HOI4 So They Added A 1753 Start Date (Hearts of Iron 4)

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oh there's a new thing like hierarchy order you say no bells or Senate I am the Senate what's going on everyone it's me around Pemper Alex the Rambler and today we're on horse of iron fall but not just any old high fall experienced a friend oh we're on the Seven Years War mod for house mine fall it's it's beta it's not finished it's kind of a theme we've pretty much every mod released nowadays nothing's ever just released in in a complete state but that's that's neither here nor there I've said it before and I'll say it again I don't have the patience to make mods so if I critique your mod it's it's it comes from a point of me Alex not really having the patience to make my own stuff so take it with a bit with a pinch of salt okay don't take it personally because you know it's one man's opinion right one person's opinion so I have the utmost respect for modders I think it's fantastic the expiry experiences that you give to the players such as myself and but of course comment like subscribe for more hearts of iron fall so this one does have a few focus trees to go on to unfortunately its unsupported the 19:36 start don't click it but we have the threat in Europe in 1753 so if you're not familiar with what the Seven Years War was all aboot I give it a google there's there's more than I have time to explain in a video but it's basically what might be considered even like the first massive conflict honor on a global scale all the major European powers are fighting in it and lo and behold the French lost and and pretty much lost all their North American power and also it contributed to very a lot of financial difficulties which which also contributed to the to the French Revolution so if you don't want a revolution at home then maybe consider checking out today's sponsor honey so that's right I'm very happy to say that this video is indeed sponsored by honey honey is a browser extension that pretty much searches the entire internet for any coupons for your favorite 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over two billion dollars in total for its customers and that and that could be you by using join honey comb slash annex the Rambler sponsors like honey really do help out the channel so if you don't have it installed please do click on the link and install it for yourself forward to getting that underwear now yeah I mean t-shirt so Frank's honey for sponsoring the video again hopefully you go and check it out it's it sponsors do you really help keep the channel going so it's it's mucho appreciated oh what am I even saying oh dear unfortunately it does seem that nations do still have their apparently pressure is home of the free and has oh dear okay so some of this clearly hasn't been updated or changed however that is a chunker of a hapmap mood body Nora and it appears the Ottoman Empire is having a the Conscription crisis among French Americans Canadians French Canadians whoopsie sorry Quebec and New Brunswick which I think up until recently was the only official bilingual province of Canada she's give me that citizenship test please I pass I'd pass anyway let's let's get to the heart of the video well I'm really going on and on I'm sorry sorry a beard there there are many nations that have focus trees at the moment I'm not sure if they're all going to be completed but the Holy Roman Empire Prussia England France Russia Ottoman Empire born earthier Sardinia Sweden Bavaria Saxony they're not all complete but more just well just I think I'm gonna try as Prussia and maybe give it and I so try as Frederick the Great oh this is the map if you're interested Italy of course is a mess in fact so that says the whole of Europe I mean look at this what the Frick is this just but apparently Rupert's land is here along with the Canadian Federation I think this is just a case of the states being a bit incorrect the leader of the untouched land is Mother Nature alright yeah so I I don't know that this is um I don't know it's popular on the Steam Workshop that's what I'm going off but we start as Prussia and and and have a rollicking good time whoa what kind of icon is this oh it's a little hat some of the icons have been changed we've got a victor of the previous war and remember state of the H par II not sure what kind of power they really Hey they have the franco austrian alight bit and the great britain alliance which probably just has their current yeah bippity Boppity xin okay i guess i'll go for just the fatherland i doesn't appear the descriptions have been updated yet which is always a shame but we do have Oh a unique tech tree that's noise that's very nice love it thank you oh I've kind of given up on saying kerfuffle rather than just war the ad rates on YouTube are so bad anyway doesn't really make any difference anymore oh yes I will have a saber they've got rations don't mind if we get some of those infantry Pitman transport planes you say support equipment and towed artillery no I don't think we can get a navy yet but it's a nice start oh that's weird so when you click on this the portraits aren't there but once you select them the portraits are there maybe I've got a few bugs going on with my game we take a little look at the combat with 18 combat with along with six combat with cavalry we'll have to change that as we go on but let us begin the a seven years kerfuffle I hope I win three kisses I'm gonna be like surrounded by enemies soon I can do it I'm Prussia yes in fact there's a lot of work that needs to be done but again better than I can make and I know like these these kind of videos divisive with some of you some of you like seeing these kind of modes are these wanting me to kind of just wait until they're more complete but you know I'm gonna do what I got to do so the Ottoman Empire at this point oh look at that is a chunky boy that won't last for too much longer I wouldn't imagine the rash is still this is being established else do we have down here the Dutch East Indies radio come on now yeah you got your pair okay I guess it's better been worked on shall we count the amount of Italian countries we've got the the Viceroy of Naples won the papal States for two Tuscany for three Sardinia for fall Lombardi for five and Venice for six did I miss any I think that's it yeah I really do need to get more military factories I need more of everything really you wanted oh wow the Russian tree is looking pretty nice maybe I should have played with Russia but they've got the dates right but this one still thinks that I'm gonna be researching it in like 1930 yeah please send help dog oh please send help we need it I really hope Frederick the Great can do some decent stuff oh wait while I guess I hope that I can do some decent stuff as Frederick the Great it's what I should be saying improve the methods we've getting cartridge bags very important I've got to keep a handle on your ammunition oh I can get aid of the nobles get some rations from them just run it get as many factories as possible might be slow going if only I could just like go in and just conquer Mecklenburg right yeah neither holy nor Roman nor an empire oh dear Oh workshops for yes give me them factories and gave me gave me the factory addict why Russians so important all right blacksmith's get me them guns to get 250,000 troops in the field and then I can finally start whole quest more blacksmithing give me them factories running out would you never want to run out of wood ladies and gents you never want to run out wood backs me three so not last happened in the video so far probably at that 10-minute watch time though hey longer videos mean a fuller experience right right so I just change around my division temple arts I don't have enough still a giraffe okay well let's just get the map oh let's just get these out in the field then that's enough we can do mining unification now oh yeah baby and I need rations I will gain them by conquest all farmsteads you say sure a sawmill of course let's get building a watchtower now we've got Hanover and then save our people from Denmark yeah I reckon 24 divisions would be enough to take out Hanover cheeky little scamp's how you doing George unification in the West let's go for me baby oh there's a new thing like hierarchy order you say no bells or Senate I am the Senate am I switch to the Senate offices or the rich bourgeois why would you ever pick that subject or citizens subjects let's increase the sizes of my cartridge bags baby go to shipyard ah okay just improving relations that's fine then I just oh wait was it me oh I have little bit ease over here - oh how pleasant and we're winning nice but winning very easily - kind of casualties zero to 4k but I am Prussia so that does kind of make sense doesn't it and then I need to save our people from Denmark but Cohen must be crushed I am spreading and doing a spreading my constructing the sawmill yet no almost get on it yep get me a mouth or mill tell me that anyone else is really going down there what are people doing I can't see okay Denmark use your time to be a conqueror boom Norway - I don't think this is gonna matter too much except I can't Navan invade them ah I don't have I never member a piece now okay oh I should have got an army of aggression a long time ago but that was really easy like I'm not ready taking any casualties I think it's because I've just changed my division templates to have 20 combat with and some artillery I could actually give them some support recon as well I might as I might as well because it's just that easy awesome courage divisions you serious well so far this mod feels ok and that I hold always happening I'm not sure that there's any real fossils going on exist except that bugged out war hold on I control Greenland and Iceland now nice armored infantry yes come to me please like nice nice little additions Here I am kind of tempted to get some motorized yeah well I don't get a couple of motorized divisions why the heck no I risk it for a biscuit war economy on let's go what was i on they Justin civilian you Bavarian declared war on Wattenberg whereas I've just finished artillery strike please let me oh the third Silesian war i gain more role against blank or i could just go for the holy roman empire oh maybe I don't want to do that ah I am like in a proper meat sandwich here aren't I like how would I even be expected to win this it gets quite easy I wouldn't be just keep pumping amount into the field there's not really much more to say really not a whole das going on I don't know when the other nations are gonna have a little cheeky kerfuffle with each other we are in the year when when the 7 Years War would have started so I guess it it might happen soon I'm not particularly looking forward to it please just give me a drummer I want the trouble boys I'm also going to switch to the Senate give myself some extra stability bing-bam-boom offices that's good better than the rich bourgeois and then I'm guess I'm gonna keep the subjects for now guess I'll get some watchtower on the front seeing as they're doing the same to me we will fortify outside our capital a Russia please give me some wood I will just give you one factory I'm still not in a in a particularly strong state I do think I would be crushed if if all of these declare war on me in one go the franco austrian alliance just great britain to clown no oh it will be hilarious to see how quickly I get cry I hope I can at least last for a little while if I ended up if I end up being at war the entire coalition yeah if I could just take this a little bit then I think I'll be okay to just down yeah I'm tempted to an alliance with the Commonwealth called allies haha what allies well the game unfortunately for me is crashing as soon as I hit 1757 I think that's annoying right well that completely ruined the game for me so why don't we just have a little browse around and why don't we play as well the way the fifteenth and just say what what playing as France might be like before the start of the Seven Years War because it doesn't seem you can actually get to that so we are at war with the Kahn bang dynasty you have 0 divisions so should probably just capitulate right away so I guess we'll send a few French Oh division at level 7 general holy moly how long do I have to wait before I can declare war on someone don't think it matters too much does it screw it I'm France I'm just gonna declare war on anyone I want to just kidding it's inside the mod has a lot of potential they just need to obviously fix the crashes and bugs which at the moment are just absolutely plague Oh strong Canada alt which seem to be absolutely plaguing the game so frustrating that I couldn't even show you like a proper chunky boy a war I imagine it might just be one person trying to make this by himself in which case I think he needs a bit of assistance oh of course my people are hungry yep we don't want to feed them though so you know don't worry about it oh when France starts with zero stability [Laughter] oh that's great that's great oh I could just stabilize the state yeah might there might help okay off we go for glory seize power of parliament nice classic French tactic but we have yeah we've we've capitulated them but you don't get a peace deal so this is just a perpetual war guess I'll have to cut expenses in the palace to come on now so I've just manually added some tension just to just see if we can actually have a proper Cathal going on and see if we can just like oh it's just gonna be the no one's in an alliance just just a file and Prussia to see if we can bring down the the Holy Roman Empire even though my stability is zero you know risk it for a biscuit indeed we are the Holy Roman Empire is going down I think I do need mod suggestions if you can suggest any please do let me know because I would like a complete experience for a change I could always go back to the great wall redux but i-i've if I've exhausted everything every possible option on that maybe not maybe I hadn't need to return to saving your disaster savegames dun dun dun oh it's on the on 43-percent tension oh just from me from console yep am i coming for your son I'm guessing I'm gonna be able to just like stroll in or they just go around me yeah they're getting crushed it's bit weird that like none of the other Holy Roman Empire states would kind of come back in I mean come in and defend you know help defend the Emperor but I guess I don't really care I'm gonna see if just like using my allies can just win the war against Prussia for me why fight when you don't need to that's all 69 factories nice but yeah now I fixed it I'm on I'm on a 80 percent stability now and I'm about to be on a hundred accessibility despite still having some D buffs I could have the solution for the hunger Bert provisional government of Haiti sure they have our blessing India sure Vietnam sure Cambodia sure Laos go on then Madagascar bring it on oh we do have a Navy well our ally does mecklenburg yeah there are so many things that this mod needs to fix I know it seems like I'm ribbing on them a lot and if you're the moderator please do keep this up once you've actually got this just working a bit better then I think this could be a really really fun mod so yeah I'm just gonna see if Prussia can actually hold on against Austria just gonna watch before I get involved in things so far pressure is holding what a surprise I'm gonna have to save my allies okay of course they're utterly useless of course they are all right let's bring in the tronky French there we go we've broken through their lines and now they'll be crushed probably they're doing a decent job of actually making pressure quite strong though even though we've all but wiped them out but then like France seems to start with a really really large army so you know there needs to be some balance changes for sure then we just puppet them and we just have an alliance that can pretty much conquer the whole world I think that's weren't gonna leave it I think we kind of played all there is to play with this mod for now but of course if you did enjoy the video apologies it's a bit of a mess of one um please do comment like and subscribe thanks again to honey for sponsoring this video as I said I've actually been using honey for the past couple of years which is why I was more than happy to take on that brand deal it is so so simple just to install it and save yourself some money so yeah thank you very much and I'll be back very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion dark maximilian for man wire green fat Boston Zechariah Mosby warranty George Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert Valhalla Falls Guzzi dibbsy yeah boy wombat cookie Daffy Alcon Ryan jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley to being ridiculous premise of on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 113,943
Rating: 4.9046407 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, honey, save money, honey website, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 seven years war mod, hoi4 mod, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hoi4 funny, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hearts, of, iron, iv
Id: j-pN95k-wyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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