EVERY SINGLE EXPLOIT IN 1 VIDEO! - Max Broken Germany Hearts of Iron 4

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oh my god the casualties oh my god oh my goodness the casualties hey the casualties it's insane hey i i'm feedback gaming welcome to hearts of iron4 news around the block tells me i'm the guy that you come for for heart surviving for exploits well today i will not disappoint you i'm gonna show off every hearts of iron for exploit for germany in one single video now i've heard you guys you say why don't you make a top 10 list of all the exploits that currently exist in hearts of volume 4. well let's do it in a format that's more fun okay let's play a game hard to find for as germany and try and wedge in as many exploits as possible this can include broken strategies op builds as well as strategies that just probably shouldn't work but do if you know an exploit that i should have left in the video let me know in the comments below and you know what let's make it a giveaway i've got a spare copy of man the guns tell me your favorite exploit in the comments below like comment and subscribe do those three things and i'll randomly pick one of those comments below and i'll give you a copy of man the guns deal deal let's go single player new game 1936 germany now if you want to if you want achievements and you want to go for those achievement runs you can hit iron man but just the purpose of this video i'm going to play regular with historical on and no iron man let's go all right first of all construction we're gonna go for basic machine tools electronic mechanical engineering and artillery first broken strategy that shouldn't work is we're just gonna rush artillery from the very start of the game to the very bottom all in one sitting without even stopping even if we've got an ahead of time penalty why soft attack is the most powerful stat in the entirety of the game the more soft attack you've got the more chance you're gonna break practically every division in the game practically so let's just rush all of artillery from the very get-go to the very bottom good gonna build civilian factories we'll place them here here here and here that looks good military factories we're gonna cancel everything that isn't support equipment so get rid of the planes get rid of those get rid of all the ships if you're wondering why this pop-up appears and it clicks off immediately i'm pressing and holding enter there you go the more you know i only need one support equipment and the rest will be on guns we'll go for approximately 20 on guns and the rest will go on to artillery perfect nice and simple the rest is going to be submarines we'll pop them here then we grab all the air force f3 move them here national focus we're gonna go for rhineland shift left click divisions move them to the center here and navy we shift left click move to reserve press enter click here to reserve them g to merge and they're all merged five speed off we go now we can merge these by pressing g then we set this one to 400 this guy also 400 slightly soon press d to split them and that looks good and we'll hold shift left click on exercises to exercise them to level three all right first thing we're gonna do is bank loss of political power and we can get 120 political power by going for rhineland that's the first thing we're gonna do all right rhineland is complete this is the double justification exploit it allows you to justify on two nations simultaneously to prevent the uk or france from guaranteeing them so you can eat two nations in one go without causing world war two wow first thing we're gonna do is go all the way to the dutch east indies why them they've got lots of aluminium lots of rubber lots of oil and plus we get all of the netherlands which we border so that's perfect first justification next justification is we're going to make on poland why poland well it borders the soviet union and we're heading that way anyway so justification is complete but be aware because you're currently justifying on a nation you have a 50 ongoing war justification penalty so it takes 50 longer and it costs 50 more political power nice to know now you're gonna go all the way to the dutch east indies again and cancel your justification and then justify once again and remember now it has a 50 ongoing war justification so now what's happened now is both of those justifications are synced both of them have plus 50 time so that means they will complete exactly the same time if you were to justify and declare war on one of them you'll get a spike in world tension it will go over 25 and the result of that is france and the uk will guarantee causing world war two remember we're doing this not to start world war ii so there you go 345 days and if we go in germany right now right click and you can see two justifications one will complete on the 8th of march 1937. next one will complete the 21st of february 1937. so there you go they are within one month margin which is perfect next focus we're going to go for army innovations because we are going to rush our doctrine and we are going to do a very strange doctrine you'll see right we're going to go for radio because we want most reinforced rate possible now we're going to spawn a bunch of divisions we'll just go for i don't know another 22 divisions we'll say that'll do right these divisions are ready high priority drop them down pop them there and deploy all the excess divisions as well these 12 divisions are going to hold the border of poland i'm sorry east prussia you are unfortunately a victim in this crime i'm so sorry slightly general slot your field marshals all that good stuff i like walter model because he can go for aggressive assault which gives extra breakthrough breakthrough is quite nice the other divisions on the land they're going to go on the board of the netherlands front line zed and x is your front line and hold control left click on the arrow and it assigns them to that front line away from the fallback line and we can just press delete left click get rid of that done dusted gone select a new division select a new general there we go we're going to progress down the artillery tech tree until we get to the very bottom in one sitting because you know what the ahead of time penalties they just aren't that bad so who cares disperse industry is what we're going to go for in the meantime we can train maybe another let's just say another eight divisions and we'll just pop them in the back and put them in reserve and then go from there army innovations is gone and we're gonna go for treaty with the ussr all right we're gonna create an agency we're gonna take advantage of the incredibly broken collaborative governments creating agency off we go first political part we're gonna go for we are gonna go for rudolph hess let's hope nothing bad happens to him guys let's hope and then construction two after construction one all of the air wings are gonna be attached onto this guy heading to bella looks which will be you and we'll also go for superiority and close air support which is help keys zed and x damn guys i've ever told you how much i love hot keys they're the best right and if you're not using them you're a fool all right first thing we're to do is localize training centers this allows us to recruit within other nations to gain spy networks quicker because they are they are of the native nationality of that country aka double agents hey spanish civil war 2 000 guns once and then one artillery monthly that will give us some grinding xp there we go localized training centers then we can go on to decisions and you can see there's a head over moscow we're going to hire someone from moscow click on him look oh he's a sovereign nationality meaning if you place him inside the soviet union he gives a boost of 30 to building a spy network very useful and we're going to continue building our spy network because we need to get five upgrades and this will allow us to have an extra spy and we'll go for the s pills to reduce chance of being captured right radio is complete now we can go for doctrines and we are going to go for mass assault the famous mass assault of germany now the reason why this is a broken strategy is it reduces supply by 20 here and here a 20 reduction in supply makes a massive difference in you in those areas of the world that have poor supply not only will this help you initially pushing into areas such as the balkans as well as pushing to russia as well as china as well most of asia but it will also help in those situations where you just want to pack lots and lots of divisions into a very small area with lots and lots of firepower and do lots and lots of damage and lot doing lots of damage is the name of this game all right we're gonna go for interrogation techniques 150 political power we're gonna go for the second silent workhorse that's right germany has two because they're very special [Music] oh really next focus four year plan and another upgrade for the spy agency we're gonna go form a cryptology department all right we've got a cryptology department we can go for radio interception group which gives us more cryptology power as well as we continue down mass assault right next 150 political power we are going to go for joseph goebbels he did bad things don't talk about him this gives us more support then we can go for war economy for the next 150 pp all right more divisions we could deploy them we've not got enough support but i don't care drop those guys there and exercise to level three otaki is the next focus then we're gonna go for autoborn then we're gonna go for all the civvies down here all right we're gonna decrypt the soviet enigma which is probably not even called enigma but there we go and we're gonna go for emma because she has seducer which is a very strong perk and we'll pop her here all right we can now prepare a collaboration government and we'll do that with those two commence when ready and automatically repeat if we can go go go all right one thing we are going to need more of his support equipment to do these spy operations so we'll just go for that and there and there we go all right we're going to go for mechanical computing because it allows us to go further down the deep cryptology path for our spies there we go focus for sumatra is complete and now we need to just wait for the one for poland which will be complete in two weeks there we go the focus is complete sub-exercise in divisions now and we are going to push directly into the netherlands all the air wings attach on to you and off you go we can even go aggressive as well i'm so confident that we can dumpster the netherlands uh by loads of things we can probably take them out almost instantly yeah that was ridiculous almost made a mistake there you have to declare on poland at the exact same time uh yeah don't make that mistake but luckily i caught myself before i waited too long be aware of that guys don't do what i just did just then all right everyone go here go here frontline for all the boyos go go go go go right the netherlands is capitulated you didn't have any control of the dutch india so you can't take the land directly so you have to pop it the dutch east indies dutch i don't think so i'd say german and then take all the rest of the states but you might have to pass a few times because you're not going to point there we go done everyone else gets on the front line here and coordinating attack off you go right so this guide will say that in brackets guide involves you planning ahead way way ahead i mean like literally reaching really far forward of things that you wouldn't even think you'd be doing at this exact moment and yeah we're going to justify on tanu tuva yeah the tanotuba themselves it'll all make sense in time guys it will all make sense we're also going to prioritize operations as well for equipment because we do need equipment for the operation we're about to do which is this one as you can see support equipment is what's holding us back at the minute and we're gonna rush for disburse three and disperse for denzig falls without a danziger war there we go poland is gone and we're gonna take the entirety of poland never mind this soviet german split of poland yeah none of that nonsense anyway let's separate the armies up now need to make sure they're nicely and evenly divided new divisions drop them off sign all the best generals there we go right we can now go for war economy we can now go for infantry expert and when we've got the option for the plug power we'll go for army offensive as well okay we don't need as much support equipment now so we can divide that up a little bit all right here we go full five 24 army stacks put them on the front line of the soviet union x there we go exercise two level three control b to make sure they all get to the front line we're unable to automatically prepare a collaboration date because more than likely it's because we don't have enough spy network to repeat but that's okay we can just repeat rinse and repeat that a second time over there we go build another spy network another one but we now have at least one segment into a collaboration government for the soviet union we might be lucky to get a second one i don't know we'll see so here's this guy's soviet and this lady is german i'm going to get rid of her dismiss and then we're going to see if we can hire another one yeah there we go and then when 30 days have expired we can hire another soviet intelligence dude all right we've got the option now to do angela so why not do that oh close air support from poland don't mind if i do angelus is complete demand the sudan and here we go more prepared than ever so once again this is the bread and butter of every division in hearts of iron four and it's kind of sad in a way that this works so effectively in all scenarios two artillery and seven infantry the seven two you may have heard about it and the honest truth is to this day to this day it is still strong it's incredibly strong it has been nerfed they've reduced the amount of soft attack it gets but for the most part this division defeats everything and the reasoning behind it is soft attack is one of the most important stats in hearts of im4 now don't get me wrong tanks are more effective at what they do but they're like three or four times more expensive and they just suck at different terrain types but for the most part infantry and artillery work incredibly well in practically all terrain types so if you want to go autopilot and not really care about the game and just kind of walk away this is the division you want to go for and to this day this is broken mr joseph goebbels you did some bad things unfortunately we're gonna have to excuse you you are the weakest link goodbye elusive gentleman will replace him the soviet cipher has been fully decrypted good and we also going to continue down deep battle because we want that supply reduction and we go for the fate of czechoslovakia another exploit that didn't make into this video is you can grab all the divisions you've got and convert them to the biggest division template that you've got in this case this infantry template as you can see here it's uh pretty big and the result of that is your overall manpower in the field goes up significantly and with that you can rush and slush and you can rush to manchester and you can even rush danzig or war if you wanted to it's a classic strategy that was used quite often in multiplayer we've got some political power we're going to go for army logistics so we lose less equipment and we also go with army regrouping so our division recovery rate is significantly higher tenetover 98 towards justification so why have we declared war on tanutuva why you say why dave why have you done this well the reason behind it is the soviet union has the purge and if you declare war on the soviet union whilst it has the purge it gains another buff called the great patriotic war which just cancels out the officer's purge debuff so what you do is you declare war on one of the members of the common tune either mongolia or tana tuva and then you declare war as we are gonna do now and look they don't gain the great patriotic war perk so initially they're gonna move a lot of divisions on this front line we'll initially have to just bump up bump heads with them just once or twice is that enough and then stop and then eventually start bashing the head against my front line over and over and over again because they've got a massive penalty of 45 for organization these divisions melt i mean they really melt you'll see and there we go they are now attacking us now don't ask me why the ai does this but for some bizarre reason it sees the odds of them winning as high so they attack us and they attack us over and over and over again there must be some element to the ai that doesn't understand that this terrain is bad because the mud and also the marshlands and it attacks or maybe it's the fact that they don't see they've got no air support in this case i don't know but some reason the ai really miscalculates this attack and it thinks it's gonna win uh catch this it doesn't win and it fails miserably and it completely destroys its own divisions with this i don't know but this is a broken strategy and watch the ai bash their head against the front line over and over and over again and we've got czechoslovakia now yay oh my god the casualties oh my god oh my goodness the casualties hey the casualties it's insane i could do wall propaganda now we could do working conditions as well hire another spy in moscow don't mind if i do one million losses for the soviet union uh so far nothing has happened other than just mashing their head against me so the orange bar represents the strength of the division and eventually when it gets below 50 its combat effectiveness drops significantly as well and as right now they've stopped attacking because they think the odds of winning are exceptionally low and we are going to attack now and push what i'm also going to do is make sure that we push in a fashion where we make encirclements as we go and you can see we'll lock them towards the border of uh romania and same here too there's a bit of a bulge here so we push here go here and then you guys go here and here and you can see this makes like a a scissor motion that like cuts them in half and these central divisions will get encircled well that's the plan anyway hey it worked oh beautiful encirclement asmr i'm proud of this guys the first asmr encirclement channel feedback gaming so the reason these divisions are getting pushed back so quickly is they've got practically half the amount of organization so they just melt even if they do a lot of firepower they can't fight half as long so they end up breaking soon as we're winning so effectively what i'm gonna do is go into cryptology and just release the cipher codes this will give us an extra 10 breakthrough bonus oh this is a very big encirclement ouch looking at collaborations right now we've got three levels of collaboration inside the soviet union and the surrender limit is reduced by 22 we check out their war halfway there so let's just grab all their key cities and that should knock them out the war leningrad stalingrad and moscow next research we're going to focus on is going to be landing craft and the last one to fall is stalingrad f in the chat eat all of the soviet union every last piece ugh what a glorious font and funnily enough tanotiva still exists even though they're the ones we justified on lol all right move all the divisions back we'll make a big front line go here the provisional government of the soviet union uh pass oh my goodness that is so beautiful i love it okay spies go into britain soviet german spies in the uk hmm not suspicious in the slightest hmm a tale of two cities great victories great army all that great stuff we will honor the heroes of the last war renamed city stalingrad and leningrad to hindenburg and the ludendorff which to this day sounds like a harry potter character don't forget to continue going your doctrines you need to get that at least 20 reduction support equipment so vast offensives is important all right we've got a bunch of generals now who've got infantry leaders so make sure you do go for infantry expert as well all right one army goes on the border of france delete that front line and the rest go on the border of belgium the next strategy and i hope you've been doing this throughout the game because you're gonna be in for a shot right now submarines just spamming plain old submarines don't make a navy don't focus on any big ships don't worry about the complex naval meta just spam out submarines now whether you're convoy raiding or just use them to gain navel power they work equally just as well as capital ships my advice submarines are so strong and hard to find for it is a broken strategy and throughout the entirety of the game i've been making these level two submarines and now i have 92 of them and that will be enough to get naval supremacy over the british to basically do a sea lion into the uk all right a few advisers uh blitzkrieg theorists will go for extensive conscription uh ground support and commerce raiding eastern claims is done bypass danzig or war and we can go around them as you know activate their plan immediately apart from you on the maginot line because you guys are just going to sit here and wait right now in the entirety of the air force i'm going to put them just here and attack the eastern north sea all right the next exploit is a way of baiting the ai submarines into one area of the sea so you can sync them all now for some reason the ai only uses subs to naval convoy raid why i don't know but when you've eliminated all the enemies subs you can just send your whole entire army overseas and not have a single problem with combo raiding i know it's insane you'll see all you guys are here and we'll go for naval strike and more air crews why not pop you guys here and combo right there we go all right around the maginot is complete and then we could just declare war on belgium and push our way in belgium's journey allies surprisingly total convoys not to go through here or through here or through here i want them to go all the way around spread a new front line here and go here and then start pushing into france for some strange reason france didn't come to the aid of belgium historical game by the way okay so here we go the french and the british are sending the submarines into this sea zone here to try and intercept our convoys see convoys are coming from here all the way around to portugal where we're getting our tungsten so they're ai setting their subs here now the ai doesn't realize that we're bombing their submarines here they seem to be all french ones the british ones will come soon though oh those were british ones so we're sinking their entire subfleet right now so when their subfleet's gone there'll be nothing to convoy raid easy meanwhile pushing to france is a complete cake walk uh because 7-2 artillery with lots of soft attack is really strong bye friends fishy france i think not did you think we didn't know you weren't here luxembourg get out of here what we're going to go for is the invasion of denmark as well as norway we're not actually going to do it but it gives us a research boost for transport so we'll go for that one now grab one of my armies hopefully the one with the most attack do a naval invasion from cure and land into newcastle and we can just come to land the full breadth of that coastline the more divisions we land the more likely to survive there we go we've got this focus now so we should get a boost for transport so we select something else any transport then we hop back onto it hey 16 days how convenient extra divisions we'll just pop those here for the time being right landing craft is complete assign a naval invasion order and this will be completed in about a month that's good okay what i'm gonna do now is import from my puppet in the german east indies that's right german now guys so you can see it arrives in here now this is encouraging this is like baiting the british convoy radius to come out and convoy raid this route there we go loads of subs baited out good once again less submarines less convoy rating less issues with supply when we land into the uk naval invasion is ready make a death stack of all your submarines your existing boats that you made at the very start of the game put them on strike force and pop them here and here and there isn't enough naval power to execute your plan it is this is so broken our navy right now apparently stronger than britain's because we have enough naval power to do this insane insane okay minute your land you want to encircle newcastle therefore you get your port done that we're landing here and newcastle has been taken brilliant delete all the orders front line go here and we also need to make sure that this area has max infrastructure max port size see where the port goes to supply it goes to here in the netherlands why i don't know and therefore get the most supply running into that region perfect send over another army too and if we've got enough firepower to keep pushing out initially push out as aggressively as you can because you are going to run into supply shoes it's just the way the game works the hardest part though is breaking through the mountains in the center that is the tricky part you might be better off just going into scotland and breaking through glasgow it looks like that's probably getting the more effective strategy yep that is the most effective strategy gg no re there we go four army groups right now and supply is just where we need it to be just just just all right we're all in a good position right now go balance go go go and see if we can make some push and breakouts clear oh there's a breakout in leeds okay so we can swipe across and grab liverpool manchester leeds that might be enough to split them and directly down the middle and the place we want to push is actually right here planes right in the center pushing through the center breaking through pinning the other divisions can we get through to the side i don't think we actually can the forest is too strong all right we've made a break here in the center that's good more divisions could be more compacted in so one thing to know is you wouldn't be able to pull this off if you didn't have deep battle the reason is you just have too many supply problems ideally too i'd like to have a logistics wizard but unfortunately mr model hasn't got to organize it yet there we go scotland's cleared out moving further southwards consolidate all of our power into one spot now i think in this instance we should be able to push and break through try and push through here hey another encirclement there we go all the north is sword a little bit of a supply of issues go aggressive everyone in position end it there's way too much firepower now that won't be able to hold this and collapsed london has fallen that is a rip right the uk has fallen and some reason when i played this out the raj always seems to become a major in this scenario why i don't actually know but regardless we have to deal with it so justify on afghanistan make yourself a little highway and uh i guess off you go i suppose you can also go for construction engineering and do whatever you need to do all right afghanistan get him afghanistan's been and we've got a break in the south of uh well pakistan i guess into the raj hey and we broke them in half there we go done oh my goodness canada as well enable of nation from here all right raj is gone i'm gonna push into vichy france as well right activate the plan grab the navy another death stack and to make sure this area is passable and we're gonna go for convey escort because it's such a longer route canada has gone pink and it's also got his modern flag how long will that last guys all right next naval invasion gonna go for greenland oh we have to be a war with denmark whoops might also help if we have some troops to take out denmark too that might be helpful as well whoa denmark strong there we go and we've taken out greenland so now we can base our subs there therefore we've got more range there we go we've got control now and that means this naval invasion should be able to set off we have 40 control we need 50 so that means we have to build an air base here and do some naval striking we need full control of greenland though so off you go boys grab all greenland hey and off they go here comes the 24 divisions the deadly fork into canada yep there we go landed uh doesn't seem to be anyone to welcome us that makes me very sad regardless grab the ports on the east coast and then push out from the west japan has declared war on the german east indies gee thanks japan spain has declared war on britain what well i uh i've never seen that before that's a new one there we go it's december 1941 and we have completed the artillery tech tree two years and one month ahead of schedule and gaining so much juicy artillery soft attack bonuses 201 soft attack from this division nice this is something japan won't expect we're going to push into china the other side all right canada has dug in here and they're holding really well too so i have to build infrastructure and send another army group over all right declare war on the chinese united front from the other side i want to be very surprised if they've got enough divisions on this side to even defend against me break into china is uh incredibly smooth because all the divisions are on the front of japan this is interesting uh young's been puppeted so it's like what can i even take i'm gonna have to just hit done here aren't i yeah i am ah and my divisions have now been surrounded okay cancel their orders cancel cancel cancel new front line go here and go here i'll be totally honest with you i've never actually done this before so i'm actually kind of uh i was completely unaware what was actually going to happen all right we broke through yunnan's capitulated and i can make a new front line all right push the japanese back with mixed results uh meanwhile uh they've encircled japan didn't see this one coming attack into china capitulated them and then counter-attack from the germans on the other side hmm this is the strongest canada i have ever ever faced very insanely strong i can't wait to see the back end of canada canada push for vancouver i've had enough of this please end this end it now 99 end it once again i'll say it again strongest canada i have ever seen yay and canada is dead okay all of the uk is mine rightfully belgium is my clay canada and then the rest of it is just africa i don't care about africa don't quote me oh my god the game's just bugged another peace conference right after the first one well when i said i was going to break the game i didn't think he'd break it this far literally have already taken all this land why is he asking for me to take it again what is even happening he says i already occupy this but for some reason okay i'm just gonna hit done and see what happens italy has literally taken all of my land oh my goodness this game this was mine i brought oh my goodness okay all right i'm officially done done at this point i've never seen a double piece conference in a row before thank you for your support every single patreon supporter helps me hire editors to make more content for you thank you [Music] uh
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 503,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feedback, feedbackgaming, davefeedbackgaming, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 exploit, hoi4 achievements, hoi4 cheats, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, hoi4 la resistance guide, hearts of iron 4 exploit, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 exploits, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 achievement, hoi4 achievement guide, hoi4 achievements guide, hoiiv, hoi4 tips, hoi4 achievement run, hoi4 battle for the bosporus, hoi4 germany, hearts of iron 4 germany, hoi4 germany guide, hoi iv
Id: wU5X9VBFrAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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