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let's come to the main presentation of the stream as we all know there's only one game that people care about and that is assassin's creed ought to say oh man this is esports if they hit me once i'm dead ah don't die [Music] tommy you have to level up tommy tommy you should play your normal tommy i don't need help just kidding time for somehow four oh you picture the fingers you're too good as japan i was hoping you'd be like can i not go to russia what you don't want me to beat japan but then you say i should be germany you're better off japan than you are is germany shut the [ __ ] up what are you saying that's whoa i have to rewrite my time you're better with japan than you are is germany it's true ask your chat yeah but that doesn't mean i'm a bad germany if i play germany germany i'm saying you don't know what can you stay in germany state germany okay state germany you're gonna help me though uh in a different way the thing is i have a pretty good reputation as germany in my games i haven't lost a game in the past 10 games of germany so today will probably be the game where you're watching and playing with me okay let's just let's see you're crazy germany i'm gonna keep the muted just for the early game i didn't play russian long time and we all know i'm not the best russia in the world let's be honest no air russia nowhere russia are we doing it no air russia they all need to be exchanged what are the benefits of low air russia they're actually you can focus on tanks you will never really get green air anyways against good access stair denmark seems like it yeah it's it's a casual noob game guys let's not take it too serious let's have something fun even i i i also have to calm down a bit i shouldn't be like and like a maniac that goes crazy for this let's just have some fun tommy what so if you beat me as the soviets right are you going to hold it against me no no because you may be dominant in a high four but i'm dominant in the bedroom okay so still number one you have to prove that my friend yeah don't worry there's probably [Music] a few moments later maybe try even the spoon why they're not moving oh they're barked they're barked in a battle i'm bogged out i'm bugged out for sake no please i'm back man they are completely rushing me down and i got the dude i'm falling apart man they're wrecking my toe they're completely wrecking me man i'm just dying in a second i can't even do anything i'm just falling apart i gotta be that dude it's like i can't do anything he sent air volunteers that was that was literal blitzkrieg they just rushed me down i'm shocked i want to be honest i'm shocked this happened that was so easy for them they just walked right through they just they right click and everybody just died very quick spanish war not a lot of exp for them well let's take this game serious then their final player goes i was shocked how fast you killed spain i'm sure i was shocked you were shocked at my competency because you guys have green air which i didn't understand uh we all send volunteers air volunteers you can't sell by 180 right i could send 300. it starts off from 200 once i took the madrid madrid airport at 300. seven vanilla the same uh it's probably nice for the spot mod yeah it seems like it okay building speed now you get this one right german soviet treaties out which means i go right into the medium one spam exactly that's how you play oh my god ginger hold on hold on ginger bear just gifted 50 subs to the community but are you insane ginger beard ginger beard ginger baby just gifted 50 subs hopefully can someone please make a screenshot for for twitter can someone please make a screenshot for twitter like this get the viewer account get the viewer account please make a screenshot what's up man even if i lose against you today i still have a huge amount of respect for you dude it's just a game man that's that's what people need to know then poi 4 is life hello everyone i am alex the rambler for what you don't know about me so i'm one of the best hearts of iron players of all time no you're stupid friendship is what matters friendship is all that matters it's true that is true women gaming money this all comes second what matters is you and me being gross it's sub thank you you should be using yourself i'm looking at you the whole time i'm looking into the whole time you're playing a decent germany so far looks good man if you make good templates now you're actually in good germany we need a new uh we need a new screenshot we have one point okay this is for twitter okay okay this is for twitter please make a screenshot [Music] do you notice did you know the story of the tragedy of tommy k de weiss and starcraft 2. i think i've heard this somewhere but feel free to tell me and and the chat i i used to be very good at starcraft when it came out in rings of liberty and i was invited to gamescom cologne i think 2010 and i had a tournament and i was so nervous that i was i was seven roach opening rushing a protoss player on a live tournament in front of people and i i it worked i killed his bass and then i came i got into his base and i was so nervous that my finger went on s on the keyboard which makes on hold i think which makes all your units stop doing anything then i'm only migrating my base for two minutes i look at his base he killed all my units and kills me just because i pressed the whole button i lost a live tournament in front of friend people i couldn't sleep for for three days man if i look at this germany objectively without caring about rambling this is not a bad germany this is not bad wait you have to do not a screenshot because of 1800 viewers okay let's go summer make a screenshot please everything looking great so far we made a great sith count before molotov i'm still going very hardcore i know i'm going way too far with these steps let us form them a little bit i don't want to kill them too fast i want to farm finland oh 402 started i have a lot of respect playing russia because i always die when i'm russia even against snoop so i did he just took paris oh my god alex the rambler is wrecking them holy what why are they just not defending france dude what i hope they don't kill the rush okay we need a new screenshot guys 2k 2k viewers make a screenshot please like this okay make a screenshot 2k viewers [Music] military factory construction street plus 10 what i never knew this is it in vanilla what what is life military building street plus 10 is that in vanilla it's only the spot mod that's not the vanilla okay this mod so stupid what are the templates the wall they're just the wall of meat and very important they shoot down the cast that's very important we have the tank destroyers we're gonna completely pierce his tanks a hundred percent and this is my main just a normal soft attack i want to shoot down planes that's what i care about in the end russia versus germany is about tank micro that's what it's about nothing else it's about tank micro now i'm actually nervous he has so much infantry you know what i should go back to the standard line but not too fast to actually give him a bit of a fight uh to destroy the infrastructure 2.2k do the screenshot real quick screenshot quick quick screenshot 2.2 k viewers [Music] thank you stacks from italy are coming to me now um even if spanish tanks man they're gonna have so many tanks romanian tanks spanish tanks there's gonna be so much happening right now i have to face so many tanks now i might try to enable invade me i guess but i have free reinforcements ready okay here's the break i might have to go back already maybe it's time to go i don't know yet i want to be a bit greedy okay let's go to starlight go to stan line get go to stand online and do this the real way he didn't circle anything okay we destroyed a lot of infrastructure though 50 attrition okay i actually saved more than i expected normally you get more by that he's still better planning very good for me i didn't lose that much i'm very happy with that why would you what how did he already break that what i mean i'm gonna be fine when my tanks arrive but what how in the world did he do that i am alex the rambler for what you don't know about me so i'm one of the best parts of iron bias a few moments later how is he breaking this for sake what is going on how is this infantry breaking this uh what my tanks are gonna save this probably they should i'm totally breaking him in the middle it's micro rambler you want a micro we microwave you want a micro rambler re-micro that's micro boy i'm with you boy oh i couldn't circle him the problem is the red air when you have red air with someone they just can walk through uh when you have red air with someone you can't pressure them at all let's go alex waiting okay again [Music] humanity where's my six tanks let's go all right okay yeah if you you see that yes i beat this germany or alex on sifts very hard but he has 140 mills far before me which means he produces a much more than me philippines if i play a no air russia i have to stand here with more than 25 tanks man i can't just be on 14 tanks that's not okay we took it no they were faster than me was it the u.s tanks oh god it was it was bob sample i'm not taking berlin i'm not taking it i tried so hard well we won it was fun lots of fun great game i would love to play more nx games a lot of fun the level is not that high uh who am i to talk i got wrecked in spain my russia my russia wasn't good man that wasn't good boys and girls boys and girls what a day what a day that's good ladies and gentlemen thank you to alex for letting me join it was actually a great game not a lot of toxic people just having fun blah blah blah that was actually great uh gg rambling you played very good man you're getting better alex you probably could beat all these youtubers now um thank you guys so much for 2.3k viewers it's it's mental today you deserve a kiss thanks for watching oh you have to run that that's that's for the gay guys out there thanks for watching boys see you and thank you guys just thank you just thank you what can you say i love you guys [Music] okay i gotta run ads now for all these steps
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 959,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, Hearts of Iron IV, HOI4 Multiplayer, TommyKay, Hearts of Iron 4 Multiplayer, Tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommy, tommykaylive, hoi4 russia, hoi4 soviets, hoi4 soviet union multiplayer, hoi4 how to play ussr, hoi4 soviet union is broken, hoi4 best soviets ever, hoi4 trash talk, hoi4 noob game, alex the rambler, drew durnil, hoi4 best russia ever, best soviets hoi4, best germany alex, epic hoi4 battle, Epic multiplayer hoi4, Epic, multiplayer, hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4
Id: 2-p0x3ekz78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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