I Somehow Got a World Record Speedrun

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My worlds are colliding! What will I do? 😆

But seriously though, I enjoy both of their content. Haven't finished the video yet. Hope he is kind to Tan Tan.

Edit: Oh, I thought he was going to drag Smant or something, but he is actually in the video. My bad! 😄

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/gimmemoarjosh 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys go subscribe to my gaming channel curtis pogger it's a great time i'm posting highlights from my twitch streams on there and if you didn't know i stream twice a week on twitch so go follow me there as well alright thanks so much enjoy the video hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's really good to see you again i hope you're doing well all right folks i have a confession some of you may not like what you're about to hear but i like video games i grew up playing video games my first console i ever got was the sega genesis and it was awesome man it was a freaking sweet console they snapped sega gen assist snap i played sonic the hedgehog 2 like every single day even though i could never even get past the second level because video games were so hard back then and i was also a six-year-old boy so i feel like the odds were against me also a little redundant to say six-year-old boy i was a six-year-old man every day after school my friend conor would come over to my house we'd turn on my huge thick double cheeked up zenith television turn on sega genesis we'd play aladdin mighty morphin power rangers jurassic park i guess this was back when like every movie and tv show needed a video game tie-in for some reason yo come over to my house dude i just got everybody loves raymond the game everybody loves gaming then when i was around like nine or ten i got into like pc gaming politically correct gaming no like computer games and it was very different back then like nowadays people spend like 15 grand on a gaming setup so they can play among us hello but when i was a kid i feel like any desktop computer could just play any game so yeah my stepdad actually worked for a telecommunications company and one day he came home with just like two spare computers that they had just laying around so me and my sister each got our own like desktop computer which was so [ __ ] sick stepfathers take notes all right that's how you [ __ ] do it me my sister would like spend hours playing games on websites like mini clip new grounds addicting games and we would just play games that were [ __ ] way too violent for kids to be playing but hey i turned out just fine i didn't say it turned out good i said i turned out just fine but pc and flash games played like a huge role in my life technically my first girlfriend was actually on habbo hotel and i'm not proud to admit that okay i'm not bragging but in my defense she did say that she'd give me a bunch of habbo credits and some cool furniture from my virtual hotel room if i agreed to date her so i said yes okay she was my habbo hotel sugar mama i never really talked to her that much or found out her real name and she dumped me a day later but i did get some pretty bomb furniture and i got to do a sick ass dive off the diving board so who really had the last laugh huh and also if i'm remembering correctly my haba hotel character was a white guy with dreadlocks so the whole thing was just bad news i was a pretty frequent epic gamer when i was a child but i didn't truly fall in love with video games until one christmas uh where my dad biological dad he got me a nintendo 64. and dude i played so much n64 it was repulsive it was disgusting i blew on so many cartridges i have the lungs of a chain smoker now that's how i say hi now okay and for a few years the only time i could actually play in 64 was either at my friend's house or when i went to go visit my dad every other weekend because you know divorce so when i was visiting my father to spend quality time with my father i was just playing n64 the entire time though just the whole [ __ ] time hey buddy you want to go play catch oh yeah i'd love to play catch if you want to catch these hands [ __ ] i'm trying to get a sick picture of pikachu on a surfboard if you can't tell so how about you [ __ ] off okay dude perfect example of how obsessed i was one weekend when i was visiting my dad i was supposed to be like helping him move into his new house and i remember i like snuck away for a little bit and like secretly plugged in my n64 to a television and played paper mario he got pretty pissed off understandably so but you know at the same time don't schedule a big move on the same weekend your son's gonna visit you obviously biological fathers take notes but the n64 was and still is my favorite video game console of all time i remember having so much fun playing when i was a kid me and my sisters play these like incredible iconic games like super mario 64 pokemon stadium star fox 64 goldeneye the list goes on but i miss all these incredible iconic games there was one video game that completely took over my life and that was the legend of zelda ocarina of time i cannot tell you how much i love this game to this day it is still my favorite video game of all time and i don't think anything will even come close to it besides everybody loves gaming and i know i'm not unique for saying this ocarina of time is a lot of people's favorite games but still the story the gameplay that sense of wonder and excitement you feel when you first run out in the hyrule field and the feeling you get after solving a difficult puzzle or beating a tough boss everything about it was just perfect i could make an entire video about why i love ocarina of time so much and just the impact that it had on my life and my childhood but that's not what this video is about so when i was around maybe 17 or 18 which is almost [ __ ] 10 years ago now i was at that point where i probably beat ocarina of time like i don't know more than like 20 times at least i don't know a lot so i knew the layouts of all the dungeons really well and i could finish them pretty quick and there was one particular dungeon in the game called the water temple and that was my favorite one because you know i got that drip but now if you've played ocarina of time on the n64 you know how [ __ ] annoying the water temple is you have to constantly change the water levels in the temple and you have to constantly open the start menu to switch to your regular boots to your iron boots you gotta do that like a million times and it was so hard that like the director of the game had to publicly apologize for it it was gnarly but 18 year old curtis i had the whole thing memorized man and i could do it pretty quick i would i remember doing it over and over and over again to see how fast i could get it done i remember i got my record down to like i think it was like 31 minutes and i thought it was hot [ __ ] man i thought i was like bragging to my friends about it even though i don't think any girl would be like yo hear about curtis's time on the water temple 31 minutes yeah it may have been the water temple but it wasn't getting anybody wet so i remember one day i decided to take a look on youtube to see if anybody could even come close to my epic 31 minute time and that's when i see a video of someone beating the water temple in two minutes and 29 seconds two minutes and 29 seconds now obviously they use a bunch of glitches and exploits to practically skip everything and go right to the boss but still i remember being like [ __ ] blown away and i think this was my like real introduction to the concept of speed speedrunning and speedrunning has become like super popular but if you somehow don't know what it is here's a quick definition a speedrun is a playthrough or a recording thereof of a whole video game or a selected part of it such as a single level performed with the intention of completing it as fast as possible so i was technically speedrunning the water temple before i even knew what speedrunning was which is kind of cool i guess i mean i don't want to say i invented speedrunning but i mean if you guys want to say that that's fine but after seeing that two minute water temple run i i kind of fell down the rabbit hole and i just fell in love with it man it's so it's fascinating it's entertaining it's impressive also fellas a little tip uh the next time you're bumping uglies with someone and you uh arrive a little earlier than expected just say you're doing a sex speed run and you're in the club seriously though in the last few years i've become like just so fascinated with speed running and all of its components unfortunately there are a lot of uh cringe compilations from a certain speedrunning marathon which are very funny so confirmed santa's number one helper is a squirrel i would really prefer if you would be quiet but i mean you can make a cringe compilation about anything that people are passionate about because when you love something that much and you devote your like entire life to it you don't care if what you're doing is cool or normal even right you're just genuinely enjoying the thing that you love and i think that's beautiful right there's some really amazing content creators out there like summoning salt the rickster rixxer easyscape bismuth we do these incredible deep dives into the overall progression of a particular speedrun or they'll explain glitches and exploits that people use to beat a dungeon in a fraction of the time that i can even though i spent weeks and weeks trying to do it it's fine i'm happy for them but the glitches that these speed owners pull off are just i just can't wrap my head around them and i've seen a lot of them okay i have seen a lot of glitches i've watched tutorials even just to make you know just to find out how they do it but i've never actually like tried any of them so how about we do that let's go try speedrunning glitch okay so the glitch i'm going to try is in super mario 64. there's this endless staircase in the game where if you don't have enough stars this just goes on forever but there's apparently a glitch that lets you kind of beat that you kind of do it backwards you do a long jump backwards and it kind of shoots you up the stairs okay this is harder than i thought how do you do it hold on [Music] come on oh my god i did it holy [ __ ] that was so much easier than i thought nice i thought this is gonna take like a half hour uh okay cool back to me well that was a walk in the park feels good though man i get it i'm hooked i'm addicted done you know i gotta chase this high doing one successful glitch that's not enough i don't want to just sit on the bench and watch anymore okay this isn't my middle school basketball team i want to know what it's like to be number one on a speed running leaderboard i've watched enough of these videos i think it's time to fulfill my speedrunning destiny that began 10 years ago at the water temple and i need to become a world record speedrunner so let's go do that [Music] okay so obviously it'd be pretty [ __ ] stupid for me to try to go for an ocarina of time speedrun because people spend like literal years to try and get their time down and i don't have that much time well i mean i guess i do i could just not upload for like five years and try to do it but i like uploading videos and also this video actually has a deadline so i need to find a video game that's like way less competitive and that's going to be tough because i feel like any like modern game is going to be pretty competitive right just because it's like new and exciting right i'm playing hitman 3 on stream right now so how about we take a look at those leaderboards to get like a general idea of what like a new game speed run time would be the first level took me like 90 minutes to beat so let's see okay six seconds all right so yeah i don't think any newer game is going to be a good call for me so i need to find an old video game but an old video game that isn't well known and loved by a lot of people i guess so i have all my old n64 games in this basket here i'm gonna go through them and uh see which ones i could potentially speedrun if any so let's have a look while searching up all the leaderboards for these i was surprised by the sheer amount of runs that have been completed for these games it's crazy to think how there can be so many different communities and rivalries within these 20 year old video games and most of these are just way too competitive and there was no way i could even come close to a number one spot dude even with games that i thought wouldn't have any records like monopoly there's still several records from people as recent as like a month ago monopoly no [ __ ] way man it is also pretty funny that one person holds the number one spot in every category for a game called monopoly can't write a better joke than that ma'am okay unfortunately going through all my childhood games was a bust and not the good kind of bust and i guess that's good that'd be really weird if i did that all my childhood games were just too popular and already had super competitive devoted speed running communities but just when all hope was lost i remembered an n64 game i purchased at an antique store a few months ago and yeah the fact that something from my childhood now qualifies as an antique makes me want to hammer a nail into my thigh but it's all good the game i purchased at this antique store is called yli country club true golf classics i bought it for five dollars because i like vintage stuff and i also like golf so i thought hey why not right the game was released in 1998 and golf digest describes it as the worst golf video game man has ever known so i guess that means women know of a worse golf game than that why are you hiding it from us speak up ladies if we take a look at the wildlife country club leaderboard on speedrun.com there's only a couple of people to beat in each category but there is only one person to beat in the stroke play no easy shot real hardware category so if i'm going to get a world record speed run i think this is my best bet but you know what if i'm going to do this if i'm going to really go for the world record i need some tips from a professional you know just like my magician video and my ai video i want to talk to someone who is knowledgeable and like in this community before i really dive in so i reached out to one of my favorite speedrunners small ant and he was actually down to talk to me for this video so yeah come along let's learn how to speed run [Music] [Applause] all right hello hello tanner nice to meet you nice to meet you hello hold up you're you're canadian right yeah canadian me too fellow canadians but yeah i just wanted i thought i'd reach out talk to you because uh i've been watching your videos for the last couple months and they're uh they're they're gnarly it seems like um the dedication you put in is crazy that's fun so yeah how uh how did you get into the whole uh you know like speed running pretty much what happened was i was just like casually streaming games on twitch for a while and uh a friend of mine did still a lot of speed running there was a tournament for super mario odyssey speedrunning the game had just come out it was like 2017 and she jokingly said you should join didn't really have anything to do for the next like two months so i was like sure yeah why not yeah so i joined the tournament and uh i i didn't i don't join tournaments to lose so right when i joined i ended up starting just practicing like i think it was like eight hours a day the first day i signed up so yeah i basically just started grinding and then on eventually it turned into like content creation right now but that's pretty much how it started was someone jokingly jokingly told me to join a tournament that's the best way to join that's crazy if anyone's like someone like me who isn't like you know in the speedrun community or isn't very uh good at it yet what's like a good tip for beginners for getting into speed running i think the biggest thing is to just do runs like if if you're trying to learn a speedrun like the the best way to get into it is to learn the bare minimum you need to do to complete a run in like a reasonable amount of time like learn the the bare minimum and then do a run and like after you do a run you'll be able to know okay this was bad this was bad i'll practice those and then you can do another run and like you switch in between like you do runs to figure out what you're bad at then once you know what you're bad at you practice those things and do another run okay that's good to know yeah so not to like stress too much about everything just kind of you get the basics and then you kind of just dive in okay um so my this was my plan okay i obviously know i'm not going to do like like a super mario odyssey run or an ocarina of time run or something like that where it's like super competitive and insane that it would take me like years to even come close to um so i found a game for n64 it's a very old like not very popular golf game there's only one record on the on the page so technically if i beat that then i'll have a number one world record for this this golf game that nobody played do you think that'd be a might probably my best bet if i were to just go for the number number one i mean yeah there's only one person to beat right yeah that's that's it just one person i mean that that works a world record's a world record if you beat them so it accounts exactly okay i have your blessing oh i've done that so often you know it see a dumb world record that you can take go for it yeah [ __ ] it it's good content yeah exactly that guy's gonna be so bummed whoever does have the world record after after you beat them they'll be technically the worst person in the world they're like yeah exactly if you ain't first your last especially when there's only two people again i uh thanks for your time i knew this could be it's going to be quick i just wanted to talk to someone uh in the speedrun community i love the content you make and uh where where can people find you uh i mean i'm small ant on pretty much every platform you can find me there by searching it up i play games wrong perfect nailed it with the blessing from small ant and my wildlife country club true golf classics cartridge in hand it was finally time to start playing this game [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so my first playthrough was a little rough i was off to a pretty good start and the game actually seemed a lot easier than i thought it would be and i actually made a huge time saving discovery on my first playthrough oh you can speed it up if you hold b the oh my god if you hold b it goes faster this this is a game changer this is a game changer so that was nice i got this [ __ ] caddy next to me he's not doing anything give me some advice bro massage my shoulders at least you know give me a little give me a little kiss caddies need to start kissing their golfers then i realized i had easy shot mode turned on and that's not the category i'm going for but once i switched the easy shot mode off that's when things went really downhill so the way the swinging mechanic works is you have to press a to initiate your shot hit a again at the right part of the arc to get you the right distance and then you press a again when the marker gets to the red zone at the bottom to hit a successful shot and if you miss that red zone by even a little bit you totally [ __ ] the bed and the ball barely goes anywhere [Music] dude this is hard and i need to get better at literally every single aspect of this game but the main issues i noticed were my putting ah and my distance control get out of the bunker go go go go go god so i'm gonna try to practice for a few hours every day because i really need to get my time down because right now my first run was like 19 minutes so i need to shave off eight whole minutes which in speed running time is a lot dude if this was a get a sugar mama and have a hotel speedrun i'd knock it out of the [ __ ] park man be way easier and i know it's gonna be very difficult to beat the record in the short amount of time that i've given myself but i don't think it's impossible so i'm gonna hop back on and keep practicing because you know practice makes perfect unfortunately so yeah uh wish me luck [Music] over the next few days i was getting a little more comfortable with the controls and the swing mechanic and i was starting to figure out the general pace that i needed to beat the record my new goal was to beat each hole in around 40 seconds because based on my big brain calculations if i get 40 seconds per hole that's a 12 minute run that's what she said so i just needed to aim for that and then i could make up some time along the way if i had some good shots and yeah i hit some good shots [Music] nice shot nice on nice car so at this point uh i was playing around like a couple hours every day i lowered my time to 15 minutes and 24 seconds then i got a 14 26 and the day after that i was able to get my time down to 13.55 and i'mma be honest things really just weren't improving at the rate that i needed them to be i was playing for a few hours every day but i just could not get my time down and then i thought back to my interview with tanner right when i joined i ended up starting just practicing like i think it was like eight hours a day the first day i signed up so yeah i basically just started grinding and uh i honestly think i was subconsciously avoiding this aspect of speed running getting a world record speed run isn't something that you achieve by just practicing for a couple of hours every day you know if i wanted to do this i needed to fully devote all my time to this game and the speed run so that's what i did i started grinding for at least six hours a day practicing holes i was bad at testing out new strategies i thought of i even timed each different character's swing in final cut frame by frame to see who had the fastest swing all of this while doing run after run after run after run you may think that's extra or obsessive and you're absolutely right but the way that i rationalized this behavior in my head was like this if you have a week to throw a hot dog off the top of a building and for it to land perfectly in an open bun that's on the ground would you rather have a good amount of wieners to throw or the most wieners you could possibly throw the answer is obvious give me all the wieners so this game pretty much became my entire life and uh yeah when you do the same thing for hours and hours every single day for weeks on end and you don't achieve the thing you're trying to achieve gets pretty frustrating yeah i haven't been this angry like like ever i've never been this upset with anything in my life i really learned a lot about myself and none of the things i learned were good things about myself but at this point in my speed running journey i figured out a way to eliminate a lot of the messed up shots that i was getting trying to hit the little red mark at the bottom of the arc when it's going that fast every single time it's like 10 year old me watching any scene in space jam that featured lola bunny really hard but there is a way to actually give yourself some leeway if you press a before the slider gets into the red zone at the top you can miss the red zone at the bottom and still hit an okay shot it won't be perfect but you know it's acceptable so to avoid me going into the red zone at the top i would just change my club super quick and then i would just use that method that i just explained and this helped out tremendously and i was able to finally get my time under 13 minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god 12 19 no [ __ ] way unfortunately this is where my time would stay for the next week until one day where i was finally on pace to beat the record so the run was off to a pretty rough start a messed up tee shot on the second hole led to a short approach which put me 10 seconds behind my best time but a really good shot on the seventh hole put me 11 seconds ahead perfect example of how [ __ ] annoying it is to speedrun this terrible game but you know what in this round i'll say it i was playing out of my [ __ ] mind dude i was popping off by the time i got to the 10th hole i was a full 20 seconds ahead i slowly improved my pace with each hole and with only two more holes to play i was almost an entire minute ahead of my best time so i was on pace to beat the record by a full 20 seconds and then this happened [Music] [Music] oh my god what was that what was that what was that yep i pretty much played 16 holes without messing up and then when i'm finally on pace to beat the record i just [ __ ] up a super easy shot and yeah you can imagine how upset i was i can't believe i just did that go [ __ ] come on man come on this was it man this was [ __ ] it what are you doing dude i was a full minute behind again i hate this [ __ ] game and you know any sane person probably would have you know thrown in the towel for the night but i didn't want to throw in the towel okay i wanted to throw a wiener off a building so that's what i did okay i gotta go again i gotta go again i have to i started another run right after and by the time i got to the 17th hole i was roughly 20 seconds behind the pace of my previous run so in reality i could make or break this run with my next shot i just had to not mess it up like i did the last time and luckily i [ __ ] nailed it [Music] so all i had to do to get the world record was to beat the last hole in less than 43 seconds i played the hole pretty well but i hit my approach shot a little too far so i now had a 25 foot putt to beat the world record after weeks of grinding for hours and hours every single day i was one putt away [Music] i missed it i [ __ ] missed it let's freeze frame shall we i was that far away that was a [ __ ] i was a [ __ ] away from the record that would have given me an 11 41. dude yeah this was actually like really devastating to me [Music] you know i put hours and hours into this game because i you know i wanted the record you know i want to make a good video that has a good story with a triumphant ending okay you know that's why i put myself through this is for this video but even aside from you know making a video about it i can't spend three weeks to just not get the record you know then all of this is for nothing and also at this point jenna was like hey you need to stop playing this game obviously because it was like visibly stressing me out and making me sad but i decided that i was going to give myself just one more day if i didn't get the record by midnight on march 20th i'd call it quits and give this video the school of rock treatment i guess you know i don't win the big thing but i we all learned a lesson along the way or something and then i go start a music school so on march 20th i got all set up and i started doing my final runs so for the final day to like trick my brain into like performing better i kept telling myself that the record is 11 33 even though it's 11 43. that way if i'm not on pace to get 11 33 you know i'll really like push myself to focus and like go faster you know i don't know if that actually did anything but at the time it made perfect sense to me so i started doing some speed runs and the whole day i was just stuck at the 12 minute mark and it was really disheartening man i was like fully prepared to just [ __ ] you know just give up you know and it was getting towards the end of the day and i only had about 15 minutes left in my memory card so i decided that i would do one final run all right well this is literally the last run i'm gonna do so better make it good and oh boy did i ever make it good i was at a pretty standard pace up until the eighth hole when i made a really sweet chip in and now since it was my last run i thought [ __ ] it i got nothing to lose you know let's go for the red zone at the top and see what happens you know come on let's [ __ ] go dude come on man let's [ __ ] go yeah two perfect shots in a row and two good putts put me at a great pace at the halfway point i just needed to play the back half the same way i did the first half to have a shot at the record and somehow i didn't just play the same way i did in the first half i played better for the entirety of the back half i hardly made any mistakes i was laser focused dude look at that gamer face but the real turning point of the run didn't happen until hole 16. my first shot was good but my second shot ended up rolling only four feet away from the hole and with that all i needed to do was finish the last two holes in about a minute and as the 17th hole loaded up you know i thought back to my messed up shot that cost me the run the day before and i i just prayed to dr witnesser that it didn't happen again thankfully i hid it well and the shot just barely missed the sand trap and rolled around 27 feet away from the hole and somehow even though i missed the 25 foot putt the day before the putt went in now i just had to beat the final hole in 37 seconds and again like i said before it was my last run so i was like [ __ ] it dude i got nothing to lose i go in the red zone i nail it my second shot i do a full power red zone the hardest shot to do and i just barely pull it off i then chip it to about six feet away from the hole and all i have to do is get this put in to beat the world record three weeks of grinding this game for hours every single day through all the messed up shots the close calls the years taken off of my life on my final run with literally the last opportunity i've given myself i hit the putt and it rolls in giving me a time of 11 minutes 41 seconds and 51 milliseconds which rounds up to 11 minutes and 42 seconds which makes me the world record holder of the stroke play no easy shot real hardware category of wildlife country club true golf classics for the nintendo 64. now you're probably thinking i was super stoked when i got the world record right but remember all day i was telling myself that the record was 11 33 so i was fully under the impression that i was still an entire 10 seconds off but hey let's look at my reaction of me getting the world record after trying for three weeks straight [Music] that's the best time i had all day too yeah looking back at it now well i'm a [ __ ] idiot i literally had the world record but i was like legitimately crushed because i had no idea but once i finally realized i turned my camera on really quick to get my reaction so here's that i'm literally the dumbest man i'm the dumbest man on earth i've been doing this for so long i forgot what the [ __ ] record was it's all i did it i [ __ ] did it i wish my reaction was a bit more excited on the the actual recording [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] man cheers i'll drink to that bro well uh was this all worth it good question uh yeah absolutely it was i now have a world record which is pretty cool if you go to speedrun.com and search up wildlife country club true golf classics you'll see my name on the number one spot which is pretty cool well for now anyway i guess who knows maybe by the time you watch this video my record will be beaten and uh i'll be really sad so please nobody beat my record i will cry and that's a promise and i already had a huge amount of admiration and respect for speedrunners but after this video that's increased like tenfold and also as annoying and infuriating and frustrating this whole process was it was also one of the most rewarding experiences of like my whole life it's silly because it's like a shitty golf game from like 20 years ago but seeing myself improve after each week and enough to get a world record i'm so proud of myself man nothing can take that away from me well unless someone beats my record so if you want to try speedrunning or if not if there's anything you want to do and get good at i guess what i learned is you really have to put the time in and sometimes you just gotta say [ __ ] it i got nothing to lose and also if you're trying to beat a record or just achieve something just trick your brain into thinking that you failed and it'll all work out yeah shout out small ant for talking to me in this video shout out uh brosis420 for setting a very very difficult time to beat you made my life a living hell but i appreciate you for it but if anyone from the real wildlife country club in hawaii is watching right now when traveling is allowed please let me come play at your course okay i think i've earned that all right and you know i'll film the whole process of it it'd be great man curtis town is in hawaii so i think this is a sign i need to go huh all right well let's hear a word from our sponsor this video is sponsored by expressvpn folks the internet is pretty awesome okay i think we can all agree on that but it can also be really dangerous if you're not careful did you know that every time you connect to an unencrypted wi-fi network you're putting your personal data at risk it's true your connection can be 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three weeks but as you can see i was busy okay i wasn't just twiddling my thumbs i was twiddling my one thumb on the joystick it's different press the like button if you enjoyed it one like equals one hot dog that i will throw off the roof of a building and um also it just lets me know that you guys enjoy these longer experiment video essay type videos more yeah leave a comment let me know what you thought let me know uh if you have any more ideas of things i can try or look into for videos like this press the subscribe button because as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of curtis town if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law oh my god i can finally shave now wow no more mean comments telling me to shave i didn't want to mess up continuity okay and also i hate when people tell me what to do with my body so i kept growing this out of spite because shut up but also continuity yeah you can check the description for the other things i do my instagram twitter my weekly podcast called very really good like i said at the beginning of the video i'm streaming on twitch twice a week now so go follow me there uh it's a great time you know it's chill um we just play games we goof around it's a great time yeah that's it i would stick around but i unfortunately have to go i have to go burn this cartridge and snort the ashes peace [Applause] [Music] of course not of course not
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,128,615
Rating: 4.9815068 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, speedrun, speedrunning, super mario 64, waialae country club, golf, video game, gaming, video games, speedrun attempt, world record, speedrun world record, comedy
Id: 6ufni8mS4Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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