Stop Pranking Essential Workers

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- Hey guys and welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How is it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's really good to see you again. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel, you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos. So press that subscribe button for an extra greeting. All right, folks. (claps) I know I have a mustache now. Just deal with it, okay? It's been equally hard for me. Every day I wake up, you know, I'll have a missed call from like GQ, Mens Health, Sports Illustrated. The swimsuit edition they'll be like, hey, we gotta get you on the front page, buddy. We gotta put you up front with that awesome sexy mustache. And I'm like, hold on. You want me in a swimsuit? And they're like, no, no, no, no, no. We just want this part, in a two piece bikini. So, okay. Let's talk about what this video is actually about. Ever since this quarantine started my admiration and respect for, you know, service workers, people in the service industry, like you know, grocery stores, fast food places. My respect for them has gone up by like a million. I mean, I don't know the number of respect I was at before, but I know that it went up by exactly 1 million. So yeah, if you are watching this and you do work at a grocery store, fast food place like that. Thank you, we respect you, we love you, and we'd literally die without you. So thank you. And I hope this increased admiration is the case for everybody. Because before the quarantine, people did not respect service workers, like at all, like flipping burgers or like stocking shelves was always used as like an insult towards someone which never really made sense to me. I never really understood that, you know, someone will just be like, okay whatever, one day I'll be working on Wall Street. And you're gonna be flipping burgers at McDonald's, see ya. (footsteps thumping) Where are you going? McDonald's. Like criticizing someone's job and then depending on that job to get through your day. Very weird to me, doesn't make any sense. That's like if you were to chop down a tree and then continue to breathe oxygen. Oh wait. We already fucking do that. Like and comment to stop global warming. But like this hatred and superiority towards people in the service industry has always been a thing and I've experienced it firsthand. I used to flip burgers and stock shelves. Not at the same time. Like they were two separate jobs. I'd be really impressive though. - [Voice Over] Excuse me. - Huh? - [Voice Over] Where are the kidney beans? Oh, that's aisle seven. No, I used to work at McDonald's. I also worked at a Canadian grocery store chain and I also worked at a bar in Toronto. And at every single one of those jobs customers treated me like dog shit. Not even, not even dog shit. Dog shit at least gets picked up in a nice, cozy little worn bag. I was treated like the piano from Big. Just people stomping all over me and just people watching. Not really doing anything about it. Quick story, one time when I was working at the bar this one guy got insanely drunk at like 8:00 p.m. Like the most blackout I've ever seen a man. So yeah, I was standing there, you know, just working. This drunk guy, he came up to me and shoved me a bit and he said, "I bet I could kick your ass." I'm gonna kick your ass. So my manager kicked this guy out. On his way out, when he was on the other side of a busy Toronto street he threw a golf ball at me. I don't even know why he had this one golf ball in his cargo shorts. I don't even think of the courses were open at this time of year. I feel like that one golf ball was just part of his going out belongings. Hurry up man, we gotta get going. Babes are waiting. Hold on, hold on. Got my phone, wallet, keys. Yeah, I think I'm ready to go. Oh, hold on. Sorry, I forgot my golf ball. I'm gonna throw this at Kurtis later. Who's Kurtis? I don't know yet. Okay. Oh yeah, do you know what time the bars close tonight? Oh yeah. Four. (groans) I've just never understood being mean to people in the service industry, right? Like especially people who are handling your food. Are you crazy? And I've seen it so many times. Another story, when I was working at Starbucks there was this girl middle-aged woman who would come in every day. We'll call her Karen. I don't know if that was her name but she wasn't caring about how we felt about anything. She came in every day and ordered a grande, half sweet, lactose-free, no foam, 180 degree chai latte. Every single day, okay. And I remember that order because she was so particular, down to the fucking degree that the drink was. And yeah one day she came in, my coworker is making her drink. She messed up. There was a bit of foam on top. And this lady yelled at her and made her cry. Over a beverage. She was like, yeah, put that, and make sure you catch the tears and put them in my drink. I like my chai extra salty. She didn't say that but I feel like she wanted to. But isn't that insane. I understand wanting a drink a certain way. You pay for it, right? You should get what you want. But it's just so easy and not be a motherfucker about it. Just chill man. It's all good. I don't know, man. Maybe it's 'cause I've worked these jobs before, so I know what it's like. But like if I if I ordered a latte and I saw barista like sneeze, and they put a fat loogie, like it fell into my latte. I'd apologize to them. Clearly something I'm doing is making them sneeze. I'm sorry, I'll leave. A server could punch me in the balls over and over again. Like one of those little punching bags that boxers use and they go like that. That was my ball sack. And he punched me a bunch. All good, I'm still tipping 20%, bro. You're probably just having a bad day. So today we're gonna look at some videos of people who are, you know either rude or disrespectful or like pranking. Some of these people in the service industry where people work at fast food places and like grocery stores and stuff. And we're gonna make fun of them because it's annoying and they deserve it. (upbeat music) So most of these videos are like drive-thru pranks and don't get me wrong. I love a good prank. And I'm sure people have been doing silly things in drive-throughs forever. But I feel like coning was the thing that kind of you know, propelled it into the mainstream. Right? You guys remember that shit? People would go through a drive-through and then they would be like, Hey can I have a one ice cream cone? And then when they got to the window, they'd pick it up from the ice cream side and you go, Hey, that's funny. It's not where you're supposed to grab it from. But now fast forward, like 10 years drive-thru pranks are all over YouTube and they're not all bad. I'm gonna show you like this is the gold standard of drive-thru pranks. Like this is the only good one. It's this one where the guy dresses up as a car seat and he drives through the drive through to make it seem like there's nobody driving the car. That's great. It's creative. It's funny. Pitt the employees like it. Great, good job. (smooching) Chef's kiss. I'm gonna make out with a chef because of that. Get those lips ready, Gordon Ramsay. Papa's coming. (upbeat music) But let's get a little, a little worse. This video, these videos aren't necessarily bad at all but they're, they're not good either. So there's this trend on YouTube where people will go through a drive through and they'll sing their order. Like there's this video called singing my Starbucks order for a week. With just kind of weird wording. (chuckles) I'm just picturing them like sitting in a drive-through for a week straight for seven days straight, no sleeping no pooping or shitting. Alright 'cause those are different things. What the fuck? There's a lot of these videos, but there's like one creator who makes a lot of these videos. So I thought we'd watch some of those. ♪ Can I get a pink drink ♪ ♪ No berries and light ice please ♪ ♪ I need a venti coffee ♪ ♪ With some espresso ♪ ♪ Can I get a black tea ♪ ♪ Just one pump of classic please ♪ ♪ Oh and a grande green tea ♪ ♪ frappuchino ♪ (barista clapping) - Thank you so much. - Yeah, have a good one. - Thanks you too. - Bye. - Bye. - That was so good. - Dude I just, I love the barista's reactions so much to that. 'Cause you know, you know, as soon as they drove away that barista did the fattest eye-roll of all time. (audience screaming) ♪ Can I get an iced coffee with cream please ♪ ♪ And a venti pink drink with no berries ♪ ♪ Oh, I need a blonde double shot ♪ ♪ Yeah that's all I want ♪ ♪ Oh wait, I need a green tea ♪ ♪ And I need a tall dragon drink ♪ - That's perfect. - Okay. So what I don't get is that they have their order already. That baby in the back has a cake pop. They have like drinks and stuff. They're not singing their order. They're singing an order. That's weirder than singing your actual order is to just order your order and then when you get your order, you're like, Hey, can I, can I sing you a different order for my tink tok? - Thank you. - Am I just an asshole? Like what is, is that it? It like, I just don't know the intended reaction. You know? Like how, what does she want me to do? Like when I write and film and edit my videos, I, I want I want people to laugh or go like eeew! You know that that's all I want. I don't know what they expect us to do when we watch this video. ♪ Can I get a number one ♪ ♪ With lemonade and some chick fil a sauce ♪ ♪ And a spicy southwest salad ♪ ♪ And one dream cone actually make it two ♪ - Epic song, epic vocal cords. Hurrah! - Good job. - You too. (high fives) - Okay let's, let's watch another one. ♪ And could you please hold the sweetener ♪ ♪ Almond milk instead of cream ♪ ♪ I just need a dragon drink ♪ ♪ With light ice and no berries ♪ ♪ One nitro cold brew ♪ ♪ All I want at Starbucks is you ♪ - [Barista] Hope you get famous. - M'am this is a Starbucks drive-thru So very funny while this, this great song is happening that dog was just like, (screaming) people seem to like it dude. I'm just gonna start singing to every worker that I see. Next time the garbage man comes around. I'll be on my front lawn, in a full gown, (chuckles) serenading him. Youhu! Garbage man. ♪ Garbage man please take my trash with you please ♪ ♪ I'm sorry that is is so very stinky ♪ ♪ But please take away my banana peels ♪ ♪ And discarded meals ♪ ♪ Yeah you're made of garbage ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are the garbage man ♪ The last part was kind of mean, but all right. Thank you so much. Thank you. I know these videos are harmless and I know there's a lot worse things you can be doing, but it just makes me so uncomfortable because like I'm just picturing myself in the baristas position and that's my nightmare. We're all different. Maybe someone would really like this, but if this was me if I was still working at Starbucks and someone just sang to me, Oh my God, I I'd move. I'd fucking, I'd move. I'd move cities, I don't care what I have going on or what responsibilities I have where I live. I'm gone. Okay? I'm getting a little stick with a bag with the bag on the end, putting it on my shoulder and I'm walking. That performance was so moving, so I'm moving. Like just order your drinks and go. That's it. That's all I gotta do. Like imagine, what would it be like being the person behind this girl in the drive-thru. ♪ I just took a really olive branch ♪ - Wow this is great. ♪ Times up ♪ ♪ I'ma need some ice bag ♪ - What the hell is going on up there? ♪ No classic and a dash of heavy cream ♪ ♪ Can you please make that ♪ - Is she singing? ♪ Bling bling. ♪ - She's singing her order right now. Can you keep it going? I gotta get to work. ♪ I just took a really olive branch ♪ ♪ Times out ♪ - I have to get to work, I'm very late already. I need my coffee. Can you stop singing please? ♪ Can you please make that a grande for me ♪ ♪ Bling bling ♪ (car hooting continuously) Oh looks like the guy behind you really likes it. You know what that means? Sing your order for a week straight. Take it away. Arrgh! No. (singing continues) Looks like I'm gonna be late to work. (fire alarm blaring) Where the hell is Kurtis? This fire isn't gonna fight itself. This is terrible, it's like the worst fire I've ever seen. (singing continues) In the grand scheme of things. She's got a great voice and more confidence than I'll ever have in my entire life. So good for her. Great. Keep doing it or don't. (upbeat music) Okay. So now we're gonna move on. We're gonna talk about someone who really just rubs me the wrong way. I mean, if you're gonna rub me, rub me the right way. This guy is on Tik TOK. His name is Fckjoshy. And Leon Lush made a great video about this guy recently. So, you know, go watch that if you want the full scoop this Joshy guy had a video that went pretty viral where he dumped a bucket of milk and cereal on a busy subway and then didn't clean it up. So obviously huge scumbag making a mess for a Tik Tok that wasn't even funny and then forcing essential workers to clean it up during a pandemic. Say it with me, fuck you! So we already know this guy has shit for brains but what's even worse is that after this whole thing there's so much press about it. He hasn't changed his content at all. He made one like half-assed apology and just was like, okay, back to ignorant pranks now. And what's even worse, is like he's proud of this shit, man. He like plays into it. He's like, yeah, I'm the worst, everyone hates me. All my videos are bad. - First of all, I'm not funny. - Dude just because you acknowledge that your videos are bad doesn't make them less bad. You're just admitting that you know what you're doing is wrong and you continue to do it which is like the definition of evil I think. This guy is evil. He's an evil guy. He had one video where he put down a bunch of like paper towels to step on in a grocery store because he didn't wanna get his shoes dirty, had a video where he tried to microwave a frozen pizza and a target using their supplies. And he also apparently had a Subway shutdown because he brought a live chicken into it and told them to cook it and put it on a sandwich. And he was like proud of that too. Fucking super cool flex bro. (rapping) Yeah I got a bunch of people fucking fired bro, and their families are gonna go hungry now but not as hungry as I am for likes and attention. And I know I'm giving this dude exactly what he wants right now because all he wants is attention obviously. So whatever you do, please don't go to his profile. Don't watch his videos. Don't give him views. And definitely don't don't watch the video of him when he was doing standup on Kill Tony. And he bombed like really, really hard. Nobody laughed at him. (weird laughter) - All right thanks guys. - And that video link may or not may not be in the video description. Please, please don't watch that video. - That was Josh Popkin. If you're wondering who the laughter was that was Josh Popkin as well. - I was just so angered by these videos. 'Cause like here are people working minimum wage jobs to make sure that you have fucking food to eat. And he comes in, he's like, Hey do you mind if I boil these hot dogs in a bucket of my own piss? Didn't I film it? Isn't that cool? I mean, thank God all the comments on his videos are like negative and nobody wants him to keep doing what he's doing. So that's good. (upbeat music) We're gonna look at one more video to wrap up this whole thing. And it's, it's, it's pretty wild. It's from Familia Diamond and it's called prisoner drive-thru prank. So let's watch the intro to that video. - Lady the money. (tense music) Tell me where's the money. - Blink twice if you are okay. - Wait, they might be calling the cops if they're taking a long time. (screaming) I think they're calling the cops. (car breaks screeching) (siren wailing) ♪ We are free to this side ♪ (laughing) - No, Holy shit. Quite the change in moods there huh? - I think they're calling the cops. (tires screeching) ♪ We are... ♪ - I see a weird thing about these family vlog channels. Like no matter what the video's about no matter how serious it is, no matter what it is they have the exact same like upbeat intro for every single thing. (exhales deeply) Okay. All right. Hey Giggins gang and it's Papa Giggins here. Before we get into the video I just wanted to update you guys. I wanted to update the Giggins gang on what's going on. As you all know, my wife and our 21 kids were all in a horrific hot air balloon accident. And this has been a tough couple of months but I have an update for the Giggins gang. This morning, the hospital where my 22 family members are recovering caught fire. And they were unable to extinguish the fire because one of the firefighters was stuck at a Starbucks drive-thru. They told me he was stuck behind some awesome singer. So I get it. But don't worry Giggins gang. We are the most epic family on YouTube and we will get through this together. My family is fine. They're safe. I think I'm actually don't know, they're they're actually missing right now due to the fact that they were kidnapped right before the hospital fire. So yeah, if you do have any information on my missing family members, I would, I would love that. Please comment below. Please send me a message. I miss my family a lot. Okay. I, I need them and I love them and I just, I just want them back. (sorrowful music) Okay. Let's let's get into the video. (upbeat music) ♪ Fam fam family fun time ♪ ♪ Look at us we're a family ♪ ♪ Family fam fun all time ♪ ♪ Here we go we're a family ♪ ♪ Come along we're a family ♪ ♪ We're never gonna go missing ♪ ♪ We are a big family ♪ ♪ We're staying together all the time ♪ ♪ We're not afraid of hot air balloons ♪ ♪ 'Cause we are a big family ♪ ♪ Family fam fam family time ♪ Okay let's let's get into the video. So the video starts with the couple explaining the premise of the prank. And then they tell us to like the video because... - Give this video a big thumbs up before we get started because the cops could come. That's scary. Oh my God! - Makes sense. So they go to the first location and they totally prank this dude so hard. - Oh hey man. (tense music) - How's your day? - She's not supposed to talk. - Why keep that in the video, dude? That's so awkward, too bad for these kids man. What of like, unlike bring your kid to work day. What do these parents do? Strap them to a fucking computer like, edit! Edit this family video you stupid baby. (baby crying) - The man is talking to you. - I think she's tired. - Bro! - Dude that's (chuckles) that quiet bro sound effect in the background. - Bro. - I'd like to think that, that wasn't edited in. That was just like someone like in the backseat doing all the sound effects for them. Bro. - It's gonna be $659. - Okay so they go to a bunch of occasions and try to prank these employees but obviously never works because why the fuck would that work? And it's just like, it's just so annoying 'cause like just leave them alone, man. You're just like ruining someone's day. Who's already probably having a terrible time 'cause they're working 12 hour minimum wage job for your dumb ass to go to the fucking drive-thru and be like, bad night jail anymore, give me sandwich. And if they can't be mean they have to just smile and play along with it. Because if they don't they'll probably get in trouble, dude. It's not... (groans) Like imagine if you did this prank to any other worker, right? Like if you do this to, if you did this prank to a cop, they'd shoot you dead dude. Well, I mean you do anything to a cop and they'll shoot you for no reason. So never mind, bad example. I don't know, man. I think, we should just leave the service employees alone. Just fucking get what you came for and then leave. Right? That's the point of the video I think. Especially right now, dude like I feel we should be extra patient and kind to essential workers because if they're essential like they're putting themselves in danger so you can have your spicy southwest salad. So just be nice to essential workers and please for the love of God do not throw any golf balls at employees. I think that's, that's really the main point of the video. (groans in pain) Okay. Well I think it's safe to say that I will never go through a drive-thru ever again in my entire life, but it's all good 'cause I don't have to. Thanks to this video sponsor, Hello Fresh. Hello Fresh makes cooking at home fun, easy and affordable, no grocery stores, no meal planning just everything you need to prepare delicious meals, all delivered right to your door. We've been using Hello Fresh for like a while now and it makes me really happy when I see you guys like sending me photos of you, you know trying to Hello Fresh when you use like my code or anything. It's really cool because this is a company like I genuinely love and we eat their food like every single week. So, so it's cool that I get to work with, you know, such a great company. Are you still not convinced even though it's been like 10 seconds? Well listen up. It can be easy to get stuck making the same couple of meals over and over again, week after week, I get it. But with Hello Fresh, there are tons of recipes to choose from each week to help you get out of that recipe rut and no matter what your diet is, there's a plan for everybody, including low calorie, vegetarian and family-friendly recipes every week. Another great thing about Hello Fresh is how flexible they are. If you wanna skip your weekly order for whatever reason, change your delivery days or food preference, add extra meals. It's as easy as going tap, tap, tap on the Hello Fresh app. I think now more than ever, it's important to, to be environmentally conscious. So it's nice knowing that Hello Fresh's packaging used to ship your food is almost entirely made from recyclable and are already recycled content. They're pre-portioned ingredients means less food waste and Hello Fresh's has carbon footprint is 25% lower than that of meals made from Starbuck groceries. With whats going on right now with the current pandemic I think it's really important for companies to give back. So I'm happy to say that Hello Fresh has donated over two and a half million meals to charity in 2019. And this year is stepping up their food donations amid the corona virus crisis. And to make things even better Hello Fresh has cooked up a sweet deal for the citizens of Kurtistown. All you have to do is use code 60Kurtistown to get $60 off your first three weeks including free shipping on your first box with purchase. So go to to redeem and for more details. Thanks again to Hello Fresh for sponsoring this video and so many others in the past. I cannot stress enough how much we genuinely love Hello Fresh. So I hope you guys check them out, but yeah, that's it. Check the description for all the details and yeah. Thanks again, Hello Fresh. Bye bye. All right thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please press the like button because the cops might show up. I'm scared. You should like it. And yeah, leave a comment. Let me know what you think. If you have any horror stories, if you worked in the you know, fast food service industry, you know grocery store or anything like that, let me know. Also don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun. And as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Kurtistown. If you didn't know, Kurtistown is the best place to live in the entire world and I'm the mayor. So you have to be nice to me. It's the law. If you wanna see the other things I do you can check the description, my Instagram, Twitter, my weekly podcast called very really good. If you enjoy my videos, you'll enjoy the podcast. You know, it's not in chronological order or anything. You can just kind of, you know, listen wherever you know it's me just shooting the shit. It's a good time. Merch down there, twitch, all that stuff. That's it for the video. I would say more, but I have to go. I have to go lick a bunch of whipped cream out of a little cup. So bye. (upbeat music) Bro! Don...
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,601,406
Rating: 4.9784198 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, commentary, kurtis connor, prank, bad prank video, reaction, service worker, essential workers, service industry, cringe, sing drive thru order, starbucks, drive thru prank, fckjoshy, familiadiamond
Id: 65MbwhX4Nb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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