The Convention for Women...By Men

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I love that Kurtis can make light of pretty much anything no matter how shitty it is

👍︎︎ 184 👤︎︎ u/begonetoxicpeople 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

So i came across this on my Youtube feed as i follow the author of the video Kurtis Conner (who i would recommend as a fairly progressive comedian) and i decided to post his take on it rather than the videos by that group as i don't want to infect your youtube feed with a pollution of MAGA/MGTOW/BULLSHIT.

These guys run some convention called "21 convention" and essentially they charge other men $999 to tell them how they're right and feminism sucks, because that's better than working on self improving.

The problem is not your misogyny, it's feminism !. /s

If you want to skip to a highlight of the convention

Anyway, leaving this for you guys to analyze, cringe and hopefully laugh a little about.

EDIT: resubmitted post as to fix the title.

👍︎︎ 200 👤︎︎ u/KillDogforDOG 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I used to buy what these kinds of guys were selling. You know what drew me away from that crowd?

They're not actually very masculine. In fact, the only masculine traits they generally have are penises and beards.

They have a victim mentality. They whine constantly. They never do anything for themselves. They never work in masculine fields. They brag about being competent and tough, but decline to compete when challenged. They gossip nonstop. They think that owning the accoutrements of masculinity (guns, cigars, scotch, etc) proves their masculinity. In short, they don't have much in the way of actually masculinity.

They literally worry that being around a trans woman will turn them gay (this is far more common than you might expect), or that simply being around gay men or women will make them less manly. They think that having emotions will erode their manhood. In short, what little masculinity they do have is as fragile as a glass rose.

Now, I've met masculine men with antiquated notions about women. I've met masculine men who think that it's a woman's place to stay home and have kids. But their ideas about feminism differ from these guys in one important aspect; they don't really care what women do. Even when they think women should be at home in the kitchen, when they meet a female CEO, they just shrug and say "well, it takes all sorts, I guess."

But the majority of masculine men I've met have internalized that "none of my business" attitude. They would not usually describe themselves as feminists, but they'd agree with all the principles of feminism. When asked "what's a woman's place?" they would answer either "I dunno, I'm not a woman," or "Who cares? I'm trying to rebuild a carburator, here." And that's when they don't give you the stinkeye, wondering if you're one of those women-haters who keep making the rest of us look bad.

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/MjolnirPants 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

This dude is funny, man. Thanks so much for introducing me to him.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/creationlaw 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think I'm too old and cranky to be able to watch this style of video without rolling my eyes every ten seconds. I only made it about 5 minutes in, but I get it and this is definitely stupid.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/tweak0 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

$1,000 for someone to tell you how horrible you are......seems legit 😒

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/briskthesceptile2002 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Didn't expect to see Curtis on here! ♥ He once showed his Google analytics was 80% women. Let's even that out and bring more men into the fray!

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/learnactreform 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Saw that as soon as it appeared in my notifs, Love Kurits Conner and the other similar youtubers.

Pretty sure he's done some other similar videos, relating to picking up girls and other possible super masculine topics, but mostly because they're reality shows doing those things.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/havingfun89 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was sceptical at the first few minutes but it turned out to be a really good video.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/RedErin 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hey guys, before we start the video I just want to let you guys know. We've got some shows coming up. Sorry. I'm being so annoying but I want the number one spot. Also to San Francisco, the first show sold out. Second show is now sold out, so we're adding a third show. - Wow. - So grab your tickets gonna be a lot of fun. So yeah, all the info is in the description. Okay. Enjoy the video. Bye bye. Hey guys, what's up? Welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's so good to see you again, dude. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel? You get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos, so press the subscribe button for an extra greeting, Please and thank you. Folks, (clap) we got a weird one one today. I'm sure you looked at the title of this video and thought to yourself, well there's no way that's a real thing, but unfortunately it is. It is very real. It is a real thing that is happening and it's scary. All right, so conventions, right? They're fun and cool, right? Sounded so old there, holy shit. They're nifty and neat, but they're fun. You know, there's so many there's so many of them, there's Comic-Con. There's Vid-Con, Mag-Con, (chuckles) Tana-Con, that was pretty cool. I guess it wasn't cool. It was hot. - Hour four of no shade, hot fucking sun. Maybe one day, I'll do Kurtis-Con. - Yes. Yes. - But there's a convention for everything, man. No matter what you're into, there's a convention for it. Dude, I Googled vacuum convention and something came up for the Vacuum Cleaner Collector's Convention. There it is right there. There's something for everybody, and that's great. The interesting thing about conventions is like anyone can just have one, anyone can just start one. Like if you advertise it enough and you find the right group of people like people are going to show up and that's cool man, That, that's pretty crazy. Like I could just, I could start a bean convention. I could start a, I could do the 2020 Bean Convention and people would probably show up. Does that actually exist? I'm gonna search bean convention. See what comes up, the U.S. Dry Bean Convention. (laughing) Oh, are you going to the dry bean convention? (Bruh sound effect) Catch me at the wet bean convention, loser. Hold, hold this L bruh. A dry bean versus the wet bean, they got beef or beans. (splat sound effect) And that's great, dude. You can just start a convention for anything. And that's amazing, right? You could find the people who enjoy the same thing as you do. But on the other side of that, sometimes large groups of people will share opinions and viewpoints, that aren't very good. (chuckles) And they'll still meet up and do conventions and everything, right? Like for example, the, the flat earth society, right? They had that whole flat earth convention. That's like a prime example of a bunch, a community on the internet who all share the same idea. They organize this thing and they all share this idea, even though it's wrong, the whole thing is wrong. So today we're going to be looking at a convention that is taking place this summer that kind of falls in the same realm as the Flat Earth Convention. Pretty similar how actually, no I think this convention is worse probably. Actually, no not probably, it's worse. So the convention we're going to be talking about today is called the 22 Convention, which is a convention for women by men. (oof sound effect) Yeah, so I actually found out about this convention from my old boss. He texted me like two weeks ago and told me that I should make a video about this, which was nice. I appreciate that. You know, even after I quit, still telling me what to do. No, I'm kidding. He's great. But no. So I did some research on it and dude, it is, bonkers my guy. So this convention is put on by a company called 21 studios. What's nine plus 10 studios studios. - (child voice) 21. - Studios. And they have this whole convention every year called the 21 Convention where it's just teaching men how to be better, right? And on paper, that sounds great, right? That sounds like a great idea. But when it actually happens, when you see it it's basically just a bunch of misogynistic dudes teaching other dudes how to treat women like shit. For example, let's watch this quick video from their YouTube channel. - Let's talk about this. Let's talk about pink pussy hats, right? - Okay. Right off the bat. Huh? No matter what you say next you're gonna sound insane. Okay. Let's proceed. - If I got together my buddies, instead of putting on a pink hat, I put on a white hat and had a big fucking sign that said the future is white, heads would explode. (slowed down sound effect) Heads... would... explode... - Bruh. - But you change the color hat to pink and change white to female. Oh, you're so brave. Oh, so fucking brave, so courageous. Are you- fucking- dude- - That's disgusting. That's fucking supremacism right out in the open. - I, - (chuckles) Yo. - That's sick shit man, sicker than this. - How dumb is this dude. Holy shit. I can make a whole fucking video about just what he said, Not going to, it's pretty easy to explain, white guys Aren't marginalized at all. Right? Like this dude just compared the KKK white supremacy to girls being like, hey can, can you guys treat us like human beings please? Bro, holy shit that's insane. So yeah. These are the people who are putting on an event to make women better. - Oh, you're real fucking nasty, you're disgusting. - Bad group of people to be putting on that convention dude. I'll tell you that for free. That's like if a bucket and country boy put on a city boy convention, right? It's way less harmful but, you know what I'm trying to say. Right? City, a city boys, more like shitty boys. All right fellas, today we're going to learn how to flirt with our sisters. But first, what are we going to do? - (group of voices) Pack a lip motherfuckers. - That's right, pack a lip motherfuckers. Yee Yee. Yeah, I'd go to that for sure. Also another thing they hire pickup artists to like do speeches and like give keynotes. You want to be taken seriously dude, don't employ pick-up artists, (chuckles) also who the fuck called them that? Who called them pickup artists, right? They're not doing art at all. that's not artistic whatsoever. Yeah. I actually go to pick-up art school so it's whatever. Yeah. I'm actually trying to get my eligible bachelor's degree. Ah ha ha, fuck. So they've been putting on this 21 Convention for a few years now, but I guess this year they decided to do a separate convention for women. For some reason. I don't know, I don't know why they did that. I'm really curious as to how that pitch meeting went. All right everybody, thank you so much for coming to this, this meeting today we have something very important to discuss. So we want to do another convention for, for women, okay? And we just don't know who should, who should speak at this convention? So we're open, I'm open to suggestions, okay. What if we just hired a bunch of women who, who are like educated and they know, they know what it's like, to, like be a woman the struggles and hardships that they face, you know? So then we know like we're getting, we're giving off the right information and then everybody can leave the convention happy and you know, learning something about themselves. (laughing) You got me. (group chattering) Oh man, I crack myself up. I crack myself up. I don't know how I do it. (sad music) (crying) Why won't they have sex with us? Let's take a look at their website and learn more about it. Shall we? So the world's ultimate event for women, the 22 Convention you'll learn everything about being a woman from guy with hair and guy with no hair. Okay, make women great again. SM, super misogynistic. Got it. We know. (laughs) Okay. So let's start reading about this convention. Women today are being taught to act more like men. Where has that led us? Skyrocketing rates of broken families, a documented decline in female happiness since the 1970s, endless social and dating dysfunction and America at the number one spot in the world for single motherhood. No longer will you have to give into toxic bullying, feminist dogma and go against your ancient biological nature as a woman, the men have arrived to help. Oh. (retches) So I think, what they mean by that is that women are finally being put in like positions of power and being and they're allowed to like do what they want and like dress how they want like men have been able to for- (computer sounds) ever. And I guess that upsets them for some reason. They must see that and just be like, wait, hold on. You can't do that, you got, you gotta stay home make me hot dogs. You can't go and, and chase your own goals and aspirations. You bitch, you aspirational bitch. You girl, you cook-y cook. Me guy,I work-y work. Okay, so then they talk about how women are too focused on you know, this, the stupid pointless shit, like their job and their hobbies and their friends and their personal happiness and wellbeing. When they should just be focused on pushing out little babies, little crying, (baby crying) tiny humans, right? Cause that's all they're good for I guess. Man, I'm learning so much. Then they do this paragraph about how body positivity is a lie and, and then they just body shame women, man. They're really ticking all the boxes on the asshole checklist right? They're killing it, dude. They're gonna get a fucking, perfect score on their SATs the sexist and terrible. (applause) Good job. The truth is that both positive masculinity and femininity have been under relentless attack for decades. Both have taken catastrophic, social, cultural, personal and philosophic damage for tens of millions of people. The result is a depolarized mess where men act like women, women act like men. Everyone's confused and nothing works anymore. Oh my God dude. Dude, that whole like women acting like men and vice versa. That's just, fucking so gross to read out loud. Holy moly. Where like, I feel like these guys are from like the year 1860 and they got into a time machine that brought them to like, the Ghostbusters remake premiere, and then they went and made this website. They were just like, fuck I don't even know what the original Ghostbusters is, because we're from the 1800s. But, but it's not supposed to be girls, girls can't bust ghosts. Raise your femininity by 500%. (laughing and coughing) Hey man, by, fucking pardon? Can you show your work on that one, please? I would love to see how you arrived at that number. I feel like if you raise any aspect of yourself by 500%, I think that's dangerous. If I raise my masculinity by 500%, I think I'd die. Or it would at least fuck me up forever, right? I'd become some sort of like vampire, some shit. But like a real manly version, a 'Man-pire'. Instead of blood I'd be like sucking out craft beer. I'd have to just find my next source of craft beer. And instead of like garlic, like keeping me away from places, it would be, it'd be my nagging wife, right? (audience laugh track) Or on the other hand maybe, increasing it will be like, turn you into some sort of like superhero, right? Come on down to the convention, and you'll raise your femininity levels by 500%, you'll become the most woman, woman in the world. You'll be, you'll become 'Woman-Girl' and you'll rule the world from the kitchen to the bedroom, dating your relationships, marriage, family, - [Buzz Light year] and beyond. - Okay, let's keep reading. Get pregnant and have unlimited babies. (laughing) Dude. Who's picking these titles, right? (scary voice) Increase your femininity by 500% and have unlimited babies, you'll be unstoppable. You're unhinged, whoever wrote that, you're unhinged. Bro I can't believe that, unlimited babies dude. That's, that's 'Woman-Girl's superpower. It's just (poof) spawning babies. (baby cries) Okay. So if you make it past all that, somehow, you get to see the speakers who know all about women. And then we get to see the ad for the 21 Convention. They've put a nice warning on their poster which is really nice. I don't know if misogynist is synonymous with badass. I know a really quick fix for this warning to make it like actually make sense. You just take the bad out of it. And then it's just your man will walk out a certified ass. I don't know about you guys, but this sounds pretty awesome to me. So let's go, let's see how much tickets are. (Horn alarms) (tense music) One, thousand, dollars. Dude, the Vacuum Cleaner collectors Club Convention is only $30, and it's probably the most spotless convention center floor in the world. Drop anything on the ground. You're fucking set, dude. So many vacuums, but dude, a grand, dude, a G, geez. (booing crowd) Not G's, just one G , but geez, you know. Oh, okay, well I guess it was $2,000 and then they put a little line through it. So it's actually a pretty good, I guess it's a good deal now. Okay. I'll buy it. There's something so gross and entitled about this whole thing. And when I was doing research on this, I, I watched way too many of these videos. But one I saw made me cringe, like so hard dude. So, so let's watch that one. - I think we need a, we need a positive counter movement. And we need something positive for women. Destroying feminism is the key to doing that. But in the meantime, we need something along with it as well. We need to make women great again. (crowd laughing) (applause) - Oh God man, like you could tell, like he was so excited, to grab that fucking red hat and put it on. He thought he was so sick. Oh my God. (audience continues applause) You can tell he like put his arm, he like put his hand on the hat, like as soon as he started saying the sentence. He was like, dude this is going to be huge. (rock music) (applause) See this is what the president said, Now I changed one of the words. The whole like make women great again, thing that they're saying it's the same as the fucking president did, right? Like when he was like, make America great again, he was talking about like, back in the day everyone was openly racist and they would beat the shit out of people and it was fine. We should do that again. And this is like make women great again. They're saying it like, back in the day women used to just like, not really do anything and just stay at home and make food for me when I come home and just kind of be robots with no emotions. Can't we just do that again? Like dude, what the fuck man? That's so gross. Look, I'm all for dudes bettering themselves right? But you can do that without putting women down, right? And like sticking to these gender roles that don't even fucking matter at all. Like who gives a fuck, if women are having as many babies, right? Who cares, man? I'd like to think that they're just really ill-informed about everything and they must be, because there's no way any logical person would sit down and like even just think about feminism for more than five seconds and be like, oh, okay it's the Ku Klux Klan basically. Dude, there's no fucking way. That's insane. And I don't have to explain what feminism is to my audience because they're not dumb, but I'm really just going over this for the people who are running this convention. Because I feel like they're, they're going to watch this video because whenever someone makes something about their convention, they post about it, and they're like - (robotic voice) This feminist snowflake. - The thing about feminism, is that it just, or you're just advocating for equal rights. And that should be great, we should all be hyped on that, and I'm sure people are going to comment, Well if we have equal rights then I should be allowed to hit a girl, right? And if you, if you think that, just go, just pick up a phone book and just call a therapist. Just any therapist, make an appointment because if your first thought is, oh, I'm allowed to hit women now, you got a problem dude. If you, if a girl wants to stay home all day, just cook, raise her kid, just be a stay-at-home mom. Fucking cool, man. That's rad. That makes him happy then that's great. But you're allowed to not want that. And that's fine, right? You should just accept that everybody's different. But they obviously can't because they all look the fucking same dude. (laughs) (clown music) They all look exactly the same. They all looked at Dan Bilzerian once and they were like oh, okay that's me now, forever, thank you, bye. I would love to go to this thing and see what it's actually like, but one, I'm not a woman and two, I don't want to give them a thousand dollars, but to the people at 21 Studios, you're probably watching, I just want to let y'all know this ain't it chief. So I got some more suggestions for you, okay? Here are some other conventions you can do that are in the similar fashion of the 22 convention, where you just hire speakers that know fucking nothing about what they're talking about. The Deodorant Convention, hosted by middle-school kids named Zach. Or the Hair Care Convention, with speakers like Mr. Clean and Jason Statham. Or you could do a Music Marketing Convention. And the main speakers are U2 and Justin Bieber. Or I don't know, you could do an Unfunny and Not Cool Convention and I'll host it. Okay. I'll be the main host. Cause I don't know what the fuck that's like. (crowd screaming) But yeah, I don't know if you're a subscriber of mine, I'm pretty much preaching to the choir but, I wanted to make this video to hopefully change the mind or start inspiring someone to think differently if they do agree with this whole thing. All right, that's all I'm going to say. Fuck. That was heavy, dude. I'm ready to, I'm just ready to fucking chill dude. Kick, put, put my legs up and relax. Now you listen to a nice audio book or something. (boing sound effect) That's right. It's time we hear a word from today's sponsor Audible. Take it away Stripe 'Shirt-is'. Guys, it's the new year, it's 2020 dude. You know, we got to set new goals, new resolutions, and you know, we just, we got to feel better about ourselves, okay? This is the, this is the year. And no matter what your resolution is this year you'll find the perfect audio book on Audible to motivate and inspire you. And to help motivate you, Audible is issuing a challenge to current and new members. Finish three books by March 3rd and you'll get a $20 Amazon credit. - (Wow) It's that simple dude. Finish three by three, three and you get $20 on Amazon. Dude, that's so simple, dude. And you don't got to answer anything, or have to worry about it. Audible will track your progress for you. So Audible members can choose three titles every month. One audio book and two exclusive Audible originals you can't hear anywhere else. And if this sounds interesting to you, which I don't know why it wouldn't, you can start listening with a 30 day Audible trial. Choose one audio book and two Audible originals, absolutely free. Just visit or text Kurtistown to 500-500. Like you guys, I'm very busy all the time. Either scripting or filming, editing, recording a podcast. I'm very, very busy all the time. And I honestly don't have time to just like sit down and read a book. So this is perfect for me. And I'm sure it's gonna be perfect for a lot of you as well. Another cool thing is like, if you're not liking the audio book that you're listening to it's very easy to exchange. You'll also keep your library of audio books forever. Even if you cancel your membership. Again, if you want to participate in this three, three, three challenge, and also get a 30 day free Audible trial just head to or text Kurtistown to 500-500. All right, that's it. Thank you for sponsoring this video Audible. Awesome, that was great. All right, that's going to do it for the video. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed it. Please press the like button because one like equals 1% of my masculinity raised. So let's see how fucking tough I can get dude. (deep grunt) Leave a comment, let me know what you thought of this whole thing. Again, I haven't really seen anyone talk about this and your comments always make me laugh very hard and I appreciate them so, and I'm sure you guys are gonna have some bangers for this topic and I'm excited. So yeah. Leave a comment. Let me know your thought. Also don't forget to press the subscribe button if you haven't already. So make a video every single week. And as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued member of Kurtis Town. If you didn't know, Kurtis Town is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor. So you have to be nice to me. It's the law, and you get an extra greeting. So there's no reason not to. If you want to see the other things I do, you can check the description follow me on Instagram, Twitter check out my weekly podcast called Very Really Good. It's a lot of fun. Come see my stand-up shows. Gonna be a lot of fun. A lot of them are sold out, but still got some tickets left so grab them, merch as well. So yeah, all that good shit is in the description. All right. Thank you so much for watching. I've been Kurtis Conner. I'll see you next week. I got to go though. Sorry. I'm in a rush. I got an unlimited amount of babies kind of running around in my house and I got to kind of go wrangle them up. The fuck. Okay. See ya. (soft music) My eyes are watering, drank too much gingy pop.
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 4,069,250
Rating: 4.948853 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, commentary, convention, women, men, 22convention, manosphere, cringe, reaction, weird, convention cringe
Id: X1oHnA_Slto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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