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My favorite thing about observational comedy is how out-of-the-box thinking is required when approaching a subject. Critical thinking is such an essential tool for all comedians because comedy is a craft that requires constant change or it goes stale.

Part of observational comedy requires a comedian to pull out critiques that aren't obvious to everyone else and then lay those critiques out like they are obvious. A good example is Mulaney's bit about Home Alone: Lost in New York (it's a GRID SYSTEM motherfucker!).

Danny is really good at that.

I watched this movie a few years back and just thought it was hella corny but didn't think much about how Tara basically started a bratty rebellion because the principal didn't want them to listen to music during class...which is a completely reasonable thing. His observations about the production of the movie were also things I never would have noticed, and I basically got my degree in analysis and critical thinking. He approaches movies the way I approach books.

I feel like watching his content excercises my own critical thinking skills the same way participating in class discussions in college did. That makes him sound boring but class discussions were the main way I learned and they never bored me. It's kinda of like he's teaching me by example.

Idk I learn a lot about practicing criticism specifically from him and that's one of the reasons I enjoy his videos so much. He always stimulates the critical part my brain. It's so easy to make criticism/analysis somber, snobbish, and elitist but he makes it worthwhile, human, and fun!

Edit: removed last sentence. Decided to keep this comment up. No regrets.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Meljusenr 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm box boy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zekecolaco 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up Greg I hope you're all having a great day welcome back to my channel this of course is another episode of I'm Radio rebel so I keep seeing clips from this movie popping up on tick-tock it's called Radio rebel it's a Disney Channel original movie I've never seen it before I guess it was like a year or two after I stopped watching Disney Channel cuz I know who Debbie Ryan is but apparently there's like a big trend on tick-tock right now or at least there was a couple days ago where people will reenact the really strange faces and just like weird acting that Debbie Ryan does in this movie so after seeing some of these tic TOCs I was like shoot I got to check out this movie which I did I watched the whole thing and afterwards I was like well that was a big waste of time and yeah this is a new Greg hoodie it's a nice spring colored mint or Turk or teal however you want to call this color it's a new hoodie it's available on Danny Gonzalez that store there's also a similar colored t-shirt if you want to pick that up because you are worried about being too warm or you want people to see your forearms alright well without further ado let's watch a Disney Channel movie report cards came out today so the movie starts off by giving us a clip of Radio rebel it's this radio show run by a teenager named Tara she runs an internet radio show that broadcasts all over Seattle I don't know why it doesn't broadcast in other places cuz it's an internet radio show and not a real radio show and she's honestly sort of the voice of her generation everyone at school listens to her she's always given these messages about being yourself and rejecting the status quo which is kind of ironic because it's all run by the shyest kid in school Tara she's so shy in fact that she doesn't want anyone to know that she's Radio rebel not even her best friend you should talk to your stepdad what why uh he runs slam FM the biggest radio station in Seattle maybe he could give you an internship that'd be a confidence booster right are you kidding me he's been married to my mom for what two months probably thinks I'm a total step freak he thinks you're a step freak but he's your stepdad wouldn't that also make him a step freak I can't believe that my wife's daughter is now like partially related to me and we're like a family now what a fucking step freak what a freak how ballsy do you have to be to marry into a family and start calling people in that family a freak for being now related to you you station technique when I'm memorizing lines for drama I imagine I'm breathing in the words what does that even mean you need to breathe how can you even breathe aggressive so these are their friends I forget what their names are but that's such an aggressive way to enter a conversation when you see your friends at school just run up behind him and push the home oh hey man hey dude good to see you good to see you man Radio rebel reveals the biggest clue yet about her identity she goes to our school she mentioned it at minute 1430 in Tuesday night's podcast and these two dudes along with the rest of the school but especially these two dudes are like obsessed with finding out radio rebels true identity they've got all these schemes and plans to try to figure out who she is they analyze everything about her and they have no idea that it's one of their best friends Tara on this particular day in Tara's drama class her class combines with another drama class because they're doing a big group project so the other drama class comes in and they're all one big class now into Tara's surprise her crush Gavin is in that class but she's too scared to talk to him so scared in fact she just leaves class instead of not talking to him and being shy in class she's just got to get out of there how does the teacher not notice them just get up and leave the class you can hear talking in the background as Tara is leaving is the teacher just completely up against the board talking the entire time right class today we're gonna learn about whiteboards and how you have to stand really close to them in order to see anything on that I really hope no one's leaving the class right now but I have no idea I really hope that when I turn around there's still gonna be people in the class because I haven't looked at you guys for the past 20 minutes so as Radio rebel starts to get more and more popular Tara's stepdad ends up hearing about Radio rebel because he's actually the head of one of the most popular radio stations in Seattle and he decides he wants to hire Radio rebel but first he wants like a teenager's opinion about it so he goes to talk to his step freak Tara damn I could tell why Radio rebel so popular she always plays such cool music yahwah's ons as yeah so this is good right here we are when we're hanging out and we're listening to Radio rebel and together together just do stuff that rounds out the final set [Music] she's radio rebel you radio them that depends I made trouble hmm no of course not hey I'm all you're doing that I'm just so shy you're so shy I mean you're such a fucking nerd I have no idea how you could have so much confidence when you're such a fucking loser you dweeb ass step freak looking motherfucker I don't know how you can possibly have a radio show so he hires her you hired by just saying you're hired not really saying what she's hired for and then he just leaves he just books it he slams the door behind him so she can't even ask any questions like hired for what he just says you're hired and runs away you're hired you're hired you know how you get a job that's how getting a job works actually now that I think about it it kind of reminds me of how I got my first job oh shit oh no what oh shoot oh sorry man did you did you just break my package yeah look man I'm really sorry I did not mean to do that I can I can pay you back if you want or I can get by you new package you're hired huh you're hired you're hired you start Monday what I don't know i hunger hired guys are weird oh god yes you're hire is a job at all fucking and that's how I started working at UPS then of course back in drama class Tara gets put in the same group as her crush Gavin and when Tara goes up to talk to Gavin the chemistry is palpable cool shirt I love that band you first rules the Gees can only dream of being that good someday the chemistry is palpable you can palpate it is able to beep out the chemistry is Palpatine do it okay here's a good scene so in this scene they're in gym class I guess and Tara is talking to her best friend and her friend invites her over that night but Tara has to do Radio rebel she has to do her show so she can't but since her best friend doesn't know about Radio rebel Tara just has to lie and say that she has to do something else at least I'm pretty sure that's what happens but for the life of me I cannot focus on the conversation there happening because of all the weird shit going on in the background I think this is supposed to be a gym class because everyone's outside playing and doing sports but everyone is doing like drastically different stuff and just this scene alone you see people sitting stretching running one lone dude playing soccer jumping jacks skipping and football did their gym teacher that day just be like I don't I don't fucking care just go outside and look like you're exercising it doesn't even matter if you are just look active just be wearing gym shoes and sit on the ground I don't care this is kind of a theme throughout the whole movie where the extras are just on some other shit they're just not doing what they should be doing I feel like there was a director for the movie and then there was a director for the extras and the director for the extras just wanted to have fun with it okay take this girl in the yellow hoodie for example let's watch her for the entire scene and see what she's doing in gym class oh got a stretch oh it's my best friend Michelle hey Michelle how's it going high five oh yeah I love you another high five okay that's that's different you're my best friend now oh shit I think I'm gonna puke look at me now I'm wearing a hood I'm good girl just kidding it's still me okay I think I'm gonna run with these people I'm just kidding I'm not I would never do that I would never run with those people Radio rebel is shot in the arm slam-fm needs since the last show that I produced with snazzy dog crashed and burned there's a lot hinging on this right and putting my job no pressure no pressure I know you're just a shy teenager and you're nervous to talk to people and you're just intimidated by me even being your stepdad but just so you know the safety of my jobs is totally in your hands and if you fuck up we will both be homeless how did she fuck up that much by pressing one button is there a button that just automatically plays a song and distorts the shit out of it and makes it sound horrible is there a button that does that and if so why why not just get rid of the button all right I guess I should practice first before I broadcast to millions of people who's let's try pressing the button that says don't press this it makes everything sound horrible so she starts her first radio rebel show on the actual radio station like the very next day right after she was hired and somehow everyone is already listening I don't know how everyone automatically knew that she would be on the radio and not on the internet anymore but I guess they they figured it out but the show goes surprisingly well once she's in her element and she closes her room off so no one else can be in there she's able to really get in character you get to see everybody at her school listening and having a great time except these two these two are going insane they're losing their minds they're trying to analyze her voice and figure out which girl at their school it is but it's not working because Terra's using a voice modulator that's making her voice sound different they're not happy about it they're going wild they're becoming deranged I worry about those boys if you with me on this we're read tomorrow it'll be like saying that despite our differences were in this together and she gives this message at the end of her broadcast saying basically everyone should come together not care about their social classes and not be so divided and she tells everyone if you're with her and if you support the message we're read to school tomorrow and just like that pretty much everyone is wearing red the next day at school something that I've noticed in a lot of Disney movies that has not been my experience at all is that people in high school in these Disney movies are so fashionable it's unbelievable everyone's dressed to the nines I mean everyone's got like are layered they got cool outfits on everyone's wearing hats we weren't even allowed to wear hats in high school I mean this girl's wearing a fedora there's a lot of fedoras in this movie I would like to add in my eyes everyone at this school looks like the one person in high school that wore a suit to school every day that every high school inevitably has for some reason I'd say that's about equivalent to like wearing a fedora to school and a vest it's a similar thing there's a fraternal not identical did someone in the background just go red bambe bambe just so excited about wearing red to school today red man / Batman we just ran a recording of Radio rebel show through a voice analysis app assuming I'll be able to profess my undying luck we'll be finished how can you get a reward no one's offering a reward there's been no mention of a reward who would pay you the police they don't care I don't think any like adults is going to pay a big chunk of money to find out the identity of a teenage girl I really hope some grown-ass man's not sitting at home like I will pay twenty thousand dollars for whoever brings me the girl that would not be good later on we see Terra practicing her drama class project with Gavin and Stacey and we get to see some more good debby ryan acting phases and Gavin's character doesn't know you like him so you're in agony I need to see how the school keeps confiscating our stuff two sets of headphones and an mp3 player why is that girl in a neck brace have we ever seen her before I don't think she's a character in this movie it's just a weird detail but I don't know who that girl is our music is who we are you know let's go just snatch that away from us why does it sound like she's trying to start like a school-wide mutiny because the teachers won't let them listen to mp3 players in class that seems like such a weird stands for this movie to take right that kids should be allowed to listen to music during class it really seems like the moral of this movie was going one direction like hey don't be afraid to be yourself and we don't need to label each other like pops and non pops and then all of a sudden it was like and we should be able to listen to music in class and the teacher shouldn't be in charge we should are we just gonna let them take away our iPods in our fucking zooms I say we stage a coup here's a new song about trying things you never thought you could check it out vibe it really really dig on it and then remember that feeling oh man you know I was starting to think this movie was like a little bit out of touch but then I heard that cool kids lingo listen to the song vibe it really really dig on it chew it munch munch crunches throw it up groove with it then she does another stunt like the whole wearing red thing but instead she decides to directly disrupt class by telling everyone to just get up and start dancing at 8 a.m. the next morning which everyone does even the teacher is getting down in this class but the principal the evil principal doesn't like that and she tells Radio rebel to turn herself in or there will be consequences so instead of doing that and instead of you know backing down and stopping her antics she gets a girl who works at the radio station to drive a giant ass van with big-ass speakers to the front of the school and just start blasting music during lunch what is going on well what is disrupting class time because it's lunch what exactly is radio rebel trying to prove she's like oh you don't think we should be able to listen to music in class because it's distracting to the one person listening to music well how about instead I distract everyone and make it impossible to get any work done it's not only weird that a student would do this but it's also weird that the radio station is going along with it like what a weird thing for a radio station to get involved with like purposely distracting students during school by driving a big-ass van with speakers to play music outside there's also a little subplot in this movie where Gavin is sort of having issues with other members of the band like the lead singer the lead singer only wants to make party songs but Gavin wants to have like a deeper message to his songs and the lead singer is kind of getting a big head about the whole thing since when do our fans determine what we play press of Fame my friend one two three one dodo but this is my office that relateable high school moment when you kick the janitor out of the janitor's closet because you need a talk in the janitor's closet like you'd like you used to do in high school man I miss high school it was so fun to be so mean to the janitor in the closet Tara's best friend tells her that Radio rebel just got nominated for prom queen I did not know that you could nominate like a radio persona as prom queen but I guess this high school just has different rules about a lot of things and while they're talking the janitor keeps knocking on the door cuz he needs to do his job because he's the janitor and they're in the janitor's closet not know mr. Miguel key but I need the broom you need the dustpan too they made the janitor so like feeble I just feel bad for him why did they make paint characters be so mean to the janitor but the last time he comes in he like doesn't even touch the door to open it somehow it just busts open on its own these fucking kids talking in my closet all chill girl I need to dustpan too kind of weird plot detail that they kind of just gloss over the fact that the janitor is a fucking wizard but we will just move past it this is another weird scene so Gavin is talking to the lead singer of the band and they get in this whole fight because Gavin sort of has a crush on Tara now and the lead singer the band is like that's bad for business dude she's not popular and her dad owns the radio station you can't like her and you got to stay single for the band or something but in this whole scene they added in people yelling at them from like the background like oh the Gees are awesome and hey Gavin you're so cool you don't even know her okay I don't need to and neither do you it's the band man they just add a bunch of stuff in the background and it continues like while they're having the argument and after they have the fight there's still people in the background just being like you're so cool it's also really weird that neither of them acknowledge it like this will shot where Gavin just walking by himself and people are yelling at him he doesn't say like oh thanks man or acknowledge anyone because they added all this in afterwards just like a really weird editing choice you know Gavin you're the coolest dude shit Gavin I love your music man you're like a guy yeah then fuck name it's beau Marino called the lunchtime dance party that was a mistake I may run slam-fm but I'm your stepfather first I'm your stepfather first and you're my step freak first this is bigger in slam or Marino or even me I can't turn my back on the thousands of people who really feel like they have a voice you know I think that's the most that I've ever heard Tara say at one time you're on in two minutes wait what so he's just okay with it now he was like whoa whoa whoa you need a reel it in okay you can't have dance parties funded by the radio station at school super irresponsible and you're gonna get expelled and then two seconds later he's like alright alright you can cause a ruckus at school and get expelled and overthrow your teachers and do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're coming out of your shell a little bit I am very much questioning the motives of this movie what are we supposed to learn from all this [Music] I'm afraid to show people the real me top ten coolest movie moments of all time Anna no I think it's a contender so Radio rebel keeps causing a ruckus at school and the principal's not having it cuz she can't figure out who Radio rebel is and she's not coming clean so she decides to punish everyone by canceling the prom I'm canceling the prom which of course makes everyone pissed at Radio rebel because they're like you ruined our whole year we all want to go to prom and now we hate you but then terror comes up with this idea where the radio station can just host their own prom and everyone can come for free and they decide to call it morp because it's prom backwards and it got me thinking a lot about prom and like high school dances in general I remember in high school thinking that those were fun but also like why do they do that in high school why is the teacher's job to like teach the kids and then also throw a dance party for the kids why is that part of the teacher's job it just seems weird like who was the first teacher that decided to have a prom that was like I just I'm sick of teaching these kids day in and day out like when do I get to see these teens dance when do I get to watch these teens dance to get low [Applause] [Music] daddy chased me down daddy chased me down the street oh yeah daddy oh yeah daddy chased me down the street this movie's got a couple fun like musical moments because they got this dope ass band the Gees in here so they they have a couple of their songs played throughout the movie and they pretty much crushed most of their performances despite the fact that the frontman plays the bass guitar but seems to think that it's a regular guitar later on it's time for the drama class to perform their big presentations that they've been working on this whole semester but right beforehand stacy says she needs to talk to Tara but ends up just pushing her in the janitor's closet and locking her in there you guys seen Tara she's late move on already pay attention to stage you're turning into a real jerk you know that don't you woah dude me changing me wearing this gray camo scarf a blazer and a flannel Fedora you think I've changed he does have a point actually kinda cuz everyone at their school dresses like that I think the scarf and the hat is a little bit much pick one we have to tell mrs. Brower we can't do our scene no no no Stacey debate is not a quitter I'm not gonna fail this assignment just because Tara's a no-show why would they fail the project just cuz one of the students didn't show up wouldn't they like reschedule it or something or try to find this missing student all right it's more time time for the big more time for everybody to get morphed as I'm sure you could have guessed Radio rebel wins prom queen or sorry morp queens now prom it's more like rigged much Radio rebel literally works for the radio station that is throwing morp doesn't anyone think it's weird that she won morp Queen just saying I'd look into it most of you don't know me I'm the girl who sits in the back of the class and at the very end here terror reveals herself to be Radio rebel ah Radio rebel then the principal comes on stage somehow she snuck in and she tries to expel Tara for being Radio rebel but then everyone in the audience does that thing that they do at the end of movies where they all stand up for her and everyone's like I'm Radio rebel until eventually everyone is shouting that they're Radio rebel and the principal just has to leave I don't know why doesn't she think it's Tara anymore though Tara is obviously Radio rebel like why does she really get confused by everyone saying that they're Radio rebel and she was like oh fuck no they have no idea who it is after Tara gave like the long monologue about how she's Radio rebel damn well I guess they really did overthrow the principal that's the big ending of the movie they did it the principal is gone I don't know if she'll ever come back anyway at the end of the day it's a Disney Channel movie so what did you expect there's a nice message in there somewhere about being yourself and I feel like if I was in high school and I watched this and I was shy I feel like maybe I would get something out of it and feel like it's okay to overthrow the principal but that's the end of the movie I hope you guys liked it it was kind of fun doing a Disney Channel movie I feel like maybe I should do more of these so let me know if there's any other Disney Channel movies you want me to watch I feel like everybody knows them so it's kind of fun to relive the experience but that being said it is now time to talk about today's sponsor expressvpn guys this video is sponsored by the homies over at expressvpn y'all know I can't get enough of expressvpn not only does it give you all the great possibilities of a VPN like unblocking content that's not available in your area giving you more security online and your more anonymity online but it's not just a good VPN it's the best VPN being consistently ranked number one by sites like the verge TechRadar CNET and more many more I personally just realized that while only seasons one through four of better call Saul are available on Netflix in the u.s. if you switch your location to the UK using Express VPN servers suddenly you can watch season 5 so I did and it was good and that's just one example there's countless examples of different shows and videos that you can unlock by switching your location using expressvpn they've got a ton of different server locations they've got 24/7 customer support they've got the fastest speeds what you'll find is especially important if you're trying to stream video and it couldn't be easier to use I would think that using a VPN would be very annoying if you had to like go through all these menus and stuff to use it everytime it was overly technical with expressvpn all you have to do is just select a server location press connect and bada-bing bada-boom bada-bang-- bada bang you're using it so find out how you can get three months for free by visiting the link in the description that's expressvpn comm slash danny gonzalez that's exp ress VPN comm slash danny gonzalez i know how to spell Thank You expressvpn for sponsoring this video and thank you to you guys for checking out expressvpn alright thanks again for watching I hope you enjoy this video again if you want to get one of these hoodies go to danny gonzalez that store the link is in the description for that if you guys like this video and you're new here make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join greg greg is what I call my fan base or my subscribers or whatever you want to call them I call him Greg thank you goose goose for turning on the notifications you are truly Greg I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I get stuck inside my hoodie and I can't get out and I'm trapped in there for the whole video like this video is over now you'll find something else to watch but you can't say on this and Street forever this video is over now so why are you still watching this
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 5,817,467
Rating: 4.9535193 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor, radio rebel, disney channel movie
Id: qRIBW9KN83g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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