Taureor sponsored to beat the DEVS in Hearts of Iron 4 with Feedback, Mordred and Prussian Prince

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hello everyone I am Tory aren't welcome to my newest housewife or video this one's a little different see and last week I was in a community event with paradox I could sponsor to do that and this is a video sponsored by paradox as well the event was four of us or YouTube extremists versus four developers I didn't stream it because my internet is not fast enough to stream reliably still waiting for that fiber connection but I did the record at home I have like seven hours of footage and to cut that down and today I'm going to show you what happened and explain what my plans were so when I start with the game setup the influencers which was myself feedback gaming Prussian Prince and moderate Viking were all playing as the United Kingdom together whereas the devs were playing as Germany also four of them the rules were pretty complex but essentially to win you had to capitulate the other party or hold more special victory points around the world a lot in Africa some in Europe some in Asia pretty much nothing in America to encourage us you know expanding around the world as getting into the game I can explain more there the focuses were set up so that all the countries acted randomly except for France Italy and the dominions which followed historical paths also there was a parliament the virtual House of Commons set up from the members of the community and they basically dictated what we had to do so it came down to us negotiating with the community on what choices were going to be made on the focus tree and the rule that was imposed by the event was that we have to be democratic and after days of negotiations it was set up that we were going to do no further appeasement continental intervention secured all imports go down to the actual research sought here and grow Ordnance factories to general government and also aim towards the Imperial Federation the order of those focuses was pretty much left to me whereas Germany was told to play as Kaiser Germany Imperial Germany they had to do return of the Kaiser there was actually an election set up individual House of Commons on who is going to be Prime Minister and have final say over here dynamic decisions and direct are the other influences I was elected prime minister so I had authority over all the strategic decisions which basically came down to choosing stuff on the focus tree and spent a political power and doing diplomacy declaring wars and stuff like that and I also handled spies whereas the Prussian prince handled our armies both their composition research and orders motive the Viking has one of the very very few people who actually like the Navy a lot handled all of our naval stuff and feedback gaming was responsible for most of construction as well as our Air Force and if you has pretty much got research sort of allocated to use as they saw fit until we got the first one that is pretty much it as the rules go before the game I have crafted a devious plan to invade Italy as soon as possible because if Italy is going historical you can actually attack them quite early with continental intervention because once the dew claims in Yugoslavia they have cost enough world attention for this to activate notice that it says 10:00 work that should not 10% or attention I'm not sure how that's calculated exactly but essentially if they do if your pendant claims on me the sava that's that is enough well it surprised the devs that we were able to do that so this might has changed anyway my plan was to attack early as quickly as possible before the Germans would be able to take the focus to assassinate Mussolini because this instantly turns Italy non-aligned and makes them in our after Germans my plan basically was to take out ileus and as possible then use secure oil imports to take out the Netherlands get a lot of man part from the Dutch East Indies possibly get Iraq and Iran and then entrench ourselves against the Germans until our inevitable victory how did that work out well you're gonna see in a moment because that's pretty much all the explanation that is required and let's get into how the game transpired after all now this is gonna be different from my regular videos because this is a stream footage of course cut down and edited but still stream footage well not exactly stream because I wasn't streaming myself but we were playing a multiplayer live so it's gonna be a bit different and I hope you enjoy it and if you're wondering who's in the game well here they are all the boys hello okay mr. Prime Minister can you tell me what my role is again you're gonna help Russian and moderate when they request it probably handle Asia as well for now you handle the economy I think we're going to need quite a lot of say factories at the star has any decisions we made it advance war air what direction our production is going motor decides what to do with documents Russian supervises the military production and bakit I request that support equipment and be in at least one factory at all times because I'm gonna need that for operations in one factory in recon planes so you guys discuss that maybe feedback it will take Air Force just discuss with Russian friends because mm-hmm we're not that he was you know ok that's actually very good idea yeah you did the Air Force because nobody's doing that yeah the Air Force is and operations and does have to be highest priority because we're gonna rely on that to the store down to Kaiser when it comes to like military production do I just set up the military factories myself or do I ask feedback oh you guys can do it yeah I just need some support equipment and infantry equipment for operations don't forget to use corneal templates we would benefit if we have at least five army experience from doing a tiny template that just has you know one battalion of infantry in it so that we can deploy lots and lots of hundreds of units and then quickly switch them to what we need and transport them all over the world mr. Mott Road what are you doing I am reorganizing the fleet so that I know what's building and one you are the Navy boy you are you I am the Navy boy oh I like babies yeah we even talk to us as last paradox Khan and he was the most Navy focused Hawaiian for player I ever talked to so it wasn't that was it I'm just happy I bebo Kunis see that's my lasting achievement so yeah feedback takes the Air Force to recap first priority attack on lately second priority after that or if that doesn't work attack on Midland and the Dutch East Indies simultaneously feedback you weren't here for the romp lost already we also have one tech slot that something used yeah a feedback you know take that for industry I having construction maybe but she'll call you you want me to use the last research lab yeah just with it yeah completing the minds of us yeah my Russian second eight packs that it's very useful oh boy I'm sorry we'll have fourth and fifth problems are gonna be any emergency plan you know like executive powers that can be deployed whether the Prime Minister takes over assuming direct control all right we can we get one emergency vote a day so we can we can request that my map mode switched to what were you picking first it also gentleman has to be first we need to attack them with agents quickly and then I think free trade for research and production bonus and then the scientists see the one I really liked is the silent workhorse no no no that doesn't work for the car is removed if you do no further appeasement so it's a waste oh okay that's correct yeah that's true oh that's would it be nice though yeah if we had old God in the Navy or army that would be great as well or but there isn't one yeah Philip car is great but if you do anything other than what we're doing as for Field Marshal I'm recommending the guy with the offensive doctrine but you probably know about it yes agency almost ready mi6 no no so my 31 currently training capital ships I don't need to do all of them though I'll try and judge not running out of oil but I do use a lot of oil for training do you want me to train them that's actually a good question I have no idea do what who you think is best okay because I'm going to need to do some training cause I'll need to refit the destroyers which requires Navy experience only thing I want to advise of regarding the fleet is just this and detach the pride of the fleet and leave it in the port because we need that extra wor spot yeah okay if I go to our agency does it flip for you as well no the only thing we jumped onto randomly is Navy which is really bizarre I'm sorry I'll try to stay on the Navy [Laughter] right I'm also gonna spend falling apart on becoming this pie master when that becomes an option we need those force points I think in the early draft there was a limit on when Wars could be declared but I don't remember seeing on the latest there is a draft 1939 but that's just for non focus stuff so if they can get focus war go on us in 38 I think if they do break the anglo-french corner hegemony focus we cannot do shadow scheme yet so I'm going for steady as she goes that will get rid of the abdication crisis it quickly Germany declared war on Germany recruit some German operatives am I talking too much it's okay if you talk too much I'll just edit it out now and then we'll lose all of it not all of it we're gonna have pretty high stability most of the time I think also do reinforce the Empire that gives extra 10% I think like 30 at least but that's fine we're 73 we're gonna be at 93 in a moment but also lose 10 - oh we can do the shadow scheme perfect shadow scheme gives us the research thought I almost went to increase the game speed yes like they're gonna finish up issues there and Germany remarkably quickly - I want to use the plaintiff to my regiment exploit how was that patched the way you named your units not just on recomment and then instead of that those Oh once you get huge ones but I think that I'm right switching life ok I guess maybe I'm not sure if it was patched it used to be like you would in multiplayer people would abuse that they make like mechanized or like really expensive stuff in templates and then they name it like whatever but then I'm they don't recommend tone with yeah but that is the next place so it's fixed good if it's not we don't use it if we have anything like that even which I don't think we do Jim he's doing very well against Germany I think Japanese gonna win yeah Germany's beating Germany that's surprising definitely a Germany victory is he actually possible to lose this wall oh that is the real question whitfill my concern and very unlikely that 20% is just so stronk yeah it's more of a question of when rather than if we actually should get the air designer at some point would be nice how important is that quite important very important element for the 1940 fighters bare minimum but not as important as partial mobilization of each weight right and probably not as important as German editor in scientists degree we're partial Mobe not the others no I would yeah the to change the research system I think it was about one DLC back is severely nerfed nerfed the refuge for the scientists it's 5% per scientist it used to be - 5% off the overall time this is so much better same little computing machine actually yeah just a concern on a throughout that if we are gonna be ticket on Italy we're gonna either need firepower on the ground or in the air are we gonna be moving towards artillery or we're gonna be spamming lots of cast so we have some we will need like then with Marines with sport artillery we can research Marines next if you really need one leg well if it starts in 1930 and we can relay it well only need the template I don't remember exactly it might be late 37 early 38 something like that okay they're a player so we can ask them for military access should we do that just don't know them just constantly over and over they refuse you're the new state what they're doing okay no surprises so far they've built one or more but chip I mean oh yeah formed a department sorry yes we did what the country should we go from all the choices we have and what's that priority okay big space hello so George chief of the spies and we are very interested what you're doing in Germany yeah it seems stupid but it isn't at least if their counterintelligence wasn't so good essentially and they can normally have returned in the kinds of return if non-aligned support is at 40 and while boosting democracy we're doing that so that we can enact our plans elsewhere yeah we were thinking like but does that really matter too much they can just go down the industrial path which is awesome since its German II but you think it's still worth it because it's gonna give you time to do something else and I mean if you can show me they want to know why I'm doing it I can tell you why I'm doing it yes please like you're not supposed to check the stream so it should be fine hmm we want to make sure they can't assassinate from shalini too quickly oh so we were kind of on board on something earlier that's all of them No thank you so much that's awesome now are you getting very much very intriguing thank you so much for the update we want to attack as soon as possible that's gonna be like tons of extra factories and stuff like that so any tech or industry is secondary to attacking quickly after continental intervention and secure in all imports we can do all the you know all the tech and industry we need all right do we have enough votes for the early Mobe or would we prefer the limited conscription no we wait a little bit because once we do the vote of no-confidence in like 80 days we'll go to partial mobilization ahh oh good wait when did we get Chamberlain like when this folks finishes really I thought it Stanley Baldwin's resignation was in a fixed time event yeah that's why I'm timing the focus is the way I am good good good we now got every man will do his duty which gives us some manpower and now Stanley Baldwin should resign and we captured an Italian operative in a few days Baldwin resigns and then we commence vote of no-confidence and then we do partial mobilization yeah I want partial mobilization see Bolton resigns quick motion of no-confidence will have Chamberlain for 70 days and no longer motion of no-confidence we have no confidence he's only just arrived guys come on give her a chance yeah that's why we don't have enough intelligence an army department I mean telogen surpassed 25 percent yeah you want to get those possible they are really awful you had one job pie room that's it get rid of him going of a Spitfire is that the Recon thing oh yes no spitfire is not the reforms oh my I love the Spitfire so much researching it twice okay we British okay that's the way we are all right come on we've got someone with cameras we can take pictures of the ones of the guns Germany lifts Exile off will home of the second and Italy has given us a reason to attack them there's no continental intervention will give us a workout in Italy we probably want a garrison on Gibraltar just in United Mexican States declared war on Mexico that is interesting okay if the United States decides to attack or whichever of them we should do the same and get them into the eyes hold an emergency vote on doing that works for me let's troll them a bit you want me to go and sail the Navy and Eastern North Sea just do provide just ask them for doctors right oh say deny they're confused they don't know what we're doing they just said that we're doing and it says we're doing it were gone Italy even though they only cost three point eight percent world tension and I'm telling them the moment we attack that it's not a bug it's continental intervention that has declared war on Italy we have we have oh we don't have any air and the supply went down then barely pro because the ships activated but let's kickstart the war industry and then we can do Netherlands quickly if we topple Italy quickly show those skiing factories their ports striking Malta can you send an army to Anzio I'm sending it well that was bad I was not so good okay I'm taking control of fuel because right now we're having a really hard time oh the Germans just moved into Messina ah that's so unfortunate I have added infantry equipment at the very bottom we should prioritize infantry equipment over fighters I mean just cause all the fighters I think Oh don't let them to water fire the factory because our guys don't have infantry equipment it's more important than fighters it's only infantry equipment one and we have like enough infantry knows we had on 10,000 not sufficient I see 10 on in oh no it's three well yeah we got reduced okay I'm going to overrule the old bathroom like have the fighter production sorry yeah sir when I was looking at that because we had the times ten selected it was a like a full icon West minus ten we don't need that many fighters we have fighters they're just upgrading them we will need fighters once we're fighting the Germans not fatally yeah I think the UI was lying so we're gonna we're gonna finish hey guys cuz Daniel needs to go cool by 7:00 so can scaped one person to come and have a chat just to review and then render strength to that mr. Prime Minister I know are you you can I second the nomination how are things are not so great we had some disagreements on production and sorry I noticed you switch around from that fine production to infantry once again I mean we've delegated and I have overruled the cabinet on production and forced have the infantry equipment production because twenty factories were going into fighters and I don't think that's a good idea but I think it's going well enough now you have cleaned up most of Africa in this case a great operation by the Cabinet they have done a great job I have not touched Africa myself they did a great job here you seem to have some early naval setbacks but things seem to be stabilizing for the United Kingdom now and I have great hopes for the future of the the Sicilian meat grinder yes doing exactly north what I thought they were doing I thought they would try to rush the assassination of Mussolini which is why they attacked Italy so early but they took their time and well hopefully that will turn out for the best for us we're very disappointed that France did not join our alliance but we are hopeful that they will one day do that realize their error enjoying the true side of the British monarchy hopefully you will tell the Italians that Morris is the true path and they were gonna assume to get with France how do you feel about the future can you pull something out of this hat well we have delegated responsibilities and I'm pretty much handling the world politics for a foreign policy and so on Army's handled by my colleagues and they're pretty confident that they can do it so I believe them and once it is ours well then the almonds won't be able to get them and that's a lonely world without Italy and austro-hungary for Mary Mary - thank you for update much appreciate we wish you good luck for the future I'm still thinking on what we should do in Spain Portugal Turkey Greece all right there's one point in Turkey and one in Greece if we could that would be great and two points in China would be nice to do something in China but its secondary there was one in the Dutch East Indies sold Netherlands is good yeah if you assume that we take Italy and you know win that and then the iraq-iran and the Netherlands we will have 13 out of 27 and generally lower zero so I think they're going for just capitulating us holding is the army from Gibraltar coming to the past currently always dying still we sank four heavy cruisers 19 destroyers two light cruisers and lost one destroyer there you go house a common suck it I think I have now paid for that loss of a carrier you have redeemed yourself they just got the white flag they were winning what the hell happened oh no we missed the reinforced role that's what happened build the naval base there yeah just trying to do that probably won't have enough time I am chasing the pride of the fleet he's on like to hear points it's gonna be very interesting from far away port doesn't have another one German yeah we got through German volunteers Messina is a must and two days guys two days in the post on cleansing right now he's down there you'll regain it no no flash we actually got supply strip bizarrely we actually have enough supply I don't know how you get back that quickly they have another way they can always run away after today they're doing prepare Italian coup link you hurry because if this has to make Mussolini's we're done there's a large army just doing nothing I'm gonna take them as well whoops something went wrong sorry remake the Field Marshal let's go Montgomery it's fine fix it Germany's gonna do Mussolini no I think that means they're gonna go to war without see me using most regional powers which means crap they planned a bunch of invasions naval invasion one doesn't need to reinforce take everything so many plans with greed ad suits they were all good to go boys I took one unit and sent it to Venice not sure if it's a good idea perhaps we should send one more army to the Varner okay Rome is surrounded we have troops there Rome was surrounded for a moment I'm kidding romance fallen nicely done okay we have 40 days more or less the German is making trouble when is the German not making trouble okay if you guys can call this off I'm gonna be so proud oh I know you'll get to nightly titles from the King what dragon saying is that we capitulate Italy and be in the next 30 days losses do not matter who's on manpower if you have to and the curacy what's the direction of the Navy while these destroyers no those are R and T submarine sonar aunty subwoofer they're gonna suck in like combat but that they shouldn't be doing combat not against surface fleets we have Milan can we get touring this is a matter of time guys we currently at 87% towards capitulation and assessment Mussolini how long we got 20 maybe yeah this is gonna be close so tense we're gonna either die or that seems to be one of the two options yes 50/50 ninety nine hundred percent ok I think we should satellite all the African stuff how about that stuff I did he opium son satellite Libya Eritrea Somali so tonight sure Slovenia probably not what you guys think No and we puppet idli Danza I'm so happy right now okay we're all gonna get invited right next we did it I'm gonna counsel colonial elites and go straight for secure oil imports so we're gonna attack the Netherlands at least Netherlands Middle East is risky because Iraq and Iran on the number line so they could theoretically John Central Powers so let's not do them yet another one is democratic I think yes so what we need to do is send the naval invasion to the Netherlands and also have an army in the Dutch East in in British Malaya where we have a border with the Dutch East Indies on the same island I don't remember the name I was the name of the island Brunel have one army just whatever unit oh there are two units in Malaya we can just use these of the touch now I'll take care of that one America just send them there it doesn't matter if they do a lot of fighting they just have to fight them for a bit and now the invasion plan for the Netherlands is land secure ports do not kill them okay France wants to join the Allies yes please finally we could have used them earlier the Germans will be so angry right now that's right yeah problem Linux off we have the new fighters I'm gonna oh yeah I'm ready started production nice yeah oh we have 5-inch I should have gone five range alright you can start adding some production now we still need a lot of infantry weapons but you can now we now have a lot more military factories so you can just no not 30 yes 30 yeah not 30 we have we need a surplus of infantry stuff I mean fighter we have thirty on guns already you can live like that so right now there how about that and 2.6 planes so as I said to you I mean air security is a big concern because it is make or break em penis well yes but we're still fighting the AI and we my German isn't they oh yeah but they can't attack us yet yeah but we probably do want to be starting to per Garrison's in the UK contra ships moving to Asia that's why we're still using some quite a few escorts as well there you don't actually need any ships around the Dutch East Indies I mean you do get superiority no no because we share a well the Dutch East Indies and Borneo I just need to fight them we don't need to win we don't need to capitulate they're a pirate I mean it's good to have them just in case but all going to do is do some fighting can you prepare the naval invasion on the Netherlands and now because we have 20 days for the war base just make sure to secure the port but don't kill them banana they're doing a rekindle Imperial sentiment which will increase normal light in cha Slovakia quite significantly which is what I'm gonna need two or three spies there at all times otherwise they're gonna get austro-hungary I think it's almost guaranteed they will get it I think it's inevitable Mexican all nationalized okay what what are we gonna do with that ball straight let's just declare war I'm come on focus against Mexico Soviet republic do we want the war focus no I know so doesn't the US have Monroe Doctrine well if we want to invade the United States hey this is a quick brainstorm do we want to invade the United States from the north from Canada there's gonna be a ton of everything and they have like no troops at this point no we have no tanks you need to blitz them down otherwise they simply I'll produce us it seems easy in single fly it's gonna drag on a bear and it's gonna like split our forces let's embargo them how about that yep yeah go if the historical option can go you can go okay go they're guaranteed by France which is not a problem since we're all right to them I'm not calling France n get the air don't accept the call to arms from France the thingy british malaya call to arms and we need to declare on the Dutch East Indies as well which we can do willy-nilly because very puppet no two weeks 27th of March do not capitulate the Netherlands what's the plan with this then we wait two weeks to make sure that the Dutch East Indies are involved in the peace conference when it happens just to be sure absolutely sure all we need to do is take one tile from the Dutch East Indies and all I dropped one bomb on them from Sioux City bombing something I tested last week he does were that okay but they were declared on a little bit later they did not to join immediately and I think there's this limit time limit of two weeks between declaration and peace conference so if we don't wait the Peace Conference might get but and we might need to capitulate the Dutch East Indies and we don't want that okay so we're gonna wait until what when was this okay not just in to be sure let's wait until the 14th to capitulate in events put a big army there and we'll do a big push big army we're in the middle and on and I'm on the field ok ok I'm using absolute minimum naval force for this reduction and you can kill the Netherlands now certain yes yes go kill the Netherlands in X will puppet what you guys think we still don't get anything from a next thing right I mean we will be able to take control the border with Germany that is English definitely need to be a puppet because we're gonna get a lot of manpower from that yes mozart next netherlands because then we can actually build in the netherlands if we need it as a bridgehead because he can't build forts in brussels oh can you you guys Allies you can't up as you can you you can but i mean it might be more more convenient for you to you know to manage the infrastructure and so on so you're responsible for operations decide I'm gonna satellite the Republic of Suriname and Netherlands Antilles and we either gonna take continental Netherlands or we gonna puppet them my about puppet yeah puppet Austin we got the Navy and Helfrich and he'll freak is an amazing Admiral doesn't mean he's nothing to me puppet the Netherlands has a submarine commander that makes doughnuts look like a newbie okay good now we kind of prepare for the fight which is in Germany so the plan kind of worked nothing to go back to my prerogative of doing the spy stuff do we want to take Middle East this is risky because Iraq and around and on the line means the Central Powers can invite them in so we will want to take them at some point but I don't think we want to do that now looking at the big picture here they can have issues with robbing have issues with oil so if we wanted to move into those areas of the world and for now and that would be advantageous well whoo Japan attacked China this might help us we might need to move in on that Japan's only declared on commie China and no one else yeah but they know they're under open faction the mutual assistance block ah assisting who I don't know themselves to China okay itself there ourselves okay wait Marvin has no faction if we attack Japan we can get Charlie eyes up to you I'll need to move pretty hefty naval forces over there though do we want that do we want China and Communist China for investment in our action I just don't know what gain from that because remember if we fail to take them that's victory points the enemy gets sorry I just want to give the heads up guys that our composition right now is pretty weak and their side to get edge on is with air and that's only our advantage that we've got so we you know build forts in the Netherlands we could think we didn't detect Mexico we could defend the the main defensive area which is like the rivers and then up to Amsterdam oh no recon in and I okay focus we're doing Commonwealth tires we're gonna do the Federation the Federation if it's on the right it gives us 15 percent production outcome like factory output ended up with 15 percent construction and 15 percent more support there just final Sweden are we gonna join the war and save Sweden its democratic isn't it Republican Italy our puppet has a guaranteed Sweden I said no Pappas could do that damn it damn it damn it oh that happened they were probably using all their spies on austro-hungary I can I can cause uh civil war in there yeah I was almost sure that it needs to be fifty percent but apparently it was 40 if it was forty there was no way to tell them to to stop it because you know of the diminishing returns and so you did a pretty good job delaying it if nothing else yeah what's happening with Belgium Belgium is probably going to get attacked by the Germans because they get a focus war go on them yep do we have any plans to try and defend them because I would link up our borders with France we yeah we should try to defend Belgium and Luxembourg because it's just two provinces I would suggest that you garrison all the important victory points so for doesn't get para dropped and barista heads up there justifying dem I to if they block the Strait where there's no way we can get to Sweden this and if we get there and they get Denmark we can't leave yeah we would need Norway in the war we have political power what can we spend it on no we can't spend it we nee to save it for Imperial conference alright but when we do we'll get huge bonuses so Germany is justifying against us no it's probably just always like yeah there it is that's gonna give them a direct war go get ready here launch of Soviet troops sailing past us right now pairing for the Soviet American War which I've seen happen a few times we might also want to put some troops on the Maginot Line a just-in-case Franz becomes stupid you're not wrong yeah the number of times I've seen France just abandon Maginot it's it's very annoying going down there they have 26 stranger says 26 but hobro vs. 27 factories are on air crap so you're doing the right thing to catch up that way okay Poland joined Central Powers that's actually good because so because we can't invite Panama to our faction that's not oh damn you ready ready so accept quickly call all our eyes you know maybe not should you call Italy CERN in fact yeah don't call like Dutch East Indies cuz then they can't land there anyway I mean they can't declare yes he want should they call in your head or not are we checking attacking our allies then it's fine the ratio of that planes getting shot down is insane oh that's really good nice yeah keep going you invested into quantity sorry they've invested into quality Oh get right there we invest quality good things who said it was a bad idea to go per Spitfire ahead of time a who said that I did it was you yeah all the failures on my fault we have that on record now now here's the brutal job of the Prime Minister you know anything bad happens it becomes your fault instantly even if you want you involved in it always let started to actually push on them pushing are we ignoring Albania or should we send someone there ah Albania is ours you want you can I'm super busy in the middle yeah sure but I am not sure if we have enough that's the thing from me and we're delaying the Imperial conference then because we can't do that yes if the world tension goes to 90 something we can invite the United States to a faction oops Shogunate has drawn the central powers home caption I feel like I saw that coming can we invite China oh they haven't joined the war though they haven't been called yeah do we have the Navy to do both Europe and Japan yep do we have the army to do naval invasions on Japan can't focus on that right now it's watching the entire front to save Germany tries to push through somewhere if Japan gets cold in we can get China called in sure a lot of stuff is happening they'd like I have a surprise all of their allies nice can I invite to join up that's important yes I can USA's gonna assume control the perfection okay that's funny yeah okay I can't die we just got two extra feet victory points because of that because two of them are in China and we just got China ending here tonight toriel your host across the channel time i chat with daniel sure okay good job today hello hello welcome well war has begun yes a bit later than we anticipated but I think we're actually quite happy with how it is going and there was some setbacks but overall well the German push is not successful so far and them calling in their allies they might not have known that but it has given us the ability to invite the United States or faction we know stuff calling in like first invite in Japan and then u.s. comedy on your side so it equalized very very quickly also China is now in the eyes which gives us two extra to boys oh right very nice yeah I guess were really able to to take a second swing at Italy and really knock them out in an impression impressive fashion and I was a huge fan of the the emergency the emergency Dunkirk it in Calabria I was officer that was really really well done yeah congratulations to feedback gaming moderate walking and the Prussian Prince I think our in older I didn't really do much there I well I did do some stuff like race all the battle plans once by mistake but they did pull this through very very well and I'm guessing the German team must have been a little bit pissed because it was like two weeks until they could assassinate Mussolini and I and I think that I was saying earlier you know I think your early game plan of kind of pushing them off the path of bringing in the Kaiser and making and redirecting them into industrialization seems in the end of it was actually quite successful because like you said they were two weeks behind being able to jump in the war they had a chance of picking a focus earlier but they decided yes let's just continue with the industry I think this will have factory focuses were a bit more tempting so maybe if death wasn't your well fall from the beginning forcing them to go down industry and then deciding to continue their really really save you there so yeah snowballs can direct where directions so anything you wanna share with viewers now for next session for tomorrow for tomorrow I do have some I mean I'm responsible for both for world diplomacy and intelligence so I do have some stuff planned in that regard but most just happened a moment ago with the United States and China there's some more stuff coming but not as huge as this we still have one unknown which is the Soviet Union if they attack Poland that's gonna change everything but they might not you have notice who soviet union's ally is you mean mexico yes of course but if there is a war between Mexico and the United States that could turn ugly for us but we don't necessarily have to accept the call to arms France will probably but you know we can lose France come out you can lose France red you heard it here Falk UK as usual willing to sacrifice French lives for UK me better report and well we look forward for tomorrow thank you oh yeah and and the Parliament is saying that Japan does have war goes on the Soviet Union and they are doing pre-emptive war right now it's a focus with an index World War II the Soviet Union which would be a lying Japan might have been a mistake we got to China and they might get killed yeah I think we all did a good job today me maybe less than you guys because I deleted the army oldest but both from that happens can we infiltrate their Navy because that would tell me exactly where their fleets are deployed yeah yeah I can do that the US Navy is now in the Mediterranean - ok I didn't say anything before but if they considered it well they should have kicked to Japan before this happened now Japan is calling their allies which means they're ours we'll call their other allies which means the Soviets will kill Poland and austria-hungary and if they kicked Japan at the start of this session this would not have happened I was wondering if they would do that the doctor building the Netherlands up so it's gonna become super industrial variants are really killing themselves on the mound and Portugal start taking Spain that's interesting it's a good Ally Portugal you know do we wanna do we want to fight Spain because we could invoke an alliance with Portugal which would force Spain to join the enemy and we can just attack Spain from Gibraltar and from France if we want I would say why not yes can we spare the forces probably also lend-lease Portugal's give him a hand we need to that from two sides because then the Spanish AI gets kind of confused like one army from France one from Gibraltar oh I don't think we can no damn it sorry I mean we can if we declare if we justify we can or invite Portugal but the event that I wanted to use the decision only works if Portugal is non-aligned or democratic and detailed fascist so sorry oh I mean it will still work if we just justify a war going against Spain but we can do that either because apparently spent hasn't caused any world tension even though they had so many civil wars and the fighting protocol now yeah not worth it every fight Portugal we have to deal with our colonies as well Portugal would immediately join our enemies so we that was in a war so we're ignoring Portugal then oh it's a yeah okay okay cancel all the plans in Spain the mission to infiltrate the Navy is underway you guys should have good results shortly and there we go port strike what did we hit submarines and their entire fleet is based it is a keel with our prize yeah that's historic - I don't think whoever's doing the air their air control is watching what's happening because that's three times I've managed to fight them in dogfights when they weren't watching and we're like killing them that crazy ratios and now they're not watching the port strikes happening either that's another thing do we wanna lend-lease the soviets they can put in more troops you don't need that they're gaining on them yeah that's true I mean we might need to later if they're started I start losing but they don't seem to look at the u.s. naval invasions and Yugoslavia yes yes because how much a distract the enemy and the US has got their submarines along with France off the coast of China which is gonna be hampering Japanese supply into China you are obliterating their submarines yep and they've not even realized no I'm really sorry Madrid you're rolling this has been their downgraded oh you know I'm okay with this I'm gonna do extensive conscription we need it don't we yeah I'm not doing any focuses so that we can do the conference really here very powerful it's just so much political power to do it I was just wondering do we want to try and invade Germany yes that's the plan I'm making submarines and so this is something I've never understood about poor strikes do you target the land where the ports are of the sea this the land the land okay whatever the Germans are helping the Polish weird sentence in that's timeframe if we are going to be landing on mainland Germany my advice to get a maximum on to present Intel network that will allow us to get the maximum 50 percent attack bonus I mean we can do a do-over but we're Germany this time that's something I've always wanted to do Imperial Germany against the wrong Navy you know what we could do we could quickly research paratroopers and I just drop one of paratrooper behind each of their divisions so they didn't have any supply my only concern is support range whereabouts would be we'll be doing there but they don't have to be strong just you know no I get that I'm wondering where we would drop them just behind each German unit on the front line and then we push simultaneously and they die because they don't have supply that sounds like suicide thorn your expertise and not mine I could I can't do it it's gonna take me like an hour to prepare but if I can't do it yeah I would have the same issue we're running out of time do we are we gonna do the Imperial conference so much yes but the resolution was that we have to have for hundreds political power when we started so we gained 151 we do the focus yeah but the wording is that we need to have 100 to select if 400 to select it I think so I'm waiting just a moment longer and I'm doing it I'm not allowed to I could do it I'm not allowed to we need those paratroopers if we want to do fun stuff Germany is in China why what what do they care and how did they get there at 400 par yes perfect Imperial conference we have selected to focus now I can start spending the political power to improve relations with our dominions I was about to click out you know I usually click on an American land lease and it'll say something like 50,000 guns and you can never click yes because it's good to straw all your lovelies I clicked in it and they were offering for close air support and I've never seen AI do that before so I was like ok I'll take it troops are almost ready to do what must be done jolly good I'll flood in by I have 24 Marines and then I have 48 infantry sounds good to me if we wait a little bit I can maybe do those paratroopers as well at the same time it will be more spectacular but it's gonna take me some yes we have 1 million manpower very nice we have done the Federation all right yes now if you check our country we have 15% of actually andhakas output 15% all construction speed 15% to war support and everyone's losing autonomy ah dammit I forgot there's a limit to how many special forces you can have now yeah so we you can't make more cuz they have the Marines right you can still make light units which can be power dropped right it's just one battalion of paratroopers is oh yeah yes but we have lots of Marines under taking up to the limit maybe we have to make more units yeah we could do that you know we could just do that IME yes let's do it I never liked that limit I think they should remove it I get why it's there but also yeah I kind of agree with you it makes no sense from my big sister is nothing Special Forces a a weak very that well paratroopers can be very deadly especially against runs and I'd like them to be more generic like Special Forces being Mountaineers doesn't really make much sense I want commando units that's what I want people you can send into any situation and they'll be decent unite they have like bonuses and different types of terrain and stuff yeah exactly they're just better infantry yes actual elite infantry not just veteran see okay so you know how we're gonna do that with with the Tiny's to get a lot of guys we're gonna switch them to a large template and then quickly switch them to the paratrooper template that will drain all our manpower for a moment slightly exploited but I've always hated that limit so I don't consider it a proper rule of the game so I don't consider breaking it an exploit I have no you know it is technically within the rules of the game it's it's not exploiting a bug unless you consider the fact for the limit of Special Forces is calculated to be a bug it's not considered breaking the law unless the lure is bad we could use that to get lots of Marines as well Marines that's not go too far okay my opinion on that is passed do you want to know to do it yeah I vote is veto all right remember folks if we don't have enough paratroopers and Marines that's feedbacks fault I was against it I vetoed well veto means no don't do it oh no sorry upstate I've say that without from absolutely not to here and you were so V meant about your veto as well I veto I veto I have a veto any I'm not even a leader what the hell there is special forces thick but we'll get it too late we just send them a little ease because it's not it's gonna take too long otherwise let's focus on building dark out so we can make tons of convoys how about that just a suggestion you don't need to do the full Imperial conference yeah buddy lagging behind but it's extra you know extra flex points isn't it yeah I don't have that currency in our country I wonder should we invade now I'm not saying it'll be successful all right let me just let me just do the paratroopers I'll just I thought we're not doing them yeah I'll just I won't do the exploit thing I'll just deploy leans that we have training and use them okay duska popov killed no that's what dad James Bond actually okay I have 40 paratroopers perhaps that'll be sufficient oh nice without an expert with an export they could to hundreds focusing on the power drops it's a lot of work unfortunately yes it is I begged Dan for a hot key I begged him and do you know what he said how much he gets you don't think it's necessary next you'll see it's on the list I am just I think we won't be able to post through this I think this is possible just tell me when to activate did you move the planes from the place where they're supposed to be yeah I did give me back the planes [Music] the power drops want to work without planes you don't say we also got the new engineer thick right now at the photo drops nice invasions don't begin this is it boys this is ad field yeah we got to do something they say that I'm living it I can't see anything because that policy is I would normally like all the orders [Music] Berlin is surrounded wait our boys are in there well done guys well done well well I forgot Cyprus activating fly from Germany never should we take over to comment on while this is going on nah okay we're gonna do it at the end you know twisting the knife in the wound yeah I mean honestly this is over now oh my goodness look at Denmark if you can grab the north and open up the Danish belts we can get ships in there yep I'm also sending portables on Berlin directly tanks from all angles and even above yeah this was probably one of the noisiest operations I've ever seen in this game that was nice nicer ends about to fool we got it British forces have advanced into Berlin the War Cabinet has announced the successful capture the German capital after a pitched battle that's us with war cabinet yay so few days in northern Germany I don't think we can push the Maginot just go around it round the Maginot what an idea that was really used to be a strategy when fortress buster was broken do you do I don't think Germany is feeling through well right now no I think we hurt them which they prepared the collaboration governments in Germany Angus just to rub it and go for it can you do that if you're not fascist yeah hello girl captured meanwhile there's a huge American invasion in Dalmatia Yugoslavia oh nice I see the guard thing now you know why I mean collaboration governments are great because they also reduce their surrender threshold but just have done that earlier I guess yeah too little too late we never thought this would be such a success did we no no definitely not I said we needed me eunuch right okay yep going to Munich he's really need anything else I'm pushing the Frankfurt as well usually these feature points cost so much but because we don't control a lot of the smaller ones good good I'm lagging a bit yeah we do I think it's bound to happen with all of these operations South Korea has almost fallen as well this really was a thing of beauty that was pretty gotta hand it to you that was excellently executed I feel like we're bullying right now a little bit are we the baddies definitely have the skull come on David Laird war on earth a declared war we ended it hey Imperial conference we're gonna select it cuz there's not gonna be enough time otherwise they're gonna hit pause when they capitulate we mean Imperial Federation we can't they need to have autonomy down so much you know come on dropping troops on Regensburg we need one VP ran out just one well I did just drop truce and ravensberg which is a victory point yeah that pushes from 98 to 99 ah okay stop uh stop the order stole the order unit over the other holt know why they pause they paused so 20 minutes to go hundred one no one worthy no way why'd they pause quick and for some time you wisely pause they're stealing this from us oh and it's the end okay I'm gonna do the thing with defections now how about that Daniels being an ass yeah big three what oops my mistake doesn't matter we win anyway yeah we got the ultimate victory which was the capitulate the enemy in defection Japan no our faction Sweden Oh kick can't oh I can't kick them during the government-in-exile kick United States who else is in our faction who is Luxembourg can we quickly take over Sweden again probably not can we china kick Denmark I'm so happy that was amazing that really was yeah co-op with the paratroopers in marine invasion the Navy and the Air Force well I agree some of all of its parts everyone played a role and everyone did it beautifully I don't think we quite ended it by Christmas they okay so my plans not gonna work because we can't kick Sweden from the faction because they're capitulated but the plan was for oil streams if you're wondering we kick everyone from the faction they join the Comintern mostly as you just saw then we dismantle the allies we join the Comintern and possibly take over the Comintern but we don't even have to because they count as our ally and we get four super victory points from the Soviet Union just want to you know try that at the end but unfortunately Sweden is making that impossible I think it might have helped us that we were in a defensive world italia and they were attacking us I mean we we did repeal the the German attack that is one way of putting it yeah a little bit understanding it me it repelled it all the way to Berlin if you know greetings listen talk what should we say well fought well played congratulations that was an awesome invasion thanks this is gonna be the end of Germany there was actually good cooperation I haven't ever played co-op before in house of iron for and it worked great everyone did great they were everyone did what they were good at you know we each had our own setup so I crush and Prince was responsible for most of the army and moderate was sinking ships left and right feedback took the air and I was doing spy stuff and diplomacy and some power choppers at the ends and it's all worked out great guy Brit too strong you guys you guys co-opted together very well my I think clapping in hearts of iron is really a pretty enjoyable experience is something I really enjoy doing in my spare time you can't be except when you are faced with an invasion and suddenly someone takes your divisions and puts them on a different on a different and he's just like who moved my troops and then you just literally you guys are needed a better division of command yeah upside that list is that the Kaiser will never be let near the levers of power again yeah it's the destruction of Jeff but I want to thank the Brits for preparing Hong Kong so graciously for my arrival it's really quite pleasant here well it's oh you're gonna rule from the hall so I mean that's fine but well I gotta thank you all for joining us in this free day war I hope you guys enjoyed it it was very odd to see all the strategies all the plans and yeah and we didn't really say well played to the other side yeah was enjoyable I mean yeah and of course but you you had a storied and we'll play about 300 more hours of comp MP you're actually we win so there's one sentiment that was echoed by literally every dev just 15 minutes before the invasion we all individually said that we wanted to play more high after this just to try the same thing again and see if we could have done a better better job of it because we made some critical mistakes early on that we feel were really painful towards the end and we're certain that we could have done a better job of it actually saying something similar because we were saying we'd like to try this again but with the other side so we play as Germany player's Britain I think there could be a lot of fun and I think everyone you know made a pretty large number of mistakes all the way around I mean UK are out of fuel at different points they nearly got pushed out of Italy but in the end so close it was I mean it's a really good job in the Mediterranean UK guys that's right just wanted to say that Italy was extremely close if that had lost that if we had managed to defend off that yeah if we had to match to fend off that second invasion of you or third I think it was we would have knocked out France in all of our simulations you received the industry from having Italy as a puppet they would not have been able out to build Germany and it just spiraled out of control from there and we would have had Germany over the European mainland yeah super super fun to watch watch do we do we have some more time Daniel oh you mean for that thing no no no it won't work because I'm gonna say well it is briefly but it's not that important I mean more like I'm curious what they think their mistakes were and our mistakes were and then the other side that's curious yeah good question like from the back yes explain how much you want well gotta start from the production side doesn't the German side we we we didn't invest enough into SIVs early on I was too worried about not having enough tools when the war minister get a verdict his only gun plan yes that that and some of the focuses we went to political to early rather than the getting more of the economy focuses our tank division set of shoes Mike your tanks belief in plan which doesn't mean the same thing to three different people and you can get the fighters to quick enough I messed up on a fighter production a little bit as well and once you've lost their superiority it is very difficult yes you almost I don't know someone else can take it for for Britain what I remember is you know we actually fought a lot over the production tab so in 1938 to 1939 I think all of our factories you know we just redid everything so everything started from zero production efficiency or something like that so that was huge he lost a lot of equipment no no it's I mean it worked out because we needed to cut as well you know we wouldn't have had as many units as we did so I mean I just mean like we should have planned it better from before but you know it's not like we had a test game or anything that's we're thinking why did you like leave our tanks were you like we don't need it for the entire war or like up and go for quantity rather than quality so since I am the commander in chief that was my decision so thanks really you cannot push infantry with them unless you have at least 41 Thanks so 41 mediums 41 heavy things like 39 mediums really cannot push infantry it just they're just too terrible is that wise so they're not gonna do it even if you have medium SPG's or anything like that I don't think so you can't see it but I'm taking notes right one thing maybe you guys didn't hear is once you had succeeded with the invasion and control like quarter maybe one-third of Germany I took a save I'm gonna put that out as I Community Challenge that can you turned aside and win as German after that so maybe that's would be something for you guys try yes I think if the German officers did counteract each other there we probably could have to infighting yeah I think that that is also one of our biggest mistakes as Germany is that there was chaos in among mohnish because everyone tried to take charge of a part of the front which was admirable and which was absolutely the right thing to do but then because the because all of the units were assigned to the same Field Marshal when someone drew a new field marshal order that everyone up like there were all of the plans went out of the window like I said all of my units that I had in Denmark as they were in a province that had had a port they immediately set sail for mainland Europe and I couldn't get them back and then we lost them more completely so these kind of that was very unlucky and that was we should have had more if we wanted to take individual parts of the front we should have had individual Field Marshal so we wouldn't have had those problems how do you guys England's bid did he do like one Field Marshal each or did he use one guy controlled everything there was so much more simpler it was like all on one specific area one a navy one an army on an Air Force yeah I think that's a good way to divide the command so there's no confusion and no place I think so too but that is also because Britain is in a different situation because as Germany being in charge of the Navy as Germany is not really gonna be a full-time job that's yes I mean you could you could roll Navy yeah I mean depends on what you do you could you could really get intense with microing your subs and harassing I mean you could also just have like one person commanding the Eastern Front one person commanding the Western Front okay so the task Russians handled the armies all of them pretty much and military technologies and production feedback handled the air force F focuses at some point and generally constructed stuff Modred's handled all the naval things everything and I handled the you know big-picture politics and focus tree and some research and then paratroopers so essentially if you have like one person in Germany managing the Navy that person could also do by industry and research but yeah that's our way of doing it which is clear but it doesn't mean is the only way well one thing which I did like about what we did was dividing up the tech if the chief of the army had one slot for army chief the Navy had one for navy chief the Air Force had one for the Air Force and then the other two were the miscellaneous for the prime minister for construction electronics and that type of stuff I think that worked really well because it allowed us to go down like a centralized strategic theory for what we were trying to do I do have work for us I was the one who handled all of the the tech and focused choices whatever the focus is Ruatoria and I think that was good because he did the focuses diplomacy and intelligence but in general everyone in chat seems to really really enjoy this so we really need to like thank you guys for joining us for this entire set and the Frehley war Japan at the start of the game today more like this maybe like four place in Japan four players in China yeah that's all I get to go in the Soviet you well four players do powerful players China seems a bit limited because it's just like not much world politics maybe USSR or that we're not one up 15 players USA 15 players Japan let's go big well the obvious rematch is for players Luxembourg for players 10 the two of us to round it off like I said super thankful that you guys joined us right there and thank you everyone in chat for joining us and watching this hope you had a great day hope you had a great three days I'm all certainly had super tiring but it was super fun to watch and comment thank you Robert for the help of commentating sorry if we interrupting you so many times so excited when I spot the different things I know it's fine you know we're also you know communicating over discord instead of in the same room with each other so makes things a bit more difficult from us thank you and see you soon hopefully bye bye I love you next time gadget [Laughter]
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Views: 254,834
Rating: 4.9617343 out of 5
Id: C-C-uB2u400
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Length: 67min 41sec (4061 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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