What If All The Old Empires Returned At The Same Time?! HOI4

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I've been absolutely rogered let's get stability to zero classic France hello is it Rambler you're looking for I can see it in your eyes I can see it in your eyes that I know that you love high four uh-huh I think that's my worst intro yet oh my god but that's right everyone it's me your RAAM fam doodler Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron for a new mod has been released called formable nations in setup options and that allows you to pretty much form a ton of different empires and nations before you actually start the game so I thought that'd be quite fun to have tons of new empires or old empires return and turn it into a massive old Battle Royale so of course please do comment like and subscribe 5,000 likes for more hoy it's an arbitrary might go you know why I do it engagement it helps the channel so these are all the various nations that you can kind of set up so we could actually set for example Austria Hungary will form that to the bare minimum the Byzantine and Roman empires we will also return so what you can do is Byzantium and Roma formed alongside the Holy Roman Empire but that prevents a lot of other empires from being formed properly so I'm gonna be doing Byzantium and Rome with the bare minimum and then forming the Holy Roman Empire also oh you can have Franco's Spain formed as well I don't know why we do that but we're gonna the Imperial Federation sure let's form the Imperial Federation Kalmar Union yeah let's get that in there Ottoman Empire of course Persian Empire why not don't know well that's gonna work or not let's form that one you know I didn't Evelyn's why not form their united states of Central America why not not gonna form the European Union because man I think that would really mess up every other nation that I've just tried to form I thought oh yeah why not let's just form it you know what why not hey and I will just see what that looks like on the on the map I haven't picked a nation have I I think I'm gonna mess that up yep okay I'm going to observe mode for it for now so let's take a little look at what we have Oh Yugoslavia still there let me change that this is not the peak that I wanted I'm gonna I'm gonna redo this oh because Persia I can't form the Persian Empire if we want the Ottoman Empire I'll get oligo Oh mr. up again never know I can fix this I can fix it okay so apparently you can't release territory so I'm gonna have to do this again okay so yeah I think I've finally done it we've got quite a few old empires like I guess the British Empire is still you know around the Roman state or the Holy Roman Empire did originally control more of Italy but I've given it back to Monsieur war Emperor masterly Augustus must lean in my apologies so he can actually have a fighting chance Byzantium I returned Constantinople to them I should probably set the capital to Constantinople though and then we also have the Ottoman Empire returned as well as as well as Arabia Wow and the Federal Republic of Franco's Spain which I'm gonna play as and just see what happens really I don't know if this will go well or not I'll be I'll be quite interested to see what the nationalist Roman state decides to get up to and Byzantium for that matter and austria-hungary they're back - aye-aye-aye aye-aye-aye aye-aye-aye followed the console command in it and i I'm probably doing something wrong so I'm just gonna leave the capital as Athens that's the new capital Byzantium now we're just gonna get on and see what happens in this scenario and I guess I'll probably start by devaluing the franc yeah no idea really what I'm doing but we do control Spain we are the Republic of Franco Spain that's the thing now I'm just gonna be very interested to see like the Roman Empire is actually very weak the Imperium Romanum II maybe I should have give them a few more states but I imagine the probably team up with the Holy Roman Empire or the Nationalists Roman state but the Imperium Amanda might take a bit of territory here you never know did anything else form I didn't really perform anything in the Americas it's just Europe polish-lithuanian Commonwealth is a bit of a tank now austria-hungary might have a chance to do something if they stay independent Romania is just their interest to see what band Byzantium does if anything I don't know it's just going to turn into an absolute mess I'm hoping I'm really hoping that's what's going to happen so I guess what we have here is just like the the Roman Empire at its fold when they only really controlled Italy so they're not really an empire anymore but did they just conquer oh well they did conquer Ethiopia so with their a at least they have a a glow of an empire this is this is incredibly scary this nationalistic Roman state that's I'm very scared of this why that's a chunker right there I'm going to utilize the league's let's get stability to zero classic France I decided that the Roman state is probably too powerful so I've given a bit more to mr. miscellany down here I'm still at quite the disadvantage because I think they're gonna join up somehow mmm both freshest you say Byzantium is non-aligned so they're doing it for the kids I apologize I come on Terry just seems to get weirder and weirder doesn't it I could rally the league's tenor that I really want to do that unleash like a ghoul don't want to do that it's my face in the right place no blocking probably essential information or I have been whoops uh-huh I really hope this is all gonna kick off like I want this to be an absolute powder keg it does warm your heart to see the royal purple of Byzantium back though doesn't it revive the Constitution well don't mind if I do I get extra stability Oh should I recruit Odette yes let's try and build an Intel network in the Roman Empire see what those rapscallions are up to um that was a very early kerfuffle Wow really they can't even get to them what did you do I honestly have no idea why they did that that's really dumb well I'll let me get on with it they would sell out Byzantium to hopefully build up a larger Empire I think if I get ruffle stomped by the nationalist Roman state I'm gonna be a bit annoyed but also hey just a game in there you've got to take the switch swinging the swings and roundabouts swings and roundabouts so Portugal v Portugal okay then no it's nice hmm defensive or aggressive that's always the thing I never really know what to do oh I'm thinking I would like aggressive focus I would like the force though extend the Maginot arch know what screw it risk it for a biscuit hey let's have let's have an aggressive focus yes forlán new empire that I may be attempting to create anything is anything happening between the German and the Greeks no except that Germany has a heck of a lot of factories and Byzantium does not have as many austria-hungary doesn't seem to be doing too much al they only have the base tree oh it didn't count as Hungary taking it that's better that's annoying Oh Byzantium is apparently going democratic well the fools I am shocked that the only kerfuffle we've had is between Byzantium and Rome in efficient economy bloody Nora there's so many things to fix in France isn't there like just goodly give me a break it's a valets a fair opportunity today can i my commentary is just all over the place I think I didn't have a very good night's sleep keep waking up Ally 6:00 a.m. is really annoying let just let me sleep don't shake just let me sleep but no my body doesn't want me to apparently you never realize how much you've treasures sleeping - you're not getting any I mean I'm still getting some but not as much as I'd like you know it's just okay has by out Santiam gone on the warpath yeah do they have any I think they're recruiting an army but then being also early on oh they're the defensive so that's that's all right I think if they're being bombed air but their support oh my gosh who it's 28 and the stability is gonna be ruined - oh that's that's quite nice for me though they do but have between 65 and a hundred military factories already though that that's I have 14 will arabia do anything in this game probably not just sit on the sidelines with their little let spread of an empire oh brazil's contour cup awful with itself nice okay repeal the law of x style a farewell disjointed government no head of a french royal family nor their hair allowed on french so without express permission before we can have the triumphant return of the monarchy we must dispose of this little obstacle despite all these civil couples and the and the german greek buffle I feel you know just quite quite pay you know just just just relax just letting the game run no Lots happening it's quite odd so we can either proclaim the threat from the third empire have the legitimate heir oh the Carles branch or there's the only honest restoration hmm no the Bonaparte is my considered the Outsiders in the struggle for the throne but they will carry with them the dream of a time when all of your a bow to the emperor of France I imagine if the polish-lithuanian Commonwealth guests declared kerfuffle on they will be able to hold the holy roman state for a time yeah this could go pretty well for me did we do it hmm the French Empire yes we've got them all and then we have a Napoleon the forth looking like a suave son of a gun I don't know if that will affect me too much apart from the fact that we can now go down the avenge Waterloo tree I don't really need to do that just yet let's let's actually try and fix me nation I am a little unsure of what to research because I'm gonna be struggling to produce a decent amount of everything really so it's gonna be [Music] tricky to hold against such a mighty and there it is okay that's not good could really do with more than three research lots to I might be struggling to live then I have no idea what's gonna happen to the world if if the North Empire the northern and the southern Roman empires have united against Byzantium and Byzantium is close to losing their capital already really I'm surprised at this if I could create a fraction I would unfortunately I can't the world tension is too low because I try and help them I would bail them out the ultimate Empire could come in probably put some signal companies in all my infantry divisions maybe recruit some infantry divisions we need more men Brazil joined the axis no no no that's not good greater Portugal's joined the axis oh boy oh yeah man yeah let's just let everyone run wild shall we this is gonna be an embarrassing defense for France isn't it didn't realize it almost in 1939 - I have not prepared enough for this I was like yeah I'm Napoleon now Barbour but in reality is this is gonna be horrible I can't fight up in this state oh they control the Maginot Line - oh no that's not fair my main line of defense shattered already I am doomed what have I been doing since the start this game clearly not enough oh I think my Roman agent goes script oh that's not what I expected wow this is terrifying I was hoping they wouldn't join each other but clearly that was a mistake Wow okay Poland Lithuania is pretty screwed now austria-hungary don't even know what they're gonna get up to just bend over really I think in the war against Italy I'm gonna have to just hunker down but behind this line we will probably be able to hold them there army reform good remove national spirit victors of the Great War that will help me a lot but not I think save it Venezuela join the axis you know like we're gonna come get you but that's not going to do it's gonna come and wreck me help me help the French Empire I have regrets of taking the French Empire now like I should have what I should have just I should have taken like a Roman Empire shouldn't I but no Alex I figured I'd let the AI do their thing I regret letting the AI do their thing that was dumb of me very dumb indeed never rely on the AI to do what you want them to because now it's just gonna be the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Empire doing it for the world it's 1939 and already the axis is freaking tanky just keep building military factories as quickly as we can and we might have enough to hold I can just spam out just a ridiculous amount of Units then that'll be good enough right what are they doing they're doing Danzig almonds so then that's when I declare kerfuffle right and help everyone let's expand the citizenship can I guarantee them No alrighty I also got they'll need to watch out for Portugal too and I don't have enough troops to defend against them I have no choice but to let Poland Lithuania fall which isn't which isn't what I really wanted but what can one man do ray I honestly thought the Byzantine Empire would be able to hold for a little while but no could I join them they still wouldn't let me they don't want me to join them ok sure that makes complete another sense you morons ok more military factories yeah just spilled them all I'm scattering them around in case I lose any territory if I also need to garrison my territory and I and I and I'm not really able to do that because I don't have enough troops to the book I polar Lithuania is doing a decent job of holding him to be quite honest with you I mean I've taken a half a million can they can it go I was gonna say that they're doing alright but they're gonna get crushed eventually aren't they that's what's frustrating like I I could if I could just get a snap declare war oh they're already doing war France oh who has oil that I can get very easily the United States I'm just gonna buy eight factories worth of oil so I can actually get my Navy to protect my I might have to request more oil sure retribution for Sudan Oh do I do that now I'm still pretty weak aren't I but I already have the war goal I think because I can no I can't I think I'm gonna have to do that I need to try and save Poland if away Nia well they can still be saved oh they just need to hold for a little while longer I need to buy more oil though I don't know if I can afford to do that it's costing my economy quite a lot yes Shh didn't even have a chance I've joined the meter Moors I don't know what to do help me please oh my god encourage immigration anything to help me I will now suffer oh I'm sorry did you not get the memo here though I think we're just gonna go for it I'll have to try and put my Air Force up even though I'm oh no didn't mean to do that I will take your volunteers I will take your volunteer hours send any volunteers the situations that desperate that Wow okay now yes if I can take down Portugal you might not go very well this little adventure but we'll give it a go my Navy I think I I need my Navy to stay okay let's deploy them oh my god they're not fully equipped but I need Garrison's for my coastline with the UK like to help out a bro honestly I wasn't gonna do the Waterloo thingy don't worry not in a really a position to here could I actually push see if we can take a couple of tiles yeah so we can take a little bit of Belgium this could be Rotterdam or anywhere would Waterloo or help oh my god Portugal's not gonna surrender properly are they that's just just die I need the troops elsewhere this is this is just a distraction Oh God hold on if away near is on its way out I think we won but winning in the naval arena ish we took porto by forgot that the capital is actually Lisbon dangerous naval invasion not like and do there I'm afraid justman empire do you want to join this UK maybe I should just welcome our new Roman overlords and my have oil I'm out of oil I would say like I haven't done very well but I don't really know what I could have done differently because as you see here like my troops are getting rather overwhelmed to that of oil it's not getting in it's not getting in I can't get it delivered the trade routes aren't aren't open I can't keep my Navy out and if I don't have any oil then I can't oh my god stop attacking I thought I'd be able to take down Portugal but it's proving a bit tricky right now maybe if Greece was still around but no they have to go and capitulate idiots so on a lot of tiles we are holding but we're also being quite hampered by the freakin Polish divisions being absolute trash none of my divisions are fully equipped anymore I am really not going to hold for too much longer I don't believe when you try your best but you don't succeed you see what you get but you don't get I don't know that words and they've got reinforcements if they didn't have those be a different story oh my gosh well this was a very short-lived the French Empire wasn't it and the ultimate Empire hasn't even really done anything and Arabia they're all just sitting there austria-hungary has done vekl to like as predicted I can hold against the poxy Italians all day long it's just the Germans on such a long front and I don't control the Maginot you know it puts you in a tricky dicky situation so I'm going to try for a fullback line where there's forest and River along most tiles but it's looking like I'm going to be having a Rambler fail I apologize this was not what I obviously wanted to happen it is however the situation I should have picked defensive doctrine I really wish Poland Lithuania had left all of their troops in their territory that would have been great for me Abbey as I said we're holding the holding here absolutely fine they can't really beat my divisions it's just on our fullback line that we're gonna really struggle I would imagine and my surrender progress if I lose Paris I think that's it oh no me tanki's get out of Dodge there'll be a little bit useful maybe okay well there goes my Chinese volunteers trying to join the Allies okay I'm being pushed back in Portugal really hold on it's just as the Imperium Romanum troops why the heck aren't we go in for it lads come on now oh no oh no no no no no just kidding my troops apparently aren't good enough to defeat Roman Empire troops somehow Mussolini is competent now okay I guess I have to abandon Spain and get into the mountains defend their nice-nice this is over I can tell you already there's no coming back from this what you're going to witness now is just a descent into nice no I'm not already mad certainly mad about this situation don't be mad at it just just welcome in your new overlords the new Roman overlords nice oh well by getting pushback from the freaking River something I do not really get oh because they've broken the line I see I see yeah I was never in a state to be able to properly hold was I oh that's frustrating oh wow okay nice Germany's got quite a lot of divisions on the border now yep let me help me help me anyone want to save my disaster save game but you can't bet you none of you could save this at this particular day it's over I've been absolutely rogered the French Empire shall offer you Solon there no oh no no laughs Lynch Empire Dale let me surrender our fees favorable terms favorable I didn't even want this but y'all brought it on me this is unfair totally unfair like the axis is a massive tanky nation now the meat of mors is on its way out none of the other empires have done F all in this game just me Byzantium and Poland have tried to stand up to what is now the Roman Empire and I'm sure I could have done a lot of things differently but it's actually quite nice to be defeated and every now and then every now and then order yeah I was never really able to build much of an air force I think that we've probably given a fair account of ourselves but not worthy of Napoleon I should have just observed Shanaya I should have been drew just observe don't participate just observe still can't go to economy I don't even have to fall oh my good League ooh Paris hasn't fallen though we still hold in Perry and apparently I'm not constructing anything Wow okay oh god this has given me the urge for an anxiety number two well the French empires a bit of a shadow of its former self but we hold sort of well this is kind of embarrassing yep Rome's flooded in taken Iberia I'm confused how are there divisions so much better than mine like my defense is pretty good oh they're they're soft attack is more than my okay well never mind don't take me yeah it just comes down to not really having any of the equipment I need arrow superiority and my divisions are all on getting absolutely screwed oh but the Soviet Union is now in the oh wow that just right on the outskirts of Paris that's that's terrifying and they're already on their way to Moscow okay sure so I would attempt to attack but it's it possible for me I'm also completely out of oil and none of its been delivered I'll screw you I don't have any convoys left they've all been sunk Oh mate you know what this might actually be in a safer ball position maybe oh the Ottoman Empire would do something or Arabia or even the United Kingdom oh man they're already on the outskirts of Moscow really so they have doubled the factories of the Soviets and the Imperium Romanum has almost okay yep that I may say is in a saleable situation was pretty a bit generous is that Moscow gone yep Moscow is gone okay I'm calling it there's I I won't be able to save this looks like Japan is is doing pretty well their gains they might have the Allies to well it appears there's gonna be two Roman Empire's the Holy Roman Empire and the Imperium Romanum and then the French Empire can just have this little bit of France I think if I was to try and save this it would probably take me till the 1950s and I'm not prepared to do that and I think my editor would want to murder me after that too so what we're going to do is leave the scenario here and just accept that Mussolini and and the nationalist Roman state are the new overlords of the world okay cheers everyone toodaloo absolutely rogered many thanks to onion duck Maximillian foreman wire green fat Boston Zechariah Mosby Warren P George Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert vowel hammer Falls Busey Tibbs yeah boy wombat cookie Daffy Alcon Ryan jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch used beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous around supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 172,577
Rating: 4.9129143 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 mods, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 roman empire, hoi4 ottoman empire, What If All The Old Empires Returned At The Same Time?! HOI4, holy roman empire hoi4, hearts, of, iron, four, roman empire, ottoman empire, hoi4 steam workshop, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, drew durnil
Id: 6pjvbPJ4nk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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