The Chaotic TikTok Sisters

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- Hey, what do you call someone, who forgets to get tickets, to come to my show? A goofball. (laughs) Just a little preview of what you can expect at my shows. except better, way better. So come to my shows. There very few tickets left, a lot of shows are sold out, but there are very few tickets left and they got your name on them. So come grab them, Come see me do some standup, It's gonna be a good time. Aah, yeah, all right, see you there. Enjoy the video, peace out. Hey guys. Welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's so good to see you again, dude. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens, when you subscribe to my channel? You get an extra greeting, at the beginning, of every single one of my videos, okay? So just press the button. Okay, before we get into this really quick, as I'm filming this, it is currently Thursday, January 23rd. I have 1,994,812 subscribers. So by the time this video comes out, I might have 2 million subscribers, which is insane. (triumphant music) So thank you, for 2 million subscribers. (laughs) Literally, all I've ever wanted to do is just make people laugh. And the fact that that's my job now, and there's so many amazing people watching my videos every week and coming to my shows, I just, I seriously cannot thank you enough. This is literally a dream come true, so thank you. Okay, enough of this sappy stuff. (man gagging) What am I, a tree? No, I'm a man. I'm a human man. Folks. (hands clapping) So today we're gonna be looking at a pair of TikTok pranksters/DIYers /product reviewers. They do a lot of different content. But the one through line through all of it, is that every single video confuses the absolute shit out of me. Straight up, after watching all their TikToks, my head was bleeding. It was bleeding 'cause I was scratching it so much. And that wasn't because of my lice, you know. The videos were so confusing, they were head scratchers. Even my lice were confused. I don't have lice. So, the account that we're looking at today is called "wewearcute" I'm gonna be honest, up until about 10 minutes ago, I thought their name was We We Are Cute and they just spelled are wrong 'cause I'm a dumb ass. When I wrote the script for this video I wrote a joke about their name being We We Are Cute. So that's a little frustrating. The joke I was gonna make is their name sounds like if TikTok asks the both of them what they wanted their profile name to be, and they both wanted to say, "We Are Cute" at the same time, but then one talked over them. All right, so what do you guys wanna call your TikTok account? We Are Cute. Perfect, We We Are Cute it is. Oh, fuck. Yeah, I still filmed the joke, even though it doesn't make sense anymore. But going forward, I'm gonna call them We We Are Cute, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Okay, I could try to describe the type of content they do, but I can't. So let's watch one. - You won't believe what my Starbucks sells. Hey baristas, can I get one holiday bagged air, please? - [Barista] Coming up. - Got it, (inhales) ahh. - Bruh. So, so when I first watched this video I was like, well, there's no way this is real. There's no way they actually yelled all those things and did that. But, when I watched it a second time, I realized that I was right. They didn't actually do this. Obviously, dude, she's walking into the Starbucks, yelling at the top of her lungs, hey barista, - Hey barista can I get one holiday bagged air please? - And no one even bats a fucking eye. No one even acknowledges her dude. And when the employee says "coming up", it's just so obviously her voice saying it. - Coming up. - Even when you watch the first part of it, when they say you won't believe what what's at our Starbucks it even looks like it's voiceover. So they just dubbed over the whole thing. - You won't believe what my Starbucks sells. - Do they expect people to think it's real? Or are they like parodying these types of videos? I don't, I don't get it, dude. Man it would be wicked funny though If this actually was real, like this is a real thing that happened, but like she goes into the Starbucks so often and just acts like a lunatic all the time that the baristas are just used to it. Here's your coffee, sir. That'll be $2. - Hey baristaS, can I get one holiday bagged air please? - What the fuck, it was sad You're fine. It's she's she's harmless, you know she's just kind of yells and then we give her an empty bag. It's really weird And she goes away. I don't know. - Coming up. Got it. (slurps) - So yeah, there's an example of the type of content that they make on Tiktok. Just truly one of a kind, that's all I can really say about it. And if you're thinking to yourself, huh? These gals look kind of familiar. It's because they are, okay. These are the girls who were in the first episode of the bestie picks bae series that I did on my channel like last year. So I've already made a video about them basically. And I remember in that video, when they mentioned like what cont, that they like made videos on social media. - So me and my sister are Instagrammers and influencers and we make content for apps. - Never in a million years would I have guessed that this these are the videos that they make. So aside from these weird like secret menu items videos they do, they also have this common thing where they make ramen. They just have videos where they make ramen in different ways, and they never make ramen the way you're intended to just like they never make videos the way you're intended to. It's just all, all wrong. - Ramen Mac and cheese. It's a thing. Add milk. Add flour. Add your cheddar, mix it. It should look like this. Add your ramen and mix. Take your mini blowtorch and make it brown. And enjoy. - Grab your mini blowtorch and make it brown. (laughs) Go on, go get it. Go get your mini blowtorch. (eerie music) Why aren't you go getting your mini blowtorch? You don't ha- you don't have a mini blowtorch? (laughs) Oh you fucking loser. - Saucy ramen? It's a thing. Add in your ramen, quarter cup of tomato sauce, boiling water halfway, a sprinkle of Parmesan and wait. It's a thing. - Okay, spaghetti. - Did you know that spaghetti exists? - Oh my God! Wow! - Cotton candy ramen? it's a thing. Cook your ramen. Add two drops of your cotton candy flavor add your cotton candy color. It smells so good and looks even better. How to make a delicious carnival Robyn treat at home. - I might fucking throw up all over my microphone and it's gonna sound real nice. I also love the two drops of cotton candy flavor and pours the whole fucking bottle in. Their mom must be that girl in that one video, who's like, add two shots of vodka as she pours like half the bottle. - Two shots of vodka. - Those are the same energy. Yo, this has like, like that video energy. (laughs) Okay. I can't think about that anymore or else I'll yarp on cam. So let's watch one of their pranks. Their other content is weird, but you can't, you can't mess up a prank, you know. Set up, punchline, Ashton Kutcher. - Fake Cola prank on my mom. This brown powder will make it look like cola, fizz like Cola but tastes exactly like water. Time to tease her taste buds. - Where's the prank? Where, where is it? I was promised a prank. Okay, I wanna see what happens when your mom goes to drink your Cola, but it tastes like water. Hello? Show me a prank or walk the plank. And this is, it's not just this one, okay? All of their prank videos are like this. There'll be like silly prank on my mom. And then they won't even show them doing the prank. It'll show him getting ready for it but it won't show the reaction. - Tomorrow is Ashley school picture day. She likes having blue hair. Well, let's see how she likes having a blue mouth. Putting this in her lunch bag. She is gonna have a blue Monday. - Like, like where is the prank? Show us the prank, right? We were the ones getting pranked? Wow. The perfect prank. They did it. They pulled it off. (phone dialing) Hello, Prank headquarters. Hey man, it's me. Why don't you go home? What are you saying? They did it. Yeah, they did it. They did the perfect prank. What we've all been working towards. You can go home now. We can all go home now. Oh my God. I can't believe it. Sir, it's been an honor pranking with you. Hey, likewise. (guitar music) Oh my God. (farts) Son of a bitch. They may have pulled a perfect prank on us. But if you're gonna show, a prank video, show the reaction dude. That's the best part. That's like if they did an episode of extreme makeover home edition but then they just never show the extremely made over home. Right? (crowd chants) - You know what to say say it with me. Bus driver, Move that bus! (crowd cheers) - To find out more about the products used on tonight's show, go to Keyword, home makeover. - How about that fake Cola prank, tiktok. I gotta give a quick shout out to kadri on Tiktok because they do edit this and it is my favorite tiktok ever. - Fake Cola prank on my mom. - Dude it's like she short circuited or glitched or something dude Fake Cola prank on my mum. They do have this really weird style of talking in their tiktoks though. You've probably noticed it. Is weird because I watched some of the YouTube videos and also in the bestie picks Bae episode they were in like, they talk normal. - It's more of jello than a like, then like a drink. All right, are you ready to pick my dream guy? - Totally. - But whenever they film with tiktok, they go into this weird way of speaking where they like emphasize the wrong parts of where it's so weird. It's just like glitter prank on my mom. She's gonna kick me out of the house. - Wiener prank on my mom. This jumbo push pop might look like a push pop, but it's gonna taste so beefy. That's one meaty lolly. Mom, I just filled up my spitting lama hat. Picking up my sister and giving her a little bit of spit. If you can't see, here is a little spin hole. (water spritz) You like my hat? Gee thanks. - Bro I hope you don't have the fucking volume turned up too loud on this video right now. Because if someone overheard you listening to that, yikes dude. Hey, how's it going? - If you can't see it, here is a little spit hole. (water spritz) - What the fuck. All right, let's watch another one that's similar to the Starbucks one. - I just got the taco bell meal and I wonder what surprise will be inside. Oh, look what I got. I saw this on buzzfeed and it's real. So beefy. - Dude what's going on? Dude. God like my brain doesn't know what to do when I watched these videos. Like they're so like all over the place. That camera angle too. Whoa. Oh My God. What did I get? Dude, I just don't understand why they talk like that right? Do you think this is like who they... How they actually talk? And the YouTube videos are just like them putting on a character, but in everyday life they talk like they're tiktoks. Hey, what did what's up? What did you, what did you wanna talk to me about? Well, I think you're great and all but, I think we should see other people. Wait, what are you, what are you saying? I'm sorry. I can't keep lying to you. This breaks my heart and I'm sad but I never wanna see you again. Wow. I cannot believe you. And to think, and to think I was gonna take you out for a fancy steak dinner tonight. - So beefy. - We're gonna watch one more because Holy shit, this is like the crown jewel of their, of their entire Tiktok account. - This realistic rubber rock will really fool your friends. But can it fool our mom? - Rock? More like squinching, ssh. Mom look? - (robot voice) Why are you hitting her with a rock? (laughs) - What the fuck. - (robot voice) why are you hitting her with a rock? - Okay, so the premise of this prank is they wanna fool their mom, by using a movie rock. Which is a rock that looks like a rock, but it's it's, it's not real. It's not a real rock. It's a movie rock, you know like Dwayne Johnson, the movie rock. But it doesn't even look like a rock. It looks like a bath bomb, dude. It looks like someone cut a pool noodle and sprinkled glitter on it. And then the next scene the sister says rock, - more like squinching. (dramatic music) - I don't know what that means, man. Like, do you think, do you think they write these before? Or was that improv? Because if it was improv, it has to go on one of those compilations or as like top 10 lines you didn't know were improvised in movies. - More like squinching. - That's gotta get in some list somewhere. Cause that's that's genius. Man I feel like these girls are like living on another plane of existence. Like we they're like their frequencies are like vibrating on different levels. We can't even comprehend. They are ethereal, ageless, other worldly beings, okay? They're not humans. They can't be. Okay, and then they shush us and then the one sister gets mad at us. Like we're the weird ones. And then the mom. What the fuck was that? Hey, Hey guys, could you explain that? (robotic voice) Why are you hitting her with a rock? Dude, is your mom a fucking robot, bro? What, are you guys that's that actually would explain so much if you guys were just all robots. This is the mom, when she gave birth. (robotic voice) who's a beautiful baby? You are. (laughs) It's either the mom is a robot or like a really heavy smoker. And they have like one of those holes in their neck and both are very possible, dude. Cause if I, if these two are my daughters, I'd be a fucking chain smoker, dude. I would smoke so, I'd be in the DJ group, Chainsmokers. I'd be the third one. ♪ Hey. ♪ Oh dude! This girl said that her favorite band was a chainsmokers in the bestie picks bae episode. - No Ashley likes pop music. Her favorite group is the chainsmokers. (laughs) - Dude, full circle. I kicked my camera, wow! How did I not realize that before? Oh my God. This goes all the way at the top, huh? Oh my God. Okay, I need to stop. I could, this video could be honestly three hours long. I'm not gonna do that to you guys though. Let me know if you want a part two to this video leave a comment because there's a lot of videos that I have on my phone that I would like to include in this video but it would make it way too long. So yeah, let me know. Shout out to wewearecute. I'm pretty sure they DM me after I made that bestie picks bae video and they were really nice and they were really good sports about the whole thing. So shout out to them, it's working for them, dude. They're doing brand deals and shit. People seem to like it. They got an audience. So you know what? All the power to them. Man, I don't know about you guys, but after looking at all that ramen, I'm hungry and nothing satisfies my appetite, like hello fresh. That's right. Hello fresh is today's sponsor. So let's talk about them really quick. All right. I've been eating hello fresh for like over a year now and me and my girlfriend, like we swear by it. Like we tell all our friends about it. Like whenever the Hello Fresh box comes in the mail like that's like the best day of the week dude. With hello fresh you can finally break out of your dinner rut with over 22 seasonal chef curated recipes each week including low calorie vegetarian and family-friendly recipes. Look, we're all busy. I get it. You know, and constant trips to the grocery store are brutal. Hello fresh cuts out the stressful meal planning and prepping, so you can enjoy cooking and get dinner on the table in just about 30 minutes or even 20 minutes with their quick recipe options. Another really cool thing about Hello Fresh is their sustainability. Hello fresh's carbon footprint is 25% lower than store bought, grocery made meals and their packaging is almost entirely made from recyclable and or already recycled content. Hello Fresh is also super flexible. You can easily change your delivery days or food preferences and skip a week whenever you need in just a few taps. And if you haven't given hello fresh a try yet, now is the perfect time. Hello Fresh is now from 5.66 per serving making it America's best value meal kit. Now this all sounds tasty and so beefy, right? But what makes this whole thing even better is hello Fresh is having an awesome new year sale. So you can get started with 10 free meals, including free shipping. All you have to do is go to and use the code KURTISTOWN10 or just click the link in my description. It's that easy dude. See ya! Go give them a try. Thank you for sponsoring this week's video Hello Fresh. Love you, bye-bye. All right guys, that's gonna do it. Thank you so much for watching the video. If you enjoyed it, please press the like button because one like actually equals one meaty lolly. Leave a comment, let me know your thoughts. Let me know if you want me to do a part two to this video because they have a bunch of content that I would love to laugh at again cause I love them so much. Subscribe if you want to. Cause I make videos every week and they're a lot of fun. And as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Kurtis town. If you don't know Kurtis town is the best place to live in the world. And we want you here. We want you to live here, okay? Come on. Just move, move here, move in. Other than that, if you want to see those stuff, I do. You can check the description. My Instagram, my Twitter, my weekly podcast my merch, come to my shows, all that shit. All right, that'll do it. Thank you again for 2 million subscribers. And thanks for watching means a lot. I'll see you next week. I gotta go. Sorry. I gotta go call my mom. Okay, (laughs) bye. (cool music) (robotic voice) I am cute.
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,965,084
Rating: 4.9835567 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, wewearcute, tiktok, tik tok, prank on my mom, prank video, cringe, weird, commentary, bad tik tok, tiktok cringe, confusing, chaotic, so beefy
Id: zsWGN_52t5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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