What if Russia Won WW1?! HOI4

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no one had guaranteed Serbia was that my job oh this is how it begins with Italy declaring war on austria-hungary what's that about really is it like what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy go team Rambler here and today we return once again to hearts of iron for today we're going to be looking at the scenario of what if Russia managed to win ww1 surprisingly I haven't actually made this scenario before but we are once again on the great Cathal Redux mod which just basically turns the previous iteration of of the great couple changes around some of the focus trees a lot of the balancing it just seems a bit more I don't want to say Arkady but it makes a bit more playable and of course the previous an addition has kind of been abandoned now so they're kind of bringing the mod back to life which i think is is great I have loved playing this mod so I'm doing it I'm doing it again alright so for more hoy haven't done this in a while but let's try and go for 5,000 likes whoa it's an arbitrary like goal it just helps the channel it doesn't give you guys anything except more content wait so that does give you something that then only I actually profit from it technically but maybe my entertainment also adds to your lives which is always a bit baffling I don't know I just consider myself very lucky that I am able to essentially entertain people via the medium of playing video games kind of incompetently for a living it's it's a really odd situation that I've got myself in and I'm gonna keep it going for as long as I can hey-ho we're all familiar of this mod I do like that they've changed some of the portraits around especially tsar nicholas ii it's looking nice and HD compared to old wilhelm car get with the times Wilhelm so what we have here is the we are the defenders of the Orthodox faith nice we also have the troll that's not so good and then we also have the threat of a well you can read it but it really screws us and I guess it's time for another section of Ramblers history control it welcome to Ramblers history corner and now I did actually study the Russian rebo when I was doing a level history and it's it was really interesting to see just how behind the times that Russia was overall of course what I'm saying to you is coming from a throat from me amateur historian I have no I have no historical education background beyond a level history so obviously look up your own sources if you want to the scenario we're looking at today is what if Russia won ww1 but it's quite unlikely that they were ever going to just based on how their society was so behind the times they weren't as industrialized as other major nations especially their main opponents of Germany perhaps if they fought a more defensive conflict against Germany and a more offensive one against austria-hungary than their mouths performed a little bit better but you know and having the kind of inner turmoil that was going on and especially I think the Tsar actually tried to take command of the army as well and then had another massive military disaster which kind of was the nail in the coffin which kind of helped spark the the Revo lu-shi own so I think it's unlikely that this scenario would have happened but I'm gonna try and make it so that Russia was able to win I'm gonna try and change history today because it's unlikely that even in a hundred alternate scenarios I've reckoned maybe five out of a hundred of those it would be a realistic scenario but hey also if you enjoy these little segments do let me know I could have looked up more sources and given you some books to read but I'm not there yet this is kind of like an experiment I'm trying but anyway recent years have not been kind to the Russian Empire with a major military defeat at the hands of Japan followed by a revolution that forced the once invisible saw into a constitution the Russian government let's get back to its feet and prove its strength once again luckily the Balkans are turbulent ER again Wow let's go which was get in there oh we do have more we also have an egg Aryan Empire more than 70% of the Russian population is peasantry we also have the strike movement that's not good and outdated railways so you can kind of see like this kind of proving what I said like a couple of minutes ago ivan my face is in the way as you can see here outdated railways strike movement fresh revolution etc etc russia was not in a stable position we do however have quite a large army at 1.1 million however most of them aren't equipped and the amount of factories we have it's not good at all so i'll begin by just focusing on as many factories as possible we really do need to up our industry ok it's really gonna resist the duma unfortunately this bits in russian I can't read it out to you but I'm going down the alternate route and they're just trying to make it so this our gets all the power again what a surprise Alex the round are doing a monarchist run ok how dare he play the way he has fun with we only have 9 military factories and we're just trying to get enough spare let's reduce that to 2 factories and then get some nice artillery screw the armored cars I would like a bit of an air force like we do have the potential to become like really quite a powerful nation before ww1 begins it's just gonna be tight to see if I'm competent enough to do that let's find out only on Alex the Rambler South Africa Act the Persian campaign do you know what it's not worth it oh I guess I'll continue the offensive so we have what a hundred and fifty four divisions to start the game with noise okay nobody expects the Russian Revolution Abby Lee at it appears that I'm losing this portable now they have troops moving into position but then they're not fully equipped it's just kind of gonna be disastrous Oh King Ferdinand's up in an airplane good for him yeah I need extra stuff I really do need stability so we'll we'll do 20 years of peace and with political power I can give a speech I could also unexpectedly visit the duma session this is clearly going quite badly oh no we are winning now nice and our economy is stabilizing once again so if we just increase the stability there'll be grand and honestly I'm thinking like I will do a defensive war when it comes to it just did you think up my strategy ahead of time once my industry is up and running then I can really concentrate on everything else and once everyone has equipment how many one kiss why not I think Austin EPP and we will give the speech again okay national entrepreneurship that sounds great to me okay we can get we can get this fixed we can get Russia fixed in a several years let's bribe Parliament as well we've got a stable economy my war supports going down even more I'd rather have low war support at this stage in the game numerical excellence doctrine see I don't know if I really want to focus on this is actually quite nicely increased entrenchment but if there is the technical excellent hmm also apologies if there's background noise in the audio it gets really warm in this attic so I have to keep things open sometimes give the speech again I'll bribe the parliamentarians then I should definitely switch over to the party of the Russian people I think I should have done that little while ago rather than how we get extra stability that's fine that's fine so I am using all of my political power on just having these decisions and resisting the Duma I don't think it will be enough though okay I can do the League of Slavic people as you say creates a faction of the Slavic lead and that might encourage everyone to come on in I don't know if I really want to do that though not yet anyway oh we might actually win this border war that'd be nice okay the bride's Parliament give the speech so my stability is really good up quite a lot in fact it will if I get rid of the threat of the revolution will go up to 100 percent I've got 72 days to get 75 percent support for the srn we're currently at 71 it's going to be tight Russia puts forward an ultimatum Russian troops defeated the Persian forces ahahaha at the funder of victory rumble okay and we have resisted the Duma now good there we go so I've already solved my stability issue by just essentially bribing people and giving speeches and just making myself valuable ah Russian Prime Minister died after assassination attempt several days earlier whoops he was proud to serve the Tsar indeed okay Italy's gone after the Ottoman let's see how that goes oh they're gonna lose that second or territory on me yeah the world's not looking well we all know what a World War one map of Europe I mean the world looks like right at least we should if we don't that's a bit concerning oh look at that no elections great Oh Xinhai revolution is kicked off public of China is spreading spreading quite a lot whoa okay what we're gonna do now is ban trade unions which gets rid of our strike movement I believe we're industrializing we're getting rid of people striking everything is going Russia's way do I want to get Rasputin in the government no no Rasputin no government position for you sir okay League of the Slavic people's so I guess I'm starting sure that's okay let's start that let's see if it all these people want to join my faction and that might be a recipe for disaster why why is that canceled Serbia no longer exists yes it does oh it's not in a faction well that's annoying if I can't come on that's annoying might be a blessing in disguise actually yeah I'm just giving up on Poland completely from the off I'm still very much a ways away from getting enough equipment so I might actually have to start switching to building military factories which is a bit quicker than I would have liked so I only have 58 civilian factories I'll build a few more I'm really trying to get rid of the Toshima humiliation because that decreases my wall support by 25% still with the threat of revolution which I can't get rid of I don't believe trying to modernize as much as I can and but it's not enough Serbia declared war on the Ottoman Empire oh dear oh wow and Italy's actually invaded the mainland really oh nevermind I know you're 50 PP cheaper than everyone else rescued in but I'm not I'm not having you in go away oh it's gonna take forever so I need to do development of the premium fortress I also need to go down here then down there that's gonna take just gonna take too long I think I'll just have to do these Oh Oh establish absolute monarchy revolution will begin if the Duma crisis isn't prevented but we've we've already prevented it okay so I'm now just the Russian Empire my flag has changed that's about it I still keep all of the things I had before okay that would be nice increasing my surrender limit infantry expert yes is that an entrenchment expert sure anything that gives me a defensive boost I'm actually in a faction oh no I am made in the auntaunt okay that's fine as long as as long as freakin France holds could you imagine if France Falls right away people are now using power tools outside okay we're now in the spring of 1913 and I I haven't really built up as much as I would have liked over a hundred factories now but less but still not really optimal considering I'm still lacking 25 mm rifle it's not good I would love some oil yep let's go come to poppy poppy Oh almost good enough rifles now that's nice few days to have a surplus oh boy I'm very excited then the complete egg Aryan reform so will gain all consumer goods negative ten percent that's tasty if I could take Memel right away there'll be a nice boon we're gonna be taking on the full might of austria-hungary I would imagine I hope Romania don't join the Central Powers would not figure yeah freaking power grinders China's having a second revolution June 1914 I still have the threat of revolution that really is a pain in the buttocks I'm gonna have to do United and invisible no oh dear is this it guys we just live in this happen kind of in a predicament here because I don't know why no one had guaranteed Serbia was that my job I wonder so in a position where I can't really declare war because I've got 30% war support I guess this gives me extra time to keep building up can't argue with that really I guess Germans want a non-aggression pact no thank you my wall supports come down hmm Ice March oh yes much intruder snow in the book it's very peaceful isn't it austria-hungary still does have the fight against Serbian terrorism friend Bulgaria no don't do that I think I know why we're having these problems so we had the Franz Ferdinand thing ability I didn't have I don't remember seeing that event that he was assassinated so I probably should have done that a long time ago hello dear and now Italy has to see I'm already sure I want to enter this I've really messed this up I'm gonna have to enter an offensive war which I don't really want to do oh this is how it begins with Italy declaring war on austria-hungary what's that about really is it like okay fine that's this is what that was my error for not doing that event yeah really dumb the one good thing though is that my defenses are working currently I wish I had more troops dope all the little biplanes flying around that's cute okay what is my surrender progress basically nothing good so on the occasional tile we are getting pushed oh no no we're still we're still holding just about I think down here's a little dodge II I think I I'm outnumbered overall number 24 for 24 divisions to plunk down somewhere maybe yeah the austro-hungarian front is a little dicey look how many casualties were causing oh that's very nice do I have arrow superiority yep in every zone apart from this one okay all right so we just let them flop onto us oh we lost a territory that's not exactly what I had in mind if I lose the occasional be a territory I think that's fine I can't believe what a I was I just didn't realize there was a decision to do down there that's that's my bad though but at least I can do war propaganda and start increasing my war support Empire of Japan has joined France okay the on Tom looks rather chunky okay that will get rid of the Toshima humiliation if I try to push she would go very badly wouldn't it I mean here there is kind of ridiculous surely I can take this one little time yes I can in fact Germany appears quite stretched so if I wanted to take their main airfield can I just you know have a jolly and do that see look you just needed me in charge of 1910 Russia and then the whole world would have been sorted out sorted out I said let's try and push a little bit I know we'll lose a doubt down in austria-hungary but at least at the top we might gain a few little tiles the territory we over random though the Russians are over running the Germans as are they won't forget this an hour eat oh my also take Danzig the Russian offensives 1916 it's going better than anyone ever plan because it wasn't planned at all okay 66 war support we are Oh for pushing down here to you really psychic attack Rasputin's got in here somewhere and if at this point you're wondering well he must be he must be cheating how can he just beat Germany like that the thing is with with high for AI they don't really change their division templates so all of my infantry are just 20 combat with infantry of support artillery engineers and recons which are pretty basic but when their combat wit for just be 18 probably in most their divisions and in this case where that you can see that's just like a militia division and they have their priorities incorrect by having most of their divisions down here and even Italy is pushing austria-hungary so I don't really know what's going on I haven't had to try I have loads of equipment in storage eros superiority I think in most areas what it should be yeah so I built an Air Force I let them attack and use all of their strength up in their in their first wave essentially and now I'm just now just pushing because I can I'm almost at Berlin in fact walk to Berlin please you cannot stop me I am an empire all the Battle for Berlin is going on we've taken Berlin nice Germany is not able to fight any further they are asking for peace from the on tante please no no keep the fighting going I don't want an armistice I'm winning I'm winning so good oh the Ottomans even struggling and these are just ten with Mountaineers they're pushing the Ottomans so it's not even tricky are you kidding me are you kidding me I don't even get anything and Wilhelm's abdicated what a travesty I don't want your improved relations let's do Return of the King they know what that's going to do but I wanted conquest screw reality I want it all collapse of austria-hungary cool wow that looks a bit grim the on tante has allowed the central powers to exist I don't know what's happening I don't like it okay so it's a faction now called the brotherly alliance and for some reason the Great Britain didn't join even though George v is in there are you having a giraffe that's just so boring Oh mate oh I guess I'm not in a faction anymore this scenario has not gone how I wanted it to a - I wanted to take over the whole freaking royal world and then and then bring in great France too but because well tension isn't high enough I can't even create a faction and I don't have the national spirit either so we're essentially in for 20 years of boredom well on that a slightly disappointing note that's why I have to leave it for today unfortunately I just can't I just can't justify it oh but if you're not me to play as an Abba nation on this mod please do let me know hopefully you enjoyed the video nonetheless it was quite fun yeah you know doing this scenario it's just there's not much to do afterwards but 20 years at the interwar period can't do much about that but comment like and subscribe and I'll be back fairly soon to Lulu many thanks to onion dark maximilian foreman wire green fat boston zechariah Mosby warm peach or gregory craven a Dave the Don Lambert Valhalla halls Guzzi dibs yeah boy wombat cookie Daffy Alton Ryan jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous around supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 115,066
Rating: 4.9579415 out of 5
Keywords: What if Russia Won WW1?! HOI4, hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, history, alternative history, what, if, russia, won, ww1, hoi4 steam workshop, hoi4 great war mod, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 mod gameplay, hoi4 new mods, hoi4 russia empire, hoi4 russian empire, drew durnil, isorrowproductions
Id: BvUEjlgcOmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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