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[Music] yeah i was thinking i have a chance well world war one antique was actually that was easy i i don't know it wasn't that hard it wasn't that hard you had to use your brain a bit but it wasn't that hard i wasn't that hard but i have a weird feeling that 1944 hitler is going to be much harder man come first fatherland the german guy is being pushed back heavily from all directions the allies in the west took back all of france belgium and are now dangerously close to breaking through and infiltrating the heart of the life itself the east the russians are still quite a ways behind the older river but the front has extended greatly and our allies romania has surrendered with hungary dangerously close italy is at a standstill and an asian situation for japan is not getting any better you can't play 45 uh you guys have yourself 45 is impossible it's impossible to win you have to cheese that's why we're not doing 45. people said 45 we can check it out real quick we can just check it out but and i i get that i don't think they're lying uh it's impossible you literally have to cheat a little bit okay this is how it is end of story so we're not doing 45 1944 december oh god oh god okay ladies and gentlemen welcome back to nc yay let's check it out let's check them out okay what do we got holy [ __ ] that doesn't look good but i only see frenchies i don't see americanos could maybe win the italy real quick but they will infinitely attack look at baltics i feel like that's a delete so we want to want to hold and then pull something off well let's let's actually take this really serious this doesn't look that bad but i think if i on pause it's going to look even worse medium tanks he has mediums also right yeah that's a [ __ ] division man compared to mine then we have these motorized [ __ ] that's all trash man that's all trash 50 minute [ __ ] ready to whoa what the [ __ ] is wrong with hitler at that time well what the [ __ ] is wrong with hitler at any time regime to berlin and wait for steiner's counter first industry makes a lot of sense in production so industry production and factory repair time let's also get an excavation uh modern blitzkrieg okay i don't know much what i'm doing guys we'll see we are abandoning norway because i think it gets invaded next we're going to take a look at italy i think going behind the verb makes sense just holding it i think this first game i will just try to kill france which doesn't seem very like me i think german militia just we're testing [ __ ] out first we're testing [ __ ] out first i don't want any motorized or tanks in the east i'm kind of just trying to think in a multiplayer way i'm making very very [ __ ] divisions because i just hope that they uh that gives me more equipment for the east front you guys are just holding that also known as the battle of the bulls just our final chance to pull off an incredible victory against the allies we can't recreate our initial victory against the french for the all dance and they should have no time to respond we should be able to encircle what does that do for me though let's try let's play the game for a second to see what the equipment really has for issues jesus christ okay there we go so how does it look i'm going all in i'm gonna completely abandon air because i have so much else to do uh artillery we have improved artillery and we have this so let's go really really hard on this the situation looks [ __ ] up yeah welcome to being a german in this time i think i have to pee and then we start wow this seems much harder than uh the world for one thing it's not gonna be easy man this this feels very like a multiplayer when you're almost dead so it's all about fixing your tanks and [ __ ] okay that's not going to work italian takes part in the army you slavia partisans rising up oh what the [ __ ] yo what i thought so remind me when that is done to get them the [ __ ] out we have a chance here we have a chance that's all the new guys there's no way in hell they survived i should just delete the at this point just save the ten percent they actually get much more than that and you can't save them no way yeah yeah that's very overwhelming all right well what can you do here man all right this must be the river but once i break that i think we're doing great after that okay pause pause pause easy easy easy hold that one guy stays easy easy easy now france you want it pretty hard man fuel is fixed vienna faults nothing i can do nothing i can do there if russia gets berlin this is what it is i'm kind of going all in on this whole france thing here take forever until they're attrition but at that time berlin is gone russia is way too much like i'm not close holding anything in russia they're just going to walk through dude yeah i think i'm dead here i tried they're not even in circles man they don't give two [ __ ] man maybe hold the french after the rhine and kill russia with tanks [Music] yeah okay okay that was learning number one i gotta turn off uh iron man mode so i don't have to always do the same thing again i have an idea in my brain that that would happen in multiplayer i have an idea in my brain but i don't know where it's gonna go we will see him i'm doing a different tactic completely [ __ ] artillery it's not gonna make you win anyway you're not gonna win anyway with it [ __ ] planes [ __ ] everything you just need what your troops need man that's all it is i haven't i have a tactic i'm playing orc rush tactic we're playing the orc tactic i'm going full orc what just watch you guys will understand everything soon and then you make it bigger once we're done with you go something like this blah there you go 10 tanks man that's all i got 10 tanks man ah man this tactic of mine is not really working is it things are almost there okay here we go tanks how do we do this now boys okay let's see if we can pull something off your tanks versus infantry come on you guys have tanks can you [ __ ] win a battle maybe that possible no you don't feel like it seems like this tactic might help a bit against france okay my tanks can't even do anything here nope what are we doing what are we doing tanks what are we doing boys my tanks are just doing nothing just being useless maybe i shouldn't switch divisions like this dude no one tells you to attack i even lost tanks we already lost two tanks because of no no no we already lost two tanks because of um because of uh man [ __ ] you know what i mean force attack it's just russia man russia is the only issue here if someone find a way to fix russia i can't hold france but russia is this unbelievable monster there's no way it just walks me down like it's nothing i have another idea but yeah you don't even have time to rebuild your army they just attack you so relentlessly you don't have time it's gonna break me we have to restart there's two major issues which it's just fine it happens i can't change my divisions like this that's totally suicide and i need to get off scripting the barrel testing [ __ ] out okay we're probably not gonna pull it off you need to call me tits i know you guys are all experts and watch all the antique videos i want to test i want to check this out myself yeah this is a restart but we're learning we're learning obviously you have to [ __ ] learn in this okay okay so don't switch to [ __ ] divisions like that don't switch divisions like that don't switch this so at least look there now that was my mistake they are not when i switch them into my own divisions they lose all their equipment that's the [ __ ] issue man all right that's a [ __ ] issue one of you guys also joining them easy peasy sneezy this should be safe last time it was great already retreat already get the [ __ ] out so you guys always get stuck you guys always get stuff so this time i'm not changing my division so they are actually fully equipped man i guess so much this guy is so much it's ridiculous yeah yeah man look it's very open i just need a bunch of tanks oh imagine having tanks here against this unlocked [ __ ] man oh you can't go why can't you go over here man what's this why would you not be able to go over there it's [ __ ] bullcrap man my tanks can't even take down this one thing you can't walk in here the tanks are not gonna do jack [ __ ] man wow i've never been this whole one time these are way too many russians look they just you see an opening my ass man there's an opening what are you thinking of no way in hell oh wow i actually don't know what to do guys i cannot [ __ ] with these russians that's the issue man the russians are this unstoppable force man what was that safe game i had this one i know i gotta we gotta we gotta stop playing and we gotta think what to do here man these tanks man they're not even busy and they never do anything i'm not gonna release countries and not let them join the war that's cheesy trash that noobs do i'm not doing that you will never see me do [ __ ] like this only an achievement sort of cancer yeah we're gonna get wrecked i don't know what to do russia has a buff against you oh oh 45 or maybe i should look at that stuff but we're learning we're learning this is all the learning experience does france have any buffs no so you rush down france and you just somehow try to hold against russia that seems to be wow yeah that's this is fun i like this i'm actually having fun i like figuring this out jesus man it's just overwhelming it's just that the russian army is overwhelming as the developers are not done the developers i mean look at these armies fully equipped full day man they look amazing i didn't do the 43 start i want to do this one 45 is above people say you can only cheat and cheese 43's winnable i want to win this one i think my issue with nc is i always believe in my tanks but tanks are just doing nothing they're never doing anything in the end the infantry breaks and not the tanks i see the tank moving here you don't have to spam me chat i already know yeah i was thinking i have a chance [Music] hurrah i thought tanks on the way to windows but the tanks are doing nothing nothing nothing nothing [Music] i there's nothing to do why don't they even there was never a purple army that's the issue man there was never okay here we go it's already time it's russia again that that field marshall stuff was just wrong i'm not doing that the field martial [ __ ] can suck it imagine reinforcements arriving that'd be really weird hey that looks amazing what happened here cool nice get deleted boys good job man good job good job look at the amazing attrition and this is recommended god damn oh zero's up better than minus one doing pretty good it's going pretty good like you know what the issue is i could have so many medium tanks but they're always out of rations these tanks are always out of rashes because building a 40 with tank takes three thousand twelve rations if i could fix that somehow i can hold the west hold until you have positive food just for research just for research here maybe with the fourth line river maybe maybe something like that through the forts into the alps into this oh don't leave oh shut up tommy so here's the micromanagement that we're talking about man look at that look at that man no no no don't even think about it don't even think about it if you can hold this somehow and actually 37 days i like this technique this tactic could be something but goddamn is just scary holy [ __ ] is this a scary tactic oh no no [ __ ] off i thought [ __ ] off [ __ ] you and [ __ ] everything you represent online [ __ ] that no but the more time goes by the strong oh i'm actually holding i'm actually holding okay this is the tactic we do tomorrow i'm gonna do this more in detail tomorrow this technique seems to do something i talk bro just [ __ ] off don't do it stop being so [ __ ] scary mate but [ __ ] russia this is too much if this tactic doesn't work i'm literally out of tactics i don't know what to do if this doesn't work i'm just out of [ __ ] man the problem is how much he has my divisions actually can hold but he just attacks with so much [ __ ] man if i'm accurate good there might be a chance but now they're through here all right let's try tomorrow let's try two more first of all we go off scraping the barrel next you need to get your work exhaustion really down so exhaustion is gone you don't take a focus this is my final try i have to offer man i will save the game here i will not do another new save if this tacky doesn't work i i i'm beaten i give up i give up once again i will go down to the 20 whiffs with uh shovels because apparently i saw last time i can actually afford giving them all shovels you can actually afford that so here we go so this is the weak spot so i'm gonna try something i'm gonna make trenches i'm gonna try something new i'm actually gonna make trenches we're not even doing anything else we're going complete and utterly guns and russians nothing else dude in position quickly here we go get out i'm really gonna play very sharp here today i'm really paying full attention okay that's that full retreat saving again so i don't have to do that again we're kind of helping future tommy when he has to restart which will probably happen so here we go here against the front fun part honey that [ __ ] river with france all right somebody look how he always pushing me out here man sending thousands of dudes in and and i broke this is too much man i can't do this [Music] this can be broken that's fine they're even breaking this one now it's all right and i'm dead yeah man boys i don't know i don't know how to play this mod i have no idea i don't want to check guys this is boring if i check guys i might as well just not play but i'm getting wrecked i cannot pull it off rushing down france as fast as possible i suck too much to rush down france and by the time i'm done with france russia already killed me look at look how they're walking through you have to meme it it seems like it it seems like you have to do some kind of exploit but if that's the case i don't want to play this then i don't i don't want to do exploit [ __ ] i mean 41 is going to be joke i'm going to easily make that i want to get this one yeah it's over the only way to win this is cheesing or some [ __ ] and yeah whatever make it one front true true i mean this is super all in because i just don't really care anymore but once again i feel like i'm going to die again because the issue is that russia has infinite attack you might defend an attack but it will be infinitely coming at you and now we just hope to delete them until they're out of [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah russia is just gonna get that man after again it's the relentless attacks yes i'm defending this but after a while it's going to be too many i'm gonna die you know dude it's not even close that's my issue it's not even close bro just walking through like it's nothing ah easy you know what a hill is russia dude not even close not even close how do you stop a relentless guy that has infinite division of infinite equipment the answer is mass mode which we don't have i can't mess mode this what can i change let's take a look at uh the early game what can i change it doesn't even build rations or guns doesn't give a [ __ ] man i want to see zombie okay 30 minutes in still no army he keeps the basic divisions oh he's building ah here we go dude i'm one hour in you didn't even [ __ ] start the game yet how are you pushed you can't push that that's [ __ ] he's just walking down france like it's nothing where's all the french army huh wait in my game france has a milk there's only one right this is an old version that's [ __ ] look russia has nothing in my game russia has doubled that bullcrap dude no no no no he's even pushed dude i already deleted them right but no no no no no that does that has to be an earlier version or something that's way less well i think i'm just done man i'm also all right i don't know my brain is so quickly exhausted in this mod like i have two games and i'm already like say i'm not breaking this one and that's that's it that's it season two maybe one day maybe one day i will try this again but yeah they're all gonna die i have nothing to put on the table that's gonna save me here yeah it stopped i'm beaten i'm beaten boys i'm beaten i do not know what to do there gentlemen i reached my limit i don't know what to do there i have no idea i have no idea and i'm very much willing to see people tell me about this [ __ ] if you win it how did you do it man uh the mod has been done by a russian um gentleman that's it for today man uh sad ending here what can i do man uh i'm fine with this man it's it happens man i'm not like sad anymore about [ __ ] like that um all the best and see you boys [Music] now i'm just sitting here
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 248,643
Rating: 4.9268055 out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommykay, tommyk, hoi4 tommyk, tommykay germany, tommyk germany, tommy, hoi4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 tommy, hoi4 germany, germany, hoi4 germany tommykay, hoi4 endsieg, endsieg 1945, hoi4 endsieg 1945, endsieg, hoi4 endsieg 1944, hoi4 endsieg mod, CAN I SAVE GERMANY IN 1944 ENDSIEG? BEST HOI4 PLAYER VS THE HARDEST HOI4 CHALLENGE! - Hearts of Iron, endsieg hoi4, montage, germany 1944, germany 1945, hoi4 challenge
Id: 9a25o0X6Or0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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