Italy On Road to 56 on HOI4 is Still A Glorious Frustrating Mess (Fun Though)

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okay so I can increase the wheat production that's quite appealing the various embargoes make our dependence on imported food even more complicated oh it's just like when Rome was dependent on the grain shipments from Egypt nothing's changed and that was 2,000 years ago oh boy what's going on with me today I am in a bit of a weird mood aren't I in the Navy we can sail the seven seas what's going on everyone oh whoops what's going on everyone it's me your RAAM famish Mundi Puglia I don't know why I'm saying that now it's it's I think that's got into my head my girlfriend's got into my head and today we're back on hearts of iron for now just before we begin I'm going to be doing a new segment it's Alex the Rambler on the road to diabetes today we're doing a review of a strawberry and passion fruit scone oh I've already taken a bite but I'll get I'll take another one okay scones in Canada are a lot sweeter than they are in the UK it's got like a nice sugary glaze on top got some nice strawberries in there don't know it does not hold off passion fruit flavor coming through though but quite pleasant to have with a cup of tea now if you're wondering wow this is a lot of house of iron content yeah it is I'm really enjoying playing through various focus trees at the moment on various mods and today we're gonna be playing through the Italian focus tree for road 56 I don't think I've ever done this or if I have sugar I haven't done it for a very long time look at that fella he's very confident I can tell also for more hoy comment like and subscribe I have a dream perfect that we could one day reach 400,000 subscribers we're 50,000 away so get making those duplicate accounts everyone no don't do that here we have we have a lack of powered motors our a bloated military bureaucracy great and excessive regia merrily near a budget we could revive the stress a front we've got the millet the Rome protocols and we've got cooperation with Germany which I don't know that we're gonna do so we're gonna hop on in I haven't played the base game Italy for a long long time because it's its focus Tory sucks nowadays it really really sucks compared to the likes of Germany or the UK or even France its Italy has just been left behind but we're gonna see if this to me it's new I don't know if it is a new focus tree or not but to me it's new we're gonna see how we get on as Italy also it turns out I'm playing as Italy in a lot of different mods oh well let's see let's see how if you enjoy this no let's restructure the division okay so this is the Italian focus tree we can do various bitter D Papa T's and I really like all of the new kind of portraits that they make for road 56 it's been a long time since I've played road 56 and I am very pleased with how it's looking so we can restructure our divisions now we have we could leave the League of Nations or royal intervention increase the wheat production Oh hmm wait that's the most interesting focus of all time that monthly population factors pretty good Wow but anyway first things first I'm gonna research flamethrowers yes I like flamethrowers yes please wow that's a nice new addition in it army focus organization +5 that would be nice too but first let's get Italy industrialized I'm not sure how far we'll go with this scenario but it will be fun none the less in it brav could you imagine if I spoke like that first things first we also need to conquer Ethiopia sorry Ethiopia but it has to be done we only really need our starting army for this I don't really need to worry too much about Ethiopia and then I'm probably going to restructure our divisions infantry divisions we change from a tripartite Constitution to a bipartite composition allowing them to be more manageable more Bell never more adaptable okay I believe my track record is playing as the base Italy hasn't really gone well previously but I'm sure I'm sure this will go better today right just got a battle plan I don't really need to farm too much XP oh we've got some chunky tanki's I imagine these tank divisions are actually absolute trash oh man the generals of Italy suck well I long for the days of Rome I don't believe I have historical focuses on so I have no idea what the various AIS are going to be up to for now I'm just gonna save my peepee I could go for a balanced approach damage to Garrison's no no no no and then once we've done expand the ir's ro founded with the aim of saving restructuring and financing the banks and companies that went bankrupt during the Great Depression the latter found herself in possession of many Italian banks i love.i Tilly I told him well okay I think this sugars going to my head I might save a little bit for the girlfriend so she can have a bite now one thing you want to do is always put tanks to attack in mountains that's a joke by the way don't do that happy oh we're slowly crushing Ethiopia I mean what else did you expect I'm not that terrible of a player if for some reason you find yourself unable to be Ethiopia as Italy you should take a hard long look and redo the tutorial just call States oh my god scary it's stuck in my throat alright we undo royal intervention the fascist regime cannot be trusted to lead Italy towards glory the setbacks experienced in the early stages are thoughtful with Ethiopia was a clear sign at the fascist party in a libel alerted in Italy to lead and we need to ask the fascists in place the country under control of our great king and who is that King ubi Busse Victor Emmanuel soldier king I will join the anti comer turn pact oh okay Italy declared Slovenia do you have a natural okay so I have some of my military a lot of my military have I think all of my decent generals have gone oh Giovanni has stuck around thanks Giovanni oh and we'd have some divisions spawn the loyalist brigades I'm if I was smarter I've I probably should have stuck more divisions or increase the popularity of my party I luckily have kept control of a lot of the Navy in the Navy we can sail the seven seas what about the air force have any stuck around some some it's looking like it's even Stevens I'm really really hoping that we have the ability to hold here this is a very early war for me to be doing okay in the Army's corruption policy of favoritism towards party members have given us a loyal army but the same time has found itself corrupted well who would have thunk that would happen probably need to restructure my production because I've lost the industrial base of northern Italy this is bad I have two military factories oh dear I'm running out of oil very quickly yeah northern Italy was the place to keep some of the divisions are unequipped and if I keep my Navy out they're not going to be able to attack me too much my Air Force does have aerial superiority in fact they're not actually doing anything really so if I try to push let's see how this would go actually you know what no no no no no no no I'm gonna wait I have a plan a cunning plan you'll see I might get a chief of army first though because I need to crush the Italian I need to I need to crush Mussolini if I can't crush miscellany what is the point of this game hey I'm just waiting until Messi is here in six days come on there we go so I'm just gonna take it back tile by tile I want below gonna and also yes I know I'm pronouncing things incorrectly it's meant to be for comedic effect but I know it triggers a lot of you so that makes me do it even more I love triggering people it brings me great joy to know that I frustrate a lot of you chaotic chaotic neutral I think is what I would be in DMD actually let's try and seize Venice while we can we took it we've taken Venice that will certainly help in terms of military factory is kind of have to try and take back Genoa next looking like I can push across the whole front I was not expecting that I thought he would have a bit more oh we get extra ten dispenser tip service Abed spend extra 10% spinner busy let's remove the bloated military that's what kind of yes let's get rid of that so the Italian social Republic is pretty doomed Victor Emmanuel is coming for you what you gonna do a miscellany an each tile we take will just increase my military factories yes go on son oh-ho-ho they're encircled oh yes you'll all die for betraying me send in the pathetic tank divisions I've got them right where I want them they are act quite a number of casualties holy moly oh wow okay now mouths on mouths going for it all right now the Slovakian czar holding better than the Cellini Wow all I could study the Spanish Civil War sure I'm always up for a little bit of light reading or observation oh my I think if Franco is doomed I completely forgot about mechanical engineering oh what a wall-e okay Slovenia I will just take all states and then Mussolini's days are numbered goon okay I'm just gonna wait for my stuff to replenish a little bit Wow huh is it worth waiting no full thrusting thrust forward legions of Italy hey we did it miscellaneous gone we're now the Kingdom of Italy nice car go to war economy though exam no longer ah and my stability is already 100% Wow alright so we're in a pretty good state now yeah that's a point Messi Giovanni Messi was the commander of a motorized division during the war in Abyssinia which earned him the rank of brigadier-general the latter is very useful to fast a bit yet there we go this India camp I was doing all of that without radios huh be tempted to attack Yugoslavia now except the French Empire just gonna assemble oh should I add a legal status to women No yeah let's get a radio the French Empire is kind of scaring me yes let's we've done the stab in the back so we get Victoria Matilda which grants and justified Wallace for me despite all the blood spilled by our brave soldiers during the Great War the victorious Nations gave us little compensation of depriving us of land populated by our Italian oh no the nationalist is striking back look at that nice good for them I guess actually I don't know who I want to win okay so I can increase the wheat production that's quite appealing fur if he was we'd the various embargoes make our dependence on imported food you were more complicated oh it's just like when Rome was dependent on the grain shipments from Egypt nothing's changed and that was 2,000 years ago oh boy what's going on with me today I am in a bit of a weird mood aren't I yeah let's let's give an ultimatum to Albania please just just submit Zog don't embarrass yourself by trying to have independence are you guaranteed oh I'm guarantee if only I could get France to remove their guarantee just want a bit of Yugoslavia could try and attack the French Empire what the Continental System are for pity's sake look listen here Napoleon who do you think you are that's I'm gonna okay alright I'm gonna I'm gonna mm yeah I'm definitely gonna wait until Germany decides to go after Poland or you are gonna do that right you better oh is the Sabbath at pact yeah that's formed as well okay well I've got to get my own faction going then overnight who wants to join me Romania you in come on mate come on somebody oh we get like one factory but we're a bit more green I could do cooperation with Germany or I'm gonna militarize the Rome protocols do I want to do that yeah I don't know if I want to do that yeah you know I should probably really focus on oh yes nationalize the banking sector absolutely tivoli doodlee oh the sugars wearing off getting kind of sleepy now Oh Don the French Empire declared oh wow now might be the mm would now be a good time to strike against the French their war support is 7% I mean if these fellows can hold oh never mind that's gonna save those if they could hold I would try and help him but we must return to a balanced budget you know what let's Bennett rise their own protocols see if they want to join now that Austria is no more a lightning strike against France would go very well for me I think now they're still that they're still technically distracted who are they actually the Belgian Congo Dutch East Indies yeah I can't really let Napoleon the forth get one up on Victor Emmanuel somehow Belgium oh alright maybe I won't have a quick kerfuffle Oh there chunker what the heck has happened here the director of Ukraine oh my god ridden in my own faction feeling a bit lonely at the moment did Hungary say yes they did they join yay their own protocols listen vite Bulgaria and maybe our Latin brothers of Romania - yeah well invite Bulgaria yeah I just want to expand my the Rome protocols to as many nations as possible oh what a fricking idiot oh my god I have to do this focus now Yugoslavia is a horror yeah go so we'll have Bulgaria and Hungary joining us to try and attack Yugoslavia I'm gonna have most of my army just go on in and just try and take out France I'm gonna lose North Africa let's find any money anyway I'm not really ready for this kind of war but I'm gonna just do it I don't think I'll get another opportunity like this to take down the French Empire although are they beating Germany oh schizer I'll have to get my navy all it and a boot I do have quite a large Navy and it's gonna cost me all of my fuel I imagine in fact yeah I'm gonna run our fuel very quickly unless I ask call a man yeah give any fuel yeah that's know what oh this is a complete Beck Beck my life come on Romania fall we had a deal why does everyone want to join France I mean I can see why because Germany is getting freakin screwed Soviets 107 volunteers absitively I'm gonna call my allies in I think I'll need to but is it just France that needs to capitulate it's just France okay so we'll lose that territory that's fine this is a really reckless war that I shouldn't have done like III don't know I I have to be rooting for Germany at this point don't I otherwise I'm dead and I will have messed up this video entirely this would be a complete Rambla fail oh my god Lee do whoa whoa oh no oh that's the ID I lost Albania that was a that was a bad move although I'm switching all of my army over to here technically so it's okay at the moment I guess I really didn't want that to her is a mistake Mamma Mia mistake of the maker Oh Poland has artillery divisions and we've encircled the French they've abandoned their frontline which is great for me I'm just gonna seize that opportunity and try and get to Paris I'm just trying to sneak around two breasts as well I don't know what's happened to their army but I will seize that opportunity oh what a gift Wow we can bring down the entire Continental System we can just take down the French oK we've been isolating a few more French divisions I will have to go and protect my border though because you can slavi is there I think I might be able to do this I have no idea what has happened to the French I'm doing it oh you can't even see the date of my apologies boom there you go sorry that's annoying barely have any equipment in my divisions Oh I walked into Paris okay they're only 56 percent tools to capitulate are they Drita Paris Republican victory this victory cannot be allowed to last no well I don't really care at this stage I think I might capitulate the French Empire soon I thought I was gonna fail at this this is uh gone incredibly for me Bulgaria capitulated that's not good but if they can just take down France then we're good so I'm at war the Allies now why I don't get that honestly well I mean like this is good but that shouldn't I shouldn't be I don't think I should be aboard the British oh I have play led peace conferences on by the way so I can actually get a decent peace deal for myself I'm pretty good a puppet France the French Empire now and they're not called them into the new war because I won't be able to cover my entire front line Romania can be puppeted Poland I'm not sure what to do with because I know Germany's going to go after them well their own protocols is looking shonky however I now somehow gonna have to deal with frickin British which is not what I wanted I wanted to chill out for a while but they're not gonna allow me that are they I mean just look how many divisions I'm gonna have to need for my to protect all my pores it's bonkers bonkers why was I even abroad yesterday yeah why I mean they're gonna get crushed now I need at least one more positive than negative okay so I've also got a new mod as well which is emitted like unable to you had to have like peace mid-war come on mate that's annoying okay so maybe I installed the mod incorrectly excuse me the United States ah now I know why I should have left historical focuses on like the fact that they're calling in the United States I just don't get it I just needed like five more days to capitulate France and then none of this would have happened may probably Mexico was what was in the Bolivarian Alliance and their award the Allies Wow okay so I I think that's you know what it's it's frustrating that the mods I'm I'm installing to make my life a little bit more fun it's what's happened here is that iiiii set a peace deal to the UK and for them to white piece and then I switched to the UK and accepted the white piece I did it I cheated basically I cheated to get my own way but I and I feel really bad about it because I think like in 1939 just being a war with the UK and then the United States joining is just really frustrating and I could have the thing is like if I'd have if I'd have if I'd have gone along with it it probably would have taken me about four maybe five hours to to defeat the UK and then the US and I just don't have the time so I know I'm gonna that's probably really annoyed a lot of you and I apologize for that so this is a really unsatisfying end to this video I apologize I will do better next time but hey we had an action-packed episode where I was up to try and take out the French Empire otherwise I think they probably would have eventually defeated the axis that would have been really interesting to see but yes so Victor Emmanuel I do like this branch of the focus tree I just get really frustrated with some of the mechanics in Hawaii I enjoy the game but it's just like come on there was so many wars I think it's just a non historical focus settings so yeah my apologies if I've annoyed you I will do better in the next video as you've seen from my update video I I'm kind of having a bit of a toughest time at the moment so I'm just trying to trying to record as much as I can while also keep my own sanity so let me know what you'd like to see in the comments below and I'll be back very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion dark maximilian foreman wire green fat boston zechariah Mosby Warren Peter Gregory Craven and Dave the Don Lambert Valhalla halls Guzzi dibs yeah boy one back cookie Dalkon ryan jacked Roku Aiden shear jiggly crotch used beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous around supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 228,824
Rating: 4.8968968 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, road to 56, road to 56 hoi4, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, isorrowproductions, spiffing brit, drew durnil, hoi4 mp, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 italy, road to 56 italy, road to 56 italy focus tree, hoi4 funny, hoi4 mods
Id: LtuL8UJN9lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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