What If HOI4 Started In 1930 And Made Europe A Mess

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron for and specifically a mod called the fallen Igor now what is this model about I hear you say well the Fallen Eagle is a mod based on the scenario that were ww1 never happened however while there had not been a great conflict the world had certainly not been peaceful and you're about to see that when we click on the map so this is actually a pretty substantial modification and it's got a lot of stuff already in there it's got loads of focus trees loads of events is actually for it for a first release it's looking pretty good I'm surprised but of course for more hoy please do comment like and subscribe 5,000 likes for more Hawaii and if you don't want to see more of this face or maybe not specifically this face but enjoy the videos subscribe it just takes a second and then you get to have me show up in your subscription feed so if we take a little look it appears that we've got some conflict going up in Finland Russia it's an absolute mess there the russian empire still exists however it looks like there was a ton of civil strife the Ottoman Empire still exists however Greece has been making gains against them and so has Armenia the German Empire still stands led by Kaiser Wilhelm we have France but just like me Oh the Germans control sass Lorraine good for them the Austrian Empire still exists in some form however this is rather interesting the information on the mod is here right now so if you want to read about all of the law pause the video and as we go down we can see that Russia just had an utter breakdown of authority etc etc austria-hungary have been fighting each other for years and and what can you do well look at all of this what you can do the Ottomans are slowly but steady rebuilding their military and financial strength but hello they haven't forgotten about Greece and Russia halt and that's who I think will play as they call the Ottoman Empire the sick man of Europe from a Golden Age where they reach Vienna so say the Western historians they have declined backwards state almost entirely expelled from the European continent during the 1914 to 1916 the Empire was faced by crisis after crisis fighting a war in the West while with Greece while fighting an armenian revolt backed by their old nemesis of russia in the east but by a miracle the empire still stands but we do have all we got a joint oil company a foreign debt oh there are sultan is yousef and we'll just have to see what kind of state we can make out of the el ottoman empire because whoa Nelly it's not in a good state which do have Constantinople or Istanbul but it appears that my army is rather rubbish and we only have 23 factories that's not good at all Oh God I only have four military factory this is terrible really isn't it what's the golden opportunity I guess we'll start that not that we can really do much I'm surprised if we can even build any factories oh yeah there we go we've got full factories that can build stuff I barely have a navy or an airforce Wow I think if Greece attacked me now they'd stand a chance at winning because this is this is horrible this is really horrible oh hey we started 1930 I see and it looks like yeah oh my god so much war oh don't worry everyone we still got Hirohito it's not gone that crazy that Hirohito doesn't exist oh so I could right away try and take back some of my territory because no one's protecting them so in theory I could just try and send my whole military which isn't really saying much and attempt to take it back oh my gosh really Austria and Hungary have gone to war Oh Istanbul Evan it's gone to war with old home has Berg Wow there's a lot of stuff going on already and we've only like a month in that is crazy I think I will have to do new industrial machinery I need I need some stuff I'm still gonna try and get some of my land back pretty easy buddy quick though it's mainly because I outnumber them that I can just go around them which is all I really need to do because I'm lacking so much equipment I can't really do much else apart from the try to surround them so not because my military is any better because it's it's really not in fact it's probably worse but we are taking back some territory and now I've encircled there how are me I believe nice there we go yes they try to break out but I trapped them haha just gonna take back my territory I'll even give you lower taxes than what you were paying how's that right well we've got a few extra factories which is all I really wanted and now I'll just attempt to consolidate my position a little bit I'm looking a bit healthier now all expand Anatolian industry an extra civilian factory don't mind if I do traps don't mind if I do oh my gosh Hungary's almost at Vienna huh the Austrian Empire is gonna fall Wow meanwhile I just took some lamb or no one was looking with the amount of civil wars going on at the start of the game it really does make it lag quite a lot like I'm going a 5-speed but it's almost like I'm at two-speed oh dear well it looks like White's try to split into so many parts Wow Korea's still free led by Yi Kang Hui isn't around oh poor Pooh ye I'm gonna support Crimea try and reassert our authority a little bit over here I don't know if that's gonna do anything but we'll just take a little look I'm just role playing really these are mods that I really enjoy we're just anything it can happen and it's actually pretty comprehensive already it's just a lot of stuff going on right at the start which is a little bit overwhelming but we will persevere oh oh no oh that was the kind of offer I was giving them I was guaranteeing their independence I have regrets really go shave foreign dip let's see let's see let me let me stop paying my debts back please please want to get rid of that joint oil company too why should all of the European powers have access to my oil hmm [Music] how I'm fair they signed a white piece what ball bomb France does not but sacre bleu they're restoring the monarchy the German Empire are thank you German Empire it's just a French frickin French Italy office to forgive a portion of the dead oh thank you off so does the UK Wow I probably should have just suspended the debt payments and got them to declare war on me right that oh man there's so much better than fricken I've messed up Crimea joins the Berlin pact after I just guaranteed it ha you okay well how do I revoke my guarantee damn it Oh the third Arab Congress uh-oh we've just been made aware that they've met in Paris and a beginning for a full-scale revolt against Ottoman rule uh-oh this isn't good I have an offensive line around Istanbul just in case anyone tries anything I guess I'll have to do the hearts and minds campaign decreases young arab militancy by 10 yeah I'm gonna have two hearts and minds you all want to stay loyal right things aren't that bad here I'll give me some free tea Oh Germany do you the German empires having a little bit of fun Gary getting some more territory for itself good for you good for you I'm just gonna stay here and try to avoid a civil war nice oh I actually I have 90 days until the revolt I can increase street patrols I can give concessions to the formation of Mitteleuropa oh my Germany's getting going at l4 we'll get him pretty thick increased Street Patrol patrols I think boom oh I've got fifty four days before the revolt and I've got oh man that's gonna be tied to get enough political power oh no I'm only going up by point four six I'm not gonna have enough I'm not gonna have enough okay I'm not gonna do any national focus then I'll go up by 1.5 a day and I might then have enough within 30 days to do concessions to Arab politicians what is this alliance of Nations and why haven't I been invited oh is that one okay it's the UK alright nevermind I'll Greece has joined the alliance of Nations are you serious oh okay I'm gonna have enough political power to do this I haven't really I haven't I haven't really got rid of it as much as I'd have wanted g8 come on 49 here we go OOP the young Arab revolt we will put them down I guess this system Arabia they have rebelled against the Sultan and will be punished accordingly let's get my troops yeah they're taking territory from me which isn't good I do have more divisions than they do so this might go okay we might just be able to take back our territory and then it'll all be all good in the hood I hope if we are not able to quickly put down the Arab revolt with no choice but to accept their independence sorry my face gets in the way of everything doesn't it my apologies however I do have troops on most of their border and I'm just gonna do the old attack an aggressive attack if possible so take frickin Baghdad and make your way down and encircle them thank you so if they're encircled up there we can just go down to Damascus encircle their capital and all why it might be okay and our nation might be saved that's the aim at least anyway oh we've inflicted 47 thousand casualties on them so that's good too well it appears I'm destroying their rebellion this is actually gone a lot smoother than I had anticipated and with that the rebellion was crushed I think we'll have a constitutional monarchy accepting all of the Constituent groups of our empire that way I'm still the Ottoman Empire yes I'm liberalizing the press aya will be a modern Empire I would I would like to punish Greece but if they're in the alliance of nations there's no way I can take on all of them unless there's like a massive war and the German Empire decides to start crushing people what the Frick is France up to Zhang's 2:12 now the Transcaucasian Federation is are they guaranteed by the UK honestly the UK just makes every fricking game boring Russia is still a complete and utter mess I don't think that this is gonna be resolved anytime soon it's just a title I've it's baffling absolutely baffling I'm gonna humble the Arabs and then expand my territory a little bit more noise and I'm also gonna raise funds from armed sales [Music] they're justifying on me how dare they well I guess I'm gonna get some territory back from them I will take their territory as quickly as possible go in take their capital the Jazz is trying to attack me and they might push in for a little bit but then I'll just encircle them I think is that is that what's happening right now hey just take one nation at a time that's fine with me just gonna zip in and try and take all of their capture points to just capitulate Hejaz and then I can put my full force to bear ha ha right well there are manpower so I'm just gonna keep attacking them because I have quite a lot crush them and then I will expand my territory once more I'm getting pretty thick again I'm getting pretty thick ah feels good man and my debts almost gone we're only at 10 now everything's coming up Optimum's if I raise funds from businesses oh I have no debt I have no debt go away Europe because I have no debt actually pretty happy at the state that I've got the Ottoman Empire in we're not looking amazing oh god I forgot I was still guaranteeing the Crimea get out of here oh and the Russian provincial government has taken over so I don't think oh there is just that there's still a minor war now but yeah right Russia's actually stabilized oh my god you can get fricken Zeppelin's kind of tempted just to build a whole Air Force of Zeppelin's don't imagine that I'll go very well though do you so I'd have to go to war Greece in order to punish Bulgaria that's dumb let me know even invade them look I already had the freaking yeah the thing is like if I tried to have war with Greece I'd be going towards the Alliance of Nations which would I think absolutely devastate me okay I'm on 69 factories from dog get named deaf has joined a coalition against us I didn't know that what was that coalition I rush declared war on Estonia so does that mean they're at war of Germany now yeah yeah Russia was barely out of a civil war and already they're trying to expand yet the UK they get Ono's and lend-lease but what's the point what you doing oh I'm tempted just to try and pull a Hail Mary and attack Greece and and just make my bed with the fact that I will probably just get wrecked but at least at least I would have tried to expand I literally can't attack anyone else they're guaranteed they're part of the United Kingdom Iran is just doing whatever nothing but I can't justify because I need well tension at 60% so I've reached a point if this playthrough where I have to attack someone and it might as well be an old enemy unless they give me some concessions in which case I'll I'll let them off rumblings in Syria really I could do with them not rising up but the movement in Syria please right I guess Oh potential enemies none I find that very odd over there yeah I guess like that where they're not technically guaranteed but of course they will call in everyone I would presume they're not just gonna let me do whatever I want right there we go that's what we've always gonna happen that's no I mean it's just ridiculous the UK pls nerf them because it just ruins the good the UK just ruins the game god dammit yep my divisions and oh my god they're calling in just it's just so frustrating they're calling people like one by one by one by one by one just just just give me a mass a mass email just mass email me just CC me in just let me know that way rather than this travesty Oh giddily go ha the UK just casually had 8 of it and Greece's just full-on naval invader Oh God I just want to do my Hail Mary let me just see if I can defeat Bulgaria please without being British British everyone's rebelling against me I guess what I could have done is just done something behind the scenes that led them to I could've just I could have just played as Greece got them to leave the faction then declared war on them I could have done that I haven't I'm giving you an accurate representation on how exactly this is going however before I'd perish I will I I guarantee you I will invade Bulgaria I have nothing to lose at this point punish Bulgaria let's go I've had the naval invasion set up for a very long time and I don't wish to wait I'm just gonna let the British here starve oh boy oh ho ho well they just don't f did they take so many tiles so quickly they're just flooding in that is flooding in Wow Wow I thought my troops would be a match now if I was the Sultan right now I think I'd just be like hopping on a plane and being like see you chaps the yeah I I don't know what I was meant to do in order to defeat the British and there are lines of Nations so I'm just going to try and take our Bulgaria we will add but Oh even Bulgaria's troops are better than mine are they sure sure okay you might be able to get to Sofia before they can stop me though send them down boys pin them down damn they caught me ignore the rest of what's happening don't worry about this the real focus is on Bulgaria but my my surprise attack has now failed hmm who do I send my saves to when I when I can't do them I know you lot don't subscribe through the competence from me anyway you just like to see me have fun and that's what I attempted to do today and until the in-game mechanics made me do this it's clearly the mods full and not mine but of course if you enjoyed seeing me produce a train wreck of an episode please do comment like and subscribe the mod is actually a lot of fun I just clearly should not have taken on the Ottoman Empire it was too much of the sick man of Europe to be fixed I mean I did kind of fix it and then ruined it intentionally so comment like and subscribe and I'll be back with more very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck maximilian foreman wire green robert Kimmage Balcom ryan cody fries and may name a 1 2 3 1 Aiden shear jiggly crotch news beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley would be ridiculous Rambler supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too you
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 234,999
Rating: 4.9107265 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, What If HOI4 Started In 1930 And Made Europe A Mess, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 ottoman empire, hoi4 ottoman empire mod, isorrowproductions, funny montage, funny moments, hearts, of, iron, four, paradox interactive, hearts of iron modding, simulation games
Id: Y9BFfVfJ66I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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