Trotsky is useless in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone i am torio and welcome to my newest house of info video today we're going to play as the soviet union and i'm going to show you why trotsky is absolutely useless now now trotsky used to be very good before the changes to spies before the intelligence agencies came to be because trotsky used to give us instant cues now he still can do some stuff but as i'll demonstrate in a moment that's mostly useless now we're not gonna just wait for trotsky to happen that would be too boring we're also going to play just the game as the soviet union and i'm gonna show you one of my favorite openings that still work so let's do a nice casual game as the soviet union and then demonstrate why tarsky no longer makes sense in the context of the game regal difficulty historical focus is almond mode as always start let go also heavy rain has started outside my window you might be hearing it now as the soviet union we start off very very powerful we have 138 divisions which is a lot of huge amounts of factories i think we have the most of any country at the start even germany has less oh no of course i'm forgetting united states but that's because they can't really use them for much anyway first focus starting the constitution to do the opening and some quick wars we'll need the political power research some research some construction and of course the land doctrine of mass assault wouldn't have it any other way build some civilian factories as for military production just give me infantry weapons we don't need any of that fancy stuff naval i just want to finish the ships that are almost done but we're not going to build any more we won't need them we will need convoys yeah that's about right and reduce lots and lots of convoys we don't have a huge amount of dollars that's what we have should be sufficient we start with 138 units let's go to two full army groups so we need 102 additional units let's do cavalry because they are the fastest to train from the templates we have and we're going to be switching them in the field and that's about it let's impose and speed the game up also this video will be edited differently let me know if you like it or not and if you like it why and if you don't like it why changing things around a little bit we start with quite a lot of tanks we don't need that many and we won't be producing tanks to reinforce them so let's switch say five of these to just infantry and the equipment we saved will be used to reinforce the remaining tanks we don't have a motorized unit just one and some mountaineers let's keep the mountain yes since we already have them and the rest of you are gonna switch just regular infantry we'll need to modify the template but that can wait although we don't really have the army experience let's exercise everyone our mountaineers have support companies in our units but we're going to be getting rid of them at least for now they will probably return later felon constitution is complete all ready to start working on our opening now my absolute favorite opening is to rush poland and immediately attack germany right as they're doing the answers so that we can go through germany austria to italy and take them all out in one attack it can be a little bit difficult to pull off sometimes so instead today we're going to do a very tame very relaxed not too aggressive opening we're just going to conquer poland romania and turkey simultaneously how are we going to do that aren't the allies going to object well no they won't because they don't care if we do it right so for this to succeed we'll need to justify wargle on turkey just start c 240 days whichever province doesn't matter romania is guaranteeing turkey so they will come in to defend them normally i'd go for yugoslavia slovak in addition to that or something similar however and they are now guaranteed by france don't really like that change because it complicates things in the balkans even more but i don't need the hassle fighting fronts we could of course manage to do so but then the united kingdom might get involved and we don't need that so we're going to attack turkey and get romania involved romania will defend turkey and be killed in the process in addition to that we're also going to conquer poland any province they are the second one we justify on so from ongoing war justification it's past 50 percent so it's going to take 350 days so far so good right we just found turkey we attacked turkey then we attacked poland well no because if we attack turkey and maybe a next turkey the allies will see the increased world tension we're doing and they will probably guarantee poland so we must attack them simultaneously in order to be able to attack them simultaneously we're going to now cancel the justification on turkey which as a reminder was taking 240 days and started again from scratch and now it takes 345 days poland was 350 and these last for two months so we will be able to declare at the exact same moment now theoretically i could adjust rather than just trying on one province in turkey i could just have earned three simultaneously and that would extend the time and let us attack simultaneously without having to cancel the other justification however have a look at this this i'm not going to justify romania i just want to show you something if i just found one it's nine word tension if i just find three it's 14. so if i justified three on turkey and then one on poland the world tension would have increased much more and the allies would have noticed this way we'll be able to attack turkey romania and poland and kill them all simultaneously we'll go into our next focus that's gonna be positive heroism i do prefer this path because these four focuses are very concentrated goodness research thought three percent recruitable population and ten percent research speed aviation cars and news of his men are pretty much useless in my opinion at least to my play style although i still consider this tree to be superior to this one so positive heroism and keep deploying that cavalry we have almost a year until we attack poland and romania and take mechanical computing all the calories has been deployed let's switch them to strelk division and exercise if you shift click this they will train up until they're fully trained and then just stop so don't waste resources now we're going to be wasting lots of resources anyway we don't have enough guns for all of them but i do like having full army groups it's time to start preparing our field marshals we're going to want to promote rokosov's game because he has the nice trait and we're going to be using rokosovsky and ski we're going to be aggressive offensive and charismatic both of them well when i have the points progress cult 10 percent reset speed we don't really get a lot of political power our stability is pretty bad let's start preparing the armies all the mountaineers are going to be attacking turkey all the tanks are going to be attacking poland where the tanks here you are and the rest is pretty much all the same type of unit we do have a lot of time but we should start setting up all this right now there are going to be some naval invasions involved in this all right this should work out one army here two armies here three armies here and four go with naval invasions that more or less covers it joseph stalin is quite easily angered by turkish posturing enough points to do stuff um i guess i would hire kalin because of the extra stability but he's going to get killed by trotsky anyway so it's pointless uh we don't have any old guard guys of course he killed them all uh so we're gonna go to work on me joseph stone brings revolution to poland too real too sad socialist science endless manpower could use some more military factories but building civilian factories early on is usually the best choice all right i was supposed to keep training them wasn't i sure let's do that we will have quite a lot of time see no extra guarantees on turkey no extra guarantees on poland all these as it should be concentrated industry and some infantry buffs it's time to get our navy in order the ones in ukraine are going to merge into one get diagonal get balanced and you're going to be patrolling the black sea all the other ones are going to leningrad well they're going to merge and get an agmo whichever really i'm not into navy it's gonna take some time we should have done that earlier and i am wasting some fuel but i have a lot of it oh forgot to select the focus extra research thought let's do free trade yes i know it's preposterous if communism allowed free trade it wouldn't be communism but we can do it in the game and it gives nice bonuses the free trade is the best let's plan those naval invasions shall we recover your tanks i need two of them in northern poland non-amphibious tanks might not be the best for naval invasions but it should work cogniev all right make depos for planning your mountaineers are going to turkey alexander you're going to handle romania i'm mixed up nikolai and alexander let's just switch places your guys are going to istanbul that's 10 units total as many as we can afford your research slot is gonna be occupied by construction through socialist realism all right i forgot i was supposed to be doing nkvd we will need a spy agency to show how useless trotsky has become and kvd complete how long do we have until the attack not that long at all let's stop the training make sure the nail invasions are aggressive you are cautious and the rest are cautious are balanced i think balanced is fine all right we were supposed to finish giving tortesque his traits that's better oh almost forgot i have some plays don't i let's focus on romania first and then we'll switch one justification is ready that's turkey and five more days we should get poland there's poland last check if they haven't been guaranteed and they have not we'll just have turkey romania and poland let's declare both wars at the same time while paused is to make sure there is no funny business declare and declare and activate the land orders not the naval invasions not yet i forgot the navy leningrad doesn't have orders now let's rebalance you and make sure you take care of the baltic that's better was started we're unbalanced so we shouldn't lose too many resources or manpower just make sure their troops arrive at the front lines so the naval invasions have a clean landing just a few days and we can activate the naval invasions this should go smoothly because we have naval supremacy both in the black sea and in the baltic alright first ones are landing already now we take the entirety of this army and assign it here so that the others will start transporting as well and we move quickly to secure turkey same for romania they've landed already we take the entire army cancel all their orders assign them here move quickly to secure romania go we've landed in istanbul it's a bit different i want to secure this area first but apart from that we cancel all orders and attack like this we're not attacking there's a huge storm outside my window i mean i do have over voltage protection these are not good recording conditions you run this way have we landed and that's a guess we have okay we have added the densik we do the same for this army and move i've sent all the tanks here we'll need some reinforcements so we're in spain not my problem and let's get some spies localized training centers please oh our guys in turkey don't have a lot of supply but they seem to have enough take more of the coastline if you can connect uh your supply situation will be better okay well coordinated attack going swiftly and for the soviet union these three countries are really no match unfortunately oh my dear beloved poland you focus well there's really nothing we care about anymore i guess i'll do the five-year plan for the extra factories but we can just start spending our political power elsewhere like um our new grouping expert i don't remember if it gets punished by trotsky i don't think so worst case scenario would just lose symbol to go apart and we're going to have a lot of it if we're not doing the purge because these focuses are not great i prefer to just not do them and these are great but you need to do the purge first see flooding turkey and flooding romania poland still defending a little bit but our tanks and infantry are taking care of them spain relocates gold reserves is there a decision like steel spanish gold oh we should probably do warp propaganda no there doesn't seem to be a decision to steal spanish gold unfortunately but we're almost done with romanian teams you guys be a bit more aggressive just rush their current capital where they took bucharest but uh we need to go up into the mountains house poland well yeah the light tanks are doing it chinese united front forms okay now we just wait it's about to be over now normally uh i'd start doing the purge right about now and then attack china if i don't want to be confrontational with the germans for example because then we could easily get rid of the effects of the purge while not really losing much romania has capitulated now it's probably better to take some stuff from them like these four and fossilize the rest because romaine is quite a good puppet but also satellite moldova but if we enact all of them our map will look better we take these for ourselves to block some political stuff then we'll satellite moldova i mean we could select ukraine but we can't really do both i think and we puppet the rest the more puppets you have the more effective you'll be usually did i i'll see yeah i couldn't do both puppets or the rest romania won't have much manpower or many factories left but they have a very aggressive ai and sometimes that's just enough having more data here uh will mean they also do some focuses and get free factories and so on generally having more puppets is usually better as the soviets i could just go to occupy territories and release lots of small nations that's possibly what trotsky would do let's do radio now i can relocate the armies from romania over to poland there's really no need because we're about to destroy poland and if we have too many homies they won't have supply i guess i can send one more to turkey we finish the five-year plan uh with armament effort we can get some extra factories and then there's really not much in the focus street that will interest us also poland should capitulate soon to make everyone balanced no need to lose too much stuff become this biomaster hold on capitulates again having them as a puppet can be useful but germany might want to attack so what we're going to do is we're going to select ukraine and we're going to sunlight doris now we take denzek or dysk as it's called in polish and the germans um if i remember correctly won't be able to do on the focus and we pop it in the rest of poland glorious glorious portugal show me the bodyguard so beautiful so germany let's check where's the identical war focus here it is see poland must own lag and it doesn't oh they can't do [ __ ] glorious puppets chinese united front yes a very good target for the soviet union we can easily get a lot of stuff here even more manpower than we normally have because we're gonna have around 10 million i think but with uh china we could have 30 million i suppose we have to do something while we're waiting for trotsky don't we it's gonna take him a while to appear so let's attack china why not transact china actually let's have a look how's my justification 185 days um yeah i was too hasty i should have only done it after japan attacked because now it's 45 days we did waste some political power but not a lot let's send some troops over there to using kang and over here and sinking some dooji bay san ma and some dusang shi yeah turkey is still standing i should really take care of them shouldn't i and you have these two armies that aren't really doing anything you can help armament effort is complete and at this point we don't really have a good focus to do if we did the purge i would be aligning it with the start of the wall with china then we'd be doing lessons of war shortly and so on but with trotsky this doesn't really make sense because if we do the purge there's no trotsky we could move our industry but we don't have to so we need to do repeating focuses after doing like some useless stuff here or we just don't do anything and use our political power for more pressing concerns my justification on china is complete now i would attack but turkey will join the chinese united front the walker was valid for two months so i guess i'll wait a little bit and try to defeat turkey in the meantime there's a victory point here take it let's make everyone aggressive i want to finish this quickly oh i know what i forgot left all my air was in romania that could make a difference turkey capitulates let's pop up them puppets make your borders look ugly but they're also quite effective so to recap we now have turkey romania moldaya belarus ukraine and poland as puppets and also take some territory will four armies be enough for china i think they have to be enough because otherwise we'll just get killed on supply pick that war but let's see who they call zinkang will probably not accept to go to homs and we might need to attack them separately china yunnan decision sinking that's not gonna save you for long let's call in all our puppets and allies so we can actually attack from one golem territory oh right i said them to aggressive let's just be balanced there's no need to be aggressive mass mobilization when please do i need to land lease no no i don't i guess i can take some okay you have so to supply that if you're not aggressive just not doing anything all right be aggressive then it's not like we're lacking manpower france and britain announce alliance i wonder what the germans will do will they just justify on us or will they go for france first let's get an elusive gentleman um army drill no reformer no maneuver perhaps all right let's take an army maneuver expert haven't used that in a while now the war with china is not the best choice for us right now you're doing it to have something to do while waiting for trotsky to return essentially if you do the purge then you can use the wall with china to get lessons of war so in this scenario when i was finishing the wars in east poland to take in romania i'd start the purge so that you know we're strong in these wars but in china we don't really need to be that strong and we'd use that interesting greece is justifying against turkey really oh yes it is that's surprising oh the allies get involved that's going to ruin plans ah whatever let's see what happens if greece is the attacker they might not want to get involved i should probably set up naval invasions here shouldn't i i should do it justification kang is complete let's declare war and now some stuff is gonna start happening over here i'm actually losing quite a lot of equipment and manpower i'm pretty sure because we're on aggressive but the supply in mongolia is so bad that if i'm not an aggressive they just sit there and do nothing let's get a captain of industry we should have made smaller naval invasions the guy's not going to be ready that's fine we'll have the greeks concentrate their forces here i might need to pull my troops back because the greeks might not want to attack otherwise advanced competing machine and infantry offensive of course let's go to limited conscription now that we need any more manpower but it's nice to have a lot now greece has the war golden day they do against us and turkey probably not using them because we have lots of troops here what if i pull these troops back and these troops back for a moment about now greece are you ready to die they don't seem to be ready to die strange is that because of my navy just send it back to the black sea about now no why'd you justify it then are you guys doing in china not so great actually it's not a german volunteer yes it is all right i guess now we sit back and wait for trotsky sinclair and getting destroyed no the war in china is a long one and you know if we properly supply that rules maybe build some infrastructure and so on it would be nicer but uh we don't really care that much we're just waiting for trotsky munich agreement and we've researched for pesha oh missing steel we did go to free trade so that makes sense but we can buy some from poland on the cheap very historical there's an old joke in poland uh what was that oh yeah we were giving the soviet union our potatoes and in return they were taking our coal alright i forgot i was supposed to change the template yeah let's make them like this extensive encryption because we can there's absolutely no need for it but we can industrial concern i guess so i participation in china 44 percent japan still has more i think i will have more in the end we'll see if i can get through you based on mine actually get to china it'll be much higher i mean i guess i could just do naval invasions through here but honestly i can't be bothered to again capitulates good germany attacked the netherlands well it was to be expected i guess now we could use that moment if the allies actually got involved today no just the netherlands oh interesting uh we could use that moment to justify some more war goals because the allies would be busy if they were actually fighting germany cena does join the allies italy gets involved and now now theoretically we should be able to justify some more goals and the eyes should not get involved we'll see i guess i can try it how about greece and should we do bulgaria as well ugara has a chance of joining the fascists or whatever let's try it it's sort of a test game anyway the problem is they will join the chinese united front and we might see japan in here belgium belgium capitulates luxembourg france is still not invaded radio common turn fall off paris actually i should be justifying on the baltic countries as well the eyes don't guarantee them to get events and automatically join us i just cancelled something i don't know what sonia should get an event to join us or die soon so that could join that is curious oh because the germans attacked them first so of course they did now i could justify more but the political power cost grows quite quickly come on estonia should be joining me by now i guess the conflict with the germans is inevitable we should probably build up some force in poland joshua could be told of course we'll have a huge economy i guess they might benefit more if i just build military factions for them well this works as well oh justification in greece is complete and estonia has still not surrendered did they change defense or something greece declare war it's curious that the allies don't care then greece will join the chinese united front and so they did whatever nope uh wait a minute i had an army yeah you oh right i pulled them back to not threaten the greeks yeah i set them on an order so that they would just go into the islands here but it only works that they're next to it all right i guess i have to send an army here and we've landed in nations quickly and easily greece is not a valid rival for the soviet union poland four of china should follow shortly well maybe not shortly but it should happen seriously estonia media really did change the events i might have to cancel this this is taking way too long advanced computing machine so it's science i guess i could have attacked you gustavo they are usually a problem because they join either the germans or the allies not always can greece be giving up yeah there we go bulgaria next i am baffled i have to check the event files better gun bulgaria no guarantees yet before i joined the allies good thing we didn't attack you then because our eyes are problematic croatia there is a chance that bulgaria will join the axis which will become a bit of an issue let's not worry about the dead of time justification on bulgaria is complete alright let's cancel the estonian one taking wait long who else should we attack about iraq and iran the allies might not mind because they might be too busy we'll see in the meantime let's declare war on bulgaria and call in romania oops that's the wrong war that doesn't matter and turkey will probably see japan somewhere in here by the way how is this going in china slowly much more slowly than i would like it to yeah i think the allied ai was changed a bit because usually they were much more prone to guaranteeing people even when already at war with the germans and now they don't seem to do that so maybe i have to adjust my openings this war in china might have been utterly pointless we should have just attacked greece and bulgaria and so on let's get trotsky back soon so what happens around this area so let's get our troops here look here is ours unfortunately they're also a member of the chinese united front which means we're gonna have to wait for the final results of the war also i should probably prioritize the garrisons for cairo do we can no we don't hungry join in the access i suppose we could have attacked them but it was always risky japanese provocation at our border i'm going to ignore this completely all right we're still just trying on iraq and iran aren't we let's set some people there they get guaranteed they oh iran good guarantee let's cancel that one then so the allies did not completely abandon them was mars of a war japan wants navy access sure strikes them long enough we do have lots of political power so that's not a problem greg also got guaranteed let's cancel so the allies are stepping up their game in the guarantees department hungary joins the axis not really a problem all right um oh come on give me this war already oh we might be finishing china for the cost of lots of equipment and manpower one fortunately that's not a problem for us ah finally trotsky is cool here we go drosky what some generals lost some armies quite a lot of armies actually well that is a civil war after all replace the generals get the ball rolling on that civil war and you what are you doing here all right that's the boulder conflict event i don't like those either it's all orders everywhere okay so russia joins china our civil war expands ivan konyev is the leader of russia that's why he's not my general anymore and we have trotsky with his crazy eyes and crazy hair and trotsky is pretty much useless political power decreased war goal justification slowed subversive activities cost reduced so subversive activities cost yeah that's the thing it used to be great tronsky was able to do instant cools in other countries now when this system has been changed to agents he can't do that anymore so as far as i know i might be wrong the subversive activities cost decrease only affects the workload justification time and right now it doesn't affect it by much it will affect it quite a lot once we upgrade trotsky which can be done say with this nkvd primacy and then permanent revolution but without it doesn't really do much strikes again body hell let's just make everyone aggressive civil war won't last too long they have joined the chinese united front but that won't change anything once again where did i leave my planes oh i don't have any probably got destroyed negative political power is that because of the coup that's probably no it's because of the strikes i mean are we finishing china off at least oh yes we're almost there yeah just take stalingrad are we done yet not yet baku go there nkvd privacy gives us 50 subversive activities and cost reduction and that combos nicely with trotsky himself so if we look at afghanistan and now i don't have enough political power to justify wargle all right that can wait let's do in kvd divisions because we can civil war is over it seems let's switch it and go to palm revolution instead i cannot wait a minute so the civil war doesn't end if they allied the chinese that's unfortunate i have to kill the chinese faster there's an opening here go destroy them should never take china it was kind of pointless okay now we have enough political power to show you on the speed of warfare justifications 70 days still a lot but they do have a guy that makes it more difficult let's try someone else like tibet that's just 25 days with nkvd privacy and trust together if truskee gets upgraded this is going to go down to 10 days is it worth all this hassle because that's pretty much the only thing he's good for when his child has capitulated and i just finished them off it's taking way too long oh right i'm feeling the effects of the purge can do lessons of war yet interesting so if i had a wall but didn't do the purge this doesn't matter well it's almost time anyway interesting turkeys in china good job turkey should i send an extra army just to speed this up i mean i can't be bothered to micromanage this but i could send an extra army down here germany is still not going after us which is good she based on my capitulates now please china yunnan and the jiangxi click all the japanese should be taking care of them soon participation 46 percent cool i would rather not see japan take grease in bulgaria shanksy click could be too late good just take this bit and it's done finally okay band has a lot and they've puppeted yunnan we don't really care about yunnan what we want to do is puppet communist china and pop it where is that china itself but just with minimal uh provinces just take the cheapest province and pop up them kind of like shadow puppeting but not exactly so we just take all provinces deselect the cheapest one puppet them and then on take the ones you've taken this is so that japan doesn't steal this territory all right and communist china will be very useful to us so that takes care of these two i like to take bulgaria and the greece if i can afford that but even this is too much for me to fold okay so let's just cancel come into china then and end turn the jew puppet sinking that's unfortunate but i guess not a big deal i can't afford the public communist china now good how about bulgaria nope right just come with china then and they started just taking territory good public greece pop it to bulgaria that we have to feed them their own territory and select communist china give them some land over here so that we can make sure to connect with them and it seems like we can't really afford to give them that land well we almost can is there a connection here i think there is good have this bit as well would be nice to have a port not necessary and turn beautiful log come in china to pass if we can secure the jiangxi click for communist china that would be perfect or maybe not all of it but there are parts here so that's going to have to be sufficient and turn yeah japan's going to take some stuff here now i guess we'll move to greece and bulgaria enough points pass all right what's left quite a lot's left actually all right there comes china can you get this no next 10 maybe right just china left and japan doesn't touch these promises oh right there was one here doesn't really matter past a few times there comes china feed it the rest and that's it we took some stuff we have bulgaria and greece as our puppets and romania and moldova and ukraine and builders and poland and turkey based on ma and gang went to japan but we do have a corridor so that we can connect here great and go on is china our puppet well communist china is an excellent source of manpower 24 million we have 8 million of our own manpower but if we were to ever run out we can just steal chinese manpower but together we have over 30 million manpower time to work on trotsky government revolution this will give him a boost a little bit of a boost but still it is significant as i will demonstrate in a moment turan demands french indochina not really our problem justification against us germany's justifying me i don't want to fight germany not today so while we're working on improving trotsky's trade let me show you why mostly he's useless basically if i were to say prepare collaboration government i would expect him and then kvd to help me with that reduce the cost on the time of the operation unfortunately that does not happen the operation will take a very very long time same thing applies to cools and cools were what trotsky excelled at in the previous version of the game now he doesn't not anymore but we organize our armies a bit just in case the germans attack all right that should do we'll expand it later all right trotsky has been upgraded with permanent revolution can't do the lessons of war yet but that doesn't matter so now we have subversive activities cost minus 50 from trotsky and minus fifty percent from nkvd primacy and what it used to do in the previous versions of the game would reduce it to zero and that pretty much worked as instant coups and the coup will take over 200 days very in collaboration government will take 139 and androsky does not affect that which is why he's useless now there's one thing he's good for though right so for trotsky to actually be useful i think he should reduce the duration of these operations and he will be quite powerful however all he seems to do in the current version of the game with the subversive activities written cost reduction is the world justification time for afghanistan is just 40 days but afghanistan has a modifier that increases it if i were to attack the bet it's 10 days which is awesome isn't it well kind of leontrosky 50 world attaching 50 and kvd 50 to the minimum of 10 days to political power 10 days for wargle and it seems great but keep in mind it's already 1940. this would be great in 1938 where you could attack neutral countries before the allies could guarantee them with a 1940 beat single multiplayer it's pretty much too late to take any serious advantage of this option say let's say i want to attack tibet quickly let's see if the allies manage to guarantee them just for ogle 10 days let's take these armies and move them over to tibet aggressive attack 10 days to get there i mean i guess the germans are justifying on me right now but it's more of a test game we don't really care about that and see the allies are not guaranteeing them because likely they don't have the time to do so justification is complete we just declare war on tibet who's next well there's nepal right next to them let's do that nepal just fight 10 days you can really snowball a world conquest with that theoretically but again in 1941 like we're now you can pretty much have the world conquered already if you really work for it so while trotsky's trade in itself has very interesting uses i would say that it's too little too late all right i was supposed to call you to hunt wasn't i now if we get a better new focus tree for the soviet union and you can get trotsky very early on well that changes things quite a lot of course as i said in 1938 this ability would be invaluable even more so earlier i would have half of europe conquered before the allies could do anything but in 1940 when we actually get him it is borderline useless and when the cruise was still done the old way he was quite great because you could just stockpile enough guns to do a coup and then just click if you had enough support for the ideology of course stage coup and it would fire immediately very useful both in single and multiplayer multiplayer more probably because it would be very very distracting as you can see i attacked tibet and nepal was unhindered by the allies because we're just too quick for them there are blitz justifications sadly at this point it hardly matters if we were going for a world conquest we should already own germany and possibly the united kingdom and if we're not going for a world conquest well i guess we could expand a little bit and it could be useful in multiplayer but that's pretty much it i think okay i think that's concluded and germans do have a wargle on us but they're too afraid of us to attack it let's just make sure i'm not wrong about the spy operations and do an operation on the germans doesn't really matter which because they are all subversive aren't they say i will do a quick repair collaboration government only captured my operative and i didn't notice prepare and comments when ready this one takes factories let's take something that doesn't take factories infiltration wait when does it does this matter for treat navy infiltrate air force does these counter supportive activities i don't think so okay let's infiltrate the army whatever really commencement ready prepared immediately commencing duration 130 days because of enemy counterintelligence it is a subversive activity in my opinion so in conclusion the latest changes to how the spies work are quite fun but sadly they significantly nerfed trotsky instant coups are gone and the only thing he's good for is quick world justification and in my opinion it's just not worth the wait or the civil war so that's it he's useless until they finally do a good new focus treat for the soviet union i think it's about time for that until then thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed this little video let me know what you think about the editing and i will see you again soon goodbye
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Keywords: hoi4 ussr, hoi4 defeat germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 ussr world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman ussr, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 good ussr, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 ussr world, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4 intelligence, hoi4 la resistance
Id: fzVVNhuitlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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