DIGTOK (w/ Drew Gooden and Kurtis Conner)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/getoutdood 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys before the video starts i just released new merch i got three new pieces there's two hoodies and one t-shirt all designed by the extremely talented brandon lapine i think he loki kind of went off with these if i'm being honest these are definitely three of the best pieces of merch that i've ever dropped they're like insanely cool designs the hoodies are the best quality hoodies that we've ever printed on i really love the design and i hope you guys like it too and if you want to check them out go to dannygonzales.store all right here's the video what's up greg and welcome back to another episode of virtual boys because today i'm doing my first virtual collab with my virtual boys drew and curtis say hi everybody i'm singing up our audio oh yeah okay we already did that you don't have to clap again okay i thought you said to do it again while you were talking say something okay so today we're going to be talking about got it yeah i think we're all good now we were already sinking we've been synced the whole time so you guys don't have to do that ever again ever in your whole life your audio is going to be for the rest of your life thank you man that saves a bunch of time so i know it's been a long time since we've seen each other and it's been kind of hard because we're good for good friends and everyone knows that and i was thinking of what tic tocs i could show you that would kind of make us all feel better about not being able to see each other for so long okay and so i stumbled upon these tick tocks that are sort of like uh they're sort of like relationship advice tick tocks i guess relationship and life advice tick tocks okay that i think will really cheer you guys up because i think that that is what you guys need right now so you're you're trying to cheer us up you're not using these to give us advice that you think we need right is that uh well are you saying like we're not doing a good enough job in this relationship here's some advice yeah you need some you need some relationship advice because you haven't seen me in so long and i figure it's just because you guys don't really know how friendships work yeah we're not holding up our end of the bargain to you yes you guys haven't visited me in forever so i'm gonna show you some relationship advice because you guys aren't being very good friends lately in fact for like almost for like a year actually oh yeah exactly one year i'm sorry yeah we messed up oh well anyway without further ado let's go ahead and watch one what do you guys say sure okay [Laughter] so what is the metaphor here exactly i know that this isn't to be taken literally but i think it means you got to work hard so you can punch your family away at the very end of the day yeah because they didn't just dissolve their problems they also dissolved their family they annihilated their family the husband is like look i know i'm not around a lot right now i'm working really hard but one day i'm gonna come home with a big diamond and we'll be able to kill our whole family finally once we get these pesky children out of the way i can finally retire just you me and our diamond i like that also the family is depicted as this boulder that's like crushing the mom like is that how you guys think of your family and how it'll be someday when you have kids family friends pretty much everyone i know it's kind of a boulder that's crushing me okay so the first guy oh so this is a guy trying to get his wife to come and be with him and she's saying no no no i don't need your current riches my husband will have future riches also i think that guy is just that guy in a red shirt so it says twin i'm guessing yeah yeah so is that also is that the same woman in the same way that yeah so this account cptn boot captain boo captain boo i believe it's just two people it's this man and his boo maybe it's the captain and his boo he's the captain she's taboo she's king boo from mario we get it you're a gamer epic dude that was an epic joke yeah i started streaming minecraft on twitch and i guess you could say i know a lot about video games now yeah you know you're showing us videos with [ __ ] mining for diamonds in it you know all about this yeah this specifically this actually happens in my own personal life while i'm playing minecraft laura is like dealing with the pressure of our family and obligations bearing down on her and i'm just up here in my little room playing minecraft digging for diamonds [Music] i'm gonna win the carrot trophy that's it that's the end that's the end of the video's reply i like that there's a trophy for biggest sprout of a carrot like it's like at a county fair that there would be like a trophy for the biggest carrot but for some reason they don't bother to pull it out of the ground to actually see how big it is they're just like damn that's big leaps no they don't give like mvp to the best basketball player they give it to the best like looking best person who looks like a guy with the longest player every competition is based on who has the longest and greenest hair i love how this i think this is kind of a theme in these how upset the dude gets when he's he comes back and his carrot is little like falling down to his knees and like weeding what would you say is the lesson of this tick tock do you think it's related to anything sexual like just because the guy's rocking a big bush doesn't mean he's actually taking it dick is gonna be that big you're harkening back to that old stereotype of guys who have a lot of pubes have huge dicks yeah but not so no no no he could have a tiny little maybe just some little mustache over yeah also implying that like you know how much pubes a guy has before the pubes are on display first so this one is called love is and then a heartbreak emoji which i feel like is the opposite of what love is but i guess we'll find out why they think that can i predict what it's going to be i haven't seen this yet yeah so they're both digging from each side i think they're gonna get really close and they're gonna give up and the point is persevere because you never know when you're one scratch of land away from meeting your lover [Music] oh but the girl persevered but the guy walked out of frame so he's gone i guess see can she see him just walking away like pizza yeah he's got to be just like a few extra feeders he was just off screen and she's like where'd he go but nevertheless she breaks down and falls to her knees yeah does all of their tick tocks end in someone uh an agonizing despair yeah even when they have happy endings the person's still like i don't know i underst they're supposed to be underground correct yes why is there a blue sky with clouds behind them that is a good question it should just be more rock right do you think that these people are dead and this is what heaven is like where is god oh my god i'm hungry i'm gonna go get heaven pizza so i'd say that this one's pretty relatable right the only thing that can make you stop looking for love really is the thought of going to have a slice of pizza okay more mining for diamonds for diamonds okay so i'm trying to figure out what they're saying about these two different characters because one girl is like in a little skirt and she's like dancing and she's like give me the diamond and the other she's smoking hot yeah she's smoking smoke those actually aren't clouds in the background that's smoke coming off of her and then this girl is wearing long pants and she looks very sad she's smoking ugly yeah it's because she's so ugly you'd be sad to do that [Music] oh [ __ ] holy yeah the moment the ending is clear all right we're done so i kind of thought that like this girl represents like a party girl and all she wants to do is party and the sad girl is like she's like gonna be your wife she's more responsible yeah she represents stability she has a ladder for you to get out right honestly since they cut it off we didn't see any negative consequences for his like the one that he chose that she could have been the right option it's like yeah go get yourself a girl who like likes to dance and have fun if a sad girl hands you a letter use it to get to that smoke what they did just wait till that you could swim up you idiot she threw her pickaxe up at the hydrant yeah what kind of solution was that you're stuck in a hole and it's like someone gives you the tool to get out and you're like this is blowing [ __ ] at me i'm trying to figure out how to get out of here so there's a couple things i noticed first off curtis you were saying why don't they just swim out right of course of course why don't they yeah it doesn't seem like that's an option in this for some reason like the girl once it gets up to her neck just kind of goes like this but the guy his solution isn't to tunnel like up diagonally he just tunnels to the side and i feel like the hole is still going to fill up over there also so he just kind of like walked over to the side and now is gonna drown over here instead it's like if they were stuck on a train track and he just moved further down the track track like that's not a solution you don't want to drown like on screen i guess so because that's that's like unbecoming right so the lesson here is if you're on camera and you're gonna die just just move over a bit i guess the the lesson is it's impolite to die in front of other people yeah if you're gonna die you should find a nice place to do that do that [ __ ] by yourself man nobody wants to see that tunnel to the side with your fortnite pickaxe man get the [ __ ] out of my sight if you're gonna die and you're around people dig underground really quick okay so this guy is giving true trust it's true trust care and love okay okay oh and he just walks away yeah he set the booby trap for her and he just leaves damn my girlfriend fell in a hole i guess i'll go find another one i guess i'll go scrape scraping underground for another one i got to get a new house car and job because i guess all that was fake yeah what was all that made out of sand yeah so i it's unclear whether he actually has all these things or like these are the promises like i promise i'll buy you this bmw i promise you a helicopter if you date me come on baby i'll buy you a helicopter that's all girls want and it's honestly disgusting realistically he's only promising like a very small car a really small helicopter a tiny house and a normal and what's the difference between true and trust i promise i will always give you true i will always give you trust those are too similar well i think the way this should have ended was the guy walks away she's stuck down there and then the other guy who was giving him like giving her unconditional love would come and help her out and she'd be like oh you helped me at my darkest point i do love right or whatever but it just ends yeah he just kind of stands there i think this might be like freeze framed actually he's literally just like a still picture just like yeah i've given you all i have i'm done so they're digging for treasure nice with their little jacket if they do anything else all they do is it's the only way they can think of to like have metaphors for life they're like they can only think in underground digging metaphors they're always talking to people like you know life is a lot like holes and they're like not really i gotta go film a tick tock do you think if you were friends with these people and you came to them with a problem you're like i i don't know what to do my parents won't talk to me they won't accept me for who i am they'd be like hey buddy just think about it this way like you're inside a big hole right now and your parents are at the top and you're focusing on them when you have to be digging down further into the hole did you know there's diamonds down there wait hold on he's like trying to like draw everything that you're saying slow down slow down and who are my parents again oh they're the fire hydrant give your ladder to the dancing lady okay this is what you need how do we know each other again do these people not know each other can she just not give him the ladder when she's done are they two are they competing miners digging right next to each other i think you're going to want to see how this ends because i it sounds like you think he's going to get stuck in the hole right and that's why he shouldn't be digging down so far oh i thought he was going to dig into it and it it was going to be filled with water there's like a pipe there and he was going to drown like they do in every dick oh that's a punk okay drew not all their tic tacs are the same okay he's not going to drown down there you're right they're all very different all right let's see what happens [Music] oh sh [Laughter] oh i told you you're right he didn't drown he got electrocuted don't dig down too far or else you will twerk on a pipe yeah so i guess this is about greed while you're ahead yeah it's like do they think everywhere is this plentiful and with like diamonds and treasure it looks like they're on like the side of a highway it looks like they dug into the highway it looks like they're in the middle of a racetrack and they're just like there's like cars zooming by overhead okay so what is what are they [ __ ] trying to tell us because in some some tick tocks are like hey don't give up because you never know it the love was just right there and then this one's like hey don't keep going because you're gonna die easy buster don't get too greedy yeah what do you want picture like a mix of this one and the one where they're digging to find each other in the middle but when they instead of getting to each other they both hit an electrical pipe at the same time okay so this one's a mom versus dude scenario yeah i wonder that's one of the classic story types you got man versus nature man versus man mom versus dude like like conflict types and new stories yeah yeah you learned that in like ap lang or whatever it's like you got mom verse dude this is a classic sale is all right from school [Laughter] that's story a mom first dude story okay okay mom first dude mom gives you time dude gives you dancing mom gives you graduation cap she homeschooling you hat for hourglass yeah she's just putting a hat on yeah oh it's a fancy hourglass dude gives you my tie okay oh look at how the dude's standing now he's like come on babe what are you gonna choose come on [ __ ] you're gonna choose school or one drink wait what was the first thing he did yeah i'm having a very hard time making that out it's like a picture of a girl dancing okay dude is offering her dancing because it's a girl dancing i'll let you dance mom gives you time dude lets you dance he's not gonna dance with you but he'll allow it he might not even be there you will stand there with his arms crossed and let you dance [Music] and of course the guy walked away at the end of the tick tock these dudes are not loyal what is the end game for him yeah cause it was never gonna work right she was never gonna be able to cross over the hole yeah he's just some sort of villain that kind of wanders around this weird world where he just fills holes with imaginary stuff for some reason separating girls from their moms and when the job is done he doesn't even take time to enjoy it he's like trying to speed run this all right like dancing drinks car yeah bye okay go go go go go you're dead you're i gotta get some water i'm laughing so much i'm getting lightheaded over here okay oh what guess me and curtis are just gonna watch this one by ourselves oh wait you have a water thing right there i thought you had to leave the room [ __ ] i look like an idiot now whoa is that how you got amanda to agree today you like filled a hole with a water machine and she was like hell yeah and then i had to buy a new one because that one was fake and amanda's still in that hole i think that captain boo were like the first people i saw doing this but there's been some other accounts that have been getting pretty popular from doing this format too some of them are animated okay the caption of this one is i'd rather be alone than have such a friend [Music] [Laughter] it's not enough that they're leaving her there to die they're going to crush her with this feeling i feel like this whole thing was premeditated i don't think this is an accident holy [ __ ] dude [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] there were so many twists in that story i know like it got so dark so fast full and then they just start throwing these giant ass boulders down there when she like airbends her way away from him off to the top how does she avoid the first one i see how she avoids the second one goes right through her yeah yeah in this world that's only two dimensional you can't be in front or behind something you can't add a third dimension where there is no damn they're just throwing their big pieces of [ __ ] out of here is that what those are those are giant pieces of poop what else would they be and i like that instead of just getting even with them at the end like now they're on level playing field she backs them off a co like off a cliff and they die the caption is i'd rather be alone than have such a friend but she didn't just end alone she killed them she's really down playing it in the caption now i'm just alone and uh that's through my own choice and i cut them out of my life friend first husband oh [ __ ] is this going to be exactly the [ __ ] thing where the friend gives her dancing and drinks and the husband gives her time in school give her love i love you okay so far it is the exact same things that are exactly the same boss baby [Music] oh he's telling me she fall through i did that no she didn't fall through right so there's no consequences for going out with your friends instead of your hanging out with your husband and having boss baby well to be fair her husband just threw their baby into a pit like maybe he's not the right guy for anything babe look look what i'll give you see that's our baby down there yeah that he may be boss baby but he is still a baby it's gonna do some damage he may own a fortune 500 company but he's just a wee little guy still a wee lad also i like in this universe that um if you aren't a dude you're a husband a husband cannot be a dude men only have two moods dude could you imagine walking through like a park or something and you see just two holes on the ground and in one hole there's a baby an hourglass and a heart and in the other there's a car and a drink yeah these are well these are filmed in real life exactly they are yeah these are filmed irl in front of a live studio audience too i haven't noticed any crowd noises so far i guess they just don't really have anything they have no reaction it's like they're just white captain boo tick tocks are filmed in front of an unimpressed underground again so this is a yet another account and they're they're also doing the underground only thing where they all their tick tocks are ground-based groundbreaking [Music] i'm coming back with the money in the bag then he's too big to get out of the hole because he was too greedy yeah i mean it didn't matter anyway because he was getting struck by lightning through the ground he was already gonna die [Music] whoa six nine nine 69 they start 69 holy [ __ ] they turned into wolves in our 69 [Music] yeah i wish that that's how it ended they turn into wolves and then they just start sucking and [ __ ] so this is like a freaky friday type situation where they like switch places i just don't understand why did they have to turn into wolves for this to happen shouldn't the lightning have turned that other guy into a wolf in the other tick tock and then other tick tock lightning strikes him it turns into two wolves the guy swims up through the water and he looks in the other hole and there's two underwater wolves 69 and then they bark over can we get some privacy dude yeah the guy's like swimming up and he is gonna say like told you so but he just looks it up where are they dude this is like salvador dali levels of surrealist art they're like in the middle of the ocean and there's a six on these like piled up flat stones they floated out to sea on these little platforms and they're more concerned with what number this is than like getting back to land i love on the side of this it says suggested accounts as gordon ramsay if you went to his account he has like the exact same style of video yeah it's gordon ramsay and one of his other chefs chef friends arguing about like what ingredients should go in a dish apple it's upside down apple so yeah so that's the end of the tick tocks did you guys feel like you learned anything or that you might want to go visit anybody yeah yeah no i feel like i learned more about like electricity and how lightning works for me i was always kind of scared of like getting struck by lightning or getting electrocuted but if it just turns me into a wolf that's [ __ ] itself like that's awesome yeah i think that's that's fine i think that's what i learned as well i think that's i think that's fine i think what i also learned was that diamonds are everywhere and you only got a lad i lear i didn't learn anything yeah i'll be honest with you guys you guys just went on like a three minute rant about how what everything you learned and then you you like you stumbled over your words once and now you're back how are you taking it all back yeah like it was all if i can't if i can't perfectly you know regurgitate every single thing that i learned i didn't learn a thing if everything we just said was an object if you try to step on it you would fall through it yeah i think by now we all know the exact appropriate situation to use these metaphors in that's right going to the grocery store think about it this way sometimes going to the grocery store can feel like aimlessly scratching around underground searching for the love of your life where's the food to make it effective you got to take time to plan before you even go to the grocery store you got to take time out of your day to go and by the end of it what do you have probably the same meal you've been cooking every week plus you're trapped in a hole and you probably have a bunch of food waste too because the grocery store sells way more celery than you need it this recipe says i need one stock of celery but the grocery store only sells entire trees of celery i didn't even know they grow like that after that it can start to feel like that hole is filling up with water it does it feels like that which is why i as well as so many others use today's sponsor hellofresh whoa this box will help me not drown it's like a metaphor yeah do you get it every week you get a choice of meals to choose from with hellofresh and they'll send you three although you can always add more and i love hellofresh because they take out all the stress of like planning and prepping your meals they send you all the ingredients you need they send you very simple to read instructions so instead of toiling over the stove for hours i can just read a simple little sheet and have dinner on the table in like 30 minutes every meal that we've gotten from hellofresh has seriously been delicious i mean like they really do not miss and it's such a wide variety of different types of food hellofresh's carbon footprint is also like 25 less than grocery store-bought meal which makes it a great environmentally conscious option as well and if that's not enough to love them they've also been donating a ton to people in need they donated over 4 million meals to charity in 2020 and are continuing to step up their donations this year amid the covid crisis so if you're interested in some of these yummy nummy tasty meals then head on over to hellofresh.com and use my code truly greg12 to get 12 free meals including free shipping that's hellofresh.com my code is truly greg12 to get 12 free meals plus free shipping thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video hellofresh is a longtime sponsor their food is fantastic it seriously slaps honestly thank you to you guys for checking out hellofresh as well because when you check out my sponsors it helps me get more in the future so it's really a win-win situation it's six okay so it's six what if i came it's nine six looking at it right now it's six who gives a [ __ ] anymore who cares what number this is i'm having the time of my life i didn't learn to see it from each other's point of view they just didn't care anymore all right well thank you guys for watching this video and thank you to drew and curtis for being in the video guys thank you if you're new here and you're not subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join great make sure you guys subscribe to drew and curtis's channels as well otherwise i will dig a hole and bury you in it and throw big rocks at you are we still in the video because this is kind of awkward and drew and curtis are still here while i'm doing this outro i can still cut to them at any moment they're just sitting there while i'm doing this don't use any of this footage please
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 3,091,333
Rating: 4.9734821 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: YUjD6Vytyc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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