Breaking the game with no factories or manpower as Iceland in Hearts of Iron 4

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I bet it's taureor, that strategy pro, check out his channel and maybe you can learn a thing or two from him

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/kimglwjein 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/snoowbrigade 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone I am sorry or and welcome to my newest handsome and for challenge video I have promised you Iceland and you it is a country with no manpower and no factories can we make it yes yes we can in order to play Iceland we have to play Denmark and then release Iceland rather difficulty Island historical losses play let's call it ironmen Iceland and let's go also if this video gets say 30,000 likes within a week I'm going to play you the most difficult to start I can think of in this game because you know we've been ramping up the difficulty from challenge to challenge getting more and more impossible stuff so let's just go straight for the most difficult thing and then maybe we can end that then I can go to playing calm relaxing games like Poland it was the most difficult to start I can think of I believe that would have to be a Luxembourg but Tory or you might say you already played Luxembourg and the next everything well yes that is why I'm going to play Luxembourg in 1939 when it's about to be attacked by Germany oh yeah 30,000 likes within a week for this video upload Luxembourg in 1939 iron man and all that and if it doesn't get the likes that's fine too I won't have to play Luxembourg 1939 so enough with the introductions we are Denmark and we are going to be releasing ice end but before we do that I'm going to select all our units and disband them and we're gonna do the same thing to the fleet oh we can't because for some reason it costs political power and now whatever we're also going to do the same thing to the planes why well essentially if I understand correctly man power is derived from specific territories and if Denmark was using manpower from Iceland then when we released Iceland our manpower would be that much lower anyway let's do it Iceland release nation release as independent and play as there we go we are now Iceland we have almost no manpower and we have zero factories no factories whatsoever that's fine I can work with that first let's do political effort and some research a three research thoughts which is pretty decent we're going to need a doctrine as superior firepower because it's superior also some electronic mechanical engineering as well as industry stuff and let's go we're going to have to wait quite a long time before we can actually do anything and our leader is a fine fine spent van Buuren son he has unsettling eyes and impressive ears all important qualities in the leader no factories are no manpower oh that's not true we don't have zero and we have 1.16 manpower which is enough for one battalion of infantry don't worry we'll make it work let's get naval efforts going we do have 30 convoys but we can build more now that will give us three factories although they will be dockyards so not that useful also we have enough political power to hire someone we're going to hire a fascist a demagogue and that is necessary if it is done industrial now and going fascist we'll do three good things for us first it will let us form an alliance with Germany or Japan whichever we choose second is going to let us use our economy and stuff like that and third it is going to let us do militarism which gives us lots of manpower and oh boy do we need that let's do free trade I will do armament efforts first so we can actually start producing equipment open up what it's called this course we are not in a rush to switch but when we do our economy will be better no need to discredit government or do anything like that we just wait until we get enough support to do the referendum concentrated industry - right we got our first military factory time to produce guns we will need more military factories and more stuff but that can wait a bit and now let's focus on construction efforts so that we can get all the businesses to research and that happen later on because an event fascists in government yes of course we intend to turn the fascist so that only helps us now we wait fascist assault division is wonderful we should probably start training the unit that we're going to be using yes one then again we won't be able to deploy it with so little manpower let's train a smaller unit deployed and then switch it to a bigger one and then we're going to spend years accumulating men out of fascists influence foreign policy and gladly we have some free civilian factories I'm going to build one civilian and one military for now it's gonna take years and you have enough fascists support to switch another government let's do that and we have a much less interesting looking leader now our stability has decreased but now we have access to stuff like war economy it's important to realize something in planning out the strategy we don't have to hurry I mean we really don't have to hurry we're not going to do anything until like 1941 let's deploy the unit switch it to infantry yes we don't have enough manpower for that that's not a problem and we're going to exercise you guys in the field we're also going to hire a military theorist I'm going to need that another experience from him also a boost on the doctrines is something we can enjoy it's research artillery Hindenburg disaster so unfortunate generic military theorist well that's a little rude to the guy isn't it we're going to need all that military experience because I intend to make that unit quite useful Japan attacked China let's get the extra research slot and radio I'm going to be relying on support companies a little bit let's join on the Japanese faction we will be getting involved in the war China and why would we do that if shadow puppet thing is dead well maybe it isn't Japan is calling us to war we're not going to accept yet because we want our stability to be high we will do that eventually we could of course use that war to do total mobilization and women in the work force but is not really worth it let's do war economy and secret weapons we have done secret weapons let's use that to increase our research computing machine let's get some more military factories we're going to be using them on support equipment and artillery and cars once we research or that how's the unit doing training all the time let's get ourselves a commander and another one he looks older so I'm going to promote him and you're going to be offensive you know I should probably go for militarism now manpower takes time to mobilize after all competing machine is done let's proceed to improve reading machine I'm going to need a total of four military factories to keep my production consistent logistics company let's add recon to our unit limited conscription please yes we have almost 2,000 men power now and militarism we have completed logistics company research and now time for signal how was Japan doing in the war against China quite well militarism is a done let's get some more factories weapons to all of Nanjing you have to get involved yet not yet let's get an army logistics expert and the signal companies to our lineup how is the unit doing quite well it's missing man I'm but passionate that is fine as it gets uh mr. factories from this buying some steel to speed up our production Germany claims memo and advanced competing machine comes on manpower mobilization solo probably should have done militarism a bit earlier infantry equipment to here we come it is tempting to jump into this wall right now and just press on with what we have but we actually have to be patient for this to work faith after oscillations or submits to Italy nothing new here Sharon G capitulates we're probably going to join and I know maybe about a year I'm actually going to reduce the size of this unit to make sure they can get enough manpower in it once we attack whatever Ribbentrop and so on doesn't concern us let's do equipment effort I would like to be able to do equipment three already you know I really should have done militarism immediately boned refuses German ultimatum and the war begins poor Poland while we pursue equipment three infantry weapons three to be exact I think it's time to send you guys to China we are in the Japanese faction so we can enter the territory let's make sure you guys garrison the port here it's going to take them a while to sell that it's good to have them in position once everything starts and I'm going to give access to the Germans and the Italians they are not at for manpower but they should receive reinforcements once they arrive in China hmm pawn still holding on barely mmm but it is no Gary Jones the axis that's pretty quick and Poland capitulates well I wanted to do weapons three but that's way too long I'm gonna use a different bonus on that so let's do support ovens three once we do a not this one cancel equipment efforts three instead and we'll use that on and that was infantry ovens have you guys arrived yet almost Belgium capitulates let's watch Franz get destroyed Paris is taken and there goes friends Denmark is under attack from Germany equipment effort a3 is it done which means we can start doing weapons 3c we have very limited resources and I mean manpower here so once we start fighting we have to make sure we get the most out of it and apparently we have taken control of foreign affairs weird I wanted to add more infantry but I think I'll add more artillery here instead to artillery to be exact and one more infantry creating the classic 7/2 unit we will have just enough manpower to fill it up was the fighting starts regions access Yugoslavia is under attack and so on the right once they reach the next experience level we will be joining the war on China inventory equipment 3 finally Finland except so it demands that never stop the Communists from attacking for organization for preparation bonus time to join the fight against China except there we go now make me proud and that we do need a few percent of war participation in order to be able to make demands actually attacking over a river here it's probably not the best choice is it this will take time and requires patience on our part I decided to relocate down south we should have an easier time making gains here we need some more participation three that is not a lot let's try and push for some more victory points perhaps we can make that happen we seem to be making gains our troops are quite powerful so we're gonna get some serious participation from that eventually I do have to direct them into week and any provinces so we can actually take territory and get participation from that we see a weakly defended province we push into it but make sure you don't get surrounded 2 percent already and Romania joins and the access keep pushing if we can get to the victory points and that will be a bigger gain for us let's do technology sharing it'll give us some useful bonuses this bit here looks poorly defended and let's go they seem to have concentrated their defenses here no problem I'm just gonna change the plan right someday through vulnerable or let's go and so on it's gonna take some time capital is undefended what you're gonna capitulate now almost go cut off we have to help the Japanese attack otherwise we'll be in big trouble supplies back again continue our strategy of attacking poorly defended provinces and getting participation from it the more we take the better off we'll be at the peace conference three percent that is already quite a decent always look for the most vulnerable spot so you don't waste your resources for example now into this they have reinforced so we might need to pull back we might still win yet there we go see you this war is going to be won by the Japanese and we won't really influence that very much but what we can do isn't maximize our participation another undefended provinces there we go the Chinese will surrender momentarily let's see what we can get at the Peace Conference there it is oh we didn't even need to take this okay well the Japan do they puppeted Sinkiang and yunnan and took a lot of stuff okay that's good because they have not profited Communist China so now we're going to shadow puppet China but Tory will say shadow puppet thing has been fixed and it no longer works well yes and no it kind of works and that kinda is enough for us so if you don't remember shadow puppet in was puppeting someone with no states whatsoever and you can't do that anymore the puppet option is removed however you can puppet someone with just one cheapest state like this for example this is a good state to puppet China with let's do and that there's not as elegant as regular shut up everything but if I on take all these states now China will be profited with just this in one bit and it will be our puppet feel very cheap and Japan has no interest in these provinces other than to make a puppet so they will all be mine so let's enter turn see they did not take anything what we can do now pass and pass and then pass more and more and keep passing all the time until we have enough war score just don't click done accidentally index everything witness shadow puppet in reborn Iceland ohms China and a lot of factories there to cancel all these support things and just focus on infantry equipment we are going to produce guns for a while and then we're going to proceed to conquer in Japan I think I'm going to disband at the unit we don't need it anymore now we wait what do we wait for we wait for Japan to invite cm to join its faction it is going to be crucial to our plans they have a focus they can do alliance with CM but we have to time everything all right so there is really no use making our moves before they select and the focus because it could take them some time to do so Japan declared war on the Philippines that was to be expected now strike on the southern resource era that's fine and I think they will do advised with cm afterwards but I don't remember and once they do alliance with cm well then we turn against them ought to be more precise when they started doing allies with ZM you know what we should probably act fast to make it happen let's release Communist China as a puppet and yes we can have to China's as puppets that works out perfectly what are we gonna do now well we are going to make colonial divisions from China Chinese Empire we have reorganized nationalist China and Chinese Empire with this in fact the smallest unit is probably this one just for inventory that's fine let's copy the template edit it down to just one and deploy them over in China and then we are going to stationed them in Japan 216 divisions will be just the number we need hungry proclaims a greater Hungary United Mexican states join the arts and deploying units 216 units distributed into three armies two of them will be covering armies which is why they have more troops you are going to garrison the south of Japan you are going to garrison of Japan you are going to garrison the north you are going to garrison all of Japan and you are going to garrison mainland Japan we're going to help them defend their territory we are in the same fashion after all aren't we okay let's let them get in position oh and Japan is doing alliance with see I'm perfect let's wait for our guys to get in position and then we can leave another faction why would we leave the faction let's start justifying a war go on cm but we have to leave the faction before Japan finishes and the focus in the meantime our guys can enjoy supply in Japanese territory unfortunately I accidentally stopped a recording but you haven't lost much essentially Japan was about to finish as their focus to get cm to jondor faction so before they finished if it was I left a defection but kept troops in their territory and spammed H so that they wouldn't try to return home and continued justifying on CM and now we're waiting for the war go to be ready so you haven't really missed anything I'm also stockpiling infantry equipment I've said something and I found an interesting thing happened I have switched one of these units to a 20 with infantry unit and it got it the manpower delivered even though they are exiled so I can actually do that our goal against cm is complete we could just attack but I have a better idea what we're going to do is a rejoin the Japanese faction for a moment because they are inviting us in except now let's see if the Japanese will send some troops off the islands now that we are defending them the world goal is valid for two months so we don't have to worry too much quit India movement a problem for the British but not for me it doesn't seem like they want to leave alright I guess that is enough we have received all the supplies we could receive and as declare war on CM to do that I'm going to leave the Japanese faction leave faction and immediately I'm going to attack CM I'm also going to halt all my troops so they don't try returning home on pause and keep halting them oh no actually the organization went to zero so the exercise was pointless that's on fortunate I was mistaken I thought they would keep 20% organization when I did that we have attacked in Japan with order 66 we do have some troops in their territory they are well-equipped but not supplied at all and we have captured just one port it seems which is not great we'll have to manage us somehow right let's do some manual management so that we can capture and that territory is here let's make sure to connect our lands as best we can they don't have a lot of troops but their troops are better than our troops this is going to involve a lot of manual management if we want to have any hope of success here Oh women Tokyo is mine really well that is surprising yeah it brings them pretty close to capitulation but taking the remaining process is going to be much more and difficult you try and attack Osaka you try and move towards Hiroshima and the entirety of these guys will have to converge on Nagasaki lots of manual commands were given and the Japanese are probably going to overrun most of our troops but we will still be able to do some stuff and as we have captured a lot of civil in factories even though they haven't registered yet I'm actually going to build a lot of ports because we need supply so it would be good to do plans and all that but let's first make the initial moves let's see how well we can do probably not very well our troops are very small units and quite weak but who knows maybe it will work out and after the initial moves are complete after we capture some of the territories that our capture a ball here we're going to form front lines and we're being invited into the eyes yes please perhaps we'll get some land Lee's or maybe some American troops even that would be quite helpful indeed it's important to remember that our troops are extremely weak I could theoretically increase their manpower drastically but it's not likely to make much of a difference in this situation we'll just try it as is it seems like the Japanese do have the upper hand but once I establish control of an air with a port we might be in a pretty good position legions are very small will get stacking penalties and all that but if we can connect the Northern Territories for example and then surround Kanto we will be alright or if I can take Oshima and Nagasaki or maybe Osaka will win if we can take those victory points and that will be our victory I think as the named victory points might indicate actually if we take this problems these guys will be without supply and I'll just die I do have this port so these guys are without supply which means they're as good as dead that was my naval base construction slow you advance towards Hiroshima maybe they left earth undefended who knows they probably didn't do it it's sometimes good to try these things come on and we have connected perfect if I hold Tokyo and I'm about to take Nagasaki will that be enough to make them capitulate I don't think so I need Osaka or Hiroshima as well I think and this means I can actually start using frontlines here alright man how's the mainland part of the army quite well actually I think I'm going to use infinite Chinese manpower and everything now we are getting lend-lease from the Allies after all come on infinite Chinese manpower this is not looking too good at down south but if I can secure this region quickly just try and force that shall we then I can resign all these troops down south and have them push towards hiroshima and Osaka and hopefully eventually they will succeed yeah I probably should have done the infinite Chinese manpower thing much earlier was my participation 32 I have the most participation cool we have taken Hiroshima we have taken Nagasaki and we have taken Osaka but they retook Tokyo which is enough to keep them afloat but my troops are about to march into Tokyo if it's not defended we should win is this enough to make them capitulate it is indeed enough to make them capitulate so we're about to get a peace conference with the Japan if we hold all of these until midnight we win and that we're well well well well ah crap how did this happen damn that midnight cutoff point and not immediate success goddamnit how did I lose Tokyo alright alright not all is lost we can still make it happen of Kia does not concern me at all we have the most no we don't have the most United Kingdom have more Morse code than I do no matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter as the Allies we can't change government but of course we're fascists so we could change Japan to fascism I could use this just like shadow puppet thing so that the British wouldn't be able to do it to them and I would get all the territory unless the Americans want to steal some okay what we're gonna do is take all states then untaken super cheap like the islands here to the islands I'll take all these states I do have all the wars course won't be able to take quite a lot anyway all these Chinese provinces are very valuable to me because of the manpower that they provide on the other hand the Japanese provinces are very valuable to me because of the factories that they provide oh wait a minute I almost gave stuff to Britain wait a minute it shows Japan is my subject but I did select to change government so aren't it gonna be my puppet or not I'm not going to risk them not being my puppet so I'm just gonna take stuff myself but perhaps I could have just fetid them okay and turn I just accidentally gave this to Japan well enough least oh no is my puppet on not after this I accidentally did this because I forgot to deselect them and let's pass a couple of times so I can take the rest of Japan now oh no this is a pretty good outcome for us I wonder what will happen to Japan if they are my puppet or not if they are I can still use this to steal their manpower but compared to Chinese man power that's nothing okay and turn done show me Japan is Japan my puppet or is it not Japan is not my puppet okay so it's good that we didn't give them stuff okay perfect we now have 178 factories quite a bit of manpower but we'll have more very soon and what else well now we can get involved in some other Wars I stand strong also we are in the eyes we might get thrown out anyway Japan's mine well we're still at war just with CM but cm is not a great power it became Wow that's not gonna last long is it okay let's just get these guys to see em maybe we'll get some more war score and some more territory there's a little bit of a problem or rather dough will be probably see we have created quite a bit of world attention a bit too much essentially the Allies aren't going to throw us out or the faction very likely so don't there are a few things we can do here but I think I will try all the 66 in the Allies just because the United Kingdom is likely to declare war on me at some point because I'm Iceland and they do that so I have started preparing lots and lots of units that I will send over to all the hide countries the most difficult ones to get will be the United States and the United Kingdom because you know I have to cross an ocean together so what we're gonna do is just send all of these guys here to the United States while we still can the second thing we're going to do is deploy a lot of Units both in China and in Iceland and start sending them off to other countries while we still can it is theoretically possible they will not throw me out but I wouldn't count on that we're still in the same war against CM so theoretically we shouldn't be thrown out but the ayah keeps changing so it's not a given so we might have time until the working CM is over but we might also not and here it is the United Kingdom s throwing us out of the faction it is a problem but it is not at the end of the world we can still make this happen how would we make this happen well we are no longer a member of the Alliance but we are in the same war as all of them against Sam so what we can actually do is go to diplomacy and ask them for military access and docking rights first docking writer though I'm not entirely sure if you need a docking rights to land troops in their territory but we're going to do so just to be safe and that goes for everyone here they're all right they're all asked for docking rights now and well I don't need docking rights from everybody I asked everybody just to make sure I did not forget anything there is a cool demo non-diplomatic actions so we have to wait a moment and then ask for military access we have a common enemy so they will all accept hold if I improved relations with the British previously will they keep me in the faction well it's too late for that now anyway everyone has been asked for military access that's quite a lot of messages to accept unfortunately we do not have enough convoys to start transporting our troops yet so this might get a bit tricky depending on when the British you decide to attack me because they're very likely to attack me I'm going to start a non-aggression pact with the British not sure maybe that will help its might and offer the military access because if they have troops in my territory they're asking for it sure I'll accept if they have troops in my territory they shouldn't be able to attack me and I'll improve relations can I send them lend-lease would this change anything I don't think so but I want to try it now if land leasing affects this it doesn't matter what I send so I'm going to send them one support equipment per month now I don't think all of this will prevent them from attacking me but why not try it because we need all the time we can get to prepare our attack or rather our counter-attack we can deploy some troops good deploy all the troops we can and construct more units now we have deployed an equivalent of three armies over in Iceland one of these armies is going to stay home just in case of an invasion and two of them are going to Britain we can no longer use the garrison orders because we're not in this infection but I can do this manually it's more work but it was just as well if my plan to delay that the British attack is successful we'll have more time than we need if it isn't well then we'll have to join the axis and destroy them together I guess anyway for now you guys travel to San Francisco once you have the convoys having troops in the United States and United Kingdom should theoretically be enough to end the war maybe that becomes necessary but I will also stationed troops in other places I'll take the non-aggression pacts except for Japan because we might have a use for that british raj has cancelled the lend-lease and i can't take anything from sam because i not have any more score we're being invited to the access we're not going to accept at least not yet this is almost a sure way to make at the British attack me I think they will do it anyway and but I'm hoping I can station my troops in their territory before that happens I wonder if they'll end these trick will work you guys are on route to Britain good creating some armies for easier management let's get one of them to the Dutch East Indies one of them to British Malaya you take care of the Philippines you go to New Zealand this will involve huge amounts of manual management unfortunately but there's not much I can do about that if I want to succeed all right you guys South Africa the first of our troops have arrived in Glasgow wonderful now I'm going to switch them to the Chinese wants to free up some manpower I mean actually I could have switched them immediately I should do the same to the ones here I needed to train them as not corneal template so that they will deploy closer to Britain all right I have everything set up took me a long time to do this essentially I have sent troops to all the countries we're going to be invading and I have given them orders for example this army here is covering this part of the United States and all of them are going to ports and they have a garrison order so once we start being at war they will distribute themselves from the ports to all the other bits similarly this Army's handling this bit of the United States and this army is handling and this part they're going to the port and then using Carson orders to conquer all the rest this will all be executed automatically once we get into the war this army handles Canada and Alaska one should be sufficient and this army handles Mexico that was just the first army group here we have Dutch East Indies British Malaya bits of that - Dutch East Indies and bits of Australia main Australia Philippines New Zealand South Africa British Raj these guys are defending my Japanese assets north of the British Isles middle of the British Isles south of the British Isles these armies are just sent around the countries here to make some confusion around the area and you guys are defending my home from naval invasions and the final army was given just frontline orders around China oh and these guys will protect marshals from Allied interference I have given all these orders once the are distributed we are pretty much ready to kill off all the Allies anyway what I could do is join the axis and send another army group to invade the Soviet Union and thus get a little bit of war score so why not do just that let's deploy more units and yes I know I could use theatres I don't like doing it interesting Poland is canceling our non-aggression pact and so is Greece lots of troops in Britain they won't stand a chance of course there are very small units I will change them to big ones or later time to start working on the reorganized nationalist China's independence we are going to start lend-lease to the ma just send them convoys because now we have a lot I'd check their independence it's at 800 I'm going to send them almost all of our convoys ok let's do that we can produce more we are producing more advanced moves government to battalion not really my problem at least not yet and all those convoys I'm sending them are going to drop their independence to zero and I'll be able to just annex them Oh seems like we've centered Allu let's have a look yes we can now annex reorganize - nice China but that would be a waste of an opportunity what we're going to do is first give them back all this territory so occupied territories reorganize nationalist China return territory here we go it's yours now great now how much manpower do you have with all that territory 4 million just 4 million not too much we're going to steal that of course how are we going to steal that well let's just deploy everyone here we have a thousand units army here just for this purpose we're going to create a colonial templates from reorganized nationalist China it doesn't really matter what the template is it just needs to be in big the right infantry template 6 let's take that one this is a reorganized nationalist China template so it's going to drain their manpower let's go to template 6 yeah right and have a look at their manpower which one pause for a moment for this to take effect zero all their manpower was put in these units here so what are we going to do now well of course we are going to annex them I'll take a moment we have annexed them and I got all my convoys back see so giving convoys to subjects to the next dome is a good deal alright so now I'm going to switch these guys back to the Chinese Empire template this one and I'm getting all that manpower back in my manpower poll but that's not all we're gonna do the same thing to these guys however they are more independent so we'll need to give them more stuff oh the United Kingdom is canceling our non-aggression pact this could prove problematic they could attack me at any moment I'm still sending the monthlies but they could attack me at any moment good news is my troops are all in position ready to kill them so what we're going to do now is switch them all to a different unit template template for yet 20 with regular infantry that will work great let's select all these ian is all the ones I've sent around the world to conquer our enemies or rather to lie in wait waiting for our enemies the strike at us we're going to switch them to infantry template 4 which is 20 with infantry we don't have the equipment but we will the right and same goes to these guys Chinese Empire are you out of manpower yet no you're not we still have some good so all of these guys will not have a lot of equipment which can be a bit of a problem but they will have a lot of manpower and they should be able to handle the unsuspecting are as if Britain attacks me they have canceled the non-aggression pact after all so it is possible that they will but I am still sending them land late so I think that might be preventing them from declaring war and me also my guys have military access in all the countries they have stationed in and I have lots of convoys to supply them so shouldn't really have too much attrition especially since most of them are stationed in ports or of course we need a million guns to equip them which can be a bit of an issue but I'm working on it Turkish Empire John D axis nice it would be a good moment to join the axis but I would like to settle my things in China first delivery efficiency at 0% why would that be why can't I send them stuff why is the land lease not working something's wrong here let's redo the whole land lease Chinese Empire has insufficient convoys so I can send them convoys because they don't have convoys is that it you know just have to build stuff there that is annoying as hell i can't move stuff from here to here I have the convoys I'm bloody hell I suppose I could give them back their territory then they should be able to receive all this bull lend-lease well that will also lower my production potential yeah whatever sure I'll do it occupied territories Chinese Empire a return territory there you go seven million cool plus all the manpower that's in our units will have like 20 million total so how about that lend-lease now you have to build your own convoys for this to work they even give them any dockyards I don't know let's build them some jobs just so they can get convoys so that I can send them stuff for free why they are not one of convoy has been delivered wonderful now this one convoy oh this is exciting this one convoy cannon now take all the other convoys and ferry them to China how weird is that anyway we'll be able to lower their autonomy shortly just to let you know in my test game because I usually test these strategies at least partially Britain attacked me in a very similar situation however I was not sending them a Lindley's at the time so my conclusion is if you don't want someone to attack you just send them lend-lease it might work oh and we have researched nuclear weapons wonderful I've been also working on planes also I'm going to start building nuclear reactors in Japan one more delivery and they're mine and now we can next the Chinese Empire but first let's make sure we steal all that manpower they have 4.2 million we are not currently using fortunately I have troops that can use that there you go it should drain instantly oh and there it is a zero manpower good now I can annex them and next in China again okay that does it for China I think it might be time to join the axis let's declare war on the Soviet Union thirty days I guess that works I can wait for 30 days one army is ready to invade from Mongolia and four armies are waiting to be transferred to Germany our goal against the Soviet Union is complete let's attack and I will join the excessive they'll help me declare war conqueror don't call Yama is because I don't have any eyes and you guys invade all so let's get some more commanders I can afford a couple now we're at war with the Soviet Union Mongolia is not likely to want to join so let's justify war on them as well and the axis is inviting me in yes gladly we have joined the axis now there's a good chance we'll get a title by Britain now unless my lend-lease trick still works now let us send some troops over to Germany from where they will assist in their attack of the Soviet Union and earn some war participation for us it's interesting by and by the way Chinese portraits but Icelandic names Freyr August Sun cool and after the Soviet Union is done for we can turn against the Allies a lend-lease from the Germans yes please 15,000 guns a month that will prove useful as you can see the game has slowed down significantly unfortunately that's what happens late in the game unfortunately the Soviet Union is about to capitulate and I have no more score yet this is a bit of a problem now well maybe a little east get Mongolia and here's my justification declare war yeah so it is about to capitulate and I will get nothing that's a pity well not nothing I have 1% which means Germany will take almost everything and I might snag Mongolia or something like that I definitely should have joined this war earlier 2% more than I expected and that's the end of the Soviet Union yeah we didn't get anything did we no it's not the end end there's still a little bit here oh well at least I got my little bits here it's better than nothing but again I should have joined this war when it became apparent the United Kingdom is not going to attack me you Mongol Empire cool and lots of British troops stuck in German territory if the British don't attack me I'll just attack Japan and then all the eyes will join and be eliminated the British Parliament debates intervention in Scandinavia well there is going to be some intervention in the British Parliament soonish I've decided to wait a bit with my attack because I wanted to have a better amount of guns for my people the situation is as follows I have assigned more units to the United States and Canada just to make sure we take them out quickly and I've also trained a thousand more cavalry units if I'm about to send to the United States all the while we are producing and guns now I would need to keep producing them for two more years to have enough for everyone but we can have almost enough for everyone and that'll be good too the beauty of 1000 cavalry battalions travelling to invade my 1000 horses just arrived in the United States time to distribute them this is going to take me a very long time I have never seen others behave like this before I might have too many units in this army maybe I definitely think the United States have too many provinces I am currently in the process of distributing 1,000 cavalry units all around the United States doing it manually is a hell of a lot of work look how i torture myself for you guys this has all been done manually we're going to take out the United States this way the places that have their troops will still be defended my troops can't beat their troops but we can surround them and cut them off from supply and then who knows we should at least have enough time to secure the ports and have a full-scale assault all right let's not delay any more because we will run out of the game time I'm just going to justify we'll go on Japan they have three bits that's fine this is all category but I'm going to go one up on this and switch them all to infantry on pause for a moment and that the manpower get in and we're about to have our war goal on Japan and ocean spain joins axes cool that's gonna be helpful I think follow of Gibraltar yeah because Spain joined yes argit efficient armed is already we could attack now but I'll wait for you know the manpower to pour into these units at least partially current fighting strength 4% you know this might have been a mistake let's use a different template maybe yeah the beanie on division seems like a better choice let's do that instead and what else well the war goal is valid for two months so we can wait a little bit for the manpower to be distributed at least partially I think we are pretty much already our guys have received their manpower and of course they don't have the equipment but manpower actually makes them much more resilient to enemy attacks so the plan is these guys will essentially hold the US units in place while I should be able to destroy them from this side will that work I don't know let's see shall we declare war on Japan now all the allies should start joining this war and I'm prepared for you know a fight with all of them more or less I could use more generals United Kingdom is pretty much taken care about the United States or the problematic one yes please I would love some lend-lease and United Kingdom has been called in alright the other 66 only United Kingdom should work perfectly yes and so what it does and the guys already have garrison all this so I don't even need to do anything manually they will destroy the Brits on their own France has been called in and the United States alright this is important and it takes a while to process let's have a closer look at the United States okay most of the territory is actually mine good so now we need to transition to frontline orders how do we do that I suppose I'll just take all these guys and cancel their garrison order select all the units from this army closest to a pocket of resistance and give them a frontline order and repeat that since the Somme a stupid they will not be getting the command bonuses but we should be fine even without that we have also captured quite a lot of factories this is looking alright I've set up front lines around everything pretty much now this is of course not perfect and many of them will die but I ready for such a sacrifice activate orders I'm curious to see how this works out it might not work out at all we don't really have ports but we have military access through Canada so we're actually getting supplies through Canada mmm until they join the war I'm also going to build some ports let's go and see if this actually works the problem is that my troops are much weaker than the American troops but if I can isolate the American troops and perhaps destroy some of them I should be able to establish a firm foothold in the area and before they can strike and back they we're already closing some of the gaps granted some of them might not even have troops in them it's a possibility and just painted the front lines everywhere but once a gap closes the troops will be redirected to a different one although the United Kingdom is very close to capitulation United States are very far from it let's check on the United Kingdom oh did I take London I do not expect to take mountain so quickly I actually wanted to do some more fighting in here but you know what you guys do your thing if you win great doing all right in San Francisco not so good in Los Angeles poorly in San Diego acceptable in Portland I hope the Germans will come I'll and some troops here and destroy the Americans United Kingdom will be capitulating very soon well I was hoping to actually get a lot of wars go from there but it doesn't really help here you go so they capitulate it doesn't really matter that much because we'll still get a lot from just fighting the United States in all these pockets the game is barely running so much is happening they are calling everyone in but so I'm set up quite well in here also we'll have German help what did we actually take out some pockets possibly Vanessa will adjoined the axis or South America is getting involved I really could use some German presence in here it's likely that the Americans will strike back from here so it's important for us to secure a lot of their territory before they can actually consolidate usually on capitulates that's fine Australia cap choice and we're working on our first nukes are we doing on the victory points against the United States not so great Seattle is ours time to proceed to Vancouver this looks like I have them in my pocket but all these bits that actually have the Americans in them are very well fortified and difficult to take Canada capitulates finally let's see is there a lot of land to mop up no not really this is actually looking better than I expected as you can see a swarm of millions of Chinese men even without guns can do quite a lot let's check on the age I haven't done that in a while oh this is not looking great actually pushing us back this is not such a big deal because we have Germans on our side and eventually we will prevail but I was hoping it would to be better up here no matter defeating the United States is our main concern right now the rest will fall into place British Malaya capitulate I haven't checked in South Africa yet nope all our guys there died how about Australia we took Australia and we took New Zealand good Malaya and the like are fine looking good although the US has a tremendous military might adjust in these a few provinces it will be very difficult to get them out of here but if we control everything else we can just concentrate our attacks and eventually we will succeed that's the theory oh and we did take all the part of land next to the Portland good Vichy France is attacking India from the south which is something and of course we hold Britain how about Ireland not so good in Ireland almost everything is ours almost I could actually use some nukes right about now we only have three nuclear reactors a union capitalism good Vietnam and who else United Mexican states and that's actually cool we won't be able to free up a lot of troops to fight the United States we seem to have reached a bit of a stalemate here mum Chu capitulated and I really could use some German troops down here our progress has stagnated we can't really conquer anything from the United States right now look a virtuous man Jing Ming young man chuckles actually let's check on Asia in the meantime who a republic is standing strong but Manchu is taken care of so is mine kuku we might actually want to give the Germans a little bit of territory in the Americas maybe they will land at our troops if we do that can I guess you can take these three come on bring your troops not doing so well up north come on Germans I could use your help really yeah it's quite a struggle isn't it really should have worked on these nukes a bit earlier but we're working on them now come Bulger capitulates brings me closer to victory of course yeah they are actually pushing back iron day I need to get new king and Su british raj finally capitulate oh please just island and united states and japan surprisingly i will do a tactical nuke just drop one in the province we're currently attacking which should destroy their troops or at least make them much easier to defeat iodine finally capitulate whatever give them some more territory you can have florida and the one next to it maybe that will be enough to motivate you to actually do something in case the united states now we get a nuclear month but we're working on getting more i really hope you guys will be moving to the new world soon oh I have another idea I'm going to grant a little bit of territory to each or the other Axis powers and perhaps they will bring some troops here as well for example Italy you can have a bit here Spain you can have another bit well as we have here Romania how would you like to come to the new world with me Hungary and Vichy France please come and help me I have exhausted my military capabilities oh here come the Germans good buddy how I'm losing all the territory I spent so much time and getting yeah I really need some help here or that they will push back completely maybe if I just keep looking all their victory points don't surrender eventually did all my work here go to waste I hope not but then again no actually it seems like all the other Axis powers are coming finally so hopefully we can push them back again let's nuke Washington why not boom ah comes your war support seems like they eliminated most of my forces here but almost all of them in that case no wonder they were pushing back unfortunately I will have to rely on the axis no Germany why couldn't you do that like a year ago hopefully now we can destroy them Germany has finally come to help and so has Spain and I think I can see France and Italy - ok I'll just give it some time and victory should be ours alright let's nuke in innopolis the nukes don't really do anything do they nukes one of the most disappointing things in this game alright let's use them tactically see what the Germans are attacking like the Germans know the Spanish actually are attacking Toronto cool let's assist them with a nuke see instant help one two three four that should do it come on boom nukes suck nukes aren't just pathetic they do almost nothing you need like a hundred to move the frontline so I think I might install some mods that buff nukes so they actually have a purpose in the game let's just drop one on Washington and watch there's what twelve units here kind of well equipped well what it did is reduced their strength by more or less half that's not what should have happened what should have happened is that there should be a big hole where Washington needs to be okay we have nuked Washington and finally finally the peace conference has happened we have the most war score of everyone involved so let's make this work in our favor shall we alright and that's the end of the peace conference let's see how much we got liberation of Paris yay Germany took 50 states we took 86 and we've also probably some people free American Empire my puppet and the British although Britain didn't get all of its stuff right 1 million one part is something let's see how much manpower the Americans have left oh we've looked you so much 18 million Manoir can you imagine that my manpower situation is rather pathetic perhaps I should annex these two to make up for that let's send them alone please some convoys to the United States and some convoys to the British Empire ok I think it's time to annex the Americans now yeah right there all the National Guard units let's unpause and all of the manpower is in our troops now I can index the United States okay it has been annexed so there you have it it's 1948 so I really don't feel like playing the game anymore we could try and order 66 Germany and Italy and France and Spain and Hungary and Romania while declaring war on Croatia I won't talk in Greece as well it could theoretically work yes but I don't think we have enough time and I'm very tired of this playthrough it took me weeks to complete so I think it's enough that we have taken North America and Greenland and bits of Britain part of Africa most of India China and a lot of areas around it Philippines Australia Japan bits of Russia and New Zealand as Iceland so we're going to end the video here I really do hope you enjoyed it it was a lot of work anyway if the video gets enough likes I will do in 1939 Luxembourg and then I can finally be back to some nice and pleasant games like Poland so let me know in the comments how you all liked it we started with 1000 man power and zero factories and here we are okay that's it for the day I think you're watching and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 1,005,186
Rating: 4.9421163 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 iceland, hearts of iron 4 iceland, hoi4 annex usa, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, four, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 iceland world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 iceland challenge, of, hearts of iron 4 ironman iceland, hearts, hoi4 iceland empire, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 iceland challenge, annex germany, hearts of iron 4, funny moments
Id: LvrT2HkQyic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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