Wish Dot Com

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I love when Danny pulls out the green screen for his sketch bits!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Meljusenr 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

h̴̢̨̡̧̛̪͙̥̳͕̼̫̯͋͂̍̈́̑͂͐̄̋͛̚ͅu̵̥̥̐͋̄͗̆̆̀͒̄͘m̴͇̠̝̈͋͆̌̊̐̿̒́̔̊̾͗a̷̺̙͗̂̓̌͂͐͛̄͌͘͝n̶͈͋̍̍̈̈́̀͘ ̷̛̖̹͓̗̭̩̱͙͍̃͛̍̒̒̇̃̍̋̂̃̔̕͘t̵̠̟̐̿̐͊͊͌̔͝ȩ̸̨͕̗̥͙̞̱͎̥̩̹̖̱̇͆͛ͅě̶̡̙̥͖̲̠̹̼̠̇̆̈́̒̂̚͜t̷̨̧̳̫̘͔̱̫̝̋͂̑̅̑͆̇̍̀̄͠h̷̙͎̻̫̝͓̬͙̩̼̽̈́ͅͅ

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bananaboye12 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up greg i hope you're all having a great day welcome back to my channel this of course is another episode of when you wish on wish.com you can buy human teeth that's right today we're talking about the wackiest marketplace on the net wish.com i'm pretty sure a decent amount of other youtubers have made videos about wish.com but you know what i haven't i haven't given my take on it yet and my take is that it's weird it's it's weird this website i don't get it and i keep getting adsforwish.com on facebook and so does laura and most of the ads i get are either for like human body parts or chicken helmets and i i don't know what i searched on google that madewish.com think i want to buy chicken helmets or a tongue what did i search so we're going to be talking about some of the weirdest products that i can find on wish.com i also tweeted asking you guys to send me some so we'll talk about some of those as well if you've never heard of wish.com before you can sort of think of it like amazon.com but if amazon was run by the horniest person in the world who also just happened to stumble upon an abandoned warehouse full of a bunch of random shit that no one would ever want that quite frankly is the only explanation i can come up with for the absurd variety of products on wish.com in fact i think this screenshot that i took of my homepage on wish.com shows it off pretty well what other online store would advertise giant water balloons for kids right next to something called men's tea ah men's tea nourishing lasting lights your underwear on fire men's tea this is what i wanted okay to prove just how weird the products they have on wish.com are i decided to make a commercial for some of the products that you guys sent me on twitter so here's the here's a commercial for wish.com wish.com is the number one online store on the internet for stuff that you didn't want or even know existed but are still gonna buy i hope bird holder that's right do you want a pet bird but you don't you don't have room in your house for a cage use the bird holder bird's not going anywhere with this thing so it's compact you can have so many more birds if you if you just have these tiny little cages this is for people who want a compact bird case and magicians maybe because they are they're always doing shit with doves like coming out of places maybe this is how they do it i don't know i just sell the products i have no idea what they're for is your cat always looking at you making you feel self-conscious well you're in luck we got cat blindfolds cover their whole face now they can't look at shit they might not even be able to breathe who knows could i interest you in an alley of stray cats i think this one's pretty self-explanatory one dollar for 30 feral cats corn boat 100 do you suddenly have more cats than you did before due to a recent acquisition of an alley full of stray cats but you're still self-conscious about your cats looking at you don't worry we got a bunch more cat masks in different shapes and sizes we sell so many cat blindfolds it's crazy now i know some of you can relate to this one is your hamster all said because they're tired of the hamster wheel and they want to go for a real walk well guess what now you can take your hamster for the walk of his dreams with the new hamster harness it's a harness for your hamster to take him on a walk just look how happy this hamster is or okay that's not a hamster what happened to the hamster we had a hamster what did that chipmunk do to the hamster i have no tit capisce and of course no online marketplace would be complete without a set of human teeth i don't know why you would need these i don't know why you would ever need to buy these but i gotta imagine that they're worth more than the five dollars we're selling them for these could go for a lot more on the black market so really when you think about it it's more than just teeth it's an investment maybe they'd be good for dentists i don't know i gotta imagine there's a better more reputable place for dentists to buy teeth to practice on than wish.com but maybe there's a kink in the supply chain and you gotta get them from wish so get your get your teeth well they're not your teeth or someone else's teeth that they can be your teeth for five dollars wish.com we don't know either from what i can understand there's a lot of weird people that use wish.com but there's there's a decent amount of normal people that use it too the selling point for the weird people is obviously that most stores don't carry the weird shit that the weird people want but i think a big selling point for normal people is that wish.com has insanely low prices for example this dell laptop which is apparently being sold on wish.com for one dollar one dollar for a laptop i don't know how exactly they get the prices so low but that's like their big thing is that they have the lowest prices and the only catch is that you have to wait for like weeks or sometimes even months for them to ship your products so that i guess that has something to do with it i don't really understand how that correlates with having low prices but then again i'm no economics major another catch if i'm to believe most of the youtube reviews of wish products that i've seen is that you also rarely get the exact thing that you ordered like you'd order this one dollar dell laptop from wish.com and it would come but it would be made out of cardboard or just like a picture of a dell laptop there's a few different categories on wish.com that really seem to attract the weirdness so those are the ones i want to tackle on this video the first one is self-improvement products now mind you when i say self-improvement i don't mean like spiritually or like mentally improving yourself it's not like self-help books i'm talking like eight pack cream eight pack removes fat renew skin firms you can see an eight pack in three days oh my god what is this cream doing to your body that no matter what you look like before in three days you'll see an eight pack powerful abdominal muscle stronger cream anti-cellulite fat burning slimming gel effective belly titan weight loss product so you're telling me that this cream makes muscles stronger and burns fat at the same time and it's such a rapid rate that you'll have a six-pack in three days i've been trying to get a six-pack for my whole goddamn life i didn't know this cream existed i mean this is unbelievable look at this after cleaning the abdomen take the appropriate gel evenly on the abdomen and weights so he just rubs it he massages the abdomen step three this process skin feeling a slight fever okay okay that's probably not good this product gives your skin a fever i hope this is worth it four recommend with regular habits and a healthy diet in order to achieve better use of results wish you early farewell bellies perfect abdominal muscle you can own okay that picture just confused me more let's check out the product description for this eight pack gel to figure out exactly how this works like what is really going on here help to firm condition and lubricate belly skin did the people who make this product know that having an eight pack doesn't have anything to do with your skin it's like your muscle and then you have to have low fat so you can see the muscle it helps to firm condition and lubricate belly skin so if you've got like a bit of a gut when you start and you take this cream you'll still have a gut after three days but it'll be really firm the skin will be hard you'll knock on your gut and it'll be like and it'll also be lubricated it'll lubricate your belly skins you'll have a gut but it'll be hard and slippery just how the ladies like it the texture is light and easy to absorb giving a healthy face and firm body lines healthy face are people rubbing this shit on their face imagine like no matter where you rub this on your body it gives you a six pack there so like you rub it on your cheeks and all of a sudden your face is just absolutely jacked and since you got it on your hands now you've got eight packs on your hands okay next up we've got some beard oil so this is supposedly for people who can't grow a beard it'll help you get a little bit more facial hair beard chest hair growth essential oils more dense thicker hair growth so they've got this picture of a guy with a big beard that was supposedly grown with this beard oil they've got look you this guy can't grow a beard and now he can because of this beard oil and i was a little bit skeptical i was like i don't think a product really exists that can like help you that much with growing facial hair but then i saw this picture where this guy must have accidentally got it all over his torso and now he's a werewolf and look at how he looks at his stomach too like he knows he fucked up he's like i shouldn't have put this much on here what am i gonna do with all this hair and if that's not bad enough look at the picture next to it it's a baby with a beard and it says keep out of the reach of children like this is a real warning that your baby is gonna grow a beard if you let them near this beard oil i gotta be honest this must be some good shit low-key i kinda wanna try it it is a weird marketing tactic though to show this guy like obviously disappointed in all the hair he grew because they used it on the wrong areas and then saying keep out of reach of children and showing what happens if you use it on a child i don't think i've ever seen a product show the negative side effects of that product to advertise itself like putting too much on your torso or giving it to a baby why would that make you want to buy it it's like hey this could be really dangerous buy now that would be like a windex commercial showing a guy getting a stomach pumped because he drank it windex is super effective at cleaning in fact we think it might even be too effective just look at how well it cleaned out this guy's inside yeah this guy can't even find his house because he sprayed the whole thing down with windex and now it's crystal clear what a disaster okay next category gizmos and gadgets so there's a bunch of electronics that you can buy on wish.com and some are pretty innocuous they're just like knockoff cell phones and stuff like that but then there's also a worrisome side to this category a creepy side like this 1080p hd mini wi-fi spy camera the main picture on this product page features all the different modes and features of the product a little picture of the camera so you can see how small it is day and night mode and a naked woman laying on a bed uh-oh there's just a picture of a naked woman laying on a bed in this picture i'm definitely gonna have to blur this and i gotta wonder what this unsuspecting woman has to do with a spy camera that can't be good okay let's take a look at this picture this is all about the suggested uses of the camera so maybe we can get a good idea of exactly who this is for small children don't worry about the babysitter okay that makes sense you've got a nanny and you want to check up on your kid throughout the day so you have a little spy camera i personally would probably put like a more noticeable camera that way the nanny knows they're being watched and then they're more likely to behave in the first place but hey if you want to get a tiny little camera the size of a a p and spy on your nanny i guess that's okay is it actually i don't think it is i'm gonna take that back just tell your nanny that there is a camera there i feel like go out to work worry about property security okay that's kind of weird because this one says don't worry about the babysitter and this one's saying worry about property security almost as if to say like if you get this camera you won't even have to worry about the nanny bro but you're still gonna have to worry about your house this won't do shit for your house can't see at night fear of not being used is that what that says i can't tell cause this is kind of blurry fear of not being used and also what is this picture who fears not being used the camera hey just quick warning when you get this camera make sure that you use it because if you don't it's going to get really scared and insecure that you don't like it and then it's going to stop working and then it's gonna blow up and turn into a magical fire cross so if you can't see at night use this camera because it has a big fear of not being used for a long time inconvenient to carry heavy weight now this one doesn't really seem to have anything to do with the camera because it's a picture of a woman holding a baby it kind of seems like it's saying babies are inconvenient to hold for a long time so try holding this tiny little camera instead i mean maybe it's saying to capture moments like this like you don't want to carry around a big normal sized camera so instead you're going to want to carry around a tiny little camera but i mean come on no one no one's buying this camera to like film their daughter's piano recital you imagine someone in the crowd with like a little camera the size of a grain of sand like you're doing great sweetheart i'm so glad i'm holding this camera at least i think i am i actually have no idea i can't even see it it's microscopic but you're doing great i'm so glad we're gonna have this memory forever and the others on the internet and it's a picture of a cat that's the last use i i seriously someone please tell me what this means because i have no idea do you envy others on the internet well look here's a cat is this is the cat wearing the camera do you envy others on the internet maybe you saw someone flexing their brand new mansion on instagram well introducing this tiny little camera you can put it on a cat and then you can see the world from a cat's point of view and i don't know how that's gonna help with you being jealous about the mansion but it should be pretty fun right to see what a cat sees so that's all the uses for this camera so which of those has anything to do with a naked woman lying on a bed still pretty confused about that one they advertise a lot of other like kind of sketchy things like this mini voice recorder for 19 that should be a hundred dollars a mavic pro which is a drone that's made by dji that i'm pretty sure is supposed to cost like a thousand dollars in fact let's let's just google it dji mavic pro okay yeah so this drone should cost a thousand dollars but on wish.com it's only 36 which is weird because i actually saved this link yesterday and it was 38 yesterday so i don't know how they got the price down two more dollars 38 was pretty extreme already i'm just so curious as to how they could possibly get the price that cheap there's no way they're really sending you this drone right it must be like a knockoff they advertised the like two weeks to ship thing as if that explains why the price would be so low but i can't figure out why that would be like i'm starting to think that the reason it takes two weeks to ship is because it's just one guy with a laptop running the entirety of wish.com and so when you order this 36 drone he's like oh shit we got a new order oh but i don't have any drones that's right because i'm just one guy with a laptop so then he spends the next two weeks planning and executing a heist where he steals a drone from someone and then he mails you that drone and the reason it costs 36 dollars is because he bought some snacks on the way to the heist and they cost 36 mini gps cheating defender so this is a very interesting product it's apparently a gps device specifically marketed towards people who think their significant other is cheating on them and so they're gonna stick it on them to see where they go i don't know where you stick it on someone where they won't notice like you just gonna are you gonna make them eat it because you they'll notice if it's in their pocket or something and then i guess you get the app on your phone and you can follow them around like a little sleuth and then you you go right to their mistress's house and you kick down the door and you're like i've i followed you i followed you why are you cheating on me is it because i'm weird because i like i have really weird stalker tendencies and i buy weird like spy gadgets off wish.com to track you down with that makes sense can actually you know what contin carry on i'm just gonna i'm just gonna chill and watch or or no you want me to leave okay i'll leave i'll do that i will leave right after i drop this tiny little camera so i've looked into this product quite a bit and i've come to the conclusion that it's total bullshit the entire product not only the way it's advertised but like the fact that it doesn't even work how it's supposed to so i felt like the only way i could do it justice is by making a little commercial for it so that's what i did the mini gps cheating defender defend against cheating by tracking your significant other's every move use it with your girlfriend to make sure she's not cheating on you use it with your child to make sure he's not lost or cheating on you you never know when your kid's gonna find a new set of parents and cheat on you with that oh this picture's got a bunch of different uses like you can put it in your purse in case it gets stolen or your car in case it gets stolen or an old man in case in case you get stolen i think that use might be my favorite putting it on an old man you don't even have to know the guy just haven't you ever wanted to know what an old man does you can just walk down the street stick this little gps on any old guy he won't know what it is and he'll just go about the rest of his day and you can just watch and just figure out what the old man does i've always wondered what like what do old people do do they do anything i don't know has it ever been looked into i'm not sure but we can find out you can put it on anything you can put it on keys purse dog see that dog there that dog that looks like a pile of books you can put it on that you can put it on that little cutie good boy did you lose your car in a parking lot yes no you didn't because you've got the gps tracker ding ding ding i in here i any i'm i ain't right here one touch to find the smart tracker can find your keys remote control pets phones and even your kids quickly and conveniently the effective distance of the eye tag is 75 ft in an open range without barrier wait huh you can only use it if you're less than 75 feet away so it's great for tracking down that cheating wife of yours as long as she's doing it in the next room over well yeah look it only connects to your phone via bluetooth low energy consumption anti-lost alarm so this if i'm understanding this correctly this is just like a little thing that when you press a button on your app it sounds a little alarm and it only works from like 75 feet away i'm pretty sure these things are usually advertised for like if you lose your keys it's not meant to find things that are actually far away it doesn't have a gps in it at all these are like those square things or tile things is that what they're called how would this help you find a child that got kidnapped i just imagine someone standing around with their kid and some guy comes up and grabs him and runs out gets in his car and drives off and you're like oh i was prepared for this good thing i'll be able to follow him and know exactly where he goes okay i didn't hear the beep so i've narrowed down my child's location to anywhere more than 75 feet away so he's gone forever yeah so anyway this product is just a lie the whole thing's a lie and thus concludes this all right well i hope you enjoyed that commercial but now it's time for a real commercial because it's time to talk about today's sponsor this video is sponsored by hellofresh america's number one meal kit guys let me paint you a picture young guy age 25 doesn't know how to cook much doesn't like going to the grocery store but also doesn't like eating out all the time because it's expensive and usually unhealthy and so he ends up cooking the same three meals every day and he's very bored now let me paint you a better picture he's the same boy and he still doesn't know how to cook and he doesn't like going to the grocery store but now he's got hello fresh hello fresh sends him three meals a week with all of the ingredients he needs and all the instructions on how to prepare the meals he's eaten like he never ate before and that's because hellofresh's meals are delicious there's a lot of variety so all you have to do is sit down and cook and it usually only takes like 20 to 30 minutes and then you just get to enjoy your meals it's the least amount of hassle you can have possible for home-cooked meals they've got meal plans for everyone they've got low-calorie versions vegetarian versions family versions so no matter what lifestyle you live hellofresh should have something for you also a big plus is that hellofresh is a super sustainable option the package that they ship your meals in every week is almost completely recyclable or recycled which is a lot better than going to the grocery store and getting plastic bags which yes you can recycle but you like have to bring them back to the grocery store which sucks because it's like i didn't even want to go to the grocery store in the first place but now i gotta go back they're so sustainable in fact that hellofresh's carbon footprint is actually 25 lower than a grocery store meal so if that sounds good to you use my code 60 truly greg to get 60 off your first three weeks including free shipping on your first box with purchase go to hellofresh.com to redeem and for more details again that's code60 truly gray at hellofresh.com the link will be in the description thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and for all the tasty food and thank you to you guys for checking out hello fresh all right guys well i hope you enjoyed my review of wish.com if you're new here make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join greg greg is what i call my subscribers so if you want a cool name like greg all you got to do is subscribe and click that bell baby all right thank you to marley jones for turning on my notifications you are truly greg i'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where i forget to turn on the lights in this room so i do the whole video in the dark and you can't see anything but you still laugh cause it's still gonna be funny it's just you can't see me but
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 3,666,959
Rating: 4.9684687 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor, wish.com, wish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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