GOAT STORY 2: Was This Necessary?

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- New merch alert. Here, we have the gorgeous embroidered crew neck Pardon sweater. It's available in black or blue or black and blue, go crazy. What's that? You're not going to get this. Pardon? - Go stupid. - And next we have this nice Indoor Boyfriend tee. Based on my chart topping song of the same name, Indoor Boyfriend. ♪ I don't want to be an indoor boyfriend ♪ The artwork is done by my friend, Brandon Lappie, who also did the artwork for my podcast. It's the perfect shirt to wear on your torso. And it's as soft as, grass? I don't know. I've never been outside. I don't know what grass is like. 'Cause I'm an indoor boyfriend, like the song and the shirt. So if you wanna get your hands on these and many other merch items, you can go to kurtisconner.com and that's where you will find them. Okay, enjoy the video. Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's really good to see you again. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos, except for that one time. So press that little subscribe button for an extra greeting. Folks. (claps) (sighs) Okay, if you haven't watched my first video about the original Goat Story movie, I recommend you do that before watching this one or not. I don't care. You can do what you want really. But yeah, I appreciate all the positive feedback I got on that video. Worked really hard on it. Took a long time to make it so glad you like it. And actually I'll have, you know that the animation studio, AAA studios, what they're called, they're the people who made Goat Story and they commented on my video. Wow. They actually left the comment before the video was even live, which was weird, I've never seen that before. I had the video on my channel like unlisted for a few days because I had to send it to ExpressVPN, the sponsor of that video and this video. I had to send it to them to like approve it before I posted it, you know. And in that like two day period they commented on the video. I don't know how they found it. My guess is they have a whole team of people at the studio just randomly typing in random YouTube URLs amidst the hours and hours of content uploaded to YouTube. They'll randomly stumbled upon a YouTuber talking about their video. That's my best guess, and I'm right. But this is what they commented. Thanks for analyzing our movie Goat Story. (cheering) Great job. I always smile when someone offends over big breasts or some small nudity. Is it really such a terrible thing for children? On the contrary, it is completely natural. But for Americans, I'm Canadian, this false morality is probably all to show the breast is terrible, but the fact that the problem in every American animated film is solved by violence, someone puts someone in their mouth, they fight together, is completely okay. (cheering) Great job. Okay, great points. I think what they're trying to say is they're allowed to show booby in their movie because they didn't have any violence. Well, aside from like the first part of the movie where the guard tries to like kill that little boy and then master Heinous's eyes getting cut out of his skull. Oh yeah. And then hanging a goat at the end of the movie. But yeah. Other than all that violence, they had no violence. So it's all good. Also, someone puts someone in their mouth, they fight together, is completely okay. Someone puts someone in their mouth, they fight together, is completely okay. (upbeat music) (sighs) That is completely okay. But all in all, I think the movie studio liked my video. And they had a really cool way of showing their appreciation. They copyright claim my video. And then when I disputed it saying that it was fair use, they doubled down putting my channel at risk of a copyright strike. So, it's the little things. But anyway, since Goat Story was such a huge success, you know, it made over negative $500,000. They decided to make a sequel. And the sequel is called Goat Story With Cheese. 'Cause you know how cheeseburgers are just the sequel to hamburgers. Cheeseburgers for the longest time were just called hamburger 2 but burger with cheese made more sense. I wish all movies named their sequels like they were hamburgers. John wick, Extra Pickles. Fried Green Tomatoes, No Tomatoes. Good Burger. Good Burger. Okay, one more tiny thing to say before we start. Goat Story and Goat Story With Cheese are both on YouTube for free, you can watch them. My videos are in no way a replacement for these videos, I'm just commenting on it, making jokes about it. Go watch the movie, support the studio 'cause they're great. They're so nice and handsome. Wow AAA studios you have such big muscles too. You're so nice and handsome. You wouldn't copyright claim little old me, Would you? (chuckles) Enough chit chatting. Let's talk about Goat Story 2, With Cheese. So the movie starts in this big throne room where we meet one of the main characters in this movie, the Cheese King. I don't know if that's his actual name. I think he's just the King, but he's a King obsessed with cheese, but so am I. Excuse me King, you dropped this. So the Cheese King is in his throne room. He's getting fed by his resident cheese maker and I'm just going to come right out and say it. These guys are weirdos. - There. - Indeed, indeed. That's the finest tongue I've ever seen your Highness. It is so nimble, so sharp and witty. - Alright off to a great start. (chuckles) So yeah, I guess he likes the cheese so much that he wants his servant to, massage his tongue. I'd like to think that the writer of this movie thinks this is a completely normal thing that everybody likes. Like what kind of restaurants does the writer of this film go to, You know. Hi, are you tired of eating food the old fashioned way? You put it in your mouth, you chew it, you swallow it, you leave. I sure was. That's not a healthy way to live your life. That's why I opened Buddy's Tongue Rubbers. Finally, you can have an elegant meal while a trained professional strokes that pink mel form of yours after every succulent bite. Our tongue rubbers are prohibited from washing their hands. So you'll taste every single salty nook and cranny our rubbers have to offer. So stop eating like a caveman and give those buds a rub-a-dub-dub. Come on down to Tongue Rubbers, tell 'em Buddy sent ya. (dings) ♪ Open wide, let us stroke your tongue buddies ♪ Alright. Paid a guy in Fiverr 50 bucks for that jingle at the end. Was it worth it? (belching) But yeah, that's the relationship between the King and the cheese maker. King loves cheese and the servant brings him cheese from all over the world. But they actually ran out of money to pay for the cheese. So they're starting to just trade all of the King's belongings now, I guess. - We'll, trade the chandelier. ♪ My one and only one disease ♪ Oh yeah, this is a musical. I forgot to say that off the top. I am actually okay With that, I feel like the first movie would have been way better if it was a musical. ♪ We got to hang, hang, hang this goat ♪ But alright, now it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for dude. Just down the hill from the big cheese castle, there's a little hut a little house, a little cottage, if you will. And they make goat cheese there. And what do you need to make goat cheese. (whimsical music) Hard work and dedication, but also, goats. (bleating) (cheering) Goat's back. Except goat sounds way different in this movie. The goat in the first movie sounded like a mature woman. But in the sequel, she sounds like a poker player who sells newspapers. It's a big change. I'm pretty sure they use all different voice actors for the sequel because, Jemmy sounds different, Katy sounds different, but the goat voice actor change is the most jarring one for sure. - She's my best friend. - This will be the best goat cheese the world has ever known. - Okay, that one's fine. - You two are hilarious. - You always make cheese. - Alright, I'm okay with that. - It's just like a village except bigger. - I hope you cut your fingernails. Not like the last time. - What the fuck happened. That's like, even like the Chamber of Secrets came out and then Hermione was just like. Oi bro, stay out of the Chamber of Secrets, ye? I'll fuck you up mate. But yeah, Jemmy, Katy, and Goat, they now live in this little house with their two kids, Susie and Johnny. And they make a living by selling goat cheese, obviously. Which is actually kind of fucked up now that I think about it. Like they were nothing but mean to Goat in the first movie. And Goat literally like sacrificed her life to make sure Jemmy, the man that she loves, ends up with Katy. And now they're just profiting off of her boob milk. Hashtag Jemmy and Katy are over party. Let's get it trending. Sorry, I had to do it to 'em. I had to cancel them real quick. So, Goat makes this fresh batch of stinky cheese and later that night, that smell from the goat cheese makes its way into the King's room. And it does that classic cartoon thing where it like, you know, it turns into a hand and is like, "come on, come on I'm a stinky little smell." - Making it stinky. So yeah, the scent hand actually goes under the King's blankets and. (laughing) Kidding. Holy shit that's insane. If the scent of goat cheese jerked the King off, whoa. Honestly wouldn't put it past them though. I feel like that's a thing they could put into this movie. But anyways, the King follows the scent all the way to the goat cheese and eats the whole wheel. Dude probably hasn't crapped in years. Holy shit. If you're only eating cheese, if you were to cry they'd be brown 'cause there's a shit, all the way up to his fucking head. (chuckles) Yeah, the next morning the King is talking to his servant guy and is like, dude that goat cheese last night was fucking sick. - I haven't eaten such good goat cheese in ages. - So he goes down to Jemmy and Katy's house to get more goat cheese. - Unfortunately we couldn't find a single whole block of cheese. - We must've been robbed last night. - Oh, that settles that. (chuckles) - Literally the most chill reaction to being robbed. Yeah, we must have been robbed last night. Pesky little robbers, just another robbery. Feel like I'd be pretty cheesed if somebody robs me. (booing) Okay, also really quick. I wanna point out that like the animation in this movie doesn't look as detailed as the first one. Like in the first movie, I feel like I could smell Jemmy, that's how detailed it was. I don't know. This one, it just looks like the textures are like a little too smooth or something. I say this like I know anything about animation and then I could do any better. Yeah the textures are too smooth. Fuck you man. But I'm actually fine with it though 'cause this is actually like a little easier to look at. - One more. - One more. But anyways. later that night everybody's sleeping peacefully when The Devil breaks into their house and kidnaps Jemmy and Katy. (laughing) Things took a dark turn pretty quick. And we don't see Katy's reaction to this kidnapping, but if it's anything like the robbery, I feel like she's cool with it. We must've been robbed last night. So the next morning Susie and Johnny realize their parents are gone. And when their neighbor, who also has huge boobs comes to the house to get cheese, she explains to them that The Devil has kidnapped their parents. I don't know how she do that right away. That is very suspicious But let's see why she thinks The Devil kidnapped them. - Why would The devil have our parents. - They are cheese makers. Lucifer is very particular about his cheese. - Huh, so that's why hell is so bad. Our boy Lucifer, Lucy is so particular about his cheese. He's a big, bad cheese monster. He's a he's a Munster - Munster moment. Munster cheese is a strong smelling soft cheese with a subtle taste. So the neighbor goes on to explain that their parents are in hell. And they have 3 days to save them. - You have only three days to get out pf hell. - And if they don't, this is gonna happen. - Then The Devil cleans out your ears with cotton swats and uses you as a basis for noodle soup. (gasping) - Basis for noodle soup! - basis for noodle soup! - Jesus Christ lady. - Lady, you're scaring us. (laughing) - Hey, are my parents okay? No, he's gonna boil your fucking parents alive. And he's gonna use their intestines as noodles. And he's gonna drink their filthy blood like wine and floss his stinky teeth with your parents' hair. But worst of all. What? He's gonna be particular about his cheese. (screaming) So Johnny and Susie are scared. They don't think they can do it. They don't think they can save their parents But, goat gives them a quick pep talk. - So then, do you believe we'll rescue your mom and dad? That's it we'll find a hell and go to mommy and daddy's rescue. And they're on their way to go save their parents. And since goat is a raging alcoholic, the first place they go to is a bar to get more information on how to go to hell. (upbeat music) It's Matthew, it's Matthew. He's not swagged out anymore. 'Cause that's what happened to him, huh? After those guys made it stinky, he's making it groovy. Okay, in the bar this is when we meet three more main characters of the movie. We got this tall guy, his name is Tall. There's big guy, his name is Broad. And there's blind guy and his name is Sharp-eyed. And literally the only jokes that exist in this movie are, tall guy is tall. And also a big guy is big. And believe it or not blind guy is blind. And just like a block of cheddar left out in the sun gets old real quick. Oh, actually on second thought, maybe this Sharp-eyed guy maybe he tried to build a clock in another town. (gasping) He's got a blindfold on. But anyways, Goat exclaims her master plan to the bar. - Hear ye, hear ye. - Hear ye, hear ye. - I'll pay the entire tab of whoever here can tell me how to get to hell. - Honestly, weird things have been said at bars. I feel like I've probably said this at some point in my life. So Tall, Broad and Sharp-eyed they don't have any money to pay their bills. So they're like, oh, we'll just lie and say we know how to get to hell and they'll pay our bill. - You know the way to hell? - We will think of something. - So Goat hires them on the spot. - You're a hired. - And right after broad pulls out this huge contract for Goat to sign, which is odd. He just had a contract ready to go at the off chance a goat came into the bar, asking them to take her to hell. Very specific. This is coming from the same studio who employs thousands of people to type in random YouTube URLs to find a YouTuber talking about their movie. So, it's not that far fetched, that makes sense. So these guys say you have to go to this place called the Devil's mill to get to hell. They don't really know where to go at first, but then they see this big explosion and then they go, oh, there it is. That's where it is. - Wow, a storm is brewing. (chuckles) Okay, does she think that skull shaped explosion was a thunderstorm? Jeez, big cloud back there. Looks like it's gonna rain. So they get to the site of the explosion and it's this weird little like spooky hut. So obviously they break in. (screaming) - Help me. - I don't know. This part is very weird. There's a spider-dog thing that licks Susie's face. - So guys, what's going on in here? - Blind guy is blind. - Hello daddy, is that you? Please don't lick me, you'll get me all wet. - I don't know. Again, every scene in this movie makes me so uncomfortable. Oh my God. With their track record I'm honestly surprised this spider doesn't have huge boobs. It's honestly shocking to me, but that'd be quite the a-rack-nid. Dumb joke, move on. Let's move on. So this old witch then enters the hut and starts rubbing Johnny for some reason. And then her arm falls off. Which is pretty disarming to see. And then Johnny takes this stuff called the water of life that was on her shelf. - Spray water of life on it. - He pours it on her arm and it goes back on. I guess the water of life fixes any physical ailment. But this part is super important, okay. The witch tells Johnny to put it back. - Put the potion back. - But the little fucking bastard keeps It. He pockets it, he keeps the juice for himself. (gasping) Johnny, Johnny. Yes papa. Stealing the water of life? No papa. Telling lies? No Papa. Open wide. A-A-A animation studios. (cheering) Love you guys. But anyways, the hut is about to explode again because of this potion that she's making. So they all escape and run away. But now they're all starting to get tired. They're at each other's ends. They're fucking arguing and bickering at each other. - Mr.Sharp-eyed, find the way to the Devil's mill. (laughing) - Oh. (laughing) - He can't see, he has cataracts. (coughs) Did I also hate when I hear the word cataracts. 'Cause that's like a serious like medical issue. But whenever I hear it I just think of that fucking song. ♪ Face down look ♪ He can't see, he's listening to the cataracts. But okay, Holy shit. The next 30 seconds of this movie are fucking insane. So Tall stretches out to get a good view of the land. I guess that's a thing he can do. He can stretch really tall, but he's immediately struck by lightning. And just like Katy with the robbery Goat doesn't bat a fucking eye, to the fact that Tall was just struck by lightning. - No matter, we'll use the North star to guide us instead. No matter? Yes matter. If I got struck by lightning and one of my friends is like, "no matter." I have brain damage from the lightning strike but heart damage from the friend who doesn't care about me. And then, gets even weirder. Right after he got struck by lightning, Goat's like, "no matter, we'll just follow the North star." And then this happens. - There it is. (gentle music) - The North star, we're off to the river and the Devil's mill. (dramatic music) - I've lost sleep over this. Why is there a popsicle on the sky? Why would that be the North star? Do they know something we don't? Are all stars popsicles? ASAP. (chuckles) All stars are popsicles. Dammit, it makes so much sense. That'd be crazy if they're right. If NASA came out and they were like, "Hey guys, we were wrong, sorry." "Yeah, we thought stars were big balls of gas, but they're actually sweet summer treats." Maybe then I'd become an astronaut. Because I do have what it takes to be an astronaut but, stars just ain't sweet enough for ol' Kurt. Anyways, they follow the North popsicle and they keep marching on. It was a big musical number. ♪ Matching straight into hell ♪ And then they rest for the night after eating some goat cheese. So while they're sleeping again, the scent from the goat cheese, goes all the way into the King's castle and actually sticks one finger up his asshole. (chuckles) So he floats all the way to the cheese and he steals it. And then the King tells a servant that he found his goat cheese by the Devils mill last night. - I found It by Devil's mill. - What? - Which is weird, 'cause I thought he was sleeping the whole time. Like it was heavily implied that he was sleepwalking or sleep floating, to the cheese, right. But no, this guy's just an asshole. He's fully awake, stealing cheese from orphan children. And I just got one question for the King. Why you gotta brie like that? (laughing) How many cheese puns is too many? Please let me know. Cheddar? I hardly know her, okay. Okay guys, this where stuff starts to get fucking crazy, okay. Not as crazy as a Goat dressing up as a big boob lady and hanging themselves but, still pretty wild. So the King's getting another cheese shipment. - You'll be receiving a package of Gouda from Holland. - And they're running out of things to trade. So the servant suggests that the King trades his crown. - They'll take your royal crown in exchange for it. - Which is a terrible trade for some Gouda. A pound of Gouda is $11 and 6 cents according to google. St.Edward's Crown is worth $39 million. - So be it. - Not only is this King an asshole cheese thief, he's a fucking dumb ass. Your logic's got more holes than a big slice of Swiss cheese my friend. - So please, sign right here. - Okay, another fucking contract dude. What is with the Goat Story movies and contracts? First one, there is a contract with the Devil, and on this one, Broad had a contract at the bar. And another, this another separate cheese contract. - The agreement goes into effect tomorrow morning. - So much litigation for every single thing they do. What a terrible life to live. You need a contract to do literally anything. Hey man, I feel kind of sick, can you take me to a hospital? Sure, but you gotta sign this contract first. Please dude, I need your help. I really don't have time to sign another contract. Okay, can you sign this one then. This one states that you don't have time to sign the other contract. No. Oh hell, I'll even take an initial at this point. (laughing) No. Oh come on, make it official. Write down your initials. Oh God, I think I've contracted a disease. That was nice of you to use that word. It's the least I can do. It was in the contract I signed last week. Oh wait, we're in a hospital right now. Oh yeah, we're both doctors. (laughing) Doctors please. There's been a huge accident, we need your help. Come on. (dramatic music) - Sorry sir. - Sorry sir. - That's not in the contract. - That's not in the contract. (laughing) - Hey, are those doctors coming to help or what? - I don't know, it's still up in the air. (laughing) I don't know. (coughs) Back to the movie. It's about to get wild. Alright, I'll say it. Turns out the castle cheese maker is up to no good. (laughing) Those big, thick, juicy, silky, voluptuous cheeks of his, they're fake. - What? - Yeah, I think it's cheese. He just keeps big pieces of cheese in his cheeks all day to make them big and puffy. His breath probably smells fucking terrible dude. (chuckles) Cheese in your mouth all day dude? Soggy and warm and. But it turns out he hasn't been trading the King's stuff for cheese at all. He's kidnapped all the cheese makers in the area. - It is a great honor to make cheeses. - And is forcing them to make all the cheese while he just keeps all the King's stuff to himself. And you guessed it, Katy and Jemmy are down there making goat cheese, without a goat. So yeah, this plan doesn't really make any sense. Wouldn't you wanna kidnap the goat too? If you're making goat cheese. That's like kidnapping the cast of Friends and being like, "Hey, make another episode of Friends." Right? You need the writers too. Actors are the cheese makers and writers are goats. That's the only way I understand things. If you explain them based on goat cheese production. For example, this camera is the goat and I am the cheese maker. Good goat. (bleating) Good, cute goat. But yeah, turns out this guy was actually The Devil who kidnapped Katy and Jemmy at the beginning of the movie. The Devil didn't even have any part of this 'cause he was off playing cards in Prague, I'm sure. But anyways, he's given this like monologue thing. And he says that the King finally signed the contract. So now, he's gonna hang all the cheese makers the next day. - I'm gonna have you all executed. (gasping) - So cut back to the gang, they're at the Devil's mill now. This is really weird scene where it kinda turns into a rave and these two little devil guys show up. I don't know who they are or what their purpose is, but they're there. Then the evil cheese devil shows up and kidnaps Susie. Which is another sentence I've never said before in my life but here we are. (growling) And this is also when they find out the Royal cheese makers master plan. - Royal cheese maker. - Sometimes even the worst hell is here on earth. - Damn. Goat be spitting facts though. Yo, someone's got to make, you know those sad Bart edits? Please someone make a sad Goat edit. Hey, I got impatient so I made one myself. - Will you marry me? - That just wouldn't work out at all. (gentle music) come on, why do you get so drunk? Now go to sleep. (gentle music) - Sometimes even the worst hell is here on earth. (gentle music) But yeah, just to go over the cheese makers plan, one more time. The Royal cheese maker kidnaps other cheese makers to make cheese for a King, who's addicted to cheese on the off chance that he'll be so enamored by this cheese that he'll unknowingly sign some random contract entitling the cheese maker to the crown. It's also putting a lot of trust into the King to not just rip up the contract and be like, "no, fuck you, you're insane." "I'm the King and I can nullify any contract" Right? And what's the cheese maker gonna do if he just rips the contract up. Is he gonna do, go to small claims court? No dude. Even if there were cops or anything to like, go help the cheese maker, hey man, you kidnapped a bunch of cheese heads and you're forcing them to work in a cheese dungeon. You're going to jail, sir. And you can't make cheese in jail. Trust me I've tried. I have tried to make cheese in jail. I broke into a jail once. Tried to make cheese. Couldn't do it. Because I don't know how to make cheese outside of jail. So I don't know what I was expecting. Whatever. We're getting close to the end of the movie, let's fucking keep going. So they're tryna figure out how they can get to the castle before morning. 'Cause if they don't, their parents are toast. Then Johnny remembers that he has the water of life that he stole from that old lady in the woods. - I almost forgot about the Water of Life. So he pour some on Broad, Tall and Sharp-eyed and they essentially get like super powers. It's also kind of baffling that Johnny had this liquid that basically cures any physical ailment and he just forgot about it. He just kept it from a blind guy for several days. You ass. Now that I think about it, we just gotta rob some old lady in the woods and we'll have the cure for COVID. So you hear that grandmothers of the forest, look out, we ride at dawn, expect us. We are anonymous. We are Legion. We're gonna rob your gam gam. But yeah, Broad now has the ability to drink a lot of water and bounce really high. I don't fucking know. Tall gets the ability to stretch like super high above the clouds. And now Sharp-eyed has like laser eyes essentially. Again, I don't fucking know but they finally make their way to the castle. Meanwhile, the King like runs into The Devil and freaks out. The guards are freaking out. The whole castle is on the lookout for The Devil. Also, really quick. Can I just say? The King's got a fucking wagon on. He's got a huge ass. I like that they're being more inclusive in this movie. Just be giving everybody big butts. I think that's good. I think that shows growth, in my pants. 'Cause I'm getting a fucking boner looking at the Kings butt. Ew! And now, this is where the King learns about the cheese maker's dastardly plans. (dramatic music) - So this is it. - He is just now finding this two story cheese dungeon in his own castle. But I mean, better late than never I guess. Anyways, the gang meets up with the King and then The Devil comes in and holds the King hostage until morning. 'Cause that's when the contract goes into effect. - In the morning, the crown will be mine. (chuckles) - I just gotta say, for a villain, he is very serious about following the laws and rules of the legal system. He's just waiting until morning for his contract to go into effect so he can be evil. That's like if the joker was like, I don't know, a guy who didn't do crimes. (chuckles) I don't know where I was going with that. So it happened evil cheese maker is now King. - From now on, I'll be your King. - And he locks up the gang in a separate dungeon, not the cheese dungeon. This is a separate dungeon from the cheese dungeon. And for some reason as King, his first thing he does is take a nap. - If anyone comes looking for me, I'm resting. - He's so passionate about his plans. To take over, kill all the cheese makers, rule the world. But he's like, you know what? (gentle music) And while he's sleeping, Susie crawls out of the bag that he kidnapped her in. I guess everybody forgot about Susie. And she's down in the dumps. And she gets a pep-talk from like a theory of goat I guess. An apparition of goat I suppose - You can do anything you want. Remember whose daughter you are. (uplifting music) - Is Goat, Susie's real mother? (chuckles) Is that what they're implying? She says, "remember whose daughter you are." And then winked. Holy shit Jemmy, what did you do? We gotta call Maury. Well nevermind. Maury is usually to find the father. I guess it'd be pretty easy to find who the mother of a baby is. In the case of little Susie, you are the mother. I know I gave birth to her. (clapping) (cheering) (shouting) Alright, so Susie comes up with a master plan to save the day. She grabs a rope that's attached to a big hot air balloon and runs like all around the castle. And there's this really great scene in the middle of this that I wanna show you guys. - Look, a rope. - You're funny, come this way. - Okay. (chuckles) - Hey look, there's a rope. A rope? That's funny. That's so funny. That's funny 'cause no one ever says there's a rope. A rope in the hallway. What is this? A game of clue? Is Colonel Mustard there as well? Come on, a rope. (chuckles) (calm music) Does this castle smell like cheese to you? Alright, we're almost at the end of the movie ,Holy shit. Susie ties this long hilarious rope to the cheese maker's toe and sets the balloon free. He's pulled through the whole castle, destroying everything in his way. The castle collapses, floats up into the air, then falls to his death. - Mommy, daddy. - Johnny. - Johnny. (cheering) Family's reunited and Katy's got a red dress on now. She was wearing like a green one before and then the castle collapsed. And now she's wearing a red one. Red dress. Alright, so everyone's celebrating. They did it. And this ending is the exact same thing as the first movie. Like everybody thinks Susie is dead. - Where is Susie? - It's sad for a second as they grieve the death of their daughter. Even though they're not even that sad. (somber music) The reactions to traumatic things in this movie are. It's like nothing happened at all. We got robbed, struck by lightning, whatever, daughter's dead. Super quite for a few seconds and then you hear a voice in the distance and it's Susie, she's alive. - Hello. - And it's the fucking same thing with Goat in the first movie. We all thought she was dead. - Huh? - Wow, she's alive. So everyone's reunited. They hug and kiss. Big musical number and the movie's done. (fireworks blasting) Okay, I have a confession to make. Compared to the first one, this movie is actually pretty good. Obviously, first movie's iconic. But in terms of storytelling, I think Goat Story With Cheese was just a little better. And also, apparently, I forgot to say this earlier. But, the clock in Goat Story, is apparently a real clock in Prague. So whenever we're allowed to travel again, we're all gonna go, all 2 million, two and a half million of us, are gonna go to Prague and we're going to have a party at the clock. But what did we learn? What is the lesson this movie is teaching us? I think the moral of the story is, steal from old ladies in the woods. So look out grandmothers, this is your final warning. Well, let's hear a word from today's sponsor, ExpressVPN. Listen up, when you're connected to an unencrypted network, you're sending countless pieces of information out into the digital world that can be seen and intercepted by many different parties before they get to your intended destinations. And these companies can sell your personal data to the highest bidder. And it's gross to think about. I hate that. I don't want these people's to know one about me. I don't even know them at all. Who are these people? But ExpressVPN creates a secure tunnel between your device and the internet. So you can browse without worry. And I got some good news, alright. If you're an Epic gamer, like myself. ExpressVPN can help you out by helping you access games that have an earlier launch in different countries and ExpressVPN also hides your IP address, so rival players can't dig up your personal information. And ExpressVPN allows you to bypass all geo restrictions and connect to servers closer to you which helps reduce ping times and overall lag. So you can hit those nasty 1080 no scopes all day and get some poggers in the chat. (upbeat music) But one of my favorite things about ExpressVPN is it allows you to change your location so you can access content that's blocked in your area. For example, one of my favorite movies of all time, Airplane, isn't on Canadian Netflix. But if I feel like watching it, all I have to do is click on one of the US servers, bada bing bada boom, I'm watching Airplane. And I know there's a bunch of VPN services but here's why ExpressVPN is the best one. They have the fastest speeds. Even Usain Bolt would be like, whoa. They've 24/7 customer support. It's super easy to use, even a dummy like me can do it. But hey, don't take my word for it. It is also rated the number one VPN service by a bunch of publications like TechRadar, CNET, The Verge and so much more. And to make things even better, ExpressVPN is hooking up the citizens of KurtisTown with an amazing deal. Just click the link in the description or go to ExpressVPN.com/KURTISTOWN to find out how you can get three months free. So give 'em a try. I've been using ExpressVPN for a few years now. They're a close friend of the channel. They're the official VPN service of KurtisTown. I'll say it. And I want to keep my citizens safe. So go click the description, check it out. It also supports me and my channel. So everybody wins, dude. Alright, thank you so much ExpressVPN for sponsoring yet another one of my videos. Love you. Bye. Okay, that's it. Thank you for watching the video. If you enjoyed it, please press that like button because one like equals one Kings tongue, that I will lovingly stroke. And yeah, leave a comment. Let me know what you thought. Let me know some other movies you've seen that you want me to talk about. And yeah, again, go watch the movies. They're on YouTube completely free. So go check 'em out. Press the Subscribe button, because as soon as you press that Subscribe button you become a valued citizen of KurtisTown. If you didn't know, KurtisTown is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor. So you have to be nice to me. It's the law. If you wanna see the other things I do, you can check the description, podcasts, Instagram, Twitter, merch, Twitch, all that bullshit. But yeah, that's the video I gotta go. Sorry, I would stick around but I have to go. I have to stuff a bunch of cheese in my cheeks, and not these ones. See ya. (gentle music)
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,762,898
Rating: 4.9823833 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, goat story, goat story 2, goat story with cheese, movie reaction, movie commentary, weird animated movie, low budget animated movie, commentary, bad movies, comedy
Id: VrORMy_9Ig4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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