The Magna Europa Mod Turns Hearts Of Iron 4 Into A WIDE GAME

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah giddy aunt Alex the Rambler and today we're on parts of iron fall I'm gonna be going through the Magnus Europa mod and that essentially just turns the the high four map well let's just let's just show you it just turns Europe into one well it has the game into just Europe and one chunky chunky bunch of Nations so it completely removes 80% of the nations of the world and it just leaves Europe and North Africa and a little bit of the Middle East over here too so I don't know how this is gonna go what's gonna happen we're just gonna have a little bit of fun I think that's it really chunky Europe how did anyone ever ask for this I'm not sure but let's go ahead and make it chunky and as always please do comment like and subscribe if the video gets to 5,000 likes nothing's gonna happen apart from me being very happy that's it really just plays Germany and just see how this changes the map of Europe around really I mean I could put even players Poland like ego Slavia it always seems like a very chunky boy in it even Albania looks chunky no no no no no we'll just go for Germany and just have a rollicking good time shall we okay so the magma is a hearts of iron for modification aiming to transform the standard earth map into a Europe only map which spans from Iceland to the eurozone from Finland to the Suez Canal this is the alpha release after eight long months of development okay as soon as a major power starts a war the u.s. arrives in Iceland they'll be able to start making an Army and Navy what that so the regions are pretty much the same aren't they oh I guess they've separated Berlin into separate regions okay that's got a call in terms of cities there's loads of additional cities now so for example there's at least in Kent my my home county you got Rochester Margate Hastings Dover you got like London Watford Brentwood okay there's tons of different cities so I imagine this might make the game overall wonderful more challenging especially if you're trying to coordinate massive armies like if I were just to go over to the Polish border right now I didn't even think that we'd cover yeah we there are tons of others not okay well that that ruins my point I thought there'd be tons of gaps but there is actually enough tiles when I checked earlier of Czechoslovakia there were loads of gaps so my point stands kind of the Demilitarized Zone certainly looks a little different everything's so large and chunky it's a bit jarring just having this straight line when you zoom out though that does look a little a little odd but it's workable all you flat earthers out there though I imagine you'll be loving this be honest there certainly are a lot more built lost than previously I wonder how they've reworked the resources because there won't be enough oil for everyone surely oh my god look at the amount of rubber the Netherlands gas okay whoever controls the Netherlands controls the world and this is off map resources but yeah there's not a whole lot of oil in the game anymore there's basically no oil in hmm still a bit of chromium plenty of steel not a lot of tungsten well that's a lie and then the Netherlands has just a feck ton of rubber so does the United Kingdom okay so it's just oil that they haven't balanced it seems all the Spanish Civil War might change a lot with this as Germany I probably should get involved I can't be bothered though I'm just gonna let let let the world burn really let it burn I'm obviously not playing this optimally if you're thinking why I'm just showing off the board really okay maximum infrastructure for Brandenburg Hannover through Logan and Franken which would be quite a large area now I do like the Berlin is now kind of like its own little separate City my industry is pumping up really quite nicely yeah I'm building factories hand over fist also I guess like if you're watching this video you might have a vested interest in the channel and if that's true I feel like I'm a little bit obligated to tell you that I would very much like to start moving away from this kind of content a little bit more and focus on stuff that I personally really enjoy is it'll be it's gonna be a bit of a slow thing to change because obviously I've been doing this style of video for several years now and I know I still I still get some satisfaction from creating this kind of content but after you've made a good light what five hundred hearts of iron for videos you kind of want to branch out and try new stuff what's been holding me back has just been the lower viewership on non hearts of iron videos but I think through my own self-satisfaction and I'm probably gonna have to make sure I branch out as much as possible for the future I hope that you'll still try and join me on on my youtube journey for as long as I continue doing YouTube yeah that's about it really I'm not going anywhere you might see less videos temporarily for a while because I obviously know a lot of you are just subscribe to watch hearts of iron videos but there has to come a point where I need to be fulfilled creatively and just covering hearts of iron for primarily doesn't do that for me anymore I know that may upset some of you but I kind of have to do what's best for myself even if that's to the detriment of my channel overall I guess I should also add that's not me quitting hearts of iron for again I imagine I'll still be making videos on hearts of iron for quite some time it's just that I want to not be tied to one game anymore which i think is pretty normal of most creators a few years ago I was just doing Total War videos then hearts of iron took off for my channel so I switched to just focusing on on on that side of things yeah I think I'd like to just become an overall general content creator it's alright Angeles let's just rush this down the more territory I can gobble the more we can see how you know armies are affected etc because I don't think I clicked historical focus AI did I so this this might be a bit of a wacky situation we're going into boom gobble gobble I can demand this to date and land already how large is my army oh I've always got a million huh I didn't realize I'd already got a million men in the field Wow sure sure this might be a very early early conquest of everyone I think I've seen some results of like the various rivers or tiles aren't in the exact right place but I think with maps and video games it's never gonna be a hundred percent accurate is it so I know I know some people will complain there's like well this city should be actually up here rather than here this deeply upsets me and I know I've mentioned this before but it's just like I get a lot of comments when people feel personally attacked that I've conquered France in a video game it's like it just because you're from that country doesn't mean that you should be offended that a youtuber that you watch decides to invade that particular nation in a in a video game like just just just it's it's not worth stressing yourself over there are much more important things in your life to worry about than what nations I decide to conquer in a video game call this this videos taking a bit of town it's not really a model overview anymore is it sorry life advice and channel update without eggs around the piano soap so far the mod plays exactly how you'd imagine like none of the focuses have been changed there's just a lot more cities with different at least I think there is yeah we different victory points so those that ask the real changes and obviously the rivers and etc would have been changed around to boom gobble got full looks a little bit weird but I imagine that's all the different movement of the tiles etc okay that makes sense I imagine nations will Priti have more divisions or it will appear like they do because of the way the map is now being laid out I guess we'll find out I need rubber I'll have to buy from the Netherlands yeah this doesn't Abel this mod I think at least enables Germany and probably other nations to to get a massive massive industry just from the sheer amount of factories we'll be able to get first and then I'll do fate of like Romania I didn't realize I don't know it's obviously just because the map has been changed around so much but in the base game Romania didn't appeared that large but in in the mud in this melody I don't know it feels a little chunkier so now I'm running into the fact that I've run out of aluminium so I guess Hungary coming for you now resources are definitely gonna be hard to fight hard to obtain I think in this mod but I am able to construct very rapidly that's best got to be Germany in general though right fate of Czechoslovakia gobble-gobble the game is running very nicely I have to say like is it's running smooth like butter although I have seen reports of people complaining about it crashing in 1939 hopefully we'll be able to at least see a little bit of a wall boom gobble-gobble and slovakia actually looks like a sizeable nation I'm so amazed at this so this front line with Poland looks absolutely massive and yeah I've only really get one division per tile maybe two divisions on certain tiles at the moment I just don't have the troops to deploy oh just kidding here we go so if I assign them to that front of course I am [Music] do have that set up with that what the Oh get rid of that if I didn't worry about slipper it Slovakia they'll certainly help oh yeah air regions what's the range on aeroplanes now quite far oh my gosh I don't know if that's been balanced or not I know these are the like the the inner ring will be like fighters and cash and stuff but Wow okay I'm just gonna rush Danziger War III this could be very risky but it doesn't allow Poland has enough divisions to cover their border I imagine the Soviets will have been reworked quite a lot oh okay yeah they're still going normal amount of factories but I imagine if you want to get the experience of a conflict in Europe on on on this kind of scale its it's definitely a map worth playing are they guaranteed by anyone no because the world tension wasn't high enough oh my divisions in we're not getting any supply really is the Naval Base but I imagine that we can just push along this entire front fairly easily it's just the amount of tiles that we're gonna have to go through because there's quite a number of them it's the United States knock knock uh-oh oh yeah they've taken over Iceland how many factories do they have 500 civilian factories are you actually having a giraffe I was well throw in another catchphrase of Oh My giddy aunt cheese oh yeah if you want a garrison we would have it your entire coastline yeah it's gonna take insane amounts of manpower now crumbs I can't believe I'm actually getting pushed back oh and they're completely encircled because Poland's taken Oh Manstein Oh Oh feck we need to link up the supply ASAP oh my mouth manpower what kind of casualties will be taken taken quite a number of them actually I I mean I haven't built any tank divisions yet I'm just kind of just having a bit of a Yolo really yeah Poland's actually managing to hold quite well I don't if they have the industry to hold for quiet this amount of time anymore they don't have a massive industry so I don't understand where they're getting all their equipment for us but they've got a million men in the field it is actually quite cool seeing all of these various lines like it's it's really nice I think this has worked quite well in multiplayer if the resources I think are balanced around a bit more I'm not even sure how that would work considering but the u.s. player can probably hot join maybe so just look how much of Poland you have to take now almost there and then we prepare for a bit of a jolly and I don't think anyone's guaranteed because the world tech old just kidding no the world tensions actually quite high okay now the UK starting to there we go okay around Maginot we begin let's see what it's like going up against the Benelux it's not much of a problem yep just strolling in I think if you were playing as the Netherlands you would definitely have some decent defensive well even even more so in the base game now it'd be some ways to defend yourself with the rivers etc France still isn't doing doing much I'm just gonna just take Luxembourg pretty quickly and then Belgium should fall pretty easy pretty quick - yeah the fight for France will be quite exciting when I would have thought and I've run out of fuel and I think it's probably unlikely that I can buy any from anywhere let's see Oh Romania yeah we'll get it from Romania thank you my rubber completely locked out of rubber can get aluminium yeah so it's just rubber I'm really gonna be lacking and still fuel still still lacking the old fuel I guess I'll have to buy it from the Soviets Oh paint oh it's tonyia and Iran just try not to help the Soviets as much as possible but I might just have to get a little bit for now well it looks like we're making a bit of an advance into France we we just went around Belgium rather than actually conquer them Wow it's just such a large nation - to try and conquer though yeah I didn't battle plan this well at all I think if France loses Paris though they're gonna lose overall B I'm in a dicey spot because they the Allies have definitely more manpower than myself and it's just the sheer amount of divisions that you need because now you can see that I'm in a very very dangerous spot Oh No Oh either Shai Zaman Kaiser the map makes it will completely affect what I need is Italy to join please this is just a mess and utter utter mess but if I use this tank I might be able to get around arm encircled No goodbye tank division I knew they will how far am i away from getting an alliance of Italy hopefully I need them so after my blitz attack I'm now firmly stuck Oh to Paris Wow okay Oh back off all right we have Vichy France somehow a random United Kingdom division in there okay sure cry like I'd say it'd be fairly simple now but it's just frustrating that all the United States has zero stability formerly a manpower 100 military factories like it's just a bit bonkers own after Spain did win okay that's good Soviets declared war on Turkey you don't see that very often do you do you want to join my faction no you can't ho-hum definitely have to think a lot more about the conquests that you do in this mod you don't you simply don't have enough divisions to be able to or enough manpower to be able to do everything that you that you want to so it's you certainly have to be in quite intelligent about your actions there for example if I was to like be like Yolo go in for the Soviets now I don't think it would go very well like it's it's frustrating that these countries aren't gonna join me but if I was to say just at this stage I don't think that I have enough divisions to beat the Soviets I might do who knows I'm obviously not playing this optimally otherwise I'd be making a lot of actions Ralph differently to what I am I do like the scale it does it does deal even more with the tactical decisions especially I think like if you do play multiplayer this would be quite fun I don't play multiplayer anymore but I don't know maybe maybe you guys and gals have some goofs and gaffes on some multiplayer refineries are definitely gonna be key though oh what a surprise yep Italy's losing its territory I think that the USA needs to be fixed I think them just arriving in 1939 I don't know that that really is balanced this is just a freaking mess restoring the Allies oh boy oh well Italy's always a drain I don't know that any nation really can afford to use their Navy much I have no idea what the AI of Italy is prioritizing it's a bit bonkers I'm just gonna get involved in whatever they're doing I think the Soviets are probably just going into Finland no problemo oh boy I'm certainly having to commit a lot of my fielded manpower to this invasion of the USSR I'm just going to attempt it I'm not gonna probably finish it ah here we go Finland does want to join sure let's see if I would be able to give the Soviets a bit of a push like just this the size of the border here let's go apparently I'm able to at the moment but you can kind of see like the scale of the board oh yeah especially like over this river we don't stand a heck enchance kind of manpower do they have deployed manpower one and three million they've got between 11 and 19 million in reserve what well Finland I don't Finland had no divisions yeah Italy's still fighting downing Greece yeah trying to complete Operation Barbarossa is going to be a like a gigantic task is bonkers really isn't it just the sheer scale of the Mike or the stuff that you're gonna have to micromanage in this is just insane so oh they're already trying to counter push me and then there's also problems with the front lines as you'll see here like they just kind of cuts off on certain tiles so imagine if you're playing slightly different to me where I just decided to go completely gung-ho you could be doing a lot better I just decided to charge recklessly most a few divisions but overall like you can if you have a large enough army you can it does seem like you can hold the Soviets yeah in the space of like five minutes five speed that they've they've taken a million casualties in the space of five minutes they're just they're just cycle charging now it'll probably just be a case of once I get my support equipment a shortage sorted out will probably be okay or you can just get enable invaded when you're not looking and just cry but I think that's where I'm gonna wind it I don't I wasn't gonna finish it till we got rid of the Soviets I just wanted to take a look at the mod it's certainly worth trying if you do want like a tougher base game experience and you don't want to have to worry about micromanaging your units across the frickin world so if you're just looking for a game where it's just say in Europe to have a rollicking good time definitely give this one a try but yeah that was the mod like I imagined I could probably sort this out and then eventually take over the Soviets this was beaver just did an idiotic bit on my part I just didn't have to be look to see if they were naval invading whoops but until next time everyone a good day many thanks to onion dark safe cutters Stowe avec Maximilian Forman Wyatt green Zachariah Mosby Tyler Colby tad house Colby was taken mat-su vasc warranty George Dave dy the Don Valhalla howls the Guzzi dibs yeah boy Daffy alkanes Ryan Jake Roku a jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous around the supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons tune
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 148,821
Rating: 4.935605 out of 5
Keywords: The Magna Europa Mod Turns Hearts Of Iron 4 Into A WIDE GAME, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron 4 mods, hearts, of, iron, four, steam workshop, grand strategy, Europe, hoi4 new mods, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, spiffing brit, hoi4 funny mods, hoi4 magna europa, paradox interactive
Id: gxc9Q0jxq4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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