This HOI4 Mod Was Made By One Person and Its AMAZING

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France is a great power what kind of what kind of bonkers focus is that do I really want a bit of Essex can I sell it what's going on everyone it's me I've just had a shave Rambler here and today we return once again to hearts of iron for but not just any old hearts of iron for video no no no no no no no my good viewer today we'll be playing a mod called old Europe 1300 and this was just made by one person and from what I can tell it looks absolutely incredible now a lot of it although all the screenshots are in Russian but don't let that put you off there is an English translation so I just click Subscribe on the modern and it was automatically in English for me faint golly gosh III like most people in the world don't speak Russian but anyway of course if you would like more videos do click that subscribe button with the with the bell underneath and then the second Bell with all notifications click the click the like if you want subscribe wait I said that comment click the like subscribe comment subscribe comment like what's your favorite fact about the year 1300 roll roll history rambling thing welcome to Ramblers history corner [Music] so a few facts in the dirt during the during the 14th century in 1314 ad was the Battle of Bannockburn in Scotland between Robert de Bruce and a large force led by Edward the second king of England now Robert de Bru's actually routed the English force and the Scottish Fichter II ensured Scottish independence for the next three centuries at least in 1326 ad the Ottoman Empire was founded after the end of the siege of Bursa after a nine-year siege against Byzantine forces whoa in 1337 was the start of the 100 Years kathal between France and England and in 1348 II a French fleet was annihilated remember me and in 1347 was the start of the bubonic plague or the Black Death as it was known and it's estimated that out of a population of 75 million in Europe between 19 and 35 million people lost their lives to the Black Plague now I know a lot of you are really enjoying the history corner segments and I'm tempted to do a dedicated video on certain subjects so if you want to start a petition to get me to do history corner as its own video do let me know in the comments below alright so now we know everything there is to know about the 14th century and let's talk a little bit about the mod so the mod tells about the events at the beginning of the 14th century the struggle for power in the Holy Roman Empire the expansion of the Ottoman Empire the struggle for bohemian heritance etc etc and the formation of the Aztec empire there are seventeen nations that have focused trees at the moment and and pretty much everything has been revamped so of course leave a link to the description a link to the mod in the description and we'll begin hmm this looks like the fella from that Netflix series hmm but today I thought it would be fun to play as Luxembourg just kidding I'm not gonna play as much debate today I thought it'd be fun to play as the papal States because they actually have quite a large focus tree if I do cover this mod again which so far I think I really want to I might play as the Byzantines or anything that could be really fun oh boy yeah we're gonna be taking on as the Boniface the eighth and let's have let's have a giggle let's have a giggle down in 1300 so what we have here you can tell that the entire map our souls have been redone and there are only a few nations in America we do have a unique focus tree as the papal States and it is a chunky boy hohoho we do have but everything's everything's been changed so look a little telescope is the research all the research has been swapped over to its it's really quite incredible the the amount of effort that one person has managed it he's changed the sound effect there's human unique portraits take a picture of that fella everything's been changed so you've got different state hoods main law secondary laws it's been changed to a Treasury so what I'm looking forward to is forming an expedition we do have various missions as well like this is kind of bonkers really the amount stuff has been changed we only have one military factory so we'll get some simple swords on the go it's incredibly impressive like just just just look at it so as the papal States you could go down the path of the Antichrist or the best path of the faith or you can go out on your own and bet on our own forces which is exactly what I'm gonna do now I know a lot of you will probably be like it'd probably get me more views yeah but I want to play how I want to play they've even changed the freaking how the cities look there's a little castle and the inventory has been changed around to have the ships yes oh my get a leak ooh new commander are the commander of the papal States legions will be Mustafa the Braveheart sure why not new commander promote sadi the third when I can to be the field marshal of the papal States sure the independence of the papal States is all these orders that we've got very nice very nice indeed Philander's has been capitulated France will probably turn itself into a bit of a chunky boy at some point I would imagine England doesn't have a focus tree right now it's got like a generic one and even the generic one is looking pretty pretty sweet no divisions in basic training 18 combat with all blast furnaces did France have a rebellion of course they did of course they did oh look at this focus by the way France is a great power what kind of what kind of bonkers focus is that and then I believe is the papal States I can now just start gobbling up annex the orders yeah and then I can start annexing the Knights Templar I could become a very chunky boy this pleases me this pleases me greatly or I can do state reforms I could join the hey Chari hmm annex the orders first me thinks fortress of the Templar nee shall be fortress of the papal States where you can invest in Italy oh you can build plunder a region oh my god I could buy swords boom give me hmm now if I wanted to form Italy I could but I have I I only control Abruzzo latinum and Burrell ignore all the Italian there the viewers will be like our dog like that everything cost money now rather than political power I do like all the portrays as well how did one how did one person have the time to make this like it's pretty darn impressive isn't it okay yeah let's annex the knight Templar why not you shall be my kingdom of Scotland's capitulated rip Scotland but we will get the Knights Templar so I'll control do I really want a bit of Essex can I sell it there's different buildings we can get to looking forward to seeing what the Byzantine Empire does next I don't know though I can't even see the Mamluks are spreading merchants massively leave for the state Byzantine Empire because conditions there are much better stop I'm under economic pressure come on I could form an expedition shall we do that perhaps you will discover new lands sure oh I don't have enough yeah I don't have enough okay so you need actually like thousands of dollars everyone's putting me under economic pressure what can I stop please maybe once I annex all of the knights look at all these little cities I'll get was it just Montpellier that said no are you having a giraffe I don't think navel invasions are gonna work as a I don't think they work do they apparently I don't have any do i have to research the tech there's a bank oh my god I have to manage an economy you have it that's why I didn't have to tech for naval invasions bowls Oh Moscow recently converted to Catholicism and are now asking for help No got my own problems mate look at these little little bits around Europe that I've got to handle now stop going very well stupid economy I could take a loan I don't know what this does oh I can just take the coins from the bank I see I don't really want to do that do I low manpower and no unassigned divisions okay maybe I'll forget about taking the rest of the Knights lands cuz this it's not yep let's just do state reforms I think eventually I'll have to take stuff oh no I control that to Naples now has a larger o owner we've done it oh yeah that's good okay what I don't know this Sweden with the support of the papal region I don't think I gave you permission to attack now fellow Christians tonight just business as usual apparently geez the expedition was success we discovered new lands Oh apparently my city I still did it yay where did I discover the new lands please hello hello absolute power or a classrooms impotent they're absolute power come on let's bless be let's be real here oh I do have class representative power at the moment for now I want absolute power unlimited power Oh brilliant how many troops did that just cost me I wonder 8000 I guess I'll just remain it a war I forget it forget it forget that I'll trade of my good buddies the kingdom of England yeah oops keeps having uprisings doesn't it well meanwhile I'm just sitting here temple absolute power is done destroy the religious state papal states will be known as Lazio okay and then I'm joining the hey Chari oh my god the Austrian King looks so sad Alexa can we played Esposito oh god that's an old joke isn't it or their meme I don't know I'm not up to date with such battles Oh squad of messengers why not support for Sweden no desertion stop deserting please my Treasury's going down by one a day IAI ok because my investment in production is 36 percent I think whoops I don't know what I'm doing ok let's join the hey Chari there is a lot to this mod and I don't think it all makes sense at the moment really it's the incredibly made mod I don't think all the features are really there yet though it would all be fixed if I could just conquer Montpellier oh I can send them a peace offering Oh what okay okay everything's everything's back on track peasants but Laguna rebelled along with my general and most of my divisions and my division just disintegrated no stop stop counter attacking I am dead this didn't go to plan tbh did not go to plan at all I will buy some swords thank you Oh too late well that went terribly let's have a little look-see the old Byzantine shall we once the great and powerful empires now in a sad state the people hate the Paganini offs dynasty and the seljuk turks are pressing from the east and the northern nations are waiting for the best moment to attack okay so this is the focus tree for the Byzantine is pretty chunky let's go for politics my economy is minus one a day I'm in such a bad state that I don't even have enough money to find a wife oh there we go I just reduced production by buy one and then it and now I'm making money so yeah let's let's us find a wife shall we let's get some kitty Winkies Carly a war with Venice but we'll try and solve that by just piecing out I want to keep all my land thank you yeah let's do peace with Venetia let's see if I can oppose the Ottomans shall we there's a lot of focuses that you have to do all 70 days to do this I imagine I'm meant to do some of the economic stuff I could just attack them now oh no I can't attend him enough money come on whoa Nelly okay I'm really lacking on my swords aren't I building an army in medieval Europe it seems to be quite tricky I'm struggling to even valved the field 30,000 troops what has happened to the glorious Roman Empire wish I could recruit longbowmen that'd be nice that Sherman okay I'm gonna retake the core state of Epirus first test my military will test them should be a match for the rebellion yes mr. Everett's did you imagine if I lose this I think I'll just rage quit the mod if that happens okay my production of drooling sword is increasing good my light cavalry arm is going up - good with getting fortifications up there prepare the industries good but I really have much industry masters of memories of Rome look at that nice economical problems that's BS oh we finished the justification okay come at me a burrow it will take back our lands that were once lost or perish in the attempt it seems like the balancing of units it's pretty it's pretty disastrous at the moment like this that's the one thing that your units just melt you can see like the amount of equipment that you're losing straightaway is is kind of baffling support companies nice we grow yep increase our org I I don't really know what else to do at the moment maybe get some messengers yeah like all organization etc is a real problem at least at the moment I imagine like the I imagine this cavalry is just gonna melt what's the combat width of the cavalry eight that's not good now this moment reaiiy changed a twenty combat with yeah I'm just gonna sacrifice this territory and just keep my troops quipped up there in the north I didn't find a wife let's form another four my wife no find one we must find the wife it might be a bit too quick to actually to play a war here but we're going to anyway just see can I beat them here oh yes very easily okay mass mob Massimo Byzantines here we go oh that was Naples oh boy oh no I might have messed up here oh you dear I don't have the tech oh I could just piece them out here this is a cool mechanic yeah do that Hey oh wow I like that peace treaty nice look I'm growing I'm growing bigger wife come on I've only got a 25% chance I'll find my other half this is the third time I'm doing it please oh wow look at that I loved I loved seeing that absolute power that toilet roll oh no it's medicine whoops got a bit confused there yes if I if I can conquer the Byzantines main enemy I guess at this time before they can even gain any power and then I've saved the Empire in theory found another a little annoying bug at least for me it's a little annoying if you just wanted to click on that state but it clicks the unit in a different oh there we go just wanted to see if I had any force getting close to our oh and a unit yeah getting close to our war goal I guess I could send them a gift now look JK just enacting some war taxes and then I can do a prepared invasion against the Ottomans oh alright seventy days away from launching the invasion hopefully this is what this won't be a disaster no idea what's going on here it appears these supporters of albrecht looting yeah just a little thing where there's so many tiny states now you get pop-ups for every single tiny thing it's kind of irritating but that's all I can really say this I understand that it hasn't been a depth so yeah I don't care that Lorraine has capitulated what do they have to do with me okay fourth time's the charm okay forty thousand Byzantine troops try and take down the Ottoman a lick I saw that Japan went to war power wasn't a whole nation back then was it don't know I'm not already up-to-date with Japanese history Oh oh my god yeah with the amount of nations in this game - it does get a little laggy just the amount of features that they've implemented like you can hate you can't do budget management and all of that jazz I I so far I haven't done too much of it but it's quite astounding all of the features that they've implemented 69 days to erupt spin gunpowder giggity yeah obviously yeah the papal States didn't really go to plan what I hate happen the aleksander the Braveheart sure why not why not why couldn't I get that okay it all comes down to this can we take down the Ottomans if I tried oh yeah okay I think my infantry are much better than anything we're facing Oh oh my Ghibli go him out of popups I'm getting is too damn high yeah my is because my infantry are much better then we'll just encircle some of their troops I'm going for a full conquest here no peace treaty like we had with Naples but I just came from nowhere I had no warning this army of adventurers was coming for me I was having just a nice little cheeky conquest and I can't even finish that off before something else disastrous happens to me okay well the Ottomans take all states of course then I'll have to respond to this army of adventurers oh my god how many troops do they have between two and ten divisions things are more than - you all right then boom I think that's where I'll where I'll call it for this mod at the moment there does seem to be certainly a lot of flexibility to it and and the focus trees Wow like you've got years and years of content here more than I could probably put in one video oh my gosh oh you can actually go all the way and restore the whole let's dom the row minute that's gonna take you forever that'd be like a mega series oh my gosh well anyway I'll leave it here papal States didn't go so well Byzantine Empire we destroyed the Ottomans and regained most of Greece sounds pretty fun imagine France would be quite a fun nation to play as to but yeah this that the work that they've done on the mortis is absolutely incredible like I doff my invisible cap to you yeah if you'd like me to play this mod again do let me know in the comments below for like there may be a full run for is good it's good even be like a multi-part series who knows and until next time everyone I bid you a very very good day many thanks to onion duck set the cutter Staubach Maximilian Foreman Wyatt green Zachariah Mosby Kaiser David rest tad house Coby was taken active Osprey mat-su vu just made this for Alex woowoo vase Warren P George Gregory Craven der Dave the Don Lambert of are hollow walls Guzzi dibs yeah boy wombat cookie deaf Elton Ryan Jack trucco Aidan shear jiggly crotch news beef Sean Young Logue and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous rounder supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons to our patrons to know my cold
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 136,972
Rating: 4.9287949 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, This HOI4 Mod Was Made By One Person and Its AMAZING, hoi4 mods, hoi4 new mods, history corner, hoi4 new best mods, Old Europe 1300, old europe 1300 hoi4, drew durnil, isorrowproductions, spiffing brit, paradox interactive, strategy games, strategy games 2020, hearts, of, iron, four, old europe 1300
Id: YLS2IHGoqr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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