Checking In With Sebastian Bails

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Jakob having cancer absolutely broke my heart. I hope he recovers from it and gets healthy again as soon as possible!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/nabil-xel-sahara 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sebastian Balls*

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/flygonmaster_07 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? (lively background jingle) It's really good to see you again. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel? You get an extra- - Extra... - Extra video. - Extra video. - Folks. (slapping) (laughing) We're back, the boys are back. - Yup. - It's been a while. - It's been a while. - Yeah, it's been a while. Anything new and exciting happen in your life? - Nope. (laughing) It's been all good news. (laughing) Yeah. - Oh, sorry. - Open your pop. - Nice and now you can talk. - and now I can talk about it. Yeah. I have, I have brain cancer. That's how long it's been. - It's been so long. - It's been so long that I got brain cancer. - and I, you know I feel bad because, before we made our video, you didn't have brain cancer. And then after we made our video, you got brain cancer. - I got brain cancer... Are you trying to say that Maybe watching Sebastian Bales' videos.... - Balls - Balls - Team Balls - Team Balls - Do you think that it's his fault that I have cancer? (rolling drums) Is that what you're trying to say? - I don't, I don't want to come right out and say that. - I do. (laughing) No, it's it's not his fault. - No it's not. (shimmering drums) - (whispering) it is - And now I look like fucking Anthony Carrigan and Mr Clean. And it's all good I'm going to be fine. - Yeah. Everything's, everything's cool. You got good news from the doctors. - Everything's been all good and we can go ahead and make fun of, we can go cyber bully another adult. - Hehe, yeah (rolling drums) - Big surprise Sebastian Balls, he's at it again. - He's, he's back at it. - Okay, actually, we can recap what happened after our video So we put our video that if you haven't watched it yet you should watch it, ah, for context. But there's a video where he made a prank that was about, ah, abuse. We ended up raising a bunch of money for a Love Is Respect. Ah, you guys did, we all did it together. - Everybody! - Yeah, to turn Sebastian's video into something good, at least. - Yeah - And we, all, the whole thing we were doing was like Sebastian, you've made money from the video, - DONATE THE MONEY Right. He said that he didn't make a lot of money. - Oh, right. So yeah, he was like "Oh, the video only made like 90 dollars" - Then donate the 90 dollars! - "I can't give you all this money 'cause it's all this money." So I thought after that, I was like, maybe this is a maybe he'll turn a new leaf. - Question. - Yes, yes, Jacob. - He does not. That wasn't a question. (laughing) - It's like that, you are that SpongeBob, when that old man who said, he was like how many times are you going to teach it this lesson? (laughing) - How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man? - I love exploiting people's trauma for views. - I I, any of these videos that Curtis is about to show me. I haven't seen any of them. I go out of my way, not to watch any of his videos. - It's really hard to do that. Because he's, so his videos are so... ... are so, like, cool - So intense and funny... And that's probably why I have cancer. Cause I've just been restraining myself, from clicking that subscribe button, from ringing the bell. - Sorry. The test results... - The results came in. You should have rang that bell. - Okay. Well actually what we could watch first is um he did a, he did an apology video after the abuse video that he did. - I'm going to be addressing pretty much everything. I have completely lost myself. I just can't do this anymore. We're just waiting on the results. I don't know if I'm going to be here tomorrow. - Does he have cancer? - No. Hold on. - I do. - At the end, he says his dad's coworker, was tested positive for COVID. - My dad's coworker has COVID-19. - He thinks COVID is going to kill him - in one day - in one day - from his dad's coworker who tested positive. - Yeah - Is he sorry for having COVID? - I'm so sorry. (deep sigh) This is goodbye. - I like it because is, in his vlogs, in his pranks you know how he has like the big crazy intro and then like it like fades to a black screen and it's like "Sebastian, stop!" You remember that? - Yeah. Yeah. He does the exact same thing for his apology video. It was like a bunch of cuts, it's like... - A bunch of click bait for a fuckin' apology?! - Right? Isn't that insane? - I don't know, I think I get really, really caught up in the life of LA and everything going on. I've realized that I have completely lost myself. - The jump cuts are like every two seconds, which makes him sound like a robot. (synthetically) Back in LA lifestyle, sorry... - I wish my name was Tanner. (laughing) call me "Tan, the man." (laughing) Some of the stuff that I've been putting out, is not at all the role model that I want to be. That is not the role model that I want to perceive myself out to the world as. - Perceive myself out to the world as. (laughing) - And now it is not fun for me to create content. I feel like I've been putting out a lot of really, really bad stuff. - Way to be the, the guy who's, who's going to apologize. And then the whole thing is just me me me... (baby crying) and I haven't heard anything about owning up to mistakes, - No - saying sorry. - It's in the title, but I mean. - He did put it in the title. So I guess we know what he's trying to perceive himself - to the world as. - to the world as. (laughing) - I honestly want to apologize for the abuse video that I created. - There we go! - That only took a couple of minutes. - I honestly want to, literally removing the video right now on camera, (dramatic drumbeats) - So, as you guys can see I have now removed it to private so no one can see the video. - Hold on, hold on, hold on there Seb. - [Sebastian] Private... - Private, okay... - I mean, you guys hated it, but like I still really like it... (laughing) - It is honestly so relieving to do something like that. I feel a little bit better at least. - Thanks. You know, thanks for saying, sorry. And but now, donate the 90 dollars - Yeah - that you made off the last video. - He should put out an apology - for this apology! - for this apology. - Absolutely. - He goes on to say like, yeah so this is a new Sebastian. Ah, this is going to be a new me. - And this is goodbye to the old self. - And let's take a quick at, ah, yesterday... (electric whirring) - It is not a new him. (laughing) - So "This is Goodbye... I'm Sorry." "Dying My Hair With Candy!"! (laughing) "Doing My Makeup With Nail Polish!"! - Oh no - "I Proposed To My Girlfriend With A Fake Engagement Ring" - How down to earth is that? - True yeah, you're right. - Finally he's back to his roots. - This is such like just performative bullshit to just be like, "I'm really sorry, this is f****d up . I privated the video so I can still watch it. And I'm going to stop doing this bad shit. Anyway, here's some bad shit. - Yeah (drumroll) - In this old vlog on Lauren's channel. They forgot to edit out like Lauren giving Sebastian like, like scene directions. (electric zippering) And you're gonna to freak out. The premise of the video is "Being Insecure To See How My Boyfriend Reacts." So she's just saying really negative things about herself. And then he's like, "Babe no, I like da way you look." - "You make my heart go Skittles colour." (laughing) (long beep) - (Lauren) Just be like "I don't know what's wrong blah blah blah" - I don't know what to do (laughing) - (Lauren) Be like "I don't know what's wrong..." - Just be like, "I don't know what's going on?" - And then he's like - "I don't know what's going on" (laughing) - I mean, he takes directions super well! - Yeah, he's very good at taking directions - He's a very professional actor. - Isn't that crazy? They just forgot to fucking edit it out. - You had a whole opportunity to edit it. - ( ) So yeah, it was, it was edited - You know you stopped at a certain point for a reason. (drumroll) - Then he did another video. We're working up to the worst one. But he did another video, which is now deleted. But... (funky kazoo-ing) I got it. (audience laughing) - Ooohh - I saved it as soon as I fucking saw it - Nice...Kurtis Conner did some snooping... Wow! - Did some hacking - Nice (fake wrestling intro) - So this is, uh... The title of this video is, uh, "Joining The Army Prank" (gargled groaning) - Are you tricking the United States of America? - I wish, actually that'd be really funny. - That'd be really funny. (incoherent garbling) - He goes all the way to the, like Iraq, he's like actually just kidding. - Just, I don't want to be here. - I don't have to be here now. - Nope! I got you! (crowd groaning) - Unfortunately, this will be one of the last final videos that I will be making. (crowd laughing) - You're being fake! - All this make-up... it's meaningless and it's gonna go... (slamming door) - It's not fair (crowd laughing) I'm mad because I want you to stay - Okay. I think we all know it's not real One, because it just says "Army" right here. - Army. - Army I'm going to the Army Every time he goes anywhere he has a shirt that just says where he's going. Like, I'm going to the grocery store. - Well, instead of balls, he changed his name to Sebastian Army - I'm Sebastian Skittles-hair, nice to meet you. (laughing) - Sebastian Skittles-hair Army...Balls (chortling) That's his full name. - Sebastian Skittles-Hair Army Balls - Army Balls (high-pitched laughing) - Army Balls have got to be the grossest Any dude in the Army has the grossest balls We should do a tier list of stinkiest balls. - Army... Firemen - Oh yeah, hot. - Because of their suits! - Hot warm balls, yeah - Cops, number one. - Yeah...all cops are balls. - All cops are balls! (laughing) - Today is the day that I finally tell my girlfriend the a secret I've been hiding and why I am joining the army. - AH - I freaking got you!! - Oh, what?! - (Sebastian) and this is clearly a costume! And we got some fake military papers - I believed him for a second - Me too, I would have never known it was a prank without that record scratch (funky record scratch) - I do not want this to be disrespectful to anybody who is fighting for our country, putting their lives on the front lines. Any person that's in the Marines, the Navy, the Army. I literally respect you all, and I don't want this to be disrespectful at all. - The flag... - The flag in the back, like 50% opacity - Where were you... - Where were you... - (cartoon) Where were you - When Sebastian Balls joined the Army You can't just like do something offensive and preface it by like "this isn't offensive." - "When I said that offensive slur..." - Yeah. - "It was not my intention to offend anybody" - Today, I'm going to be sneaking into my girlfriend's and um having her walk into me packing and joining the freaking Army - The freaking Army - The freaking Army (giggling) - Well guys, I'm joining the freaking Army - You got freaking cancer - Yeah... imagine the doctor. Well, you've got freaking brain cancer, dude. - Ah, shoot. (chortling) - Lastly, let me know in the comments down below, could you ever see me actually in the Army? Alrighty guys I'm going to change my outfit into something a little bit more cas' because... - Yeah... I don't think the Army says "cas'" (laughing) - Here, I'm gonna take my bowtie off and shoot this guy cas' Sebastian Skittles-Hair Army Cas'-Balls Cashmere balls (breathless laughing) - Long story short. I just, I have to do this for my country. - Do what for your country? Like, you have a whole life here? - Is every room in their house backstage of a play? - Yeah! - Why are they always backstage - (Kurtis) True... - (Jakob) of a production of Fame? - Cause there's curtains right there. - Yeah. - It might be a window. I'm an asshole, it's a window. - I'm picturing someone going to a play and expecting there to be a big window. - And just be like, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa." A bunch of people! I want my money back. I was hoping all of us would be looking out a window and you're telling me I'm seeing Hamilton. - What is this? - Just constantly interrupting the play... "Hey, hey, hey, shut up!" - You guys make better doors than windows. - Yeah Show me the window. Come on, everybody - Show me the window. - Show me the window. - Why are you doing this to me? Why are you....? - I'm not doing this to you, I'm doing this for our country! - (Lauren) Stop saying that... - Balls - I mean, I'm not gonna have social media I'm gonna delete my accounts (crowd cheering) - What?! We won! - We did it! - I need to go to war right now. - You're... what! The war!! - Okay. So that's the brand. But obviously people were really upset about that. You can have your opinions about the military obviously but I mean, people have lost their lives. They've lost loved ones to that. And that's obviously... - And they have to have a... Like, it's a horrible conversation that you have to have with your loved one! - For sure, yeah. - But... He did say at the beginning. Oh, okay. Hold on, hold on Kurtis. - Sorry, I'm out of line. Sorry. - He did say at the beginning - Yes... - he did not mean to offend anybody. Yeah. Sorry.... fuck. - You remember when people back like when you were a kid, they'd be like, "you're fat, no offense." - No offense though. - But you're crazy fucking fat. - I oddly still took offense to that. No offense, but I don't like you, I never liked you, and I never will like you and I hate you I want you dead. I'm going to kill you, but no offense. - No. Okay. As long as you're going.... If you're going to murder me... - Yeah - I just want to make sure that you have no bad intentions - The no offense murderer (giggling) - The no offense strangler I'm just kidding. - Don't take this the wrong way - Did you believe it? - Yes!! - In typical Sebastian fashion. He just does super fucked up shit and then when everyone gets mad at him, he's like, "Oh, okay, I'll just apologize." And then we can redo the cycle over and over again. Bad shit. Apologize. Bad shit. Apologize. - As you know, I've made a lot of prank videos but recently I did a prank where I pranked Lauren that I was leaving her to go to the Army. Also, I'd like to mention that Lauren was not involved with this at all. She didn't even know that it was a prank video. - Cap! - And this was strictly a prank that I did on her. - Cap! - Again, I am so sorry. And I hope you can forgive me. - I can feel my cancer getting worse - Oh no! - Uh-oh...Oww (dramatic crescendo) - So this is the finale. I won't, I'll just, let's just play. "Telling My Girlfriend I Don't Want To Wait Until Marriage Anymore.." - Today, I'm going to be telling you my girlfriend that I'm ready to finally do it. What the heck you guys - I just saw something so disgusting. - I don't like that foreshadowing - Foreshadow of his fore... - Don't pull down...Just stop! - Take a look... You know you want it - No! - That's not what you do. - I'm having so much deja vu right now for the fucking abuse video. Cause it was the same intro. It was like what? - Cause it started with us having fun and I'm getting super mad - And it gets when you see the actual thing it's so it's so much worse. (electronic whirring intro) - I'm going to be telling my girlfriend that I don't want to wait 'til marriage. Basically, I'm just ready to do, you know the dirty. - He's doing a good job of playing a guy who's never had sex though. If that's what he's going for, - He's nailing the role. - He's nailing it - I haven't done the nasty - Because he has no idea how people talk about sex. - To do the dirty. - Let's just say, I'm going to put a baby in her butt - and then she's going to pee it out - in six years when the baby's done cooking - and I'll finally be out of the Army by then - Yeah. (laughing) - A lot of the guys ask in the comments like, "yo, you guys don't kiss... Have you guys ever, you know what?" - His audience are, kids. You ever watch a SpongeBob episode where it's like - "I'm gonna fuck Sandy" (laughing) You kids are always asking. (record scratch) - "Have you guys fucked yet?" - Yeah. First of all, all of us adults. - Yeah. - We don't care. No one cares. We don't care. - All of the kids obviously do not care. - Cause they do not know. - Or they do not know, so stop. But I'm getting, I'm getting the idea that the word stop means nothing in this video. - You're right. Yes, Jakob. - I'm right! - I do want to make a little disclaimer here I am 100% not condoning to do this and I don't want it to come off as if I'm pressuring Lauren or anyone cause I do not believe in pressuring anyone. - He got us again - Fuck, we can't get mad at him now - Shit, he didn't mean it - I've done a lot of pranks on Lauren and I need some better ideas, So please text my number right here some prank ideas. - We've got to text him (fiddle Mario music) - I'm ready. Afternoon, Mr. Balls. Can't say I'm a fan of you. Let's just say I'm the opposite. Please delete your "Ready to have sex before marriage" prank As it makes light of sexual assault and is harmful to survivors. Also, please donate the money you've made from said video to a helpful charity. PS, my friend Kurtis and I have made some videos about you. Please check them out, like, and subscribe LOL, winky face. I do not respect you. Jacob Andrew Sharpe And send. Oh, he responded right away. What? A fast typer and not an automated response. - There's no way - "Hey, it's Sebastian "heart". This is really my number hahaha, let's stay in touch. Click the link to add yourself to my contact list So I have your number to text you back. By the way, what's your tiktok username? - He typed that so fast. - Wow. - Let's see if he'll text me something different. Hey Seb, love your videos. You should do a prank where you put all your videos on private. Personally, I don't think anybody will see it coming. Also, you just texted my friend, Jacob. So please, if this is you send a photo of you and your Army outfit, hashtag team balls forever. Come on - No! - Rats. - It's a bot dude or he's a very fast typer - He's a very quick typer and he types the exact same thing. - All right so this is my response: Sebastian. I don't think you understood my last text. I'm very upset with your content and I would like to see a change immediately, in all caps. PS what's LA like? LOL (giggling) - I'm just going to send them a picture of Big Chungus (jolting laughter) (musical humming) - So I'm gonna take this water bottle and put it in my pants - Nope - And make her, like, notice "you know what" I don't know what she's going to say, but to like get her in the mood - I literally thought he was going to send her a picture. - Oh, he's just straight up walking out - He's just straight up going out there. - (Lauren) What's going on there? - What? (electric buzzing) - What's happening? - Okay guys, so Sebastian left his camera like right there while he's going to the restroom right now. But I just saw something so disgusting. I don't know if he's like in the restroom trying to fix himself - Just picking up his camera and being like "That was weird." - "What is happening?" I would rather address the camera than him. - Yeah - Cause he's got a boner. - This camera don't got a boner. - The camera definitely doesn't have a boner at all - This camera is flaccid - (Lauren) Why are you like that right now? - You don't like it? - No. You need to put on... - Oooohh - So you don't wanna, like, do it with me? - Until marriage, we've agreed on it. - We don't know when we're getting married. So that could be in like ten years. I can't just sit here. - Even the dog's like stop, stop, stop. Stop stop stop stop - I don't know, I just feel like I'm at my peak right now I don't know, I just feel my body's just ready, I feel like we're ready - You feel like you're ready - Is it like getting you in the mood... - No, it's not, it's giving me the opposite mood Cause I just told you no... - Why? - No! I told you no! - Stop! - No! Don't pull that. Stop! - Take a look! Take a look! - NO, I'm not looking! - Come on - Pull up your pants! - Baby, you know you want it! - No! - Ha ha ha, look! - Oh my... - Wow, good prank... - So funny man. - I freaking pranked you! - Hey guys, I'm just editing right now. And I didn't notice this before but Sebastian and Lauren aren't the only people doing this "prank". If you search "telling my girlfriend I don't want to wait until marriage" There's so many fucking couple channels that are doing this and they're all the same. They all got the same emojis and everything and those speech bubble. I mean, these are kids, kids watch these videos, man. I don't know. This is just really weird. I just wanted to show that. But yeah, back to the video - I remember the feeling I had when we did the abuse video. - Yeah. - Where I was like, I don't want to be funny. - Exactly. It's the same thing, right? It's really sucks the life out of me. More than my cancer is! This video sucks way more than my fucking cancer does. Well, I hate to say it again but he's going to have to donate the money. Well, or just delete the video. I don't want to see your apology. - It pisses me off cause it's the same as like as like a Jake Paul, like Tana Mojo like they fuck up so frequently - Yes! - And they just keep, just do like shitty apology videos And everyone's like, "oh, okay!" And it's so weird because this guy's 20! - You're, you're a fucking grown-up. - You're a fucking grown-up, man. You pay taxes. This guy can vote, bro. - I don't know why we did that. - I don't know why! - Maybe it's because we're just TikTokers - We're just curious - If this video is still up at the time this video is out Let's all comment "Delete the video. Donate the Money." - "Delete the video. Donate the Money." - Oh man. - Again, we're ending on a very serious note. - I'm sorry I had to show it to you. - It's okay. Cancer's gotten worse for sure. - I'll leave in the description some charities and resources we can all, you know, we can donate to that help education with things like this and helping people who are victims of sexual assault because it's a serious thing and fucking idiots like this guy are just making it so much worse. - Take those, and take those fucking hats off you look like you're going to go hunting in a Sephora. (laughing) - Okay. We'll wrap it up. Fuck. I guess like the video, if you, if you enjoyed it because believe it or not one like equals one - One cure for my cancer. - One cure for Jacob's kids. Ah, yeah, leave a comment. Let us know the cure for cancer - And let's get this fucking video taken down. - Yeah, let's go. - Let's get him kicked out of the Army. - You still believe him when he told this... "Wait, this guy's got a purple heart?" "I'm dyeing my heart purple" (laughing) - Dyeing my heart purple... Army prank (laughing) - Yeah. You can press the subscribe button if you want cause I make videos. You can check out Jacob on Instagram and the Mr. Friendship podcast. - Yeah. Go listen to the podcast. Go listen to Kurtis's Very, Really Good podcast. - Oh yeah. You can listen to my podcast too! Check the description for all that shit. We'd stick around, but we actually have to go. - We gotta go - Because our nation is calling for us and we need to go get our stinky balls - Stinky balls And go help because they got the world needs our balls. (piano jingling) - Alright, I'm finally ready to do the dirty!
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 4,325,114
Rating: 4.9899974 out of 5
Id: FCm5LZ22PTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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