The Real Issue With 24 Hour Challenges (Morgz Reaction)

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hey there welcome to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press the subscribe button for an extra greeting folks we've got a spicy video for you today so spicy i hope you brought your milk all right so there's this trend going on in youtube i've seen it happen for the past little while the last few months the last six months has been very very popular um 24 hour challenges if you've never seen these it's where a youtuber will do something crazy and wacky and just just just wild for 24 hours something like ignoring their girlfriend for 24 hours that's a real video now i don't have a problem with this type of video you know if it's done correctly you know like my pal ryan trahan the a very good boy he's done a few of these videos and i've watched them and i've thoroughly enjoyed them they're great pieces of content you know it's entertaining to see someone you know go outside of their comfort zone for a certain amount of time that's interesting okay i get it and it is very impressive when it's done correctly because doing one thing for 24 hours is crazy i can't do that i can't even do one thing for 24 seconds that's what she said most of these videos they don't even do it for the full 24 hours they do it from when they wake up to when they go to bed which is less than 24 hours it's like 14 hours so it's not a 24 hour challenge it's just for how long i was awake challenge but that you know it doesn't really ring off the tongue as much you know it's roll off the tongue but i said ring so i know when that hotline ring that's not the lyric either this is a mess and for these 24-hour challenges a lot of the challenges aren't even that like impressive or difficult like one i saw was like i only ate green foods for 24 hours wow holy [ __ ] dude how'd you do that you're so brave i mean the videos get lots of you so good job hats off to them but even worse than like the unimpressive challenges there are some 24-hour challenges that are just so stupid and for this video we're going to be taking a look at one specific stupid 24 hour challenge video and this video is from a youtuber named morgz and the title of this video is couple break up for 24 hours dash challenge so good genius and just the concept of this video is absolutely bonkers but the video is even more bonkers if you can believe it if you've never seen a morgue's video you're lucky oh my god you're lucky and your luck is about to run out a quick look through his thumbnails a quick look through his video thumbnails will tell you everything you need to know about the type of content that morgs makes like just holy [ __ ] and looking through all these thumbnails it seems like he lives a very eventful life so fun and exciting dude it must be awesome being in this guy's life doing all these fun challenges that are 100 real and not fake wow what a time okay without further ado let's get into the uh the absolute weirdest 24-hour challenge video i have ever seen in my life okay first off this video is 23 minutes and has 13 mid-rolls in it that's like an ad every like minute and 45 seconds dude i got a bunch of hate when i put five mid rolls in my like one of my 20 minute videos so if i did this you guys would literally murder me but hey man that's life it's hard out here for youtuber dude you gotta he's got a mid roll with the punches all right so the video starts with this uh super crazy intense like trailer thing to to give you a little preview of what's to come and dude it looks [ __ ] intense bro cara today's the day get out my bed don't touch me we're not together peter are you missing morgan i'm feeling good i'm not missing him i mean i think the boys like it looks absolute absolutely savage dude i can't wait to watch all 23 minutes of this [Music] okay so they wake up in their bed i guess and morgs is like oh it's it's today's the day we got to be single today we gotta go kiss other boys and girls today and then kira the award-winning actress that she is she starts freaking out kicking them out because you know they're single now get out of my bed buddy boy get off my bed what are you doing and then morgues is like shocked for some reason it's like he immediately forgot what he just said like 10 seconds ago what the hell are you talking about don't touch me we're not together all right today's the day we're we're gonna be broken up oh my okay get out of my bed we're broken up what do you mean get out right now i'm calling the police if these guys don't win an oscar this year i'll be very upset okay so we're 15 minutes into the challenge now and uh he has to go back into his room to like get his clothes or some [ __ ] but kira's in there uh-oh so let's see what happens is so i guess his now ex-girlfriend was changing and then he he went in to to go get his shirt and he got called up right which i guess is like he's peeping on them and then i his mom i think runs up the stairs and starts hitting them with a sword what the [ __ ] thank god that mom has that sword with her at all times to stab her peeping son [ __ ] mom of the year dude she keeps that [ __ ] fang on her this video if you can't tell already it's fake obviously we know that but they're playing it off like it's 100 real and i don't like that no no no dude the only funny thing about this scene is picturing them like giving the camera to each other to like film each other to get the shots that that is very funny because you know if this was real they wouldn't be passing the camera around getting each other's like dialogue and reaction and everything you know kira no i wasn't peeping no i wasn't i no i wasn't okay we got the shot hold on i gotta go outside and and my mom's gonna come and run up the stairs let's go paper where's the paper paper where's the where's the paper okay great we got the shot now can you feel my mom stabbing me with that sword ah i'm stabbing my son oh my youtube youtube nice we we got it keep that in mind when you're watching the rest of the video and it gets a lot funnier okay so they're an hour into the challenge now and uh now morgues gets mad because his girlfriend didn't make him breakfast cause you know you can't just make yourself breakfast dude that's [ __ ] crazy talk bro i don't know how they didn't break up sooner jesus christ that's annoying so he goes outside and gets mad at his girlfriend for not making him breakfast which is just so goals that's [ __ ] bae goals right there dude and yet again he apparently forgets that they're doing this whole breakup challenge where was my breakfast you make me every morning no i don't why would i make you breakfast well because we're boyfriend and girlfriend and that's what couples do he's the one who was like who reminded her and then she is going along with it he's being like what you mean okay so maurice ends up tagging along with his uh his mom and his ex-girlfriend to go to mcdonald's [ __ ] squad goals you know when you're hanging out with your mom and your ex-girlfriend so sick get an ex-boyfriend we're going to mcdonald's who's excited me i'm very excited i like snacks i'm excited i like snacks yeah you definitely like snacks i like snacks i like snacks too okay so they go through the drive-through and order their food oh wait no they [ __ ] don't because their window is rolled all the way up can i have the same please just exactly the same as what she's just ordered dude it's just the mom is just yelling a [ __ ] fake mcdonald's order to a closed window oh my god man hey guys can we put in like a little bit of effort like can we try just a bit yeah can i get wait hold on morgs the window is up can should i like should we redo the shot i don't people will see that and notice it i wouldn't want someone to make a video about us shut up mom nobody's gonna notice especially not a guy named curtis i noticed morgs you're wrong okay so morgs orders a bunch of food but uh oh morgan you have brought your money haven't you he doesn't have his wallet even though he has you know a full [ __ ] starbucks drink right next to him but surprise surprise he keeps [ __ ] forgetting that they're doing this challenge and she's like no we're broken up i'm not getting you anything why would i pay for your food well because you love me not today morgan and his mom doesn't buy him anything either because i they're broken up too i guess we're gonna go have a go again what but guys in case of again i'm not a girl it's almost like you don't want me to come or anything morgan i think that's the idea we've all been there dude that that that moment when you break up with your girlfriend and then your mom hangs out with your ex-girlfriend classic akira also says something very weird here listen morgan this is my one chance to do this and i'm not gonna waste it my one chance to do this now that we're broken up i can finally hang out with your mom or is she saying that she can't just go have a girl's day when she was in a relationship yikes i don't know this video makes no sense and i'm very upset and we're we're just scratching the surface dudes okay so the girls leave and then morgues he's like whatever i'll have i'll have a boy's day so he goes to like see his brother i think i think it's his brother he goes to hang out with him who's just a [ __ ] gamer king absolutely just [ __ ] gaming dude rise up gamers i kind of planned on cleaning my hamster's cage today you have a hamster yeah so he bails on him and marx is sad i guess i'll just spend some time by myself having fun away from kiera morris just misses his his gf dude and wants him he wants to hang out with his gf drop a f in the comments for for morgues real quick morgs is so sad he's so sad he could die morgs is dead take him to the morgues all right now we cut to the girls now they're out having their girls day you know they're having a super normal conversation in the car swapping the camera back and forth to get each other's dialogue apparently kira isn't missing morgues at all i'm feeling good i'm not missing him to be honest i i wouldn't either kira and um her ex-boyfriend's mom were you know trying on clothes to get attention of boys of other boys and you know what props to kira all right she's committing to the challenge this very real and not fake challenge i like that let's get it okay so now we go back to uh to morgz who's still very sad so he hangs out with two stupid pugs not my words his words watch is this seriously how low i've gone since breaking up with my girlfriend i have to chill with two stupid pugs is that a poo on my floor oh my gosh which one of you didn't poo on my floor you know what you did don't you you know what you did you do was it you pogo i've seen that face all right so now he's just yelling at his dogs for a poo that they that didn't even that doesn't even exist i didn't see a poop i didn't see any poop on screen all right not even a blurred poop if you want me to believe there's a piece of poop marks you better show me the poop show me the receipts the poop receipts [ __ ] yelling at my dogs for 24 hours challenge coming soon probably you jerk okay so morgs is having a tough time i guess you know he's sad and he's yelling at dogs but the girls you know they're out there killing it they're out there having fun now they're at a pet store i'm gonna get a cake oh okay it's not real you know yes it is listen to it it oinks i want him guys i think keira really does think that's real but it won't take any looking after so i'll just kind of go along with it again picturing picturing like them passing the camera back and forth makes me laugh a lot because you know cure to the she did that thing were like yeah this is a real animal lol and then she's holding the camera to the mom who's talking [ __ ] on her holding the camera just making fun of the person holding the camera to the camera that's a power move that's very funny what's up guys i'm here with my dumb [ __ ] cameraman he stinks he's stupid he's literally the dumbest guy i've ever met he smells like old [ __ ] eggs very old eggs he's all i smell is old eggs whenever i smell old eggs i'm like oh my cameraman is very close to me he's got to be somewhere he's stupid but all right is that good do we get the intro yeah yep yeah it's good it's so good anyway get your shoes on us we're gonna don't even like the kill is a fanciest restaurant in sheffield and is she wearing a dress what the hell are they up to that's a champagne maybe let's go wild it's a girl's dog a glass of champagne carol doesn't even drink what the hell is she gonna do with a glass of champagne let's go oh my god guys i don't know what they're up to but it doesn't sound good [Music] phew that was a close call guys dude i can't believe she's going to a fancy restaurant where boys will look at her dude fellas if your girlfriend if you're bae ain't invisible she cheating okay so he goes and gets his gamer bro to go help him spy on them the absolute lad is literally just sitting down on a couch with his airpods in ruthlessly flexing by himself a legend he's the real star of this video let's go spy on them i'm ready let's go so he agrees now for some reason because even though before he had no desire to hang out with him at all but now he's just fine he's like yeah i'll spy on them that's fine guys i don't know what the hell keira is up to this video is getting crazy i wonder if i'm gonna believe what happens next well i guess not yo bro check who's behind us okay so the geniuses they are super [ __ ] secretive spies they get a seat literally right in front of them there's a couple behind you over there have you had a look at those how do you not see that's your son how do you not see him you know well i know this is fake so i you know but still i'm so if you're playing this off as real you should make it like at least a bit believable you know really yeah interesting females i can't really see them it's very dark it's dark neither of them can recognize him dude imagine sitting right in front of your girlfriend sorry ex-girlfriend and your mom sorry ex-mom imagine sitting right in front of your ex-girlfriend and your ex-mom and they don't even [ __ ] recognize you how forgettable do you have to be okay if you're still watching thank you we're almost at the end of this garbage video just please stay with me guys we're back home right now there's one hour of the challenge left okay so one hour until the challenge is done which is i'm guessing midnight because if it was 23 hours into the challenge then it'd be like [ __ ] eight o'clock in the morning and i don't think it is because they just were at dinner so you know that's like only like 15 hours so not 24 hours at all great sick why all day today i've spent chasing around missing her trying to figure out what she's been doing and it turns out all she's been doing is enjoying her time away from me whereas i've been sat here just missing her and wanting to see her i really did not think it would go like this i don't know if she cares guys about me after all i don't know if she even loves me i mean he doesn't seem to ryan said he heard her talking about other boys they went out all day on a girl's day jesus [ __ ] cheer up man the video's fake i have an idea we're gonna find out if she really does miss me if she really does like being apart from me or if she really does love me so he hatches a plan to find out if kira really misses him so he gets um this guy named bald martin um which is like his dad maybe or his stepdad i don't [ __ ] know and uh they're asking him to dress up as a girl to make kyra think that morgue's cheated on her with his dad kyra you made me do this prank wars is back dude i'm gonna [ __ ] have nightmares i'm gonna wake up in a cold sweat hearing that [ __ ] screaming it's not what it looks like i promise it's not what it looks like oh my god how did you catch me i was [ __ ] screaming your name at the top of my lungs three times in a row this is so cro oh my god this has to be real whoa morgan are you actually with someone else right now kyra i'm sorry we're not even together why'd you care so much uh there's a there's a [ __ ] lot to process here oh my god so the only thing that she has seen is morgues and something convulsing underneath the covers next to him if this was the sims then yeah you should probably assume that because you know when they when they do woohoo when they go under the bed and that's how they have a baby where my sims fans at that [ __ ] gamer bro would have loved that he would have loved that reference dude seriously we're not together for 24 hours and this is what you do is this you're supposed to be a video not real yeah but camera i saw you earlier your mum went out oh my god man the acting in this holy [ __ ] just like [ __ ] yelling while like side-eyeing the camera the whole time just like picture these two people like in the notebook do you think in another life i could have i could have been a bird what what do you mean [Music] you know like like reincarnation i don't i don't i don't know tell me i'm a bird tell me i'm a a bird if you're a bird i'm a bird it's bald martin in a dress maybe we should just end the challenge early end of the video they end the challenge early because i don't know they [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] know why honestly even though it never was a real 24 hour challenge to begin with but they still [ __ ] failed okay and there's that [ __ ] mess of a video they all got [ __ ] oscars and everybody clapped god i can't even [ __ ] i lost so many brain cells watching that i don't know who this video is for i don't know who watches these videos it has to be children right the colorful thumbnails and everything and the over-the-top [ __ ] sound effects and everything and i don't know man like it has to be just for kids because only a child would watch this and be like this is good all right you know how kids talk um when i was planning out this video i wanted to include a bunch of different 24-hour challenge videos but when i saw this one i was like i need to do a whole video just about this because it's absolutely [ __ ] bonkers again i don't have a problem with 24-hour challenge videos okay if they're done correctly if you're gonna say you're gonna do something in a video you should do it right morgues more this morris guy is just [ __ ] like lying it's like if you clicked on this video thinking that i was going to talk about 24-hour challenge videos and then i started talking about [ __ ] different species of frogs or something you know it's the same thing it's the exact same and this video is just so obviously fake like like even the idea alone you know it's gonna be fake like imagine pitching this idea seriously to your girlfriend okay so for a video we're gonna break up for a day and i and we can do whatever we're just single for a day that's that's it all right all right well no no chance and just because you brought that up we're actually breaking up now we're done sorry we're broken up with sorry that's what would happen dude you can't do that and what's worse than the lying and everything is how many [ __ ] times they use the sound effect let's go ahead and count money just using that once is way too much they went [ __ ] way overboard honestly the point that i want to make in this whole video is like just just be truthful with your content you know if you're going to tell people that you're doing a 24 hour challenge video do the challenge for 24 hours you know like i'm so [ __ ] like sick of people like naming their videos something crazy and then like [ __ ] like slithering and weaseling their way to like somehow explain why they titled the video that like like a [ __ ] youtube couple will make a video like prank on girlfriend in brackets we broke up and then they just won't break up in the video and they'll be like well no like yeah like the like we have a like a dvd copy of the pixar film up and we broke it in half so like that's what happened we broke up you can't say we didn't break up we broke up i'm sick of it morgues if you're watching this you should make a video and call it correctly titling my videos for 24 hours challenge and you just go through all your videos and [ __ ] change all the names of them like this video should have been called we say we are broken up for 24 hours but it really only lasts like 15 hours and the whole thing is fake and i was really confused and i kept forgetting about the whole thing anyway but you know we my girlfriend went to dinner and i hung out with my brother there's the title you should have been you should have named it that dude take that morgues all right i think i made my point i think you guys get it that's gonna do it for this video thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed it please press that like button one like equals one and leave a comment let me know what you think about these challenge videos let me know if you've ever seen a really stupid one that you've watched or um maybe if you have a good idea for a 24-hour challenge that you want me to do let me know in the comments and maybe i'll do it if it's funny and it's entertaining maybe i'll do it who knows and i will do it for 24 hours i promise alright none of this 15 hour [ __ ] alright also don't forget to press the subscribe button because i make a video every week and they're so much fun dude obviously also you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press the subscribe button and join curtis town today check out the description for links to my social media my instagram my twitter there's also a link to my weekly podcast called very really good you can listen to it for free on spotify and itunes it's a lot of fun you know if you like my videos you'll enjoy the podcast so you know check it out also there's a patreon for that podcast where you can hear the episodes a week early and there's also a bonus monthly video episode also you can find my super cozy and awesome curtis town merch it's the best merch ever so uh yeah just check out the description there's a lot of cool stuff down there so yeah thank you very much for watching i've been curtis connor i'll see you guys next week i'm gonna go scream at a a closed window bye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you want to see more from me there's some videos on the screen you can click and watch and also don't forget to press that subscribe button alright guys what are you still doing here click on one of those things come on all right thanks guys see you later
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,628,661
Rating: 4.9806085 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour challenges, for 24 hours, 24 hours, for a day, morgz, cringe, commentary, reaction, issue, morgz reaction, kurtis connor, youtuber cringe, youtuber
Id: 4KO7q4UsMkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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