don't you just make a HelloFresh? - You know what, handsome stranger, I think I will. I'm gonna go make a HelloFresh and you know what, why don't you come along? (hands clapping) Because they're actually today's sponsor. Let's go! (cheerful music) HelloFresh is America's number one meal kit and they make cooking at home fun, easy and affordable. We've been using HelloFresh for a while now and it's one of the best decisions we've ever made. We have so much fun trying new food and cooking together and it takes a lot of stress away from us when we're deciding on what to have for dinner and it's easy to get stuck making the same dishes over and over again but with HelloFresh you can choose from over 22 seasonal, chef curated recipes each week and break out of that dinner rut and I know you're all busy little busters and it's tough to find time to cook a nice, healthy meal for yourself. HelloFresh cuts out stressful meal planning and prepping so you can enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in just about 30 minutes or even 20 minutes with their quick recipe options. Another awesome thing about HelloFresh is the packaging they use to ship your food is almost entirely made from recyclable and, or already recycled content and their pre-portioned ingredients mean less prep for you and less food waste. "Hold on, Kurtis, weekly meal deliveries? What if I'm out of town for an extended period of time?" Great question. HelloFresh is super flexible and they make it so easy to make changes to fit your schedule. I'm away from home, like, once a month basically because of my standup shows and skipping a week of meals is as easy as going, "Tap, tap, tap" on my phone a few times and you can even add extra meals or throw in yummy sides and desserts like garlic bread and cookie dough if you want. Now this all sounds amazing, right? Well, this deal's about to get a whole lot sweeter! The folks over at HelloFresh have hooked up an awesome deal for the citizens of KurtisTown. Just go to HelloFresh.com and use code KURTISTOWN10 for 10 free meals included free shipping. Wowza! What a tasty deal! Thanks again to HelloFresh for sponsoring this video and many others in the past, they've been supporting my channel for a long time now and it's really awesome that they still like me cause I like them a lot. (laughing) Uh, so yeah, go check them out because it directly supports me and my channel and you'll quickly learn why HelloFresh is America's number one meal kit. All right, thank you HelloFresh. Oh, yum, that was some good food! All right, I think that's it, thank you so much for watching. Let me know if you enjoyed it, uh, please press the like button that'll let me know if you enjoyed this type of video. Um, I had a lot of fun. I'm very tired and my stomach hurts but I had a lot of fun today, actually leaving my house and, you know, actually doing stuff, making stuff. It was fun, it was a good time so let me know if you want to see more videos like this and, yeah, just leave a comment, let me know your ideas. Also, don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and as soon as you press that button (button clicking) you become a valued citizen of KurtisTown. If you don't know, KurtisTown is the best place to live in the world and I'm the Mayor so you have to be nice to me! If you want to see the other things I do, ah, you can check the description, I got my Instagram, my Twitter down there, all that shit, my weekly podcast called "Very Really Good" that I do. Um, if you like my videos you'll like the podcast as well, it's a good time. But, yeah, that's everything, thank you so much for tuning in. Love ya. Uh, it's too soon, huh? (laughing) Too soon to say that? Uh, I do have to go, though, I have to skedaddle, you know. I have to shit for the 90th time today. So, goodbye! (upbeat music) - Kurtis got a Coke commercial! (laughing) That's good for him! (laughing) I don't think you're ever gonna get one now! - I know. (slurping)
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 3,358,673
Rating: 4.9822445 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, wewearcute, kurtis conner wewearcute, bestie picks bae, pranks, tiktok, tiktok pranks, tiktok crafts, crafts, lived like for a day, for a day, challenge, tiktok challenge
Id: Wdn6PT-nZf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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