I Enrolled In Jake Paul's Business School

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- Really quick before we start the video. I got some shows coming up. Yes, I do. More shows. Look at all these. Wow. If you live in or close to these cities you should come see me do stand up. It's gonna be a lot of fun. So I'll see you there. Tickets available at Kurtisconner.com. Enjoy the video. Bye-bye (soft music) (phone ringing) My friend. How are you? - Did you hear about Jake Paul? - Yeah, I did. God. He's the worst, right? That one video I made about Jake Paul is just, it's so crazy. He does the craziest stuff all the time. - You've never made a video about Jake Paul. - What do you mean? I'm a commentary YouTuber, right? Of course I've made a video about Jake Paul, right? (keyboard clicking) (suspense music) (intense laughter) There's nothing. There's nothing. Oh my God. My friend is right. I've never made a video about Jake Paul. - [Man] Come sit on me, Kurtis. You know you want to. Come sit on me. I'm a comfy little chair. Come sit that fat ass on me. Come on, baby boy - yeah. - [Man] Sit on me. Sit on this. Sit that handsome ass on my face and talk to a camera. Come on. The people want it. You want it. Jake Paul wants it. Make the video about Jake Paul. Come on. Yeah, you're doing it. You're floating. Look at you go. You're doing it, Peter. You're doing it. Wow. Alright. Let's make (mumbles) - Hey guys. Welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's so good to see you again. (stars sparkling) I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel? You get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos. So press the subscribe button. For an extra greeting. - [Man] Yeah. - I'm not tired of saying that. Folks (claps), I'm not tired of doing that either. Okay. So I guess I'm making a video about Jake Paul because I feel like if there's one person on this platform that people would critique the most, it's Jake Paul, and for good reason. He's done some pretty crazy stuff. You know, whether it's cheating on his girlfriend and then kicking her out of his house, dropping a music video. That's the fifth most disliked video on the entire platform. You know, fabricating a story about another YouTuber punching his assistant in a nightclub or getting married for a week so he can have content. I'd be here for weeks if I listed every single weird thing that Jake Paul has done. I would miss out on my life. I'd go hungry. I'd die. A lot of weird things. But one of the weirdest things he's ever done was that whole, like YouTuber education program called, Team 1000. And my friend Drew, Drew Gooden, the good boy. He made a video about team 1000, a while back. And he also just made a followup video to the Team 1000 thing like a few weeks ago. But yeah, if you haven't seen those videos that Drew made for whatever reason, I suggest you go watch them. Very funny and informative as always. And I think they kinda help with you getting a better understanding of what's going on right now. So Jake Paul in his infinite wisdom has started an online business school to teach you how to live life on your terms, achieve your dream goals and have financial freedom. And he's calling it, The Financial Freedom Movement. And me personally, I think this is a really good idea because you know, I haven't really, I feel like this is an untapped market. I feel like I've never really seen any videos of some guy telling people how to make more money in really easy ways. - In my garage. (mumbling) - Knowledge. - Just kidding. It's fucking everywhere, dude. And I've made a video about entrepreneurs on Instagram and how did they just say the most basic shit ever and then call it entrepreneurship, right? It'll just be them saying random shit like, "Aye, you gotta Work hard. "And then you get the money." And nobody knows that. It's like, fuck. There almost like base level shit. Like they don't talk about, like privilege or luck. But without further ado, let's watch this introduction video and see what the whole thing is about. (upbeat music) - They say we're entitled and lazy. They tell us to go to college, get a job, retire at 65. How's that working out for us? Are your parents happy? Are they living the life they wanted? There's over $1 trillion in student loan debt and people with outdated education who can't even get a job for the student loans they took out that now haunt them for life. Maybe we're too young to have experienced this yet, but if you're not, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. And I've had enough of it. Our generation is better than this. We deserve better. We're smarter. So, what's the solution? We need to create a movement for our generation. One that inspires people to take action... - Yes. - [Man] Not the dreams our parents have for us or our society. We need a movement that inspires people to live life on their terms , not someone else's. A movement that anyone whose courageous enough to follow can have a much higher chance of becoming financially free from the societal cookie cutter nine to five jobs that we're all told to have. Our future is in our hands. Are you with me? - Yes. I mean, I'm not really quite sure what you said. You kinda just went on a bit about really vague shit and didn't really make a point. But it had inspiring music. Straight up, dude. I don't think he could have been more vague if he wanted to, right? "Hey, the way things are going right now "isn't really working for people. "And I don't agree with it. "Are you with me?" Hey Apple, listen up. Apple, hire Jake. Hire Jake for your commercials please. Yow. Screens, keyboards, no USB ports. Apple. Are you with me? Okay. Also this is very nit-picky but the stock footage that they use for one part is this lady with like a bunch of sticky notes on her like glass cubicle. I read some of the sticky notes. I don't know. It's, some things that you shouldn't be writing on sticky notes, right? Well, this one says, "Wife doesn't let go." Just write down like every single thought someone ever has in a day on a sticky note, right? I cheated on my wife with this girl, like three times like 10 years ago and she won't let me live it down. Wife doesn't let go (laughs) Queens concert (laughs) Where do you work? But anyways, that intro video was super vague. So I'm hoping the website kinda explains everything more in detail. So let's take a look. (upbeat music) So now he's got some publications, I guess. Forbes, ABC, MTV, CBS. So I guess these are companies that he's worked with, they've been on or they've talked about him and he was fired from the Disney company, the Walt Disney company, right? Is it weird to put that on your website? Okay. And now there's a part where he like goes over the script that he said in the video but it's just in texts now. He's wearing a Bass Pro Shops hat. Dude. Hey, if you want me to take you seriously dude, don't wear a fucking Bass Pro Shops hat. Why do people wear those? Huh? If your name isn't fucking Kleetus and you aren't down at the swamp every day catching a fucking fish with your bare hands. What are you doing? Why are you wearing that hat? It's not for you. Bass No Shops, all right. Get it outta here. What you get when you become a movement maker. Also moving makers are just, I feel like they're fucking with us, right? That's like a person who takes a shit, right? Bowel movement, bowel movement maker. That's me, dude. I'm already a movie maker, dude. Once a day, at least. Cutting-edge mentorship, coaching and training for multiple millionaires, expert trainers and thought leaders on how to achieve financial freedom using social media and the internet. Live weekly video coaching calls with Jake Paul and guest expert trainers, influencers, and thought leaders. Okay. Stop saying thought leaders, what is that? (man rapping) (loud music) - The prophecy is true. (man laughs) Stupid. Plus you'll learn directly from my top millionaire instructors. All right. Who do we got? We got the boys. Look guys, we got the fucking fellahs. We got Dan Fleyshman. Spent over $60 million on influencer marketing. Well that doesn't necessarily mean he's good at it, all right? Yeah. I spent like 20 grand on my car. So I'm a car now. (laughs) Hop inside me. Let's go for a ride. 'Cause I'm Dan Fleyshman. The car. Who do we got? We got, who else we got? We got Mark Lack. - Mark Lack. For sure an alien. - Hello, I'm Mack Lack, from planet Zoopladon. And I'm here to spend money on influencers. - [Man] We got the big dog, Anthony Morrison. We got Billy Gene. Ads have been seen over 600 million times. Holy shit. Let's fact check that. Billy Jean. Come on, Billy Jean you're being modest, dude. That music video has 745 million views. Okay. Your next steps. Commit to becoming a movement maker with me. Someone who takes shit and join the freedom fam. Be among the first 10,000 movement makers and I'll reward you for taking action. Okay, Jake, you're sweetening the deal a bit. Okay. Okay. So top prize, I'll fly you out to film of vlog with me personally that I'll share to my millions of followers. Okay. These top prizes will be awarded to movement makers who take action, get results and share your radical success story. Okay. So he's only giving prizes to people who spend the money, who get results, not only results, but radical success from that. And then he rewards them more for being the only people that it worked for. Okay, good Jake. (upbeat music) Okay. So this is $20 a month. Okay. For like lessons about YouTube and like content creation. And if you really wanted basic level shit, you could just go to YouTube, search how to make YouTube videos. And there it is. There's so many man. But who knows maybe it actually has some worth. The $20 a month is pretty steep. So there is a frequently asked question. That is what if I don't have $20 to join? The answer to that is that's all the more reason you should find a way to access this information. Have your parents invest for you by sharing with them the letter to parents at the bottom of this page. So here's the letter to parents. I'm not gonna read all of it because it's pretty long, but I'll summarize it, okay? So he basically says, "It's awesome that you're saving money "for your kid to go to school. "But that's very dumb. "You're very stupid for doing that. "Okay. So don't send your kid to college, "give them the education that they really need. "The one they'll actually use. "Cancel your Netflix and your Hulu subscription "and just use that money for this program. "And last but not least, you're a cool parent "if you listened to my stupid advice, goodbye." Like Jake. come on, man. It's like he knows how stupid it sounds. And he knows his fans are too young to afford this themselves, right? So he has to like guilt these poor parents into like buying the stupid for their kid, right? (mumbles) The only letter that these parents are getting is an L. (crowd cheering) - Right. (man laughs) You scroll down. The letter to parents is just me. It's just a video of me doing that. And to a certain degree, I do agree with some of the points that Jake Paul made obviously. But like college is still a really viable option for a lot of people in a lot of different career paths, right? It's still a very necessary thing that we need. And he's just shitting all over it. Like imagine just Jake Paul like talking to a parent face-to-face about this shit, right? So you said your son wants to become a doctor, right? So you're sending him to medical school to learn the appropriate skills to become a successful doctor. Is that correct? - Yeah. He's actually really excited. - Well, I mean I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's dumb. You're dumb and you're old and frankly you fucking wreak. You smell of shit. Okay? Can you just, Hey, let's just give me $20 a month, okay? And your son will have financial freedom. That's it? 20 bucks a month. Well, I mean, I guess that is cheaper than the medical school. - [Man] Shut up! (rock music) Shut up, okay? Give me $20. Okay. Okay. Just stop yelling Jake. A month, $20 a month. It's not next month yet Jake. You have to wait a month. Enough, okay? I'll be back. I'll be back in 30 days. Okay. And if you don't have another $20 for me you're gonna wish your son was a doctor. But seriously at the end of the day It's up to you. It's up to you. Seriously. So, yeah. Just let me know. See ya. What the fuck? (upbeat music) Well, I don't know about you guys, but I gotta try this out, okay? So I am going to join now. I'm gonna become a movement maker. I'm gonna become a shit taker. Okay. So monthly access to FFM with Jake Paul, regular $40 now 50%. Okay. Okay. Here we go. Okay. So I gotta create username. Bowel movement maker. Check availability. Hell yeah. Create account. (crowd cheers) Yes! Okay, here we go. - Quit your job and fire your boss or quit school because you've been lied to. The system is broken. Ask yourself, why are there teenagers making millions of dollars and broke 40 and 50 year olds. Because times have changed. And it's never been easier to achieve financial freedom on your terms. Let's go to the training center. Okay. So they've gotta lot of different courses and videos on here. Okay. You'll notice that you can like these videos but none of them have likes. (laughs) Okay. Let's start the first one. Personal branding with Jake Paul and Mark Lack. - At what age did you pick up a camera and say, "This is something that I wanna pursue?" - It was actually like 12 years old, like just got a camera from my dad. And I love watching my videos (mumbles) From Ohio to Los Angeles (mumbles) - There has to be something where, that enables you to be able to do something, you know? - Okay. Holy fuck, man. This is so boring. Holy shit. So this personal branding one it's literally just like, they're just two people talking. It's Jake being like, "Yeah, I've started making videos "and then I worked out." That's the weird thing about this shit, man. It's like, if you get successful on YouTube and stuff, there's no way to teach it, right? Like every YouTuber's success story is very different. So tryna like teach it to people who see it, who want it and try to monetize off it. It's very weird, okay? It's kinda gross. Okay. Here's Kurtis Conner's crash course on how to be successful on YouTube. (siren rings) I don't fucking know, man. I don't know. It's stressful all the time and it's scary. And I worry about everything always, but I keep doing it because it's fun. And I have fun doing it and people like my videos. "Oh, you want to make a video?" Film one. Learn how to edit. Post it. Hope for the best. Do it 'cause it's fun. There you go. There you go. There you go. I just saved you like 400 bucks. You don't fucking need this, man. There's a prime example right there for why we need college. I thought $20 a month for a year was $400. It's like 200 and something. So, proof is in the pudding Jakey. Okay. I gotta watch one of Billy Gene's videos. - How now, brown cow. How now, brown cow. Peter Piper, pickled peppers. Peter Piper, pickled peppers. Peter Piper, pickled peppers. And on Peter Piper, pickled peppers. How much wood would one (mumbles) - Hey man, edit this part out for sure. - If a Woodchuck could chuck wood. Now how much wood would a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood? Woo! All right. San Diego is German for Wale's vagina. That's a bonus fact from Casey (mumbles) and it's true. - Okay. I feel like I kinda skipped over the fucking insane thing that he just said during a live stream for a business course as mainly younger people. He said San Diego is German for whale's vagina? - San Diego is German for Wale's vagina. - And then he just keeps going like he didn't just say the most insane thing ever. Dude. I didn't say anything when I was filming because I think I was in shock. This is who Michael Jackson wrote that song about? Come on, come on, Michael. It's also very funny when you search Billy Gene on YouTube. One of the things that comes up is scam. So. He's a good guy. Okay. Community. Let's go to the community. Let's see what happens. Okay. (laughs) All right. Cool. Fucking Boss man, dude. He's here. He made it. Dude, reading these comments, it's just making me really sad. It's just people who have so much passion and desire to be successful and make a living doing content creation. And I can't help but shake this feeling of Jake Paul just like, just fucking preying on these people who are just so desperate. They're like, "I don't care what it takes. "I'll just, I want to make it." Right? So he's just like, "Yeah, buy this and that's it. "And then you'll be good." That's not the case, man. That's not the case at all. If this is the entire community, that's fucking crazy. Then there's probably only like 50 people who signed up for this, which is good. Okay, good. Most people saw this and were like, "Duh." - So if you are a videographer, a photographer anywhere in the world, how would you get started? - Take pictures. Post them, edit them. Keep on getting better - Man, they're just saying such base level shit. It's just like, "Why spend money on this?" They're like, "Oh, if you wanna be a photographer, "you should use Instagram." Wow. (crowd clapping) It's like, "Yeah, dude, no fuck... "No shit." Right? (laughs) Yo, if you wanna write down something on a piece of paper, you shouldn't use a pen or a pencil. And that's coming from a thought leader, dude. The leader of thoughts. I will say, I feel like this. He is trying a little bit harder than when he did it the first time. Like when in the videos that Drew talked about. - Chapter 13. Sorry about that, guys. It's actually Chapter 12. - People paid $64 for this. - 'Cause those were like really low quality. And he was like stuttering a bunch. But these are shot really well. He has people who claim to be industry professionals who have success, who are talking about things. You can find this shit anywhere though, dude. You go on like Gary Vee's Instagram. You're good, dude. - It's not just the negative. It's the positive. You gotta get silent in you're fucking dome. Then your life gets good. - It's annoying as hell. But at least you'll be learning the same shit, right? For free. (upbeat music) Okay. I've watched a few videos now and I'm sure you're wondering, "Did I learn anything That I can't learn "anywhere else for free?" No, not at all. I don't know if other YouTubers feel like this, how I feel. But I feel like a majority of my success on YouTube is all luck. Sure I work pretty much every day, but still I like, there's so much luck involved and so many other things that I have no control over and it just fucking worked out for me. I'm not gonna start some program and be like, "I can teach you the ways that I did." 'Cause you know what, Jake, to be honest, you got lucky. And now you're trying to profit off of that in some weird way. And you did, you got 20 bones from me, my guy that I'll never get back. God. It's just so funny that only like, fucking like 50 people signed up, dude. That's so funny to me, man. And I think he must've known that, because he did like a launch party for this, for the FFM movement, the Financial Freedom Movement. And here's a video from that. - Why am I doing this today, and (mumbles) (people screaming) - Oh, that's so degrading and so gross to do that. Use this money to join the program. Come on. Okay. Come to think of it. He said that the top prizes will be awarded to movement makers, and I'm a bowel movement maker, who take action, get results and share your radical success story with me. So, it's a possibility I might be one of the biggest YouTubers on the FF, in the FFM. And one of his instructions is to, you know, post videos on YouTube in my niche, you know, that people will watch. And I do that every week. I didn't know to do that before watching this. So, and you helped me. So thank you, Jake. So, I think Jake Paul legally has to fly me out to film a log with him personally that he'll share his millions of followers. Sorry, Jake, it's your rules. And so just message me and I'll fly out and we can film the vlog. See you soon. Okay. Fuck. That's enough of that. My brain is melting. Oh, got some brain juice falling out me ears. So since I have to spend $20 for the rest of my life we gotta hear a word from our sponsor, which is Express VPN. Okay. If you've been watching my channel for a while you already know all about express VPN and why they're the best. But if you haven't given them a try yet now is the perfect time. I've been using express VPN to protect my online data for just over a year now. And I seriously use it every single day on all of my devices. And if a hacker gets your info they can spend your money, access all your accounts because you didn't have Express VPN protection. And that's a nightmare, dude. We work hard for our money, right? Even if we spend it on stupid online business schools made by bad YouTubers. But why express VPN? Good question. Express VPN has the fastest speeds. They have apps for every device. It's easy to use. You can connect with just one click. And Express VPN was rated the number one VPN service by Tech Radar. Another amazing thing about Express VPN is they have server locations in 94 countries. So if you wanna access content that isn't available in your country, just a few clicks and that problem is solved, my guy. Consume that content. Come on. Yum, yum, yum. Now this sounds amazing, right? But it gets better. Express VPN is less than $7 a month with a 30 day money-back guarantee. Dude, what a deal. So what are you waiting for? Take back your internet privacy today and find out how you can get three months free by clicking the link in my description, or just go to express vpn.com/kurtistown. Thanks again to Express VPN for sponsoring today's video. See ya. Alright, that's gonna do it for today's video. I hope you enjoyed it. Please like the video if you did because actually one like equals one bowel movement from me, the bowel movement maker. (man farts) Leave a comment. Let me know you thought of the video. I'm finally a commentary YouTuber now. It was my Rite of passage. I finally made a video about Jake Paul. Wow. Yeah. Don't forget to press the subscribe button 'cause I make a video every single week. And there's so much fun. And as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Kurtis town. If you wanna see the other things I do, you can check the description. You know, my Instagram, my Twitter, links to my weekly podcast called, Very Really Good. It's on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes all that shit. Merch down there as well. And obviously the shows that I have coming up. Yeah, that's it. I gotta go. I guess I gotta go to LA to film a vlog with Jake Paul. So, see ya. (soft jazz music)
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,553,511
Rating: 4.9786448 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, jake paul, commentary, business, jake paul business school, financial freedom movement, marketing, make money online, cringe, jake paul business, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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